#vaginal solidarity
trans-axolotl · 3 months
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ID: [A 1997 flyer made by Riki Anne Wilchins that reads: Jocelyn Elders supports Intersex Genital Mutilation (IGM). Hermaphrodite; someone whose genitals are not clearly male or female. US Hospitals genitally cut 8 intersexed kids every day just so their genitals will look "normal." Most will lose genital sensation. Many are cut so they won't "become lesbians." Jocelyn Elders supports this practice! Did you know: The vast majority of children diagnosed as intersexed by American doctors and genitally cut are otherwise unremarkable infants who simply have clitorises more than 3/8” long. Many are genitally cut in the mistaken belief that otherwise they may grow up to be masculinized, lesbian women or have difficulty functioning as “normal, heterosexual adults” later in life. Did you know: According to noted Brown University medical researcher Dr. Anne Fausto­ Sterling, 2,000 intersex infants are genitally cut for cosmetic reasons in US hospitals annually: that’s 8 infants from 3 weeks to 3 years old cut every working day. Yet the American Academy of Pediatricians’ own statement on IGM says these infants are genitally cut to minimize “emotional, cognitive, and body image” problems and not for any medical reason. Did you know: Jocelyn Elders on intersexed infants and “correcting” queer genitals: "…just take out everything and make a good vaginal pouch and the child can function very well as a female." "I always told my students, 'I can make a good female, but it's very hard to make a male.'" Ever hear of informed consent? Dr. Elders refuses to even meet with the intersexed community or IGM survivors. Intersex kids need counseling, not cutting! Hey Dr. Elders: Get Your Scalpels Off our Bodies! We're not quiet. We're not well behaved. And we're not going away. Hermaphrodites with attitude.]
Although it can be very upsetting to see the way that interphobia and medical abuse existed in incredibly similar ways 30 years ago, this protest flyer and associated newsletter showcase the incredible history of intersex and trans solidarity between Transexual Menace and Hermaphrodites with attitude. This newsletter includes multiple updates on trans and intersex news, including protests, discrimination, and media representation.
"Herm-Protest Jocelyn Elders at Lesbian Event.
Washington, DC: 20 Sep 97. The activist groups Hermaphrodites with Attitude (HWA) and Transexual Menace today protested Dr. Jocelyn Elders' keynote address to a Mautner Lesbians With Cancer Project fundraiser, held in the Washington Hilton. Dr. Elders, a former US Surgeon General, is an outspoken advocate of Intersex Genital Mutilation (IGM), a cosmetic surgery performed on the genitals of intersexed infants so they will look like "normal" males and females.
Eight demonstrators carried banners saying "Dr. Elders: Keep Your Scalpels OFF Our Bodies" and "Intersex Kids Need Counseling NOT Cutting", and distributed IGM leaflets to attendees as they arrived for the $100-a-plate dinner. Several attendees expressed shock and dismay upon learning of Dr. Elders' position, noting that she is generally considered a supporter of lesbian and feminist causes, and enlightened on most matters of adolescent sexuality. However, the flier noted that on "correcting" queer genitals, Dr. Elders has written: "…just take out everything and make a good vaginal pouch and the child can function very well as a female," and "I always told my students, I can make a good female, but it's very hard to make a male."
"We're not protesting the Mautner Project," explained HWA founder, Cheryl Chase, "we're calling attention to Dr. Elders' support of IGM and her continued refusal to meet with us on an issue that affects our lives. One reason IGM is performed is the fear that girls born with clitorises considered ‘too large’ will grow up to be masculine or lesbian. We want to bring awareness to the Lesbian and Gay community that IGM is a queer issue."
Although intersexuality was once considered rare, according to noted Brown University medical researcher Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling, about 8 intersex children are genitally cut in US hospitals every working day for cosmetic reasons. Stated Chase, "We will continue to seek a meeting with Dr. Elders, and anticipate that once she takes IGM seriously, she will support out position."
Following the demonstration, HWA and the Menace donated a $100 to the Mautner Project in the name of intersexed infants."
-In Your Face No. 5, Spring 1998.
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 22 March 2009, prison riots were sparked in Greece after the death of prison activist, Katerina Goulioni on March 18. Inmates in the women's prison in Thebes refused to return to their cells, set fires and destroyed property, while protesters outside the prison clashed with riot police (content note: sexual violence). 200 inmates in Athens also held a protest in solidarity. Goulioni (pictured) was a prominent incarcerated activist, who had campaigned against lack of facilities for physically disabled prisoners, prison transfers in which many prisoners suspiciously died, and vaginal inspections which she termed "informal rape". She died while being transferred by boat to a prison on the island of Crete. While the Ministry of Justice claimed she died of a heart attack, other prisoners on the boat reported that Goulioni had been forced to sit alone, 15 seats behind everyone else with her hands tied behind her back, and that her face showed signs of a beating. In the wake of the rebellion, the government promised a review of vaginal inspection methods, and other prison conditions. Goulioni's fellow inmates sent the press the following goodbye statement: "All your life was full of thirst. Thirst for struggle and justice. You fought for all and for everything without care for the consequences. And at the end the consequences of your struggles rewarded you in the worse of manners, with a violent, unexpected sudden death. But we are still here, Katerina, and we shall remember you and continue the struggle you began. You are everywhere. We sense you and we thank you for taking care of us. For us, you will live for ever. Have a great journey!" Learn more about women's resistance in prisons in this book: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/products/resistance-behind-bars-the-struggles-of-incarcerated-women-victoria-law-1 To access this hyperlink, click our link in bio then click this photo https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2235376146647523/?type=3
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emberenchanted · 1 year
For Keeps (2/3)
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Pairing: Dark!Carol Danvers x Female Reader
Summary: Carol sees you. Carol wants you. Carol gets what she wants. 
Series Warnings: extremely dubious consent, strap ons (r receiving), sex (oral, vaginal), fingering, anal fingering, Dom!Carol, orgasm denial, spanking, violence (not really towards reader), manipulation, forced relationship, rough sex
18+ ONLY
Link to Chapter 1
Chapter 2
As you drag yourself up the stairs to your studio above the bar you reflect on whether living at home with your parents had really been that bad. This kind of thing didn’t happen where you were from and it had you thinking that perhaps it was time to revisit your long term plans. Coming back home after three months was kind of pitiful, but even that might be better than getting pulled into a world you have no business in. One filled with casual violence that made your stomach turn. 
Especially since you were now dreading the inevitable phone call from Carol. You knew she would call and you knew you wouldn’t be able to say no to her. That was a dangerous road to start down. Better to nip it in the bud ASAP. 
Calling an ambulance for Mel and closing down the bar mostly by yourself made for an extra late night and all you could think about was taking a hot shower (your meager attempt to wash the violence off of you and out of your mind) and climbing into bed. You wish you’d given yourself a glass of wine “on the house,” but after Carol’s display, it seemed like Mel really couldn’t spare the extra cash. 
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When you awake late the next morning it’s with a pounding headache and two missed calls from an unknown number. You also see a voicemail notification. Your mind quickly flashes over the events of the preceding night and you immediately wish you were still sleeping. For some reason you feel like you should be sitting up while you listen to Carol’s message, so you throw your legs over the edge of your sofa bed and drag yourself into an upright position. 
As you suspected, the message was from Carol and she sounded like sin. 
Beep. “Hey, baby. It’s me, Carol. I had such a good time with you last night, and I can’t wait to see you again. How about I pick you up tonight at 7pm for dinner and a show? Call me back with your address as soon as you get this. Ok, bye baby. Talk to you soon.”  
You squeeze your eyes shut and press 7 to delete the message. You never should have given her your number. And you definitely couldn’t go out with her. She’d hurt Mel! In the three months since you’d moved to the city, Mel had been--well, not a friend exactly--but a stable acquaintance. He’d given you a job and a place to live, and only price gouged you a little. But the commute to work was unbeatable. You generally liked Mel and wanted him to be ok. Carol, or whoever she was representing, could have offered him some kind of payment plan. From what you could tell from his tearful blabbering while you waited for the ambulance, he’d made an honest mistake. 
You also knew that while you might be telling yourself you were refusing to call Carol back out of some source of solidarity, the simple truth was that Carol scared you shitless. She also didn’t seem like someone who handled rejection well. And you aren’t interested in standing up to her and risking her undeniably brutal wrath. You don’t think that she would hurt you like she’d hurt Mel, but you also don’t think she’ll simply accept your answer and leave you be. So, to your bleary brain, ignoring the problem is the next best thing. You busy yourself with laundry and tidying your small apartment; your distractions work well until Carol’s next two calls at 5 and 6pm. She doesn’t leave any more voice messages and you hope that she got the message that you weren’t interested and that she would lose interest in you. You spend the evening with a bottle of cheap red wine and Netflix. You tumble into bed around 2 am and fall into a fitful sleep. When you wake up in the early afternoon the next day, 6 hours before your 7:30 pm shift at Mel’s, you nervously check your phone for more messages. To your relief, there are none. 
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Carol’s good mood fizzles in the 24 hours after meeting you. The morning after Mel’s Tavern she’d woken up in high spirits. After a quick 6 mile run, she’d showered, eaten a hearty breakfast, and started planning her date. She’d settled on a location for dinner, made reservations, and bought tickets to a popular live show. She’d called Y/N to tell her all about their night, then called again to leave a message. By 5pm, Carol was irritated, and by 6pm she was worried. She’d even driven by Mel’s around 6:30pm to see if you were working. If Carol had known your address, she wouldn’t have hesitated to drop by. By 7:30pm Carol was back in the gym, sparring just a bit too viciously with Natasha. 
“Damn!,” Nat huffs out as Carol puts her on her ass for the fifth time that evening. She sits up while rubbing her side and looks at Carol through the red sheet of hair that has fallen over her face. “Did I happen to do something to you? Because, if so, you should know I’m very sorry. Can you please stop beating me up? ”
Carol sticks out her hand to help Natasha off the mat. “Sorry. I’m a little distracted today so I wasn’t really paying attention.”
Natasha, now standing, looks quizzically at Carol and then laughs, “I feel like I should be insulted.”
Carol smiles. “Never, Nat. You always give me a good fight." The next moment her smile turned sour. “I’m just frustrated and a bit pissed. I met this woman last night and she gave me her number, but then started avoiding me. She won’t answer her phone and stood me up for a date. That’s actually where I’m supposed to be now. But I know she likes me. I saw the way she looked at me and reacted when I touched her. But, she’s just too nervous to admit it.” 
Carol rolls her eyes and throws her head back as she releases a frustrated grunt.
“Ok, woman troubles. Now that I can help with,” Nat chuckles. “If she’s too shy, then you need to be bold enough for the both of you. Don’t let her say no.”
“You know what Nat?,” Carol grins, “it’s like you read my mind.”
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Carol strides into Mel’s Tavern at 9 pm the following night. She walks directly to the bar, ignoring everyone around her and heading straight to you.
As she approaches, your heart starts racing and the room feels much hotter than it had moments ago. She was just as breathtakingly beautiful as you remembered and your mind empties for just a moment. She didn’t look happy, but she also didn’t look like she was about to fling a knife into your heart or drive a fist into your face. That had to be a good sign, right? 
“Hey, Carol,” you choke out quietly. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“No, Y/N. But I would very much like to speak with you.” Carol states calmly, hands braced against the edge of the bar and body leaning over the counter towards you. “Why don’t you take your break now?”
You gesture aimlessly to the few scattered patrons in the bar. For the second time in as many shifts nobody would look at you. They were all suspiciously interested in the glasses in front of them, even if those glasses were empty. You grit your teeth and say, “Someone might need me.”
Carol frowns, looks around and asks the room loudly, “Anybody here need anything?”
A chorus of “nos” come back to her.
Carol raises one of her perfectly arched eyebrows and beckons you over to her with a softly crooked finger. 
You scoot to the section of the bar directly in front of Carol, cross your arms and look down. Carol reaches across the bar with her right hand and, taking your chin between her thumb and forefinger, pushes your head up until you meet her eyes directly. 
