storm-blitz · 6 years
Card shop stories: “can I use proxies?”
Before I start, if you use proxies, its fine, just gonna moan and groan a little about them.
So I have no problem with people using proxies in their edh deck, to an extent.
I know cards are expensive and some people cant afford them.
But what really bothers me is when people proxy cards that they will never buy.
There are the individuals that proxy cards because they cant afford them and they have no intent on ever buying them.
And the cards they proxy are cards like mishras workshop, gaeas cradle, fetchlands, and dual lands.
And there are people that proxy cards becuase they have 15 edh decks and buying 15 mana crypts and dual lands would cost too much.
My answer to that is stop having 15 edh decks.
And they say that its more fun when you have more decks and more variety.
And I answer back with simply “do you use every deck frequently?”
And the answer is no.
They respond by saying stuff like “I only use like 4 decks”.
And people are gonna say “you dont need to buy the cards to enjoy the game”.
I just get annoyed when i lose to someone else’s edh deck just to find out that they are proxying all their lands but basics.
Like yesterday, i played against a jund edh deck.
Typically the mana base consists of 9 fetches, 3 duals, 3 shocks, maybe 3 filter lands, etc.
Which takes me to my next point, I dont know why edh tournaments allow proxies.
They way the people play at certain edh events, they have no intent on spending more that 5 dollars on a card.
I tell them just save your money and buy one card at a time.
Thats what i did and I actually owned an unlimited timeteister, p3k English imperial seal, mishras workshop, and more.
Just venting.
Im done.
If you actually read all the way to the bottom just reply by commenting the “but did you pay the one?”
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storm-blitz · 7 years
Man, I know Birthdays are supposed to be exciting but I didn't know that so much was going to happen on it. I worked and my coworker went ballistic. It was actually really funny if I wasn't terrified
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storm-blitz · 7 years
So my birthday is tomorrow and I have to work. Wow... Worst... Birthday... Ever. Hopefully it'll be a good work day today and tomorrow and won't be that busy.
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storm-blitz · 7 years
A Total Screw up (Magic: the Gathering Storytime)
So, I have a sad story to tell, that involves me ripping up a real Savannah for Magic: the Gathering.
I know many people are already upset by my opening sentence, and yes, it did happen. So, the night prior to the incident, my friend, who we will call Steven, had an Invoke Predigest that I could have used for my deck. So, I asked him what does he want for it, and he says to look through my trade binder. He’s looking and he’s asking me about a few cards and I say they are all for trade. That’s when he looks at my Savannah, it was in the back of the binder for future use and he asked about it. Since he’s a friend, I thought that it would be fine to trade it away, I could see if maybe he wouldn’t trade it away in the future and maybe trade for it back.
So the trade happens and I’m ecstatic. At this point, everything is alright. The next day, while I’m at work, I get a message from him saying that it was fake and that him, myself and the shop owner who I bought it from and see what what we could agree on to correct the issue. So I meet him at the shop, I look at the card and I think he’s right, so I go up to the owner and tells him that I think it’s fake. He tells me that it’s real, but I’m not sure. I wouldn’t think that Steven would lie to me, for any reason. I insist that it’s fake and the shop owner asks if it’s okay to rip a small portion on the side of the card. The reason for ripping it is because the cards are glued with a blue colored glue, to protect from counterfeits. So I let him and I don’t see a blue line. To me that seals it and I go back to my seat really bummed.
I decided to fully rip the card in half, still thinking that it’s fake. Yea, I know I could have used it as a proxy, but I was upset that I lost out on roughly $85 or something like that. So I rip it and to my surprise, it had the blue line. Now I’m starting to get mad at my friend for telling me it’s fake when it was actually real. It was at that point that I realized that you can't​ just believe a few people who say one thing.
I know I should have checked with more people. I know I screwed up and I know that I’m a terrible person. Now I don’t know what to do. This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done and now will actively go out and make sure that expensive cards like those are checked out.
What do you guys think I should do?
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storm-blitz · 7 years
Been a while
So, it's been a long time since I've posted on here. I completely forgotten that I had a Tumblr. I'll be posting and reblogging more often now.
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storm-blitz · 8 years
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storm-blitz · 8 years
"We do not forgive We do not forget Expect us"
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storm-blitz · 8 years
It's that feeling of getting home and hoping that your parents are either gone out asleep and they are ^.^
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storm-blitz · 8 years
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The money Tarmogoyf only shows up once every hundred years! Reblog in 30 seconds and you’ll be rich and have good pulls in booster packs!
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storm-blitz · 8 years
Reblog if you want a random anon message in your inbox
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storm-blitz · 9 years
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storm-blitz · 9 years
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Reblog if you've ever felt like a boring rp partner.
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storm-blitz · 9 years
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Tamiyo is a planeswalker and she likes the moon and also writing and also looking through things.
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storm-blitz · 9 years
It’s that moment when you look back on how you were when you first started something, to how you are now. You realize that you have gotten a lot better at it. I just wonder how I will be in 5 more years. Or maybe it’s that I’ve been playing TCGs for far too long. Nah, could be that.
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storm-blitz · 9 years
That sounds interesting and embarrassing at the same. It’s perfect!
So I have a blog title and extra time on my hands. Does anybody want to see a blog where you can admit your shit plays in MTG (and potentially other games, I’m not sure) for all to see? (I won’t publish your URLs with it, unless you want)
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storm-blitz · 9 years
Back home
Man, after playing multiple TCGs for a few hours really hurts your throat. Hehe but it could be worse.
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storm-blitz · 9 years
Hey guys, I'm streaming today.
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