How about an update?
When I went on this hiatus... I expected maybe two weeks. Not...this long of an absence. So I feel like I should give a bit of an update below the cut.
In the meantime, this blog breached 100 followers, and I never thought I’d attract so many of you. Thank you~ With October coming up, and being a month for monsters... I plan to buckle down and deliver.
While I’ve been gone, I’ve been working on playing each Final Fantasy in order, and currently on FFII. So it may interest some of you to know that I’m trying to brush up on each game to bring you better accuracy and depth in my writings. And then I’ve also hopped into the FF roleplay community as General Beatrix over @save-the-rose
Work seems to have gotten a bit better, higher management is taking more of a step into our store and putting a stop to certain things and trying to make it a better work environment for associates. Downside is that many of those I enjoyed working with and for have quit, and me being an introvert, is somewhat saddened.
I’m also taking classes again. Medical ones at that. So that has also called my attention.
There’s still family issues of my cousins...who are on drugs, on the run, in and out of jail, lie to us, choose not to support their kids, and... It’s a mess, and at this point, we’ve been doing all we can to help them. Treatments, giving them food, job hunts... Then others diagnosed with cancer...
So, to keep spirits up, I’ve been working on cosplays, roleplaying, Final Fantasy gaming, and the such. Actually, if anyone is going to Yama-con, shoot me a message. >:D I’m pumped for this year’s. Met several Final Fantasy fans last year.
#evil silver#i'm still sorry you guys#bear with me#i love villains too much#to give this up#but i'm learning while i'm away
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I wanted to apologize to all of you waiting for these monster!villain stories and/or art. I still plan to get to them, but I’ve been under a large amount of stress from between family, work, and personal situations. Just wanted to let you guys know that I’ll be taking a small step away from this blog to catch my breath.
When I return, you’ll get that Siren!Kuja, and then the others. Bet on it. I apologize again for the wait.
#evil silver#stress is killing me#bad management#bad treatment#thrown into situations#health issues#you name it#*sighs*
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A poor and quick doodle of my idea of a failed experiment!Sephiroth.
#it was to give me idea how to describe him for the request#(if anyone wants to draw me these monster villains i will gladly share them)#again note this was quick#sephiroth#doodle#the idea was also based around his safer form#evil silver draws
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ALRIGHT!!! I've been waiting for this😁 let's see...... “You poor thing. Why would anyone do this to you?” and “I’m not going to hurt you, I just need to cut these ropes.” with failed experiment... Guess who??.... SEPHIROTH of course
Failed Experiment!SephirothxReader: “You poor thing. Why would anyone do this to you?” / “I’m not going to hurt you, I just need to cut these ropes.”
Tagging: @themadchemist
The new lab coat you’d been given was a bit too large onyou. The sleeves were coming past yourwrists and attempting to retrieve any pens from your pockets lookedembarrassing as you stretched to reach them. But you didn’t complain too much. You had been promoted.
Surprisingly, you had won over Hojo with presenting yourtheories on molecular regeneration and mutation. So much that he offered an all-access keycardfor entry in areas more restricted for normal scientists. The thoughts of what discoveries you’ll findand create bubbled in your mind and made you absolutely giddy.
You stepped into the elevator and swiped the card, lightingup the available floors along the panel. No official task had been given today, but the notion of exploring thenew workspace seemed promising. Yourfinger pressed a random light. The doorsclosed, and as they did, you felt yourself bouncing on your heels for what lieswaiting.
It didn’t take long before the elevator stopped, and thedoors opened. Stepping out, you thoughtit odd that no one was to be seen. Someonemust have been here, though. The soundsof tests running could be heard.
Your footsteps echoed down the empty corridor. It was somewhat eerie with all thesilence. Venturing to another floortempted you to return the way you came, but you decided to peek around the upcomingcorner first. After all, where would ascientist be without curiosity?
Around the corner, was not a horror you were expecting.
Machines everywhere with soft beeps and low ventilationnoises. Tubes, IVs, all filled withliquids of various colors. Occasionalsplatters of those liquids and dark rusted ones, the high probability of blood. It was all surrounding a cage of sorts. Surrounding and entering through the bars andair holes.
You moved closer to inspect it. There was a slumped figure inside. And you raised a hand to muffle the terrifiedgasp.
The figure shifted, either shifted, either sensing yourpresence or hearing the shock you emitted. The closer you came, the more you could make out the tensed form of aman. Bound and injected with wires andtubing. Then there were his startlingfeatures.
His body was covered in bruises and scars, presumably from needlesconstantly piercing his flesh and scalpels tearing open the skin. Two large protrusions coming from his backseemed akin to bone structure. The right hand possessed elongated claws,while his left arm morphed from human into that of a blackened wingappendage. The man’s silver hair fellover his face, but the glare of glowing green eyes burned its way into you.
