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Thea, 25 | insta: @thea_stark_ Slytherin | Serpent
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straight-outta-slytherin · 6 years ago
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straight-outta-slytherin · 6 years ago
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I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces.
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straight-outta-slytherin · 6 years ago
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#arms #ARMS (◡‿◡✿)
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straight-outta-slytherin · 6 years ago
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“We nicked ‘im”
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straight-outta-slytherin · 6 years ago
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harry smiling – requested by anonymous
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straight-outta-slytherin · 7 years ago
Severus Snape x Student!Reader – Trouble
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Imagine being Snape’s favourite student and he catches you duelling with Merula. 
Note: I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted anything, but I hope to start coming on tumblr more often again. This story is inspired by the new game Harry Potter: Howgarts Mystery, I discovered it only yesterday and I’m already so much in love with it. Snape has always been my favourite character and after duelling Merula in the game, I had this idea stuck in my head and I just had to put it on paper. Hope you enjoy at least a little bit! Also, I apologize to you guys who aren’t in Slytherin, I kinda needed the reader to be in Slytherin for this story to work.
And as always, that beautiful gif isn’t mine.
“Expelliarmus!” You yelled out after taking the proper stance and waving your wand.
It worked! Thanks to the newly acquired spell from professor Flitwick you managed to disarm Merula and officially win the duel. The look on her face was everything.
“I’ve won, so now you’ll stop bullying Ben and everyone else!”
“No, it’s not possible! You can’t be better than me! No one is better than me!”
Even though you beat her in a fair fight, you feared from the very beginning that it wouldn’t be enough to make her completely stop messing with everyone. But you couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. Somebody had to stand up to her and this time, it had to be you. At least now she knows what you’re made of.
You couldn’t help but smile when your friends Ben and Rowan gave you reassuring high-fives and the rest of the stand by student started clapping.
That victorious feeling lasted for about ten seconds when suddenly everyone became extremely quiet. Noticing the two figures coming right between you and Merula, you knew this meant trouble. Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick.
Merlin’s beard! Why did it have to be him?!
“Look at who we have here. Miss Snyde and Miss Y/L/N.” The taller man said in a deep voice. When saying your name, he looked at you with disappointment.
“P-professor Snape, I-I can explain-“
“I am not interested in hearing any of your excuses.” The professor cut you off before you even got the chance to defend yourself.
“Yes, sir …” You were in enough trouble as it is, saying anything else would only making him even more mad.
“Twenty points from Slytherin!” He declared strictly before turning to you.
“And you. With me. Now.” You gulped not daring to say a single word. He took your firmly by your arm pretty much dragged you all the way to his office. You tried to keep up with his very fast pace, but his long legs made it even harder making you almost run and still have a hard time.
When you finally got there, he pushed you in and locked the door behind you both.
After a few seconds of complete silence, he finally spoke.
“I’m listening.”
You looked up in slight confusion.
“The explanation, Y/L/N.”
Oh. Right. You took a deep breath and mustered the courage to look him straight in the eye. “Sir, I know I broke the rules by duelling with Merula and I am sorry for that. You are the one person I truly didn’t want to disappoint … but she was bullying me and my friends and somebody had to stand up to her!”
“Alright.” The professor sighs. “Sit down.”
You follow his direction and sit just opposite him.
“You do understand I have to punish you anyway, right?”
“I’ll accept any punishment, sir.”
“If it wasn’t for you, I’d have you both expelled immediately. Expelling only one of you would seem suspicious in this situation, so I’ll have to think about a different punishment for Miss Snyde.”
You thought for a while now that Professor Snape treats you differently than other students. More … kindly. You’ve always shrugged it off, figuring it’s just your imagination, but the professor’s earlier words proved your assumption. That made you really happy.
“As for you, Miss Y/L/N, starting tomorrow, you will assist me in the potions classroom every day after classes until I say otherwise.
“Excuse me asking, sir, but this isn’t really a punishment.”
“Would you rather-“
“A-actually, I think it it’s a great punishment. I’m sure you won’t go easy on me.” You quickly interrupted the professor before he could come up with any of the dreadful punishments you’ve heard him give to other students.
“Good. Now go off before I change my mind.”
“And Y/F/N?”
