scarmille · 7 months
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heavy glam
via pinterest
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jayalive4ever · 1 year
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Malcolm X
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Just Give Me A Reason~ E.M
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Author's Note: You loves can not get enough of my angst, can't you?
Anonymous asked:
Would you do something with eddie and reader are dating and she's very affectionate and kinda clingy etc but anyway they end up getting into an argument he yells at her for the first time and it makes her cry really bad like hiccups and all he feels awful and it's immediately trying to calm her down bc she looks so small crying like that it breaks his heart after that she's always scared he's gonna yell at her again and eddie can tell she's always walking on eggshells around him it breaks his heart but she gets worse when she finds out she's pregnant and she's really scared to tell him like terrified I love your angst so can you make like super angsty but ends in fluff bc eddie is truly a sweetheart
Angst/ Fluff
Eddie clenches his jaw as he takes a pretzel out of his bag while you sit next to him, playing with his hair. You and Eddie have been dating for quite some time and you're the type of person that loves to show her affection.
" Can I have one?" you asked, taking his hand underneath the table to lace your fingers with his but he rolled his eyes as he offered you a pretzel. He doesn't look at you or turned around to kiss your cheek like he used. Things have been different since the beginning of your relationship.
" Thank you, Eds" you said, taking the pretzel from his hand. A frown on your face as you place your hands on top of the table muting out the conversation that brought your boyfriend attention rather than you.
Eddie notices the change of mood coming from you as he rolls his eyes again. You always do this, you cling onto him and want to be affectionate but he isn't used to that and doesn't really like it as he thought he would.
" Y/N" Dustin calls out you and you look up, holding sadness in your eyes but it's gone the minute he frowns and notices. " Are you coming tonight over at Steve's? It's movie night."
" Sure, Eddie's going to pick me up. Right, Eds?" you asked, reaching over to peck him on the cheek but he moves away and stands up, grabbing his lunch box muttering he has deal to make at the spot.
You sigh, feeling the tears coming.
"I'll see you later" you mumble. Eddie doesn't respond as he leaves the cafeteria.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You arrive at Steve's on your bike, hurt that Eddie didn't bother to come pick you up as he usually does. When you walk into Steve's house, he embraces you with a hug. You knew Steve since he was King Steve, although the two of you weren't too friendly at the beginning, he has became one of your best friends.
" It's been a while since I've seen you, buttercup" he says as he walks with you into the living room. Eddie is already there sitting on the couch with Dustin, as the two were in a deep conversation. Your eyes land on your boyfriend in hopes he would turn his head and look at you. He doesn't
" I've been around" you respond making yourself known to everyone else.
" Y/N!" Robin yells with her hands in the air as she rushes over, almost tackling you in a hug.
" Good to see you too, Robin" you laugh as you hug her back. Nancy comes from the kitchen with two bowls in her hands as she sets them on the table.
You look around for a spot around the living room, Dustin notices you have arrived and moves to get up when Eddie pulls him back down by the back of his shirt. Dustin shoots you a sympathetic look.
" Is everything okay between you and Eddie?" Robin asks as she leans over to whisper in your ear. You nod with a shrug.
" as good as it gets" you mumble as you settle down on the floor near Nancy's feet. Steve walks around Eddie and Dustin to get to his spot and shoots Eddie a dirty look.
As the movie night continues, you have your arms wrapped around yourself feeling your eyes sting with tears. Eddie hasn't casted you one look since you got here. What happened? Did you do something wrong?
Your heart sank into your chest as your mind ran over the things that you thought you did to cause Eddie to act like this. You came up with nothing and moved closer towards near Eddie's leg.
He took a glance down at you to see what you were doing and when he saw you moving, he excused himself to the bathroom. You looked around the room and notices eyes on you as if asking if you were going to talk to him or something.
You answered them by following him in the bathroom. When the door opened, you shoved him inside causing him to stumble. He gripped on the edge of the door to not fall over.
" What is your problem?" He asks once noticing it was you who had pushed him back in the bathroom. You put your arms across your chest as you looked at him.
" My problem? What is your problem, Edwards?" you hissed. He winced at the usage of his full name.
He scoffed as he looked away, " Look. I don't have time for this, Y/N. The next movie is about to start" he says as he shoves past you.
He used your name instead of sweetheart and it stung. He never really called you by your name unless he was made of upset with you. But even if he was upset, he would talk to you about it. This was another thing.
You walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where everyone was to see Eddie was putting on his jacket.
" Where are you going? I thought you wanted to see the next movie" you say with an eyebrow raised and leaning against the wall. He doesn't even look at you as he says, " I'm tired. I'm going home."
You stared at him in disbelief. He was tired?
No one else said a word as you followed him out of the house after putting on your shoes.
" Since when do you leave in the middle of movie night?" you asked watching as picked up his pace to walk over to his van. He was running away from you and from this conversation. " Why are you running away from me? Since when did you become a coward?"
He stops in his tracks as your eyes outline the Dio on his vest. He turns around to face you with his nose scrunched up and his eyes darker than the shade of brown.
" What do you want?" he spats through his teeth.
" I want to know why my boyfriend is being a dick!" he grits his teeth. You reached out and take the pack of cigarettes in his hands.
" Give that back" he says, reaching for it but you pull it away and instead scrunched it up into a ball and throw it to the ground. His eyes widen at your action and he's seething. If you looked at him as you walked by, you would see the steam coming from his ears.
" I didn't get an answer, Edward"
Never have you heard him yell like this. Not at you.
Your eyes brim with tears as you step back. He is breathing increased as he stares at you with wide anger eyes, his nose scrunched with his fist to the side.
A small whimper escapes from you, the tears are rolling down your face and your lip quivers. His gaze softens at the sound of your whimper as he reaches his hand to touch you. You shake your head, with a small hiccup as your hands reach down to take the bike that was on the ground.
" Baby.." he starts to say but your already sitting on the bike and ready to get out of there. " Baby, I'm sorry.." he says as he reaches his hands for the bike handles. You roll the bike back and pedal away from him.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Eddie crawls up to your window feeling like an idiot for yelling at you. He hates that he was the reason for your tears, the whimpers, the hiccups that he heard. Steve had walked out on the front yard, grabbing him by his vest and pushing him against his van. He had yelled at Eddie for being such an idiot and forgetting that your love language was touch.
Eddie had forgotten that you told him that you were the type of person to always show the person you were with, that you cared and loved them being being affectionate. Holding hands, kissing, sitting next to the other, taking in their interests etc.
He peeks through the window of your room seeing you with your knees to your chest as your head is buried into the pillow. His heart sinks even more at the sight.
He taps on the window three times letting you know it's him. You hear the taps against the window, and freeze. You didn't want to see him tonight.
" Baby.." he calls out to you. " Please open the window, it's cold."
You huffed as you turn to sit on the bed, glaring at the window with tears rolling down your cheeks.
" Go home, Eddie" you stood up from the bed and draw your curtains close letting him know he has hurt you and he wasn't about to be forgiven this easily.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Eddie finds you the following day, outside during lunch against the tree doodling in your notebook. You notice the Reeboks standing right next to you and freeze in your spot. Your heart races at the thought he was going to come over and yell at you.
You swallow the lump in your throat.
He kneels down, the chain jingles as he takes in the sight of you. You lean back into the tree making you look smaller to him that you already are. He can see your scared.
He hears the whimper and his heart breaks into two.
" I'm not going to yell at you" he says with his hand reaching out to move the hair away from your face. He wants to see your face better.
You are the most beautiful girl in the world in his eyes.
A tear runs down your cheek but he catches in time, brushing it away with his thumb.
" Sweetheart, I'm so sorry I yelled at you. I didn't mean it" he says as he sits down on the ground. " What are you drawing?" he asks but you shut the notebook closed and put it besides you.
Your hands are on your knees as silence is between the both of you.
" Sweets" he calls out to you but your already standing up with your notebook as you walk back into the school.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You're browsing for a movie in Family Video, making conversation with Steve and Robin when the door opens and in walks Eddie. He pauses at the sight of you with your eyes widen, looking fearful.
His gaze softens. He really does miss you. He misses your touch, your giggle, your laugher, the way you say his name, the way you wrap your arms around him, the sleep overs you two have, cooking for him, sitting in the campaign's, the way your hand feels with his, the dates you two go on, smoking with you, the way he calls you his girl and most of all he misses your kisses.
" Munson" Steve greets him.
" Robin, Harrington" Eddie greets them. Robin waves.
Steve and Robin look between you and Eddie to see if anything was going to happen or any words were being shared. But there was nothing.
