#"Sharing the Road
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If you take the bus, wave to the driver and thank them as you're getting off the bus.
Being a bus driver is an underappreciated and difficult job but still very vital to society. They still have to do customer service and deal with rude and even aggressive passengers, and on top of that have to deal with traffic and other drivers all day (and let's face it, there's a lot of bad drivers out there who aren't considerate about sharing the road). All while providing an invaluable service of getting us where we need to go. Showing them some appreciation can go a long ways for someone doing such an important job that usually gets little to no recognition or thanks.
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studying the MTO handbook for the gazillionth time in 2 decades and I completely forgot about the section on sharing the road with horse-drawn vehicles like
the amish
#also the bit on 'farmers are commonly on the road before dawn and after dusk during peak harvest season'#there are things you know & are aware of & are familiar with#but when you see them in writing from a toronto-centric perspective#it feels foreign and outdated#it feels very much like those 'write about the US the same way they write about developing countries' posts#like yeah i know about driving in amish country or farm country i'm from southeastern ontario#where's the section on sharing the road with megafauna? how are you gonna write that you GTA-sheltered policy wonks?
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Keep On Trucking
Jonah thought he'd hate the rental truck he got when he flew back home. But after throwing on a hat he found in the cabin it seems like he's liking the thing more with every passing mile.
Thought we could do with some more sentimental southerner TFs so here we are ! Happy surprise that it coincides with a certain Texan AOTY ;) Sweaty, strong, and sweet, hope you enjoy Jonah's journey to a new home in the country! -Occam
It must be some form of cosmic comedy that Jonah’s only rental option was this wretched gas-guzzling juggernaut. Sitting a good fair few feet above every other car on the road, the truck that’s been foisted onto him simply demands attention. There’s a tight-lipped grimace on his face as the laundry list of insults he’s hurled at people who drive these fragile masculinity-mobiles over the years rush through his mind.
He’d never say them to a driver of course, both from a general fear of confrontation and a healthy fear of large loud men. His insults thrown never escape the glass panes of his Elantra. Nothing more than playful jibes to help work through the fear of sharing the road with drivers who could literally roll over him, and oft seem to want to. Just barking self-soothingly, like a chihuahua at a caged great dane.
His self-consciousness at plowing down the highway is interrupted however as a small car quite similar to the one he drives back at home veers towards him. Thankfully the road is not too crowded as he swerves to avoid the red speed-demon who flips him off before shooting ahead, surging into the distance to escape the sound of Jonah’s horn blaring.
The nervous young man clutches at his shirt as he feels his pulse in his head. Eventually he sees the red pinpricks of brake lights disappear and his hands stop shaking from the near-collision. Sighing, he tries to steady his breathing and hopes the rest of his nerves will follow suit. Only then does the strangest thought occur to him ‘Thank god I was driving a truck.’
Jonah rubs his smooth jaw and grumbles to himself, “I guess there are some upsides to driving a freakin’ tank, ugh.” As he puts it to words he can’t help but continue thinking on the matter, besides maniacs like that little punk, people are probably way more likely to respect me on the road driving this thing. He wistfully stares at the road ahead lost in thought, though before taking the leap further to the lofty thoughts that people are more likely to respect his masculinity and authority in this beast, he shakes it off and clears his throat.
“Ugh I need a coffee or something.” Squirming in the seat slightly, only then does he notice the continued discomfort from his brush with danger; He’s sweating up a storm. Cranking up the AC as high as it goes he wipes his brow and tries to push sweaty hair out from his face. When a heavy drop falls into his eyes causing him to shout a hearty “fuck!” He pulls over to the side of the road and searches for a headband or something to solve this issue, “God why’s it so hot in here!”
Looking down at his now clearly sweat-stained shirt he groans, no way is he going to show up to his hometown friend’s party looking like such a slob. He briefly considers using the sweaty top to hold back his hair but thinks better of it, giving it a sniff he finds his deodorant has not been nearly as effective as it usually is. Frowning and going straight to the source he smells his pit and immediately cringes away, “Man what is up with me today? It’s like I forgot to put it on.”
