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What a rollercoaster the past 9 weeks have been. I'm exceptionally proud of my son becoming an #usafairman . We were blessed with friends and family coming up from FL to see him off for basic and then return to pet sit while we went to San Antonio. Ritchie's granny, girlfriend, Dad and I all got to see him graduate. Everyone has scattered to the four winds now, with mom leaving just a few hours ago, and hubby and I are truly empty nesters. Time for me to get back on track with crocheting with our big craft holidays coming on fast. Tomorrow though. Tonight I'm just a little sad and disconnected. . . . . . . . . #emptynest #bmtgraduation #usaftechschool #wingmom #warthogs321trs #backontracktomorrow #processyouremotions #afwingmom #usaf #craftfairprep #getittogether #chickamaugamade
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Just 16 little toe beans 馃惥 and we're done. Another WIP will be done and dusted. Catching up on my #stashbuster2022 goals before leaving next week to go to #lacklandafb for my son's #bmtgraduation. Go #warthogs321trs #bernatblanketyarn #yarnbeevelvetysmooth #koalateastitches . . . . . . . . #cheesecakethelovepuppy #crochetplushie #sweetpuppy #sleepypuppy #crochetpuppy #crochetwip #stashbusting #crochetgoals #crochetstuffedanimals #chenileyarn #wingmom #cuddlycrochet (at Chickamauga, Georgia)
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Finally finished the eyestalks on my snail. This is what my hook broke on 鈽癸笍. Onward though with my goal of finishing WIPs before going to Air Force graduation in Texas. My son will be graduating basic training. Next WIP on my list is a baby unicorn that needs a mane and tail. . . Last post seems to be shadow banned from hashtags. Not sure what's up with that. Fingers crossed that this post is ok. . . . . . #suncountrygirlcrochet #craftyintentions #crochetgiantsnail #craftyintentionssnail #newpattern #crochetingaddict #pastelyarn #caronsimplysoft #lionbrandicecreamyarn #airforcemom #smalltowncrafter #chickamaugamade (at Chickamauga, Georgia)
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Nooooooo! RIP size F Sent an email to Furls with fingers crossed. Never had one break on me before. Sorry snail, I was finally making the 4 little tubes for it's eyestalks. See May posts. I'm so careful with these hooks. I'm religious about putting them away in their individual cases every time I put them down. I've been terrified of a breakage, especially in the middle of a WIP. . . . . . . . . . . #brokencrochethook #sadcrafter #WIPsetback #furlsodysseyhooks #wellshit #IHadGoals #CrimpingMyStyle #NoHate #ShitHappens #IAmHopefulTheyWillMakeItRight. #smalltowncrafter #makersgonnamake #crochetaddict #crochetingformysanity
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#yarnlove2022 show or movie Favorite show is Grey's Anatomy. I've watched it since it's inception and binge watch the entire series at least once a year. #yarnlovechallenge #yanlove2022day4 #greysanatomy #todayisagooddaytosavelives #seatllegracy #seattlewashington #pacificnorthwest #ferryride #bingeable #bingeworthy #crochetandchill #drama #mcdreamy #mcsteamy
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Dual post for #stashbustjune22day2 and #yarnlove2022day2 My oldest yarn. I have a hank of alpaca yarn from #mylittledarlingalpaca of Chickamauga, GA. I never knew what to do with it and until recently didn't even know how to get it out of a hank. Ms. Darling sadly passed away this year. 馃槬. My favorite yarn. I've began working with merino wool lately. So far my favorite is Tosh DK superwash merino from Madeline Tosh. I'm discovering not all superwash merino or even DK are the same. I'd love to eventually find a local dyer to work with. #stashbustjune22 #yarnlove2022 #smalltowncrafter #supportlocal #handdyedyarn #yarndyer #chickamaugamade #georgiamade #chattanoogamade #yarnlove #yarnlife #fiberartist #handmadewithlove #crochetersofinstagram #crochetlifestyle #alpacayarn #supperwashmerinowool #merinowool
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#stashbuster2022 Why are you stash busting? I have patterns I've never tried and yarn that won't fit in my space. Time to work on what I have before getting more. I'd also like to incorporate more natural fiber in my work so must make room. #yarnlove2022 Start a WIP Here's the beginning of my Crafty Intentions' sea turtle. These are a few of the pieces for the shell. #suncountrygirlcrochet #craftyintentions #craftyintentionsseaturtle #yarnlove #makersgonnamake #yarnlife #amigurumiaddicted #amigurumilife #stashbusting #sealife #crochetturtle #patternhoarder #crochetchallenge #amigurumichallenge
