#feel free to assume connections !!!
mrsmamathompson · 4 months
For: @aurorabaystarter Where: Anywhere tbh
Ann had put everything aside since the funeral, she had taken a month off and now she just needed to remember how to function without her husband. There were several people she wanted to thank in town, and it started here, she really did have something for everyone for being so supportive. "Ah, finally, here you go, this is for you!" She said, handing over a wrapped present.
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llewellyn-baxter · 5 months
Llewellyn's hand braced on a tree trunk and he stood with his head bowed for several moments, trying to shake off the strange sense of fogginess and light-headedness. And his stomach churned... It was the type of sensation that occurred with a sudden unexpected drop. A mist eased throughout the surrounding area and there was a certain smell that couldn't be placed- earthy, for sure, but also weirdly enough, something more pungent. Why did his limbs all feel so heavy and achy? Why was he so tired? The man couldn't really recall what he'd been doing moments before, or where he was even at...
And he certainly had no clue that a faerie portal had just shaved ten years off his life. Ten years taken away with family and friends.
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At some point, the tall gentleman began to walk. He wasn't sure how long or what direction, but somehow, Llew managed to wander within the town limits. "Welcome to Greywood.." he murmured to himself with a faintly bemused expression across features newly aged a decade. There was something familiar about this place, too, but that brain fog persisted. He couldn't shake that something was off and yet, there didn't seem to be anything out of place, either. It all looked normal enough. "Excuse me," Llewellyn politely reached for a passerby to stop them, "do you have any water?" He offered an apologetic and uncertain smile. "I'm sorry, I just- I could really use some water.." Boy, could he! Felt like he hadn't had anything to drink in days.
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dancingdanvers · 15 days
Where: The beach party! Who: Open to anyone! ( @aurorabaystarter )
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Sloane felt like she was on cloud nine, probably helped by the amount of cocktails she'd ingested over the last...hour? Still, it was time to break the seal and as the current song finished she extracted herself from the person she'd been dancing up against with a shout of "I need the bathroom" and stumbling off into the throngs of people who were still moving around each other. While on the hard flooring they'd put down to dance on she'd been able to dance in her heels easily, but as soon as she hit the sand at the edge everything went a little backwards. With a shriek she ended up in a heap right on the sand before dissolving into hysterical giggles coupled with a 'ouch' as she took hold of her ankle. 
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seccndchances · 5 months
Where: south point beach @ivycovestarters
Izzy had set up a small collection of sea glass on the edge of a small scrap piece of cloth. She had been spending most of her free time not working toward her doctorate out here. The beaches of Ivy Cove had become her little escapes when she felt like she was spiraling out within her program. She was shifting through what was actual sea glass and what was debris from the various parties that often littered these shores. "Quite beautiful aren't they?" She asked honestly glancing toward the other. "I was thinking about making myself a necklace out of this one, perhaps it will bring some level of good luck my way."
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hecticlife · 26 days
there was a show. then there was a party. and today is his birthday. leon goes out again. he deserves it, doesn't he? "and you say they have pole-dancing there?" he asks after setting the empty bottle of beer on the bar counter.
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hughxjackson · 1 month
With: @aurorabaystarter Where: Titanium Gym
"It's lego, yes." Hugh began as he worked on putting a few extra pieces together. It had been a way for him to get his frustration out lately, and getting something out like this meant so much to him to get all that out just by putting the bricks together. "I have a bunch, so if you wanna build something too there's room!" Hugh said, clearing a little spot. "I mean, if you want to. Don't worry, I'm doing it back here so it's not taking up space on the actual gym floor."
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angstfactory · 1 month
POP! "Shit," the curse came as Neylani grabbed the wheel more fiercely, as the SUV suddenly bounced and jostled, the unmistakable of wheel axle against pavement loud. Carefully, she steered the vehicle safely off to the side of the road.
Of course this would happen in the dead of fucking night. Near Nightshade Park, of all places. With a strange, dense fog making visibility difficult.
Ever since the demons -- seemingly -- had been chased back to that sinkhole that closed in on itself, this weird fog had rolled in and persisted. It was far, far worse at night. And it made the place smell wet, which was at least a damned sight better than that disgusting rotten eggs they dealt with for weeks.
With a sigh, she climbed down from the truck. This was supposed to be her day off and yet, she had agreed to check on a noise disturbance because it was a family she knew personally. It wasn't anything serious-- she hadn't even gone in uniform. Now, here she was, stuck out there with a flat tire. Her wolf senses though, were naturally on high alert as she rounded to the back of the SUV. Neylani's hands paused on the spare tire hanging off the back, her brows drawing together in concern as she peered over at where she thought she heard something. That damn fog, though, made it so she couldn't see who or what it was.