" I gotta go" you dropped the film you were going to rent out and moved towards the door when Eddie blocks you in from leaving. You stop in your tracks as you wrap your arms around yourself, averting your gaze from him, shaking a bit fearing he would yell at you again.
" I miss you, sweetheart" he says. His head tilting to the side as he tries to have you look at him. " You look adorable today" he tells you eyeing your outfit, a small smile on his face.
" T-thanks" you say as you look back at Steve for help.
" Let her go, Munson" Steve says seeing the worried look on your face. Eddie moves away with a frown as you walked past him to the door.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Your eyes widen as you stare a gap at the words on the test that is sitting on your sink. Tears began to spill down your cheeks and hands shake.
The wasn't happening. Were you ready? How were you suppose to tell Eddie?
You picked up the test from the sink and blinked your eyes a couple of times thinking it wasn't real. That this was some sort of joke that was being played by you.
The test drops from your hands and lands on the floor. Your hand comes up to your mouth as you cry into it.
You were pregnant.
Eddie was the father.
You sank to your knees and laid on the ground, eyes on the test as tears rolled down your cheeks.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
A knock came to the drama room as Eddie paused in what he was about to say. His eyebrow scrunched up as he stood up from his throne.
" Who is that?" Mike asks.
" Is it someone important?" Gareth asks.
Eddie makes his way to the door and throws it open and to his surprise, it's you. Your arms are wrapped around yourself as you stepped into the drama room, eyeing the others at the table as they waved to you.
You sniffled through your tears as you waved back.
" Can we talk?" you asked Eddie. Eddie glances at you with worry in his eyes. He can see how shaken you are around him but he can tell from the look on your face that it's something else.
" Alone" you add, looking at the others.
He holds out his hand from you to take. You glance down at it, the rings on it as your own hand itches to hold his. You have missed holding his hand in yours.
Your hand slipped into his, and a warm feeling goes through Eddie. He can't help but smile as he pulls you outside of the drama room and down the hall. He knows very well the sheep will try to listen in.
He stands in front of you with his hands to his side after he drops your hand.
" Eddie" you start to say his name. For the first time in awhile, to Eddie it was like angel singing to him. He missed the way you would say his name.
" Yes, sweets?" he offers you a gentle smile.
You rub your arm up and down feeling your heart race at what you were about to tell him.
" I'm pregnant" you tell him. There is silence between the two of you. You don't know what else to say. You are scared over all. But he had to know, you weren't going to leave him in the dark.
" Sweetheart" you feel his fingertip brush against your own asking if he can hold your hand. You let him as he interlaces his fingers with your bringing it towards his lips.
" Are you serious?" he asks, his is in quiet in shock hearing the news. His eyes are wide, heart racing and his eyes full of love. You raise your head to meet his gaze.
" I am, you're the father"
" Can I?" he asks, holding his hands out asking if he can touch you and bring you closer. You nod, he wraps his arms around you and brings you flush against his chest. The smell of pine, weed, cigarettes and his shampoo feel like home to you.
Your arms wrap around him.
" I'm so sorry for yelling at you, I'm sorry for making you fee like you were walking on egg shells around me. I'm sorry I made you feel the way you were feeling. I never want to make you feel like that again" he pulls himself away from you and cups your face with both his hands.
" We are going to get through this, I am not leaving you. I love you, sweets."
" Together?" you sniffled through your new fresh tears.
" Together" he says as he kisses your nose.
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houseofkermit · 9 months
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Cheers to the sluttiest waist in Westeros 🥂
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untitledddddddddddddd · 2 months
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rhinestoneprincess · 10 months
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sinusoidaldysfunction · 6 months
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I think I posted this on main but. Lady Jewel art
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its-stimsca · 1 year
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mrsjewls · 9 months
One of the most underrated Wayside bits is the chapter where they're writing poems about their favorite colors, and Joe can't think of any rhymes for red. Mrs. Jewls tells Joe to think of words that end with "ed," so
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v-tired-queer · 3 months
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Nicolette di Angelo and Wilma Solace 🖤💛
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stimming-puppet · 1 year
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(x) credit when using!!
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harringtons-cupid · 2 years
Hey Iove! I want you to surprise me with something fluffy with Joe 🥺
Maybe some comfort and cuddles and forehead kisses
Thank you for the request baby! I wrote this with no glasses on and half asleep so I hope you like it and I’m sorry if it’s so short!