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Hello June. New month, new goals, new beginnings, new things to do ---> but no new things to buy! I'm joining 2 challenges this month. #stashbuster2022 No new yarn or patterns for the month of June. I have a bunch of both so let's see how many patterns I can do this month. These will all be patterns I own but have not done. Thank you @bexcreatures for the inspiration. I did not buy any new patterns in prep for this month. I'll hit Megan up double in July, 馃槀. #yarnlove2022 hosted by @tlyarncrafts Let's see how many days and prompts I achieve this month. #makealong #crochetchallenge #crochetinspiration #gettingtoknowme #patternhoarder #yarnhoarder #CraftyIntentionsMakesMeDoIt #makersgonnamake#crochetgirlgang #amigurumiaddict #inspiredbycrocheters #inspiredbyartists #ThisMonthIBecomeAnAirForceMom #emptynest
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When you're waiting for your wings and makeup to dry. #amigurumay2022 prompts: try something new, bright colors, and mistakes. First time using paint. Few oops, but a touch-up with more paint should hide the majority. She still needs her jaw painted and added. She was so bright, yet poignant, that she inspired me to make her Day of the Dead themed. Creating the wings made me think of friends and family lost. My son's best friend in particular has been close to my heart lately. He should be graduating HS with my son on Thursday. Patterns:. @craftyintentions Autumn Pixie with skull. Wings from butterfly pattern. Monarch markings free hand crochet and paint. Poison apple @fayni_toys Hooks: #furlsodysseyhooks F and G Yarns:. #lionbrandanya merino in color party animal. #lionbrandbasicstitch in cayenne #rhss black and white Paint: #tulipslick #suncountrygirlcrochet #craftyintentions #craftyintentionsmashup #autumnpixie #dayofthedead #monarchbutterfly #amigurumiaddict #yarnaddict #crochetaddict #artistlife #makersgonnamake #crochetgirlgang #amigurumayday24 #amigurumiwip #crochetwip #wakeupandmakeup
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Thank you to all our armed forces. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. #airforcemom #thankyouforyourservice #armedforcesday #selflessservice #homeofthefreebecauseofthebrave #remebereveryonedeployed #militarymom #freedomisntfree
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#AmiguruMayDay12. Gift or sell? I've gifted a few of my makes, but I make with intent to sell. My space is small so making for myself is something I haven't done.....yet. #suncountrygirlcrochet #makersgonnamake #craftyintentions #craftyintentionsaddict #prettyyarn #wingedpony #crochetaddict #amigurumaychallenge #amigurumay2022 #finishedobject #smalltowncrafter #smallspaceissues #crochetersofinstagram #amigram #chickamaugamade
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#AmiguruMay day umm, well I missed a couple. Lol. This is my last finished amigurumi (day 9) and it brings me peace (day 11). Pattern: @craftyintentions #elementaldragon #elementalearthdragon Yarn: @madelinetosh #wiltedrose and @primroseyarnco #Cerignola Hook: @furlscrochet size E for the rose and size D for the green. Loved working with the Merino wools and adore how much depth of color my dragon has. Worked up to be 8" tall and 10" from foot to tail. #suncountrygirlcrochet #craftyintentions #amigurumay2022 #amigurumaychallenge #yarnaddict #handdyedyarn #handmade #crochetaddict #amigurumiaddict #kofishop #finishedobject #crochetgirlgang #fantasycrochet #chickamaugamade
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#amigurumaychallenge day 8. Story My badass black and purple sea serpent has bottle caps in it's head. I used bottle caps to create the sinker effect. I choose ones that are slightly bigger than the eyes, burn out a hold in the center, place the cap inside the work and push the post of the eye through the work and into the cap from the outside. Apply backing. I used a soldering iron to melt the posts to help secure the backing. Eyes: #darksideeyes Pattern : #craftyintentions #suncountrygirlcrochet #lifehacks #crochettips #amigurumay2022 #amigurumayday8 #DoesItCountAsAStory #crochetaddict #yarnaddict #amigurumiaddict #seaserpent
