Still Berning Strong
198 posts
With hope and integrity, we can move forward, and give our future generations a beautiful world to live in.
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stillberning · 8 years ago
Ugh. Everyone on the news is talking more about HRC's emails.. Only if we had someone to shut them up about it like last year...
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stillberning · 9 years ago
Wouldn't then over taxation, as Bernie had touted as the foundation of his plans, just lead job creators in free market aka "evil corporations" to leave and seek more tax friendly and lucrative places to conduct their business?
First off, Bernie’s plan is heightening in taxes primarily to make a single-payer healthcare system, one that would help citizens pay less than they would under private insurance. The single-payer system would fight the prescription company especially, as prescription drugs in our country have grown so expensive due to monopolization, and lack of government intervention.
And I don’t know if you are aware of this but to simply get up and leave won’t be an option for many of our wealthier Americans. Many will realize the greater good of these tax plans, ones that were active before the Reagan administration (and ultimately aren’t ludicrous ideas), and will learn to accept that. These Americans will of course try to find a haven for business, and further profits. As a student once abroad in China, it becomes quite apparent that the commanding power in the government doesn’t give those Americans much of an option (and China would’ve been their best option). The closest arrangements they can find to the US is Hong Kong. There will undoubtedly be a few who do leave, but it’s a sacrifice that is necessary. What Bernie would need to do to leaving businesses is place high tariffs, similar to the ones placed post-WWI. Unlike what many congressman may believe, the world isn’t full of opportunities for the rich to make huge profits. Many of the rich in America are established in the US, and they won’t just leave. I hope I’ve answered your question.
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stillberning · 9 years ago
Why do you want the U.S to end up like detroit?
Haha well, to say that the whole of the US would end up like Detroit is quite considerably far-fetched, but a main cause of what led Detroit to bankruptcy is the horrible trade deals like NAFTA and TPP. Shipping jobs abroad and cutting our manufacturing industry has heavily damaged the US. So judging by the direction our country is going, if unattended to, our economy may lead to something like Detroit. We are importing more than exporting, and that is already problematic. Bernie has specified that as well, and you’d see his protectionist policies would heavily fight this imbalance and the harmful trade deals that have been shipping our jobs abroad. 
But to truly answer your question, scratch out the “Why” part of your question and take “No” for a simple answer.
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stillberning · 9 years ago
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The real map, updated. No media bias, no superdelegates.
Bernie Sanders trails by 286 delegates. 1,016 pledged delegates still to vote.
At this point, neither candidate can realistically reach 2,383 before the convention. Hillary would have to win 71% of the remaining pledged delegates to do so. So we’re headed to an open convention in July, a referendum on the future of the Democratic Party, and the superdelegates will cast votes that matter.
New York and Arizona remain under investigation for voter suppression and election fraud. Lawsuits pending. Provisional ballots, at least, must be counted. For now, the map counts these delegates but does not count these states as victories.
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stillberning · 9 years ago
So we won Nevada now? Here, let’s all get a chance to wrap our head around it...
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stillberning · 9 years ago
Not just the Iraq War, but perhaps more in the future. The interventionist, regime-change wars waged by the US government, sponsored by Secretary Clinton herself, have proven to be destructive in that they make political power vacuums within the subject nation and lead to further conflict. It’s sad that it has took so long for a presidential candidate to finally bring this subject to light. Bernie is just that special
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stillberning · 9 years ago
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stillberning · 9 years ago
I think what many people seem to conveniently forget is that the flag’s maker said this himself..
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“The flag isn’t racist/about race.” 🙄
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stillberning · 9 years ago
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They are celebrating ID Fraud and lack of democracy, that’s right.
It is estimated right now that 300,000 people in Wisconsin don’t have the right ID to vote on Tuesday 5th, one of these:
Now LISTEN, if you don’t have an ID that they are going to accept for you to vote, get a free ID tomorrow Monday 4th April, you just have to bring some documents to credit your identity, watch the short video, it says everything you need to bring:
They will give you a receipt that you can and MUST use to vote Tuesday 5th April; is just as valid as the ID, while they are sending it to you.
This is the solution to make sure NO ONE is denied the vote and Bernie Sanders wins BIG, that is what we NEED for him to be president.
3 phonebank calls from everybody of every state and country is as effective as 27$ by everybody, it turns into millions of phonecalls.
Effortless we can and NEED to call to reach everybody in Wisconsin to make sure they know what to do to get this ID receipt in time to vote on Tuesday 5th:
To motivate you, remember how Hillary Clinton wants to control what everybody sees in Internet so nobody has access to free information anymore, like the facts about her.
Also she wants to include articles in the Constitution about abortion, is dangerous to keep opening that door; Bernie Sanders thinks abortion is a health issue not a political one where politicians get to decide what a woman has to do with her own body.
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stillberning · 9 years ago
The Mainstream Media will gladly talk about the plausible sexism in Bernie Supporters, but won’t even care to mention the very possible antisemitism in Clinton supporters.
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stillberning · 9 years ago
An old film on a Socialist Politician from the Early 20th Century named Eugene Debs, featuring Bernie. It seems what Bernie’s been fighting for has came up in every generation of America, but what our candidate has shown us is that now is the time for action. Now is the time for a revival of American Democracy.
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stillberning · 9 years ago
Haha, the Sanders surge hits New York. I hope in the next 2 weeks we can see similar progress!
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stillberning · 9 years ago
Republicans don't like Bernie Sanders, but respect the honesty
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#FeelTheBern 🔥🔥🔥
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stillberning · 9 years ago
I think at this point of the primaries the only way we’ll see our opponent win is through some questionable means...
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stillberning · 9 years ago
Bernie blessed by a bird and an eagle attacked Trump.
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stillberning · 9 years ago
A very special visit today at Bernie’s rally in Oregon. I like to think of it as an endorsement from the wild-life of the world.
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stillberning · 9 years ago
To Those Who Voted or Failed to Vote in Arizona, please attend the public hearing, hosted by the Arizona Legislature on Mon, Mar 28!!! Make your case!
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Spread this, if there is a massive turnout maybe there will be actions taken.
#FeelTheBern #Bernie2016 #GoVote    
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