“Yes, Professor?”
“Next time you decide to break any rules or regulations, do us both a favour and do it somewhere no one can see you.” You could swear there was a faint smile on his lips when he said that.
“Will do, sir.” You return his smile as you leave the door.
Until today you never would have thought you’d be excited for a punishment.
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straight-outta-slytherin · 7 years ago
Under the cut you can find #111 medium, textless gifs of TOM CAVANAGH in his role as Harry Wells in The Flash. These were all made by me so please give credit and do not claim as your own if you use. 
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Keep reading
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straight-outta-slytherin · 7 years ago
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straight-outta-slytherin · 7 years ago
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straight-outta-slytherin · 7 years ago
Daryl Dixon x Reader – Reunion
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Imagine saving Rick, Carl and Michonne when a run goes wrong. You get injured and they take you back with them to the prison where you reunite with your boyfriend Daryl who you haven't seen ever since the apocalypse started.
Note: Way too long time no see, guys! I'm really sorry, I've been working all summer so I didn't have time to write at all. I'm so glad to be back though! Since I haven't written in a while I might be a bit „rusty“, but I still hope you enjoy it!  And as always, this beautiful moving picture does not belong to me. ---
It all happened so fast. At one point you were just minding your own business trying to find a safe place to crash for the night. You never stayed anywhere longer than you needed -  found something to eat, got a bit of sleep and then back on the road.
Suddenly, the sound of voices coming from not far away made you stop. Someone was in trouble, you thought. Without hesitation you ran into that direction. After all that has happened you promised yourself you won't let anyone else die if you can prevent it.
The voices were getting louder and louder, that must have meant you're close. Finally you saw them. Three people - a man, a woman and a boy standing on a car surrounded by walkers. You could tell they were out of ammo since they were only using their knives and a sword.
They were running out of time, you had to act fast.
„Hey, bitches! Come here and have a bite of this fresh meat!“ You shouted in an attempt to distract the walkers as you climbed onto a roof of the nearest car.
You didn't have a gun, but you had a bow and thankfully also a lot of arrows. You started shooting one after another as they crawled into your direction.
It didn't take too long to take nearly all of them down especially since your three new friends starting attacking them from behind. You sighed in relief letting your guard down for a second.
„Watch out!“ The man shouted.
Too late. One of the walkers took you by your ankle and pushed you onto the ground. 
„Fuck.“ You growled in pain. That's what you get for not paying attention for one goddamn second. You tried to reach your bow which you dropped in the fall but it was too far and that dead sucker was already crawling on top of you.
„Oh come on!“ You tried to push his face away with one hand and reach for either your knife or one of your arrows with the other hand but with zero success. Thankfully, you soon didn't have to worry about it when a blade of a sword came right through the walker's head.
„Thanks.“ You smiled as you took the woman's hand. She smiled back and helped you get up.
„Are you okay?“ She asked worriedly once she noticed you can't fully step onto your right foot.
„Yeah, it didn't get me. I was only joking when I told them to bite me. Seems like this one took it way too seriously.“ You laughed trying to hide the pain. „I must have just hurt my ankle, I'm gonna be fine. Don't worry about it.“
„There's a prison not too far away from here. Me and my people use it as a residence for the time being. We're gonna take you back with us and get you a proper treatment for that injury. After that you can go, or you can stay if you want. We could use somebody like you.“ The man said as he took you into his arms and carried you into their car.
Once you were all set, he stepped on the gas trying to get you all back as fast as possible. Not just because of your leg but also because it was starting to get dark and they were out for quite a while, the others must have been worried.
„I'm Rick, by the way. This is my son Carl and my friend Michonne. What's your name?“
„I have to ask you a few questions, Y/N, is that okay?“ You saved their lives, which he was grateful for, but this was something he just needed to do.
„Y-yeah, sure, whatever you need to know.“ You nodded as you struggled to adjust your position due to your injury.
„How many walkers have you killed?“
The first question was easy. There was nothing else you hated more than those ... things. They ruined your life just when it was finally starting to have some meaning. Killed everyone you loved. Or at least you thought so.
„Each and every single one I could find. They are monsters, they don't deserve anything better.“
„How many people have you killed?“
This time you hesitated. It was hard for you to talk about it no matter how many days, weeks or months have passed.