Your brain races through excuses frantically. You knew it was a possibility she’d show up and you should have prepared better. Maybe you could say that things have been a little crazy in your life and you don’t have time to pursue anything... with anyone? Not just her? It was a pitiful excuse, but the best you could come up with.
Carol looks at you, head tilted slightly, brows furrowed, and eyes narrowed as her thumb gently strokes your face. Her expression could only be described as frustrated yet determined. “Baby,” Carol began slowly, “I’m confused. When I came in two nights ago, we had an instant connection. That doesn’t happen often, does it?”
Your head jerks quickly back and forth, signaling no.
“Ok, that's what I thought,” Carol continues. Her voice hardens slightly, as does the hand holding your face. You wince at the sudden pressure. “So why didn’t you call me back? Why did you make me call you four times with no response?”
Your head feels dizzy and your lips stay glued together. You're on the verge of a panic attack and all you could think of is getting her to let you go. 
“Answer me, baby. Now,” Carol commands, as her grip on your chin tightens further. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. Your eyes squeeze shut and your upper body is leaned back as far as you can while your face is still being held by Carol. 
Carol abruptly releases your face and you have to take a quick step and set your hand on the bar to rebalance your body. 
Carol’s hand snakes out and grabs yours, holding it firmly so you can’t walk away. Her voice softens some, but still sounds slightly harsh .“Ok, I’ll forgive you this time. But don’t let it happen again.” From her back pocket she whips out a piece of paper and a pen. “Write down your address so I know where to pick you up tomorrow.”
Once Carol pockets your address, she reaches for your hand once more. “How much longer do you have on your break, baby? Let’s go outside.” 
After walking you outside, Carol immediately presses you against the brick wall and pushes her lips against yours in a forceful kiss. Her tongue slips across the seam of your lips until you open to allow her entry into your mouth. She sets to exploring every bit of you, sucking your tongue into her mouth and nibbling on your lips until they are tender and you are breathless and dizzy. Then she’d promptly untucked your shirt, unbuttoned your jeans, and slid her hand down to your slippery folds. When you try to move away, her free hand tightens on your waist and shoves you back, making your back scrape against the wall. 
“Mmmm, is all this for me?,” she murmurs, nuzzling your ear, as her fingers part you and begin gently rubbing from your clit to your slick opening. You squirm on Carol's fingers, and Carol slides her thumbnail over your sensitive clit harshly, making you yelp. “Did I tell you to move?”
“No,” you whisper.
“When we're together like this you call me Ma’am,” Carol growls. “No, who?”
”No, ma’am” you gasp out while trying desperately to stay still. She slides two fingers into you and your walls flutter furiously around Carol's fingers, searching for relief. “Sorry, ma’am.” It comes out as a whimper. 
Carol pushes her fingers deeper up inside of you and you choke. Her free hand slides under your shirt, over your waist and ribs, before spreading and tightening under your breast, fingernails digging into the hollows between your ribs, scratching your soft flesh. Carol thumbs your taut nipple, and a moan bubbles up in your throat as you fight your every instinct in your attempt not to move. Her warm breath fans over your neck as she shifts your body flat against the wall, caging you in. 
Carol pinches your nipple sharply as her fingers begin to push into you harder and faster. She  focuses her thrusts, curling her fingers inside you to rub your spongy flesh until she hits that exquisite spot that makes you moan and shiver. The slick sound of her fingers pumping in and out of your pussy fills your ears. That and Carol’s murmuring are all you can hear. Her voice pitches you higher as she calls you her good girl, her sweet girl, her hot sticky tight little girl. 
Your heart pounds in your chest as you feel the relentless rising in your core. You approach the edge of a wicked orgasm, and just as you feel yourself begin to teter over, Carol slides her fingers out of you and starts slipping them, in a whisper soft motion, over your clit, just barely brushing you. The abrupt emptiness has you whining sharply. 
“No, no, no,” Carol whispers in your ear. She presses her body firmly against yours,  “No coming for you. You were a bad girl. Do bad girls get orgasms?”
“No,” you gasp.
Carol pinches your clit sharply once before going back to her soothing motion, “No, who?”
“No, ma’am,” you whimper. 
“Good girl. We’re going to do that a few more times while you apologize to me, ok? Hold on, baby.”
Feeling lost, you loop your arms around her neck and drop your head into the crook of her neck. Carol’s long slender fingers push roughly back inside of you, furiously rubbing you as you whine and squirm against the wall. Before long you hear yourself apologizing for not answering her calls, for worrying her, for standing her up. 
She tortures you throughout your broken apologies, bringing you to the edge over and over only to force you back down. 
Finally, finally, she must decide you’ve apologized enough, and she whispers in your ear as her fingers pick up again, “Shhh, now, I’m going to let you come baby. You’re being such a good girl and you apologized so nice. But don’t you ever ignore my calls again. No matter what.” Her voice hardens and her slippery fingers pinch at your clit gently--making you jump and yelp--before pushing them back inside you, “You understand me?”
Your brain is fuzzy and can’t seem to string together enough words to form a sentence. When you first saw Carol enter the bar you definitely didn’t intend for this to happen. You’d hope that you could somehow weasel out of a date with her without her getting mad. Things had obviously not gone according to plan. You must take too long to respond, because Carol’s free hand reaches to twist your clit harshly, making you howl. 
“Answer me. Now.” The fingers inside you don’t stop. 
The sharp pain from her twist radiates up your body, and temporarily mutes your rising orgasm. “Yes,” you sob pathetically. “Yes, I understand, ma’am.”
Carol uses the entirety of her body weight to push you up against the wall. Your back scrapes the wall as her fingers pick up speed and she coos softly in your ear. Her fingers push you violently over the edge, and you buck harshly between the wall and Carol's solid form. Carol’s fingers fuck you through your orgasm as she nuzzles your neck, licking and nipping at the tender skin there as you come down.  
Carol watches as you readjust your clothes and wipe at the mist in your eyes before she walks you back into the bar. She drops a possessive kiss on your mouth before heading toward the door. At the last minute, she turns and looks you dead in the eye. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Right, baby?” 
You look back at her and nod. “Yes, ma’am,” you whisper under your breath. 
After dropping you back at work, Carol walks to her car with her lips curled into a smile. She is sure that she’s on the right track with her sweet, shy little baby. She's even hopeful that she might be able to trade in her unused tickets for show credit that she could use for her date tomorrow night with you.
Chapter 3
A/N: Thanks for reading and for any feedback you give. Please do let me know what you think so far. It's much appreciated. Also, I know need to work on my dividers.. haven't quite figured those out yet. Thanks for bearing with me.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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I'm in the mood for...
1. Hi! i don’t know if anyone has asked this yet, but do you know of any fics where lwj goes to visit or study at lotus pier as a teenager? thank you! i hope you’re doing well
sweet chaos by eachandeverydimension (G, 86k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Romance, Light Angst, Falling In Love, Different First Meeting, Qīnghéng-jūn's A+ Parenting, Night Hunts, Chinese Language, Good Sibling LXC, Good Sibling JYL, POV LWJ, Getting Together, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Chinese Culture, Slow Burn, No Homophobia AU)
2. Itmf fics where LWJ's mom is alive and has scenes with WWX? I just think they'd get along really well and tease LWJ and it would feel soft and sweet
my life’s journey is far from over by thelastdboy (E, 147k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, MDM Lan Lives, JYL Lives, WQ Lives, Post-Sunshot Campaign, PTSD, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, POV WWX, Slow Burn, Anxiety, Situational Mutism, YL WWX, Case Fic, Sentient Burial Mounds, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, Modern AU but not too modern™, mlm/wlw solidarity, Mild Smut, Non-Verbal Safewords, Dom/sub, Kink Negotiation, Kink Exploration, NMJ Lives)
paired wings soaring by typefortydeductions (E, 33k, wangxian, modern, domestic bliss, slice of life, angst, fluff, smut, hurt/comfort, kissing, BDSM)
he gets under your skin by Skadiseven (M, 87k, wangxian, inspired by while you were sleeping, accidental engagement, mutual pining, angst w/ happy ending)
A Mother’s Curse (A Mother’s Blessing) by Eudoxia (E, 33k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Huli Jing LWJ, Huli Jing WWX, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Curses, Case Fic, Animal Transformation, Arranged Marriage, Misunderstandings, No Sunshot Campaign, No Yīn Iron (The Untamed TV), Mentions of Ace LXC, Mentions of Ace WN, XuanLi, XiNing, ChengSongQing, Knotting, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Mating Bond, Size Kink, Mpreg, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, LWJ and WWX Have a Breeding Kink, Intersex Male Omegas, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Squirting)
3. Hii! These requests are for the IITMF(is it too much?):
A) Fics where You Ziyuan is actually being a good guardian to WWX and supporting him; he's being treated genuinely good in LP.
- I've already read a fic where WWX was her nephew, And Time Is But a Paper Moon by Sami and in case of fire, break glass.
❤️ the thing with feathers by RoseThorne  (G, 43k, wangxian, Transmigration, Time Travel Fix-It, Illnesses, Family, Scars, Memory Loss, Angst, Fear, Recovery, Sharing a Bed, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Good Parent YZY, Referenced Sexual Slavery, Blood and Gore, Sexual Tension, Arranged Marriage, Grief, Adoption, POV Third Person, POV Alternating, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Good Parent LQR, Clairvoyance, Butterfly Effect) starts with canon relationship but becomes much better
【银 劍 探 心】| Silver Jian Seeking Hearts by stiltonbasket (M, 23k, wangxian, tgcf fusion, calamity lwj, reincarnation, heavy angst w/ happy ending, WIP)
Still Waters by PorcupineGirl (G, 6k, wangxian, canon divergence, cloud recesses study arc, YZY pov, protective YZY, arranged marriage)
Aunt Knows Best by misbehavingvigilante (M, 10k, WWX & YZY, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Character Study, Crossdressing, Dysfunctional Family, Gender Identity, Fix-It, Sexism, Trans WWX, Good Parent YZY)
B) fics where WWX is actually trained in Meishan, and has a good relationship with the clan and it's people.
- I've read the one where WWX trained with Yinzhu and Jinzhu to be an assassin to protect JC.
C) fics where WWX comes to CL as the heir of Baoshan Sanren.
- the Gusu elders are being amazed by him and his intelligence.
-LWJ falling hard for him and confessing
Become Tomorrow by  ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 39k, wangxian, cloud recesses study arc) WWX is BSSR’s disciple but lies about it (with help from JYL) when caught sneaking into Cloud Recesses.
D) fics where WWX is not mischievous as he's in canon. He's actually serious and graceful and elegant (more Gusu Lan type) and LWJ falling for him the same.
- WWX being the fav student of LQR.
A Secret Never Shared by Vrishchika (T, 28k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, frankencanon, Pining, Soft LWJ, Deity WWX, BAMF WWX)
fell by you by Vrishchika (E, 44k, WangXian, Dragons, Dragon LWJ, Fantasy, Explicit Smut in Last Chapter, Pining, POV LWJ, dragonji, Canon Divergence, Immortals, Deities, Dragon WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending)
please only recomend those that are completed or at least 70%-80% completed.
Thanks for your time! Have a good day :) @purhplet09
4. In the spirit of the season (and knowing how long these posts take the lovely mods to compile) I'm thinking I'll be in the mood for some Hallmark AUs (or even just vaguely Hallmark like) by the time I see this ask again. Anything from actual serious fics to complete utter crack. Anyone know any?
Bet Your Heart by Vamillepudding (G, 14k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Romantic Comedy, Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together) i feel like this can work for #4 (and this author as she does romantic comedy really well!)
