Sisterly Advice: Surviving the Move Out
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
This pot pie recipe is great.  Honestly, with pot pie the golden recipe is 1 protein and 3 veggies.  I didn’t have celery or celery seed, so I subbed in spinach and more pepper.  Still came out great.
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
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🌿Milly’s “The Flu Can F*ck Off” Brew🌿
I’ve come down with the flu and this is what I’m drinking to help keep the symptoms at bay:
🍋 Add a tablespoon of honey to hot water, stir to dissolve (soothes sore throats).
🍋 Add 1/3 of a lemon’s juice, stir to combine (high in vitamins, boosts immune systems).
🍋 Take a small sprig of thyme and let it steep in the mug (known for ability to fight colds and flus).
🍋 You can witchy it up like I did by thanking the ingredients, asking a deity for their blessing or imbuing the brew with healing, strengthening intentions.
I recommend drinking hot and inhaling the steam to clear your airways. Stay healthy this change of seasons, lovelies!
[always do your own research regarding health benefits and allergens- your safety is most important]
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
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Chai anyone?😍 
(Recipes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
They got funded!  So cute, I can’t wait til the app comes out.
DRYP - an app that keeps your plants alive and happy
Hi Tumblr!
I know I’ve been gone for a while.
In part it’s because I’ve been working on an app!
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I keep a lot of plants. I think everyone should!
- They clean your air - They give you something to name - They give you something to take care of - They teach you about care, needs, and resources - They make you look like you’re good at decorating
Here are some of mine:
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But some people, because they’re overwhelmed or simply can’t figure out how to start, think that plants are out of their reach.
DRYP is for newcomers and experts.
It reminds you when to water
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And it helps you fix what’s broken
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If you think the world would be better with this app in it, please consider contributing to the Kickstarter!
I’ve tried to make it worth your while:
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Again here’s the link to contribute:
DRYP - an app that keeps your plants alive and happy
And if you like me / if you like my idea, please signal boost!
@drypforplants on Twitter and instagram
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
whenever possible, make a meal from scratch.
there’s something so rewarding and intimate about washing and peeling vegetables; cooking and seasoning food to your desire. the act of preparing something, and sitting down to enjoy its warmth is so satisfying. you started with basics, and built up this nourishing gift for your body. treasure it.
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
Common Kitchen Herbs 🌱
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Not every witch has access to metaphysical shops that sell specialty herbs, or herbs you can’t find in your local grocery store, so here is a list of common herbs and spices that you can easily access, or that you may already have! 
Aside from obtaining these herbs and spices individually, look for bottles of poultry or beef seasoning, and other seasoning blends (Cajun, Italian, etc.) - they usually contain a variety of these herbs in one convenient container. 
Allspice - prosperity, luck, healing, energy
Anise Seed - protection, happiness, enhanced psychic ability, cleansing, warding off nightmares and disturbing dreams
Basil -  love, banishing, wealth, success, sympathy, protection; dispelling confusion, fears, and weakness
Bay Leaf - wishes, protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing, inducing prophetic dreams, enhanced psychic ability
Black Pepper - protection, banishing, cursing
Chamomile - peace, relaxation, restful sleep, love, healing, luck, prosperity, removing curses or negating spells
Chili Powder - love, fidelity, cursing, removing curses or negating spells
Cinnamon - success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, prosperity
Cloves - protection, love, prosperity, banishing, friendship, stopping gossip
Cumin - love, fidelity, protection, banishing, preventing theft
Dill - prosperity, protection, luck, lust
Fennel - strength, vitality, sexual virility; prevents curses and wards off negative energy
Garlic Powder & Garlic Salt - healing, protection, banishing, cleansing, purification
Ginger - sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, success, health, protection, new experiences and adventures
Mace - concentration, focus, self-discipline, studying
Marjoram - cleansing, purification, dispelling negative energy, protection, love, wealth, revealing the truth through dreams, overcoming sadness and grief
Mustard Seed - courage, endurance, preventing physical injury, luck, success
Nutmeg - prosperity, luck, protection, intellect, removing curses
Onion Powder & Onion Salt - prosperity, stability, endurance, protection, breaking bad habits, cleansing
Oregano - happiness, strength, energy, vitality 
Paprika - energy
Red Pepper - energy, banishing, cursing
Rosemary - healing, love, lust, improved memory, dispelling negative energy, cleansing, warding off nightmares
Sage - cleansing, purification, wisdom, healing, dispelling negative energy, wishes, overcoming grief and loss
Sea Salt - cleansing, purification, banishing, protection
Sesame Seed - prosperity, lust, passion
Tarragon - healing, compassion
Thyme - loyalty, affection, strength, courage, banishing, cleansing, healing, luck, prosperity, restful sleep, warding off nightmares
Turmeric - cleansing, purification
Common spice brands include: 
Mrs. Dash
Old Bay
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
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8 vegetables that you can regrow again and again.
