sydneyshatterdome · 3 years
Scott definitely has a reputation as a womanizer and a drinker, and that's per Travis Beacham.  But no, NO ONE OFFICIAL has ever came out and said what it was he did that threw Herc out of the Drift and got him discharged.  No confirmation whatsoever that it was rape and/or murder and/or child abuse of any sort.  That's totally a fanon thing.  And yes, you're right that if it HAD been one of those, Scott would have been brought up on criminal charges instead of just being quietly discharged.
So I say make of it what you will.  Me personally?  I think it was either drug related (which would be understandable given the situation and if Scott was higher than a kite while dropping, that would probably be enough to set Herc off) or - and yes, this one's a stretch - he had some sort of mental breakdown and just couldn't handle it anymore and wanted out, so Herc lied and gave him that out.
I've got a handful of unanswered asks in my inbox from seven years ago that I probably will not tackle but I had to post this one because REALLY like the idea here that Herc got Scott kicked out because Scott couldn't handle being a Jaeger pilot and not because Scott did something bad. Maybe he turned to drugs to deal with the pressure (which of course would affect his performance), maybe he was fraying mentally, maybe he was able to admit there was a problem or maybe he wasn't. Of course this still leaves room for bad blood between the brothers and a sense of betrayal that might still go both ways.
And then Chuck, from drifting with Herc, could of course know the real reason.
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sydneyshatterdome · 3 years
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sydneyshatterdome · 3 years
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
Sometimes I forget Pacific Rim isn't about the Hansens. 
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
PPDC - Perth Psychological Disorder Center
Herc: What's he talking about, Doc?
Psychiatrist: Giant robots, as far as I can tell. He calls them "Jaegers". It’s clear he’s afraid he won’t be able to connect to you without his mother – he’s invented some sort of telepathic technology that allows the two of you to communicate without speaking.
Herc: This is what you warned me about.
Psychiatrist: Yes. He's expanding the world of his delusion. Instead of facing the reality of his mother's cancer, he's elaborating the fantasy of the aliens that killed her.
Herc: He's getting worse.
Psychiatrist: I'd hoped to give you good news on your visit today. I'm sorry.
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
My unused idea #1:
So Chuck is kidnapped by somebody (does it really matter who?) and then, like, Herc FREAKS out because that's his son they've got there, that's his son, and he goes all LIam Neeson on them and saves Chuck and nobody is wearing a shirt for reasons. 
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
Hello, All! I am sorry I disappeared for so long. One day became another, and all of the sudden it had been four months. I don't have good excuses, only that I was very undecided about how to proceed with the blog and so I just avoided it instead of making a decision.
I will be a Pacific Rim fan, a Herc/Chuck shipper, and a Herc/Chuck/Rob/Max lover for life, but the energy and time (and zeal) it took me to run this blog the way I wanted to run it was just not sustainable in the long term. I’m too type A to just reblog a post here and there - I can’t be casual about it. And though my Pacific Rim obsession lasted for a very long time, I’m afraid I will always be the type who eventually moves on to something else in a way that doesn't leave much room for old passions.
I want to thank all of you for following me, and for making my time in the fandom so pleasant and rewarding. I really put myself out there with some of my edits, meta, headcanons, and silly crack posts and you were always so supportive. I know a lot of you are not into Hansencest and Becketcest, but even though those are such controversial ships I experienced nothing but respect. No one brought any negativity directly to me and that was wonderful. I appreciate that so much.
There are so many of you that I interacted with that I have missed. And even if we didn’t communicate directly, I felt through your notes and your tags that you were fangirling with me. This movie, and these characters and relationships are once in a lifetime.
I put a lot into this blog and I have absolutely no intention of ever deleting. I hope you'll make use of my tags for checking out old posts if you're ever in need of more Hansens than your dash is giving you.
I will be posting some of my remaining drafts over the next few weeks. And who knows, I may be back. I may rewatch PR at just the right time in my life and feel like diving back in. Some of my unfinished projects may haunt me so much that I’ll return to finish them. This isn’t a goodbye, necessarily, but I wanted this message to be here and I wanted to express these things. 
I love you all!
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
Art, Design & Photography by JimSpirk
You guys should check out jimspirk's Pacific Rim stuff on Redbubble. The Striker Eureka kill count shirt is really cool!
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
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i don’t know if you’ve seen the koala video, but i saw it, and i did this, if not, i feel sorry for you.
thespacewitchjadeharley, you are a superior artist. I have not seen the koala video, but I feel I must. Does anyone have a link?
I love everything about this art. 
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
Head over here and take me Head over heels and aching  When I told you I was yours I was yours In this life, you're the one place I call home  In this life, you're the feeling I belong  In this life, you're the flower and the thorn  You're everything that's fair in love and war I'm coming down like a gunshot In all these battles I've fought You're the mark I'm aiming for I was yours Head over heels  In this life I'm stubborn to the core In this life I've been burning after more  We both know what these open arms are for  You're everything that's fair In this life, you're my only one
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
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Reaction version from this.
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
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Pacific Rim warm ups fhrughufug
Herc, young Chuck, Chuck, little mako and chuck, Raleigh, Mako
I tried drawing them from memory??? Because trying to draw from pictures just muddles the process ughguh I have such a hard time with these guys sobs
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
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sydneyshatterdome · 10 years
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