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[Elliott here with a new Fire Emblem rp blog featuring the one and only Henry. Like/Reblog if you want to interact!]
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Continued from: X
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“What’s inside is a surprise. But I’ll give you a hint, it’s one of the regional Kantonian starters offered to trainers. I thought you might enjoy the experience of raising one from an egg if you haven’t already.” Ava explained, offering her friend a smile. “Of course I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. Just like you didn’t have to get me a gift, but you did anyway.” With that, she shifted her position as she began to think of tips to give. “It’s best to keep the egg close, but you can always leave it with a Pokemon you trust if you need time for yourself. Of course you gotta keep them warm. I do recommend trying to be the first thing the Pokemon sees when it hatches, as it tends to latch onto the first thing as it’s ‘mother’ in a sense.”
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“i wish pokemon were real!”
beedrill is three feet tall
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Who cares of they just met? They are already friends right? Yea... Shane waited for Mewmas to come along before he pulled out a little box "I saw you staring at this when we were walking by the store the other day... so I got them for you" nothing too big. A Half Moon shape silver necklace
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“Oh my...Shane! You know you didn’t have to!” Ava lightly chides, but a wide smile is painted on her face as she accepts the gift. “You know this means I have to make us even right? Just you wait...I’m gonna get you an awesome gift.” She decides, already listing the possibilities. 
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(Sorry I’ve been absent so long. Holidays have kept me busy but I should be making a return soon followed with much more activity.)
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Ava had been gently wading through the crowds, her Noibat Tweek hovering behind her as she tried to navigate through the crowd. Some sort of battle was taking place in the street, and Ava couldn’t help but wished they had picked a more suitable location. 
What she hadn’t counted on was bumping into someone as she tried to pass by. “Oh, I am quite sorry Miss!”
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“There’s a huge crowd over there! Whaddya think is goin’ on?” 
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“Heahea is such a vast city. And the view from the Tide Bell hotel is breathtaking.”
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an absolute menace to society
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And that’s the story of how Moon destroyed Alola’s ecosystem
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 Shane was not really that sure what had happen in the past. All he knows is that Ava lost a pokemon somehow but at least her mother did answer the question… it did raise quite a lot of new ones, still, he did not push further on the topic. Maria was clearly not comfortable with it… and for a good reason.
  Team Rocket was no good thing. Shane was mad and sad. His own family in Kanto had to deal with Team Rocket and suffered because of them, so hearing that one of his new friend pokemon had to give up their life to protect them… He would never forgive them ever again.
  “I’m sorry to hear that” He said ashamed he even asked as he looked away “I shouldn’t have asked. I apologize” If Ava wants to talk about it, she will do with time. He was not going to force her… and considering how Maria seemed to react and answer, she probably did not want to talk about it either.
 “That should be enough for now… I don’t wanna upset Ava… so I suppose I should avoid this topic”  He said with a sigh just in time before the girl came back holding the troublemaker. Shane could not help but chuckle at the image. It was rather cute. He does spoil her rotten… that is something he
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  “Ummm… is there somewhere I could change this wet clothes? I don’t want to well… get the whole house wet” He was still dripping here and there after all. Luna on her side had other plans cause as soon as she was on the ground, she run up to Shane and jumped on his face to hug him and stay there with a deadly grip. Shane shock his head and left a frustrated noise “Luna doesn’t like it when I’m alone in a room. She thinks I will disappear and never come back or something”
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Ava simply laughs as the little mantis like Pokemon leaps from her arms to attach herself to Shane’s face. Ava then points to a door in the living room. “You can change in the bathroom over there. Don’t be afraid to use the Suicune towels to dry up.” She offers, kneeling to scoop up Forrest who had come to paw at her leg for attention. She cradles the puppy Pokemon in one arm while she starts pulling out chairs to finish up setting the table. 
Maria has busied herself with setting out the Pokemon food, digging into a drawer to pull out a few spare bowls for any of Shane’s Pokemon he wanted to dine with them as the rest of the Pokemon in the household crowded into the kitchen. 
