#(Pffft this is too funny)
sadboytristan · 1 month
Man, everytime someone likes that post, the one where my SMUG ASS WROTE,
I was so proud, nah—
and man, that shit has mE WHEEZING❗️
Cause nah, is that? Man was that how smug Felix felt?? When his dUM--
When he called Ralph, ✨️BIG NOSE✨️
Every time yall like that post, where I straight up R O A S T E D the sHIT OUTTA HIM, only to find out I AM HIM,,, yall I swear to god,,,
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titanic-toa · 1 year
Kink: Farting?
Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | ***Fuck yes |There goes my pants*** |
Bonus: Giving | Receiving | ***Both***(?)
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penrose-quinn · 2 years
Personally, I think I'm just making up words and should've just labeled it canon divergent than semi-canon. I guess I just got confused because Shinichiro's canon backstory is confusing because we have two: one being in the OG TL and the other being present TL.
When it comes to GL, I wrote it around the time he wasn't revealed to be a timeleaper yet so I closely follow Autopilot!Shinichiro (lol) but without the time-leaping thing. I kinda wish we see OGTL!Shinichiro interact with Izana or Inui in the manga before or after the time-leap at least. I do believe OGTL!Shinichiro did interact with Izana because judging from the flashback, he's still sporting his delinquent hairstyle and they're both really young. Izana was in juvie around 12/13 and Shin met him way before that. Sadly, this just means he really did abandon Izana over Mikey and he never met Inui because there was no SS Motors :')
So all I'm saying here is whatever happened in canon with Izana and Inui is all Autopilot!Shinichiro's doing. And yeah I should've just labeled it canon divergent since this is a fic where he did survive so... 👉👈
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sunsetsimon · 27 days
i just know simon is the cutest when he laughs. usually he just huffs and shakes his head, amused but not enough to laugh. oh but if he does, suddenly you win the funniest person to ever exist award, because he never laughs! he always covers his mouth with his hand or turns to the side, refusing to let his smile be seen. it's a low 'heheh' sound, almost inaudible from being muffled under his mask. his broad shoulders tremble, his body shaking as he holds back his full laughter.
when he's at home though, you get to see his face uncovered, exposing all of his emotions. the way he curls his lips, trapping them together to not allow himself to laugh. the way his pale cheeks to his neck flush a bright pink when he finds something really funny and can't hold back. how when he's a bit drunk with you things flow easier, soft laughs and touches from him throughout the night.
plus he laughs at the dumbest things too. you'll be watching a video with the straightest face and then simon just goes "pffft," and breaks out into laughter. he loves when you're telling a story about some dumb shit that happened while you were out or something you saw, especially when you're telling him so passionately, it always gets a good chuckle out of him.
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florencemtrash · 7 months
The Shadowsinger & The Inkbird: Chapter Thirteen
Azriel x Day Court Librarian Reader
Summary: Y/n's clairvoyance is a gift from the Mother, but it feels more like a curse. With the power to gain knowledge through touch alone, Y/n holes herself up in The Alcove and hopes her powers and parentage will remain a secret. But things will change after the Summer Solstice ball and a chance encounter with a certain Shadowsinger.
Warnings: Canon typical violence. A walk through Velaris turns for the worse and the secrets of The Book are finally revealed...
The Shadowsinger & The Inkbird: Masterlist
Masterlist of Masterlists
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It would seem I was wrong. It does not take much for Bethsevah Mordeigh to turn. 
I should be ashamed, but the more often Thanatos keeps coming back, the more I come to like him. Make no mistake, he’s as dangerous and volatile as a starving animal, but compared to his siblings he’s a saint. 
I saw him kill a male yesterday. One who stumbled upon our hidden ceremony and threatened to come back with Koschei’s army and crush us and the Mother beneath his boot. 
But with a snap of Thanatos’s fingers the nameless fae was gone. Gone in a gust of red wind that smelled and tasted like metal. And Thanatos looked stronger for it. His pale skin stopped being so translucent. His hair looked a touch darker, so dark it swallowed all light. A piece cut away from the fabric of the world. 
Death is his food. Him and his siblings feed on it and crave it like nothing else. 
Except for me. 
Thanatos says he craves me. And I think I believe him. I think I’m beginning to crave him too. 
Gwyn froze when the mountain’s door slid back. Azriel stood outside Cagniv Library with a bouquet of salt-white water lilies clutched in one hand and pale blue tulips in the other. 
“Azriel,” you smiled brightly, the last word you’d meant to speak to Gwyn dying on your lips. “What’re you doing here?”
The midday sun beat down on the face of the mountain, shortening the shadows around your feet. 
“I was coming from the House of Wind and was hoping you’d take a long walk home with me. These are for you.” He held out the tulips. “And for you.” He held out the lilies for Gwyn, which she accepted after a brief moment of hesitance. 
Azriel looked… lighter. His shadows were stronger than ever, clinging to his body like a second scent, but his eyes held a fondness and love for you that Gwyn had never seen before. Not when he was looking at Mor, not when he was looking at Elain… not when he was looking at her. It was so obvious to Gwyn’s eyes, she was amazed you hadn’t caught on yet. You just looked at the flowers with a touch of color flooding your cheeks. Bashful and uncertain of how to accept such a gift. 
“Thank you.” You touched the velvety petals between your fingers as though they might crumble if you weren’t gentle. 
“Yes. Thank you.” 
Azriel looked at Gwyn, that small smile of his faltering and then growing once more when Gwyn nodded her head. It was a silent acknowledgement. A quiet understanding that didn’t completely escape your notice. 
I’m not happy with you. Gwyn’s eyes spoke. But I understand. Her teal eyes flashed protectively. Don’t fuck this up.
“I assume I’ll be seeing you tomorrow?” Gwyn smirked at you and nudged her shoulder with your own, feeling the soft give of her skin and the strength in her arms. 
“Where else would I be?”
“At home. Sleeping.”
“Pffft. Sleep is for the weak.” 
“Careful. You’re starting to sound like Az. Now shoo.” Gwyn waved you off, watching as you took the arm that Azriel offered and made your way down the smooth steps of the mountain back to the city. 
You bowed your heads together, lips barely moving and cutting out two dark silhouettes in the air. Azriel must have said something funny because your gentle laugh carried itself on the wind, weaving into the air like silver thread. Gwyn couldn’t help but smile at you. 
If she knew what was about to happen, she would have never let you leave the library. 
“They’re in love.” 
Azriel looked sideways at you, catching the sweet scent of your hair as you leaned against him. The Palace of Hoof and Leaf buzzed with quiet energy, the air tinged with the scent of sugar from the confectionary booths. 
“Beth and Thanatos.” 
The book rocked against your hip, matching the beat of you and Azriel’s steps as you walked through the cobblestone marketplace. Lanterns hung unlit from the arches above, bobbing on wire like the bubbles that a pair of hawk-winged children were blowing from the steps of a peach-stone apartment. The girl, blue-eyed and red-haired, nudged the boy, pointing at the Shadowsinger with something like awe. Azriel offered them a faint smile and a few tendrils of his shadows licked at their feet as they scampered away with laughter. It was just a game to them after all. 
“I didn’t think he was capable of love,” Azriel noted. He thought back to the memories you’d unearthed with your powers and of the violent ways Thanatos had inched his way into Beth’s life. Wherever he lingered, death followed. But so far as you knew, he was also incredibly protective of Beth and the other priestesses. They’d benefited from his presence even if they were unnerved by it. He’d kept them hidden from Koschei.
“Beth didn’t think so either.” You flinched when one of the marketplace hawkers held his hand out to you. He didn’t shout like the others and seemed grieved when you stepped back into the folds of Azriel’s wings. He opened his sticky fist palm up to the sky revealing a handful of neat caramel candies wrapped in wax paper. 
“For the miss.” 
Y/n looked at Azriel, who only nodded with a smile.
“Thank you.” You gingerly took them from him, taking a moment to admire the light brown of the confectioner’s eyes, like burnt sugar, and the wisps of candy floss clinging to his shirt like loose threads. 
He didn’t resume his shouting until you were a good distance away, deep voice bellowing out over the square that his wares were made fresh that morning. You unwrapped one of the candies and stuck it in your mouth, sighing as it turned around on your tongue, slowly melting. Azriel took one of the candies you offered, but tucked it into his pocket when you turned your head to inspect the baskets of spices laid out on the sidewall.
“But he keeps staying with her. Keeps warning her of Koschei’s movements so she and her fellow priestesses can stay hidden. He… he cares for her. Or at least Beth seems to think so. The information — the story — is more pleasant than I could have hoped for, and I’m eternally grateful she doesn’t go in depth about their activities—” 
Azriel chuckled. “So it’s not like one of Nesta’s books.”
“Thank the Mother no. But it doesn’t get us any closer to finding out how to defeat Koschei. She doesn’t even talk about Koschei or the priestesses much. Only Thanatos. It’s just a love story.”
“Love stories are never just that though. They’re probably the most powerful things in the universe. Look at Rhysand and Feyre. Cassian and Nesta. I don’t think we’d be where we are now if not for their love for one another. The things they were willing to do to protect what they cared about.” 
“Do you ever wish you had that?” You dared to ask. “That kind of love? A mate?” Azriel turned to look at you, eyes filled with more cryptic meaning than you could ever imagine unraveling. There was hope, longing, grief, and a slew of other emotions. Their weight seemed to press in on you, but you didn’t feel overwhelmed. 
“All the time,” he whispered. Then he smiled, staring down at where your arm was linked to his. “Do you?” 
You turned away almost bitterly. “I don’t know what I’d do with that kind of love. If I’d be able to handle it. It might be too much for me.”
“I would disagree.” 
You couldn’t find the words to respond, so you settled on silence. Luckily for you, silence with Azriel never felt uncomfortable. 