Distracted by his strange overheating, the still-present need for a headband, and now wondering what on Earth he’s going to wear to his friend’s, Jonah doesn’t notice how, beyond the bizarrely more powerful scent, he has begun to change. The few thin curls in his armpit have multiplied without his notice, stretching longer and spreading beyond their usually trimmed patch. Each new strand drips with sweat, permeating his new musk as he scrambles about the cabin looking for some bandana or hat.
“Duuuuub-” Jonah’s hand bumps into the brim of a hat which he quickly yanks out from the dark recesses of the rental truck only to tilt his head as finding a tacky camo baseball cap, “eugh-” After rubbing his hand through his sweaty hair once more, he grimaces and throws it on anyway, “sorry to whoever's hat this is-” It’s not like he’s going to be seen in the kitschy backwater cosplay, he just needs to make it to a store or somewhere where he can buy a shirt and hair tie, then he’ll be scot-free.
Checking the time with a gasp he returns to the open road without much thought at all, leaving him totally unaware as his hair begins to creep into the cap. Long dirty blonde curls shorn to almost nothing, shortening into some short masc choppy look that doesn’t even have a name. Far from his mind’s eye the idea of going to a barber for years buries itself and begins spreading tendrils towards other inactive memories, “Been a few weeks Rob- Just give me the usual.” Were he to picture the memory he would surely see a man who is not himself in the mirror.
The mirror? His eyes glance to his rearview and he gasps as he sees it’s suddenly angled way off. His usual anxiety quickly makes itself known in his sweaty chest. Eyes wide and on the road he doesn’t look down to catch as each quivering heartbeat leaves his chest wider, sticking out further as disparate strands of muscle begin to bulge. In the few half-seconds of him checking his other mirrors Jonah’s chest begins packing on quite the impressive pecs. “Musta- er Must’ve bumped it or, something?”
Going to adjust the mirror his usually careful hand forcefully bumps into it, grunting he wonders how. He didn’t even lean forward, which he knows he had to do when he first got in the truck. His arm would have to be almost half a foot longer. Throwing his hazards on he quickly pulls over once more, again neglecting to notice his changed hair in the mirror as he instead gasps in shock as he sees the arm of a behemoth dangling from his shoulder.
In the minute since throwing on the ratty ball cap his arms have begun to grow. Every twitching movement on the wheel, every extension, even the slightest adjustment of his now less-than delicate fingers has been sending waves of change across forearms to which the idea of muscle definition is anathema. His mouth falls open as he takes notice of biceps that would have easily erupted from the sweat-stained shirt he had on, or rather, any shirt he owns.
Jonah tries to process the meaty hands at the end of meatier arms, staring at the movement of individual muscle fibers under tight, suddenly tanned skin. He gulps as he sees them twitch with every accidental movement, power he can hardly understand coursing through them. His lip quivers into a grin as the idea occurs to flex them and he raises his arm to do so, exposing his tangle of pit hair and allowing sweat to drip down his chest.
Though just before getting the chance to truly indulge and delight, feeling the cold rivulet racing down his side he looks down to discover the new weight hanging on his chest. His eyes shimmer with wonder as he stares at pecs as sculpted as Michelangelo’s David now bulge from under his neck as it too thickens with another harsh swallow. His voice drops while his rougher hands go to cup his pecs, rubbing the few apparently shaved hairs as they begin their regrowth.
Despite his usual lucidity and rationality, something about seeing the rugged arms and chest of a man twice his size, something about feeling the strain of new biceps moving or seeing his handful of almost invisible chest hairs darkening alongside a congregation of new curls, his mind is awash with instincts that don’t seem his own. He smirks as he looks at his reflection in the now-adjusted mirror, higher in the seat both from his body lengthening as well as from sitting straighter with pride, he scratches at the stubble appearing on his chin and turns back to the road thicker brows furrowed into a cocky sneer, “They’re gonna be all fuckin’ over me at this party.”
Dragging his attention from his bulking body back to the road, Jonah can’t help but continue thinking about what a stud he’s becoming, what a stud he is. So focused on the strength ambient within him, delighting on the sensations coursing through him as he playfully flexes his arms and chest, that he hasn’t chance to notice his thoughts truly changing alongside his form. Suddenly a Texas-shaped bottle opener dangles from the set of keys that look far too beat up for a rental company to hand out. Obviously of course, why would a rental company have his truck?
