Amazing new SARAHPAC video. Gives me chills! 
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Obama's second term:
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The Senate is finally voting on a budget
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It's my OTPs anniversary
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precious babies <3
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What I say to liberals:
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#PalinLibertyPose is the new Tebow
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When I first meet someone and immediately want to know their political beliefs
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yeah im mentally retarded too! i feel your pain in being a conservative
Using the word retarded is actually extremely ignorant-- much like this message. Thanks for playing, though. 
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I'm filing this under things that will never get old.
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Coming home from CPAC and being surrounded by liberals again
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The greatest gif that ever existed. 
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Sarah Palin brought a Big Gulp to CPAC.
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Mama Sarah is still our hero
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Also, awkward moment when:
Nikki Haley wasn't supposed to be at CPAC but she showed up as a surprise to introduce Mitt. I literally screamed so loud that the girls behind me were like "are you from South Carolina??!"
and I was like
I'm just obsessed with Nikki Haley
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And BTW, I may or or may not have teared up listening to Mitt today.
Just kidding.
I definitely did.
The standing ovation and spontaneous outbursts of "we love you!" killed me.
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Officially checked in at CPAC :D
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Happy Birthday Mitt <3
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