#"Sharing the Road
dailymanners · 1 year
If you take the bus, wave to the driver and thank them as you're getting off the bus.
Being a bus driver is an underappreciated and difficult job but still very vital to society. They still have to do customer service and deal with rude and even aggressive passengers, and on top of that have to deal with traffic and other drivers all day (and let's face it, there's a lot of bad drivers out there who aren't considerate about sharing the road). All while providing an invaluable service of getting us where we need to go. Showing them some appreciation can go a long ways for someone doing such an important job that usually gets little to no recognition or thanks.
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grunge-mermaid · 1 year
studying the MTO handbook for the gazillionth time in 2 decades and I completely forgot about the section on sharing the road with horse-drawn vehicles like
the amish
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AITA for walking my dog past a house with highly reactive dogs?
This is stupid but it’s been bothering me, so I (mid 20s F) live in a rural town. There’s no sidewalks and the shoulder of the main road is near nonexistent. So there are only three ways i can take my dog for a walk which i try and rotate through. One of which includes passing a house with a small poodle type dog i think who losses their mind whenever i go past. Barking, jumping and clawing at the windows, running between windows to follow us, etc.
Because of this i try to only take that route 2-3 times a week, however it is the route my dog is most comfortable with, the shortest, and doesn’t require taking the main road. The other two either involve walking the main road for a portion (people do not care and don’t slow down or give you room), or sharing the road with dirt bikes who it’s a toss up whether or not their going to be decent or not.
So I deal with dirty looks from the dogs owners and their neighbors. And i get it, i had a dog like that in the past and it was frustrating and annoying when people would walk past. Which is why i try to only go at like noon to be the least disruptive. But i still feel like an ass, i could halve the walk by turning back before we get there it as i said it’s already the shortest route and i don’t feel like it’s fair to my dog.
So am i the ass and should take a different route to avoid upsetting this dog?
Don’t know if pet tax is required for this post but here it is:
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What are these acronyms?
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i don't understand drivers who are against bike lanes because the absolute worst thing about sharing the road with cyclists is being terrified of hurting them or not noticing one coming because they're so small!!!!! isn't them having their own space what you want?????? isn't this what we all want?????
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I have distinct memories of Hummer SUVs first coming to prominence in the mid-2000s and the general consensus being that they were ridiculously excessive masculinity compensators that had no business sharing the road with normal cars, and yet here we are with those big stupid pickups all over the place and a much less strong cultural reaction towards them
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
Driving so often puts me in just a terrible mood. I hear rumors that there are people who really enjoy driving, but I am not one of them. I just feel so surrounded by dubious decisions on the road that I grow increasingly alarmed, and people also seem to everlastingly oblivious to the idea that they are sharing the road with other cars and people and things, and it's just all so alarming to me all around, and I was in such a bad mood driving this morning--
--but then the trees were starting to be kissed with fall colors. On Tuesday they were full green of summer still, and now there are bright spots throughout, and they're so lovely-looking, and my family went to an orchard today and brought me back an apple cider donut, and I have a really hard time during the transitional month of September but I really am always glad to make it through the rough patch and into October, so there was that.
Driving is still alarming, though.
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justbackgroundnoise · 1 month
I have experienced sharing the road with SO MANY terrible drivers today that it makes me want to move up north where there are no cars and I can just ride around on a bike or a tractor. I don’t know if there’s something in the water at the drive test centres these days so people getting their licences are good enough to pass but the second they walk out the door, the stupid juice kicks in and they make up their own rules or if every person who drives an expensive car just thinks that because their car is expensive, they can do whatever the fuck they want on the road. Today I was behind a Tesla in a through lane who decided at the last second that they wanted to turn left so they half assed pulling into the left turn lane and blocked everyone who wanted to go straight from doing so because you could only turn left when you got an advanced green light and then I came up to four way stop with my left turn signal on and waited for a pedestrian to cross, as I am SUPPOSED TO, but a BMW (who by the way got to the stop sign on the other side of the street after I did) decided they couldn’t wait so they drove through the intersection and came within 1 foot of absolutely plowing down the pedestrian who was crossing.
how have drivers gotten SO BAD lately? I just truly have no answers. the amount of shouting at people I do while driving has reached an unprecedented high.
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teaandinanity · 5 months
Man, the thing about very twisty mountain roads is that sometimes you come around a bend and there's just an Unexpected Object In Your Fuckin' Lane, right there.
This happened to me THREE TIMES coming back from the grocery store.
The bicyclist was insane, speed limit is 55, there's fuckall visibility and apocalyptic grades that HAVE to make your whole entire leg want to fall off, lanes are narrow, there's no shoulder and nowhere to go if a car does decide 'fuck sharing the road'. The guy coming the other way who slowed down so I had to almost come to a stop to wait for him to pass before I could slide halfway into the other lane to go around said cyclist with actual clearance rather than running them over had me like 'sir why have you chosen to make my life harder and worse. FOOT OFF THE BRAKE. MOVE.' Cyclist was on my side of the road going my direction so I'm not sure what his damage was or if he was just choosing violence.