One hand on the steering wheel, Jonah can no longer resist groping at the growing bulge that strains his pants. While it’s been certainly hard since the first glimpse of his bulging bicep, as his pride grows so does what may as well be the source of his masculinity. With each clumsy rub and grasp of his package as it threatens to break free from his pants, he continues to become the man to match his apparent wheels.
So too does his truck slightly shift to perfectly display the man that now identifies as its owner. The floorboard where a ball cap was hidden is littered with detritus from living in the country. Dirt paints the once spotless chassis of the vehicle and at the same time, hair thickens on his form as pubes inch above their brief containment, connecting with a treasure trail that begs to expand.
His balls throb as his once imperceptible treasure trail indeed races to cover the whole of his stomach before racing up to a chest that yields to its own mouth-watering pattern of fur. Pits still dripping with sweat lengthen and spread tantalizingly close to meeting with his garden of chest hair.
Jonah grunts as his new bulge grows large enough that the constriction is outright painful. Freeing his impressive rod it becomes clear that his accusations of redneck truckers compensating could not be further from the truth, in his case that is. His seat creaks under his weight as he squirms to pull his pants down to his knees, freeing bulkier thighs and a perfect bubble butt as both are similarly painted with haphazard brushes of hair. Inner thighs coated with curls add to the rugged forest around his pre-dripping package while new curls on his ass tickle against his warm, sweat-covered seat.
Halfway to masturbating he bites his lip as he tries to restrain his desires and continue driving, though the pushing down of his rigid rod so easily shifts to tugs and thrusts. His sticky, wanting breaths fertilize the growth of stubble on his face that will never vacate and a mustache sticking to his upper lip that will always be just a tad thicker. Meanwhile his calloused hands continue to tantalize a cock edging closer to a release that he will not let yet arrive. Moaning from the intense need of his loins he grits his teeth and powers down the road voice deep and clearly accented as he whispers to himself, “Gotta save mah spunk for the party…”
Still with each slow grasp and pull towards release, his form continues to pack on weight and slick with denser forests of hair. So too does his outfit change to match his new life, with each half-thrust into his hand the brim on his hat widens, its cheap camo-green fading as it becomes a Stetson that any man of his stature demands. Slightly dressy pants stain blue and roughen into jeans while his shirt disappears entirely.
Finally, shoes that have given up the ghost long ago to feet that would cause anyone’s eyes to widen begin staining brown and reforming. Long, hairy toes that stick out from the once tennis shoes are corralled into the dark, expensive leather of genuine cowboy boots. The new soles click against the pedals of his truck and his thicker brows continue to furrow as he struggles not to cum at the sound of his beast rumbling down the road.
At long last Jonah comes up on the turn to his friend’s little shindig and he sighs in relief at making it before he spills a load on himself. Turning down a long dirt driveway he narrows his eyes as he feels something amiss, would’ve sworn his friend lived in a suburb or somethin’. But then he blinks and remembers obviously not. His boys’d never wanna share their streets with self-important, pretentious pricks.
Parking in the grass alongside a handful of other trucks, Jonah grunts as he forces his cock down his jeans, its outline quite the clarion call down his pant leg. Buttoning up and cinching a gaudy belt-buckle, Jonah steps out into the party, grabbing a couple of six packs of Lone Star and waddles over to the gathered crew. Taking a deep breath of the cold dusk air as the sun begins to sink past the horizon, though beneath the smell of the woods there is a clear undercurrent of sweaty bodies and something richer, saliter.
Depositing beers that were once a host’s gift and some seltzers, Jonah turns to be greeted by cheers of burly men that seem to have already paired off. Scratching his stubble as he looks for his own quarry his eyes alight onto one shy looking twink standing to the side. Seems he didn’t get the memo that this isn’t some post-ironic gathering, not even wearing a cowboy hat.
More than ready for some fun, Jonah grabs a discarded hat on the table and wanders over to the lone man. The twink eyes him with a wry smile as he can’t miss the obviously altered gait, they then widen when he recognizes the man as Jonah, “J- Jonah!?” his mouth drops open and his eyes glaze over as something readjusts, “You’ve really, uhm- filled out?” Though even as he says it the idea of the late-comer looking any different than this seems incorrect.