You can regrow scallions by leaving an inch attached to the roots and place them in a small glass with a little water in a well-lit room.
When garlic begins to sprout, you can put them in a glass with a little water and grow garlic sprouts. The sprouts have a mild flavor than garlic and can be added to salads, pasta and other dishes.
Bok Choy
Bok choy can be regrown by placing the root end in water in a well-lit area. In 1-2 weeks , you can transplant it to a pot with soil and grow a full new head.
Put carrot tops in a dish with a little water. Set the dish in a well-lit room or a window sill.  You’ll have carrot tops to use in salads. 
Put clippings from basil with 3 to 4-inch stems in a glass of water and place it in direct sunlight. When the roots are about 2 inches long, plant them in pots to and in time it will grow a full basil plant.
Cut off the base of the celery and place it in a saucer or shallow bowl of warm water in the sun. Leaves will begin to thicken and grow in the middle of the base, then transfer the celery to soil. 
Romaine Lettuce
Put romaine lettuce stumps in a ½ inch of water. Re-water to keep water level at ½ inch. After a few days, roots and new leaves will appear and you can transplant it into soil.
The stems of cilantro will grown when placed in a glass of water. Once the roots are long enough, plant them in a pot in a well-lit room. You will have a full plant in a few months.
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
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Easily Paleo-ified with some tweaks to the stir-fry sauce.
Love healthy food & fitness? Follow Awesome Fitness Recipes on Instagram
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
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just go enjoy your life, 
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
Anti-insomnia tea🍵
I’ve been having some trouble getting to sleep lately, so here’s one of the late night concoctions I’ve used to get me ready for bed
valerian root
(lemon balm or lemon juice can be used as a substitute for lemongrass, whatever you have on hand!)
brew it however you’d like, I use empty tea filter bags, but there’s no shame in making your tea completely loose leaf
🌙health benefits
A good nights sleep is extremely necessary for you to be at your functional peak. Getting optimal sleep time in makes you way more alert, coordinated, happy and clear minded than you would be without it. It’s also is useful for loosing weight, reducing stress and decreasing risk of illness (both mental and physical)
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
tasks for the tired witch
I am always stuck trying to balance my professional life and my magickal one, which seems to stress me out WAY more than it should, but I’ve recently discovered that you don’t have to do anything huge for it to be magickal. 
If you want to do something witchy but just don’t have the energy, here’s a few things you can try that either take little effort or that you probably would have been doing anyway:
take a bath or shower - dedicate it to washing the stress and negativity of the day away
eat food - ground and recharge yourself
if you feel like cooking - charge your ingredients before adding them to the mix 
light a candle, incense, or plug in your wax warmer - let the scent help keep your space cleansed and free of negative energy while you sit there and chill 
meditate - turn on some relaxing music and just close your eyes for a while 
and lastly, get some sleep! 
feel free to reblog and add your own suggestions c:
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
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Funny way to find out which plant you might like to buy.
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
Basic ideas for kitchen witchery
These are not recipes, but ideas - what meal could serve what purpose. They are simple, so you either should have your own recipes for them, or find them on the internet easy enough. 
Happy cooking!
chili (cayenne pepper, black pepper, chili - generally spicy things)
lemon-infused water (lemon is a repellant, and water is uncrossable for some entities)
sugarfree coffee with cinnamon (coffee and cinnamon are both banishing ingredients)
curry (cayenne pepper, black pepper, chili - generally spicy things)
caprese salad (basil, tomatoes)
margarita pizza (basil, tomatoes)
apple pie (apples)
corn-on-a-cob (corn)
mint tea (mint)
herb soup (rosemary, basil, mint, thyme, bay leaf…)
apple pie (apples)
golden milk (milk and turmeric)
elderflower tea (elderflower)
mint tea (mint)
onion syrup (onion and honey)
chamomile tea (chamomile)
lemon-infused water (lemon)
ginger tea (ginger)
nettle soup (nettle)
pumpkin soup (pumpkin)
pumpkin cookies or bread (pumpkin)
curry (turmeric, garlic, onion)
cinnamon rolls (cinnamon)
orange juice (orange)
chamomile tea (chamomile)
corn-on-a-cob (corn)
pineapple juice (pineapple)
poppyseed buns or bread (poppy)
orange juice (orange)
honeyed tea (honey)
mint tea (mint)
lemon-infused water (lemon)
vanilla-flavoured ice cream (vanilla)
sunflower seed buns or bread (sunflower)
sugar cookies (sugar)
lemon balm tea (lemon balm)
lavender-infused water (lavender)
cucumber-infused water (cucumber)
vanilla-flavoured ice cream (vanilla)
milk with honey (milk and honey)
apple pie (apple)
pumpkin soup (pumpkin)
pumpkin cookies or bread (pumpkin)
chocolate chip cookies (chocolate) 
sandwich - any (bread)
fried rice (rice)
curry (rice)
fries (potatoes)
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
🍫Blues Brownies🍫
These are my go to brownies when I’m feeling down in the dumps. I’ve been feeling especially sad since tumblr deleted my original blog so I pretty much jumped on making these! I hope they can bring warmth and comfort into someone else’s life as well. Enjoy! ☺️❤️
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•6 tablespoons coconut oil(love, sweetness)
•½ cup of almond flour(stability, grounding)
•¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder(love)
•½ teaspoon salt(cleansing, healing)
•6 ounces dark chocolate chips(love, grounding)
•¾ cup sugar(sweetness, joy)
•1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract(happiness, love)
•3 large eggs, room temperature(completion of a cycle)
•½ cup of peanut butter(protection, healing)
•Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
•Butter a 8x8 pan(or line with parchment paper)
•Pour the oil, sugar and cocoa powder and mix with a spatula until smooth. If you mix it clockwise it’ll instill extra energy. ✨
•Add the salt and vanilla. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing in between each addition.
