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Yang: so, jaune and ruby got really close since beacon right?
Blake: i know, i don’t think they were that close before.
Weiss: think there is something going on between them?
Yang: nah, i don’t think so, they’re close but not that close.
Weiss: really? Haven’t you noticed when we arrived at argus? The way they hugged and looked at eachother, i don’t think i would look at a friend like that.
Blake: where are they anyways?
Weiss: i think ruby went to jaune’s room after dinner.
Blake: what is she doing there?
Yang: dunno, why don’t we find out?
Blake: shouldn’t we leave them?
Yang: pff, please, they’re probably playing videogames or something like tha- *stops in front of jaune’s room door*
Ruby: j-jaune…?
Jaune: come on ruby, its been a while since the last time.
Ruby: okay.
Jaune: i’ll be gentle, i promisse.
Ruby: wait, don’t go there…
Jaune: wow, its so wet.
Weiss: *blushing slightly* w-what are they doing?
Blake: okay, lets calm down, maybe its not like that.
Yang: *with twitching red eyes* it better not be.
Ruby: jaune, you’re so hard.
Jaune: i know, its just that i’ve been holding a lot since the last time.
Ruby: i know, me too…soo…
Jaune: im going to start slowly okay?
Ruby: okay…
Jaune: its so tight.
Ruby: jaune, you can go faster now.
Jaune: okay.
Yang: okay, thats it! *slams door open*
Weiss: yang wai- *freezes*
Blake: *also frozen*
Yang: *frozen as well*
Jaune & ruby: *naked under the covers*
Jaune: *blushing deeply* w-what are you doing here!?
Blake: so…you two are really having sex?
Ruby: *blushing deeply as well* what does it looks like!?
Weiss: oh, i thought this was going to be one of those times where we hear something weird across the door but when we open its nothing like that.
Jaune & ruby: you were hearing!?
Blake: i honestly didn’t expected that.
Yang: me neither.
Weiss: you’re not angry?
Yang: its more like a shock then anger, i really expected to barge in and catch them playing videogames or something like that, i didn’t expected them to be having sex.
Blake: i was thinking the same thing.
Ruby: could you go discuss that somewhere else!?
Nora: *coming out of the closet with ren behind her* yeah! Can’t you see you’re ruining the mood!?
Nora: we were watching you two getting laid, what more could we be doing?
Ren: *nods*
Jaune: could you all give us a bit of privacy please!?
Yang: geez fine, we’ll leave you, just don’t go too rough on my lil’ sister okay vomit boy?
Ruby: *blushing at a atomic level* GET OUT ALREADY!!
Nora: *pouts* fine, fine, we’re leaving.
*WBY and nora leaves*
Ren: you might need this. *puts a condom pack in the table* its a bit early for you two have your own adrien.
Jaune: *blushing to an solar level* REN!! OUT!!
Ren: *nods and leaves*
Ruby: *sighs still with a blush* this is so awkward.
Jaune: i know…
Ruby: …sooo, wanna keep going?
Jaune: really? After all this you’re still in the mood?
Ruby: *chuckles sheepishly* kinda…
Jaune: *sighs* you’re lucky that i love you too mutch to give a damn about what just happened. *pulls her and starts to make out*
Maria: *from under the bed* thats what im talking about! Go get her blondie!
Jaune & Ruby: AWW FOR FUCKS SAKE!!
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That anon is why this anon has always hated Snape. It's not him personally, it's that his fans are insufferable. It's not enough that they love Snape, they have to convert everyone ELSE into liking him too, which they've been doing for the past 20 years straight. You know how there's a trope named Draco in Leather Pants? I would argue it should actually be called Snape in Leather Pants, because the Draco fangirls became laughingstocks, but Snape fans SUCCEEDED in making fandoms love assholes.
Well that and him being treated like an unironic amazing hero by Rowling. Even Rowling pissed on Draco while putting Snape on a pedestal. Fans who think that Snape is some kind of amazing person are crazy. If the story didn’t whitewash him in the end so much he could have been an interesting character. Someone who did good things with selfish motivations, and remained a selfish petty person up to his death despite technically helping the good guys is an interesting concept. But when you remove the nuance to portray him as an angel that’s when things become a problem.
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Actually, on the topic of Snape: have you ever read The Narcissist's Prayer? It's of unknown origin and authorship, but it reads like this: "That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it." That sounds a lot like both Snape and his fans, doesn't it? Not just denying accountability, but LAYERS of denial: his cruelty doesn't exist, or it's deserved, etc.
Wow that really does fit. It encapsulates Snape’s consistently selfish attitude and justifications.
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He only forgave Snape because JKR said so

“I thought Professor Snape could overcome his feelings about your father— I was wrong”
Dumbledore is dumb and wrong as usual, smh
“But that’s okay,is it?” yelled Harry...”It’s okay for Snape to hate my dad, but it’s not okay for Sirius to hate Kreacher”
Harry speaking facts but forgetting all of them in DH
Can we just appreciate Harry. He questions stuff and he actually makes good point. CEO OF ANTI SNAPE™️. STAN THIS HARRY ONLY
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Snape really had the balls to be a dick to Harry the whole series like he wasn't the reason why Harry doesn't have any fucking parents
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The reason I will never, ever, respect Severus Snape in any way is this:
Based on what we see in the text, did Snape ever regret his prejudiced world views? Did he regret going around hurling slurs at Muggleborns during his time at school? Did he regret creating dark curses? Did he regret joining the Death Eaters and willingly participating in their rampage of death and torture across an entire nation because he fully believed in their goals?