The Mistletoe Virgin by Vamillepudding (G, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Romantic Comedy, Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Deaf LWH)
hurry down my chimney tonight by gusuvibes (G, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, dad!lwj, WWX and JC are Santa's Elves, Holiday Setting, A-Yuan is too smart for his own good, Fluff and Humor, NHS is a pimp, but not literally, Happy Ending, Surprise Santas)
A Very Hallmark Untamed Christmas by User_Shay_Wade (M, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Small Town, Attempt at Humor, Reference to anal sex, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies)
The Maine Thing (Is That You Send A Card) by Comfect (T, 16k, WangXian, Modern AU, Romance, Excessive Use of Rom-Com Tropes, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, Meet-Cute, Snowed InSlow Burn, But Not That Slow A Burn, finding yourself, Cozy, Libraries)
Do You Feel What I Feel? by istartedtheapocalypse (M, 33k, WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, kid fic ish, wangxian in a hallmark christmas movie but hornier, and with slightly more plot and angst, the background XiYao has lighter than canon levels of toxicity but it is still a lil toxic, Holidays, Christmas)
he gets under your skin by Skadiseven (M, 87k, WangXian, Inspired By While You Were Sleeping (1995), Modern AU, Accidental Engagement, Chicago (City), wangxian's tendency to self-sacrifice, Christmas, Mutual Pining, There's A LOT of Musical References, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending)
5. Please smother me in canonverse fluff!
In the Morning Hush by mondengel (Not rated, <1k, wangxian, fluff)
Rumor Has It by Ulan (T, 4k, WangXian, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Canon Divergence, spoiler warning, CQL-Verse)
Back up and dream again by The Silverfish (ZephyrAndTheSilverfish) (T, 3k, WangXian, Fix-It, Time Travel, Fluff, Flirting, Cute, Embarrassed WWX)
Forehead Kisses by gusucloudbunny (G, 643, WangXian, Fluff, Kid Fic, Happy Husbands, Happy Family, Forehead Kisses, Established Relationship)
🧡a paper friend by soft_wanning (G, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Paperman!WWX, Identity Porn, Meet-Cute, Different First Meeting)
6. hello, i'm in the mood for fics where yiling patriarch!wwx shows up to a gathering at jinlintai, either for jin ling's party or for like. a cultivation conference or smth. really what im looking for is, combined, a) yllz!wwx (intentionally or not) makes a scene and b) at least a little bit of cultivation politics. im thinking like in grave dirt by esama or ghosts shouldn't by shanastoryteller. ik this is vague but thanks in advance!
7. Hi! I saw a previous 'I'm in the mood for...' that included a rec blog that specialised in novel-canon fics - I wondered if you know of one that focuses solely on cql-canon fics? Or if you could rec authors who write mainly in that canon? Thank you!!
Treemaidengeek writes exclusively in CQL canon. She tends to specialize more in rarepairs, but also has some Wangxian, and she's an excellent writer!
8. Hello! I'm always in the mood for long fics, so I was wondering if u have long fics to recommend? Doesn't necessarily have to be wangxian, could be wei ying centric or fics from an outside pov. Just any long fic that will really get you not stop reading it. Thank you!
Deadset by 1PB2PB3PB4 (M, 76k, NMJ & NHS, BAMF NHS, character death, tgcf style ghosts, morally ambiguous character, light angst) both NHS POV and NHS-centric, but one of my favorites.  It’s the main fic of a series.
The Roots Grow Riotous by hansbekhart (E, 104k, wangxian, modern, fashion au, garment company, casual sex, group sex, implied/referenced cheating, switching, recreational drug use, angst w/ happy ending, single dad WWX, panic attacks, implied/referenced self-harm, grief/mourning, catharsis, body horror, floral horror)
Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo (T, 237k, WangXian, Amnesia, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, agressively mixing and matching novel and cql canon, No Homophobia, Mentions of Starvation, Parental WWX)
Between The Lines by Witch_Nova221 (M, 153k, WangXian, Epistolary, Romance, Eventual Romance, Fluff and Angst, Letters, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Love Letters, Long-Distance Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Loss, Post-Canon, Idiots in Love, Podfic by kisahawklin)
❤️ whipstitch by curiositykilled (M, 131k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dysfunctional Family, Torture, WWX Lives, but basically no one else, Case Fic, Cultivation Sect Politics, Past Abuse, WWX Whump, YL WWX, JL Needs a Hug, JL Tries, Yunmeng Bro Reconciliation, Past Character Death, Body Horror, Non-Consensual Body Modification, POV Alternating, Flashbacks, Eventual Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Suicide Attempt, PTSD, Depression, Not A Fix-It, Mouth Sewn Shut)
take me home (where i belong) by scarletwanlian (E, 153k, WangXian, Modern AU, Slice of Life, PTSD, Dissociation, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Depression, Running, Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, mental recovery, Mental Health Issues, Non-Sexual Intimacy, AND sexual intimacy, Literal Sleeping Together, and sleeping together, First Time, Families of Choice, Car Accidents, Found Family, Flashbacks, Nightmares, gore elements somewhat, descriptions can get a bit gorey at times, Eventual Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending, Healing, Character Study, Grief/Mourning)
Waiting for Spring by thievinghippo (E, 130k, wangxian, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, slight angstHappy Ending, Sports, Baseball))
you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 132k, WangXian, Modern AU, Developing Relationship, Idiots in Love, Awkward Flirting, teenage romance, Shameless WWX)
❤️ shades of grey by cl410 (M, 58k, nielan, wangxian, Hurt/Comfort, Accidental Sibling Acquisition, Single Dad NMJ, NHS & WWX Friendship, Fluff, Humor, Happy Ending, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Protective NMJ, Some angst, Blood and Injury, Kidnapping, Protective Siblings, Found Family, Mojo's post)
Vagabond by xantissa (E, 65k, wangxian, post-canon, case fic, supernatural, slow burn, smut, angst w/ happy ending, fluff, hurt/comfort, BAMF LXC, bottom LWJ, top LWJ)
All Old Things are New Again series by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 59k, WangXian, Reincarnation, Modern AU, canon still happened, extreme post canon, Sugar Daddy, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators, cultivators can recognize important people from previous lives, vaguely, this started out as a cute sugar fantasy and got just incredibly horny very fast, blame LWJ)
Kintsugi by LanaSerra (E, 145k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Canon Divergence, frankencanon, canon-typical violence (donghua), Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer, wwx's self worth issues, Memory Loss, Trauma, canon typical magic (donghua), yunmeng bros reconciliation, JC Needs a Hug, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Canon Typical Bondage, Minor ZhuiYi, Minor XiCheng, Family Feels, headless corpse cockblocking)
mianmian the disaster lesbian saves the cultivation world by likeshipsonthesea (T, 27k, wangxian, LWJ & LQY, LWJ & JZX, fix-it, friendship, awesome LQY, war, blood & injury, light angst, self-acceptance, awkward JZX)
🧡 Vow by draechaeli (E, 216k, Canon Divergence, BeliefGod!WWX, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, Pregnancy Kink, Mpreg, minor male lactation, Consensual Non-Consent, Light Bondage, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con because JGS, Mentions Canon Typical Incest, Canon Typical Violence)
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 488k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
❤️ a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke (M, 179k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Canon Divergence)
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 138k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together)
💖 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, immortal WWX, slow burn, pining, arranged marriages)
(Planning the Day) To Meet You by Bettydice (E, 61k, wangxian, Modern, college/university au, pining, WWX raises LSZ, LWJ pov, fluff, slow burn, getting together, falling in love, smut, happy ending)
Once more with feeling by Scrippio (T, 42k, wangxian, modern, theater au, abandonment issues, fluff, director WWX, stage manager LWJ, reconciliation, pining, slice of life, happily ever after) (also the author is working on a sequel and actively posting it!)
build me no shrines by occultings (microcomets) (M, 54k, WangXian, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, First Time, Getting Together, Confessions, Sharing a Bed, Hair Washing, Sentient Burial Mounds, Case Fic, Post-Canon, CQL Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Light Angst, Flashbacks, mild body horror, foot washing, Happy Ending, Non-Sexual Intimacy, ...then sexual intimacy)
wide enough and wild by impossibletruths (E, 64k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Canonical Accidental Baby Acquisition, Families of Choice, References to Depression, Happy Ending, Overzealous Use Of Imagery, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It of Sorts, [Podfic] Wide Enough and Wild by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona))
how to fall in love with a catfish: a guide by wei wuxian (disaster rat) by bwyn, Yuisaki (T, 54k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Actors, Multimedia, Online Friendship, Drunken Shenanigans, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Underage Drinking, Drinking Games, Families of Choice, Fluff and Angst, Slow Burn, Catfish AU)
The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 70k, WangXian, Modern AU, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Kid Fic, explicit in much much later chapters, green card marriage (but not really), pining for your own husband, endless pining, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Nothing else bad or traumatic happens to the baby)
this river runs to you by sundiscus (T, 53k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mutual Pining, Dragons, Literal Sleeping Together, Tender wound tending, [Podfic] this river runs to you by argentumlupine, this river runs to you by sundiscus [podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea) )
and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Angst with a Happy Ending)
9. hi im looking for fanfics where the yunmeng sibs (any combo thereof) have a Realistic Sibling Relationship™. u know that cql scene where wwx says "xianxian is three :3" and he, jyl, and jc rib each other back and forth for five minutes? thats sort of the vibe im going for.
this doesnt have to be the main focus of the fic, but no modern au if u can swing it. thank you sm!!!
10. Hi! So I was looking on the mdzs wiki and under wwx's clan it says Gusu Lan(current, by marriage) and it awakened Feelings in me so I'd like to ask for fics where wwx is recognized/referred to/acknowledged as a GusuLan member after wangxian gets married please! Thank you 🙏🙏
Judge Softly by Chrononautical (E, 32k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX, LQR & WWX, accidental voyeurism, non-consensual mind reading, oblivious WWX, bamf WWX, genius WWX, post-canon Fix-it, angst w happy ending, LQR tries) (doesn’t quite fit the criteria but I hope the asker likes it anyway!!)
Every Lan plays an instrument. No exceptions. a Tumblr comic by @lee-luca WWX is acknowledged as such in the narration
11. Hello! Can you please suggest me a mdzs fanfic where (little/grown up) a yuan time travels back to cloud recess . I have read quite a lot of them but can't seem to get enough 😁
12. Hi, can you help me? I've just read "Whatever you do" by apathyinreverie adn I am so in the mood for more fics with a similar sentiment from the Lans like this where the Lans see WWX not being valued by the Jiangs (in any shape or form) and start to scheme how to get WWX over to the dark side Gusu Lan. Bonus for LX or LQ doing the scheming while LZ just silently moons over WWX (nothing but the best for their youngest nephew/little brother)!
You have an amazing blog, thank you so much! @xealisaidx
Like stones on an unseen board by Vir_Abelasan (Not Rated, 11k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dark LWJ, Older LWJ, Teacher LWJ, dark twin jades, Age Difference, Manipulation, Protective LWJ, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Corporal Punishment, Relatively canon-typical abusive Jiangs, WWX Get a Happy Ending, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Not JC Friendly, Not Jiang Clan Friendly) with LWJ leading/participating in the heist for wwx
💖 Hoards and treasures by apathyinreverie (T, 21k, WangXian, Siblings, Family, not particularly Jiang friendly, YZY Bashing, slightly darker Gusu Lans, LXC being the best brother, Some manipulation, But with the best of intentions, and not between wangxian, Dragon LWJ, Fox WWX, Smitten LWJ, Fluff, perfect happiness, adorable WWX, Romance, Some worldbuilding, courting) With LXC leading, keeping LWJ innocent
13. Hello! I am in the mood for Harem AU and Prince/General WangXian!! MPreg with Angst (Lengthy Fic) will also do!! Thank you very much!! / Hello! Do you have any fic recs for Prince!LWJ & General!WWX (vice versa) with the flavor of mpreg & angst? (Not necessarily ABO) Or any harem au? WangXian and YiZhan (moved to YiZhan only post) will do!! Thank you very much, have a nice day!! @vdjixian
Rite of the Hunt by TriviasFolly, 1st in series, (T, 3k, wangxian, a/b/o prince!lwg, general!wwx loads of angst, mpreg at the end)
14. Hi! As always thank you for your hard work, how about fics where Madame Yu and WWX have a healthy relationship with each other? Just MY being a nice aunt in general!
some things go forward by everythingispoetry (T, 73k, WangXian, Modern AU, Hospitals, Teenage Drama, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Happy Ending)
Still Waters by PorcupineGirl (G, 6k, wangxian, canon divergence, cloud recesses study arc, YZY pov, protective YZY, arranged marriage) (link in #3A)
15. Itmf something like this tumblr post by wangxianomy in response to writing-prompt-s tumblr "Modern day Wei Wuxian walking confidently into the court with his undead witnesses while modern day lawyer Lan WangJi glares in (dis)approval #wwx: 'your honor allow me to bring in the defendant'#he plays chenqing and from beneath the wooden floors a corpse emerges screaming about how their spouse killed them for life insurance money" writing-prompt-s post was "you are a necromancer for hirer. No you don't raise undead armies to take over the world. You are usually contracted out by police to solve murders. Or you raise those who have passed to settle lawsuits surrounding their will. It's not much but it's honest work."
