Law, Love, Life & Travel
93 posts
Lawyer, Mom, Photographer, World Traveler. Ignite your Spiritual Momentum!
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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Make your own path. #spiritualjourney #spiritual #makeyourownpath #confidence #believeinyourself #believe
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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Light shines brightest in the darkness! #spiritual #spiritualmomentum #brickell #miami #florida #nightviews #cityofmiami #miamiviews #light #lightshines (at Brickell)
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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How often do we venture out to appreciate art, beauty & talent outside ourselves and in others? Appreciate the museum within you, discover their relics, the talents and the beauty that lies within. It's all closer than you think 💙✨#beauty #beautywithin #museum #spiritualmomentum #spiritual #loveyourself #beauty #discoveryourself #findthemuseumwithin #heart #soul #innerbeauty #consciousness #talents #beautiful #louvre #travelwithin (at Musée du Louvre)
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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Who else feels this way? #spiritualmomentum #spiritual #energy #energyexchange #morethanphysical #soul #positivevibes #positivevibesonly #meaningful #deepthoughts
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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Self expression comes in many ways. Here is a picture of custom made domino tables and rocking chairs being sold on the streets of Miami, FL. Popular items among Cuban households. #miami #florida #culture #cubanculture #miamicubanculture #rockingchairs #dominos #dominotables #cuban #custommade #bluesky #selfexpression #spiritualmomentum
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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Happiness is measured by the experiences that shape our lives. Travel far and wide, learn about the world, learn about others and you will discover yourself in the process. #france #chateau #castles #castlesoftheworld #chenonceaux #chateauchenonceau #beautifulfrance #history (at Château de Chenonceau)
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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What we give our attention to, we perpetuate. Create a better world by honoring the good in others. -Spiritual Momentum #spiritualmomentum #goodinothers #seethegood #positivevibes #spiritual #positivethinking #love #loveyourworld #positivequotes #betterworld
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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One of my favorite streets to roam around when in Paris!! 🇫🇷#travelislife #spiritualmomentum #paris #france #art #books #quaidesgrandsaugustins #seine #seineriver #travelphotography #travelersnotebook #travelislife #travelisknowledge #traveliswisdom #creative #hobbyphotograpy #hobbyphotographer #summerinparis #summerinparis2017 (at Quai des Grands-Augustins)
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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#spiritual #spiritualmomentum #seedsofprosperity #benefitfromadversity #confidence #loveyourself #napoleonhill #positivequotes #positivequotes #positivethinking #positiveenergy #adversitybuildscharacter #riseabove #makeithappen
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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Here is a little snapshot of the ins and outs of my daily life as a lawyer. At times it feels as if the work is sucking all the life and soul out of me. Then I realize that life is all about balance, hence why I decided to start sharing a part of me through @spiritualmomentum. I'm more than a lawyer that reads, analyzes and defends cases everyday of my life. I'm also a spiritual being that became a lawyer for all the right reasons. In those moments, I stay focused on my goals in life, to provide for my family and fight for true justice, to help those that have no access to legal services, to make it right. While I make a living defending multinational and multi billion dollar companies my heart ❤️remembers the true calling of lawyering and that is to help others rise above and have a voice in a system that often drowns that voice out. Little by little, everyday I move forward to accomplish this goal. Strength, perseverance, justice and passion. I don't know how, but I know I will get there for the voice inside leads me to public service and this is the path I follow. #lawyer #ladylawyer #spiritual #spiritualmomentum #litigationlawyer #attorney #worhard #publicservice #followyourpurpose #purpose #lawyering #probono #service #helpotherssucceed #dogood #miami #florida #helpothers #grinding #confidence #innervoice #intelligence #followyourheart
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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There is something about nature that empowers and revitalizes the mind, body and soul. ☀️🌀☀️ #spiritualmomentum #spiritual #trees #greentrees #spiritual #peace #serenity #nature #naturewalk #hobbyphotography #hobbyphotographer #florida #coconutgrove #bluesky #beautifulday #stroll #naturestroll
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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🤗🌀💫#spiritualmomentum #greatness #believe #believeinyourself #greatness #greatnessawaits #confidence #positivethinking #positivethoughts #determination #determinationtosucceed
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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☀️🌀☀️#spiritualmomentum #spiritual #greatness #beconfident #believe #believeinyourself #followyourdreams #success #determination #purpose
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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New books to keep on growing in mind, body, spirit and consciousness. 🌀#spiritualmomentum #igniteyourspiritualmomentum #books #keeplearning #growth #growthmindset #keepmovingforward #outliers #thebookofhabit #thepowerofnow #thelittleparisbookshop #consciousness #ilovebooks
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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"Don't Take Anything Personally. Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream, in their own mind...Even when a situation seems so personal, even if others insult you directly, it has nothing to do with you. What they say, what they do, and the opinions they give are according to the agreements they have in their own minds...In the same way, whatever you feel and do is just a projection of your own personal dream, a reflection of your own agreements."-Don Miguel Ruiz - The Four Agreements #spiritualmomentum #spiritual #thefouragreements #beyourself #beyourselfalways #confidence #beconfident #venice #italy #moon (at Venezia, Italia)
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul. #spiritualmomentum #spiritualgrowth #takecharge #soul #captainofmysoul #masterofmyfate
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spiritualmomentum-blog · 7 years ago
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#spiritualmomentum #purpose #followyourpurpose #spiritual #spiritualthoughts #bluesky #mountain #believe #faith
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