Okay. Fine. Let's be honest, the two are practically interchangeable.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

04/07/20 I thought I’d treat you all to an aesthetic quote today (and a further cheesy message down below - sorry in advance)
Day 3 of 100 days of productivity.
I achieved my goals today, but instead of posting about them, I’m going to use the post to motivate anyone who needs it. Read on if you want to :)
You can achieve whatever you want if you put your mind to it! Please, please don’t let your fear of failure stop you from going after your goals.
I don’t care if it’s going to take some time, or if it’s going to be difficult - chances are, you will be outside of your comfort zone more often than not. You will encounter setbacks and you will encounter haters. There will be days where your self-doubt almost overpowers your will to succed. Almost. Don’t let it. Because you are capable of great things and you should NEVER believe otherwise. Live a life now that your future self will thank you for. And keep going.
Basically in simpler terms - GO FOR IT!
#study#studying#studyspo#study motivation#study motivator#goals#inspration#motivating quotes#you can do it#you can do anything#quotes#100 days of productivity
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03/07/20 I guess putting my glasses into the tumblr pic is now my signature or something, considering how many times I’ve done it.
Day 2 of 100 days of productivity.
I started reading up on the basics of immunology. There’s a lot to it so it’s probably gonna take me a few days to get through but I like how it builds on the stuff I learnt during A Levels. It really reminded me how little depth A Level Biology actually covers and now I’m even more exited for uni :)
#study#studyblr#productive#100 days of productivity#biology#immunology#studyspo#study notes#pretty notes
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02/07/20 Today marks my start of the 100 days of productivity challenge.
Day 1 of 100 days of productivity.
It has dawned on me that I’ll be starting uni in a few months, and if I want to have half a working brain intact when I start, I kinda need to keep the thing active.
It’s been a really long while since I sat down and did proper learning. I kicked it off with some histology just because I find it absolutely fascinating! (Seriously - even if you don’t care one bit about biology, go onto http://www.histologyguide.com/index.html and you’ll be so amazed at the structures within us.)
#studyblr#study#study notes#biology#histology#studyspo#notes#motivation to study#100 days of productivity#productivity
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29/06/20 I am, right now, committing myself to read again.
It's been so long (at least a few years) since I've read for pleasure and I've been wanting to get back into it since lockdown started. The issue was, I had no idea where to start and I put too much effort into making sure I would enjoy the first book I read. Today, I am forgetting all of that.
I went to the bookshelf, picked out a random classic, and committed to just one chapter. I'm now three chapters in and really enjoying it! I'm going to try not to put any pressure on myself, but I do hope I don't give up this time.
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Welcome to the community!
I’m Casper and welcome to GHOSTSNOTES I always wanted to make a studyblr and would love to join the community but my perfectionist side have made it difficult to continue. Now, I am trying once more, for the sake of knowledge, learning and making friends! More about me: Major Plan: Psychology (currently studying, summer course) Minor Declared: Theatre (1 more class) 2020-2021: 3rd year at University of Manitoba 2020-2021 Goals - To learn different kids of studies - Pass PSYC with grade C - Earn 2.0 GPA Interests ANIME - I like watching anime, but not much of a fan for those too cute types. Ukulele - I have been playing since 2016 Harry Potter - the movies, I have not read a single book. I am a Hufflepuff. Mood Boards - I create them! Come requests at my main @ghostsvibes Drawing - Requests are open at my main @ghostsvibes
Author’s Notes You can send me Dm’s, I am open to talk to and make friends! So, do not feel shy to come say hi. Currently watching The Legend of Korra, Season 3, Ep 13 Shout Outs to Members of Study Chats @pangurbanthewhite @swampdriinker @rainy-coffees @itsthegingersfault @studyingnotstressing @thedreamingoverachiever @gabrilearnelle @haleysstudies @nouvellestudy @lingually @stellarmarsian @lexiislost @retrotaurus @just-anightsoul @goldentheia @studyingwith-soph @wingardiumluviosa @sandalwoodstudy @studywitnelly @peachymlkstudys @fbkfestival @maxetudes @unicornmistt @just-another-messy-studyblr @mumboriya @pochemuchkali @study-not-procrastinatiing @photo-photo21 @safmiute @kennyaskeww @anvivs @buttercupstudies @odysseyinink @internal-gold @druid-with-a-sword @studylikeara @crammingcookie @blrbeautycookie @premedcozystudies @highlightrs @astudyinpharmacy @hummingbirdas @monokke @sheynshanee @themedivergent @daaa-study @selfcarehope @studybrls-blog @sleepysunflowerstudies @peachyy-artt @booksandtea20 @studymercadez @thevintagevroom @puppet-is-studying @buttercupstudies
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Make your revision ACTIVE!
