synkend · 8 years
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                                  I HAVE ONLY ONE THING TO DO AND THAT’S                                   BE   THE   WAVE   THAT    I    AM   AND   THEN                                                         SINK    BACK    INTO   THE     OCEAN.
                                     independent & selective original character.                                               reimagining of the little mermaid.                                                              written by ali. 
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synkend · 8 years
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                                  I HAVE ONLY ONE THING TO DO AND THAT’S                                   BE   THE   WAVE   THAT    I    AM   AND   THEN                                                         SINK    BACK    INTO   THE     OCEAN.
                                     independent & selective original character.                                               reimagining of the little mermaid.                                                              written by ali. 
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synkend · 8 years
this blog has moved!!
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synkend · 8 years
yo. guess who’s still alive?
still without a laptop but don’t forget abt me ok ily all i miss you all ♥
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synkend · 8 years
...but, there’s some stuff you guys should know about.
I’m not exactly in a “state of grace” right now. Stuff has been going on, personately, intimately and also publicly. I’m coming to terms with the fact that I have to say goodbye to something I really cared about, and I won’t go into details right now but just know that I’m not in a really good place right now.
This, luckily, happened while I’m still laptopless, so I couldn’t have been online anyway. Also my best friend came to visit and we spent a week around — that was so, so nice, but now she’s gone and I’m still on the edge of confusion. Idk. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit, doesn’t it?
Anyway, I’m sorry for disappearing. I think I’ve ignored pretty much every message lately and I’m so, so sorry. I’ll get back to everyone once I’m in a better place, but please be aware that your support means so much to me and the few of you I can actually call friends mean more to me than I’ll ever be able to word.
Now, let’s talk business: I don’t wanna give up writing. A part of me wants to move on, but the other knows I couldn’t give up on Morgan if I wanted. I can do without all my other muses, more or less, but Morgan — she just means too much. I couldn’t live without her. 
Plus, I just started watching The Affair and — w o w. I don’t think I’ve ever found a show that better embodied Morgan’s aesthetic, or a character more similar to Morgan than Alison Lockhart. It’s giving me so many thoughts and so much muse, but also ideas such as: what if I changed Morgan’s setting to a small fishing town, instead of a city? What if I made R/uth W/ilson her alt fc? (Bryce is 100% Morgan, I could never replace her; but Ruth also fits perfectly, so I’m really thinking about this).
Anyway, this makes it clear that I can’t abandon Morgan, and rather that even if I give up every other blog and project on tumblr (which I’m honestly considering), I am going back to Morgan and probably rebooting her as soon as I get my laptop back (no news on that yet btw. I hate life).
The one thing I might do, though, is turn that blog into a really, really selective blog. I’m in a situation where I just don’t feel that safe with strangers, and I wanna make sure I put my friends, my real friends, first.
And that’s all.
Catch me on im’s if you’d like (& also if you’d like my contact info)!! I love you all, darlings.
Stay safe xo — ♥
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synkend · 8 years
hey guys, I'm still alive!! Still no news on whether or not I'll get my laptop back, but anyway my bff from uni is staying over for a week or so, so -- anyway, I miss you. I'm 99.9% sure I'm gonna drop everything and reboot on a new blog when I'm back but we'll see. We still gotta see if I'm gonna relevant still :| lmao. Hope you're all having a great time ❤ (and I read your comments and replies btw, and I love you like fuck, I just don't know how to reply from mobile). Love you!!!!
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synkend · 8 years
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synkend · 8 years
i miss being here. i can feel morgan like a rising need in me, like i’ll die if i don’t write her - which i can’t do right now, and i hate it, but hopefully i’ll get my laptop back soon and i’ll be able to do it. at least now i know i won’t be leaving tumblr, but for a few days there it looked like i had no other choice. anyway, i’m considering the umpteenth rehaul/reboot but idk. we’ll see. ily all kids. and i miss you so much.
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synkend · 8 years
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synkend · 8 years
lil update on the life of yours truly:
- i just finished s2 of twin peaks and i don’t think i’ve ever been this upset at a series finale ever (no wait i’m still bitter about himym lmao nevermind) - if you don’t think i’m gonna add an adult donna hayward and possibly also a laura palmer to my multi canon blog you’re dead wrong - still no news abt my laptop but i’m thinking it broke in the best possible moment bc my extremely overwhelming relatives from the south are coming to visit this monday so we need to clean eVER YTHING so it good  - goran!! bregovic!!! concert!!!!! this sunday!!!!! fuck me i’m excited  - ???  i miss u all i miss writing what the fuck i wanna be online  - ytw is back and my life suddenly has meaning again  - ily all ♥
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synkend · 8 years
@echoedmistakes stop being an asshole and love me on mobile gdi >.> i miss you more <.<
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synkend · 8 years
@sunbeamiing & @luxguided & @aholywrathincurred 
(i have no x-kit on this laptop so this will have to do) ily all so much okay!!!!! thank you i swear ♥ i’ll always be more than happy to love you all down on skype (unless i’m binge watching shows on my phone to make up for the heart-wrenching gaping hole left in my life by the lack of my laptop :|)
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synkend · 8 years
Because apparently life really hates the notion of me being online, right when I was getting more time to be around my laptop did a thing it really loves doing and RANDOMLY SNAPPED IN HALF. I’m taking it to the IT today but it’s probably gonna be a couple weeks before I can even hope to get it back. Last time it did this, HP “fixed” it - I’m hoping they can get it replaced now because I don’t want to have this issue again, but I’m not sure the warrantee covers this (I bought it 13 months ago and if it was a 12 months warrantee I swear to god I’m going to set something on fire).
So yeah, basically I’m gonna be MIA for a while. I might pop in now and then if I have the time, and do a couple scarce replies because I saved all my icons on the external hard drive — if I do, though, it’s gonna be in the mornings (basically when y’all are asleep) bc I have to use my mom’s laptop and I can’t do that when she’s around.
So, that. I’m so sorry. You can still reach me on s/kype @ ghoulliver and k/ik @ fraayed if we’re mutuals though (& I’m always on tumblr mobile when I can so you can IM me all you want). 
I might have to drop something (most things) when I’m back, but we’ll see. I’m so sorry. 
Please don’t forget about me while I’m gone ♥ ily all, stay safe kiddos!!
xoxo, allie
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synkend · 8 years
....my laptop just broke. snapped in half like it did in december. fuck??????????
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synkend · 8 years
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Chris Pratt & Bryce Dallas Howard for Empire Magazine, 2015.
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synkend · 8 years
ayyy can i leave oc's here for the character blog meme
prompt: blog listing.status: accepting.
i know i’m gonna forget a lot of blogs bUT.
@girlaltar, @fangoriia / @traumeriin, @lichestr, @adcineres / @synkend, @honeycrafts / @malckh, @ghostorgod, @mollysbody, @untclds, @powerrot, @ghoulardii, @100021, @masondixons, @velvetfilth, @unwriite, @foulmouthpiece, @eruditioned, @dvannaest, @decaytouch, @whiiskeystained , @silverheartsilverskin !
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synkend · 8 years
so, while mentally recovering & all that shit, i’ve been working on the canon multi. i’m not 100% done with everything yet but i’m only missing some icons so, before i promo it & stuff, you can find it here. and let me know if u wanna plot with any of these babes ♥ 
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