star-sariel · 6 years
To the anon sending the (Sariel) character pose request today: Thanks, I received it! Please have a lot little patience because I have some busy weeks ahead, but once I’ll be free it will be drawn (likely not before mid may, tho).
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star-sariel · 6 years
Some more random headcanons for this AU:
-After a life of being imposed the bland, neutral colored house slave uniform, now Saru makes it a point to wear bright colors every time he can. Of course he isn’t stupid and knows that it’s not well-advised to be the only bright colored spot in a sea of blacks during a fight (Terrans love their blacks so much), so he limit the colors presence to few little accents, when on duty.  He can have is little pleasant defiance and live to appreciate it.
-The rebel group Prime!Lorca founded is called Sol. It is mainly composed by Terrans, but it’s not by choice. Lorca doesn’t take the general distrust too much by heart because he understand where it comes from. He himself is VERY cautious before he takes any mirror!individual inside, and save for some few trusty individuals doesn’t let too much vital infos about tactics going around.
The few aliens choosing to join them are usually individuals with nothing more to lose or to whom the group gained their trust in some undeniable way.
After the news of Lorca’s right hand, his second in command, being a capable Kelpien becomes more widely known, they start to gain more new alien members, and receive help and supplies from non Terran civilians more often, when in need.
They mainly work separately from other (bigger) alien rebel groups, because Terrans duplicity and back-stabbing nature is widely know, and other groups really don’t trust there really may be a part of Terrans genuinely fighting to change things in the Terran Empire from the very core of it’s “values”, and not just trying to seize the Empire power for themselves in a new way.
Despite this after proving themselves times and times again, Lorca’s group now gained enough trust from the Fire Wolf (mirror!Voq) for them to sometimes cooperate in few missions (but only if their cooperation is absolutely inevitable, and it wouldn’t do too big and irreparable damages to the Fire Wolf’s group, in case the Terran group reveal itself as a traitor).
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Mirror!Saru and Prime!Lorca rebelling against the Terran empire on the shores of some random planet in the Alpha Quadrant.
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star-sariel · 6 years
As a thank you to all 101 of you I did this.
Sort of a sequel to this
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Mirror!Saru and Prime!Lorca rebelling against the Terran empire on the shores of some random planet in the Alpha Quadrant.
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star-sariel · 6 years
Thank you to all of you for sticking around an giving this ship a possibility. We did touch the 100 followers milestone!
If I’ll be able to stop yelling at myself, for chosing a too difficult/time consuming (for my own drawing abilities, nothing really fancy, but there are *gasp* legs, *weeze* hands, and more than one character. Like TWO whole characters!!1) composition, for just enough time to finish drawing it, there may be a celebratory new fanart on the way the next few days. Maybe.
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star-sariel · 6 years
“Gabriel, not in front of the crew!“ Saru reproached. He wasn’t eager to broadcast their bedroom preferences, not to the entire crew. If every so often they liked to indulge in a bit of colorful roleplay, the rest of the ship mustn’t be made so painfully aware of it.
Not that there was anything inherently “bad” in what they liked doing together in their private quartes, but it would be a bit difficult for them to maintain the necessary gravitas to administrate the ship discipline, when any member of the crew could recall from their memory the image of their second hightest ranking official shooting out from his own quarters, chased all around the ship by their half naked captain wearing a long curly wig, and wielding a fake sword.
The weird ailment struck just as the gamma shift began.
They were together, making the best of their free time and just starting getting down on business with each other. One moment he was watching his Gabriel (un)dress his sexy musketeer uniform, vaguely kind of listening to his babbling about something like people on Earth in the XVII century sleeping naked, the next one his ganglia were alerting him that something wasn’t right.
Few moments later Gabriel’s trademark flirtatious smirk disappeared, in the span of a blink, and all his demeator morphed in a much more threatening expression. Worst of all, he started speaking only in a very basic and very badly accented French.
It was immediately clear he didn’t recognize Saru and was behaving - or trying to- just like he was really persuaded to be a true XVII century musketeer.
After being followed menacingly around the ship corridors for a little while, Saru was able to corner Gabriel, with the help of an andorian orderly. Hogtie him and trap him in his quarters.
Whatever this thing was, it didn’t affect only Gabriel, but the rest of the human crew also felt victim of it. Not one single human was spared from it.  Each of them hit in a different way and in different grades of obnoxious, but all of them having in common some seemingly random kind of weirdness affecting their beaviour.
Luckly the costernation among the non human part of the crew shortly gave way to inquiry, and enabled them to discover that the cause was an unknown space virus. After that it was pretty easy to render it harmless.
