#chuck and mako
shiningwonho · 1 year
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today, we are canceling the apocalypse!
happy 10th anniversary pacific rim!
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kathrahender · 1 month
Is there any Pacific Rim fan in this site???? I need someone to talk to about Pacific Rim :(
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glass-noodle · 10 months
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drift compatible
(pacific rim AU)
thanks @extraordinaryandroid for dragging me into this movie and this AU I’m dying. I’m living
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phantomstatistician · 10 months
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Fandom: Pacific Rim
Sample Size: 7,930 stories
Source: AO3
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californiannostalgia · 7 months
Things I noticed on my Pacific Rim rewatch:
1. Raleigh had his left arm ripped off while he was piloting the left hemisphere, then had his right arm and leg shredded while he was piloting the right hemisphere. Holy fuck he has been through it. His resilience and battle focus is enough to be recognized by Pentecost, whose solo Tokyo battle was three hours long.
2. Implied that Hercules Hansen was one of the OGs, like Cherno Alpha. Wonder what happened to his copilot before he began drifting with his son. Wonder what happened to the Jaeger he piloted before Striker Eureka.
3. Pentecost says he carries nothing into the drift, but that just means he knows how to match with anyone, right? Wonder what that final drift was like in Chuck Hansen's head.
4. Tendo Choi is in command of the bridge when neither Pentecost nor Herc Hansen is present. I forgot that he reverts to Cantonese in stress situations, love these details.
5. I enjoy the bilinguals of this film. Also really interesting choice to focus on the western rim of the Pacific Ocean: Australians, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, and a badass Marshal who strikes deals with the black market and literally anyone else who will fund the Jaeger program. We get to have industrial apocalypse, alien thriller, and cyberpunk in one film. (Side question: are the Americas' coastlines devastated?)
6. Mako's expressions are so. Agh. Her face shows what she's feeling with unshielded honesty (she feels so much, like Raleigh) but she carries herself like Pentecost: deliberate, controlled. Very much his student (daughter).
7. Newt and Hermann are obsessed with their scientific theories being right, even if it means the possible doom of humankind. Iconic Academics. Also they must be important enough to have helicopters on call, since they run out of one to get to the bridge in time for the final fight.
8. Final goodbyes between Stacker Pentecost and Mako Mori.
9. Mako and Raleigh are two of many orphans who had no intention of surviving the war that took their families. Raleigh's last sacrifice was simultaneously the most selfless and selfish thing to do. Good for him to have survived, Mako would've found it hard to forgive him.
10. "Stop the clock."
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taintedmind6669 · 6 months
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shaolinrouge · 1 year
i’ve gone on about this before but the amount of DETAIL in pacrim is so fun. i love how there people in the background cheer or clap or “oooh” during raleigh and mako’s test, how you can hear Cherno Alpha calling for backup im the background during Pentecost’s scenes in the Double Event fight, how Aleksis and Sasha have their own little conversation in Russian when Raleigh first appears in the mess hall, the way all the extras in the Kaiju bunker with Newt actually look like they’ve been running in the rain (some of them are carrying bags and purses, some ponchos, all are suitably drenched), how you can hear Newton and Hermann arguing in the background before they even get on the elevator. gdt i love you
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driftwithme · 7 months
Pacific Rim texting headcanons:
Pentecost has absolutely zero typos.
There's no way Chuck is a good texter he has no one to talk to beside his dad he sucks at it
Also Chuck's most used emojis are the dog one and the insulting ones lol
Mako is the queen of abbreviations she is also a smooth texter (like her dad) but with more emojis.
Raleigh was isolated from the world for years he is an awkward texter for sure. His face was priceless when he saw all the new emojis. He is an overtexter, of course.
If the Wei Tang brothers text you a voice message you CANNOT listen to it in public there's no way of knowing what it says
Newt sometimes only talks using emojis combinations that only Hermann can read.
Seriously Hermann texts are either long ass paragraphs or hand emojis kehfkfjfkfj
Bless Tenko, king of smooth texters.
The Kaidonovsky has this rule of no pics no videochats no voice messages if you don't ask first if you can't summarize what you want to say you should be calling.
Half the Jaeger Program have Newt blocked on their phones.
Hermann list of contacts is so funny he puts emojis on their names to identify even the pizza delivery guy.
