surjeetsworld · 3 years
To break the illusion of Hindu religious preachers that the one who dies in Magahar becomes a donkey in next life and the one who dies in Kashi goes to heaven, Kabir God, went to Satlok along with his body and in place of his body, fragrant flowers were found on the sheet
tahaan vahaan chaadari phool bichhaaye, sijya chhaandee padahi samaaye.
do chaadar dahoon deen uthaavain, taake madhy kabeer na paavain
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
Kabir Ji is the Eternal God.
Call him God or Ram or Rahim Kareem or Kabir
This is the divine, who lived in the home of a weaver in Kash and ascended back in his
physically form from Maghar, and then from time to time he come to meet their beloved souls and take them to Satlok and impart his true knowledge, that beloved soul of God is called a saint and lifelong God sings glory to the God.
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
To break the illusion of Hindu religious preachers that the one who dies in Magahar becomes a donkey in next life and the one who dies in Kashi goes to heaven, Kabir God, went to Satlok along with his body and in place of his body, fragrant flowers were found on the sheet
tahaan vahaan chaadari phool bichhaaye, sijya chhaandee padahi samaaye.
do chaadar dahoon deen uthaavain, taake madhy kabeer na paavain
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
Ram Krishna and all incarnations were born from a mother's womb.
Complete God Kabir Saheb is free from the bondage of Birth-death. He finishes the disease of Birth-death by providing true worship to His disciples. Therefore, He is called Bandichod.
Garib, anant koti Brahmand mein, Bandichod kahay |
So to ek Kabir hai, Jan-ni jane na maaye ||
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
People believe Kabir Ji was born as infant.
Kabir Sagar Chapter "Agam Nigam Bodh" page 41 God Kabir told Gorakhnath that I am not born. I was found by Neeru-Neema on a Lotus flower in Lehartara pond in Kaashi as infant.
Na mera Janam na Garbh basera, balak ban dikhlaya |
Kaashi nagar Jal Kamal par dera, tahan Julahe ne payaa ||
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
Miracle of God
An unsuccessful attempt to kill Kabir Saheb by immersing him in the Ganges river.
After tying up His hands and feet He was put in the Ganges, but the Almighty Kabir sat comfortably on the water. When Kabir Sahib did not sink, bullets and cannons were showered on Him for four hours. Everyone threw stones at their Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. But there was no harm to God Kabir Saheb. Then Kabir Saheb disappeared from there and appeared in His hut.
No one is capable to kill Kabir Saheb because he is the Almighty God.
Jagat Guru Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the true spiritual leader
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
To kill Kabir ji, he was tied in front of the dreaded elephant.
But the imperishable Kabir showed a lion to the elephant. Due to which the elephant ran away in fear.
People cheered Kabir Saheb Ji.
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
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'शेख तकी द्वारा कबीर साहेब को गहरे कुए में डालना
शेख तकी ने कबीर साहेब को बांध कर गहरे कुंए में डल दिया, ऊपर से मिट्टी, ईट और पत्थर से 150 फुट कुए को पूरा भर दिया। फिर शेख तकी सिकंदर राजा के पास गया वहां जाकर देखा तो कबीर परमेश्वर पहले से ही विराजमान थे।
Brutalities on God Kabir
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
Putting Kabir Saheb in a pan of mustard oil.
Shekhtaki told Kabir Parmeshwar to sit in the boiling oil. Kabir Saheb was sitting as if the oil was not hot, Sikandar Badshah put his finger to test the temperature of oil, consequently his finger got burnt and he fell down because of severe pain. But nothing happened to Kabir Parmeshwar ji because he is the imperishable God.
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
कबीर परमात्मा के चमत्कार 'सिकंदर लोधी बादशाह के जलन का असाध्य रोग ठीक करना कबीर परमेश्वर जी ने दिल्ली के बादशाह सिकंदर लोधी के जलन का असाध्य रोग आशीर्वाद मात्र से ठीक कर दिया।
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
जगन्नाथ पुरी में एक रामसहाय पाण्डा खिचड़ी का प्रसाद उतार रहा था। गर्म खिचड़ी उसके पैर पर गिर गई। उस समय कबीर जी अपने कमंडल से बर्फ जैसा जल रामसहाय पाण्डा के पैर पर डाला। उसके तुरंत बाद राहत मिलते ही पैर ठीक हो गया।
पग ऊपरी जल डालकर, हो गये खड़े कबीर।
"गरीबदास पंडा जरया, तहां परया योह नीर।।
जगन्नाथ जगदीश का,
जरत बुझाया पंड।
गरीबदास हर हर करत, मिट्या कलप सब दंड।।"
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
To abase God Kabir, The Shekhtaki Muslim Pir wrote the false invitation letters of 3 days feast in the name of Kabir Saheb that Kabir Ji is organizing 3 days feast, you all are invited please come.
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Everyone will get one Mohur (10 gm gold coin) and one Dohur (very costly blanket) after each meal. Kabir Saheb gave feast of 3 days and lakhs of people became their disciples.
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
In "Kabir Sagar"On page 136, 137 of the Kabir vaani, it is written,
"Barhawe panth prakat hoy ujiyara"
It is a cult of Saint Garibdas ji who spoke glory and real knowledge of God Kabir Ji after the meeting which brought some light to the glory of God Kabir.
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
Lord Vishnu, who is Satoguna (Sattva) and considered to be the almighty God of Hinduism, is also in the cycle of birth and death. In the third skand of Shri Devi Bhagwat Maha Purana, Shri Vishnu believes: -
"I (Vishnu), Brahma and Shankar exist by your grace. We are born (avirbhava) and die (tirobhava). We are not eternal (immortal). You are the eternal, the world's mother, mother nature, and the eternal Goddess.
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
Kabir Parmeshwar told Dharmadas ji that Kaal will run 12 cults in my name in Kaliyuga, all the 12 cults will sing my glory but they will not be able to go to Satlok because they will not have Sat Mantra to give. When kaliyug will pass 5505, then I will come to give Sat Mantra, Dharmadas. After ending all the panths, I will run a cult in which who will take name initiation will not come in birth and death.
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
Hindu Turak ke beech mein mera naam Kabir
Jeev muktwan kaarne Abigat dhara shareer |
Meaning: My name is Kabir amongst Hindus and Muslims. I have acquired body to liberate ignorants from Committing sin and immorality.
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surjeetsworld · 3 years
ऋग्वेद मण्डल 9 सूक्त 96 मंत्र 17 से 20 में स्पष्ट है कि
पूर्ण परमात्मा कविर्देव (कबीर परमेश्वर) शिशु रुप धारण करके प्रकट होता है तथा अपना निर्मल ज्ञान अर्थात तत्वज्ञान कबीर वाणी के द्वारा अ अनुयायियों को बोल-बोल कर वर्णन करता है। वह कविर्देव ब्रह्म के धाम तथा परब्रह्म के धाम से भिन्न जो पूर्ण ब्रह्म का तीसरा ऋतधाम (सतलोक) है, उसमें आकार में विराजमान है तथा सतलोक से चौथा अनामी लोक है, उसमें भी यही कविर्देव अनामी पुरुष रुप में मनुष्य सदृश आकार में विराजमान है।
जगतगुरु रामपाल जी महाराज
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