It had been a long day for you, crawling into bed with Joe was your favourite thing to do. Your bed was comfy and warm, your laptop burnt into the blanket topper.
His arm was around you, his heart beating into your ear drum as you relaxed into the bed. Your favourite mutual show was playing softly into the room, your feet touching each other as you kicked your leg over his.
His lips were resting softly on the top of your head, your eyes began to feel heavy as they fixated on the show. His laughs vibrated against you as he paid attention to the show, his finger slid underneath your chin and lifted your forehead to meet his lips.
Firmly placing multiple kisses on your skin sent flutters through your body, closing your eyes as you began to feel safe. He lifted your head further until it met his lips, softly kissing you. His lips warming your body as shiver flushed down it.
Resuming your position on his chest, you sighed happily. His arm creating circular motions on your exposed skin, the television show echoed in your ears as your eyes struggled to stay awake.
The laptop stayed still as you fell asleep on Joe’s chest, he kissed the top of your head softly as he continued to stroke your skin. Still quite awake as he pulled you closer to his body, wrapping both his arms around you.
Clinging onto you for dear life as your body dropped and fell in your sleep, his laughs still vibrating against you. Little snores escaped your mouth which made him melt, kissing your forehead once more before rolling you onto the pillow beside him.
His hands met yours, squeezing them tightly as he lied on his side facing your warm body. He stayed awake watching the television show until he could no longer focus, you had rolled onto your side where his body mets yours.
Relaxing into the curve of your body, the show helping him drift into a deep sleep with the movement of you.
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sweet-villain · 8 months
Trying To Make It Make Sense~ B.H
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Anonymous asked:
I'm so happy to see you back! I hope things are well :) I do have a request if you are taking then but if not that's totally ok!
My idea was if the reader was dating billy and is friends with Eddie and the whole gang? Maybe just some fluff of them hanging out as a group but billy makes it known he's with the reader through pda and being cuties with her
Note : I don't really see Billy being really an affectionate type around people.
You stared down at your lap and fidget with your fingers as you felt eyes on you.
It felt like the most uncomfortable silence as your friends stare in disbelief in what they were seeing. It wasn’t anything that bad, you thought.
To them, this was a first and a shocker to them all. You had a boyfriend.
His name was Billy Hargrove. The same Billy Hargrove that picked on Steve.
The same Billy Hargrove that called, his step sister Max, shit bird. The very same on that drove the loud Camara. 
  An arm wraps around your shoulder as someone pulls you into them, its familiar arm fills you with comfort. It’s Billy.
He chews the gum in his mouth as he stares down back at Eddie, Dustin, Steve, Max and the rest like they were challenging him. 
“ Is this a joke? Have you done something to her, Hargrove because I swear-” Eddie gets off by you as your head shot up and you shake your head. 
“ Eddie, stop” you stood up from your spot that you were sitting at to stop Eddie who looked like he was ready to throw hands if he needed to. He had his fist by his side as his jaw clenched tight. 
“ I don’t understand why you were with him. I mean, come out. Out of every guy in Hawkins. You pick him” Steve throws his hands up as he shakes his head in disbelief.
He was more shocked that he wasn’t your first choice in this matter. The two of you were close and had moments where the two of you would flirt. 
Steve didn't like this at all.
Billy smirked as he eyed Steve. Steve kept muttering to himself with his hands folded across his chest. 
Max had a feeling the two of you would get together since you kept coming over to tell “ I’m just tutoring Billy. The teacher asked me to, and I was happy to do it.” You had to use that to be around Billy in his room to get past Neil.
He wasn’t too happy about having a girl in Billy’s room. 
The door was to be opened and one day Neil walked by to see the two of you closer than he liked and the studying had to be done in the kitchen.
Susan had turned a liking to you and she would watch some softness come out in Billy when you were around. She didn’t dare to tell Neil. 
Max saw it too. 
“ Did you know anything about this?” Dustin asked, as he looked towards Max for answers. Max simply had a smile on her face as she shrugged. 
“ You two really think they are together?” Steve suddenly asked, coming out of his pouty face and uncrossed his arms as he continued to stare down at Billy with a glare on his face.
“ These two must be playing some game.” 
“ Games are for kids, Harrington. Seems like that more your turf” Billy says. 