“If your shadows keep taking them, I’m going to forget how many I’ve selected.”
“I see no problem with this,” Azriel shrugged and continued to follow you around the bookshop. It had stuck out to you immediately on your long walk back to the River House. A squat, two-story townhouse with charmingly chipped white paint laid over sturdy brick and sage green shutters. Candles winked in the afternoon light pressed up against window sills where two fat ginger cats lay purring in the sun. The dark, woodsy interior dripped with books, leather notebooks, and automatic writing pens that hovered over thick pages like butterflies. “We have space in the house.” 
“It’s less about space and more about how much I’ve spent.” Your fingers brushed the next book on the shelf and its deep purple binding. 
Oh that one’s interesting — a romance between a Spring Court nymph and a Dundarian knife maker filled with adventure, lust, longing, and found family. 
You’d no sooner plucked it from the shelf before shadows crowded your hands, whisking it off to whatever ether Azriel kept them hidden in. He wrote the name of the book on a sheaf of paper, his handwriting neat and simple. 
You turned on him, arms folded over your chest. “You can’t keep doing that.” 
“You are not to spend a copper of your own money here. Rhysand and Feyre’s orders. Just put it on the House’s credit. Rhysand’s already added you.” 
“They put me on their credit?” You balked even thinking about the money you’d been given access to.
Azriel nodded. “Consider it repayment.”
“Repayment for what? I haven’t done anything.”
Azriel looked at you quietly, as if the answer were obvious. “You’re the reason I still have a sister-in-law and a niece. You’re the reason we now have a name to investigate and are one step closer to defeating Koschei. You’re the reason the Godswoods and the Gallows haven’t been stolen from yet and a number of Librarians still have their lives. Do I need to continue?”
You thought through what he said. It was true that Helion’s intervention in the Godswoods and the Gallows had been effective. No deaths had been reported since then, but it didn’t make you feel any safer. A snake was still a snake, even when camouflaged.
“Only two of those things matter to the Night Court. Helion owes me for the latter.” 
“Then you can have him contact the banks and transfer the sums.” Azriel’s eyes twinkled with mischie. You went to snatch the paper out of his hands, but all he had to do was raise his arm to the ceiling, a smile tugging at his lips. You jumped up, one hand firm on his shoulder for leverage, but it was no use. He was too damned tall. 
You stood on the tips of your toes to get closer to eye level with Azriel. His eyes flickered down to your lips, the shapes they made as you quietly said, “Thank you.” 
You lingered in the stacks for a few moments longer, nervously asked the shop owner to put the list of books on the High Lord and High Lady’s tab — which she did with a warm smile — and then made your way back outside. The bell hanging above the doorway jingled happily, the wood burned sign saying Come back soon! Love, Jessebell. 
You trailed ahead of him down the street. Every sign, every shop window display, every street sign — you drank them in like you were ravenous. 
Azriel felt Rhys’s presence drift in the outskirts of his mind, and without hesitation, he let him in. 
Where are you? What’s taking so long?
Nearly to the Sidra. I brought her to Jessebell’s. 
That explains your lateness. Rhys paused. She must have loved that. 
Azriel smiled inwardly. She did. She really did.  
A female with weathered, dark skin and flowers sprouting from her ears stopped you on the street and although your first instinct was to recoil, you relaxed when she only lifted up a deep black tulip in her textured hands. The wilting flower straightened up when you kissed one of the petals as instructed and the gentle laugh that followed had Azriel’s heart soaring. 
Well make sure you get here in time for dinner. I want as many of our family members under my roof as possible.
Is this an ask, or a command?
Don’t make me use my High Lord voice on you.
Azriel rolled his eyes with a smile. I am absolutely trembling. Do you use that tone of voice on Nyx? 
He felt as much as heard Rhys’s laughter. Enjoy your time with Y/n, but come back soon. Mor is looking to get her hands on your mate. Mother help us all.
Rhys cut the connection and Azriel was free to admire you once more. 
You cradled the bouquet he’d given you in your arms, light reflecting off the petals and casting a faint blue glow on your face as you chatted with the florist. Your smile, which had started out forced and nervous, was slipping into something more relaxed. When the female laughed merrily and touched your wrist, you didn’t flinch. 
Dark tendrils of night curled around his ears and Azriel felt a shiver trail down his spine. 
Behind you. His shadows whispered. The boy needs help. There’s something wrong with him.
The boy startled back when Azriel turned towards him, tripping over a nick in the cobblestones and landing with a wince on his palms. Glassy pale eyes stared up, wide and terrified. His clothes were rumpled and unkempt and his white-blond hair was a mess of curls flecked with grey, like he’d been rolling around in dust. Pale pink and blue veins rose to the surface of his green-tinged skin, sickly and unnerving. He looked like a corpse on puppet strings.
Azriel looked around, but no one was searching for the little boy. No yelps belonging to scared parents. No calls from a sibling. 
“Shadowsinger, sir?” Even his voice sounded sickly, like his vocal chords were disintegrating in his throat. 
Azriel immediately dropped to his knees and slid his hands behind his back. “What’s happened, little one? What’s wrong?” His voice was smooth and gentle. 
He was too busy thinking that his boy was younger than Nyx, too busy ordering his shadows out to search for the boy’s parents that he didn’t think twice about the lingering stench of blood clinging to the boy’s shoes or the faint pain beginning to grow behind his hazel eyes. 
The boy looked around furtively while wringing his grubby hands, and then leaned close to whisper in Azriel’s ear. His pale eyes narrowed in concentration.
“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen a black tulip before.” 
“It’s a little secret of mine. You need to get the seed and soil just right.” The female brushed her waist length hair over her shoulder. The knotted strands had the thick, coarse texture of seafarer’s rope, as aged and wise as the rest of her. When you held the flower back out for her to take she shook her head. 
“For you, my dear. I have dozens more and I think it would attract more business if you wore it around today. A beautiful creature like you must get lots of attention.” 
You knew she was probably just saying these things to get your business, but you couldn’t help the spark of joy the compliments gave you. She helped tuck the flower into the braids of your hair and you felt the petals kiss the tips of your left ear. 
“Say.” The female leaned in like she was about to share a secret. “If you aren’t already taken, I have a niece who’d love to have a pretty girl like you on her arm.” 
Your blush deepened and you found yourself stammering, “That’s very kind, but I don't-I don’t-'' You glanced up the street. Azriel was kneeling on the ground, head bent down to a small child. You only caught the wisps of white, candy floss hair over Azriel’s broad shoulders. 
The female traced the path of your gaze and sighed. “Ahhhhh. I see.” There was a triumphant look in her eyes, even as she said, “Shame. But I’ll still give you my niece’s name if you don’t mind.” 
Your eyes snapped away from Azriel’s and you smiled in embarrassment. “Oh, we’re not—”
You stepped back. Panic froze the blood in your veins and you felt pinpricks traveling up your body, stabbing your heart and your mind. You could see her now. Her silver hair fanned out around her. Her broken body. Her bloodied eye socket, dark and empty. 
“I’m sorry. What did you say?” You had to have heard her incorrectly. Your head was pounding but you pushed back on your mental wards, shoring up your defenses until the feeling passed.
The female tilted her head to the side. Her eyes were as milky and glassy as pearls. “Does the name mean anything to you, dear?” 
You took another step back and the female stepped forward. Her eyes seemed to clear then and her brows furrowed in concentration and pain. She lunged forward, tearing away at your clothes and knocking the flowers of your hands as she begged. “Help me. The boy. He’s inside—HELP ME!” 
You surged back, crumpling to the ground under her heavy weight as she continued to pull and claw. 
She’d been restocking the back room when the dirty little boy and the tailor showed up in the alleyway. He still carried that bolt of fabric under the crook of his arm. He took out a knife, orange eyes flashing and slit his throat from ear to ear while the little boy watched. Smiling.
“LET GO!” You kicked out, ramming your knee up and into the soft flesh of her stomach like you’d seen Emerie do to Cassian, but you lacked her strength and technique. The female wheezed but didn’t let go, even as others came to try and pry her off of you. Their voices were frantic, trying to calm you down, but they were the voices and hands of strangers. 
“AZ!” You screamed, feeling the female sink her nails into your arm.
There was an ugly tearing sound and the cool touch of wind at your chest. Your robes were ripped apart under her rough hands and her eyes narrowed in on your belt and the chain that connected to the book. She bucked off a cherub-faced female with a blow to her nose and blood splashed over your cheek. 
“Help me. Please. Oh… oh gods.” She grabbed at the book, but the chain glowed iron hot in her hands. The smell of burning scorched your nose as the magic did what it was meant to do. Nothing could break that chain. Not unless you willed it. Not while you were still alive. 
“Oh gods. Oh gods help me. I’m so sorry.” There were tears streaming down her face, tracing the canyons and valleys of her skin. She threw off the fae clamoring around you both and ran with jerky, uncoordinated leaps back into her flower shop. She snatched the gardening shears off the windowsill where she’d been trimming her hydrangea bushes. She wept and shook her head, mouth struggling to open and scream as she held the shears up high and then drove them into her neck.
The scene took a long time to filter through the haze of panic and disbelief. 
“Az… Az… Az—AZRIEL!” Your shrill scream pierced through the air. You scrambled away from everyone. Stones shaved away the skin of your knees, your palms. The tattered silk of your robes trailed behind you. “Don’t touch me!” You shrieked at the male who tried grabbing your arm, soft voice whispering. 
He wasn’t the one you wanted. 
The female dropped to her knees, hands clutching her throat as blood poured out in bubbly, gurgling spurts. The candy pink strips of her apron turned a wet, sticky black as she crawled back towards the door.
“Oh gods… Please,” she wheezed, wet and agonized, before collapsing face down on the floor. Motionless. 