Your voice fell into a whisper. “You poor thing. Why would anyone do this to you?”
Given the little space the man had, he shrank away. The rhythmic heart monitor giving away thediscomfort of your presence with its quickened beats.
This wasn’t science. It was inhumane.
“You shouldn’t be here.” It was to yourself more than him.
“Did Hojo send you to continue running tests?”
His voice deep. Gravelly as if he was parched for water. And unmasked disgust at the mention of the head scientist and his experiments.
It struck a cord within your own heart. The sick feeling to vomit as the thoughts oftorture and visions of what marred his body filled your mind. And all for the name of intelligence for Shinra. You shook your head frantically as you heldback tears.
“No. Gods no. I can’t…” I can’t believe this��
The man’s brow furrowed, confused at the new display of emotion. He visibly relaxed. “Then you’re different?”
Yes. This wasn’tsomething you agreed to. Thismonstrosity to inflict torment on subjects. You knew you had to do something to help him. Anything, but first, more than anything, youneeded to-
“Will you free me?”
Your eyes met his. Aglimmer of hope, and you found yourself nodding. And quickly you found the panels operatingthe cage system, inspecting the controls and dials to make sense of theirinputs and outputs. Luckily, the leverwas fairly easy to identify, and without hesitation, you pulled it.
The cell opened, and you waited for him to walk out. But he remained planted in the samespot. Wasn’t he able to stand on hisown? You didn’t think you would be ableto carry the weight out. Coming close tohim yet again, you discovered the problem, only again deepening the pit in yourstomach.
You reached for the miniature scalpel in the oversizedpocket. Doing so caused this monster manto ready the knife-like claws in your direction. Poised to strike if necessary.
“I’m not going to hurt you, I just need to cut these ropes,”you comforted. And you knelt to reducethe amount you may have posed as a threat. “I want to help you escape.”
Ever so slowly, his hand fell, revealing yet another ropebinding. Carefully, you brought theblade to saw against the tightly woven twine. And as you worked, you felt those unwavering eyes on you.
“Sephiroth.” You glancedto the silver-haired man, and he continued. “That’s the name I was given.”
You offered a soft smile and told him your own name.
It took time, but you managed to cut through each knot,removing their noose around his arms, feet, and neck. You didn’t realize however that you werelooking at all the mutations from his body. The outcropped bones, the misplaced wing. Hesitantly, you were reaching out to touchthe avian arm.
Sephiroth must have been curious as well, as he watched yourhand touch the feathered thing. With noinstrument to poke and prod, he didn’t seem to mind of your inspection ofsomething he perhaps thought insignificant, but it was hardly somethingsmall. The scientist within you wascurious, but the human was amazed.
You caught yourself staring and exploring his body,embarrassed, and yet glad he didn’t protest.
You removed the heavy lab coat to envelop his bare form,ensuring it at least made him look less of a monster and something more human. “Can you stand? We need to get out before we’re seen.”
Sephiroth nodded, eager to escape the cold hell of machines,and stood. “I’m ready.”
#sephiroth#monster sephiroth#sephiroth fanfiction#sephirothxreader#final fantasy vii#ffvii#ffvii fanfiction#reader insert#prompt request#evil silver writes
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Imprisoned/Trapped Monster Starters
(requested by several users, and including non-verbal actions. Add pronouns/rephrase as needed!)
“Who locked you up in here?” “So you’re the beast they were talking about.” “Calm down, I’m not the one who put you in there!” “I’m going to try getting you out. Just hold still.” “Why would they put you in there?” “Hello? Can you understand me?” “No, I’m not letting you out.” “We’re going to make sure you rot in there.” “I’ll only let you out if you promise not to eat me alive.” “Are you in some kind of trouble?” “Stop struggling, I’m trying to help you!” “You’re staying in there until we find out what you are.” “You poor thing. Why would anyone do this to you?” “If you cooperate, we might just set you free.” “I can’t let you out. They’ll just come after you again.” “How long have you been in there?” “You weren’t born in that tank, were you?” “Your freedom is just the price to pay for our very important research.” “I’ll cut you down, just stop struggling!” “I’m not going to hurt you, I just need to cut these ropes.” “Stop howling, they can hear you a mile away!” *taps on the glass* *waves* “Can you hear me through the glass?” *holds up a note to the glass* [insert message]
“What do you want with me?” “You’re not here to poke me with anything, are you?” “Open the fucking door and let me out!” “I didn’t do anything wrong. Why am I in here?” “I know why you’re letting me out. You’re hoping I lead you to the others.” “I’m the only one of my kind.” “I was minding my own business. Next thing I know, I’m in here.” “They’ve been running tests on me.” “Please, let me out. Have some mercy.” “I just want to go home.” “I was born in this facility.” “It’s been so long, I don’t even remember how old I am.” “I haven’t been outside in years [months/weeks/etc].” “Just at least tell me why I can’t go home.” “Don’t come near me, I can get out on my own!” “I can free myself. Get that knife away from me.” *swipes claws* *hisses* *stares curiously through the glass* *points at the cage door* *places hands on the glass*
#refreshing this#monsters are following#also to bring it to some new followers attention#I currently have seven requests#and interesting ones#story prompt
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Don't Stop Believe'n
Hopefully tonight when I get home from work, I should have the first monster fic up. As long as no more severe thunderstorms move in. Because of the choice in monster, I even did a little doodle for an idea of how he looks.
