sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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“that’s   nice,”   renier   nods   thoughtfully,   happy   to   see   that   there   were   people   in   the   gang   that   cared   more   about   the   world   around   them   than   it   seemed.   they   may   work   precariously   around   the   law   but   it   didn’t   mean   they   had   to   be   awful   people.   “you   should   teach   me   sometime.   one   of   my   friends   is   deaf   so   i’ve   learned   a   bit,   but   nothing   too   complex…   just   the   basics,   y’know?”   he   smiles   down   at   hugo,   giving   a   slight   shrug.   “guess   it’s   privileged   of   me   to   say   that   i   rely   on   him   being   able   to   read   my   lips.”   
ren   continues   to   lead   the   two   of   them   further   away,   thoughts   of   any   snake   long   forgotten,   the   soldier   he’d   left   behind   would   finish   the   job   without   complications.   right   now   his   undivided   attention   laid   on   hugo,   and   he   was   making   his   way   idly   towards   the   car   he’d   parked   not   too   far   down   the   street   as   he   listened   to   the   younger   male   speak.
“no,   i   don’t   need   your   money,”   renier   chuckles,   shaking   his   head.   “i   think   you   give   enough   of   it   to   the   gang,   besides,   what   kind   of   person   would   i   be   if   i   made   you   pay   for   gas   when   i   offered   to   drive   you?”   he   hums   in   question,   unlocking   the   doors   once   they   reach   the   car   and   opening   the   passengers   side   for   hugo   to   jump   in.
“the   buses   aren’t   exactly   the   best   form   of   transportation,   so   i   understand   your   distaste.   i’ll   speak   to   someone   about   payin’   you   a   bit   more   so   you   can   get   a   car   or   somethin’.   if   not   everyone’s   got   my   number,   you   can   call   me   anytime   you’ve   gotta   get   somewhere   in   a   hurry.   if   i’m   not   busy   i   don’t   mind   givin’   you   a   ride.”
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“oh!” hugo gasped, clapping his hands together. he hadn’t expected that reaction from renier at all, but he certainly wasn’t displeased. it was always nice when somebody wanted to learn sign language, especially when they were learning for somebody specifically. “i’d love to teach you! i think that’d be super lovely! i’d-- yes. yes, whenever you want. i mean, i can’t do thursday nights. but any other time i can adjust my clients and stuff, so yes. absolutely!”
slipping into the car, hugo had to admire how nice it was -- granted, anything with four wheels that could drive was luxury to hugo, so he wasn’t even sure if this car was anything special. but it probably was. he felt like, with renier’s position within the gang, it was probably a nice car. he didn’t want to poke around too much, though, grateful for the ride to work. he didn’t want to jeopardise that at all by asking about the car.
giggling, hugo shook his head. “that’s nice of you to offer, but i don’t need a car. i don’t even know how to drive!” although, the idea of more money didn’t sound too bad, but it was just that a car wasn’t really relevant for him. he wished he did know how to drive, though -- that would make things much, much easier for him. “i never learned. i’m just an anxious driver, you know? i just get behind the wheel and freeze up.”
and he certainly, certainly hadn’t been expecting the offer. “oh, gosh, renier! are you sure? that’s such a kind offer!”
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
// i was gonna do some more replies and stuff but i feel so sick holy fuck y’all i’m going to bed for three years
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
Sky let out a sigh as the younger of the two apologised, making him feel the slightest bit guilty for how irked he was even though for all intents and purposes he was in the right. The concern was one he would expect from a child who had watched a horror movie without his parents knowledge, it would have been laughable if any of his other colleagues had to respond. 
“Do you want want me to take another look around the perimeter? Ease your mind?”
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shifting in his spot, bringing his knees to his chest, hugo shrugged. he looked so small sitting there on his couch, in a shirt too big and a hand pressed against his cheek. shrugging, he didn’t want to make this into a bigger deal than it was. he was sure this man was very busy, and though his childish phone call was probably a fair one to make, it was still just that -- childish. he tried not to feel guilty, but it was all over his face.
“can i-- can i come with you? and have a look, too?”