You staggered to your feet twisting away from everyone crowding around you. 
“Don’t touch me. Don’t!” 
“Miss you must sit. Please—”
“Let me help—” 
“Are you hurt? What’s—” 
“Don’t touch me. Please don’t touch me. Don’t touch me!” 
Screams. The sound of doors slamming shut. Locks turning. Commanding barks calling for a healer. Calling for the High Lord and the High Lady. Calling for the Shadowsinger to help.
Azriel was still kneeling in front of that boy and no matter how many times you called his name and pushed through the crowd of people now rushing up and down the streets in a frenzy, he didn’t get up. He didn’t look at you. You may as well have not existed. 
You finally reached him, narrowly missing being run over by a satyr who seemed to have gotten the wrong impression about which direction to sprint in. Every clip clop of his hooves shot through you. 
Why hadn’t… Why hadn’t he helped you? 
Why hadn’t he come when you called?
The Shadowsinger rose. One hand grabbed the hilt of Truth Teller and the malicious blade sang as it was unleashed. The shadows that normally hovered about him like mist were gone. They were all around you now, tugging you in the opposite direction towards the Sidra. They pleaded for you to run, but you couldn’t understand them.
Something was deeply, deeply wrong.
“Az.” You begged and grabbed hold of his hand. “Please. You’re scaring me.”
Truth Teller shot out and pain radiated up your arm as the blade cut neatly through your clothes and sliced open your skin. You tripped backward, landing with a thud on the street that rattled your bones. Your sleeve turned dark with blood. 
You whimpered, holding your ruined arm up to your chest. There was no feeling in Azriel’s eyes. No flicker of recognition. None of that warmth and kindness you were so accustomed to. Just a menacing, silent form towering over you and blocking out the sun. 
A pale boy stood by Azriel’s side with ice chip eyes and rectangular pupils. He grinned brightly and the stretch of his waxy cheeks was too tight. Too forced. He shouldn’t have been alive. He-he—
You’d seen him in Henna’s memory. You’d heard the snap of his neck beneath Koschei’s hands. Even now the boy was bent awkwardly, his head left in a perpetual tilt that should have looked charming and inquisitive but instead made you want to retch.
Andrian smiled at you then plastered a practiced look of horror on his face before running away with tears streaming down his cheeks, shouting for his mother. A burly male grabbed his shoulders, alarm on his face as he hoisted Andrian into his arms and disappeared into the crowd. Because who wouldn’t stoop down to help a fragile little boy? Who would dare suspect that the daemati that had roamed the Day Court’s halls and slithered his way into Velaris was a child?
Azriel gripped you by the front of your ruined clothes, hosting you up in the air. Your feet kicked uselessly and grabbed onto Azriel’s arm, trying to alleviate the choking pressure of his hand so close to your neck. 
“No. Azriel please. It’s me,” you whimpered. “It’s me.”
There was a flicker of recognition in his eyes. There and gone. So brief you wondered if you’d imagined it.
His left hand parted the tatters of your robes, and you flinched when his fingers brushed against your hip before settling on the chain that kept the book tied to you. 
Panic seized your soul. 
You’d been chipping away at the book’s secrets for months and you couldn’t let Azriel — couldn’t let Koschei — get his hands on it. Not without you knowing what it was that made Beth’s story so special.
You flung a hand out, feeling the leather of the book beneath your fingertips like it was your own skin. Your magic called out to the book, desperate and powerful and familiar, and the barriers it possessed to hide its secrets melted away at your beckoning. You poured every inch of your power into it even as Azriel’s lips turned down in an ugly frown that didn’t belong on his face. 
Your eyes turned to gold, bright as the sun as you basked in the knowledge flooding your mind with the force of a tsunami. You didn’t hold anything back. Not this time.
You were so lost in the book — in the emotions and memories wrapping around your mind, sharp and brighter than the light of a thousand suns — that you didn’t feel it when Azriel gripped that golden chain. The metal flared, a high-pitched ring piercing the air as it snapped in two, giving way to Azriel’s power. Nothing should have broken it. And yet there it was dangling from your waist.  
You did feel it when he broke your wrist. 
When he forced the book from your grasp. 
And then stabbed you in the stomach. 
Cassian and Nesta winnowed to the street and watched in horror as your body was dropped to the ground. Your head cracked the pavement, hands twitching palms up at your sides. 
Nesta shrieked. The sound was harrowing. The mourning, dying screams of an animal.  
She charged forward, twin blades flashing in her hands, and silver light shot out of her chest, crashing into Azriel’s shields and forcing him back twenty feet. He gritted his teeth. The rubber soles of his shoes skidded and burned. 
Cassian collapsed on his knees beside you, peeling off his leather jacket and wrapping it around your head and neck to keep it in place. 
“Shit.” His hands came away bloody. RHYS! FEYRE! He screamed into the corners of his mind, hoping they’d hear. GET HERE NOW! 
“Thanatos.” Your voice was weak.
“It’s Cass. Hey, keep your eyes on me ok.” He pressed his hands against your stomach, wings flared out to protect you from the cold burn of Nesta’s power as she went toe to toe with The Shadowsinger. Magic sizzled in the air, raising the hair on the back of Cassian’s neck like a lightning strike waiting to happen. Blood pooled over his hands, thick and dark. “Eyes open,” he commanded, “On me.”  
Your eyes were open, and glowing strangely, but you weren’t staring at Cassian. No. You were miles outside of your body. 
“The Bone Carver. That’s it.” 
“Eyes on me, Y/n. Eyes on me.” 
“Thanatos,” your hand twitched, “The Bone Carver. That’s how she did it.”
Nesta screamed, flying overhead in a burst of blue light that had her back slamming into one of the marketplace towers. The white marble cracked viciously and Nesta dropped to the ground, dazed and distracted as blood dripped out from her nose. 
“NESTA!” Cassian roared, eyes narrowing into dangerous slits as Azriel waited at the bottom of the street. 
The Shadowsinger muttered something dark and revolting beneath his breath. Ancient, powerful words that were whispered in his mind. He held onto the book in his hands as it lit up in flames and then blew the ashes into the wind that would carry them all the way to Andrian’s master. 
The call of her mate sharpened her senses and Nesta rolled onto her feet, calling her weapons back into her hands and leveling a glare at Azriel that would have killed a lesser male on the spot. 
She was Nesta fucking Archeron. 
Lady Death. 
Queen of Queens. 
And she would be damned if she let Azriel hurt her or anyone else.
“I’m sorry for what I’m about to do, Az,” she growled. 
She’d been holding back before. She’d been holding back a long while. But no more of that. The power she let out burst through Velaris with light brighter than a dying star, crackling with an energy that knocked Azriel off his feet and sent him crashing into the river wall with a sickening crack that shattered the bones in his arm, his leg, and his wings. 
Rhys appeared at his side, violet eyes wide open in shock. He could feel the magic suffocating his brother’s consciousness, burying him so deep there was almost nothing left but anger behind his whiskey-brown eyes. 
Rhysand grabbed the sides of his head, shoving his way into Azriel’s mind even while he fought back. Rhys flinched when one of Azriel’s knives nicked his temple, drawing blood that dripped down onto his velvet dinner jacket and floated on the dense material like dew drops. 
“Stop. This isn’t you, Az.” 
Azriel seethed, teeth bared and bloody. He spit in Rhysand’s face and he winced. Rhysand would never be able to forgive himself for what he did next. But someone had burrowed themselves into Azriel’s mind so thoroughly, so viciously, that in that moment, it was the only thing Rhys could think to do. 
Rhysand’s talons dragged down on Azriel’s mental walls so viciously he screamed as they were torn to pieces. He dug in with brutal efficiency. Reaching, tearing, clawing to catch the curl of power that had infected Azriel’s mind before it could do any more damage. He latched onto its slithery, silver body and wrenched it out of Azriel’s consciousness. 
When I find you. You’re as good as dead. Rhysand promised. 
The daemati slunk away with a giddiness that sent a shiver through The High Lord’s bones. 
Azriel slumped, weak and boneless, against his brother’s shoulder. Sweat beaded his brow and he shook, blinking the saltiness out of his eyes. He felt like he’d been beaten within an inch of his life. His bones were broken. His wings twisted. There was a raging headache that a hundred shots of vodka paled in comparison to. 
But it was his hands that horrified him most. Red and slippery. 
His breath shook.
He couldn’t… he couldn’t remember… what…. 
His eyes shot to Rhys, then up the street where he could make out Feyre, Cass, and Nesta huddled over your still body. The bond sat deep within him pulsing with terror and pain. 
“Rhys.” His voice broke. Rhysand angled his body to hide you from view, but it was too late. Azriel was panicking now, body trembling uncontrollably. “What happened?”
Rhysand said nothing. His eyes shined with horror. 
“What did I do? Rhys, what did I do?!” 
“Cass. Cassian, I’ve got her.” 
His hands were shaking. There was so much blood. The smell burned his nose and made him want to throw up his lunch. Feyre covered his hands with her own, peeling them away sticky and red from Y/n’s stomach. 
Light flooded out from Feyre’s palms, warm and lovely and Cassian and Nesta breathed a sigh of relief as the flow of red slowed and then stopped, flesh knitting itself back together. 
“It’s ok. You’ll be ok.” Nesta’s words were commanding as she held your neck and head still.
Your eyes searched the empty sky, seeing and unseeing. Then your hands shot up, grasping Feyre’s shoulders and digging in deep enough to leave bruises. Your eyes were wide, staring at her with an intensity that spoke of a thousand years. An unfathomable wealth of knowledge that should have crushed you beneath its weight. 
“Y/n it’s ok,” she murmured gently, pushing more power into your body, willing you to heal faster.
“Look. Feyre you need to look,” your voice was thick. Wet. Blood coated the inside of your mouth bitter and metallic. 