The humans were all cured in the end, the only aftereffect was a huge sense of general awkwardness lingering around the ship for weeks. Gabriel was the only one seemingly immune to it, the unself-conscious dashing asshole.
So I watched the episode of TOS where they encounter a space virus and everybody goes crazy and a topless Sulu chases people with a sword. Now I really would like to see topless Lorca chasing Saru around the Discovery with a sword. Till he gets stopped by Tilly, who goes full on Merida. While Burnham watches crying, because she really doesn’t like conflict. What do you think? Any other ideas what you would like to see happening?
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star-sariel · 6 years
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I’ll Eat You Whole - a mirror!Lorca/Saru mix for @narcissus-garden
Devil’s Boy ~ Petite League // I Thought I Was An Alien ~ Soko // Bite Hard ~ Franz Ferdinand // lil bit wrOng ~ Maty Noyes // Monster Lead Me Home ~ Sara Hartman // You Only Like Me With The Lights Out~ Avid Dancer // Affection ~ Cigarettes After Sex // My Boy ~ Billie Eilish // No Care ~ Daughter // Coyotes ~ Wild Belle // Power & Control ~ Marina and the Diamonds // Bloodsport ~ Raleigh Ritchie // We Must Be Killers ~ Mikky Ekko // Breezeblocks ~ alt-J // Closer ~ Nine Inch Nails
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star-sariel · 6 years
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A less angsty variation of the graphic I did for the playlist I posted before.
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star-sariel · 6 years
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1.EDITORS Papillon, 2.GARBAGE A Stroke of Luck, 3.MIIKE SNOW In Search of, 4.MUSE Starlight, 5.EDITORS Two Hearted Spider, 6.THE NEIGHBOURHOOD Prey, 7.MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS Savages, 8.SUSANNE SUNDFØR Delirious, 9.MUSE Supermassive Black Hole, 10.GARBAGE Man on a Wire, 11.SUSANNE SUNDFØR Bedtime Story, 12.EDITORS Bones.
-bonus tracks:
SIA Soon We Will Be Found, MUSE Knights of Cydonia
[YouTube link]
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star-sariel · 6 years
Yes, I headcanon that mirror!Lorca sterilized his himself. The “dissected“ Tribble in ep 4 was the right procedure to sterilize them (at least in the Mirror universe), or he bought a dead one beforehead to see if inside they work the same way in the Prime universe too.
But the Federation still doesn’t know about the possibility and they will be off limits from Earth for few other decades.
Tribbles have picked the wrong man to mess with
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star-sariel · 6 years
Oh no it’s not canon. It’s a headcanon of mine because it make sense since Tribbles are a super invasive specie, at least until they find a way to sterilize/slow their reproduction rate in TOS timeframe.
Tribbles have picked the wrong man to mess with
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star-sariel · 6 years
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Happy Valentine day, you all!
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star-sariel · 6 years
When they’ll retire they already planned to buy a big farm in some colony near earth and collect abandoned tribbles together.
Tribbles have picked the wrong man to mess with
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star-sariel · 6 years
Trashcan-morally-grey Mirror!Lorca surely would.
It never fails to crack Saru up.
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i’ve been thinking about this text post for like 3 days i’m sorry i had to
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star-sariel · 6 years
sour-blue-milk: @star-sariel I swear you're sinking me into this ship and I'll drown willingly. ❤
It’s a payless job, but someone needs to do it. Today it’s a few persons on Tumblr discovering the beauty of this ship(s), tomorrow will be the show writers, I’m sure. I’ll be successful where canon-Mirror!Lorca failed (the conquering a big empire part, not the creepy stuff one).
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@warsighted: for an answer to your question snoop a bit around here. You may even find something you like, who knows. 😄
Dark shoulder-length hair and green eyes seems to really appeal to Gabriel.
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star-sariel · 6 years
Do you know who else has pretty green eyes?!
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Dark shoulder-length hair and green eyes seems to really appeal to Gabriel.
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star-sariel · 6 years
reblogging because is relevant for my Prime!Lorca/Mirror!Saru AU
Prime Lorca Details from the book so far:
Shoves phasers into trousers
Enjoys Bourbon
Plays Tennis
Handles Security
He curses
Hands out fortune cookies (to his gf so far)
Only lets a select few call him Gabe
He’s sassy AF
So he’s basically what we thought MU Lorca was.
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star-sariel · 6 years
This is where Saru mentions to his boyfriend’s ex wife that the only Kelpian being eaten in the Federation jurisdiction is HIS pink, skinny ASS… by her very enthusiastic ex.
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