16. Hello!! First of all thank you so much for doing this! Secondly, can you please please recommend some XianXuan fics??? I mean they don't have to end up together but yk a scenerio where JZX has a crush on WWX ,LWJ is jealous and WWX is just enjoying it all? Yeah something like that. Like this fic I read called 'Jin vs. Lan- For Wei Wuxian's Hand' by Vrishcika on ao3. Thanks again!! Love you! @iwhateveryou2331
17. Hello!! Do you have Hogwarts AU fic recs please? Thank you!! 🥺
love potion no. 9 by ria_green (G, 2k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Hogwarts, Oblivious WWX, Fluff and Humor, Amortentia, Patronus, Love Confessions, POV Outsider)
come rest your bones next to me by tired (T, 39k, wangxian, hogwarts au, mistaken identity, comedy of errors, magic, animagus, awkward flirting, shenigans, quidditch, injuries, happy ending, getting together)
Magical Mishaps by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 96k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, hogwarts au, misunderstandings, happy ending) three disciples from each of the Five Great Sects attend Hogwarts as exchange students; something of a Fix Fic for both series
this Tumblr comic by @silverink58 with fic added by @smiting-finger features Hogwarts Professor Lan Zhan and Animagus BunXian; also on AO3 as a little happiness, follow-up to an armful of warmth - HP AU Series by Alaceron (G, 11k, WIP, WangXian, Harry Potter setting) (I added the full series instead of both fics separately - Mod C)
Magic for Beginners by HollowNightmare (T, 113k, WangXian, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Setting, Chinese Hogwarts?, Slice of Life, Developing Friendships, POV Alternating, lwj is an anxious bean, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
Not Always in the Way We Expect by byunhead_100 (G, 21k, wangxian, pining, fluff, hogwarts au, getting together, friends to lovers, WIP)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what  you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack,  whatever - it’s all good!***
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thewritingginger · 2 years
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From Day 2 of 7 Days of Christmas
Posting Date: December 20, 2022
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Pairing: Black Dragons 1st Gen. x Fem! Reader Warnings: 18+, Reader is 21+, Alcohol consumption, Dubcon, Virgin! Reader, Corruption kink, Multiple partners, Oral sex (Fem! & M! receiving), Vaginal fingering, Vaginal penetration, Voyeurism, Pet names, Dirty talk (Subject to change/ added to when finished)
Enjoy ~
~ Prompt & Pairings ~ ~ Blog Masterlist ~
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Your dizzying doomsday thoughts are cut off by a pair of soft lips pressing against the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
“What’s your decision, Princess?” Wakasa asks softly in your ear, his hot breath cascading across our skin sending a shiver down your spine. Swallowing hard you turn to look into his lilac eyes and stutter out your answer.
“We can play for a little bit.” Wakasa, along with the other men around you, smirk at your coyness.
“Perfect.” He says, pulling you to sit with your back against his chest making you squeak in surprise. “Is this okay?” You give a small nod.
With his head resting over your shoulder, Wakasa looks to his partner who is already licking his lips at your open form. Scooting closer to the two of you, his large hands are quick to find your knees to slowly slide them up to your hips.
“Is this ok?” He asks, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Uhuh.” You hum, transfixed on Benkei’s heavy eyes. Looking between you and his hands, he begins to slowly push up your shirt, awaiting any rejection but none ever comes. His palms are pushed flat against your sides as he inches the fabric up, feeling every dip and curve of your untouched body.
Breaking your gaze from the man between your legs, you cast a glance to the other founding members watching from a distance. They are both sitting deep in their seats, legs spread wide with bulges —that weren’t there before— imprinting the fronts of their jeans. Takeomi gives you a sly half cocked smile when your eyes meet, watching your innocent pupils move down his lean form to his lap where he teasingly grips his hardness through his pants for your eyes to absorb.
“Look how red she is already.” He playfully remarks and just as you were about to deny it you’re cut off by your own gasp when the hands moving up your sides curl around your still covered breasts with a satisfied sigh coming from the owner of the hands.
“So pretty.” He says. “Can I take your shirt off, Y/n?” You give a whimpered hum of approval that is soon met with action leaving your top half only covered with your bra —if that is what you can call the soft bralette you decided to wear. The delicately laced garment covers less of you than you realized when putting it on that day, not that any of the guys seemed to mind.
You’re feeling flustered and more exposed than ever even though you’ve only taken off your shirt. Your attention was drawn in the direction a mumbled ‘fuck’ was uttered, meeting Shin’s flushed face and with closer enspection you can see his face isn’t the only thing having a reaction to your partial nudity. Between his legs is a bulge he is trying to push down with the effort of his hand but that is only seeming to make it worse.
“Looks like our leader is about to cream in his pants just from the sight of our little lady in her pretty bra.” Takeomi laughs.
“No I’m not.” The ravenette scolds in embarrassment.
“It’s okay, Shin.” You softly say. You aren’t sure why you did, maybe it’s because you didn’t want him to feel embarrassed and with one look between you maybe you could share a moment of solidarity in this admittedly awkward but thrilling situation.
“How sweet. Seems our Princess wants to make our fearful leader comfortable, I say we make a show out of it.” Waka muses behind you followed by agreement from Benkei.
“I agree. Can I pull this down, Sweetheart?” He asks, fingers toying with the straps on your shoulders. A low purr vibrates through you at your shy ‘uhuh’. Slipping your arms out of the thin straps you anxiously watch as Benkei pulls the garment down painfully-slow, admiring every newly exposed inch of flesh till your breasts are fully out to which a guttural sound of approval makes the heat between your legs grow hotter.
“So fucking prefect.” He says before cupping each mound in his rough palms and latching onto one of your already hard nipples.
An embarrassing whimper leaves your lips, cupping your palm over your open mouth an amused chuckle shakes against your back.
“No need to hold back, Princess. We want to hear all your cute little sounds.” The man holding you says, his hand pulling yours away from your face. Looking into your eyes he presses a soft kiss to your palm and then to each finger before taking one into his mouth. His teeth grazes your fingertip as he smiles at your doe-eyed face that then scrunches up from Benkei’s sinful mouth.
“Do you like having your tits sucked on, Princess?”
“Yes.” You gasp, getting lost in the sensation of your breasts being kneaded in large hot hands as a thick wet tongue laps at your peaked nipples.
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This isn’t much but I hope you liked that.
If you did and would like to be tagged when this or any other of my prompts are posted plz DM me or comment on this post :)
💛 ~
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mariacallous · 2 years
Worshipers in a chapel at the University of Cambridge said they were left “in tears” after a research student claimed that Jesus’ side wound in Renaissance and Medieval paintings of the crucifixion can be likened to a vagina, suggesting Jesus could have been transgender.
At an evening service at Trinity College chapel last Sunday, Joshua Heath, a junior research fellow, displayed three paintings of the crucifixion, including Jean Malouel’s 1400 work Pietà and Henri Maccheroni’s 1990 work “Christs,” The Telegraph reported Saturday.
Heath, whose Ph.D. was supervised by the former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, said during the service that Jesus’ side wound and blood flowing to the groin in Pietà looks like a vagina.
When Jesus was crucified and died on the cross before His Resurrection, John 19:34 says Roman soldiers broke the legs of the two men who were crucified alongside Him, but seeing that Jesus was already dead, one of the Roman soldiers decided not to break Jesus' legs but instead pierced His side with a spear, "and at once there came out blood and water." 
The Cambridge research student then referred to the 14th century Prayer Book of Bonne of Luxembourg, saying this side wound was isolated and “takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance.”
The British newspaper quoted one worshiper as saying Heath’s claims left them “in tears” and made them feel excluded from the church. And when many students complained, the dean of Trinity College, Michael Banner, called Heath’s views “legitimate.”
A congregation member wrote a complaint to Banner, saying: “I left the service in tears. You offered to speak with me afterwards, but I was too distressed. I am contemptuous of the idea that by cutting a hole in a man, through which he can be penetrated, he can become a woman.
“I am especially contemptuous of such imagery when it is applied to our Lord, from the pulpit, at Evensong. I am contemptuous of the notion that we should be invited to contemplate the martyrdom of a ‘trans Christ,’ a new heresy for our age.”
Last June, Christians were outraged by the decision of a Scottish teachers union, Education Institute of Scotland, to promote a play depicting Jesus Christ as trans in celebration of June, what LGBT activists call “pride month.”
The production was titled, “The Gospel According to Jesus Queen of Heaven.” “The play imagines a transgender Jesus coming back to the world today,” the play’s creator, Jo Clifford, told BBC News in a previous interview. 
Clifford, a man who identifies as female, added, “She has a communion, shares bread and wine with the audience, which is really a gesture of solidarity in the face of death, and she gives a blessing.”
In September 2020, the National Church of Iceland featured a bearded Jesus with breasts in an ad purportedly meant to encourage children to attend Sunday school.
The animated ad — part of a campaign costing about $14,800, which was contributed mostly by the bishop’s office — depicted Jesus as having breasts and jumping around as he points to a church. 
When the ad was shared on social media, one of the comments read, “There was a reason I left the National Church and found another Christian congregation.” Another read, “Shame on the bishop!” Some called it “tasteless” and “particularly stupid.” Another user wrote, “The church should be ashamed for humiliating Jesus like this.”
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gretavanlace · 2 years
Hey mama! I was thinking about your vaginal pain anon and as a gal who also has vaginal pain. I though I might share some ways i deal with doing the do without using my vag. 69ing, always fun. A little titty fuck. Mutual mastrubation, you can incorporate vibrators. And my personal favorite, thigh fucking while holding a suction toy on your clit. So fun. Anal anal is also an option but I’ve never tried it. Have a nice day!
This is such a sweet thing! The fact that my anon is still on your mind, the fact that you can relate, and the fact that you care enough to share your knowledge and ideas. The solidarity and support is beautiful. Thank you so much ❤️
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solitarelee · 1 year
I have a monstrously heavy flow, too. I use pads with my cup/tampon bc for at least half my period I'll go through days where the floodgates randomly open, soak my tampon and push past it or overflow my cup. Sometimes less than an hour after changing/emptying it. To the point that POSTPARTUM bleeding was like "oh this is like a bad month, no biggie". If I wear them by themselves it's on lighter days or bc internal products are making my cramps worse. I sleep like a thrashing demon and will always stain something if I sleep in just a pad, though. It's always granny panties with the giant overnight pads with wings. The wings are the key to the pad-wider-than-underwear-gusset problem, bc when you wrap them around they fold the extra on the sides against the undies, preventing impromptu waxing sessions. It feels like wearing a diaper. As for showering and drying off, I happened upon a solution to extending the precious few moments of clean coochie so things can be properly toweled off. TMI!! but inserting a clean finger and running it around the vaginal wall to essentially scoop some of the gore out in the shower at the very end, then washing off all the blood as quickly as possible and hopping out before the uterus catches up is...a method. Has Also helped when I was miserable bc I was trying to pass massive clots, bc that always makes me cramp like a motherfucker. Also a separate washcloth for drying the undercarriage just in case. Anyways, solidarity ✊ life with a uterus can be ass. Moment of silence for all the time we've collectively wasted waiting to stop hemorrhaging over the toilet when we could have been having a sandwich. (And sorry for text block 😭 mobile)
FINALLY SOMEONE WHOSE PERIOD EXPERIENCE MATCHES MINE. I FELT EVERY WORD OF THIS. Seriously the pads i have right now that i can't even work my way thru fast bc i get periods so rarely, they don't have properly wide wings and i'm suffering.
ngl I wish I had thought of the "clean things out in there to give yourself a few moments of peace" technique; i also have "period wash cloths" that are tellingly pink wash clothes I use specifically for drying the undercarriage (i like that term lol).