“I’m looking. Y/n, you hit your head. It’s going to be ok. You hear me? It’s going to be ok.” 
“You need to look,” you said once more.
You trailed a bloody, weak hand down Feyre’s arm and pulled her fingers up to your temple, tapping once. Twice. 
Without any more direction, she slipped into your mind and gasped.
Feyre stood in a pool of mist, white fingers reaching up her legs and splintering outwards before they changed direction and started to climb up into the darkness like trees. Or rather… like bookshelves. The mist formed stacks that disappeared into the distance, endless hallways and shelves that wound around each other. Chaotic and orderly at the same time. 
She could feel your presence beside her. Or rather she was you. In that moment she felt the raging winds of your power, hot and ravenous. It wrapped around you, tugging you to and fro like that uncontrollable lurch when you stand too close to the cliff’s edge. The call of the void.
She needed to answer that call the same way you did whenever you used your powers, because somewhere in the halls of your mind stood the knowledge you’d worked so hard to obtain. The truth of how it was Bethsevah Mordeigh was able to trap Koschei, and how to end it once and for all. 
Feyre let your magic pull her in the right direction. In the mist she stumbled upon the final memories you’d absorbed from the book before it had blown away in the wind.
Bethsevah wept, “No. No. No. I won’t,” shoving away the reed thin body that held her so close. Thanatos grasped her face in his pale hands, begging her to listen to him even as she shook her head frantically. “I won’t do it.” 
“You must. Bethsevah, you must.” His pitch black eyes winked with starlight… or maybe it was his tears. 
This world and its people had changed him. He could feel it in his bones. Something very deep and cruel within him had been twisted into something sacred. Something that toed the line of kindness. 
Koschei thought it was this element that made fae and humans beneath the three of them. They were supposed to be pure. Powerful. Handing out life and taking it away like the gods they were. But now Thanatos knew better. Now he knew exactly what it was that made Koschei and Stryga worse than even him — they would never be able to care for anyone. Not the way he cared for Bethsevah. Not the way he cared for the world she loved. 
“I won’t do it,” she growled.
“Then they’ll die,” he said, with a tone of finality that could only belong to a death god. “Everyone. Everyone you love. Everyone you care about. I know my brother. Koschei craves attention and devotion above all else. He won’t let you worship your Mother. He won’t stop until you all kneel or until you’re ashes in the wind. Beth—” He wrenched her hands back from where she covered her eyes, refusing to even look at him. 
He tucked his crooked finger beneath her chin, coaxing her gaze up. Together they were storm clouds blanketing an eternal night. A lightning strike — brief and chaotic and electrifying. 
“You don’t know what you’re asking of me,” she whispered, steel laced in her soft voice, “You don’t know what you’re offering.” 
He smiled, sad and simple. “I know exactly what I’m offering up.”
“Once I lock you in The Prison, I won’t be able to let you out. No one will. You’ll be trapped there for eternity.” She shivered, closing her eyes. She wouldn’t wish that fate upon her worst enemy, but her mate? She shook her head. 
“I know.” 
“No, you—”
“I have seen the first fall of snow on a new world. I have seen entire cities leveled to dust with no survivors. I’ve lived thousands of years. I understand.”
“We’ll find a way. Kosch—” 
“Remember what I told you,” he whispered, “Back at the cabin? You were made to ruin me, Beth. And I will let you do it a million times over. Without hesitation.” 
You and Feyre felt Beth’s pain as acutely as if you shared the same heart.
“I wish she hadn’t done it,” Beth whispered, “I wish the Mother had never created me to be your mate.” 
“I don’t.” Thanatos leaned his forehead against Beth’s and got lost in her. “There is no other way, Bethsevah.” He kept saying her name, like just speaking the word and feeling the shapes it took in his mouth would prolong the time they had together. Would tie them together more surely than the bond that burned in their chests.
She felt the battleground slip beneath her feet and no amount of power, no amount of willpower, could change it. 
He brushed back her hair and trailed one of his slender fingers down the curve of her cheek ending one teardrop’s race to her chin. “Mating bonds are powerful things, Beth. Your magic — your blood — and yours alone will be able to cut through my defenses and sever me from my power. I want you to take it and lock me away. Once my magic is yours, Stryga won’t be able to see you coming and you’ll be able to take her power as well. So long as you leave Koschei for last it may just be enough power to rid him from this earth once and for all.” 
“You’d have me do this. Destroy you and your family. This is what you want?”
Thanatos hesitated. “I am not a good male. But this… this will have to be enough. This is what I want, Bethsevah. For you and your family to live. To be happy and safe.”
“I won’t be happy, “ she said, eyes now flat and dull as the silver coins they placed over the dead, “I won’t take anyone else.”
“I want you to,” he begged, “I want you to marry and to have children. I want you to grow your family so that one day, if I ever do make it out of that Prison, I’ll still see pieces and memories of you roaming this earth. That’s all I want, Bethsevah, and it’s already more than I deserve.” 
“I’ll find a way,” Beth promised. “I’ll find a way to get you out. I swear it.” 
“Don’t make any bargains with me.” He smiled sadly, thumb wiping away at her cheeks, “That’s what got us into this mess.”
Finally she laughed, just a little. “I don’t regret it.” 
“Neither do I.”
The memory froze. A moment in time trapped like a beetle in amber.
A hand grabbed Feyre by her shoulders and swung her around. You stood there cloaked in pale, golden light, your eyes shining like copper coins. When you opened your mouth, you spoke in Beth’s voice.
Thanatos told me that magic runs in blood — familiar, same. But mates are different. Powerful. Their magic can protect one another. Identify one another across space and across time. But they can also turn on each other viciously. A lock and a key. Madness and salvation.
What I could destroy in Thanatos, I stood a chance at destroying in his siblings.
Your face fell, hauntingly beautiful in the glow of your powers. 
But I couldn’t do it. Not in the way he asked. I took his power. I locked him in that Prison. I bound Stryga to her cabin in the woods. But I didn’t kill Koschei when I should have. When the power of three gods was coursing through my veins and stripping me down to my bones, when I had enough light within me to see the birth and death of stars and the face of the Mother, I couldn’t do it. 
I thought I would be capable of destroying Koschei and freeing Thanatos, but I couldn’t do either. I had only enough sanity left to take that power and bury it somewhere Koschei couldn’t touch. To trap him on the lake where he can live in madness knowing his magic is so close by and yet locked away. Unreachable. 
I’ve done my part. I’ve had my children. I’ve left my mark on the world, great and terrible as it is. If you’re reading this, my daughters, do what I could not. Take the power in the lake and destroy him. It will open for you, and only you. My power. My blood. 
And if you have any love for me at all, find a way to release Thanatos. That is what I ask of you.
Bethsevah’s calls had never been answered, at least not by her children. You knew this much in your heart. Thanatos — The Bone Carver — had freed himself thousands of years later only to die beneath the Cauldron’s power. 
You whispered a silent prayer to the Mother. You hoped the Bone Carver was at peace now. Now that he must be with his Beth. 
Azriel was screaming your name, broken cries cutting through the quiet of the marketplace. You’d never thought him capable of such a wretched noise. 
The High Lady sat shock still above you with tears streaming down her face. Grey eyes glistening.
<- Previous Chapter Next Chapter ->
Author's Note:
I apologize if you thought I'd forgotten about the plot with Koschei and was just writing cute, fluffy scenes between our favorite Librarian and our favorite Batboy. But you also should've remembered that I burned this girl's house down and had her kill a another character in self defense so... this was coming... sorry...
This is by far the chapter I've been most nervous about posting because it's where I start to tie together all the weird loose threads that have been accumulating throughout this story so I am very much open to feedback on how I can do things better and on how I can make things clearer moving forward. Or! If you thought I did a good job and are intrigued, I'd appreciate it if you let me know that too!
But anyway thanks for reading 😅.
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Incorrect C.o.D Quotes Nine✦
(Sexual Implication) Ghost, trying to be sexy by whispering: Gaggin’ for it, aren’t ya, love? Soap: Nope. Ghost: No? Soap: I don’t gag on anything. Ghost: *404 Error* Soap: …Ghost? Si? Simon, are you alright?