„ ... Two ...“
„ … My mom and brother. They were bit. I just … I couldn't let them turn.“ Your voice broke with the last sentence. You didn't want to let them see you cry so you quickly wiped away the tears and took a deep breath to calm yourself down.
„I'm so sorry about that.“ Michonne said holding your tightly. „Is anyone else you know alive?“
„No … at least not that I know of. It was always just me, my mom and my brother … And my boyfriend. But I haven't seen him since … since all this started. The small chance of him still being alive is probably the only thing that kept me going for this long.“
„I'm sure you'll find him.“ She tried to comfort you as she stroked her thumb over your hand.
„Yeah, I hope so. Wherever he is – if he's alive – I just hope he's not alone. I hope that he found a group of nice people and that he's happy ...“
Michonne could tell how hard it is for you to talk about your loved ones so she tried to change the topic.
„How did you survive this long on your own anyway? You don't look like … ehm … „
„Like I can fight? Yeah, I can't, not really. But I can shoot. This baby saved me more than just a couple of times.“ You caressed the top of you bow lightly when you talked about it. It was like your best friend and until now the only ally against the evil in this new world. „It's more quiet than a gun and better than a knife, I wouldn't last a day without it.“
All of the sudden the car stopped. You didn't even notice you were already there. Looking through the window you could see a bunch of people already standing there waiting for their friends to come back safely. They must have been really worried.
Rick opened the door and helped you out of the car. 
„Everyone, this is Y/N, she'll be staying with us now, we wouldn't have made it home without her.“
„H-hi“. You almost whispered and waved your hand. Everyone was staring at you. They all seemed liked nice people but you never really liked being the center of attention, so it made you feel a bit uncomfortable. 
Not knowing what to say you looked down shyly when a familiar voice interrupted your thoughts.
„Y/N? … Baby, is that you?“ It was already dark so he couldn't see you clearly. He slowly made his way closer and closer to take a better look.
„D-Daryl? Oh my god … I can't believe it!“ If you could walk you'd immediately run into his arms. Tears started running down your cheeks. Ignoring the pain in your ankle, you gathered all your strength and made your way in his direction as fast as you could.
As soon as he heard you voice and realized it's really you, he ran towards you, pulled you into a tight embrace and buried his head into your chest.
Unable to stop sobbing, you ran your fingers through his hair and stroked his back gently. You needed to feel him. To know that this is real. Not just another one of the dreams you kept having almost every night.
After a while he finally pulled away from the hug only to take your face into his hands kissing you deeply.
You couldn't see the looks on everyone's faces but they were all pretty suprised. Daryl never told anyone about you, anyone except Carol. He truly believed you were gone and didn't trust anyone else enough to tell them about how he lost the only love of his life.
„I really thought I lost ya. I went into your house, there was blood everywhere, I thought … I thought you were gone.“ He confessed while caressing your cheek not letting go of you for one second.
„I'm sorry, I should have left a message or something … I-“ You covered your mouth with your hand trying to stop the sobbing.
„Shh, don't matter now, the only thing that matters it that you're alright. You're here. With me. And I'm  never losing ya again.“ He wrapped his arms around you once again pulling you close against his warm body and whispered into your ear: „I love ya so much, Y/N.“
„I love you too, Daryl.“ You whispered back as you pulled your arms around his neck and kissed his forehead, unable to keep the smile off your face.
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straight-outta-slytherin · 8 years ago
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Dr. Harrison Wells/Earth-2′s Harry Wells in every episode [x]  - The Flash | Episode 2.19, Back to Normal
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straight-outta-slytherin · 8 years ago
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straight-outta-slytherin · 8 years ago
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The Flash 2x12 Harry Wells + hands appreciation post Part I/??
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straight-outta-slytherin · 8 years ago
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The Flash 2x12 Harry Wells + body language appreciation post Part III/??
Part I
Part II
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straight-outta-slytherin · 8 years ago
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Dr. Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne in every episode [x]  - The Flash | Episode 2.17, Flash Back [2 of 2] 
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straight-outta-slytherin · 8 years ago
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If Henry hadn’t interrupted, how long would Harry have stared at Cisco?
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straight-outta-slytherin · 8 years ago
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