Jonah ignores the man, Anton, and deposits the hat on his head, leaning down he whispers in his ear, “Evenin’ Ant. You wanna go have some fun?” Anton’s mouth waters as the larger man stands close enough to wash him in musk before deliberately jabbing him with his thick bulge. He babbles something as the new hat blurs his thoughts a tad though it’s more than clear that the thin man, bored out of his mind, has been looking for excitement that only Jonah could bring all night.
Arm around Anton’s shoulder, Jonah escorts him to the back of the nearby barn, already littered with cans and clearly stained by haphazard bodily fluids. Neither man cares as they begin to use the wall just as seemingly every party-goer before them has. Jonah pushes him against the wall and the pair indulge in each other as if there were nothing else in the world. The hat falls from Ant’s head as he begins to change with or without it. His trimmed pubes rapidly stretch above his hairless waistline, racing to connect with chest hair that isn’t even there yet.
His waxed face scratches against Jonah’s itchy jaw and his mouth waters with hunger and jealousy. Before he can even consciously wish for something similar, his own face is overcome with the burning sensation of pores expanding into stubble that has never been given the chance to seed bursting forth. Soon enough his entire face is overtaken by thick lancing curls of a beard. After not much time at all the pair are worked up enough that making out is not nearly enough.
Even as his suitor puts on weight and muscle mass, Jonah easily hoists him up and finally makes use of his new heavy cock. It’s not clear how long the pair exercise their new forms behind the barn. Ant’s rushed initiation into the world of assless chaps and hairy backs and Jonah’s final steps into the hard-working world of farm living last forever and no time at all. Though by the end both men are thoroughly consumed by their new hairy, muscled selves.
Their hairy bodies rub against each other as new lives together bloom in their minds. Maintaining a small homestead in the town they grew up in, often traveling into the nearby city to show city-folk that country boys ain’t all bad and making it clear to any small minded townies that they better treat their fellow man with respect or get what’s coming to them.
As they reach what must be the apotheosis of their new forms both men lose control at the same time. Awash in the heightened sensation of their new powerful selves and lost in love for each other stronger than they ever thought they’d achieve, Ant and Jonah stumble out from behind the barn.
Ant walking with a gait that can only mean one thing since they certainly weren’t horseback riding. The pair are jeered at by their fellow country queers and finally enjoy the party. It’s a joyous celebration of the first day of the rest of their lives surrounded by their fellow odd folk. When Jonah’s eyes fall back upon the truck he’s been driving for bout a decade now he can’t help but smile in contentment. She ain’t the prettiest wagon in the west, but she got him here. Surrounded by butches and bears alike Wade sits on a bench and pulls his man onto his lap, “Gonna be a good night Ant.” The pair crack open beers and drink in the new world around them, eager to see what their lives together have in store.
#male tf#mental change#muscle tf#hair growth#personality change#reality change#cowboy tf#musk tf#beard growth
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I simply can't stop imagining what Shen Yuan must look like in Shen Jiu's eyes. There's no way that man won't be obsessed with him.
Shen Jiu hadn't expected to come across the rogue cultivator here, in an inn in the middle of nowhere, while on his way to a meeting set up between the four cultivation sects.
He had not expected to walk in, tired and annoyed from sharing the road with his martial siblings and a headache quickly forming. To be met with the tinkling sound of his laugh, filling the space with warmth and comfort. To see him sitting there, surrounded by villagers and travellers alike.
Shen Yuan was like a bright flame, attracting all those colorless and mundane moths to himself. Even his most complex topics of beasts and fauna gathering a mass simply because of how animatedly and passionately he spoke.
It would bothered Shen Jiu more, if it wasn't for how Shen Yuan seemed to look through every one of them, like they didn't exist.
No, he never treated them badly, and in fact conversed with them the same bright way he did with everything else, if they were able to catch his attention. And if they ever were to meet again later, he'd certainly be able to remember them.
But that didn't stop the way he looked through them, like they were simply leaves in the wind at the edge of his awareness. Like they didn't matter in the grander scheme of things.