The turkey was cute but also I hope it moved because immediately after I saw it I saw a truck coming the other direction around yet another blind curve.
And then I came around a bend to the mail jeep half in the other lane and a goddamn hauler truck full of logs fully in MY lane coming towards me and I went,
'This is the universe telling me I should drive less and appreciate being alive more, huh.'
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biggest thing I hate about cycling is when you're sharing the road with cars and someone yells something out of their car at you like first off I didn't understand what you said I just heard yelling secondly fuck you
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transboysokka · 8 months
Thinking about traffic and driving stereotypes. Specifically in relation to “Asians are bad drivers” and how I HATE when people come over here and complain about driving skills and traffic. Different countries just have different styles.
USAmericans are TERRIBLE at backing into parking spaces, parallel parking, sharing the road with pedestrians and cyclists.
Guess what? There’s a reason for that. There’s so much SPACE in the US
The big thing a lot of Americans bring up when they go to any other country is “Oh man, it’s a free-for-all and people can just drive as fast as they want” which is by the way NOT true in every country but also lol yeah maybe they do do that and guess what, they still don’t crash.
By the way, the concept of cops being able to just stop your car and pull you over to give you a ticket is archaic and scary and wild, USA
In Taiwan specifically, people turn corners INCREDIBLY slowly and hit pedestrians in crosswalks a lot. I can’t speak to the crosswalks, but the slow turns are BECAUSE the corners are so tight that they HAVE to be careful
Taiwanese (and Chinese) drivers are SUPER good at parking in tight spaces and (generally) sharing the road with scooters, cyclists, and pedestrians. A lot of roads don’t even have sidewalks and I could walk my dog down them at night and not even worry about either of us getting hit. They know how to look out for that stuff.
Actually, it’s not uncommon for a car to just put on their hazards and treat the road like a parking space. They park in the far right lane of a road in front of a business and everyone just. Goes around them no problem. People adjust to the space limitations here.
Then there’s all these foreigners (AMERICANS) who come over and think they can drive but end up hitting all sorts of shit because they can’t drive on such narrow roads
Get OVER these dumb ass driving stereotypes and consider the REASON for people driving the way they do, right????
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mistwalker-official · 18 days
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The Crisswalker Tour was a rousing success! Thank you to everyone who came out to see us on this short Maritimes run. We’ll be back before too long.
A huge shoutout goes out to our black metal brethren in Anti-Criss. It was so much fun sharing the road with you guys and we can’t wait to do it again!
Also a huge thank you to Le Bien Le Malt, Xeroz Arcade, Gus’ Pub, and The Shred Shed for hosting us as well as to Riffchild, Möpe, Blind Witch, Hushmetal, Nightfall, and Mean Street for sharing those stages with us!
Also a huge thanks to Joe Dery, Samuel Frenette, and Viridian Cult Productions for booking this run.
Also thank you to Trekker, Suzy and Travis, Shea, and Billy for letting us crash at your respective places.
Last but not least, the biggest thank you goes out to Chris Verge for filling in on guitar super last minute and being our driver, roadie, repairman, and merch girl, among other things. We couldn’t have done it without you! 🖤
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forgeline · 2 years
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Unveiled! Chevrolet and Pratt & Miller Engineering have debuted their latest factory racecar, the new Corvette Z06 GT3.R, at Daytona International Speedway, prior to the 2023 IMSA 24 Hours of Daytona. Their new C8 Corvette Z06 GT3.R is a factory-built FIA-compliant GT3 class racecar that will be available to both professional and amateur racing teams and is designed to compete in a global variety of GT sports car racing series, beginning with the 2024 racing season. Based on the Chevrolet C8 Corvette Z06 and sharing the road car’s aluminum chassis, the Corvette GT3.R is powered by a version of the Z06’s 5.5L DOHC LT6 V8 engine mated to a 6-speed sequential transmission and rides on a motorsports-specific double-wishbone suspension system (engineered for optimal performance at lower racing ride heights), a motorsports-specific 6-piston front/4-piston rear braking system (with unique cooling and quick-change capabilities), and 18x12.5/18x13 Forgeline one piece forged monoblock SS1R-GT wheels finished in Gloss Black! Learn more at: https://forgeline.com/latest-news/chevrolet-c8-corvette-z06-gt3-r-to-race-on-forgeline-one-piece-forged-monoblock-ss1r-gt-wheels.html
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jesterofalltrades · 4 months
Lady just move over for the cars, you’re on a bike going like 5 miles an hour. Sharing the road means letting those that are going faster to pass you safely. You’re gonna get someone killed
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ishgard · 5 months
1 and 12 for shipping questions?
