suaraccex · 6 years
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All aboard the S.S Anne! Make sure you have your ticket, wouldn’t want to miss the show! ;)
Got a rip of the S.S Anne model as well as others and some areas, so now I have some background stuff to put the characters in! Hoping some more models get ripped/edited soon though, pretty limited in what I can do with these models tbh. The idea behind this animation came kind of spontaneously when I got a hold of the ship model, needless to say I think it turned out okay. I still need to play with rendering settings, sky settings etc. to get a good feel, but this will do for now.
Thinking of doing something with Sabrina soon, need to figure out what though :).
Higher Quality -
Angle 1: https://gfycat.com/inbornparchedbarebirdbat
Angle 2: https://gfycat.com/idleearnestgentoopenguin
Models are from models-resource.com Lorelei & Misty skin textures were edited by me (replaced Lorelei’s stockings with bare legs and erased some awkward shading from Misty’s skin) Rigging for Misty and Lorelei created by me
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suaraccex · 6 years
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So this is the Sabrina scene. This will be turned into an animation sometime soon (have the animation thought out), but I still need to mess around with textures, models etc. this is just the basis so far. The pose is not final, and contrary to popular belief, neither is the floating dick.
Anyone have any ideas on a pose, position, action, etc? Limited in what I can do with this model but I will do my best, try not to suggest things that are too crazy. 
I was thinking the floating dick could be something of a Psychic thing she has going on, like when she floats herself or her pokeballs.
After the Sabrina animation is done, I might either do something with Officer Jenny & Jessie, or move on to other models like One Piece, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts (0.2 models) while I wait for more rips of Pokemon Let’s Go.
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suaraccex · 6 years
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Who knew Sabrina had the power to summon someone’s body part at will! I guess she was a little bored in her bedroom, I wonder whose it is?  So this one took a bit longer than I expected, mostly because I was playing with some reflection/refraction stuff in Mental Ray and also had to figure out how to Batch Render without a license (Nvidia doesn’t sell them anymore) so I didn’t have to render 1 frame at a time. You can notice the reflection and refraction from the Mirror, floor, Sabrina’s left hand, windows, and the penis itself.  I think it turned out great considering what I had to work with. I’m not sure what’s next on the agenda, but for now I think maybe some more Pokemon stuff, or maybe some other models from Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts 0.2, Metal Gear etc. Let me now if there is anything you guys want to see! Doesn’t matter what character it is, I need some ideas :). As always, higher quality links are below. Angle 1 - https://gfycat.com/faintharmfuljohndory Angle 2 - https://gfycat.com/veneratedshinyjaeger Angle 3 - https://gfycat.com/forcefulclassicdeermouse Angle 4 - https://gfycat.com/colorlessacrobaticgonolek Sabrina from Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee - models-resource.com Sabrina rig and some texture edits by me Room is from Pokemon Sun/Moon - models-resource.com Penis is from smutba.se, rig for it was created by me
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suaraccex · 6 years
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Today I’m working on a little something with Misty and Lorelei again. This time on the S.S Anne. Misty’s getting her revenge ;).
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suaraccex · 6 years
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So this is my first ever animation and I thought that I would try doing something lewd with the new Pokemon Let’s Go models. This is done in Maya via Mental Ray Rendering (have to play with render quality settings). I’ll probably do more in the future, I think the models from Pokemon Let’s Go are pretty nice and easy to work with. Not sure if I’ll add any background stuff though as that takes up a lot of time. Time that could be spent on more animations ;).
That being said, I’m too lazy to try and create nude versions of these characters. For now I will await the day that someone else creates them!
Higher Quality -
Angle 1: https://gfycat.com/DampHardtofindBrownbutterfly
Angle 2: https://gfycat.com/MetallicBothBoilweevil
Models are from models-resource.com Lorelei skin texture was edited by me (replaced stockings with bare legs) Rigging for Misty and Lorelei created by me
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suaraccex · 6 years
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Pikachu teasing against the glass.
also an update at the bottom of the post.
