122 posts
Welcome to the home of your favorite resident cat lover. [Im 21]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sourpatchslayers · 4 months ago
I’m not back to being online, BUTTTTT I need help finding this one fic.
It was a mha x Greek god au with the reader being a nymph and it being sero x reader at First, but over the next few fics it’s Shinso x reader
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
Ngl self insert x canon are the most powerful people in existence. Like, you wanted to smooch a character and said “yeah, I’m gonna do that” fucking go off king I love that for you
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
Now, my dear beloved moots and followers, you know that one person who posts angst and you hate them for it but in reality you love them for torturing you?
That’s me. I’m the person.
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
Me about to send rp blogs the most devious shit:
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
4 year old me getting sunburnt at the beach fr
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Womp womp womp wommmmmp. :3
(I never went to the beach as a kid cause I grew up in Canada 😭)
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
teleport this bread around
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come on spread the word
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
Drew eyebrows on salami 💀
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NO. 😭
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
Lmao 😭 all my friends/moots/idols ig
@askakaza @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi @flametrashira @imsofuckinggayforwomen @izukuesque @kleftiko @kyojurismo @mysicklove @officialabortive @omni-boi26 @peachdues @pammyjammy117 @tobytoon @vampcubus and many more I can’t think of
2023 is coming to an end so this is my annual I love my online friends so fucking much you wouldn't believe me if I told you post.
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
Making a desperate, slutty boy say "I'm your dog" over and over again while hopelessly humping a pillow and whimpering. You agree, reblog.
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
I beg any of my smut acquainted friends, PLEASE dm me on how to write a small smut scene.
I’m working on the nsfw/middle ish part of “he was never yours” and I have the start but idfk how to write porn bro 😭.like how do you change a scene with two ppl just ranting about their days to a hot and steamy make out sesh???
Tags: @mydarlingdahlia @colourstreakgryffin @bfbkg @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi @imsofuckinggayforwomen @peachdues
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
I know it’s been months but I swear to god “he was never yours” is on its way 😭
I take forever to write/brainstorm but I promise
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
Of course as a dragon, you live for eternity. But Neuvillette never knew that his eternity with Wriothesley had ended only just as it had begun.
A statue was built in the Fortress of Meropide in remembrance of him, with new lakelight lillies everyday.
The day the duke died, the storms in Fontaine began, and for fifteen years, they never let up.
Neuvillette knew he wasn’t coming back. He had lost many friends, lovers, and family over the course of his infinite life, but he couldn’t cope with this loss.
He expected to be confronted by the people of Fontaine about the situation years ago. But it never happened.
“Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don’t cry!”
The thunder and lightning ceased in a second. That voice, it was all too familiar, but it wasn’t his. It was the voice of a child. (9-10y for reference)
The image of his lover was pasted onto this child, and the storms in Fontaine calmed to a mere sprinkle.
The chief justice did not believe in reincarnation, but in that moment he would believe you if you told him that Melusines lived in liyue.
The child’s name was Rio, and he was an orphan.
The ludex “adopted” this child, taking care of him as any “father” would do.
He often thought about how similar the two are, The child and the duke.
The rain in Fontaine let up after a few months, children finally happy the hydro dragon wasn’t “crying” anymore.
🐺…(4-5 years later)
“Dad, why did you adopt me?” Rio asked as he picked at his dinner. “Finish your food, then ask questions.” The dragon huffed. “But why? I’m not special!” The teenager whined. “I’ll give you this; you know that statue we visit every morning before school?” The chief justice gave in. “Yeah? What about it?” Rio called in question. “You remind me of him.” Neuvillette finished, standing up to rinse his plate. “Thats it? I remind you of him? No secret backstory or anything?” The black haired child protested, to no avail as his father was already heading to bed.
Days passed, and the pestering never ceased. The dragon had years of patience, but it had seemingly vanished within a week. “But dad-“ “Enough, Rio. We will talk after dinner.” The ludex huffed as he began to eat his food.
Soon after, the hyperactive adolescent waited for his father to start explaining.
“There was a dragon, a very lonely dragon. He had lived for hundreds of years before he found a wolf. The wolf loved to get in trouble, and the dragon had to get him out of it. They were very close, and they had a lot of fun together.” The teenager didn’t understand what this meant in relation to why he was adopted, but he listened anyway.
“One day, the dragon realized he liked the wolf, but not how you like your friends. No, he loved the wolf, and wanted to be by his side forever. He told the wolf how he felt, and the wolf loved him too. They were happy together, but they had to keep their relationship a secret. A dragon and a wolf couldn’t be together, no, that was forbidden. So they kept each other company in their own privacy. Holding hands behind their backs, sneaking off together, and spending time when no one else was around.” At this point, Rio was invested. He started to wonder how his almost expressionless father could come up with such an imaginative story.