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KainxReader- I Spy a Dragoon
A/N: Fulfilling my second promise. Not only was Kain a bit tricky to write, but with all the storms we’ve had around here and people quitting left and right at my job, it’s been a time. >_< I’m actually not sure why I chose that title, but enjoy.
Tagging: @themadchemist
From the castle balcony, you had a view of a large portion of the landscape that stretched beyond the Baron kingdom’s view. This was largely due to less obstructions for the military training grounds below. And as lovely as the fields and forests were, your attention was on one nearby.
The dark figure of a dragoon moved swiftly and expertly along the ground and through the air, creating the allusion of an acrobat. And like a child at a festival, you were drawn to his quick flips and turns.
While there were several knights of this class, only he came religiously to train when not on a mission ordained by the king. You inquired with Rosa about this knight, to which you were informed his name Kain Highwind, adopted son of the king after his father’s premature death.
His name wasn’t spoken loud enough to be heard, and yet Kain paused his tactful movements and looked up. You didn’t know what to make of it, whether he assumed you just happened to glance down or if he knew you were watching for some time now. And while the latter was true, you moved away from the ledge.
You turned to reenter your room. Enough time had been spent today on the amazing soldier.
“Is there a reason you come to watch me daily?”
Spinning around to face the dragoon, your eyes widened at the sight. There should be no way he could have made it to your ledge, not even with all the rumors of their highest jump. But more than that, Kain was there and waiting for an answer.
“I… didn’t realize you knew,” you replied. As embarrassed as you were, that was a truth.
“It is vital we remain aware of our surroundings on the battlefield. Training should be no different.”
Kain leaned back against the railing, folding his arms. His eyes remained hidden in the shadows beneath his helmet, thus making him completely unreadable. To say the least, it was intimidating. But Rosa vouched for his character, and you trusted her words.
You bowed respectfully. “My apologies. I passed by one evening and saw you. It was… mesmerizing,” you said sheepishly. “I’ve never seen the dragoon’s famous aerial dance before that day.”
The knight had turned his head away, moving his gaze below. And the thought of him flattered came to mind, but the notion was dismissed the longer he stayed silent. It would be easier to read him if only he removed his helmet.
Slowly, you made your way back over to the space a gracious distance between you two. Licking your lips, you tried to keep the conversation going.
“Just how high are you able to reach?”
Kain lifted his eyes, and from where you stood, you could see more of the handsome features to match his deep smooth voice. And he nodded his head in a gesture towards one of the airships flying above the castle. “There. I could reach it from where I am now.”
“You’re lying.”
He turned his questioning attention back to you. It wasn’t that you didn’t believe him, it was just difficult to comprehend. No normal person should have been able to leap to a third story window, let alone though the air and onto a moving airship.
“That wouldn’t be a mere jump, you’re talking about flying.”
The corner of his mouth rose in a smirk. “You don’t believe me. Perhaps you should reconsider doubting me.”
“Then take me there.”
Smile gone. “What?”
“You’re confident with your high jump. So show me. Let me see what the legendary dragoon can do.” Whether it was more flirting or excitement of a midair dance, you could care less. But whatever your subconscious intentions, you did bring a chuckle out of Kain.
“Are you afraid of heights? Or falling with no one below to catch you? If not, then perhaps one day I will offer to take you on a wingless flight.”
#kain#kain highwind#final fantasy iv#ffiv#ffiv fanfiction#kain fanfiction#dissidia#dissidia nt#dffnt#kainxreader#reader insert#evil silver writes
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“Mice are wont to play when the cat is away” - Golbez
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Emperor Mateus ( 2014 vs 2017 )
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Can you draw seifer from ff8?
Grumpy boi :)
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ffxii week: ↳day five: favorite quote
“My hands are stained with blood, I see little reason to stay them now.”
“So they are, and so house Solidor lives on.”
#vayne#vayne solidor#vayne carudas solidor#final fantasy xii#ffxii#dissidia#dissidia nt#the zodiac age#fan art
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The finalised 30th anniversary version of my “Final Fantasy: Villains” artwork.