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dragonflavoredcake · 2 years
Guide to periods for AMAB writers and people trying to understand what AFAB people go through
The "every month" thing isn't entirely true. A monthly cycle is the average, but it's not always going to come on the 4th or the 10th or whatever. Bodies don't care about calendars. Some people have longer cycles and some people have shorter cycles
The whole "periods sync up" thing is a myth. Yes, it's possible that a whole bunch of AFAB people can be menstruating at the same time, but that's a coincidence of probability, not a socio-biological phenomenon
No rational person automatically assumes that they're pregnant if their period is a day late. Normal periods are like weather—you can get really close with the right data and analysis, but it's never going to be totally exact. It does usually appear around the same time of day, though
It's not an on-and-off faucet. Most periods start light, get heavier, and then taper off again. You can usually feel when a period starts, but you can't feel when it ends—you'll usually have a day or two of just a bit of old brown blood before it stops completely
The chocolate thing is true. Cacao does things for AFAB brains that just doesn't happen in AMAB brains. Dark chocolate is best, since it contains the highest percentage of cacao. Plenty of people crave chocolate on their period
Lots of stuff affects it! Things like stress and lack of sleep can delay a cycle. Diet plays a role too—you can't menstruate unless you're within a certain range of body fat. If someone is very underweight or overweight, they might not have much of a cycle and will have a difficult time getting pregnant. If you're malnourished or struggling to survive, menstruation is often one of the first things the body puts on hold to preserve the rest
Cramping is usually more of a dull pain than a sharp pain, located in the lower abdomen (between the bottom of the stomach and the groin). Think of where the waistband of a pair of underwear sits—that's usually about where the pain is
Someone who gets bad cramps will probably be more careful about what they eat on their period. Food that's fatty, oily, greasy, or spicy can aggravate the pain. Red meat, coffee, alcohol, excessive sugar, salty foods, and anything you don't usually tolerate well can make the pain worse. Most people recommend water, fruit (especially watery stuff like watermelon and cucumber), leafy greens, ginger, white meats like chicken and turkey, fish, turmeric, nuts, beans, and yogurt
The pain is caused by inflammation and muscle cramping, so most of the treatments involve some kind of anti-inflammatory. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Midol) and peppermint tea fall into this category. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) works too, but it's less effective and requires two pills every 4–6 hours instead of ibuprofen's 1 pill every 4–6 hours
Heat is a great way to relieve cramping pains, since it helps relax the muscles. Most people put it in their lap against their stomach (right next to that underwear waistband area), but some people benefit from applying heat to their lower back instead
Periods are possibly the one thing all AFAB people have complete solidarity on. If your worst enemy asks you for a pad, you give them one. End of story. It doesn't mean you're friends, it means you are upholding the bare minimum
If your character has a heavy flow and is sitting for a long time, they're going to be able to feel the rush of blood when they stand up. They may also be able to feel large clots being passed
There are a bunch of different ways to deal with periods. Pads are the most popular; there's a sticky side that's stuck to your underwear and a soft, absorbent side to catch all the blood. Tampons are shaped like an elongated bullet and pushed up inside the vaginal canal. They're about the width of your thumb and have a cotton string on one end for when it has to be removed. It isn't noticeable when it's been put in correctly. Taking it in and out isn't arousing or sexually pleasing in any way and usually ends with blood all over your hands
Stop writing about washing stuff in hot water. Hot water will set a bloodstain. Bloodstains come out with cold water. A lot of people spot-clean with cold water and laundry soap. Some people make a paste of cold water and salt to scrub the stain
If the setting is more historical or rural (anywhere where disposable products might not be readily available), reusable stuff exists. There's not a whole lot of historical writing on the subject, but AFAB people in the past probably wore some form of girdle with rags. Calling them rags is also probably not giving them enough credit. They probably weren't pretty (dye was expensive), but they did the job well enough to let people continue on with their daily lives
Modern reusable menstruation products are usually made with bamboo fibers. They're typically best for lighter flows and have black fabric with small ridges where the blood will fall.
Reusable pads attach to the underwear in a similar manner to disposables, but reusable ones have snap buttons instead of a adhesive. Most people leave them on the shower floor while they shower to rinse the blood out and wash them properly later. They can be machine-washed, but have to be air-dried
Really hoping this is helpful because y'all AMAB writers need education to avoid getting on a "worst male writers" list
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hi sex witch! i sent in an ask about weeks-long vaginal itching/irritation a while ago, and i did end up seeing a doctor about it (they said it’s prob dermatitis and not an infection so i didn’t need any medication for it) but the issue is that while apparently harmless? the itching hasn’t stopped. this morning i scratched so hard i drew blood which was. unpleasant! do you happen to have any tips for how to stop itching/get relief :(
hi anon,
I'm glad it was nothing serious! as a longtime eczema sufferer, I'm here to offer some itchy bitch solidarity.
if you don't have it already, the quickest and easiest solution is going to be acquiring some over the counter steroid cream - think Hydrocortizone-10 or its off-brand cousins. as long as you're using something unscented and anti-itch, it's perfectly safe to apply to your genital area.
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domelong · 2 years
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Today members within Russia occasionally enact interventions, but this is viewed as distinct from the media brand established by its most famous members. Despite the public perception of Pussy Riot as a group led by Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina, they were conceived of and functioned as a leaderless collective until the disbanding of the group in 2014.Whilst many of their performances, protests and visual statements provoke hostility, arrest, or condemnation in the live moment, the documented, edited and broadcast versions that are then disseminated via the internet accrue national and international attention and solidarity. The reception of Pussy Riot's artworks are often very different in the live moment of performance and the later (usually digital) presentation of them to their audience.This is an ethos most clearly connected to the punk subculture that inspires them, where skill or technical expertise is subordinate to the idea behind a particular work. In most cases notions of aesthetic quality are superseded by the political resonance of the intervention and/or its potential to enact change and raise awareness. Pussy Riot's artistic practice is designed to have real world political impact.The lactic acid makes the surface of the lining slightly acidic, thus protecting against disease-causing microorganisms that have gained entry via the vaginal orifice. Bacteria within the vagina ferment the glycogen, so that lactic acid is produced. The cells in the lining contain large quantities of glycogen (stored animal starch). Masters and Virginia Johnson reported in 1966 that vaginal lubrication during sexual excitement was supplied by the seepage of a mucuslike fluid through the walls of the vagina. After extensive clinical observation, however, William H. The mucus that lubricates the vaginal cavity had traditionally been ascribed to the cervix or to the Bartholin’s glands in the labia. These tend to disappear in older women and in those women who have borne children. The vaginal lining characteristically has several transverse ridges known as vaginal rugae, which permit expansion of the vaginal cavity. The thickness of the lining varies directly with the amount of estrogen liberated from the ovaries the lining is thickest and most elastic during ovulation (egg release from the ovaries) and during pregnancy. The lining of the vaginal cavity responds to stimulation from the various ovarian hormones by either building new cell layers or shedding the old ones. This layer of connective tissue joins those tissues of the urinary bladder, rectum, and other pelvic structures. Covering the muscle tissue is a sheath of connective tissue that consists of blood vessels, lymphatic ducts, and nerve fibres. The muscular wall is composed of two layers of muscle fibres, a weak internal circular layer and a strong external longitudinal layer. The muscle walls of the vagina are thick and elastic in order to accommodate both the movement of the penis during intercourse and the passage of a child during delivery. How deep is your body of knowledge about the inner workings of humans? Test it with this quiz. SpaceNext50 Britannica presents SpaceNext50, From the race to the Moon to space stewardship, we explore a wide range of subjects that feed our curiosity about space!.Learn about the major environmental problems facing our planet and what can be done about them! Saving Earth Britannica Presents Earth’s To-Do List for the 21st Century.Britannica Beyond We’ve created a new place where questions are at the center of learning.100 Women Britannica celebrates the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment, highlighting suffragists and history-making politicians.
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jangofctts · 2 years
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Really, Truly (Steven Grant (a hint of Marc Spector) x fem!reader)
Rated: Mature, Explicit 18+
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: !!spoilers!!, some fluff!!, smut, explicit language, unprotected sex, cum eating, vaginal fingering, finger sucking, slight praise kink, fucking in the workplace (lmk if I miss anything!)
a/n: im so sorry it’s not my best work um. anyway ENJOY ANYWAY
It’s been four months since you’ve first met Steven Grant.
Not that long in the grand scheme of things, but odd occurrences have a way of drawing people closer. You’d like to think so anyway. Your entire life is chockfull of oddities, far from normalcy—makes for interesting stories though. It’s only right that someone like Steven would wander into your peculiar state of life. 
No really, he did just…wander through your door one evening. Your fault for not locking it, but still. Spooked the fuck out of both of you, so much so that poor Steven thwacked his head into the door frame and nearly broke his nose. You baked him smiley face cupcakes that night, partially as an apology and as a shitty housewarming present. You’re a firm believer of neighbor solidarity, especially with places like this—tacky landlords and shitty amenities. It’s the least you could do for Steven. 
Sadly, you never were a stellar baker—half of them came out charred, and if they weren’t, the mess of melting frosting made the little cakes appear disgustingly malformed. It’s the thought that counts, right?  Steven didn’t seem too flabbergasted about the atrocities—sorta just teared up and mumbled his thanks. Poor guy.   
And that’s not the end of it. Turns out, you work at the same museum and at the same shitty gift shop. Made for an interesting bus ride—he accused you of stalking and tore out of the bus three stops early. Imagine his surprise upon finding you scanning crappy plastic Ennead dolls behind the counter an hour later. Dude nearly had a existential crisis right then and there.  
Things have settled since then. Sort of. Steven isn’t exactly the pinnacle of put together. Mismatched socks, wrinkled shirts and missing buttons, eye bags like two swatches of purple paint, odd nicks and bruises. Not that you’re any better—a scatterbrained insomniac, ex-grad student living paycheck to paycheck in an less than ideal apartment. Birds of a feather and all that, you suppose. He’s sweet though—never fails to give you a call each morning to ask if you’d like to walk together. Your only friend in these trying times.    
It’s why, when he goes missing every now and then, you don’t mind covering his shifts. Donna is none the wiser, or she doesn’t care, as long as someone’s manning the cash register.           
Which brings you to current time. Same as always, Steven calls you, you walk and take the bus to work. Very thrilling.  
As you both come to the top of the steps, you’re greeted by J.B.’s boots, propped up against the counter, engrossed in his phone as usual. Watching clips of otters dive for urchins and cracking them open with rocks, giggling each time they do so. Typical. Makes sense he’d like evil little creatures like that. “‘Ello, Ziggy,” he lifts his eyes, takes account of Steven and dips his head. “Scotty.” 
“Mate, it’s Steven,” he sighs, clearly distressed. You tug on his sleeve on pull him along. His head whips around, eyebrows furrowed as he throws up his hands. “I keep tellin’ everyone it’s Steven.”  
“J.B. still calls me Icky sometimes—or Sticky,” you pause and tap your chin. “That one makes sense though. I had jellybeans stuck in my hair that day.” 
A nickname’s nickname—all because you dressed like Ziggy Stardust once. You’d forgotten about your shift and had to rush to the museum from some upitty Oxford fuck’s halloween house party. You don’t know what’s worse—stuck behind the counter dressed as Ziggy Stardust or the giggling that followed from coworkers and guests alike. 
“What on earth…why?” Steven exclaims, drawing you back into reality.  