-- Y/N: Let’s play a word association game! Ghost: Why? Y/N: Because I saved your ass last mission and I’m bored, so you owe me. Ghost: *sigh* Fine. Y/N: P e r f e c t . Gaz: ?? Y/N: Cold. Ghost: Winter. Y/N: Spring. Ghost: Mattress. Y/N: Soft. Ghost: Comfortable. Y/N: Pleasant. Ghost: Sunset. Y/N, With a shit eating grin: Beautiful. Ghost, unconsciously: Johnny- Y/N: YES Gaz: OHHHHHH Ghost: Soap: *gasp* Simon!~ Ghost: I’m going to go crash in a heli. Y/N: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT-
-- Alex: Bitch do you want me to jump across this table? Because I don’t have all day for this. Norris: You feeling froggy? Leap. Alex: Okay, well here I come- Farah: Alex no, no- hOLD OFF
-- (NSFW Joke) Y/N: Oh sorry. I almost drank out of your cup. Soap: Wh-Just go ahead, it won’t matter! Y/N: Well I- Yeah no, you’re right. I’ve drank out of your cups dozens of times. Soap: We’ve sucked the same dick- Y/N: That’s a good point! Ghost: ….*sigh*
-- Gaz: What kind of girl do you like? Soap: My wife. Gaz: And you? Ghost: Johnny’s wife. Gaz: OH- Price, knowing they recently started a poly situation: Pfft-
-- (Use of the word pussy because haha) Gaz, filming: Pffft- Soap: Shhshh- Y/N in the hallway: FORTY THREE FUCKING CENTS! AHHHHH Soap: *wheeze* Y/N: I NEED A SUGAR DADDY!! Gaz: PFFFT- Soap: I can’t breathe- Y/N: At this rate I’m ready to plaster my fuckin’ pussy on the sidewalk for some sPARE CHANGE! Gaz & Soap: *doing that silent cackle thing and smack each other in the arm* Ghost, leaning into the room: What the f- Y/N: SPAARE CHANGE, SPARE CHANGE! ANYONE GOT ANY SPARE CHAAANGE?! Gaz: *coughing* Soap: Steamin’ Jesus I’m fucking crying- Y/N, passing by the room: 🎵Walkin’ in a winter wonderlaaaand🎶
-- Y/N: Would you love me? Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Would I love you if…? Y/N: nO ThAt wAs tHE QuesTiOn-
-- Y/N: Pretty boy! With me I said! Rudy: Rudy: Rudy: Oh I’m pretty boy! Y/N: Yes! Oo that came out a bit quick- (Also works with Soap & Gaz, honestly)
-- (THIS IS A CONCEPT IM TOO WHIMPY TO WRITE, SO HAVE IT HERE! THIS COULD WORK WITH SO MANY CHARACTERS Also, NSFW warning) Ghost: I don’t miss. Y/N, on his ear piece: Never? Even with distractions? Ghost: *turns his scope* Not ever. *just about to take a shot* Y/N: Hmm…what if I went… Mm Simon~ Ghost: *misses* Y/N: Ya missed. Ghost: Cheeky bitch…
-- Gaz: Alright, so, since we’re now in America and we have some time to kill, I went and I got you something. Y/N: Aww Gaz, you really didn’t have to- Gaz: *puts down their Whataburger order* Y/N: OH MY GOD Price: Really? Gaz: *shrug* Soap: *snickering as Y/N Fucking demolishes some fries* Y/N, having the time of their life: Garrick you ever need your dick sucked, a dead body buried, a beer or whatever, you call me. I got’chu Gaz: BAHA- Soap: *wheeze* Ghost: Are you fucking crying? Y/N with their mouth full: I missed it so much.
-- (Team bonding exercises) Soap: You’re a football player, it’s in ya blood! Gaz: That’s racist. Soap: Your soul? Gaz: That’s racist! Soap: …your eyes? Gaz: That’s gay- Soap: That’s homophobic. Gaz: That’s black. Soap: That’s racist!! Gaz: Damn- (this one is extra funny since Gaz is now confirmed LGBT)
-- Gaz: You overrated little twink! Soap: Hey I am a TWUNK, alright?! That is a combination, twink, and HUNK, get it?? Hunk-
-- Soap: Hey~ Fem!Y/N: You’re Gay. Soap: …oh yeah. Soap: *looks at Ghost* Soap: Hey.~ Ghost: *sigh*
-- Soap: I’m gonna have to meet men lying down. Y/N: …I thought’cha did?? Soap: OI!
-- Soap: Everyone says what a giving person I am! Y/N: He’s talking about when you’re in an upright position.
-- Graves: What if there’s a connection? Y/N: I think there’s a connection between your brain and wallpaper paste.
-- Shepard: Now you’re always ornery, rude, unpleasant, and sometimes downright mean. That’s part of your charm. Y/N: Thank you, you colluding-county-hopping-idiotic-relic. Price: *pride*
-- Alex: Oh my god, how are you such a good driver? Soap: Because there’s illegal shit in here. Alex: Soap: Because if I don’t use my turn signal, we’re both gonna do fifteen. Because I am going to lie and say yours. Alex: ….. Soap: Put your seatbelt on, sweetheart. Alex: *clicks it in places* Soap: You are not safe!
-- (Sucking dick joke) Kidnapper: You’re gonna do as I say or I will make you regret ever being born. Y/N: Oh please, I’ve sucked dicks more intimidating than you. Soap: Oh this is why Simon was the way he was after we rescued you both last time.
-- Soap, shoving marshmallows in his mouth: This isn’t very ha-*chokes* MILF!Y/N, across the fucking base: ….*mom instinct* Price: ??? Ghost: Uh- Y/N: Something just happened. Kyle: PFFT-
-- MILF!Y/N: *letting Soap & Gaz lean on her while Price and Ghost stand close behind* Untrue. I’m a mother now. It’s really changed my perspective. Graves: And do you find it hard juggling life and a career? Y/N: You can juggle these nuts.
-- Soap: *rambling* Soap: Agh, sorry, I’m just goin’ on and on- Ghost: Oi, keep talking before I kick your ass. Soap: ….. Gaz: See? This is exactly what I m-where the fuck are these flower petals coming from?? ARE THOSE SPARKLES??
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1moreff-creator · 22 days
DRDT is back!!! Here’s my live reaction to everything that happened this week! Obviously take everything I say with massive piles of salt, these are in the moment reactions and aren’t supposed to be fully coherent thoughts.
DRDT CH2 EP12 SPOILERS (Oh that feels good to write)
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We’re back!!! Teruko we fucked up!!!
The theory that Charles was going to bring up the possibility of a wrong time of death was true! There weren’t really any other theories about what he was going to say from what I saw, but it’s still cool we got that right. You have no idea how giddy I am to finally hear him talk about it, after waiting so long for him to finish the sentence lol.
Also Teruko’s face lmao.
Oh, poor Teruko, she looks so sad. She’s gonna bring up the marks on the wrist, right?
Or, yeah, the swinging.
(Does this screw up any theories? No, her body was still likely strung up at 7:30 AM, which is what most people thought I’m pretty sure)
Ah, Whit. I missed how shady he always is even when he has, like, an airtight alibi for the time the fish were taken (which is still around 7:30 PM to nightime btw, don’t forget Nico’s account).
They’re not gonna bring up the time the fish were taken, are they? That furthers my belief that the person who took the fish and the murderer are different. Nothing concrete obviously, just kinda narratively works better that way.
“Or did you do it on purpose?” Veronika how I’ve missed you :D
David’s face lmao xD
“I’ll fix that mistake” (Paraphrased) Hell yeah! Go Teruko! :D
I missed you too, Literature Boy Insane. That “pathetic” voice line was cool. Also, thank you Hu.
J: “The body would have been cold if it was drenched at some point.” (Paraphrased). Interesting point about the water, I wonder if it’s important or not. We know she wasn’t drowned because the relax room wasn’t open at 7:30 AM, right? So I don’t know how she could have gotten drenched.
Ace no genuinely how do you not know how water works what.
“The range of human stupidity is larger than I thought.” Charles, you’re great.
[Levi and Nico complain about Arturo’s medicine skills] Okay, but like, Arturo has repeatedly told you he’s not that kind of doctor. Like you can blame the guy for a lot of shit but this one ain’t it chief.
(Also don’t think I don’t see how Levi throws suspicion on Arturo. Small point towards Levi!Culprit and Levi!Accomplice)
“You shut your whore mouth!” Okay maybe I don’t need to defend Arturo actually, he seems like he has it handled. You good my guy?
Oh shit we actually brought up that Arturo is ridiculously young for someone in the medical field. I did not have that in my (hypothetical) bingo card.
Twelve?! Dude my guy wanted out of that house yesterday damn.
Dude he’s kinda going off! I was not expecting Arturo fans of all people to eat this good this episode, but this is interesting!
Oh right the crazy lady- “Adorable”? Verturo shippers eating!
“Feel free to add to the number of dents in the computer lab” (Paraphrased) PFFFT Charles!
Wait wasn’t there actually a dent there? Wasn’t that a thing I saw on people’s theories? Holy shit is that actually going to get addressed?
[Whit explains] AHAHAHAHAHA HOLY-!
“I let it slide because it was funny” I missed MonoTV too actually.
And no fish! Nico’s account of the fish still being there last time they checked goes unmentioned, meaning it’s likely going to be used for a twist later!
New alibis? Could be possible.
Whit: “I don’t have an alibi. Neither does Charles” (Paraphrased) Which you know because…?
Oh so that’s not addressed. I repeat the statement of Whit being unnecessarily shady all the time.
????? DAVID AND J ALIBI???? This could be kinda huge actually.
David: “Oh. Shit.” This is the reaction of a man being cleared of murder. That’s so funny.
Didn’t David usually wake up late? Inconsistent sleep schedule ig.
J: “Oh yeah, and Veronika.” Girl you gotta say this shit earlier.
Yeah, look, J, you went and made Veronika sad! >:( /j
David: “Whoops” Holy shit every line this man says is gold actually what?
David? Lying? Noooo, how could you say that? I forgot how funny post magical girl transformation this man was.
David I am going to need you to give an actual answer. I spent hours looking at That Video and I still don’t know what your deal is please-
“And she’s Teruko” J’s also really funny actually. Hold a knife to someone’s throat once and they hate you forever, smh.
“Oh and don’t say something like “I wanna kill myself” that’s boring” (paraphrased). Holy shit I missed Veronika- that’s my second fave right there! (Min you will always be N1 don’t worry).
David-Veronika duo is great actually.
By the way David said “the truth is…” I am not expecting a serious answer.
You know, for a moment I actually did think he genuinely thought he was the blackened. But my first instinct was right.
“I would have actually tried looking at the crime scene” Bro what the fuck is he actually cooking.
“A good person” drop!!!! If you know, you know!
Also, I wanted to point this out here, I might have accidentally misinformed a part of the fandom a bit? One point that I brought up was that several important people to this chapter have been called “a good person”, and one of the examples I gave was Hu calling David a good person. Which… I don’t think happened? I evidently misremembered a line where Hu called David a “good friend”, which is a different phrase with different connotations in DRDT, and I genuinely apologize for that. Especially because I have seen people repeating that David had been called a good person in the past.
But now David has called himself “a good person”, if in a roundabout way, so the point actually stands lol.
Oh shit the Xander name drop.