Inside Billy was kinda nervous being surrounded by your friends who were staring like they were about to run after him with pitchforks. 
“ Who did you make a bet with, hm?” The question catches you off guard and everyone turns to stare at Eddie who for one second doesn’t believe you are going out with Billy Hargrove.
There was no way. 
“ Did Carver put you up to this?” Eddie continued to ask. “ The two of you seem to chatter like little old ladies from the last time I saw you two.” 
“ What is your business that I talk to my friends about, Munson?” Billy asked.
“ Friends” Steve, snorted. 
Billy turns to Steve hearing him snicker. 
“ You have something to say, Harrington?” Steve shot up from his seat as he put his hands on his hips as he stared down at Billy. “ Why her?” Steve asks. 
Billy’s face changes at the question and Robin swore for a moment she saw it.
There was a wall breaking that he had put up a front like he always does. Her eyes widened a bit as she caught it. She looked around the room to see if anyone else caught it.
No one did as they continued to look at Billy. She felt proud of herself and mentally gave herself a pat on her head.
You glanced up at your boyfriend who still has his arms around you. He felt you staring at the side of his head and turned his head to glance down at you.
His blue eyes met your own and they were shining. 
“ Is that a smile?” Dustin asked. Max swatted his arm. “ Ow! That hurt, no need to get abusive. Jeesus.” 
She only did it because she saw Billy was having a moment as he looked down at you. She never saw him like this. Happy. 
“ Because she makes me feel like I’m not alone, that finally I belong” what Billy really wanted to say was that he loves you but he wasn’t about to say it in front of your friends knowing they were going to use that against him. 
You melted at his words knowing he meant that you made him feel safe. You made him feel wanted. That he mattered. To you. That was enough for him. 
The girls “ awed” at his words and happily sighed seeing the way Billy looked at you and the way you looked at him. 
Your hand came up to cup his cheek, immediately he leaned into your touch feeling it would be a while since you’ll touch him again.
Some of his hair falls into his eyes while he leans in and they sparkle. 
“ Gross” and “ ew” and “ I’m going to throw up” are what interrupted the moment between the two of you. Billy forgot for a moment that other people were in the room with him and you.
Immediately a scold appeared on his face as he turned to your friends. Their eyes widened at his fast reaction and they all gulped. 
“ If any of you use the words I said leave your mouth and I hear you babbling, I will not hesitate to do something about it. Is that clear?” Billy asked with his fist by his sides. 
The gang didn’t get to answer him because your hand reached out to tug his jacket letting him know you wanted his attention. His eyes drop down where your hand is tugging his jacket and his fist unclenches.
“ Sit down, Billy. They won’t. I know them. Right, guys?” you turn to look at your friends. “ I’m really happy with him and I know you guys aren’t happy with me right now. But he cares about me, I care about him and that should be enough for you guys.” 
Billy sits back down as his hand lands on your leg as it rests there with your hand falling on top of him. The sensation of warmth fills him and his heart races as he turns to look at you. The smile returns to his face. 
For the first time everyone is shocked and finds it strange how you softened Billy Hargrove. He was smiling right now crying out loud. 
“ Hargrove” Eddie calls out to Billy, catching his attention. “ I will not hesitate to break your bones or light your car on fire if you ever hurt her” he points his ring finger at Billy.
“ I don’t care if you're sorry or you're going to plead. You hurt her. I will hurt you.” 
Eddie has always been the most protective of you, you were like a little sister to him.
You were always coming over to bring him food, making sure he was fed and looking after him when he’s sick. You would check on Wayne too, make sure he had new clothes to wear too. You were family to the Munson’s. 
“ Eds” you called out to him. He turns his head to glance at you. 
“ Thank you for looking out for me, but I can handle it.” 
“ I’m never going to hurt her, '' Billy says. “ If I do, then shit bird can sell my car, '' he says with a grumble. His car means a lot to him and for him to say that means that he does really care about you. The gang is surprised once again. 
“ Don’t sell it, we can burn it” Mike says. Billy goes up to look like he was going to pounce on Mike but you hold him back, shaking your head. 
“ We’re serious Hargrove,” Steve says. “ You do anything to hurt her, in any way” he points to the gang, “ you better run. Because you are not coming back on your two legs” 
“ She means a lot to us” Nancy says “ she’s our best friend.” 
“ That we do anything for” Lucus says. 
