soulfishie · 7 years
the best way to watch game of thrones is to not watch it at all and then be really happy when you see gifs of the female characters doing cool things like aww arya and sansa i haven’t directly consumed any media with you in it since i read a storm of swords back in 2013 but i’m glad to see y’all are killing baelish i love you and would die for you keep up the good work
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soulfishie · 7 years
So I enjoy fic she where Gav is hurt, but specifically I love ones where Michael is the one to rescue him, busting down the door and looking fierce, maybe taking out his torturers and then turning so soft and gentle with Gavin. Treating him carefully but hugging him so tight like he's afraid that the other will disappear again. Also the rest of the crew babying Gavin more than normal.
fuck yessss. i love fierce and savage michael trying to get to/protect the ones he loves. and then immediately turning soft once he has them, doing whatever he can to help them and get them better.
this does remind me of part of an rp @sorcererinslytherin and i did. where gavin and michael were kidnapped together and basically just thrown into a room together when the capturers (in this particular case it was the Corpirate haha) were trying to get a ransom from the other fakes. but it turned even worse when the Corpirate comes into the room with them, wanting to take one of them to torture and get information from. and of course he chooses the one he thinks is weaker, some of his guards holding michael down while the other pull gavin from the room. michael tries to fight, but he’s weakened already and there’s just too many of them, so just screams and thrashes as gavin shouts back but is pulled away.
the vents went from the room michael was in to the room gavin was brought to. it was faint, but michael could hear gavin’s screams and yells in pain. michael nearly breaks his hands with how hard he was banging on the door, voice nearly hoarse at how much and how loud he screamed.
gavin was brought back to the room when they were done with him, tossed into the room with a low groan and a whimper. michael is immediate to pull him gently into his lap, checking his wounds to see how bad they were (it wasn’t lifethreatening but it was hardly pretty, chest ripped up from the Corpirate’s knife, arm broken from where he had stomped on it). michael whispers to gavin, telling him he loves him, that’s he’s so brave for going through it all. all while the red fury and rage builds under his skin. the Corpirate was not going to get away with this. not with hurting his boi like this, not with taking him away from him. it was a fury that nearly has him shaking, seeing red. blood was going to be spilled for this and michael was going to make it as slow and painful as possible.
the rest of the fakes find them eventually, because of course they do. they rescue them and get gavin helped and bandaged and michael still sticks close to his side, beyond worried even as they are assured he’s going to be alright.
(when gav wakes up back at the penthouse, at first michael isn’t there and he’s nearly panicking, needed to make sure michael was ok. when michael is brought in he gives a small smile, pressing a soft kiss to his lips and reassuring him that he’s not going anywhere. neither of them are).
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soulfishie · 7 years
Gavin Free is my favorite achievement hunter
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soulfishie · 7 years
someone: why are you bi?
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soulfishie · 7 years
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JIMIN’S ABC’S 🌞 b for beautiful
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soulfishie · 7 years
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soulfishie · 7 years
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soulfishie · 7 years
I think we all have that one Ghibli movie that is our Ghibli movie.
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soulfishie · 7 years
why did we ever stop the flower crown edit trend? it was so pure? why does cringe-culture ruin everything fun? there is literally nothing bad about putting flower crowns on photos of people, they’re just flowers
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soulfishie · 7 years
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“But Ryan definitely doesn’t like Gavin, I feel like probably the most out of everyone”
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soulfishie · 7 years
ryan trying to save gavin from falling and holding him in the new between games was a big mood thanks folks
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soulfishie · 7 years
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soulfishie · 7 years
I loved so many of the cute animals on vine……
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soulfishie · 7 years
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soulfishie · 7 years
paranormal investigator freewood au. gavin is a paranormal photographer and ryan is a psychic. they were originally con artists up until ryan discovered he had legitimate psychic powers and gavin upgrades to a better camera and finds that he doesnt have to doctor the photos because spirits are Right There
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soulfishie · 7 years
Suddenly, you hear alarms go off in the bank as a group of masked men start shouting at everyone to get on the ground. You grip your backpack filled with money tighter and hope they don’t learn you already robbed this place blind with no one noticing.
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soulfishie · 7 years
Two bros sleeping in the same bag no feet apart because they’re both gay
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