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"Anyone there?" A hand dropped to her pocket, to cover over a container of mace. Her pistol was in the console. She wasn't about to become some unfortunate victim featured on the next Dateline.
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freddieoconnell · 2 months
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OPEN to anyone Location: Outdoor gym area @daylightstarters
It was so early in the morning that it shocked Freddie when he heard someone else approaching the outdoor gym area of camp that he usually made his home. He had been working out in just his underwear due to the heat and the sweat but at the sudden company he sat up, "Sorry dude, lemme grab my clothes, didn't realise I'd have company"
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griffinxgallo · 3 months
Location: Envy Status: Open @thefallstart
Griffin shook his head as the other approached, "Whatever dumb drunk shit you are about to suggest, count me out. I am not spending the night in lock-up with my baby girl at home." He said as he nursed his tequila. "Can you believe this?" He muttered, jokingly, to the person on his other side.
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elizabethxmonroe · 3 months
Who: Ellie and CLOSED (3/3)
Where: Jolly Street Diner
When: July 2024
Ellie had been spending the late evening cooped up inside police station doing paperwork well after her shift ended. In desperate need of a meal before heading home, she stopped by the diner. She was craving some typical diner food and after pulling into a spot, she took a moment before heading inside. Sending her fiance a quick text not to wait up for her, she then exited her car and ascended the steps inside. Sliding into a booth, she ordered a burger, and waited. It wasn't crowded but there were still some patrons eating, the lights bright and the ambience nice. "Shit, um excuse me," she said turning to the booth behind her, "do you happen to have any ketchup? Mine seems to have run out." She asked after grabbing the bottle to put on her plate which had just arrived.
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chiaramazzochetti · 3 months
location: bare necessities open (5/5)
"So, how can I help you? A drink, a dance, a good talk?" Chiara smiled broadly. "If it's your first time here, I can show you around."
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cryptidkeepp · 3 months
who: open
where: 7-eleven
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remi hummed a tune playing in his head while putting things on the shelves at work. they weren't really paying attention to their surroundings figuring that chandler would yell if they needed them for anything. in their own little world, they didn't even notice the person in the aisle until they bent over to grab some more of the snack food to put up. being a bit more on edge since forcibly moving to the town they jumped. ❝ holy shit, dude! ❞ they clutched their chest and immediately his cheeks went a light pink when they noticed it was a person. ❝ my bad i didn't see you there, sorry, what's up? ❞
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immcrtalize · 4 months
who: open @hemlockstarters where: the grocery store
Aria liked to believe that she was self-sufficient. After she’d left home at eighteen, she’d had no one else to depend on. Just herself. But there were some things that even the most self sufficient person couldn’t do. “Hey,” Aria called to the person beside her. It pained her to have to ask for help, but she’d spent the last five minutes reaching and stretching and completely failing in grabbing the item that was just out of reach of her fingertips. She huffed a little, pointing. “Mind grabbing that for me. I’m a little vertically challenged.”
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lucie-newman · 10 months
Where: Blades When: Winter Fun Party Who: Open
"Requests?" Lou asked, quirking an eyebrow as she looked up to her companion. She was camped by the heaters with her guitar in her lap, and though she was wearing two gloves that didn't match, and a hat coated in dog fur the instrument was immaculate. It always was. "I will play for hot chocolate." She was thinking of putting out a sign. Have it be her first business venture now that her employment had dried up. "Though keep it in the lines, we got little ears out on the ice."
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seccndchances · 6 months
Where: her home Open to: anyone @ivycovestarters
Sally placed a pint of blue moon ice cream in front of the other with a spoon placed on top of it. "I have found in my many years, there isn't a single problem that ice cream doesn't help resolve on some level." She half chuckled grabbing herself her own pint and sitting across from the other. "So crack that open and let's see how you feel after a couple bites and if you want to talk, i'll listen.. if you don't well, we can just eat until we are both sick to our stomach." She half chuckled already taking a bite of her own. "Sound like a plan?"
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katexharmon · 1 year
open: @aurorabaystarter location: anywhere
"You better have a good reason for taking up my valuable time." Kate stated, as she removed the bag that had been occupying the chair next to her. Her hand gestured over, showing that she was in fact considerate enough to save them a seat while awaiting their arrival. "What can I help you with? Any dragons around here need slaying?"
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