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redcarpet-streetstyle · 2 years ago
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stuff-i-watched · 4 months ago
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Daaaaaali! / 2024 — IMDb, TMDb
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watchingalotofmovies · 5 months ago
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Daaaaaali!    [trailer]
A French journalist meets the iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí on several occasions for a documentary project that never came to be.
Quentin Dupieux making a film about Dalí is an excellent match. His best movie yet.
It's as surreal as it should be. The first big highlight being the never ending walk in the corridor. The humour reminding me at times of Monty Python.
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mabhollywood · 6 months ago
(Matías Antonio Bombal)
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kamreadsandrecs · 11 months ago
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fidjiefidjie · 1 year ago
BA 🎥 du film de Quentin Dupieux avec Anaïs Demoustier, Edouard Baer, Gilles Lellouche, Romain Duris...
👋 Bel après-midi
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yellowmanula · 18 days ago
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Mr. Oizo, nie tylko stworzył Flat Erica, ale i horror "Mordercza opona" 😃 A wczoraj obejrzeliśmy "Daaaaaali!" surrealistyczną najbardziej nieprawdziwą prawdziwą biografię Salvadora. Film mi się bardzo podobał! Super wnętrza, przedmioty z lat 70., ciuchy. Zagranie ekscentrycznego malarza przez kilku aktorów - brawurowe. Zatarta granica między jawą, snem a podświadomością, wszystko zgodnie z "paranoiczno-krytyczną" metodą Salvadora.
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olvaheiner · 1 year ago
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Daaaaaali ! (2024)
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kathleenkatmary · 23 days ago
My Favorite Foreign (Non-English Language) Films of 2024
(according to non-festival US releases)
06. Daaaaaali! (dir. Quentin Depieux)
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My Letterboxd review for Daaaaaali! was something like "this is what people who have never seen a David Lynch movie think a David Lynch movie is like, only less dark". I still think that's true. And that's just perfect for a movie that's about, but also not at all about, legendary surrealist Salvador Dali. Multiple actors portray Dali at different ages, as he gives interviews for a documentary that's never completed. It's a twisty, surrealist dreamscape, where the man in question is multiple different ages all at once, where dream collapse in on dreams collapse in on dreams, where time loops in on itself, every strange moment seems to mean nothing and everything all at once. It's a wild ride, that captures the atmosphere of surrealism better than most things I've seen since Dali's own work on the dream sequences in Hitchcock's Spellbound.
05. The Seed of the Sacred Fig (dir. Mohammad Rasoulof)
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There's no other word that can best describe The Seed of the Sacred Fig other than harrowing. And at 2 hours and 47 minutes it is a tough watch. But considering the things that people who made and acted in this movie are facing just for making it, I feel like the least we all ca do is watch the whole thing from beginning to end. The film uses the dynamics within an Iranian family during a time of mass protests and resistance as a mirror for the country itself, showing how quickly even a seemingly stable and loving family can devolve under the terrifying rule of theocratic leader who allows himself to be governed by paranoia, fear, and pride. It's a powerful piece of political filmmaking, but it also serves as a painful and tense family drama.
04. Kneecap (dir. Rich Peppiatt)
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I think a lot of people outside of Britain think that, since the ceasefire in the late 1990s that issues the caused The Troubles have just gone away. But, as Kneecap demonstrates, there's still a lot of tension, particularly in Northern Ireland. And what a treat to have a film like this, that presents those tension in such an original and exhilarating way. Given how central their politics are to their identity as a group, it of course makes perfect sense that the fictionalized telling of their formation as a group is, above all, about those tension, about the importance of preserving the Irish culture in the area, and the ways the violence from decades past still haunts the people there. This was one of the most exciting films I watching from 2024, one of the most blatantly fun. Which I think it a real accomplishment, because it does also manage to be, in my opinion, a really moving love letter to their culture and heritage.
03. The Girl with the Needle (dir. Magnus von Horn)
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I have a list of great movies I will never watch again because they made me feel so bad. It's a very short list. Until recently, it had only had two movies on it for the past almost 20 years: Amores perros and The Proposition. The Girl with the Needle recently joined that list. To be clear, that is not a criticism. I think that the film absolutely intends to make us feel bad, and it succeeds. This is a deeply upsetting movie about a woman who is left in limbo when her husband doesn't return from WWI, but is not on the list of the dead. Through a series of traumas she ends up living and working with a woman who has what she purports to be an underground adoption service for poor women. But it gets so much darker than that, with sequences that are genuinely stomach churning. This movie has a lot to say about women's agency and autonomy, but at its core it's really about perception, the ways we see people, the way people present themselves, how easily we can overlook or miss who people really are, and the things it can take for our perception of them to change.
