starbxrries · 5 years
Why am I just learning about this?? 
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Why are we silent???
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starbxrries · 5 years
it’s an underwater hammerhead-lizard-dinosaur 
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can the science side of tumblr explain what the fuck this is
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starbxrries · 5 years
wait no-
why did you do this to us
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Well ouch
I’m gonna go fucking yeet our a window now damn
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starbxrries · 5 years
I think something is wrong with your pet dog
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My New Little Guy!!! I Named Him Bean :)
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starbxrries · 5 years
It took me a sec to get this..
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In celebration of World Book Day
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starbxrries · 5 years
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I know on her wiki page it says that she died, but I like to think that Lavender Brown survived the Battle at Hogwarts, became a werewolf, married Parvati Patel, adopted a werewolf child who been disowned by his or her parents, and became a werewolf rights advocate.
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starbxrries · 5 years
Overheard Conversation
So my parents were talking about their lesbian friends and which ones are butch/femme. They started to talk about one (who is butch). Here is the conversation:
Mom: Oh yeah! (Friend’s name) is pretty butch. She wears those cool boy shorts and tank tops.
Dad: *Clearly joking* Yeah, of course you had to go out and buy some too! 
Mom: Yup! I’m a wannabe lesbian
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starbxrries · 5 years
Slytherin: The best way to a girl's heart is punching through the ribcage
Slytherin: Apparently this is illegal but don't let it stop you
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starbxrries · 5 years
Gryffindor: I mean Slytherin's just standing there now.
Gryffindor: Waiting for me I guess.
Gryffindor: But it's okay, I think he's pretty much settled down.
Ravenclaw: Settled down?
Gryffindor: Well he stabbed me once.
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starbxrries · 5 years
i mean, it could come in handy to have it off. especially for criminals
so i’m checking the news and there’s this article about apple i want to read and 
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here’s what happens if you click on it
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i guess they mad but also like… censorship…
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starbxrries · 5 years
I feel so attacked rn
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starbxrries · 5 years
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