The answer to all of those is no.
Snape regretted none of those things.
The only thing he regretted was the role his own actions played in Lily's death.
Snape did not abdicate the Death Eaters due to a grand moral realization. Snape did not join and fight on the Good Side because he felt as though it was the right thing to do. Snape did not try to protect Harry because he felt as though Harry was a human being who deserved to be looked after. Snape's only reason for doing all of those things was Lily. She was the only reason he abdicated the Death Eaters, she was the only reason he joined and fought on the Good Side, she was the only reason he tried to protect Harry. If Lily had not been specifically affected, Snape would not have given a shit.
(And even then, her memory did not stop him from relentlessly bullying countless children under his care, one of whom was her orphaned son, to the point where he was a student's greatest fear.)
Severus Snape was not a good person in any way, and I really don't understand how some people see him as one.
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an asshole dying for the cause doesn’t make them a hero, it makes them an asshole who’s dead, it’s not that hard to understand. it’s easy to die and never face the people you’ve wronged, it’s hard to live the rest of your life with your sins never leaving you, always having to prove how good you are. that’s why killing a character to redeem them is a cop out, they never face the consequences of their actions or the people they’ve hurt, the other characters and the audience are simply guilted into seeing them as a hero cause it’s seen as “disrespectful” to see them in another light.
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Harry Potter rant: Snape is the worst!
Ok I’m really tired of romanticizing Snape just because he “loved Lily” and therefore everything is forgiven.
1. Snape didn’t love Lily. He was obsessed with her. He stalked her, he tried to cut her off from her friends so he could have her all to himself, and he called her unforgivable slurs in front of her friends. Also, if you truly love someone, you’re happy that they’re happy, even if it isn’t with you. Snape would have been happy if James and Harry both died in the attack but Lily lived, even if Lily would have been grieving beyond all imagining. And if he’d loved her, he would have wanted the best for her son, who he instead decided to bully at the tender age of 11, which brings me to point 2:
2. SNAPE BULLIES CHILDREN. It does not matter what your past holds, abusing your power to bully 11 year old children is despicable. Snape mocked 11-year-old Hermione for daring to be smart, 11-year-old Neville for making a mistake on his first day, and 11-year-old Harry just for existing. The damage he did to Neville’s self-esteem probably took decades to recover from; he was so horrible that Neville’s worst fear in the world was Snape. Snape. Not Voldemort, not his grandmother dying, not even the woman who tortured his parents into insanity. No. He feared Snape more.
Snape is absolutely despicable. “Being on the right side” does not redeem him, showing Harry to the sword of Gryffindor does not redeem him, the whole “always” thing does not redeem him. He’s not some poor man with a tragic backstory, he’s a bully and an abuser and that’s NEVER OK.
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It grinds my gears when people call Lily a bad friend to Snape. This girl had to witness him calling people like her Mudbloods. She watched him as he hung out with people that despised her and people like her. She defended him and the thanks she got for it was being called a Mudblood. And yet she’s the bad friend? Snape didn’t deserve her friendship, and I wish that Lily would have left him alone when he first started displaying blood supremist behavior. But she didn’t. Why? Because she was actually trying her best to be a good friend.
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So I understand the narrative value of Harry naming his child after a Slytherin—and JKR trying to retcon and say that no, she didn’t say being a Slytherin isn’t bad and that not all Slytherins all bad even though she basically did—and due to JKRs stereotyping there aren’t a lot of good Slytherins to represent the house.
But then she chose Snape, Severus fucking Snape as “the bravest man Harry ever knew” when we have a perfectly fine Regulus Black and Remus Regulus/Rubeus Regulus sounds adorable and NEITHER of them were abusers.
Not to mention Regulus is one of the bravest characters in the series. This kid from at least the age of seven saw his brother abused and the pressure to be a the perfect son just kept building up. He saw the ONLY GOOD PERSON IN HIS LIFE RUN AND LEAVE HIM. He was most likely forced to join Voldy, or at least brainwashed. This smol bean, at the age of eighteen figured out something that took Dumbles fifteen years and willingly went into a cave full of Inferi, drank painful poison that invoked fear and terrifying hallucinations and DROWNED IN A LAKE OF INFERI DEFYING VOLDEMORT
But no Severus “I abused children for seventeen years, joined a hate cult that wanted to kill people, called my friend a slur, tortured and killed people, gave a prophecy to Voldy even tho I knew a family would be killed and only changed sides because the girl who rejected me several years ago is in danger but I don’t give a shit about her family did I mention I emotionally abused children?” Snape is the bravest man Harry ever knew
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When I was about three, my parents were baking a birthday cake for me. I walked into the kitchen to ask them something, when they turned around at the same time and said in unison, “Oh, just in time! We have to show you what the secret ingredient is for your cake!” and them proceeded to dunk me into this huge ass vat of cake batter and shove me into the oven.
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The members of the "I am bisexual in every way except canon" club
This is edited, because I screwed up and put Elenour from the Good place on here and people in the comments told me she is canon bi. So I replaced her with Stiles. I honestly have no idea how I forgot him, since he is a poster child for fanon bisexuals.
In the wake of this getting 10.000 notes. Thank you so much for that by the way, I decided to include some more characters, suggested in the comments.

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