… He was trying to kill Teruko wasn’t he. Because Xander tried it, and because David has Teruko’s “the killing game is all your fault” motive. Oh shit.
Speaking of the “good person” point, that argument might actually be dead lmao. Given that Xander got called that and he’s, well. Not particularly important to chapter 2, let’s say.
[Hindsight Post-Video: Actually, the argument could now be “anyone referred to as a good person is deeply important up to chapter 2”. Or, alternatively, argue that Xander is somewhat important to the Chapter 2 trial because he inadvertently caused David to magical girl transform. The “good person” list in case you don’t recall is Teruko, Levi, Eden, Arei, and as of this episode, David and Xander. We’ll see what we make of it once the chapter ends ig]
Oh Teruko is pissed I am loving this.
Holy shit the voice acting is amazing holy shit Teruko is going off she said Xander didn’t treat David like a human (“No Longer Human” reference??? I might just be insane though) oh this is incredible!!!
Oh he knows something deep. This motherfucker knows what was written in Xander’s “kill Teruko” note I bet.
Motherfucker you are going to tell us what Xander did before Hope’s Peak and why you know his work or I swear to God-!
Okay actually, David, I am going to need you to give… a straight answer at some point? Like I get you’re canonically bisexual (and it’s showing) but a single straight answer isn’t going to kill you.
Also, the music?! Is peak?!
David: “If the answer is no…” Neat sprite! Just thought it looked nice, and the line’s cool too :>
The return of the Teruko Baffled Sprite, long awaited.
Secret reveal? The killing game’s her fault?
Okay not the angle I was expecting in the slightest. Obviously gonna have to analyze how truthful he’s being at the moment, but he’s basically pulling a DRV3 ending logic thing. Cool!
So… Xander is absolutely Opening Guy, right? Like, I know that was the most common theory, but c’mon.
Voice acting going crazy too!
I adored Hu’s screaming section. How long till it’s revealed she has the “hopeless child” secret?
Hu’s a queen, hell yeah.
Pffft J’s high horse voice line-
Thank you Charles for being the only competent one (affectionate). Btw what does Veronika think of David’s reasoning? I was kinda hoping we’d see that.
[Red herring joke] Whit. Whit /disappointed/silly
Oh shit I was not expecting that line to actually cause a reaction damn.
You know, I’ll be honest and admit Eden’s really not acting that much like a culprit. I still think she is, I’m just surprised I’m not able to confirmation bias my way into suspecting her through her voice lines :v
Aaaand we’re back to Ace v Nico! Woo!
Okay wow the new alibis are like, laser focused on going against the most popular theories, huh? I’m not going to say anything’s deconfirmed yet obviously, but Hu!Culprit, J!Culprit, even Veronika!Culprit and theories surrounding David being involved have some questions to answer damn.
[To the question of if anyone else had alibis] “Nope” Whit how do you know this.
Levi!Accomplice also takes a hit because Eden and Levi aren’t trying to alibi for each other, but it can be explained. If they never prepared to give each other alibis, it’s safer to just… not, since they can’t actually say what they were doing during that time. And yes, possible explanations like this is why I’m not calling anything outright deconfirmed yet.
I wrote that before Levi three dotted directly after Eden, looking like he was thinking of trying to give her an alibi. Now that’s confirmation bias that can’t be safely used for theories!
Oh right J still hates Arturo xD
[The whole thing about excluding suspects who had an alibi at night and not in the morning] Oh God, Levi really wants me to think he’s the culprit huh? The method’s still too crazy for me to really believe that, but still.
This is also bad for Levi!Accomplice. Not a dealbreaker, but still weird that he’d say something that could point in Eden’s direction. I am not even going to try to defend that yet.
Cool. Can we finally talk murder method?
Levi: “That’s my secret.”
Oh okay, we’re not talking method yet.
Wait, WHAT?!?!?!!?!!!?!
THAT’S-! That’s not-! What the hell?!
Okay, so. Cool, Levi’s the remorseless murderer, we got that one right. But, the reveal is so insanely out of left field holy shit…
I am not lying when I tell you I had to get up and start PACING like I was not ready for this. I am vibrating. He just- He just said that shit! What the hell?!
I have genuinely no idea how the hell this is gonna play out. Holy shit I cannot wait for the next episode. It’s just… so peak!!! We are so back!!!
General Closing Thoughts: This episode was awesome! I was lowkey a little worried that the first episode back wasn’t going to be as insane as it ended up being, but wow it blew me away. And it was only twenty minutes? When the episodes go up to possibly an hour??? It’s just… holy shit.
It was awesome to finally start getting some insight into why David Did That, and I’m genuinely super excited to see where this goes. I’m still trying to figure out the exact angle on things like hiding Teruko’s secret, if he even is doing that because I now believe there is a non-zero chance he isn’t actually lying. Like, it’s low, but not zero. I do find it strange Veronika didn’t react to it, though, but at least we got that one line before David started talking.
But that’s only the cusp of the iceberg. I genuinely adore the details we got on Arturo’s backstory, and Hu’s blowup, and Teruko’s remorse- it’s all so awesome.
(The fucking dent in the wall of the goddamn computer room got an explanation I still cannot believe that. Wow)
Props to the voice acting and the music btw, absolutely incredible all throughout.
Btw, correct me if I’m wrong, but there weren’t any “minigames” this episode, right? Nothing wrong with that, just found it interesting.
Theory-Related Initial Thoughts: This episode is… possibly one of the biggest theory slaughters I’ve ever seen?
Like, obviously, again, it’s still too early in the trial to fully rule out anything, so I’m going to leave it to the other DRDT scholars to revise their own theories to fit the new evidence, but wow those new alibis are something. Between Hu, J and David having alibis for 7:30 AM, that’s three of the top suspects who weren’t there at that exact time to either kill Arei or mess with the body. Again, maybe there’s explanations for it, I’m not calling anything unconfirmed yet, just that many theories were inconvenienced.
As for my theory, Eden!Culprit Levi!Accomplice… ups and downs. The more Eden speaks, the less I’m convinced she’s the actual culprit, even if I’m a decent 80% sure she took the tape; the more Levi speaks, the less I’m convinced he’s an accomplice. I’m not going to deny that their dialogue isn’t 100% what I would expect. I don’t think it’s disqualifying, I still believe it to be the theory with the best evidence, it’s just that some things strike me as odd.
That was what I thought… until the end. Because I have no idea what’s about to happen with Levi revealing the secret like this, but… there is a very possible Levi!Accomplice turn here? Like, it’s the “Levi’s holding the glove” idea; the moment Eden loses her alibi, Levi does something that immediately puts a target on his back, potentially trying to get himself voted off before people catch on to Eden as a possible culprit. First he tries to argue that he shouldn’t be a suspect because of the alibi thing, which could make him more suspicious in some people’s eyes (maybe that’s too much 4D chess but it could work), then revealing the secret. I don’t know how likely this is, but it’s a genuine possibility.
Otherwise, I’m… not entirely sure what the angle is? I need to rewatch the trial to figure out why Levi’s talking about “detailing the trial” then immediately revealing his secret. I didn’t rewatch any DRDT before the episode, hence the confusion. But… at this moment, I don’t know what Levi’s cooking, other than possibly accomplice behavior. And even that feels more confirmation bias-y than anything.
There’s also the really weird line where Whit just… knows, Charles had no alibi at 7:30 AM? Unless they discussed it or I’m forgetting something, I don’t actually remember how he’d know that? Was he stalking Charles? Was he just wandering the halls? What kinda-?
(I don’t think that’s likely, but I don’t have a really good read on what’s happening there)
Other than that, here’s a crackpot one to lighten the mood. Mastermind business. I’ve never brought this up before, but I’ve always believed that were Veronika to be the mastermind, she would get revealed early. As in, possibly at the end of this trial, given Teruko had some idea to end the killing game after her chat with Veronika in the movie room.
I’m bringing this up only because Veronika didn’t react to David’s explanation of what he was trying to do by claiming to be the blackened. She was set up for a reaction with the whole “please tell me it’s not boring” thing, and then she… didn’t. It’s possible, in a conspiratorial sense, that she didn’t react because David hit the nail in the head, and Veronika was genuinely upset at the idea. If that’s the case, her reaction could be postponed to the end of the trial, maybe the end of Trial 3, for the early mm reveal there. It’s a very half-baked idea I’m failing to communicate properly ‘cuz I’m eepy, but it’s there.
I rank it in the same level of mastermind evidence as “Nico is unafraid of grabbing MonoTV by the tail.” Immensely silly and should not be considered solid evidence by any means, and yet it’s still probably gonna get mentioned if I ever make a mm probability ranking lol.
Anyways, absolutely incredible episode all throughout. Holy shit were so back, this was amazing. See you next week for more peeks into peak!
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 months
I feel like many people misunderstand us, the unhinged, insufferable people with OTPs so. Here's a quick guide into the mind of an rabid buddie shipper.
I'm not clinging to buddie because I fail to see how awesome Buck's bi growth is. I AM BI!!! You think I don't get how awesome this bi character, this story arc, this bi representation is? Get out. Don't tell me, a bisexual how I should watch and experience a bisexual character. I drive my own brain, thanks.
And I know that it's possible to multi-ship. You don't need to tell me that!!
People need to understand that multi-shipping isn't some grand, epic personality trait that always comes with maturity, that the people who don't multiship are just wee dumb babies.
I may sound like I'm 14. I am not. I am very much not. I'm OLD. So old. And guess what that means? I know myself!!! That's maturity, too. And who I am... Is someone who falls hard, and obsessively.
I know I am just not built to be a multi-shipper. I have tried, sometimes. I have tried so hard. And realised, that's just not me. Multi-shipping is never as fun, and interesting or rewarding to me as focusing on my One True Pair. It just makes me feel suffocated, to attempt to like something I don't really find much joy in.
