soundwaveengineer · 4 years
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soundwaveengineer · 4 years
If Cthulhu can be summoned by humans who are so far beneath it, why can’t humans be summoned by ants? The answer is they should be.
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soundwaveengineer · 4 years
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Creator of Helltaker is a real G.
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soundwaveengineer · 4 years
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A YouTube comment that I just had to share.
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soundwaveengineer · 4 years
I honestly have forgotten to check my tag in ages. It is nice to see not everyone has forgotten me :)
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some ships i haven’t talked about or drawn in a while >v>
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soundwaveengineer · 5 years
Evidence that Blitzo is actually really lonely
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He graffitied Moxxie and Millie’s wedding photo to include himself hugging both of them. Also we can see that he has a mother and sibling in the picture next to this one, but he never mentions them. Could be ‘cus of limited time in the pilot, could be that they’ve grown apart. Not enough info to tell.
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He’s adopted a hellhound and treats her like his own spoiled teenage daughter, even getting her ‘adoption anniversary gifts’ and taking adorable selfies with her against her will
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Refers to his employees as his ‘family’ and clearly thinks of them as such
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Even goes as far as to stalk his employees outside of work hours, like he’s a clingy child that doesn’t want to spend any time alone
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Throughout the pilot, we can see that Blitzo clearly used to be in a circus- maybe even one of the main attractions, since it’s the ‘amazing’ Blitzo in the big top. I’d like to theorise that of the reasons Blitzo adamently rejects Stolas so much is because he’s used to being taken advantage of (as that’s usually a running theme in bad circuses). He’s not lying in the end, when he says that he wants to prove that ‘we are capable of doing anything anyone else can’. But I think that he also wants to start again with an actual family that loves him as much as he loves them. 
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soundwaveengineer · 5 years
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
Reblog if it is totally, 100% fine to send anonymous comments to your muse pertaining to the events in your RP
Example, if your muse kisses another muse, it is totally fine for you to get on anon and congratulate my muse, or to say that the other muse isn’t right for them. I will answer ic.
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
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you think frisk was ever bitter about repeatedly getting the snot kicked out of them or nah
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
==> Yeah, right. Like you were gonna believe that garbage for even a second. The only highblood that told you they don’t cull lowbloods were the ones who wanted to lure you into a false sense of security. BUT YOU WEREN’T HAVING NONE OF THAT. So you force another smile and a chuckle, and take back the clipboard to look it over. Look’s like he checks out.
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◢ Just protocol, sir. All employee’s come with a smile and manners, a-ahaha. And thank you for asking, sir, but there wasn’t any trouble that doesn’t come with the job. If you could take this and sign at the bottom, I’ll get your package. ◣
==> Handing the clipboard back over, you open up your fetch modus and pull out the package. Holding it out, here came the part you absolutely hated. The ‘wait while the drop-off opens the package to confirm shipment’ bullshit. One of the policies that made your company so popular. The recipients can check their package and either make a complaint when its wrong, or, if they’re more violently inclined, try to rip your head off. Oh boy. 
> His fake smile is so impressive that you almost believe it, but the tension doesn’t quite match the expression. Not that you really blame the delivery guy for that: most highbloods tend to make sport of the lower bloods without remorse, so it is just sensible for him to stay on guard. Going on to sign the clipboard idly, you glance at the package curiously, opening it up.
ϟϟ Hmm, that seems to be everything...wait a tick.  ϟϟ
> Carefully placing the package down, you bite your lip as you lift one bottle out of the lot, careful not to shake it at all as you look at the small device attached to the top. Trying to trigger one of your more volatile components into exploding...how devious. Someone out there must not have liked the way you tell customers you don’t like to take their business elsewhere: with great relish, that is.
> Carefully burying the little thing in sand to keep it as stable as possible, you raise your eyebrow at the delivery troll.
ϟϟ It seems some of my customers must have wanted to arrange little accident to me on pickup...good thing I didn’t shake the box. We might want to get some distance away from that: it is a volatile and acidic compound.  ϟϟ
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
==> ….well shit. You didn’t ACTUALLY expect him to be your drop-off. After so many false alarms and near deaths, you had given up hope of finding the guy and was gonna call it in after this one. Ah fuck. 