Reading, rewriting or highlighting notes is passive and not very efficient - chances are you’ll spend hours ‘revising’ to only be able to recall a small amount of content. Instead, try to find a more active method. E.g:
answering questions (flashcards, past exam papers)
teaching someone else, such as a younger sibling
making a mindmap to draw synoptic links between topics
let’s start a study tip chain!
reblog this and add your top, #1, tested-and-tried study tip or reminder.
let’s get a chain going! i’ll go first:
your mental and physical health comes first, always - that means you have to shower, eat, drink, sleep, go to therapy, get out of the house, talk to people before you think about studying.
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26/06/20 I really miss classroom biology :(
Using flashcards - I write questions on one side of the flashcard and my condensed notes on the other. This means I can actively test myself when I revise, instead of passively reading and re-reading blocks of text.
Use colour to make key words stand out and diagrams to help visualise key concepts.
Use the mark schemes from exam questions. Not only does the process of doing exam practice help you learn how to apply your knowedge, the process of marking those questions can teach you a lot about your personal strengths and weaknesses. This can help you to tailor your notes and tailor your revision for maximum improvement and optimum performance in future exams.
Make synoptic links between topics - chances are that one question in your exam will bring together multiple topics. Making links between topics beforehand will make it easier for you to deal with these questions as you would have already thought about the answer!
If I have time the day before an exam, I often try to make a mindmap from memory, showing how the various topics within a unit link together. At the same time, I am methodically going over all the topics in my head in order to make the mindmap.
The above refers to what I used for A Levels (in the UK), but I’m sure it can be used for anything :)
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trying to make my handwriting more legible. trying. i honestly think that my studying is going more efficiently now that i try to do at least two hours!
after i switched from telling myself “i’m in law school” to “i’m studying to become a lawyer”, i began to find more purpose in what i was doing. theres a concrete goal in mind, and it gives weight to the things i do everyday, and to things i have to learn. and that purpose gives me passion. 🌼
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So this is my all time favourite quote - It’s helped me win battle against procrastination so many times!
Anyway, I thought I would answer some random questions for my second post so you can get to know me a bit more:
Age? 18
Location? London
Academic interests? Medicine; Science
Hobbies? Sport (tennis, karate, running); Baking
Why did I start this studyblr? My A Level exams were cancelled due to the whole Covid thing. I have spent the majority of the last few months watching netflix in bed and I guess I’ve finally had enough. I really miss studying so I thought I’d blog about it lol (yes I am kinda a nerd).
Star sign? Taurus
Bio, chem or physics? Chemistry all the way! (organic is the best - fight me)
Proudest achievement? Black belt in karate
Deepest regret? Don’t want to talk about it ha ha
Preferred revision method? Answering questions on flashcards or doing mock exams
Black or blue pen? Black
Some studyblr accounts I’ve been enjoying since joining tumblr? I’ve only been here for 2 days but here goes:
@studyingsian - really great advice for students and pretty aesthetics
@biomedicool - I’ve learned so much just from reading the blog for 30 minutes and It’s so interesting!
@studyblr - great challenges that can fuel the motivation I need to haul myself off my bed and to my desk (often a struggle)
@caffeineandcoding and @emmastudies - massive thanks to both accounts for their information on how to start a studyblr because I was completely lost when I made my tumblr account.
That’s all for now. Please feel free to msg me because I’m new here and would love to meet others in the community!
#new studyblr#new studyblog#studyblr#studying#study#get to know me#studyspo#studyingsian#biomedicool#caffeineandcoding
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Hey everyone! I'm Tayyibah and I’m so stoked to finally join the studyblr community! Of course, I had to kick off with a stereotypical notebook-glasses-pen-coffee pic taken from my desk (cue eye roll). Anyway, if you’re interested, I’ll probably be posting anything informative, motivational or just aesthetically pleasing :)
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