#tmi thursday
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joepelling · 9 months ago
This guy!
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He was alive for 5 secconds then was never seen again.
the abstinence/no hand holding till marrige teacher
he doesn’t actually know what sex is. he is against premarital conversations.
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doeblossom · 1 year ago
have you seen this man?
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meowcolm <3
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boyslit · 3 months ago
so im supposed to be reducing my sugar intake but it's autumn damnit and i want hot cocoa sometimes, so we got low sugar mix and it's not real bad without sugar.
problem is, they replaced the sugar with sucralose, and sucralose gives me the shits 🙃 we'll see how this one goes
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solunehasnoclue · 1 year ago
Me, usually: "oh i guess i sorta almost have IBS but not like for real like a real disability that physically bars me from doing things that i have a desire or obligation to do"
Me today, sitting on the throne and compelled to admit that i can't get up from it for too long and must therefore miss both work and volleyball practice: "ah"
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stracciatellala · 2 months ago
anyways, just got pulled into the nastiest kiss in the middle of the grocery store by my love bc I told him my mouth was dry ♡
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tampon-on-the-sidewalk · 5 months ago
8ish spoons of porridge? And they stayed down? And I POOPED? Nature is healing
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randomgurustuffs · 5 months ago
Bringing out my most generic question, what pony ask blogs are your favorites? (I've not seen most your previous TMI's so forgive me if you've answered this before :'D)
You know, I don't think I've ever answered this one before. In no particular order.
@temper-temper Now I might be a lil bit biased, but I really, really like how my wife's art looks. It's so clean and detailed and well posed and...well, you get the idea. I'm also looking forward to what she does with @askxxviperxx
@askcaravelstuff-blog Is dead, but I enjoyed the art and humor a lot. Wish it would come back. @askmidnightspell I really enjoy the artstyle and way the expressions are drawn. Plus humorous twisting of asks on occasion. @flashtheponyofwind I enjoy the lore and humor on this blog a lot. @pony-detective This artstyle was fun. I have more, but I'm running out of things to say.
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kelyon · 9 months ago
Tell us something about the old fandom days?
Have you ever heard the legend of the Chipped Dagger fandom?
Back in the day, when season 2 was airing, both Rumpelstiltskin's dagger and the chipped cup were having a rough time. They were being stolen, broken, threatened--it's a hard life for inanimate objects.
Apparently, during a livestream (probably the ancient and storied Rumbelle Movie Club) the topic was brought up of how Rumple could go about protecting his most important possessions. The answer the hivemind eventually came up with was to turn them human. The dagger and the cup would have agency to protect themselves (and each other). They could run and hide from attackers. At the very least, Chip could fall moderate distances without shattering.
Somehow, the names we decided on were Chip and Dax. They were kind of a mirror of Rumbelle. Chip was an ultra-femme ray of sunshine and Dax was a living weapon. I think somebody had the idea that Dax had all the dagger etchings tattooed on his back. Chip was blonde and had a chipped tooth.
I want to put into context that the original airing of season 2 had a lot of "mini-hiatuses." Because of award shows and sports, there would be two or three week breaks between episodes. They fixed that in later seasons by having the half-season arcs and a several-month break between fall and spring. I bring this up because we were all suffering from hiatus brain. Belle would get shot at the end of one episode and we'd have a collective panic attack for two weeks before the next episode where it's revealed that her memories are gone and the chipped cup means NOTHING to her and SHE BROKE IT!!
We were looking for any way to make things better.
I don't recall any plots involving Chip and Dax. They didn't go off to fight crime or anything. But there was fanart, and some fics, which I may or may not have contributed to. It was always kind of hazy how romantic the pairing was. Chip was always portrayed as childlike, even though she's a teacup that's at least 28+ years old, and Dax is an ancient symbol of all the dark magic in the world. Usually he was her protector.
Like I said, they were kind of a mirror of their owners. I read somewhere that the animal sidekicks in fairy tales represent the hero's subconscious. (The animals in Snow White are suspicious of the old crone as soon as they see her. The castle objects in Beauty and the Beast are looking for love even when the Beast himself has fallen into despair.) Chipped Dagger came at a very uncertain time for Rumbelle. We were going through amnesia and Lacey and "well, I'll just have to kill him." It was nice to have something that was happier, more wholesome, less complicated. Just a ray of sunshine and her protective stormcloud.
That was what we really wanted at the time.
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ringneckedpheasant · 5 months ago
the shit I witnessed growing up in evangelical fundamentalism never stops being crazy to me. was reminded of a friend of my sister who married a guy that she met online & while they were dating she was in her early? 20s, still living at home, & she wasn’t allowed to have private phone conversations with her boyfriend before they got married. her parents read all their messages & all their calls were on a landline so her dad could listen in. & I know all of this because it was brought up and joked about at their wedding like it was Normal or even Behavior That Should Be Encouraged. I hope that guy dies soon
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joepelling · 9 months ago
let’s celebrate tmi thursday early. send me any dhmis character for a bizarre headcanon
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doeblossom · 1 year ago
So doe… who is this wolf guy and can you share some info on the whole shape sifting thing?
i'm still working on it
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all of the rules for shifters are *lowkey* based on my own sona. they're just called "shifters" right now! no, theyre not changelings!
named after animals (the surname is up to them)
eyes are pink, green while shifted
maximum of 4-7 feet depending on ability. minimum is about 8% of their maximum (so much magic cannot be contained as easily)
aaaaand thats all ^^
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neige-leblanche · 1 month ago
i literally remembered to take my afternoon adhd pill for once in my life why am i still posting like im unmedicated
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anosci · 6 months ago
ive an admiration for particle physicists, as they learn purely through destruction.
occasionally, but unfortunately very rarely, I will hear or see or read something that damages my understanding of gender and sex and gender and sex.
observing the ensuing fragments, like a haruspex, gives me so much knowledge.
I don't think I will ever attain "normality" on par with any peer, but I'm always so satisfied to understand myself a little better.
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premise29 · 3 months ago
I need to try and meet new people.
Online of course. I haven't gone completely insane.
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myburden-totake · 28 days ago
My period ended on Monday, and it started again tonight. I love being a woman.
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clarabowmp3 · 8 months ago
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