Thank you! :D (Get to know my shipping preferences & ships)
Answered #1 here and here but I will absolutely list more >3
1. List 3 Shipping Tropes You Love
Dunno what this is called either but the Inuyasha x Kagome type bickering - GRANTED it has to be done well, it has to have a certain balance and I’m very picky about it because I see it done in ways that are just uncomfortable and not fun pretty often, but when it’s done well to my liking -chefs kiss- 
Similarly a bit nuanced, and I guess kind of falls under the umbrella of ‘power imbalance’ maybe? But any sort of… royal/knight, loyal servant/protector, trope. For me it’s mostly about the devotion, the longing, the 'I see a side of you no one else gets to see', the careful tiptoeing around the elephant in the room, or how they’ll sacrifice anything for the other no matter the cost.
Fake dating/arranged marriage. This is similar a bit to the ‘sex first romance later’, with the 'doing things out of order'. Love being put into a situation no one really wants/that isn’t ideal but then discovering you’re excellent together and an amazing team, often enabling you to overcome greater challenges/otherwise laugh in the face of whoever put you in this situation.
12. List 3 ships you currently love
Okay these aren’t all FF14 but-
Ahru x Deryk - Obv. I love them so much they’ve been so much fun, and even though XIV is a little on the backburner right now (and my sub is up) I can’t wait to get back and do more with them. They’ve really become a comfort ship, so cozy and appealing to so many of my favorite tropes/aesthetics.
Love two wanderers coming together after their own hard travels and sharing the road, and everything that entails. I think both of them, albeit to different levels, had a deep loneliness to them but at the same time just kind of embraced that loneliness - like it wasn’t exactly a bad thing, they both enjoy their solitude and take joy in their lifestyle - yanno, if it weren’t for all of the horrors X’D But they come together and it is, for the most part, quiet and respectful, knowing what the other has been through, and saying I see you, I’m here with you now, we don’t have to go it alone anymore. 
Reverie x Rann - This is one of my DD2 ships based on very old OCs of mine so there are a lot of layers here, and who knows I might just bring them to Etheirys down the road too. But the gist is: Reincarnation/defying death and rewriting the world order as a meansl to fix what went wrong, where we failed, and making sure we can always find each other because we’re two parts of the same song. Maybe committing some atrocities along the way because what’s a little sin so long as you’re safe? 
Emrys x Olivia - My other DD2 ship they are both sluts who bicker and fight but have each others back at the end of the day. This one I can ramble less about because they’re extremely based in their setting but I have been having so, so much fun with them. (Shameless fic plug though for anyone also on the DD2 train.)
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ayin-me-yesh · 1 year
re: bikes
my dad is VERY into bicycling. I'm talking an entire wardrobe built around doing it (i.e. high-vis, low drag). he averages about 20-25 mph (32-40 kmh), but often has stretches where he's going 30-35 mph (48-56 kmh). living in the U.S. he also does a lot of his bicycling on roads with cars.
so yeah, if you're bicycling at *car speed" or constantly sharing the road with *cars* you need car accident levels of protection. there's a reason pros who do high speed bike races also wear helmets even in Europe.
but if you're riding a bike on a pedestrian path at a lower speed, if you get in an accident the most likely injury that could cause concussion you're even at risk for is due to whiplash, and helmets don't help with that.
there'd be nothing *wrong* with wearing a helmet anyway, but it makes sense that a lot of people wouldn't bother.
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nepalenfielders · 7 months
Riding Majesty: The Nepal Royal Enfield Tour Experience
Welcome to an adventure fit for royalty - the Nepal Royal Enfield Tour! Step into the saddle of one of the most iconic motorcycles on the planet and prepare to traverse the diverse landscapes, ancient cultures, and majestic mountains that define Nepal. Join us as we embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of the Himalayas on the back of a legendary Royal Enfield.
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Embracing Heritage: The Royal Enfield, with its classic design and timeless appeal, is the perfect companion for exploring Nepal's rich heritage. As you cruise through Kathmandu's bustling streets and wind along mountain roads, you'll feel a deep connection to the land and its people, echoing the spirit of adventure that has defined Royal Enfield riders for generations.
Iconic Destinations: From the historic city of Kathmandu to the tranquil shores of Phewa Lake in Pokhara, every destination on the Nepal Royal Enfield Tour is steeped in history and natural beauty. Ride through the terraced fields of the Kathmandu Valley, visit ancient temples and monasteries, and marvel at the snow-capped peaks of the Annapurna and Everest regions as you traverse the country on two wheels.
Thrills and Challenges: Riding a Royal Enfield through the rugged terrain of Nepal is not without its challenges, but with challenge comes reward. Navigate hairpin bends, cross rushing rivers, and conquer high mountain passes as you push yourself to new limits and experience the thrill of adventure like never before.
Camaraderie and Connection: One of the most rewarding aspects of the Nepal Royal Enfield Tour is the sense of camaraderie and connection that comes from sharing the road with fellow riders. Swap stories around the campfire, forge friendships that will last a lifetime, and create memories that will be cherished long after the journey is over.
Conclusion: The Nepal Royal Enfield Tour is more than just a motorcycle adventure - it's a journey of discovery, connection, and self-discovery. So rev up your engine, embrace the spirit of adventure, and get ready to experience Nepal in a way that few ever have - on the back of a Royal Enfield.
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