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#amigurumayday7. Pastel I'm more of a dark with pop of color kind of crafter. Anything not made with main color of black or brown is outside my comfort zone. I did recently do these 2 snails with spring in mind. Confession time:. I finished the spiral shell snail weeks ago, but hate making the tentacles so haven't done them yet 馃槅 Pattern #craftyintentionsgiantsnail Yarn #redheartsupersaver in black #lionbrandicecreamyarn double strand with #babybeesweetdelight on the black snail. Ice cream yarn only on the spiral shell. #caronsimplysoft in lavender blue for the poor tentacle-less slug. #suncountrygirlcrochet #smalltowncrafter #amigurumay2022 #amigurumaychallenge#gettingtoknowme #confessionofanartist #procrastination #YouCrochetAllThatButNotFourLittleTubes #amigurumilife #fiberartist #IKnowPuttingThingsOffIsDumb #crochetallthethings #exceptfortubes #makersgonnamake #exceptthat #okillstop (at Chickamauga, Georgia)
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#amigurumayday6 tools of the trade. Yarn:. Up until recently I exclusively used acrylic yarn. @stringsandstitchesyarnshoppe hooked me up with some hanks of hand dyed merino wool #madelinetoshyarn #sweetgeorgiayarns and #primroseyarnco . My Earth Dragon WIP is my first project using my merino stash. #MadelineToshdkWiltedRose Hooks:. I need ergonomic hooks or my fingers cramp. My favorite is my handmade #nelsonwoodcrochethooks Next is #furlsodysseyhooks I've been following some amazing polymer artist, but haven't been able to choose! Devices and Apps:. My #kindlefire is my go to device for reading digital patterns. The #xodoapp PDF reader let's me mark off as I go and saves my marks. I use the #crochetlandapp to keep notes such as type and amount of yarn, hook size, pattern link, WIP pictures, etc. You can track your time spent and create an estimate range of what to price your work at. Miscellaneous:. Sharp scissors (FOR YARN ONLY馃槀). Needles of all lengths. Hemostat clamps for pushing and pulling needles. Stitch markers #knitpicksstitchmarkers Swift and yarn winder. #suncountrygirlcrochet #amigurumay2022 #amigurumaychallenge #toolsofthetrade #amigurumiaddicted #crochetaddicted #ergonomiccrochethook #claycrochethook #resincrochethook #handturnedcrochethooks #yarnaddict #movingup #makersgonnamake #crochetlife (at Chickamauga, Georgia)
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#amigurumayday5 maker or designer Amigurumi wise, I'm a maker. Made my first Ami December a year ago, pattern by the amazing @craftyintentions . I have more patterns, Ami and graphghan, than I could ever workup in multiple lifetimes. #collectallthepatterns I do/did? design graphghan patterns. I was designing regularly and lost my webstore platform. Ravelry really isn't graphghan friendly (could've been me??) so couldn't post there. I have patterns on Etsy and I made customs for awhile and lost my mojo for it, plus my Ami skills started improving so these days I reach for a crochet hook more than I reach for the computer. There's over 100 graph patterns between my Etsy and my website. I'm sure the mood will strike again and I'll start designing again. Until then #makersgonnamake #suncountrygirldesigns #suncountrygirlcrochet #amigurumay2022 #amigurumaychallenge #crochetaddict #amigurumiaddict #graphghanpattern #pixelcrochet #makerordesigner #crojo #crochetinspiration #thankful #lifeisajourney #fiberartist #crochetgirlgang (at Chickamauga, Georgia)
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#amigurumayday4 Nature. I created this eagle from a mashup of several #craftyintentions patterns. My son has excelled in the JROTC program and has early enlisted into the USAF. I envisioned this patriotic eagle and was compelled to make it. I presented it last night to my son's commanders as a token for all they do for these kids. Meet the new mascot in the Ridgeland RO room! They placed him in the trophy case much to my son's delight. He'll be able to see it whenever he returns through the RAP program. . . . . . . . . #suncountrygirlcrochet #naturecrochet #patrioticcrochet #amigurumay2022 #amigurumay #jrotcmom #afwingmoms #teacherappreciation #makersgonnamake #crochetersofinstagram #chickamaugamade #crochetgirlgang #crochetgram #handmadewithlove #inspiredbycrocheters #crocheteagle #amigurumiaddict #makeallthethings #craftyintentionsmashup
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