Hello Sugarberry! (If dats ur real name) I wanna know so badly, in posts I see people keep saying you are a girl or a boy! And I know Swap is a boy, but is Sugarberry, a boy, or a girl?
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hello!!! i've wanted to ask something if you don't mind, back time i used to be around the undertale fandom, eventually grew out of it long ago, now that im no longer on undertale i've wanted to sort of inspire myself on the idea with the candies for some other fandom, not an au, just characters with candy on them ONLY for the aesthetic, wont be a comic or anything official just doodles, i really wanted to ask if u were fine with that before anything, or if i should leave the idea behind
I certainly don't own the idea of tricksters nor the idea for candy accessories. Please feel free to draw what you want! :)
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Hey, I don’t know if you remember or if you’ve ever even posted it; I am aware this is no longer an Undertale blog, BUT, I am trying to roleplay Sweetheart. How WAS Sweetheart initially infected? (For context, I need to make a submission and this includes the character’s backstory) I can’t seem to find it anywhere in the old posts. Sorry if this bothers you!
hehe... with a fire hose... and a basket ball.......
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Lets talk.
So, I’m medicated now. I’ve been away for a while due to my worsening depression, but I should be coming back round in a month or two! The doctors still need to mess with the dosage but I should be posting soon again. That being said: I’d like to talk about what has happened to me. Mainly, just friend drama. What really might have gotten me, however, is me being stalked online.
It’s been happening for two years and close to three. This person, out of spite, obsession, or some other reason, decided to stalk me after I ceased my friendship with them. It’s the biggest factor that has left me paranoid, depressed, and most of all: suicidal.
This person had been confronted about it, but continued with a new account to avoid scrutiny after claiming to have been the victim themself. To this day, this person continues making new account’s whenever they are caught or called out or blocked. Reporting and Blocking seems to have done nothing, but I’ve come to accept that I do not care about this person and thus should not care what they do in what little free time they have.
I am doing better now! I will be getting therapy and further help with my meds. But, to get this off my chest, I want to say this:
I don’t know why you hold this obsession with me, but I don’t like you. I never will befriend you again. I don’t much appreciate you being on my blogs and accounts and looking at my stuff despite me telling you to leave me alone and blocking you. If you’re reading this, I dislike you a great deal, but I don’t care about you.
Have fun wasting your time. I will continue moving on.
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how did lolli and sweetheart die? is there a post that shows what happened?
Literally thanos snapped out of existence.
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Did you ever finish that event from October 2017? If not, can you continue it?
I honestly don’t remember half of what happened that year hahah. So take that as a no. 
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Sylvia and I are going to be hosting an ATV birthday event! Feel free to show interest by applying to join via this application! Not everyone will be accepted, but I’m excited for whomever decides to join us for the birthday event!
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Hey just a question,did you get the trickster virus thing/idea from homestuck?
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He posted this on snapchat.
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some shenaniganS BETWEEn Sansta and Choris njbhgvfcdre
@straightforward-sweetness / @xsylvia-black-drawsx 
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Is the trickster virus going to happen in this new version or not
((On this blog, things will be strictly focused on Choris’s original world rather than the trickstervirus.
You may see him make reference to it every now and again, but it’s not going to be his main focus. If you want the main focus to be strictly trickstervirus, head over to @mr-mischievous-trickster ! 
However, the old content won’t be on that blog so you can scroll through the [many thousands of] old posts on this blog! If you have any trickster related asks, be sure to send them over to the other blog.))
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Also, forgot to say that I have a rough draft of the species for Choris’s world. Things may be moved around and changed, but I’ve got a draft. I also plan on showing some characters based on those species and may even go into more detail about how his world works with the different species types.
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some SongVerse content…
These two can absolutely be soft - NoVerse isn’t always a bastard. He’s just USUALLY a bastard.
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So, hay. I miss a lot of content so can you explain to me what happen to SB so he look like this? And overall situation?
I have a Synopsis and Rundown page you can read up on! :o
Here’s the link! If you still have more questions after reading it, feel free to send in an ask! ^^
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I plan on writing up some bios for Cherry and Velvet so keep an eye out for that update.
I also plan on posting some other characters that you guys may recognize. ;3 It’ll all go into a residents section. I’m doing lots of revamping and the like! I’ll also be providing further explanation of events that went down on the blog.
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ALSO!! I have redesigned the bois! <3
Cherry and Velvet are now birdy-demons~~ The live in the same world as Choris does WHICH I am currently plotting out! Keep your eyes peeled~~ <3
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Welcome to the world, Towne! ^_^
Towne is a ship child between Lavender sans and Fatal_Error. He’s not gonna become part of the Fatal_Error story or anything, but the idea popped into my head and I just loved it waaay too much to not pursue it and have a little fun with it :) He’s a very sweet and friendly skeleton with a kind demeanor, and definitely gets his charismatic qualities from Lavender. Despite his friendly disposition people find him genuinely unsettling to be around, which while he definitely gets that from Fatal, is due to a peculiar phenomenon that he has no control over. The inspiration from Towne comes from the ‘Lavender Town Syndrome’ creepypasta from the older Pokemon games. If you’re familiar with it, then I’m sure you can guess what kind of phenomenon I might be talking about. When non-family members spend time just being around Towne…they begin to feel anxious and afraid. Even if there is no reason to be, they just feel this sense of unease and dread grow within them. The longer they stay, the more uncomfortable they become. They begin to hear things. They hear static.  They hear…music. Their panic grows and grows and eventually it consumes them and they go mad. They go absolutely crazy. Without fail, every time. And if you’re familiar with the creepypasta, then…you can guess how they try to cure their madness. BUT YEAH I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE HEART and they are an excellent bean and I just defaulted to drawing them like, teenage-ish age? Maybe I’ll draw a cute younger version of them later, but for now I need to get back to work on the main story. But definitely expect more drawings in the future XD Lavender of course belongs to the glorious @naturetale-official ^_^
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One last thing-!
Here’s a few links if you guys are interested to know what’s up- including a brief synopsis and rundown of the events that happened on the blog. I will be creating a Lore page eventually. You can easily find the links to these by navigating onto my page, so no worries! However, mobile users, this should prove handy for you! <3
Choris (Info Page)
EDIT 10/6/2020:
So, I made a new blog for those who want to send in trickster related stuff to me: @mr-mischievous-trickster
I’m not as distant from the fandom before, but I definitely won’t be as active as I used to. I’m going to be focusing more on commissions that I have and such, but there may be the ocasional post I make for the fandom. 
I still love this fandom dearly! However, life has been keeping me busy.
Alright: Here’s the big update.
So, I got most things updated and typed out. I will get to writing up the Lore later since it is really late at night and I need to head to bed soon if I want to get to bed for school lol
So, no surprise from the updates but this is no longer an Undertale blog. Recently, I’ve fallen out of the fandom and have only been lingering around for the bigger project planned for FateStagnant and Aetherverse made by Roman. I do still enjoy the game and the more simplistic fandoms, but I will no longer be neck deep in the fandom theatrics and shenanigans.
This blog will now be centered around Choris who is now just an OC unrelated to any relevant fandom- of course with soon to be other characters that will also be a part of his original world.
I apologize to anyone who enjoyed the AU I made here and to any sour feelings that were had during and after this creation I made- but what is done is done and my decision is set in stone. You are not required to stick around and you are free to dip out and unfollow if you are uninterested with what I have planned next with this blog. If you still want to keep up with the art that I post, you can find me on these platforms:
You can also find a link to my art blog here on tumblr if you navigate onto my blog page!
Again, apologies for any disappointment, but this is what I feel will make me happiest.
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