strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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Complete transformations differ in appearance and anatomy, with forms ranging from vaguely canine to more monstrous. Whether they walk on two legs or four, though, extraordinary strength, stamina and durability are always constants in a werewolf's fully realized state. Nearly unstoppable, a werewolf can endure grave injuries while transformed, neither slowing or noticing their wounds until reverting back to their human appearance.
Because transformations are driven by emotion, they often occur in stages — including a partially transformed state, which particularly skilled werewolves can (to a degree) trigger and take brief advantage of. Once started, however, transformations can be difficult to halt.
Read more about Werewolves
STRANGE WAYS jcink premium / original modern supernatural rp / 18+ / no wc / relaxed activity / intermediate to advanced
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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 A monstrous winter storm is rolling through the city of Calder.  Expect power outages, service interruptions, and supernatural shenanigans this season as our event monsters, the Tempestes, tear through Calder. 
STRANGE WAYS jcink premium / original modern supernatural rp / 18+ / no wc / relaxed activity / intermediate to advanced
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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A glimpse of something unnatural…
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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Commonly referred to as ‘Hawk’s’, this diner boasts the 2nd best burger in America and the smoothest malts in Calder. A 24/7 diner featuring its original checkered floors and preserved 60’s decor, it is also a supernatural friendly establishment. Hawk’s is supplied blood from the Council to help quench the thirst of their vampiric patrons, day or night.
STRANGE WAYS jcink premium / original modern supernatural rp / 18+ / no wc / relaxed activity / intermediate to advanced
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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A BODY FOR THE LIGHT Stars dwell between the planes of existence, their indefinite lives spent observing the many realities and their orbits. Though star falls are of singular rarity, there occasionally comes an instance where a star tumbles into our world via an unstable veil. 
The moment a star falls, its time is limited. The star’s amorphous bodies dissolve and die — always within minutes to hours. They can avoid this fate by offering themselves to a host, a living entity with whom it can maintain an equilibrium. If successful, the qualities of the host and star will eventually become intermeshed and inseparable, creating a fully realized, stable being. Throughout history, stars have found stable hosts in animals and trees — organisms that, lacking sentience, are easy to navigate and find home in — at the cost of also eventually adopting these qualities. Many legendary creatures in the guise of humble plants and animals were once intelligent stars, whose magic now only remains in the changed bodies of their hosts.
Read more about Stars (inspired by N. Gaiman’s stardust)
STRANGE WAYS jcink premium / original modern supernatural rp / 18+ / no wc / relaxed activity / intermediate to advanced
Photography by K. Koenning
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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▶  CELEBRATING ONE YEAR ◀ jcink premium / original modern supernatural / small community 18+ / no wc / relaxed activity / intermediate to advanced SITE GUIDE  /  PLOT  /  SETTING DISCORD  /  SPECIES  /  GROUPS   Follow us on tumblr
Strange Ways is a modern supernatural jcink site based in the fictional coastal city of Calder, Oregon. Calder is an eccentric cultural gem, hidden in the pristine nature of the pacific northwest — and a pivotal haven for the supernatural community, who exist just out of humanity's sight. Across Calder, bizarre occurrences are on the rise, changing lives for better or worse. The magic that has always bled through from other worlds is more unpredictable than ever, threatening the fragile equilibrium of supernatural life. Join our collaborative and inclusive community to help unravel mysterious events affecting Calder (and the dimensions beyond), explore our rich lore and politics, or just focus on character development.
— our world is not only our own — WELCOME TO CALDER, OREGON. Photography by T. Nease 
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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night driving
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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the archives
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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COOPERATION THROUGH MUTUAL LOSS The Sylva Cooperative began as a coalition of families whose priorities were radically changed after being targeted by hunters due to their access to the highly coveted and powerful wellspring. Rebuilding meant acknowledging what they no longer had access to, then safeguarding — and truly sharing — what they had left. 
The Sylva lifestyle is founded on not only the exchange not only spells, but also life skills necessary to assure their settlement and those within it are easily defended and resilient. 
The cooperative tends to the downtrodden and destitute. On their land, no one is denied food or shelter, and trade skills (along with clandestine witchcraft) are freely learned in exchange for creatively bartered labor. Sylva healers cure humans and magical beings indiscriminately, even sometimes those suspected of being hunters. They keep under the radar of local government, who perceive the cooperative as an insignificant (if eccentric) eyesore on Calder's southeast border.
The Sylva Cooperative has slowly rekindled interactions with other supernatural beings in Calder, while treading tensions with still-present hunters.
Read more about The Sylva
STRANGE WAYS jcink premium / modern supernatural rp / 18+ / no wc / relaxed activity
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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THE BLOOD VOW The Asters continue to quietly pay the price for the spell that saved Calder in 1970. Their blood descendants - and those loyal members who take the blood Vow - are forever bound to Calder’s wellspring, sickening when they leave the city for too long. However, in return, their blood possesses intense magical properties - only accessible when the blood is drawn and catalyzed (such as by a spell, weapon, or ingestion).
Only Vowed hunters receive Aster wellspring weapons. Purified in the blood of their wielder during forging, these weapons are more powerful than mundane arms. They're also temperamental, lifeless in the hands of any but their owner - their true power only manifesting when dampened with Aster blood. Weapons are designed to be fed or steeped in blood. For example, a blade etched with intricate shallow grooves, wetted before a fight; or a pistol possessing a hollow compartment where blood coats each bullet. Read more about The Asters
STRANGE WAYS  jcink premium / modern supernatural rp /  18+ / no wc / relaxed activity
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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Dear followers, It is with much excitement that we announce that Strange Ways is OPEN. >>THE STRANGE WAYS FORUM<< >>SITE DISCORD<< Strange Ways has been a year in the making, and we're so excited for everyone to join us and partake in our setting. We believe communication assures success, and while our tumblr ask and lines to our staff via the discord channel will always be open for questions, members can also submit feedback at any time through our anonymous feedback survey that can be found on site. Thank you to everyone who has followed us, interacted with our posts, and sent in questions. Your attention, curiosity and patience has meant the world to us - and we hope our site is worth the wait! Looking forward to seeing you all there, The Strange Ways staff team Daniel, Lyssa, Meghan & Mel
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
Site Link & Discord Dropping at 6PM PST / 8PM CNT / 9PM EST
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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A quick breakdown of our application! Original mockups designed by Meghan, and brought to life by Lyssa. 
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
Will you be using an app and shipper of some kind?
Thank you for your question, our application will have a freeform section and a tab for shipper information! We will post additional previews later today.
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strange-ways-rp · 3 years
just popping in to share my excitement for friday!! it's getting me through the work week!
One of the most lovely asks we’ve received ;_; thank you for these kind and validating words! We’re excited that you’re excited!!
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