sunlightsystemside · 2 months
Still loving your headmates while still not wanting DID can absolutely co-exist btw
Someone had the nerves to accuse our co-host of romanticizing DID all bc he vented about not wanting DID while still mentioning he still loves us despite it bc he didn't want us to see it and feel like we were hated
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
I love orange too! It looks so nice in most things! I just love colours in nature and I think green in nature is beautiful and orange is too, like in sunsets, flowers and trees!
There’s so much hate in the world and syscourse is exhausting
Tell me your favorite color!
Surprisingly it's blue lmao
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
If I can join in, mine is green!
There’s so much hate in the world and syscourse is exhausting
Tell me your favorite color!
Surprisingly it's blue lmao
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
Just saw a post saying anti-endos were just hosts that hate their systems and see them as parasites
Hi! I hate endos! I am NOT host of this system! I love all my headmates regardless of their role because they all help us! Our host Theo loves us! He is very friendly and we all work together in our daily life! The only time we refer eachother as “parasites” is when we are making jokes. All my headmates are important to this system and they deserve love and respect!
How I feel about our system and my headmates has absolutely nothing to do with my disliking for endos. I dislike endos because they are ableist, misguide actual systems into believing their trauma wasn’t enough, and making it harder for me, as an actual system, to be accepted by those surrounding me.
Endos have done nothing but make my life harder and harass me. my headmates help me and care for me
Hope this helps!
(PRO)ENDOS DNI WITH THIS POST. If I get any endos interacting with me it will literally only prove my point further 😭 I do not have the energy to argue
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
Is 17 considered a small system?
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
Lol, why do endos assume that if they are confirmed to exist that makes their community any less harmful? Like your community is still toxic as fuck bro, stop invading trauma survivors spaces and using our terms, if you really wanted to claim you weren't trying to be equated with us then you'd separate yourselves entirely from us because our experiences are very different, but you don't because you don't give a shit about the harm you cause.
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
Can anyone who is anti endo reblog this so we know we can trust you? Endos are harassing us on here, breaking dni and we need support from real systems and people who actually give a shit about trauma survivors singlet or not.
I also wanna take this opportunity to coin a new anti endo tag "wild rose" which is the rebel password in final fantasy 2.
Please note we are not looking for sorce mates. Please be nice to us, we have had a rough couple of days with endos invading our space without permission.
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(Please follow this dni too.)
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
Having good days when you're mentally ill is like whiplash. I wrote a letter a while back about the way my trauma has affected me and reading back on it, it's really sad and awful, I never realized how sad my existence sounds to an outsider who doesn't experience it daily, to me it's just normal. Having a good day or just a good day dispite my mental illness gives me courage that I will one day feel this way every day and that seldom will having day like this make me doubt myself and whether my experience and symptoms are real just because I had a single good day INSPITE of my symptoms not without them because I learn technique to cope and manage my symptoms. That's why, not because I'm lying to myself and not because my trauma didn't happen.
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
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I found this looking for source mates and I can’t believe that I even have to say this, but you cannot buy or trade alters that is not how this disorder fucking works. Alters form when you are going under some kind of stress or if you remember something traumatic or even if you were going through something traumatic, you cannot buy or trade them. We hate endogenic systems so much for this and for things but endos genuinely make this horrible debilitating disorder look fun and quirky when it’s fucking not this is very reason why people don’t take actual systems seriously. DID and OSDD our trauma based disorders if you do not have trauma, you do not have DID or OSDD you’re probably going through psychosis and I’m not trying to be mean but that is just the facts- Randy
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
being an endo is some of the most white ppl shit I've ever heard 💀
wdym you're so privileged with spare time and energy that you roleplay being disabled to get chronically online social credit
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
This is the exact reason why my fictive part separated himself entirely from his source and does not like to talk about his source. Even my other fictive part that does still feel a bit more attached to her source doesn't really talk about it to people who aren't super close to her.
we have a ___ fictive in our system
our headmate is not a character, the alters in our system are very much real people who mostly don’t associate themselves with their sources.
don’t be weird towards fictives just because you like their source it’s really uncomfortable
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
a llittle reminder for endos❤
the future is not plural
DiD is a TRAUMA based disorder
Your guys keep spreading miss information
The syspunk is not made for you
You can't be a system without trauma
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
Not only brain, but body too. Yeah no shit we sound the same, vocal cords can only change so much.
“You can’t be a system!! You and ___ both do this!!!”
We still share a brain.
“You and ____ LOVEEE this!!”
We still share a brain.
“You and ____ talk very similarly!!!”
We still share a brain.
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sunlightsystemside · 2 months
“You can’t be a system!! You and ___ both do this!!!”
We still share a brain.
“You and ____ LOVEEE this!!”
We still share a brain.
“You and ____ talk very similarly!!!”
We still share a brain.
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sunlightsystemside · 3 months
why cant endos stop invading traumagenic tags??
#system punk was made as a safe space for traumagenic systems, it just happens to be anti-endo.
you guys have #plural punk , please stop appropriating #system punk and invading trauma survivor spaces.
#System Punk is a space for trauma survivors that have DID or OSDD. Please stop invading trauma survivor spaces.
endos you arent doing anything, everyone just blocks you.
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