“After a while, the dragon started to wonder what it would be like if they weren’t a secret. What would people say? Would they hate them? Would they love them? He was happy, yes, but he wanted to be more than a secret. The wolf wanted the same, but he couldn’t lose his position to the public. He cared for the dragon deeply, much more than he cared about his job, and that’s why he couldn’t be seen with him. He was afraid people would treat the dragon differently, and he knew the dragon was sensitive.”
“A few weeks go by, and the two are happy. They still are secret, but are a little less shy about their public acts. One night, they get into a fight. The wolf was talking to another wolf, and the dragon didn’t like that. He told the wolf and the wolf got mad. He said the dragon was jealous, and the dragon admitted to it. The wolf yelled at the dragon, and told him they weren’t together so he shouldn’t be jealous. The dragon felt betrayed, and ran away, but the wolf was sorry. It was too late though, the dragon was gone.”
“It had been days before the wolf found the dragon, but the dragon didn’t want to see the wolf. The dragon repeated what the wolf said and turned away, causing the wolf to feel worse. The wolf apologized and said he didn’t mean it, and asked the dragon if they could be together, for real this time. The dragon was overjoyed, he immediately said yes and hugged the wolf.” A small tear rolled out of the Ludex’ eye before he could catch it, but before the teen could see it, he wiped it away.
“A few months after they became public, the wolf had a very big job to do for his people, and had to leave for a few weeks. The dragon understood and said goodbye and wished him good luck.”
“The wolf never came back. Days, then weeks, then months, then a year before the dragon heard anything. The wolf had finished the job and was heading home when he got… uhh…. shot by hunters. The dragon was devastated. He didn’t believe it at first, then he was furious. At the hunters and the wolf. He promised to make it home safe, so why had he gone and died? The dragon found and killed the hunters out of rage. Then the dragon was sad, so sad that the place where he lived was affected by his depression.”
“It rained so hard it could crack a wine glass, and the dragon didn’t care. The world would pay for its mistake. Years went by, and the dragon stopped feeling. Love, pain, sadness. The storms raged on but the dragon didn’t mind. The dragon couldn’t live anymore, he just survived.”
“Then one day, one of the few when he would go on walks to watch the storm, the dragon found a puppy. And when he saw that puppy, the storms relaxed into a soft rain. The puppy looked just like the wolf, sounded like him, smelt like him, just younger. Of course he knew it wasn’t the wolf, but he didn’t care. The puppy didn’t have any parents or friends, so he took him in.”
“As the puppy got older, the dragon realized how similar he was to the wolf. The dragon almost cried tears of joy the first time the puppy called him dad, but how could he cry when he couldn’t even feel? The dragon knew he couldn’t replace the wolf because that was his lover, but the puppy was his child.”
Neuvillette sat up from his slouched posture on the couch to watch his son’s reaction, only to find a tear streaked awe-struck face in return. “What is the matter?” The chief justice asked the teen. “You’re the dragon, and Wriothesley is the wolf, isn’t he? And I’m the puppy?” He hugged out before another waterfall of tears fell down his face. “How’d you know?” The Ludex smiled. (somewhat) “Dad you don’t try very hard to hide the fact that you are most definitely the ‘hydro dragon’ of Fontaine. And Wriothesley looks like a wolf, doesn’t he? Do I look like a wolf? No, I look like a dog, and young dogs are puppies!…..” The dragon watched his son lovingly ramble about anything and everything, hoping that his wolf could see him too.
authors note-
A lil short story I thunk up while looking at fanarts! 😋 angst. Story.
(I’m deeply obsessed with this ship to the point where it devours my every waking thought.)
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
I always read Gn!reader as “Good night reader.”
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
HEY EVERYONE, CATS, DOGS, BIRDS AND FROGS! I think some of you have been wondering when I’m going to go back to posting regularly….
The answer is I won’t! I’ll be writing one shots and drabbles but I don’t have the talent for long fictions sadly and will be leaving all that magic to my dear friends @mydarlingdahlia @kyojurismo @izukuesque @wisteriaw0rld @flametrashira and @peachdues!
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
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I respect whatever happened but dang
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
I’m gonna be honest, I started following you because you were moots with Gingy.
That was before I realized you had written like, half of my liked posts and I kinda freaked out in a good way.
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To all of my lovely moots out here, I’m curious…
What made you follow me/want to be my mutual? Just curious :)
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sourpatchslayers · 1 year ago
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better ✨
- 💜 anon
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