“The jellybeans? Happens.” 
It’s just the way of things. Not the jellybeans thing…but J.B being J.B.. He’ll always be a dickwad and Donna will never bother to learn new hire’s names. It took her nearly a year to learn yours. As long as you get your paycheck, you’re all set. 
And so the shift goes on, dragging into the night and into inventory. You don’t mind this part so much—you don’t have to deal with screaming children and their exhausted parents forking over money for a plushie. Then again, Steven mostly does all the counting and scanning. You just sit on your stool, dig through the baskets and hand him the items—you’re not very good with numbers. It’s quicker this way. And it gives you an excuse to stare at with him without repercussion. 
God he’s fuckin’ gorgeous. Dark curls, tan skin, dreamy eyes and an adorable smile to boot.  
“Hm? Oh,” you straighten, gather a fistful of magnets and hand them to him. His lips quirk into a quick smile. “Sorry—did you brush your hair today?” 
Steven’s brows furrow slightly. He’s gotten used to your out of pocket observations and the odd questions that follow. You don’t really know why you do it—the words just sorta form and roll off your tongue faster than you can process. Whack shit is what it is. “I think so? Oh dear, does it look that bad, Zig?”
You shake your head and sort through more of the magnets, crinkling the plastic wrap around them. “No, just—I dunno. You had gel in it the last time I saw you. Didn’t know if you were trying something new.” 
Steven scratches his head and flattens the dark curls using an open palm. He chuckles. “Silly—I saw you yesterday! I think I’d know if I gelled me hair.”
“Not true,” you quip, dragging over the box of plush scarab beetles. They are quite cute. “I saw you last night—you asked if I had any change for the payphone outside.” 
Steven’s face morphs into a twisted mask of confusion. “I did? Bloody hell, I don’t remember that, Ziggy. I’m awfully sorry.” 
You shrug. “You sleepwalk, I think. We talk most nights—you always bring me donut holes when you come back.” 
Steven frowns, lovely brown eyes dropping to the scanner. The brief silence is filled with slow, methodical beeps and plastic wrapping, pinched between fingers. You don’t really care if he’s trying to hide something, you know plenty of people who do weird things in their sleep. Like you for example—you don’t sleep at all. “Odd. Thought you didn’t fancy donuts.” 
“I don’t,” you say. “But I do like throwing them at the pigeons—they’re making a nest! Ungrateful buggers, they don’t even pay rent.”            
“You are,” Steven says, bumping your shoulder, “exceedingly strange.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you scoff, throwing up your hands. You swat at his arm. “It’s war at this point—they keep pecking at my window with their weird little beaks. You ever see a baby pigeon? They look fucked up."   
“Maybe if you quit feeding them they’d leave, you nut.”
You purse your lips and hug a scarab to your chest. You’ve stolen about three of them, what’s another one? “Whatever. I hope your flat gets infested.” 
“I’d rather not have an infestation, thank you,” Steven sighs, rubbing at his tired eyes. He waves at another crate. “You mind fetching that one? One more and were done, yeah?” 
You groan and slide off your stool, wincing as your aching feet touch the ground. “Fine.” 
It’s far from fine, actually. 
Because, just as you plant your feet on the ground, you completely space on the mountain of boxes you haphazardly threw behind you earlier tonight. One step back and you’re fuckin’ done for. Your heel catches—you yelp as your stomach flips, succumbing to the mortifying feel of falling ass first. Steven—ever the sweetheart—startles and snatches your wrist. 
It’s too late though. The momentum takes him down with you.  
You wheeze as his weight smacks into you, crushing you against the linoleum tiles. Fuck, he’s heavier than he looks. Luckily, he’s slid his hand up to cradle the back of your head before it smacks against the floor, saving you a trip to the ER.
“Shit,” Steven breathes. He pushes himself up using his other hand, eyes quickly scanning your face for any injury. “You alright, yeah?”
You wouldn’t consider yourself a shy person, or easily embarrassed. However, you’re not immune to the very attractive man atop of you, pressed close enough that you could easily tilt your head and kiss him. You could pretend to shrug your feelings off—pretend that you don’t know that his smile is always a bit crooked, how he likes his tea, sugary and blonde. Or how he holds his hands to his chest and wrings his hands together when he’s nervous—the little scar on his cheek and the freckle above his eyebrow. You should choose ignorance. Heat floods your cheeks as you blink and grasp at words that refuse to form. You hurriedly nod, but make no move to wiggle away.     
He leans onto his elbow still trapped under your head and sweeps a stray hair off your forehead. Your breath catches. “You sure, love?”
Well, that’s new.
Yes, there’s always been some light flirting. Not enough to garner attention but like a breath to simmering embers. Steven has a shy heart, softened and bruised like an overripe peach, and you’re not one to jump blindly into something that could be. But here you are. Steven has tossed you this scrap of kindling, unexpected. Maybe as half a joke, half of something else, and the way he looks at you now whispers possibility. A question.    
“I have a crush on you,” it’s an exhilarating moment. A grandiose high that could be kicked into a higher gear or plummet so sharply that your heart shatters as a casualty. Pure relief floods your veins as Steven smiles, one that reaches his eyes and crinkles the skin around them. 
“Really, truly,” you assure, leaning into his fingertips that scrape almost reverently across your cheeks. Impatient, you shoot your hands up, grab him by his cheeks and drag him close. Your lips meet, and yeah, your teeth bump into his but everything fades into hazy bliss, slots together like a missing puzzle piece. Two chaotic halves meshing to create the perfect storm, and you’re at the eye of it. Maybe it’ll leave devastation in it’s wake—you both have the tendency to walk on the wrong side of the street onto oncoming traffic. The ebb to the shore and the hurricane to the sky. A war that can be tipped tot the side by a single breath. You both moan as he parts his lips, tender as honey exploring the taste of your tongue. It’s sweet and addicting— 
His hand tangles into your hair, dragging you so impossibly close, hips slotting between your legs that fall open for him. God, he’s fucking perfect—belongs here with you like this. You get dizzy, pull away and fuck—he’s wrecked. Messy curls, teased by your clawing fingers stick up at odd angles, a rosy flush over his skin. You cup his cheek and he leans into your touch and plants a fleeting kiss over your palm.
His eyes snap wide open, fear crackling over his face. “Oh, fuck me—the surveillance cameras! Donna is gonna kill us for snogging over the merchandise!”
Steven stumbles into a kneeling position, gripping his hair at the roots and muttering curses and wild fears. You snicker and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. You touch your hand over his forearm and he stills. “I know a place we could go—if you wanna continue…”
Steven rolls his tongue over his lips, mulling over your words. His eyes flick to the cameras above the counter, then back to you. Nervousness still lingers in his stiff shoulders and worrying teeth tearing into his lip, but he still nods. Albeit slowly. “You positive we won’t get caught?”
You smile, nod and maneuver yourself to your feet. You take his hand in yours and help him up. You don’t mind that they’re a little clammy. “I promise—it’s where I hide my snacks.” 
It’s a small storage room, down the hall and off to the left. It’s where the extra uniforms and random event supplies is held—unused and always abandoned after the museum closes. No one will come looking. 
“Nice little place. Very cozy—” you don’t let Steven finish, the minute the door snicks shut, you jump his bones. Desperate kisses, clawing at his lose clothes—you feel as though he’s set aflame and he’s the only cure.
You both end up on the floor again with you straddling his lap, his back pressed against the wall. The space is filled by little groans and soft whimpers of your name as his hands traverse up your back, settle on your hips, then move back to your face. Your own hands have made a home over his chest, shirt billowing open by your greedy need to touch his bare skin. He’s a little hesitant to touch you—you know he’d prefer a bed than some crappy storage closet but fuck—you need him.            
And so does he. You can feel the firm bulge pressing between your legs and the way his hips subtly twitch into you. And as the kisses devolve into a wet, lazy pace, his stubble burning the sensate skin of your lips, the ache between your legs becomes unbearable. Your underwear is soaked through and no doubt ruined. Sparks of raw energy, crackles through your abdomen as Steven’s hands fall around your hips, coming you to grind harder onto him. His forehead, humid with perspiration, rests on yours breath fanning over your lips, as you take a breather. 
Steven’s hand drift over the swell of your ass, giving the rounded globes a solicitous squeeze. “You have a nice bum—never got around to telling you that.”
“So do you,” you laugh, dragging your clothed center over the rock solid bulge in his pants. That needs to be fixed immediately. And then a wicked, debased thought slithers into your head.
With a smirk you wiggle out of his grip, and shimmy out of your pants and undies. You’re back before Steven can pout. You resettle over his lap, lean back a little and slowly, enough that its catches his attention, down the line of your body. His eyes are glued to your movements as you dip your hand between your legs. Your fingers spread your lower lips, gliding down easily from your clit to your aching center. A quiet moan bubbles past your lips as your hips rock against the pressure, a gentle back and forth pace meant to coat the digits in your wet heat. You move to circle your clit, drinking in the rapid-fire endorphins singing through your blood. You jump to tease your entrance, clenching in frustration at the loss of contact on your clit. Steven’s hands twitch around your hips, pink tongue flashing out to wet his lips—his flushed cheeks deepen into a rosy brown as you sink two of your fingers, up to the last knuckle, into yourself. 
Steven’s hands clamp around your hips, digging into the little divots on your back, as your head rolls back onto your shoulder. “Shit—you’re stunning.”
Your lips tilt into a lopsided grin. “I know.” 
He huffs at that, still fixed on your fingers that curl in and out of your slick center. Your lower half seizes up as you pull your fingers free from your cunt, glistening and soaked. Steven mutters a curse under his breathe, as you lift your hand higher for him to see. You smile turns wicked. “Open your mouth.”
Steven’s eyes snap to yours. “W-what?” 
“I said,” you purr sweetly as your bring your two fingers to the seam of his plush lips. You touch the pads of them over his bottom lip, delighted in the way a string of your arousal connects to his pouting mouth. “Open your mouth, Steven.” 
His jaw drops without question. Your fingers slide into his willing mouth, slotting over his warm tongue and the soft palette on the roof of his mouth. His moan vibrates through your finger. You shift, grinding your center into the tented front of Steven’s pants. His hips stutter. “Suck.” 
Steven’s eyes flutter as his tongue jumps to action. Wild electricity thrums through your being, impressed how well Steven’s tongue laves and suckles your digits clean—starved for a taste of you. Your breath catches as his dexterous tongue weaves between your fingers, hollows his cheeks and tentatively sucks. Once satisfied, a quiet pop follows the departure of your fingers from his plush mouth. The back of his head bumps the wall, eyes shut tight. “God—I’m going to ruin my trousers if you keep that up, y-yeah?” 
“Hot,” you allow him no respite. You swoop down to kiss him, open-mouthed and syrupy-sweet.Your tongue slides over his, tasting yourself on him—you moan into his mouth. You draw back, lick over his bottom lip and replace it with the sting of your teeth—earning a sharp jolt of Steven’s hips. However, as much as you’d like to witness Steven Grant cumming into his pants, your mind is set upon other activities. 
Decisively, you reach around and pry one of Steven’s hands from your hip. You eyes meet his, irises blown wide with arousal, heavy lidded and bewitched by your very smile.You guide Steven’s hand by the wrist, palm up, to your soaked center. His eyes widen, chin snapping to his chest to catch a better look the moment the pads of his fingers touch the outsides of your folds. “Oh, bless—you’re dripping, Ziggy.”                
You lead his hand to slot against you, his palm a perfect fit cupping your pussy. You roughly grind into his catatonic fingers, eliminating the difficulty of where to start. Fuck, his hands are huge—warm and thick too—your cunt clenches tight, waves of need swelling in your abdomen. You drop your hand guiding his, and sling it around his neck, drawing your lips to his stubbled jaw. You nip at the skin here. “C’mon, Steven…touch me.”           
Steven startles. “Right, right—sorry.”
