Family Movie Night
Our family loves movie night and nothing enhances movie night quite like a projector. The ability to take the movie out to the back yard or project onto an entire wall is a fantastic bonus. (more…)

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5 Tips for Sellers Who Need to Sell In a Post-COVID World
5 Tips for Sellers Who Need to Sell In a Post-COVID World
This year continues to be one for the history books, life still must go on. People have had to figure out how to deal with the pandemic and many businesses have had to change their business practices. For example, real estate agents have had to make changes regarding how they help clients buy and sell property.
If you’re in a position where you have to sell your home, here are a few tips to ge…
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Men in Black is Back
Men in Black is Back, Plus the Coolest Plush You'll Ever See! @Budsies @Meninblack #MIB #MenInBlack #Budsies #AD
Men In Black International is now available on Blu-Ray and Sony has teamed up with Budsiesto help spread the word. I was sent the following promotional material for free to help out. I’m sure you’re all familiar with the Men in Black: the black suit wearing, mind erasing, alien fighting, secret group that protects the Earth from the scum of the universe, but you might not have heard of Budsies.
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My Favorite New Accessory
My Favorite New Accessory
When I was in 1st grade I got my first watch. It was a rather plane white watch with a basic face. I was probably the only 1st grader in school that was wearing a watch and probably the only one who could even tell time. But I was hooked and I’ve had an affinity for watches ever since. I’ve grown to really appreciate great watches.
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The Kindness of Strangers
The Kindness of Strangers #vacation #family #kindness
We got chance to have a little get away. So we packed up the car and headed to North Carolina for a little skiing before the season ended. I used to be an avid snowboarder but I haven’t been on a slope since our first kid was born more than 9 years ago.
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Buying A House On A Budget
Buying A House On A Budget
Deciding to purchase a home for sale in Florida is a big deal. Oftentimes, it is a substantial financial decision with lasting consequences. With the median cost of homes in Florida being $289,900, it’s not outrageous to come to the conclusion that you’ll have to break the bank in order to receive a pair of keys to your new home. But you don’t have to! (more…)
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How a Simple Teething Necklace Became My Saving Grace
How a Simple Teething Necklace Became My Saving Grace
When I became a stay at home dad I was sure that I would have a better go at it than my wife did. I thought that 90% of what my wife’s job was sitting on the couch, telling the kids to play nice, and scrolling through endless amounts of pointless social media posts until right before I came home. In which at that time she would tidy up a bit.
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Six Essential Factors to Consider when Looking for an Audio Interface for Music Recording or Podcasting
The Audio interface is regarded as the nucleus of any home based recording studio on computer and it is crucially essential to come up with the proper selection so you can obtain the most effective outputs since an improper choice will restrict you in what you are eyeing to obtain with your kind of music. (more…)
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Pest control: Here’s what you need to know
Pests, be it indoors or be it in the farms, they can cause us many problems. From damaging our harvest to destroying our furniture or carrying deadly diseases, pests are notorious for the cost they can add to our living. However, with some very simple techniques, we can control their occurrence and hence aid to our own healthy and sound living. (more…)
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A Keyboarding Program That Can Help Kids Advance their Typing Skills
There are numerous keyboarding programs that you will find designed to help children improve on their keyboarding or typing skills. You should be able to find such keyboarding programs free on the internet but there are also others that need to be paid for. A good keyboarding program that may help your child learn and get skilled at typing is the Type Type Revolution game by Crazy Monkey.com. (mo…
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Choosing a Baby Bouncer
A baby bouncer is excellent to add to a baby’s equipment. This piece of equipment is ideal for use from the first day of your infant’s life. Furthermore, a baby bouncer is useful in the early days as a secure place to rest your infant you take a bath or get something to eat. In this way, you are sure that your baby is safe every second you want to do something. If you are planning to get on soon,…
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Top 5 Florida Cities Where Mosquitoes Are Most Prevalent
Top 5 Florida Cities Where Mosquitoes Are Most Prevalent
The mosquito is often jokingly referred to as Florida’s state bird. Those pesky insects love the tropical and humid conditions in the state. Female mosquitoes are the ones that love to suck on human blood, but only for breeding purposes. The male mosquito prefers plant nectar. Controlling the mosquito population might seem like a battle that can’t be won, but there are things you can do to reduce…
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Prosthetics, Planning, and Parenthood
Having a baby poses challenges for all new parents, but those with disabilities are often at a disadvantage on many levels. Physical impairments can make it difficult to prepare for parenthood. But it isn’t impossible. Here, we’ll share a few resources to help you prepare for your bundle of joy, no matter how many arms you may have to hold him. (more…)
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Do Your Child Right With A Safety Helmet
Do Your Child Right With A Safety Helmet
As a parent, it is vital for you to keep your child safe. When it comes to bike riding, bike helmet safety is essential. There are a few rules that you should keep in mind when it comes to buying a safe helmet for your child. (more…)
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Playing Cornhole with your Family Can be Great Fun
Playing Cornhole with your Family Can be Great Fun
Cornhole, the game of tossing a beanbag into a hole on a smooth board, is a fun outdoor game. Families across the country play it in their backyards, on camping trips and picnics. It is easy to transport and easy to learn, which makes it a fun family game for all ages.
It’s Easy to Learn
While there is an American Cornhole Association with rules on how to play, the basic premise is…
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Fun Halloween Activities for Kids
Fun Halloween Activities for Kids

Halloween can be a time for fun and candy as well as scary things like ghosts, witches, and goblins. Children can dress up as anyone or anything they like and go trick-or-treating. You want your children to have fun and be safe during this particular time of the year. (more…)
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Technology for the Win
I’m always looking for ways to save my family money. Fortunately, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) is always looking for ways to help their customers save money. We live in a wonderful age where technology has integrated itself into our lives. As it turns out, this technology can help us save money. (more…)
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