02. I'm Still Here (dir. Walter Salles)
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I'm Still Here is another devastating exploration of the ways a cruel government can shatter a family. Based on the true story of the Paiva family, whose husband and father Rubens was abducted by the Brazilian government, at that time a military dictatorship, in 1971. It's a moving portrait of what it can take to move through a loss, one already so painful, and with the grief made all the more unimaginable by the circumstances around it, the inability to get any kind of solid answers, and the fear that the military might still come after those left behind. It's a fantastically told story of a family trying to understand and survive, but the whole thing is truly held together by Fernanda Torres's powerhouse performance.
01. Red Rooms (dir. Pascal Plante)
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More than any other film of 2024, Red Rooms feels like it not just understands, but lives in the knowledge of how ugly and evil the world can be. Every second of it feels like it's infused with the kind of dread that can only come from that kind of knowledge. It never shows the horrific acts at its center, but you can still feel them, their horror, in every frame of the movie. Which is appropriate, because this movie really is less about that evil itself and more about the way it touches everything, the way it can even be compelling in way, but how even just being compelled by it makes our souls darker just from the contact. Red Rooms really holds its cards close to its chest, never really letting us fully understand the character we spend the entire movie with, never fully grasping her intentions. But I almost think those intentions are secondary to the exploration of the the impact the darkness with which she engages has on her.
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dagss · 1 year ago
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🎞 mars 2024
l'été dernier (2023) 2.5⭐ lisa frankenstein (2024) 3.5⭐ daaaaaali ! (2023) 4⭐ sage-homme (2023) 4⭐ le livre des solutions (2023) 2.5⭐ das lehrerzimmer (2023) 3.5⭐ rien à perdre (2023) 3.5⭐ dune (1984) 1.5⭐ mean girls (2024) 3.5⭐ le roi et l'oiseau (1980) 3.5⭐ all of us strangers (2023) 3.5⭐ シン・ゴジラ / shin godzilla (2016) 3.5⭐ irish wish (2024) 2⭐ the brood (1979) 3⭐ the slumber party massacre (1982) 3.5⭐ loverboy (1989) 3⭐ pride & prejudice (2005) 3.5⭐
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chansonsinternationales · 1 year ago
"Daaaaaali !" : Dupieux héritier de Bunuel
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vagabondageautourdesoi · 1 year ago
Daaaaaali ! Quentin Dupieux
Chronique d'un film loufoque et drôle !
FAN-TAS-TI-QUE aurait ponctué Daaaaaali en visionnant le film de Quentin Dupieux ! Que ces deux-là étaient faits pour se rencontrer ! Absolument pas autobiographie, mais un vrai hommage à ce comédien, cet hurluberlu narcissique, mégalomane mais complètement esseulé que fut cet artiste prodigieux ! Jeune journaliste (Anaïs Demoustier) décide de réaliser une interview de Daaaaaali qu’elle…
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detournementsmineurs · 1 year ago
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"Daaaaaali !" de Quentin Dupieux avec Anaïs Demoustier, Edouard Baer, Jonathan Cohen, Pio Marmaï, Gilles Lellouche, Romain Duris, Eric Naggar, Didier Flamand, Agnès Hurstel et la participation de Marie Bunel, février 2024.
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r8m8in · 2 months ago
Films vus au cinéma en 2024
Un silence
Pauvres créatures
May December
Les Chambres rouges
La Zone d'intérêt
A Man
Making Of
The Doom Generation
Daaaaaali !
Chien de la casse
Sans jamais nous connaître
La Bête
Madame de Sévigné
Il n'y a pas d'ombre dans le désert
La Salle des profs
Dans la peau de Blanche Houellebecq
Chroniques de Téhéran
Une famille
Vampire humaniste cherche suicidaire consentant
Bis Repetita
Pas de vagues
Drive-away Dolls
Quitter la nuit
Civil War
L'Homme aux mille visages
La Machine à écrire et autres sources de tracas
Les Vieux
Border Line
Une affaire de principe
Madame Hofmann
Comme un lundi
Le deuxième acte
La Belle de Gaza
En attendant la nuit
Paradis Paris
Les Guetteurs
Fatal Games
The Summer with Carmen
Les pistolets en plastique
Pendant ce temps sur Terre
Kinds of kindness
Dîner à l'anglaise
Le Comte de Monte Cristo
Les Fantômes
Love Lies Bleeding
Émilia Pérez
Septembre sans attendre
Ma vie ma gueule
Le Fil
Les Belles créatures
All We Imagine as Light
Quand vient l'automne
The Apprentice
L'Histoire de Souleymane
Au boulot !
Trois amies
The Substance
Diamant brut
Leurs enfants après eux
Les Femmes au balcon
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deadlinecom · 6 months ago
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mwseo · 8 months ago
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Daaaaaali! (Quentin Dupieux, 2023)
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