Ava sits herself once she deems everything is prepared, although she refuses to eat anything herself until Shane is present. She doesn’t notice the wistful look her mother shoots at her before she glances at the door where Shane would be changing. A faint smile graces her face as she starts plating everyone’s food.
“He seems like a doll. Where’d you find that looker?” She quips, even sparing a laugh.
Ava halfheartedly glare at her mother. “I simply ran into him because neither of us were paying close attention. He was looking for Luna, and we simply ended up chatting before I decided to help him find her. He’s actually very knowledgeable about the trials here and has even offered to aid me....He’s very kind.” Ava explains, even pouting at her mother. “You could at least try behaving around him mom. He’s a nice guy and you’re just making things weird.”
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“Well....I can tell you that I am not a very good Mantine surfer.”
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“About to leave for Akala.....I’m both excited and terrified.”
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Your pokémon is remembering the first time it met you…
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Your pokémon is relaxed. The sight of you might have made it feel more secure.
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Your pokémon gathered all its energy to break through its paralysis so you wouldn’t worry!
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Your pokémon toughed it out so you wouldn’t feel sad!
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 It seems like Ava and Maria have moved quite a lot, or at least Maria has. It was weird for them to move so much, or for anyone to do so, but he was not going to question it. Maybe they were getting better jobs and stuff so that would mean they had to move a lot? That was probably it.
  “Well, all trainers eventually reach their roadblock I suppose, but you managed to overcome it… somewhat. At least you continued to work and be strong! Not to mention raise such a beauti- I mean, nice daughter” That compliment almost slipped past his lips from the flirting he was doing earlier, and god knows how heavy a mother can get if they hear that kind of stuff.
  “Do you… mind if I ask what happen to… Ava’s pokemon?” He did not just want to ask Ava. She might feel sad by just remembering, but he was too curious to just let it pass. Maybe he could ask her mother and not feel so bad if he knew the truth? Maybe he can help Ava someway.
  Luna on her side just popped her head up the shirt she was looking through and looked at Ava for just a moment as she listened… she was still young, a little baby despite evolving, but if there was one thing she chould understand, was when people offer her food. She immediately freed herself from the shirt and run up to Ava’s arm, practically jumping towards her to be carried to the goodies.
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Maria could only giggle as Shane rambled on about her achievements, as well as compliment her little girl. She was half tempted to tease him about his near slip up but his hesitant question caught her off guard. She wasn’t aware Ava had shared such things with him....Was it really alright for her to answer that particular question?
“So you....Know about Stella do you?” Maria questioned carefully, now slowly gathering extra utensils as she thought how to best go about explaining this without giving too much away. Maria wasn’t even sure it was really her place to tell but....He had asked and Ava has been doing so well moving on from her past....Both their pasts really.
“To put it simply....The most direct response would say that it was ultimately Team Rocket’s fault. Her Pokemon lost her life protecting her....” Maria found herself clamming up, knowing there was so much more to the story, but found it hurt even her to think about. To know that her husband had been....Maria tensed before relaxing as Noah had began patting her leg gently. “Ava was just a little over the age when kids start their Pokemon journeys when Team Rocket began to heighten their activity. That’s part of the reason we moved so much. But that’s why we’re here in Alola. To have a completely fresh new start.”
Maria then releases a hefty sigh as she places the last plate on the table, full of steamed bread as she glances at Shane. “That’s really all I can say for now hon. The rest is up to my daughter. She was probably the most affected out of the whole ordeal after all.”
Meanwhile Ava had been completely oblivious to the conversation taking place in the kitchen, instead happily scooping up Luna into her arms. She made sure to hold her carefully, not sure if Luna’s species had any sore points or places they didn’t like having touched or messed with. 
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“There we go Luna. You’re a smart girl aren’t you? And pretty too. Shane must spoil you rotten doesn’t he?” She cooed, adjusting Luna before she finally left her room to instead make her way back to the kitchen. Once she reached the kitchen she noticed the atmosphere seemed to be a bit...off? Shrugging, she set Luna down before giving a low whistle, a signal for her Pokemon to clear into the kitchen for lunch.
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(So many new followers! I want you to know that you are awesome and I’d love to interact if I wasn’t such an odd bean. Might make a starter call.)
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