That doesn't mean that I hate the actors or characters who are "getting in the way" of my ship. Nope. I actually often adore the characters and actors, and the writing. I can also see and appreciate what some other character means for my OTP's growth.
Like in this case... Lou, playing Tommy? Not only do I love his acting choices (so funny, so skilled) but he also, he sounds like a lovely guy. I'm a fan!! Also, damn he's fine, I need a bucket for my drool.
And Tommy, the character...? I think the character is interesting - and don't get me started on "problematic", the shaming is futile. I am all in for fucked up, problematic characters. If you don't get why, you should really read some literary classics. Fucked up, problematic characters are art, they make you think, they broaden world-views. My best educators have been the monsters, and I will take this stand to my grave.
Demand for "unproblematic" is demand for censure, and censure is just another form of oppression. Want characters without flaws? Go watch Teletubbies. Ffs, even moomins have flaws. (Of course they do, Tove Jansson was a freaking amazing writer.)
Anyway. The point here is.
I am a mono-shipper. And I love slowburns, I love the romance of them, I get attached to ships. And I'm queer.
But where are the queer slowburns? I have been waiting for a slow-burn queer romance for so long. I CRAVE IT. Getting that, truly, would be queer history, a revolution.
And I see the potential for it in buddie!! The spark, the history, the journey. It has the potential to be the greatest queer slow-burn I've ever experienced.
You think I'd just abandon a ship like that, a slowburn like that, for some fast food, cooked up in what... Two episodes? Pffft. I invest. I am waiting for my roast to cook.
So yeah. I'm not going anywhere. I will watch, and let my freak flag fly, and I will have the time of my life. If buddie never becomes canon? Well so what. I can deal. It's not my first rodeo. Disappointment isn't actually deathly, you know. Trying to avoid disappointment kills hope, and enthusiasm. So yeah, I refuse to manage my expectations. I'm all in, and enjoying this mad ride.
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"Well, I'd still take you."
"You think so?"
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otomiyaa · 2 months
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Ticklish Xiao & Reader
Platonic + 41. “No, I’m not ticklish there.” Requested by @eliankrios for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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Fishing. Generally speaking it was seen as mostly a quiet and peaceful activity. But not fishing with Aether and friends, nah.
"Don't you daaaare!"
"You're scaring the fish- don't touch me!"
"Oh nooooooo!"
"NOHOHO - n-no tickling-ahahhaah!"
You couldn't hold back the grin as you watched the chaos in and outside the lake. Aether's fishing rod was floating in the water. Sethos and Cyno were going after it and making it a race who would get it first, but ended up in some chaotic splashy battle with each other.
Meanwhile Aether was yelling and laughing for his life as Childe and Venti pinned him down and tickled him to death. You were sure Aether started it with the tickling though.
"They shouldn't have come here if they were going to be noisy."
You looked to your side at Xiao who just said that. The two of you were still at the fishing spot, your legs dangling above the water and fishing rods still in your hands, but with all the noise and the splashing, you were very unlikely to catch anything. You chuckled at his grumpy remark.
"They're just having fun. We're still enjoying ourselves, right? Ah look, they've really got him now," you said, pointing at Childe who was tickling Aether's bare tummy without mercy while Venti held his arms. Aether's loud contagious laughter was all over the place now.
Xiao sighed and shook his head. "He's exaggerating."
Pffft, that made you laugh. "Come on now, that would be you if your tummy was tickled like that!" you exclaimed, enjoying where this conversation might be going if you handled it well.
Xiao gave you a funny judgy side-eye. "No, I'm not ticklish there."
Ha! "Oh really?" You couldn't hide the smug grin as you reached out for him. He didn't even flinch when you reached for this tummy.
"You're not going to stop me?" you asked, pausing when he merely stared at you.
"Like I said, I'm not ticklish there. I don't see why I would stop you."
Oh. Your hand froze right before it reached its destination, and you hesitated for a moment. There was nothing more foolish than tickling someone who wasn't ticklish, right? Hmm... Never mind. You decided to try anyway, and you started to wiggle your fingers against Xiao's tummy.
"AGh," Xiao made a funny sound and bent forward. He caught your hand and glared at you.
"Don't you dare."
"Ooh? I thought you weren't ticklish?"
He was someone like that hm? Lying with a straight face? He was surely covincing, but not enough to stop you!
The struggle between the two of you was only very brief. He tried to run away for sure, but he barely got up before you caught him. Both your fishing rods fell in the water and floated after Aether's.
"Dohohon't!" was Xiao's first cute little cackle as you pinned him down and tickled his tummy.
"I can't believe you lie so easily, Xiao! Who's exaggerating now, huh?" you teased. He wriggled and squirmed but didn't seem too motivated to make a scene like Aether.
"I'm n-nohothing l-like thahat!" he protested through held back giggles. You glanced in Aether's direction again and alright yes, Xiao wasn't as hysterical. He also wasn't attacked by two people at once. But still, he was ticklish and laughing at your mercy. That was a win for sure.
"Heehee, I'm afraid I didn't catch that," you lied, clawing mercilessly all over his tummy and sides. More and louder giggles could be heard gradually as he squirmed and struggled, his arms wrapping around himself yet unable to protect every spot from your wiggling fingers.
"Not ticklish, tssk," you said with disbelief, switching to playful pokes in circles on his tummy. Xiao squealed adorably and arched his back.
"Ahahalright f-fine! I'm tihihicklish!"
"I can see you are ticklish, yes. Oh wait, did you say that, thinking it would stop me? It takes a little more than that," you said smugly. Xiao's lack of wrath was also your savior. If he really hated this, you would probably already be in the water by now.
"Gahahaha!" Xiao shook his head. "I ahaham s-sorry!" Smooth, smooth!
"For what?" you asked. You curiously scanned his torso and decided to test his ribs and underarms as well - which happened to be even more ticklish than his tummy, perhaps.
"WAHh!" Xiao let out a pitchy yelp and was then reduced to silent laughter. Hehe, it tickled that much.
"Well?" you asked, smirking when he was laughing so much he couldn't even answer you.
"F-for lyihihing!" he finally managed to say.
You raised your eyebrows. "I'm glad you admit it." You had never seen your friend Xiao laugh this much, so surely you couldn't help it and continued for a liiittle longer.
Then when you finally stopped, you held out your hand. "Apology accepted," you said with a smile. Xiao rolled his eyes tiredly and shook your hand sheepishly.
"Good," he said, breathing heavily as he recovered from the tickle attack.
"What do you say, should we go help our dearest Traveler?" you said, surprised to see and hear they were still caught up in the same tickle fest over there. Xiao frowned.
"Now why would I..." He stared at your smug face for a moment, and then sighed.
"Fine, I'll help."
Great! No one caught any fish that day, but there sure as hell was a lot of fun and laughter, and that was the whole point of your get-together, even ticklish little Xiao couldn't deny that!
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donutwatches · 1 month
MHA 3.5 - Drive It Home, Iron Fist! - part 2/3
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On sight kid murder, damn. Magne is not messing about.
Love Deku's broken armed Naruto zoomies.
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Okay, so these new villains aren't very 'unified' in their goals.
Magne had a very pragmatic take: Deku defeated Muscular, he is a threat, so lets eliminate the threat. Whereas, Spinner is more like Stain, if Stain were a lizard, and got his costume from Party City.
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Weird how Stain's ideology low-key saved Deku's life in this instance. Magne totally could have killed him in this condition. So, thank you Stain-wannabe...I guess...
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Pffft, hahahahaha, not "KACCHAN" on the loud speaker. It's like Midoriya lost Bakugo at the mall and had to announce a lost kid.
The poor students in this classroom just have to sit and wait while everyone outside is in danger. Kirishima in particular is too pro-active to be okay with not helping.
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Well, he isn't wrong. That damn Deku is always getting into something, lol. The way Bakugo knows Deku is behind the announcement, because of "Kacchan" is great.
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OH HELL NO, EW! WHAT IS THIS? Horikoshi can take this monstrosity and shove it back into the darkest corner of his brain where it belongs.
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Did you know, Bakugo? Did you? It certainly looked like his was sparking up to start exploding everything in sight. Todoroki just goes, 'how about not'. They crack me up. These two might have my favorite funny dynamic.
Part 3 coming soon!
@bicheetopuff @champion-prism @hyperfixations-and-cringe
@granny-griffin @blackaquokat @jessiedead
@setfiretotheshadows @call-me-copycat @noonthemoon
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poppy5991 · 10 months
After the war…
Dabi: So I fought some guy with an ice quirk named Geten, are we distant cousins or what?
Rei: Oh…I suppose it’s time I came clean. One night after your father and I fought, I got drunk and ran into All Might…
Shoto: Oh my god…
Dabi: *chokes on drink*
Rei: Just kidding! Haha you should see your faces. Shoto is so pale.
Dabi: My heart just stopped. That is so not funny.
Shoto: I thought it was finally happening. The secret love child…
Rei: Pffft…I can make jokes too, you know.
Dabi: I know. Look at Shoto.
Shoto: What…hey!
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wynnyfryd · 1 year
“Stee-ee-eeve,” Robin groans miserably into the Family Video countertop, voice muffled by her folded arms. “I’m gonna get fired.”
“What? Why?” Steve gives her a sharp look, because Robin just came out of the back office after a private conversation with Keith and oh god, if Robin gets fired then Steve will have to quit, and he hates job hunting, man, he really—
Robin lifts her head, leans forward on her elbows, and says in a rushed stage whisper, “I cannot stop being a total asshole to Keith!”
Steve huffs a laugh.
“It’s not funny!” she hisses. “Our very jobs are at stake!” Her hands reach up to tug the ends of her hair into two tight fists, and her eyes go wide with worry.
Okay. Steve can be a good friend. “What happened?”
