#srange ways roleplay
strange-ways-rp · 3 years
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Complete transformations differ in appearance and anatomy, with forms ranging from vaguely canine to more monstrous. Whether they walk on two legs or four, though, extraordinary strength, stamina and durability are always constants in a werewolf's fully realized state. Nearly unstoppable, a werewolf can endure grave injuries while transformed, neither slowing or noticing their wounds until reverting back to their human appearance.
Because transformations are driven by emotion, they often occur in stages — including a partially transformed state, which particularly skilled werewolves can (to a degree) trigger and take brief advantage of. Once started, however, transformations can be difficult to halt.
Read more about Werewolves
STRANGE WAYS jcink premium / original modern supernatural rp / 18+ / no wc / relaxed activity / intermediate to advanced
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