You feel his throat bob as he swallows. He mutters encouragement to himself and draws in a sharp breath. The first pass of his fingers through you slick folds is crippling. The tip of his thumb slots directly beneath the hood of your clit, and wether that had been dumb luck or an aimed attack, the effects remain the same. You keen and crumple—a feeling akin to a punch to your diaphragm. And it only gets worse—or better—depending on how you look at it. He’s a Grade A, tease. 
And he doesn’t even know it.  
Steven’s mouth parts in awe, breath humid and hot over your exposed chest. His forehead presses into your collarbone to watch his fingers disappear through your swollen folds and remerge drenched. The pad of his middle finger slides lower, pressing gently against the tight muscles of your entrance. He rubs just the slightest bit to test that resistance, and then the length of it eases inside you, tentatively. You thighs twitch on their own volition, your teeth clenching together.
“Fuck, that feels good,” you hiss as he slides it in deeper. Your eyes roll back at the delicious pressure, tugging at his hair when his finger curls up, inspiring the surge of searing pleasure. Steven’s moan filters past his lips, jagged and wrecked as he very carefully moves the digit in and out. The raw sparks of heat threaten to catch flame and burn you alive as your core clenches around his thick finger.
“Yeah?” Steven pants. “Am I doing it proper?” 
You nod and bury your face into the crux of his neck. Your lips attach to the skin here, praising him with soft kisses and lazy passes of your tongue. He stiffens as you smirk and latch your teeth onto him. “More—please, Steven.”  
Steven readily agrees and eases a second finger inside you, letting you feel that delicious stretch as your cunt accommodates him. It’s tighter like this, a perfect angle that allows Steven’s fingers to catch the most sensitive part of you—that and the heel of his palm rocking against your clit. Fuck, you don’t have a chance—you can hear how wet you are for him in the tiny space, drenching his hand in your arousal.
Steven lifts his head, nuzzles into your neck, lips pressed sweetly against your ear. He nips the shell of cartilage and whimpers your name. Your high flares up bright behind your eyes, a hair-trigger reaction that makes everything from your toes and up tighten like a vice. One more thrust of his fingers and rock of his palm, and you’re done for—  
You cum onto his fingers with a choked cry, the edges of your vision fading into spotty blotches of black and white as your back arches. A network of open ended fuses exposed to a current and a body of water implode—sizzling and devastating. You nails harpoon into Steven’s shoulders as he continues to finger you through your orgasm, keeping you from toppling over as you jerk and shiver in his hold. 
You hear his disbelieving laugh above the fuzzy pleasure clouding your brain, marveling at the fact he’s just made you cum Your stomach drops as he pull his fingers free from you spasming hole, accidentally catching your hypersensitive clit. You flinch. “That was bloody wicked,” Steven praises, smoothing a hand up your spine. “Still with me, Ziggy?”
“Ahuh,” you wheeze, recollecting your scattered thoughts and whereabouts. You stamp lazy kisses up the line of his throat, over his check and eventually to his parted lips. You snake a hand between you, smirking as Steven’s breath catches in his chest when you grab at his covered cock. “Do you still want more?” 
“Fuck,” Steven stutters out, squeezing his eyes shut and then open as if to make sure this wasn’t just another one of his waking dreams. “I can never look at this broom closet the same.” 
You snicker and rolls his bottom lip between your teeth. “Our little secret now.” 
He laughs lowly and nods. “You are a terrible influence.” 
You plant a kiss on the corner of his and the touch of your palm slipping into his loose fitting pants. “I know.” 
Need bites at your insides, swells up sharper this time. It’s easy to convince Steven to tug his pants just far enough that his cock can be freed. Fuck, it’s just as gorgeous as the rest of him—flushed a rosy brown, thick and leaking at the wide tip. Steven throws his head bank and clenches his jaw as your curious fingers wrap around his searing flesh. You make a mental note of taking him into your mouth later—fuck he’d look so pretty fucking your mouth—
“Ziggy,” Steven moans, lightly touching the hand that’s jerking him off—slow and methodical. No rush despite the borrowed time. “Please—”  
“Alright, alright,” you sigh, adjusting yourself higher up his lap. One of your hands moves to anchor on his shoulder while the other threads through the thick locks at the back of his head. There’s a few tangles here—nothing that can’t be fixed by a simple comb through. You lift your hips up and tilt them just a bit, just enough to position the tip of his cock at your entrance. You both choke out a groan as you rock your wetness against his rigid length. Steven’s hands clamp down hard over your hips. And then, without much fuss, you bite his neck, reach for his cock to position him at your weeping entrance and slowly start to sink down on him.
A dark current of lust surges up your spine, wicked heat spilling forth and billowing past any comprehensive thought and turning it into mush. You shove your cunt the rest of the way down his thick cock, pressing him up so far up inside that Steven chokes next to your ear.  Fuck, he feels so fucking good from this angle—stretching and filling you in the way your body has so desperately craved since meeting him. You suck in a harsh breath in through your nose and unlatch your teeth from his now bruised skin.  
Steven’s hand shoots up to tangle in your hair, holding your face into the crook of his neck while you right as roll your hips up and clamp down around his. His cock drags deliciously out of your pussy and fuck—your mind crackles as you drop back down onto his lap.
“Oh, Christ,” Steven whines, his other hand squeezes your thigh hard enough to leave a mark.  “You f-feel fantastic.”
You whimper, biting the inside of your cheek head as the head of his cock is pushed up tight against the most sensitive part of you. Wildfire bursts in your lower belly and seeps through your cunt, your hips, and into your upper thighs. Fuckin’ shit—you roughly grind your hips into him as he pushes up, digging your nails into his arm and twisting it into his hair. 
“I wanted this to happen since forever,” you whisper, spiraling into madness from the aching bliss.  “That’s all I think about—fucking you.”
Steven holds you closer and snarls out a curse, his hips jerking up into yours with near bruising force.  “Shit—I—”
You keep going. 
“‘Specially over the counter—I get so bored here,” you moan, moving into his sharp thrusts.  The positioning doesn’t allow for him to do much besides roll his hips in short, stunted movements, but it’s just enough to build your pleasure until it’s bubbling to the top.  “Do you think about me, Stevie?”
“May-maybe,” he hiccups, but it’s way too embarrassed and worked up to be anything close to convincing.  “I-I shouldn’t. Not as much as I do.”
“And you never said anything?”  You pout, breathing hot air onto his neck and riding his cock slow and steady.  You can hear how fucking wet you are.  Your pussy is slick and hot and drenched as you roll your hips up and down on top of him. “I’m not that scary.”
“Shit—you’re—” Steven stammers, tugging a fistful of your hair and fucking up into you as best as he can in this position.  “Donna said—said romantic involvements with coworkers are against policy.”
You nip his earlobe. “I’m your neighbor first—checkmate.” 
“You’re ridiculous,” he says fondly, leading you into a brief kiss. 
Fuck, you like being on top of him like this—reckless and bold and skirting the edge of just plain stupid. Someone might come looking soon, but shit, you’re getting close again. You bite your lip, hips canting into a harder pace, delighted by his sweet moans and carnal need for you. He murmurs your name and you gasp, eyes squeezed shut and just trying to breathe through the flood of arousal that threatens too uproot your entire being.
“Shit, you feel good, Steven,” you say, carding your fingers through his hair. “S’good—keep going—that’s it.”
Steven makes a near pained, ragged gasp of a sound—one that sears right into your memory with no hope of ever shaking it. Everything pulls up hot and tight, settling low and as you start to grind down hard on him. Fuck, you’re almost there—
And then something shifts—you don’t know how to explain it really— a subtle change in the way he holds himself and draws his shoulders back. An air of confidence normally absent from Steven’s relatively meek nature. A wicked gleam that sparks behind those warm, brown eyes that always remind you of the countryside—endless summers and the honey-golden light of sunsets through one of those kaleidoscope sticks.      
You’re flipped so quickly that the world spins, leaving you dizzy and scrambling for a foothold. Damn your low iron. Your back slams into the tiled floor, his thick arms shoving up under your legs and positioning your hips over his thighs. And then he starts fucking you—really fucking you.
It’s fucking crippling. The new angle and brutal speed is like a chain reaction of powder kegs to a lighter. All you can do is dig your nails into his arms and sob for him, arching and blankly staring at the patchy cement ceiling, letting his hips collide roughly with yours as he fucks you down hard into the linoleum tiles—you’re gonna have bruises on your ass.
His mouth is at your neck as he mutters darkly against your throat, his clipped accent devolving into a near unfamiliar scrape. It could be a trick of the mind, and frankly you don’t care. You squeak as his hands dig into the flesh of your ass.  “Fuck, Ziggy—you like this?”
“I’m—” you gasp, eyes screwing up as your wrestle with words.  “Ye-yes.”
“You’re making me a fuckin’ mess, love,” he growls. “Did I make you this wet?”
He’s hard and throbbing, imbedding his claws into your very soul and dragging you though cloud nine. You’re ears start to ring—so fucking close to the edge and begging for him to finish you off. 
“You’re heaven,” he snarls. He drops to his elbow, shifting his weight so he can reach between your legs. You cry and jolt into his fingers as the slip between your lips and easily finds your swollen clit. 
Your lungs tighten to the point of limiting your breaths to patchy gasps.  “Steven—close.”
He murmurs your name and rubs tight circles over your clit, pounding directly where you need him too. Your eyes roll back, spine suddenly goes rigid.
“Fuck—I’m cumming,” you whine, frantic and rushed, breathless as you claw at his shirt and exposed chest.  Everything pulls up sharp and burning, your cunt squeezing around his cock like a vice.  “Steven—”
“Fuck, yes—” he gasps, “—shit, let me f-feel you—”
Steven keeps babbling, but it’s all fluff by this point. Your pulse roars in your ears, body locking down so fucking tight around him hat you’re afraid something might snap. Steven keeps fucking you as your orgasm rips through you with such force that your voice warbles, the blaze of white hot bliss picking you apart stitch by stitch. Steven rubs your clit, pines your hips with his own and pistons inside of you—throwing you to a raw plane of explosive pleasure. His head drops to your shoulder, muttering filthy praise you’d never think someone like Steven would ever think to say—
You cry his name, repeating it over and over like a mantra, breathlessly in time with his ruthless thrusts. One more roll of his hips and pass oof his fingers and you’re gone. Your hand clenches around his hair as sparks of blurry white alight behind your eyelids, back arching off the floor and into his chest. Steven fucks you through your orgasm, even as you squirm and shake in his firm hold. Ecstasy implodes behind your eyelids as heat, hotter than wildfire spreads from your center all the way up your stomach and down to your toes. 
“Ziggy,” he breathes, “almost there—”
Three more rough, bruising thrusts, and he’s cumming inside you, painting your insides with his warm spend. His sweet, gravelly moan echoes in the small space and Jesus Christ—you’re dizzy. He pants against your neck as he leans his full weight over you, arms snaking under your back to hold you close. You can feel his heart like this, thrumming wildly in his chest. You thread your fingers through his hair, gently carding through the frazzled knots of your frantic pulling. The silence that follows swells with petrichor and flower petals that glow white in the pale light of moon—he smells like old books and Irish Spring—a new comfort.   
“Can you hand me that bag of crisps—yeah, right by that shelf.”         
What’s better than this? Spicy crisps and orgasms. Though, hopefully next time you do this, it’s on a bed.  