•Add the gluten free flour blend and mix well. The batter will be thick. Mix in your chocolate chips now, if you want to thicken the batter up more add 1 tbsp of flour at a time!
•Use a sturdy spatula to spread batter in the prepared 8x8 pan. Dollop your peanut butter randomly on top of your batter and swirl it into the batter with a toothpick or butter knife.
•Bake for 30-35 minutes until toothpick inserted comes out with a few crumbs and no wet batter.
•Let cool, then cut into desired brownie size! Or just eat the whole pan 🤣
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
🧼Witchy Soap Making🛁
Hello Witches! So awhile ago i posted some pictures of my Yule soaps cooling and a bunch of yall wanted to know my methods so here ya go! (This is going to be a longggg post guys and im on mobile so no page breaks sorry.)
First thing you will need to do is choose your soap base. I use glycerin because it draws moisture into itself (which is great for locking moisture into your skin. Also it lathers BEAUTIFULLY for shaving) and because lye based soaps are a bit too chemically intense for me.
Glycerin melt and pour soap bases are widely available online (read Amazon😍) and come in a wide variety. You have shea butter glycerin soap, goats milk glycerin soap, honey glycerin soap, and soooo many more. I usually use goats milk glycerin BUT if you want to witch it up you can certainly use your own correspondences.
Next choosing scents. I use essential oils in my soaps (which if you havent read the posts that circulate every now and then you should use SPARINGLY and properly diluted. A teaspoon of rosemary oil in a pound of soup is alright. But be careful for skin reactants and please dont burn yourself). However when properly diluted, essential oils really add a lovely scent to your soaps that can last on the skin for hoursss.
(Side note: NOW is my favorite brand and ive never had any issues with them. I have with other brands though. Be sure to pick a good quality brand that doesn’t contain alcohol or other questionable ingredients.)
When choosing scents, there are a few things to keep in mind (which you can find pretty easily as perfumers basics online). You want three types of oils in your mixings to create a signature scent^tm. A base note, a middle note, and a top note. Base notes generally consist of your woodsy patchoulis, cederwoods, cloves and the like. Mid notes would be more citrusy or a little lighter in nature like your lavenders, oranges and lemongrasses. And for top notes these are usually more floral like jasmine, ylang ylang and lemon verbena.
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The purpose of combining scents like this, is because the top notes are what you first smell from the scent, but are also what evaporate most quickly, then the mid notes and so on.
Some of my favorite combos are (for two pound at a time pours)
4 tsp Vanilla Essential oil
1 tsp Orange Essential Oil
¼ tsp Clove Essential oil
1 tsp Patchouli Essential Oil
2 tsp Lavender Essential oil
2 tsp Vanilla Essential oil
(I like vanilla okay?)
1 tsp Orange Essential oil
2 tsp Tangerine Essential oil
1 tsp Bergamot Essential oil
(This one doesnt have all of the notes, but it smells sooo refreshing)
If the scents arent strong enough, you can always add a little more. When diluted in two pounds of soap a little more wont hurt.
The last element of your soap is mostly for visual purposes, though you can certainly make it witchy, and includes things like coloring, flowers and salts. One of my more recent soaps pictured here
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Is orange because of the tumeric i used while mixing the soap (this is the tangerine orange soap). However, mica powders and edible glitters can also be added for an extra punch. The soap above it included crushed lavender flowers (the lavender patchouli soap) and the one above that (mens shaving soap) sodium sodium bentonite clay.