Billy chuckles, “ You don’t scare me peepsqueaks” he looks between Dustin, Lucas and Mike. 
“ We’re serious Billy” Max says to him. “ Even if you're my step brother. You hurt her-” 
“ We hurt you” El finishes. “ But we're happy for you,” she adds as he looks around the group. “ Right?” The group grumbles underneath their breath. 
“ No, say it with me” El claps her hands as he points to you and Billy “ we are happy for them.” 
All you heard were a bunch of groans and “ yeah, yeah” and “ we don’t trust him still” and Robin said, “ he’s more of a dingus than Harrington is.” 
You loved your friends and wouldn’t change them for the world.
Sudden feeling of a peck on your cheek breaks your attention from looking at your friends but at your boyfriend who shrugs like he wasn’t the one who did it.
But he did. He wanted to show some sort of affection, but not too much because he isn’t like that around people. 
You knew he only did that to show that you really were his and he was serious about you to your friends.
Even though he did place his hands on your leg and had his arm around you. He got up the courage to kiss you on the cheek. 
You didn’t ask him to show this type of affection. He did it on his own and you can tell he was proud of himself as he glanced at his lap with his cheeks hinted red. 
“ Okay, there will be none of that around” Dustin says as he points between the two of you. 
“ There will be ground rules if he is going to be around us” Mike says. 
Max rolls her eyes, but she nods a little knowing what was coming. 
“ There will be no kissing,” Dustin says. 
“ No touching like” Mike looks down at himself looking around where. Robin hits him upside the head which he whines about as he rubs the back of his head, glaring at her. 
“ That wasn’t necessary,” he says.
“ Trust me, it was,” Steve says. 
“ But ease down on the public affection. If the two of you want to touch and make out, there is a home were two of you live in and a car which you drive in” Eddie says. 
“ Are you jealous, Munson?” Billy asked as he leaned a bit to inspect Eddie. Eddie scrunched up his nose and shook his head. He felt a shiver run down his spine. 
“ Jealous of what? You two? No way, Y/N is like a sister to me and that would be gross” 
In the middle of this, your hand interlaces with Billys and it doesn’t slide between your friends as the spot it. 
“ awe, they are holding hands' ' El gushes and stares at Mike, hitting his shoulder. “ Why do you not hold my hand anymore?” Mike rubs his shoulder as he looks away from El and looks around asking for help. 
The rest of the conversation between your friends, you block out because you happily stare at your boyfriend as he starts to talk with you friends.
You were hoping they would warm up to him. You squeezed Billy’s hand letting him know you're still there and not going to leave any time soon. 
Billy had the warmest feeling inside, he began to laugh with his friends and teased Steve. 
This felt like home.
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houseofkermit · 9 months
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The mamas boy
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untitledddddddddddddd · 10 months
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fiftymilehighclub · 1 year
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@habsim & @gummyheaven's limb gradients updated & JewlRyBox
Another day, another set of old skin details in dire need of spit and polish -- this time habsim's finger, hand and forearm gradients and gummyheaven's toe, foot and lower leg gradients. The originals are very old -- so old the originals by habsim didn't have toddlers or kids at all! Because of their age I had to do a lot of editing to bring them up to current standards, including enabling them for all ages and occults (except Werewolves) and fixing an error I found that has lived in gummyheaven's versions possibly since they were first made (the version for right arm tattoos was assigned to left instead, causing a conflict). I've also added more categories for more options -- in addition to their original tattoo locations (left and right forearm, left and right lower leg respectively) I've added versions in body scars (left and right arm, left and right leg) and birthmarks (arms & legs). These new standalones require the left arm or leg tattoo version's mesh to work. All credit for meshes, textures and ideas go to habsim and gummyheaven.
THEN, of course, I've done JewlRyBox recolors for everything! They all require the left arm or leg tattoo mesh, and have been heavily texture-referenced so that they are all dependent upon the left arm or leg tattoo versions. Therefore I've also done a lot of merging and I highly recommend just leaving them alone once downloaded.
Available as a single merged file or a .rar with each limb section merged for meshes and recolors. ONLY CHOOSE ONE EACH.
Patreon Download (always free!)
Google Drive: Meshes // JewlRyBox || SFS: Meshes // JewlRyBox 
@maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters @childandtoddlercc @thejewlbox @alwaysfreecc
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