It had vexed Shen Jiu immensely at the beginning, to be treated the same. Just like any other person, unimportant in Shen Yuan's life. But slowly as they had gotten to know each other, he had seemed to become more aware of him.
Then Shen Yuan had finally decided to visit Qing Jing Peak, finally met him as Shen Qingqiu as well, and not just Shen Jiu. He had seen him then.
It had been exhilarating to be looked at by Shen Yuan. Like he was a mountain on Shen Yuan's path, impossible to ignore, no longer a mere leaf blowing by.
And it was still just as exhilarating now, to see Shen Yuan look up from his group of admirers. For their eyes to meet, for Shen Yuan to smile at him. And for Shen Yuan to see him.
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fadel doing this ON the highway in this car that hardly even has windows (like, even LESS than a pane of glass to stop other drivers from looking inside) and not, like, keeping the gun at hip level or whatever, where it would still be plenty threatening but not as much of a flashing neon sign that says I Am Doing Evil Things to absolutely everyone sharing the road with them...... he truly is style's soulmate i think
#i get that he had to do this so it would be obvious to us as viewers when he puts the gun down. and i do love and respect that#but it's also SO funny to me fdjkfdjk. god i adore this show and how silly it gets WHILE everyone is kidnapping each other#and inventing personalized torture methods. jojo. you mad genius#*#the heart killers#love that dunk's song was playing over this by the way! extremely fitting mood
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Prelude to greatness. Pratt Miller Motorsports' "Chassis 001" is the test car that launched Chevrolet's global Corvette GT3.R racing platform, and it was proudly on display in the Forgeline exhibit, at the 2024 PRI Show, in Indianapolis. Based upon the Chevrolet C8 Corvette Z06 and sharing the road car’s aluminum chassis, the Corvette GT3.R is powered by a version of the Z06’s 5.5L DOHC LT6 V8 engine mated to a 6-speed sequential transmission. It rides on a motorsports-specific double-wishbone suspension system and a motorsports-specific 6-piston front/4-piston rear AP Racing braking system with unique cooling and quick-change capabilities. Pratt Miller worked with the team at Forgeline Motorsports for several years to develop an application-specific version of Forgeline’s center-locking one piece forged monoblock SS1R-GT wheel that was engineered to deliver optimized performance metrics (in terms of mass, deflection, strength, and durability) specifically for the new Corvette GT3.R, and every Chevrolet C8 Corvette Z06 GT3.R competes on 18×12.5/18×13 Forgeline one piece forged monoblock SS1R-GT wheels finished in Gloss Black! See more at: https://www.forgeline.com/customer-gallery-pratt-miller-motorsports/cgk2833
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AITA for walking my dog past a house with highly reactive dogs?
This is stupid but it’s been bothering me, so I (mid 20s F) live in a rural town. There’s no sidewalks and the shoulder of the main road is near nonexistent. So there are only three ways i can take my dog for a walk which i try and rotate through. One of which includes passing a house with a small poodle type dog i think who losses their mind whenever i go past. Barking, jumping and clawing at the windows, running between windows to follow us, etc.
Because of this i try to only take that route 2-3 times a week, however it is the route my dog is most comfortable with, the shortest, and doesn’t require taking the main road. The other two either involve walking the main road for a portion (people do not care and don’t slow down or give you room), or sharing the road with dirt bikes who it’s a toss up whether or not their going to be decent or not.
So I deal with dirty looks from the dogs owners and their neighbors. And i get it, i had a dog like that in the past and it was frustrating and annoying when people would walk past. Which is why i try to only go at like noon to be the least disruptive. But i still feel like an ass, i could halve the walk by turning back before we get there it as i said it’s already the shortest route and i don’t feel like it’s fair to my dog.
So am i the ass and should take a different route to avoid upsetting this dog?
Don’t know if pet tax is required for this post but here it is:

What are these acronyms?
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i don't understand drivers who are against bike lanes because the absolute worst thing about sharing the road with cyclists is being terrified of hurting them or not noticing one coming because they're so small!!!!! isn't them having their own space what you want?????? isn't this what we all want?????