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◢ A-aha h-ha, this-this lowblood apologizes sir, uhhh– ◣
==> UHHHHHHH, TRY TO SALVAGE THIS, DO YOUR SPIEL. YOU HAVE A SPIEL, DAMMIT. QUICK BEFORE THE GUY DECIDES TO CULL YOU. Fumbling through your belt, you pull out a a very tech-heavy looking clipboard. Its all the latest on the delivery scene. Trying to look your meekest, you hand over the clipboard, keeping yourself at JUST the right distance in case the guy decides to swipe at you.
◢ Th-thank you client for choosing ED Corporate Services, for all your package and delivery needs, if you could please prick your finger on the CDI verifier to prove your identity and confirm the contents of your order, or use the alternate option of orbital scan at the top, I would be happy to hand over your package. ◣
==> Nailed it.
> You have to roll your eyes and grimace a bit as you go on to prick your finger, allowing applicable amount of your blood to seep out. Considering the sheer amount of scamming and highway robbery connected to this sort of profession, you can’t really blame the companies for wanting to be careful about making sure the recipient of the package is the right one... But it can still be a right pain in your rump to deal with. At least it is just this sort of test now instead of armed guards and inspections some of your more exotic ingredients need to be delivered safely to your lab.
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ϟϟ Schure, there we go. An’ no needtch to grovel: m’not really into killing delivery trollch anyway. Soundtch that my package gavech ya some trouble?  ϟϟ
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
Morrison: Now, now, now! Before we start throwing around words like “betrayal” or “cucked”, let’s let Gabriel explain himself.
Reyes: I’m betraying you.
Morrison: Aw, you cuck!
Tracer: Is he just using words he learned on social media again?
Submitted keakjoinunroq3giudsoni
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
==> Your name is Lamont, you’ve been walking for hours trying to find the guy whose package you need to deliver, and quite frankly, you’re on your last good behavior spoons. Generally you’d be pissed scared when it comes to highbloods, but right now, you just wanted to go hive. 
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◢ Hey! Hey you! Are you Strend Smuuke? ◣
◢ I have been up and down this beach trying to find the seadweller Strend Smuuke, and if you aren’t, dont try to punch me, I just ran away from the last seadweller who wasn’t Smuuke  ◣
◢ I am hopped up on adrenaline, I will outrun you pal, I swear to the bees ◣
> Surprised at being addressed with that amount of annoyance, you look up and down at the goldblood that seems to be carrying the alchemical package you ordered who knows when. Sometimes you think that the delivery services would be better around here if there would be less culling and theft involved, but at least you are not dumb enough to ever pay until you have your things. Well, except on occasion, and during those times you make it your personal mission to fully dye your armament of choice with the blood of the latest asinine postal worker... but luckily enough, you are in good mood tonight, and have no particular need to grief with anyone.
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ϟϟ Calm down therech, me ol’ mocker. M’Strend alrightch, and it looch like you have my packageh. Why would I try n’ cull everyonech who brings me the stuff I needch? Nah, I’d justch rather acceptch the package there withoutch problemch.  ϟϟ
> Really, you are almost aghast. Do you REALLY look like a vicious murderer? You BARELY cull trolls, and even then for only the best reasons. 
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
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What do you mean this isn’t how the World of Radiance chapter ended?
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
hey, with how tumblr is right now, do you have a discord or other platform you go on?
I do, as a matter of fact! I, like many, just don’t like sharing my discord publicly here, but should you ask for it with non-anonymous message I can gladly give it!
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
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The darketh witcheth judgeth
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reblog with 1-2 trolls and Cylion will HARSHLY judge them
AND I will draw the reactions since I haven’t drawn her much uwu
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soundwaveengineer · 6 years
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ϟϟ Well, itch has wayyyyy too longch since I’ve gotten up and aboutch outside the ol’ hive...wonderch if there’s still anyone willing to talkch to. No customerch either lately, at leastch: not feeling like workch right now. ϟϟ
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