Raleigh insists on keeping his old ass phone because he still has Yancy's chat there :((((
The Jaeger pilots have an official group chat only for information that Pentecost manages and no one can write but him, except when he opens it so everyone can reply understood
Then there's the unofficial Jaeger pilots. group chat that Herc cannot open when he's near Pentecost or he'd be unable to stop his laugh in time.
When the rest figure out that Chuck has like two contacts in his phone, it's over. His phone goes from a peaceful creature to the endless buzzing of a group of clowns sending him whatever.
No one complains about the group chat they have to share pics of Max btw.
Mako and Raleigh sometimes text each other in Japanese and they even forget about it so sometimes they do it in the group chats too it's adorable and annoying
There's a viral voice message of Aleksis drunk singing that Aleks doesn't know exists 'cause Sasha kept it a secret. There's a betting poll about who would accidentally mention it in front of Aleksis.
As a general, the Dome is always reminding people to please use their private phones and not the work phones when they flirt text each other please the technicians can read those
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pacrim-drift-swap · 5 months
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Hello Pacific Rim Community!
Are you interested in a Big Bang event for our beloved film?
Have you thought about joining one yourself?
Let us know if you'd be interested here!
This is the PacRim Drift Swap event; Available for anyone & everyone to join and participate in!
We'll post more information as we continue, and we look forward to keeping this event going!
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rexpelliarmus · 7 months
Mako: You have to apologise to Raleigh
Chuck: Fine...
Chuck, turning towards Raleigh: 'Un-fuck you' or whatever
Or, alternatively:
Chuck: I’m sorry I hurt your feelings
Raleigh, crossing his arms: I’d take you more seriously if you didn’t put "feelings" in air quotes
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lastdaysofwar · 1 day
Pacific Rim fans, this one's for you
If you, like me, are a Pacific Rim fan (big surprise, I tagged the post), then you will probably know that the in-universe timeline of the movie takes place in January 2025.
But wait, I said to myself many months ago, that's next January!
We've had some truly wonderful zines and challenges this year and last, but I wanted to put together something of my own to throw into the mix, and I came up with a simple idea that's been done a million times before: a prompt month! With no sign-up necessary, I thought it might be fun to throw together a prompt list for the month of January, set out a tumblr tag (and maybe an Ao3 collection, if I can figure out how those work) that we can all use, and have a shared little celebration of this movie we all love in our corner of the internet.
Tell me in the notes/asks/DMs/??? if you have any questions, suggestions, or anything else I can't think of to put in this category.
And because the people love polls, here's a poll:
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driftcompatiblesblog · 11 months
a possible version of the scene with «canceling the apocalypse». chuck is just a silly little guy😭
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hawktims · 1 year
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Well, like my father always said, if you have a shot, you take it.
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mistydoesart · 2 months
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No one asked for more of it but I wanted it so I present to you: THE PACIFIC RIM BIRD AU!!!
In this AU, humans are the Kaiju and technically not all the characters are birds (looking at you Newton).
But anyway, I’ve been having a lot of fun with these doodles so I decided to share them with you all. If you have any suggestions for doodles you’d like to see in this universe, feel free to let me know. I definitely plan on making more of these.
Here are all the characters are their respective species:
Raleigh Beckett: Mourning Dove
Chuck Hansen: Australian Magpie
Mako Mori: Long Tailed Tit
Stacker Pentecost: Golden Eagle
Herc Hansen: Australian Magpie
Newton Giezler: California Newt
Herman Gottlieb: Eurasian Griffin Vulture
Tendo Choi: Tufted Titmouse
Max (the Bulldog): Bullfrog
I hope you all enjoy this little AU that has brought me so much joy over the past month or so!!!
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taintedmind6669 · 2 months
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shaolinrouge · 1 year
the care given to writing the Kaiju’s impact on the world is incredible. the entire concept of Bone Slums being something that people inhabit, especially those of Reckoner in Hong Kong turning into a black market, Kaiju Blue being massively toxic and damaging to the environment, doomsday cults emerging? it’s also so immersive, which i think a lot of sci-fi movies kinda fail to establish. granted, pacrim had novels to include extra info in, but alien/kaiju movies usually don’t flesh out the world around them besides the immediate destruction in the aftermath of an invasion. idk i just think it’s fun
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