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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ren   had   enough   information   on   the   gang   to   know   what   they   did   inside   and   outside   of   their   jobs   underneath   him,   though   he   hadn’t   familiarized   himself   too   much   in   hopes   of   sparking   up   some   small   chat   any   chance   he   got.   the   more   he   mingled   with   them   the   less   they   feared   him,   he’d   noticed,   and   it   was   the   last   thing   he   wanted.   he   needed   their   loyalty   and   allegiance,   not   for   them   to   work   beneath   him   blindly   because   they   were   afraid   he   would   drop   a   bomb   on   their   lives.   so,   when   hugo   brings   up   his   work   ren   gives   a   single   nod,   expression   flickering   from   business   to   interest   as   he   releases   the   boy   once   they’re   far   away   enough.   
“what   do   you   do?”   he   asks,   genuinely   curious   and   also   trying   his   best   not   to   search   his   mind   for   the   answer.   he   wants   to   hear   the   younger   say   it   himself.   “do   you   need   a   ride?   we   can   leave   ‘em   if   this   makes   you   uncomfortable,”   he   gestures   to   the   scene   unfolding   behind   the   two   of   them,   though   makes   no   effort   to   look.   renier   understands   that   some   aspects   of   this   life   can   be   too   much,   even   for   people   who   were   involved   themselves.
“everything’s   good.   although   a   little   shaky   with   the   recent…   events.   nothing   niko   and   i   aren’t   takin’   care   of,   though.”
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“i do a few things.” hugo replied, a little surprised that renier would ask at all. not that he thought the other man didn’t care -- just so much that he didn’t think he was interesting enough for the gang leader to ask. chewing at his bottom lip, he wondered if he should keep going, explain further... would it be relevant? would he care? hugo was probably overthinking this. as ren’s hand fell away, he pressed on shyly. “i’m a-- i tutor people at the local polytechnic. for sign language. i sometimes talk about deaf culture in classes in stuff. that’s where i’m going now, i have a meeting in about an hour, but i catch the bus, so it takes me a while to get there.”
he did other things outside of his tutoring business, of course; he’d done a few plays and shows around town, but thought that might be embarrassing to add onto the end. raising his eyebrows at the suggestion, he looked much more hopeful than shy, now. “really? you mean it? do you want money for gas, or anything? i just-- i hate the bus. that’s so nice of you to offer!”
( as they walked further away from the scene, he tried not to think too much about the man they’d left behind. )
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
“just the diner is fine.” he said gesturing his head towards the other direction of the diner. drake wasn’t a picky man when it came to his coffee he just wanted something that would wake him up and right now (with his throbbing headache) he was in no mood to deal with anyone. he liked things to be fast and simple but sometimes he wanted to enjoy the time on his hands. he liked the diner because right now he wasn’t in a rush to get anywhere and he can milk it out if he wanted to. “long day ahead?” he asked the other, not really knowing what else to ask him. simple questions seemed to be the best route to go as of right now considering hugo seemed to talk so much anyway. maybe this would keep him busy for a while so that drake can collect his own thoughts and get his attitude together. “i’m really dreadin’ to get to work right now. so please let this drag for at least another hour.” 
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leading drake ( okay, following drake ) into the diner, hugo bounced from foot to foot into the establishment and was quick to order the man’s drink ( he was good like that; he was detail-oriented with a good memory and a need to please people, and so he remembered drake’s regular order with very little difficulty ) before turning back to the taller man as they waited for the drink to come through. answering his question with a modest shrug, hugo hesitated before he responded. “i-- yeah. a bit. i have work and then i have a thing and then i have a client. so i’m pretty, you know, it’s a big day.” it wasn’t a lie, really, but it was vague. he wasn’t sure how much drake wanted to hear about his personal life, anyway, so nothing answers were probably best.
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
usually, these conversations went okay, but at the fact that hugo was already biting his thumbnail he knew that this was going to be a long one and was hoping that he could just calm down for once in his life. taking a deep breath he sighed before simply nodding. “i uh—” his voice trailed off as his gaze wandered towards hugo’s. “yeah, a coffee would be nice, i could just get another shirt when i get to work. it’s not like clothes are important anyways in my line of work.” he said with a shrug knowing that the other would understand since their jobs were the same, just for the other team. “work is the last place i want to be without my usual coffee fix anyway.” 
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well, at least drake wasn’t mad. that was good. whilst he was usually pretty malleable and pliant anyway, making him easy to persuade into and out of any situation, any sort of anger would have frightened him off altogether -- which, not only did he not want to be scared off, he didn’t want to upset anybody. especially drake, because he liked drake. he thought drake was cool. if he’d ruined their friendship ( was that even the right word? the taller man seemed to tolerate him at best, and the things they sometimes got up to were not necessarily the most platonic in their nature ), he would be very upset with himself. it was for this reason he was so pleased that he’d let him buy him a coffee. “oh, good. okay. i’m glad. anywhere you want to go? i’ll buy whatever you like.”