Alright so now you know what kind of soap base youre using and have picked your scents and inclusions, you are ready to begin!
You will need a double boiler OR a pot large enough for a large metal bowl to melt your soap in.
Your soap (i use about two pounds) cut up in smaller cubes for ease of melting.
A spatula to stir with.
A whisk or fork.
Your essential oils.
Your inclusions.
A mold. (I use the disposable tin bread pans a lot of the time and they work just fine.)
Something to cut your soap. (This can be a knife or a special tool its up to you)
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First things first on about medium heat, heat your water to begin melting your soap. DO NOT GET WATER IN YOUR SOAP. A glycerin soap pour can be ruined by water faster than you can say quidditch.
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While thats melting, youre going to want to prepare your inclusions. Pictured here is blue mica powder and pink Himalayan salt. I like to mix it with a morter and pestle to be sure everything is completely incorporated.
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Now after your soup is evenly melted, you’ll want to add in your powders and whisk it together well in order to avoid lumps. (Think pancake batter. Below is the example with the blue mica powder and Himalayan salt.
After this step, you’ll want to remove your mixture from the heat and allow it to cool off before adding in your essential oils. If the oils are added too quickly, the scents will burn off and you’ll be left with scentless albeit colorful soap.
Once this is done and your soap is wafting tempting notes of citrus or warm spicy cloves in your face, pour the soap into your molds. As you can see from the molds pictured now is the time to add flowers or other (skin and plumbing safe) decorations. If topping your soap with salt i would wait until a thin film starts to form so it stays on top better.
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After this step is done, youll need to wait for the soaps to completely firm and set. Depending on the thickness of your soap, this could be anywhere from a few hours to overnight. I usually wait overnight so that i can be sure everything is set enough to cut. (Side note as with candles, soap should not be cooled in the refrigerator. Firstly because it can cause uneven cooling and a large hollow hole in the middle and secondly because when the soap comes out and begins to sweat it can ruin your soap batch.)
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After you’ve let your soap set, its time to cut it into bath soap size slices; about an inch to an inch and a half is usually a good bet depending on how thick your soap is. Pictured is above mentioned fancy cutting tool, but you can just as easily use a good knife, just watch out for fingers.
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And there you have your finished product!! I like to wrap my soaps in seran or plastic wrap to help keep the scents fresh, but wax paper would probably work as well.
I hope you all enjoy your soaps lovelies and if you do make any please tag me so i can see! 🌻
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survivingthemoveout · 6 years ago
there’s a reason your cat complains about half-full bowl
I am a bit tired of seeing posts on Tumblr making fun of cats who act hungry even when their bowl is almost full. Those are funny and good-natured posts, but every cat guardian should realize that cats, just like people, don’t generally do anything unless they have to (or have a good reason to).
One of the reasons might be that it’s just…..hard to get all the food out? Especially if the sides of the bowl are near vertical. Like, think about how would you get food from the “corners” of a bowl with steep sides if you had to do it with your mouth? Like, your chin is….in the way… And the smaller the bowl is, the more food ends up in those “corners”. Yesterday I watched a cat trying to eat food beyond the center of the bowl for like 5 minutes, and failing miserably (albeit hilariously).
But there’s something else I want to talk about.
Another reason your cat might not be getting all the food from the bowl is something that’s usually called “whisker fatigue” or “whisker stress”. Here’s a quote from PetMD:
You can think of whisker fatigue as an information overload that stresses out your cat. Because whisker hairs are so sensitive, every time your cat comes into contact with an object or detects movement, even a small change in air current or a slight brush against her face, messages are transmitted from those sensory organs at the base of her whiskers to her brain[..]. That barrage of “messages” could stress out your cat, eventually causing what some people call whisker fatigue.
So basically if your cat’s whiskers have to be constantly touching the bowl for her to get all the food out, it might be a little like looking at your uncle’s internet explorer: pop-ups everywhere!
This also might be a reason why your cat takes food out of the bowl and drops it on the floor to eat.
Not all cats experience this, but some cats are definitely helped by giving them a flat dish. 
There’s a cat, Julie, at the shelter where I work, who would literally show signs of pain when getting her kibble from a regular bowl. If she ate at all, she would eat very slowly, sometimes taking every kibble out of the bowl with her paw, and then eating it from the floor. It stopped completely when I switched her to a flat bowl. My own cat used to take her wet food out of the bowl, throw on the floor, and then eat from the floor, which of course resulted in huge mess (wet food…on the floor…). Again, she stopped when I got her a flat dish.
There are special dishes sold on amazon (search for “flat cat bowl” or “whisker stress bowl”), but it can also be, like, a plate. 
Every “weird" cat behavior has a reason. 
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