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fun Ireland fact you can get a tractor license before you can get your learner permit for a car. 17 for cars 16 for tractors. Heard some bollocks on the radio like 'welllll if we raise the age limit then farms that depend on children to work in the summer won't get all their stuff done' THEN HIRE SOME ADULTS YE STINGY CUNTSSSSS I DONT WANT TO BE SHARING THE ROAD WITH SOME BOLLOCKSING TY STUDENT IN A VEHICLE TALL ENOUGH TO FLATTEN ME
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I'll take a thousand annoying bikers over one more fucking Yank Tank pickup shitmobile on the road. I don't give a shit if you're 3 nanoseconds late on the commute to the job you hate because the horrific experience of sharing the road for 5 minutes prevented you from going 10 miles over the speed limit, fuck you.
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I dream of the existence of a third kind of road that’s neither for cars or for cyclists, but for this:

So I can get from A to B when it’s cold or raining without having to put myself in danger by sharing the road with huge cars where there’s no bike road alternative.
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Driving so often puts me in just a terrible mood. I hear rumors that there are people who really enjoy driving, but I am not one of them. I just feel so surrounded by dubious decisions on the road that I grow increasingly alarmed, and people also seem to everlastingly oblivious to the idea that they are sharing the road with other cars and people and things, and it's just all so alarming to me all around, and I was in such a bad mood driving this morning--
--but then the trees were starting to be kissed with fall colors. On Tuesday they were full green of summer still, and now there are bright spots throughout, and they're so lovely-looking, and my family went to an orchard today and brought me back an apple cider donut, and I have a really hard time during the transitional month of September but I really am always glad to make it through the rough patch and into October, so there was that.
Driving is still alarming, though.
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Good Day Motorists and today is “Be Safe Saturday”, promoting the importance of driving safely around Big Rigs:
When driving around Big Rigs, remember to give them space, avoid blind spots, and always signal your intentions. Drive responsibly, stay attentive, and be courteous to ensure a safe road for everyone. Let's make every Saturday a Be Safe Saturday!
This message emphasizes the need for safe and considerate driving practices when sharing the road with large trucks.
#PTAG #PTAGsafety #Trucking #Saturday #BeSafeSaturday
#SafetyFirst #StaySafe #SafeSaturday #SafetyMatters #SaturdaySafety #StayProtected #WeekendSafety #SafeAndSound #SafetyAwareness #SafetyTips #ProtectYourself #SafetyIsKey #SafeLiving #StayAlert #SafetyCheck #SafeAndSmart #SafetyCulture #SafetyDay #MindfulSaturday
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I have experienced sharing the road with SO MANY terrible drivers today that it makes me want to move up north where there are no cars and I can just ride around on a bike or a tractor. I don’t know if there’s something in the water at the drive test centres these days so people getting their licences are good enough to pass but the second they walk out the door, the stupid juice kicks in and they make up their own rules or if every person who drives an expensive car just thinks that because their car is expensive, they can do whatever the fuck they want on the road. Today I was behind a Tesla in a through lane who decided at the last second that they wanted to turn left so they half assed pulling into the left turn lane and blocked everyone who wanted to go straight from doing so because you could only turn left when you got an advanced green light and then I came up to four way stop with my left turn signal on and waited for a pedestrian to cross, as I am SUPPOSED TO, but a BMW (who by the way got to the stop sign on the other side of the street after I did) decided they couldn’t wait so they drove through the intersection and came within 1 foot of absolutely plowing down the pedestrian who was crossing.
how have drivers gotten SO BAD lately? I just truly have no answers. the amount of shouting at people I do while driving has reached an unprecedented high.
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The coolest memory from the 2024 PRI Show? Based on the Chevrolet C8 Corvette Z06 and sharing the road car’s aluminum chassis, the Corvette GT3.R is Chevrolet's latest GT3-spec racing platform. It competes globally on 18×12.5/18×13 Forgeline one piece forged monoblock SS1R-GT wheels finished in Gloss Black. Pratt Miller Engineering worked with the team at Forgeline Motorsports for years to develop an application-specific version of Forgeline’s center-locking SS1R-GT wheel that was engineered to deliver optimized performance metrics (in terms of mass, deflection, strength, durability, and aerodynamics) specifically for the new Corvette GT3.R. And we were proud to display this incredible example of racecar engineering, at the 2024 PRI Show!
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