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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lu didn’t know what was going on if he was being honest. he had woken up on the ground , literally in a ditch , and his head was fucking killing him. he rolled over to rest on all fours , dry heaving , before raising his head slowly to look at the person who had been unfortunate enough to find him. the blonde coughed a few times , wiping his mouth , “ i couldn’t tell you , but i got a weird taste in my mouth. “ he sighed as he pushed himself to his feet and stood to his full height 
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hugo hadn’t expected him to get up so quickly, if he was honest. the little thing wasn’t especially used to hangovers and so he couldn’t tell if that was what this was. shifting a little and trying his best to be helpful, the shorter man moved his backpack off his shoulders and into his arms. “do you want some water? or something for your headache?” he was glad he was so prepared this morning, considering the circumstances.
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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“whoa,   okay,”   renier   pipes   up,   immediately   intervening   between   the   mess   and   hugo’s   attempt   to   save   somebody.   he   admires   the   kid   for   having   the   balls   to   even   step   forward,   but   right   now   wasn’t   the   time   to   be   acting   chivalrous.   he   steps   forward   from   where   he   was   standing   and   takes   hold   of   hugo’s   arm   with   gentle   fingers,   carefully   directing   the   escort   in   a   different   direction   as   the   soldier    behind    them   continues   on   with   his   task.
“don’t   worry   about   it,   they’re   fine,”   a   lie,   obviously,   he’d   been   doing   some   flushing   out   of   the   gang   lately   and   anywhere   he   went   a   soldier   went,   too.   the   two   of   them   always   ready   to   pull   a   snake   out   from   it’s   hiding   hole.   they   weren’t   appreciated   in   this   part   of   the   savages   town.  
“haven’t   seen   you   in   a   while,   hugo.   where   you   headin’   to?”
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hugo really hadn’t understood what was happening, but he did recognise renier. he did as soon as he turned around, anyway. eyes widening as the other man took his arm, he allowed himself to be lead away, too nervous to look back at what was really happening. maybe he didn’t want to know, after all -- though he couldn’t help but feel a little bit of guilt. he nodded slowly, the way an unconvinced child might. he didn’t want to upset renier, either.
“uh... work.” he answered, a little unsure of himself now that he’d been distracted. “not-- not work, work. my day job.” did renier even know he had a job outside of escorting? he didn’t know, but he assumed so. he was sure that the older man ( who intimidated hugo because he was a little gruff but still utterly charmed the little thing because of how in control he acted and how pretty he was ) knew everything. he probably knew more about hugo than he himself did. spooky.
normally, he would have been much more gushy and affectionate, sweeter in his tone, but wide eyes gave away his uncertainty. “how, um. how’s everything with y-you?”
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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if there was one thing about giovanna that hugo liked -- and there were many things he liked about his female counterpart -- it was the way she seemed to think the same things he did. although he hadn’t been about to say the same thing, he had certainly thought it when walking down this street before. nodding slowly, hugo hands signed along with his speech. “it’s kinda weird. i don’t know an awful lot about art history, but i’ve seen a lot of ancient buildings and stuff. i always wonder what the influence is and why certain colours and shapes stick around.” he hummed, before adding, “but you’re right, it’s pretty boring. ugly.”
giovanna found herself pacing the same streets she did everyday, trapped in a routine. lighting up a cigarette at the same corner as usual, the flame flickered bright against the dull, grey surroundings on a dull, grey sunday morning. a lip of smoke curled into her mouth, before slowly trailing back out into the sky. she was calm. “isn’t it funny? you’d think after all these years people would start making buildings prettier. ancient architecture was so intricate and beautiful. now we’re poisoning our world with grey. and plastic.” she murmured, entraced by her own thought, barely aware of anyone around her. 
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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pouting, hugo slumped down on his couch. his old, hollowed out church-turned-house was nice, and he adored his big, lush garden, but the tree branches that brushed against the windows did look suspiciously like somebody trying to get in. the oversized rugby jumper that he slept in was rumpled, his socks were uneven, and his hair was a mess, but at least his panic was settled -- for a half a minute, he’d worried it was one of his clients that worked out where he lived.
“thank you, anyway.” he said, although it came out in the same way a small child might whine. “i was just really nervous, i’m sorry if i wasted your time. and -- you’re sure? sure, sure?”
Pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb, Sky had to recall all the way back to his training and remind himself of this charade he played as a cop were to continue, he had to play the role with dedication. 
(Easier said than done when it was a slow day at the precinct and he drew the short straw leading to him having to answer the calls the rest of the squad deemed nonsensical.) 
“Okay,” He nodded, posture straightening as he addressed who he assumed had been the caller. 
“I see what you mean, but this doesn’t appear to have been a reason to call 911.”
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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it wasn’t often hugo went out clubbing -- it wasn’t like the little thing didn’t enjoy dancing, because of course he did, why wouldn’t he? but it had more to do with being five-foot-two and hard of hearing ( that is to say, he was easy to shove out of the way when he couldn’t hear somebody asking him to move ) and also being incredibly soft hearted. after the third time he’d been pushed aside for the night, hugo thought it might be best to sit this one out for a while. bright pink drink in hard, he sat down. at least his highlighter still looked good. looking over, he gave a sweet, polite wave. “long night?”
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        swayze found himself at the club half past midnight. he had experienced a long day at the office and needed to blow off some much needed steam. he often wandered what it would be like to not have people stuck up your ass twenty-four seven. alas, this was the life that he had CHOSEN for himself. he sat at in the VIP section, playing people watcher as a glass containing the top self of liquor was brought to his lips, not looking for any particular person. just… someone he could spoil for the night.
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
“i mean…” archie trailed off, shrugging casually as he set the can of coke down on the hood of his car. this guy seemed beyond nice, and archie loved taking advantage of nice people, it was his thing. besides murder, of course. “something to ease the pain wouldn’t be half bad… you got drugs?” despite the fact that the guy looked sweet and all, he wasn’t judging by the other’s looks. the most unexpected people could be drug addicts, archie knew that for sure. “or you know, even a smoke is fine. honestly, it’s not as bad as it seems. i’m used to pain.”
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whilst hugo was as nice as he was, looking innocent as he bounced lightly from foot to foot, he knew when people wanted something from him. he was silly, but not stupid. unfortunately, that often meant he was happy to do things if it meant he would be liked. though he didn’t carry drugs, he was on his way to visit a client who did like to smoke -- and sometimes, like today, hugo liked to buy him a pack, because it usually meant a bigger tip. but he could spare one or two. “uh... yeah, hold on.” shuffling through his bag, he pulled the pack out. “here, you look like you need one. uh--! no offense.”
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
dear god. it was too early in the morning for hugo’s talking. usually, everything he would say would go in one ear and out the other and right now drake was not even coordinating right properly since he hasn’t even had his first cup of coffee yet. “hugo.” he said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. the other was talking far too quickly for his liking and part of him had just wanted him to shut up. “just stop. stop everything is fine.” he said finally opening his eyes as his gaze looked over at the other. sure, he was just trying to be nice but drake didn’t need his niceness. nice was something that drake didn’t do and as of right now, he had no tolerance for it. “seriously it’s fine. everything is fine.” he said trying to reassure the other more than himself because it sounded like he needed it more than him at the moment. 
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hand coming up to bite at his thumb nail nervously, hugo watched drake with wide, sorry eyes. he knew that the taller man often just sort of let him talk, never really paying full attention to the things he was saying -- and now that his coffee was gone, hugo knew he’d just made what seemed to be a bad morning much worse. wringing his hands slowly, he waited until drake was finished talking, before he launched into speaking again. “okay, okay-- i just. as long as you’re sure.” he still felt awful, though, considering how he’d probably ruined the guy’s day. huffing a little, hugo shifted on his feet, before continuing. “can i buy you another coffee? or... or, like, another shirt, even?”
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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whining softly as he left his home, hugo really didn’t want to go into work today – it was his less sexy job, his tutoring one, his real life one, but it was exhausting. who on earth decided classes at nine in the morning were appropriate? as he made his way towards the bus stop, the little man sighed. he really needed to learn how to drive. or find somebody who wanted to drive him places that didn’t charge him a fee too large.
as he made his way slowly up the road, he raised his eyebrows – he couldn’t quite work out what was happening, but he could tell it was a little shady. cautiously, the young man approached. “hey, sorry,” why was he apologising? it didn’t matter. “can i– are you okay? what’s, uh, what’s going on?”
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
Anonymously tell my muse something you'd never say to their face.
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sweetprinced-blog · 6 years
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