sophisticats · 9 years
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I wanna do bad things with you.
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sophisticats · 10 years
Merry Lows
Sing to remember Drink to forget The mind weaves the memories That the heart hath spent Bound by the ties That we wish to repent Imprint of a past And a world of regret Let us sing to remember And drink to forget.
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sophisticats · 10 years
some days you wake up as a bitch from hell.
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sophisticats · 10 years
is there life on Mars?
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sophisticats · 10 years
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sophisticats · 10 years
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A man in the grocery store line today approached me and said, “Sir, when I first saw you I was extremely attracted to you, but then I noticed that you are a boy. How… I mean, why do you dress so provocatively?”
I responded, “Well, in today’s world the majority of the straight male race view women as objects, or something that belongs to them. I dress provocatively because it attracts the attention of men in a sexual and OBJECTIVE way. However, when realized that I am actually male, they often become confused, disgusted, upset or all of the above. By inflicting this minor emotional damaged upon the ego of a man raised by twisted societal gender norms, maybe, just maybe the individual will think twice before viewing another woman with an objective attitude and sense of belonging. No woman, belongs to ANYONE. Male or female, the equality of human beings needs to be a priority. It is something worth dressing up for.”
I AM NOT KIDDING. The woman behind me, the female cashier, the old lady bagging groceries and the woman in front of me who was talking on the phone STOPPED, …. and proceeded to gasp and clap. The man shook my hand, told me to have a blessed day and then said, “excuse me ladies, I need to visit my daughter.”
…. I was shaking by the time I walked out of the store.
- Elliott Alexzander
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sophisticats · 11 years
Why should kids be taught to hate the police? Because there are 2.3 million people in jail in the US right now and every single one was put there by a fucking cop. Some people talk about good cops and bad cops, but a good cop, a cop doing their job properly, still puts nonviolent drug users in jail for many years, totally ruining their lives as they lose their jobs, houses, cars, romantic partners, access to college, and become substantially less employable upon release. A cop doing their job properly still gives homeless people tickets for vagrancy which they obviously can’t pay and when a warrant is issued as a result an officer doing their job properly arrests those homeless people. An officer doing their job properly pepper-sprays and arrests environmental protesters so that logging companies can clear-cut old growth forests. An officer doing their job properly is evicting a family from their home as you read this because the parents’ jobs were shipped overseas so that the bosses could make eight figures a year instead of seven. Those people will become homeless, vagrancy tickets will be written, warrants will be issued… And then there’s the ‘bad ones’.
Sacking Rome: A Magazine for Vandals, issue one (via learned—helplessness)
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sophisticats · 11 years
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the sweater game is real.
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sophisticats · 11 years
take pride in your parts.
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sophisticats · 11 years
it's no secret.
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sophisticats · 11 years
for a better tomorrow.
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sophisticats · 11 years
“I had only a little time left and I didn't want to waste it on God.” “Since we're all going to die, it's obvious that when and how don't matter.”
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sophisticats · 11 years
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01101101 01100110
Joshua Sutevski
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sophisticats · 11 years
rot at high-speeds.
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sophisticats · 11 years
I always knew that I was delivered to the wrong era.
David Bowie’s rare cover of ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’ by  Joy Division.
A chance meeting in 1983 had David Bowie, Bernard Sumner and Peter Hook chatting away over beers in the Kings Arms in Salford. “…So we were all there just having a laugh and we joked that he should come n have a jam with us, then next minute - well, it was the next day actually, but i didn’t expect he’d definitely come by - and we were in the practice rooms and we were playing Love Will Tear Us Apart and I was like, f%$k we’re playing Love Will Tear Us Apart with David Bowie singing, this is crazy. We never released it - Bowie took a recording of it, and just layered some more vocals on for fun, sent it back to me…”
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sophisticats · 11 years
sultry smooth.
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sophisticats · 11 years
just a few fab foxes.
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