“He pulled me back there to tell me that he’s- ugh” —Robin’s face looks like she just bit into moldy leftovers— “that he’s going into his dad’s insurance business and would I like to go to lunch with him to talk about insurance? Long term care insurance, Steve!”
Steve’s cracking up by the end of her rant, because her voice has cranked up to full volume and her hands are flapping all over the place like her wrists aren’t totally screwed on right and he really just loves his best friend so much.
“Yeah, yeah, keep laughing, pal.”
“Pal?” Steve laughs.
“Whatever! Anyway, so he says all of that to me, and my stupid brain-to-mouth filter just evaporates, apparently, because I look at him and suddenly cannot contain the PFFFT noise that wants to come out of me. Only I squeeze my mouth shut too tight, so instead, I end up making this high, crunchy snort sound like kkkrkrkrht to his face!”
Tears. There are tears pouring out of Steve’s nose. He’s doubled over laughing with his hands braced on his knees, and Robin whines “oh, my god!” and thumps him right in the middle of his spine.
“Stop laughing and tell me what to do!”
“Okay! Jesus! Stop thumping me!”
“No!” And now Robin’s laughing, too, unleashing a flurry of blows all over his arms and ribs with her freakishly long fingers.
“Excuse me,” the stern, quivering voice of an old woman cuts through their slap fight. They turn in unison to see a mop of tight gray curls barely peeking over the candy display. (Oh, god. Robin’s gonna spend a whole week now talking about how Sophia Petrillo came in to return a video, he just knows it.) “Are either of you two going to assist me?”
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papil0nglegs · 4 months
Nail polish
(Darnell x reader)
A/n: Yay a fic for Darnell!! I was going to do this idea for Nene but then I thought it’d be cuter to have a guy to try nail polish funny haha. but if you wanna see smth like this for Nene remember that requests are open!!
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“Cmon!! It’ll be fun!”
Darnells girlfriend squealed while taking out her shoe box full of various colors of nail polish out. “I’m not gonna paint my nails, that’s gay.” Y/n scoffs at Darnell’s comment, “hmm, maybe if someone calls you gay for it you can just say your girlfriend did it for you?” Y/n suggests. “Besides, you get paint on your hands all the time!”
“Yeah, with spray paint, not nail polish” Y/n rolls her eyes, “Tomato tomato, your hands will look great either way” Y/n lifts Darnell’s hands showing off his clean nails. Darnell groans in annoyance, and gives in.
“..can I at least pick the color?”
Darnell regrets even calling y/n. Now he’s trying his best not to move a single inch so that y/n can cleanly paint his nails dark purple. He’s definitely not,, doing good. But hey, it’s his first time. “Stop moving so much!” Y/n groans, “I thought you had good spray paint handling”
“y/n, with SPRAY PAINT, not nail polish..” Darnell groans back. Y/n rolls her eyes and tries to get a better grip at Darnell’s hands by full on holding it. “Omg, this color is totally gonna compliment your skin. It’s gonna look great!” Y/n squeals, taking another dip at the violet nail polish. Darnell was sitting on y/n’s bed with napkins splotched in nail polish laid all over, and y/n had been lying on her stomach with her feet up.
“How long is it gonna take to dry?” Y/n hums at Darnell’s question, “pffft like two… hours” She cringes. Darnell slaps his face with his unpainted hand, “Jesus fuck..” He mutters under his breath. “Relax babyy, I got something that’ll entertain us!”
Y/n reaches for her cd player, putting on ‘heaven’ by Bruno Mars. “You fr listen to that lovey dovey shi-?” Before Darnell can finish his sentence, y/n lays her finger on his mouth making him blush and hush. She starts lip synching the lyrics dramatically while air-cupping his face. Darnell just stares, making a poker face at her while she continues.
“Can you just finish my nails woman?” Y/n gasps, “Darnell. Don’t refer to your dear girlfriend as ‘women’, I’m not your nail stylist” Y/n shakes her head. “Well you are today, babe” He places the brush on y/n’s hands trying not to make his painted nails touch anything.
“What’s your problems with love songs?” Darnell sneers a bit, “nothin’, I just prefer rap more” He shrugs. “Of course you do, you always do” She giggles. “You done yet woman? My hand is getting tired as shit” Darnell waves his sweaty hand around, “in a minute, be patient will ya? My elbows are getting tired too” Y/n mumbles paying close attention at the brush and his nails.
He got called faggot the next day.
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bestjeanistmonster · 4 months
So how many times has Sonic found organs, eyeballs, and maybe bones in the fridge? It seems like quiet a lot, and was he phased the first time it happened or did he just shrug like "that's pookies' business"
Tw// mentions of gore and cannibalism
Shadow keeps his fridge and his freezer well stocked! The organs in there are either snacks for Shadow, food for Shadow’s plants or for plant experiments
When sonic first looks into his fridge he didn’t question it much, he just gave him a jab about the lack of snacks
When primarily living with the Joker you get accustomed to seeing body parts on the floor, the casual corpse, witnessing/causing the odd gruesome death a couple times a week and with that big hammer you can imagine that the deaths it causes aren’t exactly the cleanest when it comes to people’s insides, so Sonic isn’t really phased by it
Sonic did however do a double when he found out that Shadow ate people dcufyfxutx
Sonic: what else is on that criminal record of yours? vandalism? Cannibalism? Pffft you have you eaten a guy before Shadow? (Laughs)
Sonic: (laughter slowly dies) you haven’t eaten a guy before, right?
Shadow neither confirms nor denies this cuz he finds Sonic’s reactions to the hints of his cannibalistic nature to be funny. Like sometimes vaguely hinting that the fried chicken he ate for lunch wasn’t actually chicken and Sonic’s like:
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But it doesn’t take too long for him to get used to it
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Prank You Very Much
Jason Todd x M!Reader
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Warnings: Crack, Jason & Damian being pranksters,
Summary: Jason and Damian are having a prank war and the reader gets caught in the middle of it
A/n: This is very inspired by the "Prank you very much" Episode from lab rats.
Quote: "You two have been pulling pranks on each other for three weeks straight and I always end up paying for it!"
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You didn't know how Jason and Damian's whole petty prank war started, nor did you want to know. But what you did know was that you were always caught in the middle of it. Like last week when you were hanging out with Jason. Jason was in the middle of playing some type of video game and you got up to use the restroom, leaving only Jason and Damian in the room.
"Hey Damian could you grab me a water, I'm trying to beat my high score, and if I stop this cyborg will melt me, and if that happens the colonial bomb will go off and if that happens-"
"I will get your water just stop talking" Damian said in annoyance.
But then Damian stopped and remembered the prank war that was still ongoing.
"I know your tricks Todd you're not going to fool me" Damian said confidently.
All of a sudden you came out of the hallway and into the kitchen area.
"Hey Jay, I was thinking I should make your family something to eat before we have to go" You said as you walked up to the fridge.
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(Btw I love this episode of Lab Rats sm😭❤️)
When you opened the fridge a mix of mustard, ketchup, and mayo blasted onto your face and body.
You slowly turned around in anger to give Jason the death-glare. Damian stood there, trying to hold in his laughter.
"Someone's getting put in the doghouse~" Damian whistled.
"Would it help at all if I said that was supposed to be Damian's face?" Jason laughed nervously.
"Jason Peter Todd!" you yelled.
Jason scrambled out of the room quicker than even the flash could.
"Well y/n because of this whole.. fiasco.. I would assume that you are taking my side in me and your boyfriend's little rivalry" Damian suggested.
Now it was Damian's turn to receive a death-glare from you, and he too scrambled out the room.
And a couple days ago when you were getting ready in your shared apartment with Jason. When you got out the shower and looked into the mirror your hair was hot pink.
"Jason!" You yelled.
Jason came rushing into your room and saw your hair and immediately bursted out laughing.
"This isn't funny! I had things I had to do today!" you complained.
"I'm guessing Damian put hair dye in the wrong shampoo bottle. HA! wait a minute.. how did he get into our apartment.." Jason said.
"Can this day get any worse" you whined as you picked up the blow dryer.
When you turned on the blow dryer, baby powder and glitter came flying out of it, causing Jason to laugh even harder. It took you all day to get the dye and glitter out of your hair. You finally decided that enough was enough, and that you were going to end it. You asked Alfred for a little favor and your plan was complete.
That day, Jason and Damian were walking upstairs from training, and the fresh scent of Alfred’s famous chocolate chip cookies filled the air. Jason and Damian were immediately alured by the smell and went straight to the kitchen. As soon as they stepped inside, a trap was set, and little did they know, they were hanging upside down.
"Hey! What is this!" Damian yelled.
"It was me, with a bit of help from Alfred, but that's not the point" you said as you revealed yourself.
"You two have been pulling pranks on each other for 3 weeks straight and I always end up paying for it!" you said.
"He started it!" Jason said as he pointed to Damian.
"Well if you didn't dye Titus pink then-"
"Enough! I am sick of your pranks so if you don't stop, for Jason, I will burn all of your pride and prejudice books" you said as you held Jason's book in your hand.
"You wouldn't dare!" Jason gasped.
"Pffft, really you're that concerned over a book?" Damian scoffed.
"And for your Damian, I will shave off all of Alfred's hair" you said as Alfred (the cat) snuggled next to your leg.
"That's evil!" Damian yelled.
"Now, will the two of you stop your prank war? Or do I have to stick to my word?" you asked.
You clicked the button on your phone, and both of them were let down. After that day, both Damian and Jason learned something important. Damian learned not to get on your bad side, and Jason learned to hide his books in a safer place if he ever pissed you off.
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grandmother-goblin · 8 months
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Pffft I've never gotten this one. Astarion says it with such attitude and sass too lol (this was especially funny because he and Tav had JUST talked to his siblings)
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