This and the revised versions of Heroes and Heroines will first be available from Kupocon UK next month. :D
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The Progenitor
happy fathers day, Terra
#this is one of the few villains i hate#i wish he'd fall off a cliff#garland#garland ffix#final fantasy ix#ffix#fan art
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Ardyn Izunia
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Seymour from Final Fantasy X
365 days challenge day 155
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I absolutely love how you write your villains! You capture their characters really spot on!
Thank you, anon! I try as best as I can to do them justice. While also treating my fangirl heart. I love writing them, and I enjoy your kind words. It’s those like you that also enjoy them that makes me want to keep writing. Maybe if I’ll actually stop my other distracting activities (binge-watching One Piece) I can play more Final Fantasy.
#i thought it was another request#so i almost cried#almost#evil silver replies#anon#motivation boost#follower appreciation
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Kuja- How to Deal with Unruly Guests
A/N: I was going to write something else, but felt like it needed a TON more work, so you get this I wrote in even less time. Trying to decide on a scene when I’m about to pass out from sleep led to this.
Tagging: @themadchemist
"This auction is rigged! I demand to speak to the owner."
From your seat in the balcony, you saw the red faced man shouting at one of the house employees. His attire wasn't extravagant, and that alone was enough to say he wasn't a noble. But he was attracting unnecessary attention to his outburst, to the point others were whispering and giving mocking glances.
Whatever the poor man thought, he was in for a cruel and public humiliation if he didn't calm down.
There was muffled shuffling from beside you, and you watched your date stand with a sigh. Too late.
"Kuja, will you go easy on him?"
Annoyed eyes became amused as they met yours. "I feel as if I'm always merciful with my troublesome guests. It's those behind the curtains that see a different act."
Kuja turned with a flick of silver hair and the billow of white robes. An 'enjoy the show' attitude that he was leaving you with. It felt like this was something Kuja always echoed with either his words and movements, both for the public and in private.
You returned your attention to below. The attendant apologizing and looking around for some help. He was new and inexperienced with dealing with guests. You supposed he'll learn first hand how to handle future disturbances.
Kuja appeared at the stairs and made his way towards the two men. The smile was there, but any friendliness was not. His tone bitter, sharp, and to the point. "I don't particularly enjoy ugly scenes within my auction house, and our audience wish not to be disturbed. If there is a problem, it's customary to meet away from judgmental eyes."
The red-faced man instantly silenced himself and began to size up Kuja from what you could guess. The employee bowed respectively to the silver angel and dismissed himself seeing as the situation was now in better hands.
The low-classed individual didn't back down, instead turning his undivided attention on the owner. You knew it'd be a fight he couldn't win, and from the way other ladies and gentlemen in the building watched with muffled snickers, they knew as well.
Being called out for his unruly behavior may have ruffled more feathers, but the man was not backing down. "No. This auction is rigged. I demand my gil returned."
"Pray, sir, by what means is my business corrupt?" Kuja laughed. The silver-haired noble was not swayed in the slightest and was encouraging the poor soul to challenge him. Sadistic as ever.
"Those items are worthless! You trick us! Bringing objects before the people and leaving them to believe they're priceless. They're no better than common trinkets scattered across this continent!"
Continuing to raise his voice, the man was drawing the entire crowd's attention if he didn't already have it. You assumed what mixed emotions Kuja was feeling, and he would in fact rant about it later. And you would be there to listen to it all.
Kuja's silver tongue began to flow and he gestured across the lavish house. "Of course.
"That is the game I gift to all who enter and take part in. Not every item is a treasure beyond imagine. The bid here. An offer there. Everything is of value however. Be it wealth or entertainment."
A delicate hand extended out to the man, highlighting his point. "Only to those that can distinguish foolery and know what is truly a hidden gem benefit. If you acquired that which is worthless, then you have only yourself to blame. But do not feel so depressed, it seems as though you have procured the spotlight of all of Treno with your performance. Truly a grand comedian."
Across the house were laughter and applause for the scene. Kuja was evil, and you knew the best thing the man could do was walk away. The angel would put on a gentleman facade for Treno, but he was sadistic and would not hesitate to strike fear in those that misjudge him.
The man did just as you hoped, and left. Not without a few choice words for revenge, watch his back, the usual enemy retorts. You already knew before hand that Kuja always keeps hired hunters to properly 'deal' with problems so that he rests sounds without care otherwise.
Back to your gracious host, he signaled for your attention. A tease he could be, and yet it was all hidden beneath his sweet, ever-present smile as he mouthed the hushed words.
Was that easy enough for you?
#kuja#final fantasy ix#ffix#fanfiction#ffix fanfiction#kuja fanfiction#evil silver writes#look at kuja#making a scene out of a scene#my tired brain enjoys his sadism#not romance#but a reader insert#and typed up on my phone#apologies in advance for any errors#do you capitalize 'with' in a title?
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