staryeyyyed · 5 years
Never doubt yourself due to any circumstance or situation. You are you, no matter what demons you may face.
“You often feel tired, not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
— Alexander den Heijer 
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staryeyyyed · 5 years
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Don’t pour from an empty cup!
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staryeyyyed · 5 years
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Let go
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staryeyyyed · 5 years
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Autumn is here!🍂🍄✨
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staryeyyyed · 5 years
Life at times can be e friendly difficult, but that doesn’t mean that it is #hopeless and that you are helpless. The most amazing thing about human beings is that #life is hard, it may even be harder than you think, but you are #stronger and more resilient than anything life can throw at you.
When you are down ask yourself this question, “what inspires me?”
What gets you out of bed in the morning? What keeps your heart beating? We all have #inspiration buried within us, sometimes we just lose it when life gets us down.
There is a HUGE difference between #motivation & #inspiration my friends. Motivation doesn’t always come from a place that drives your soul, & much of the time can be fleeting.
Inspiration though, it lasts. You won’t ever need to motivate yourself because your passion will propel you forward,. You won’t have to think too much about “how and why”, it’ll just happen.
Find your inspiration friends.
#Light & #Love,
#lowvision #visuallyimpaired #colorblind #stargardtsdisease #hope #legallyblind #thoughtsandcoffee
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staryeyyyed · 5 years
#stargardtsdisease #legallyblind #blind #pedicure #nailpainting #essie #nailpolish #youtube
Check out my YouTube video on what it’s like to paint your nails when you can’t see your feet! 🙈
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staryeyyyed · 5 years
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This is what it looks like when I look out into the world. 🌎 This is what it looks like when I look at you. I am legally blind, and for the longest time I thought that meant that I was broken, undeserving, and I was a little bit ashamed. I am 1 of around 30,000 people in the U.S. living with Stargardts Disease...and that’s okay. It took a while to get used to and even longer to accept but, I find that I’m living just fine. I can do almost all the things that I could do when I was fully sighted, some things just take a little more time to do, and that’s okay too. Humans are amazing creatures, we adapt, we find out new ways to do things, we continue to love, we carry on in the hands of adversity. No one ever said life would be fair or easy, I guess if it were we would never know the pleasures of success or the healthy burn of determination. Life would just be plain boring. I have a disease. I’m different, just as we all are and I have learned that being different is perfectly okay. ☺️💞👁
#stargardtsdisease #fightblindness #acceptance #isymfs #bedifferent #lowvision #legallyblind
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