Gfycat: https://gfycat.com/MajesticRegalBighornsheep
WebM: Rule34.xxx , Rule34.paheal , e621.net
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suaraccex · 6 years
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Rough/quick sketch comms
No color $18
Flat color $30
1 character Max
Whisper with details(character AND pose refs, color or no color)
Payment(if accepted) through Ko-fi link provided in below the stream
If Declined I will tell you so(at least until I’m full), don’t message me be back asking why.  The idea just didn’t work sorry. Might wanna try something new next time
One submission per stream
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suaraccex · 6 years
Futa Nanako by Marnic
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Little sketch Marnic did that I did a simple color job of. His original line art is in the link too.
Uncensored: https://imgur.com/a/bgGDuQD
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suaraccex · 6 years
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suaraccex · 6 years
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Full Resolution Image
Alternate Milky Edit
So this whole Bowsette meme… I mean its not like I put a certain princess in black with horns and a shell months ago. Come now, you’re all way behind.
But today I’m bringing the proper princess, not this gender bent Koopa trash, and since this craze has been so rife, I’ll give y’all the full resolution nsfw edits. Hope you like!
If you enjoy my artwork, please consider giving it a reblog - it helps me greatly! You could also come check out my Patreon! Thank you!
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suaraccex · 6 years
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My favorite character from “Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon”
Full video (720p)
Full video (1080p)
No preview today FeelsBadMan
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suaraccex · 6 years
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Rainbow Team Rocket. Happy Birthday to @desiccated-skitterleaf. Colored by Me. 
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suaraccex · 6 years
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[3DCG]Marie Hatsune Miku Nude
Nude version Here! Enjoy :3
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Go to https://www.patreon.com/xunian#/_=_
You can see all extra version & Hi-res File
▼Tumblr▼ http://xuniana.tumblr.com/
▼patreon▼ https://www.patreon.com/xunian#/_=_
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suaraccex · 6 years
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the short is released now. enjoy!
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suaraccex · 6 years
Favorite character you had work on?
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Princess peach
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suaraccex · 6 years
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Princess Daisy Paizuri animation
im not late to say *welcome on smash*
Gfycat \  Webm
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suaraccex · 6 years
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Commission Animations Pack #1
Oh my god I have finally done it!
Here is the first batch of Commission Animations that I have been working on the last two months on. More will follow this weekend or next week.
It took such a long time to have this released due to issues involving final exams, my part time job and several other obligations in my life and I apologize for taking so long. I hope it was worth the wait.
At any without further ado here are the goods:
Baron Of Hell x Dota Ladies Crystal Maiden & Drow Ranger
Here we have a bit of an unusual crossover between Doom and Dota but I think it turned out very well! Download it here: (MEGA)
Opala and Osira Getting Fucked
For this one I kinda made my own Opala Headhack model combining Bangfris Opala Model and Ehot611’s Dark Elf model. I think it turned out really well and I will definitely make more Opala stuff with this model! Download it here: (MEGA)
Farah X Nova
Continuing the trend of unusual Crossovers here we have Farah and Starcraft’s Nova having a bit of fun! Download it here: (MEGA)
Succubus Kerrigan & Anubis Vol.2: The Offering
Here is a bit of sequel to that other Succubus Kerrigan Animation I made earlier. Kerrigan impatiently awaiting a load of cum all over her from these godlike creatures! Download it here: (MEGA)
The Hero and The Sorceress
Here we have some good old fashioned action between our familiar green Hero and his dark sexy Sorceress! Download it here: (MEGA; Masked Version) (MEGA; Unmasked Version)
Modern Day Princess Whoring Out
Here we have our Modern Day Version of our beloved Princess pleasuring some Rich Fat Guy for money!
Download it here: (MEGA; Sandal Version) (MEGA; Barefoot Version)
The Hero and his Princesses
Here we have our Hero making sure to pleasure his beloved princesses! How nice of him to keep his ladies satisfied! Download it here: (MEGA) That is all for now folks, more Animations will follow as soon as possible! I will keep you guys more updated in the future! And again sorry for the long wait!
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