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workingclasshistory · 3 years
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On this day, 22 March 2009, prison riots were sparked in Greece after the death of prison activist, Katerina Goulioni on March 18. Inmates in the women's prison in Thebes refused to return to their cells, set fires and destroyed property, while protesters outside the prison clashed with riot police (content note: sexual violence). 200 inmates in Athens also held a protest in solidarity. Goulioni (pictured) was a prominent incarcerated activist, who had campaigned against lack of facilities for physically disabled prisoners, prison transfers in which many prisoners suspiciously died, and vaginal inspections which she termed "informal rape". She died while being transferred by boat to a prison on the island of Crete. While the Ministry of Justice claimed she died of a heart attack, other prisoners on the boat reported that Goulioni had been forced to sit alone, 15 seats behind everyone else with her hands tied behind her back, and that her face showed signs of a beating. In the wake of the rebellion, the government promised a review of vaginal inspection methods, and other prison conditions. Goulioni's fellow inmates sent the press the following goodbye statement: "All your life was full of thirst. Thirst for struggle and justice. You fought for all and for everything without care for the consequences. And at the end the consequences of your struggles rewarded you in the worse of manners, with a violent, unexpected sudden death. But we are still here, Katerina, and we shall remember you and continue the struggle you began. You are everywhere. We sense you and we thank you for taking care of us. For us, you will live for ever. Have a great journey!" Learn more about women's resistance in prisons in this book: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/products/resistance-behind-bars-the-struggles-of-incarcerated-women-victoria-law-1 https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/1947892265395914/?type=3
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Harmony Hammond
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She believed that there was a quality of lesbianness that consisted of more than sexual desire for women, but influenced her entire sense of herself in the world. And she thought that this quality expressed itself materially in her art-making practice, not just the final form but the process by which she shaped her sculpture.
[The virginal imagery]is a visual symbol of female difference from the hegemonic masculine, and a sign of solidarity among women that supported common cause among straight and lesbian feminists.
The cost of policing against misuse [of female body parts] was draining explicit sexuality from “lesbian” images and reconceptualizing the erotic apart from sexual desire. Following Audre Lorde by severing the erotic from desire so as to emphasize common bonds among women would not achieve Hammond’s ends.
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Key to reading Hammond’s wrapped work is its “haptic visuality,” the relay it establishes between eye and hand.
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She found the taxonomy of “shells, flowers, [and] fruits” associated with some vaginal imagery to be too limiting.
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She found her solution in a fantasy novel, The Lesbian Body. Inspired by Monique Wittig, Hammond took a heteronormative language, the visual lexicon of feminist art, and reworked it until it spoke to her experience as well.
The episodic prose poem vividly describes the dismemberment of lesbian bodies and the poetic flow is arbitrarily cut and interrupted by pages on which body parts are listed in capital letters: “THE PLEXUSES THE GLANDS THE GANGLIA THE LOBES THE MUCOSAE THE TISSUES THE CALLOSITIES THE BONES THE CARTILAGE THE OSTEOID . . .” (Wittig, 1986: 40).
Wittig invented a lesbian “I” (“j/e”), a speaking subject whose splitting redoubled her authority so that it was the lesbian voice, not the masculine, that spoke universally, beyond gender.
You look at m/e, you do not stop looking at m/e
Sight was only one of the modes of sensory exploration the lesbian lovers used to connect. Touch was at least as important:
I have access to your glottis and your larynx red with blood voice stifled. I reach your trachea, I embed m/yself as far as your left lung, there m/y so delicate one I place m/y two hands on the pale pink bland mass touched it unfolds somewhat, it moves fanwise, m/y knees flex, I gather into m/y mouth your entire reserves of air.
As was smell:
The smell that escapes from m/e is noisome. You do not stop your nostrils. You do not exclaim with fright when at a given moment m/y putrescent and half-liquid body touches the length of your bare back.
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Arlene Raven compared the “raw sensuousness” in Les Guérillères with Hammond’s Kudzu, whose imposing presence was enhanced by the limb-like appendages that threatened to embrace or entrap the viewer.
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Lucy Lippard listed traits she observed recurring in art by women: “overall texture, often sensuously tactile and repetitive or detailed to the point of obsession; the preponderance of circular forms, central focus, inner space ... layers, strata, or veils”. Ruth Iskin described an additive process and repetitive, slow, rhythmic gestures in some work by women; according to Iskin, however, these attributes were typical of art with a lesbian sensibility.
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For Hammond, wrapping layers of textured material marked time and opened a level of abstraction where sexuality could be suggested:
Instead of focusing on the figure with its fixed contour and impermeable surface of skin, abstraction opens up time and space, allowing us (other women/lesbians) to feel/respond sexually “in the body” (versus “to the figure”) to what we see.
And since the lesbian gaze is not focused on the “image of orgasm” but rather on how it feels, it can avoid the male gaze and be extended indefinitely.
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Isolating the vagina fragmented the female body, it was true, and so Hammond and Wittig both worked to redirect the viewer’s or reader’s attention to include the rest of the body, its surface and interior, while contesting the notion of genitally organized sexuality. Judith Butler found [Wittig’s theory] suggests that the lesbian can exist somehow beyond gender, with the result that gender itself becomes impossible as constructed according to normative heterosexuality.
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The erotic incorporated
both the identity politics of Lorde’s female solidarity and the violent, sexual aspects of Wittig’s lesbian protagonists
and is powerful to the extent that they challenged masculine culture, “modern technology,” and the “civilized world”.
Her sculptures avoided the pitfall of substituting one essence for another, lesbian for feminine sensibility, but activated both
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thatfanfictionchick · 4 years
Kinktober Day 12: Gloves [Mysme] Vanderwood x MC
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Kinktober prompts from @alloveroliver
Rating: 18+, Explicit
Summary: MC (Emme) finds every part of mysterious former agent Vanderwood attractive. But there’s just something about those gloved hands that really drives her wild.
Warnings: Oral/vaginal fingering;
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It started when Vanderwood stepped outside, needing a break from the festivities. The RFA was celebrating the successful end of one of Zen’s shows and as an honorary member, Vanderwood had been forced to attend by Saeyoung.
Forced was maybe a little strong. Vanderwood still felt odd around the group although he tried not to let it show. There was solidarity in silence with Jumin, and Jaehee was always quick to distract Saeyoung when he started getting too exuberant but... 
“They’re quite the party animals, aren’t they?” Emme sat next to him on the front steps and plucked the pack of cigarettes he had just pulled from his coat pocket out of his hand. “You should really quit, ya know.” He half-heartedly tried to grab them back but was disarmed by her smile as she held them further out of reach.
“C’mon now, I need it with all the stress you lot put me through.”
“Doubt, Madam.” she teased. He groaned and leaned on his elbows, covering his face. She laughed and patted him on the back. “Oh you know I don’t mean it!”
“Never going to escape that, am I?”
She scooted closer, leaning in conspiratorially like she had a secret to share. “I’ll make you a deal.” He leaned in as well, if only to play along.
“Oh? What would that be?”
Her eyes sparkled. “I’ll stop calling you Madam iiif you kiss me.”
Vanderwood froze, acutely aware of the blush that bloomed across his face, thankful it was dark out. “W-what?!”
“C’mon, Vandy, how many more hints can I throw at you? All the touching, the teasing, the attempts to force you to take better care of yourself.” She was so close, her nose almost touching his with a wide grin. “I don’t tell you what a pretty face you have just because it’s fun.”
He had, indeed, chosen to believe she only did it because it was fun.
“So are you gonna kiss me or not, Mad-”
He did. And that was how, ten minutes later, he found himself in the back seat of Emme’s car at the end of the long driveway. It was cramped but he didn’t mind. She was lying beneath him on the seat, her fingers twisted in his hair as he kissed down her neck. She pushed his coat down his arms and onto the floor before twisting against the seat to pull her sweater over her head. Her nipples were already pebbled thanks to the cool autumn temperatures. Vanderwood groaned, gloved hands covering bare breasts as she wiggled her jeans and underwear down over her hips.
The gloves weren’t a necessity, like they had been before. Saeyoung’s work was flawless; Vanderwood wasn’t trapped in the life of an agent anymore. He no longer had to be alert not to leave any traces of himself behind. But they still brought him peace of mind so while not necessary, they were comforting.
“Wait!” He had lifted one hand to his mouth, a leather fingertip clenched between his teeth. A flash of white as she nibbled her bottom lip. “Will...will you leave them on?” He could barely hear her with the way her hand pressed over her mouth, her eyes suddenly very interested in the back of the passenger seat.
Now it was his turn to grin. “You want me to leave the gloves on?” 
A high squeal from the back of her throat. “Y-yes.”
He smoothed his palm back over her breast, only a little sad that he couldn’t feel it against his bare skin. She mewled, arching into the touch. He kneaded the soft globe, rolling her nipple between his fingers before repeating the motion on the other breast. Her chest heaved as she panted, both hands now pressing hard against the door. 
“Is this what you wanted?” She was so cute, squirming and flustered as his fingers dragged up her neck to her jaw. He dipped two fingers into her open mouth, swallowing hard when her tongue poked between them to lick along the long digits.
The smell and taste of leather was near overwhelming in Emme’s highly aroused state. God, she’d wanted this for so long. Wanted him for so long. She closed her mouth around his fingers and sucked, laving the covered digits with her tongue. She bucked her hips against him, rubbing her thighs to try and gain some much needed friction. She wondered how wet she was, if she was dripping on the seat. It only made her buck harder. 
She brushed his straining erection and Vanderwood groaned. She was trying so hard to rub her legs together but they were trapped in the confines of her jeans. He pressed his fingers deeper in her mouth and his smile grew darker at the garbled way she moaned. “Do you want me to touch you, kitten?”
She wasn’t expecting that. The pet name, that is. She nodded furiously, her ‘yes’ unintelligible. His tongue replaced his fingers in her mouth as the long digits plunged between her folds, making an audible sound. She sobbed in his mouth, fingers back in his hair as he rubbed her clit before pushing easily inside her.
“You must be so wet.” he purred, nipping at the shell of her ear.
“So wet for you, Vanderwood, fuck!” She was trying to meet the motion of his fingers. Her hand groped blindly for his waist, pushing into his jeans to palm his cock. “Want you to fuck me, Vanderwood.”
He shuddered as she stroked him, adjusting his hand to thumb her clit while fingering her. “Later, sweetheart.” He bit her neck, sucking hard and she cried out. “Let me take care of you.”
Her nails scratched over his torso and around his back, scratching down his spine. Her other hand still in his hair she pulled him back to kiss her, rough and desperate, all teeth and tongue.
Back bowed, legs trembling, she simultaneously wanted to pull him closer and push him away. “Shit, I...fucking hell, Vanderwood!” She was babbling, trying so hard to stay present when the wave of her orgasm was threatening to sweep her away. 
“I’ve got you, it’s okay.” he murmured. She pressed her face into his neck, moaning long and low as she came, hips jerking against his hand. He kept rubbing her through it, only stopping when she cried that it was too much.
After that was some odd maneuvering. He sat up, lifting her legs over his lap and discarding his gloves on the floor, careful not to drop them on his coat. Emme redressed, struggling upright and combing her fingers through her mussed hair before grabbing his face and kissing him hard. She stuck her hand between his legs, cupping his still-present erection and growled “Can I take you home now?”
“Kind of rude to leave the party early, isn’t it?” But he was already leaning in the kiss her again, his tongue sweeping through her mouth.
“Zen’ll understand.”
Back inside the house, a half drunk Zen fumbled to pull his phone out of his pocket at the message tone.
[Emme] Leaving. Love you. Proud of you loser.
[Zen] Rude.
[Zen] You seen Vandy? Saeyoung has been looking for him.
[Emme] He’s with me.
[Zen] ???
[Emme] Why do you think I’m leaving?
[Zen] ??!
[Emme] (。◕‿◕。) 👅👅👅
[Zen] Oh damn
[Zen] Fuckin hell
[Zen] Get it girl
[Emme] All night long babe.
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
Big solidarity with the no-vaginal-penetration anon 😩 Like, alright, I do enjoy a specific set of dildos sometimes BUT the start always hurts and afterwards it hurts -it's not worth the marginally improved orgasm. When I told a friend she was like "omg you have to get a vibrator! You haven't lived until you tried a vibrator!" So I did. And it does exactly nothing except bother me with its incessant buzzing. 😤 From the few times I tried w/ fingers anal seemed a lot nicer. More feeling and no pain. (I'm so thankful for being ace and not having to worry about a partner wanting vaginal intercourse even tho it hurts.)
Yeah everybody experiences stuff in different ways anon and I'm glad you know and understand yourself.
But yeah the only person whonreally understabd you and how you feel is yourself, so that gies fir anyine, don't feel like you have to like something just because its the majority, you're you and you shouldn't change that.
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