age: late 20s gender: cis female pronouns: she/her orientation: queer species: half-elf class: sorcerer, storm sorcery background: guild artisan face claim: sienna guillory (possible alt fc. ceara coveney)
she had a marvelous gift. not the magic coursing through her veins simply because of her elven ancestry. that might've taken work to be channeled through her but, it is another that made her known across b.aldur's g.ate. her ability to craft wonderful metalwork. offering adventurers armors, weapons, protection. her human mother saw it from a young age, and pushed her to become part of a guild.
there she grew her talent and found connection few half-elves do. it was home, it was purpose, it was everything she wanted in her life. but the dream had to burst at some point.
her ambition ruled her, seeking to craft the greatest weapon that would combine metal and magic. but her magic was too unstable at the time, and it caused an accident. a few other artisans were injured, along with herself. after that she was cast out of her guild, and she has not been able to focus enough to create anything of value. she begun travelling ever since, wanting to find a way to make up for her mistake and be accepted back into the guild.
bg3 verse; more tba. aurelia can act both as a tav, and as a companion.
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age: 200s gender: cis female pronouns: she/her orientation: queer species: high elf class: paladin, oath of the ancients background: acolyte face claim: sophia brown
raised in a temple since childhood, she learned from a young age the order of the light. the way the world ought to be, beautiful as the planes she'd been raised in. decades passed as she studied among druids and clerics, and assisted in all kinds of rituals.
but the more she saw the chaos of the outside world, the more she became convinced that instead of prayers actions needed to be taken. and so upon reaching adulthood, she made an oath as old as her own race. she would stand with and preserve the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness beyond man-made laws, and perceived order.
and so her adventure begun, traveling whether the roads would take her.
bg3 verse; more tba. venthyra can act both as a tav, and as a companion.
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admiral sullivan exhibited an exceptional military career serving the mcrn for over 20 years. her leadership skills, steel composure, and sometimes ruthless tactics, made her an asset during the unn-mcrn cold war, which helped her climb the ranks and achieve the position of an admiral. she commanded the mcrn donnager-class hayate primarily in the jupiter ao, whose home base was hecate.
during a round of negotiations with the unn, at nearly the start of her career, she met zeke beckett, a junior grade lieutenant of the unn. despite their positions and histories, they fell in love and it was not long until zeke defected and joined mars. it was a long journey until he was accepted into the martian navy, and during that time they'd kept their relationship a secret. after a couple of years, they were able to get him transferred to the hayete where he served for the rest of his career as a lieutenant. (pre s1-s3/pre series to a.baddon's gate)
during her time on hecate base and because of her rank, she acquainted winston duarte who was in charge of the base. something was going on underneath the scenes, but the earth-mars war and later the discovery of the ring gates took most of the focus in the area. at the same time, mars was starting to collapse and the numbers didn't add up. ships and equipment went missing as martians dreamed of fleeing to the nearest habitable planets. she noted the disappearances to her upper ones on hecate, but it seemed to slip under the rag. (s4/c.ibola burn)
around the same time, on her last run on the hayete, she was part of an insurrection that nearly re-inflated the earth-martian conflict. around saturn, two martian ships seemed to engage in battle with a unn ship. having no knowledge of those ships being a part of the same fleet as hers and knowing of the ship disappearances, she ordered for the destruction of the rogue ships, while surrendering to the unn ship. (timejump between s4-s5/pre n.emesis games)
after that, she was used as a scapegoat for the insurrection and trialed for treason for engaging against mcrn battleships. her connection to zeke was used as an accusation of espionage for the unn for fifteen years. still, they couldn't find evidence to prosecute him, so zeke was simply generally discharged as a martian citizen after fifteen years.
with her dishonorable discharge, vera fled to the asteroid belt and cut all ties with her loved ones, to prevent them from being targeted all the while, the threat of the free navy and the laconian dream grew under mars nose. (s5 and after/n.emesis games and after)
extra: after d.uarte makes his move and closes l.aconia, and while the transport union is built. they are looking for sullivan, to serve as a possible tactical advisor for whatever intel she has on him. (post s6/p.ersepolis rising and after)
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age: early to mid 20s gender: cis male pronouns: he/him orientation: bisexual species: human, earther occupation: data broker location: belt face claim: dimitri leonidas
he was born on earth, in the balcan share interest trade zone, and more specifically in greece. his mother was a teacher that often volunteered to areas without basic assistance and while his father never made it off the lottery, he offered electrician services around the neighborhood to pass his time. they discovered while andreas was growing up that he was especially gifted with computer systems, coding, and ciphers.
basic assistance covered barely enough that andreas soon ventured into trying to make money on the side by selling his services. at that time he hadn't enquired about the legality of the systems he was asked to do and soon enough, his work was noticed to the point of getting a sponsor to study on luna.
but the bubble burst when he discovered that his sponsor had ulterior motives. at first, andreas played along without a way out. but things when south when after a wrong calculation the people he worked with sold him out. and he had to flee to the belt without ever finishing his studies.
at first, he was working as a navigator around the sol system on less than ideal vessels. smuggling ships, ice haulers, whoever would look past his fake ID and hire him. until he was approached by a group of data brokers on tycho. they worked for the opa but mostly were employed by fred johnson to decrypt sensitive files. paula was his contact, a data coder who would later work with james holden during the start of the war with the free navy. a job he wanted to contribute to after losing his parents when one of marco's rocks hit the mediterrenean.
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age: early to mid 20s gender: cis male pronouns: he/him orientation: bisexual species: human occupation: prisoner, medic location: earth face claim: josha stradowski
ark life.
born and raised on agro station, matthias was introduced to the beauty of the plants, even if they were limited. his mother was working with plants that had medical properties and could be used instead of medicine to preserve their limited supplies. that caused matthias to develop an interest in medicine and dream of one day becoming a part of the medical team. but life did not go according to his plans. growing up in a troubling home, filled with yelling and sharp hands took a toll on his mental health, combined with his own genes. when he was a teen he was diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder and that became the barrier that stopped him from pursuing his dream career. because while he passed his exams, he didn’t pass the psych evaluation that would get him to train in medicine. so he ended up following his mother career in botany until his disorder became the cause of his arrest. his father had been floated for a year now, due to his own crimes, when he had run into a guard who’d been a friend of his father. this eventually led to a fight and matthias couldn’t hold himself from assaulting him. that is how matthias bishop became one of the hundred that would be sent to the ground.
season one.
the story begins with 100 teenagers landing on the ground. matthias is trying to find his place among the rest delinquents but he doesn’t share the whatever the hell we want mentality. instead, he ends up shadowing clarke for the most part, trying to learn any medical skills he can so he could assist better in patching up any hurt delinquents. if not, he walks around camp & in the area around camp to gather whatever edible or useful plant he can recognize, trying to help them survive. he learns how to shoot a gun, in case he needs to protect himself but tries to stick to the medical part rather than defending the camp in the war against the grounders. at the end of the season, he is one of the 48 delinquents that gets taken in mt. weather.
season two.
the story continues too good to be true. the people at mt weather feed them, give them nice clothes, and promise them a safe haven. but of course, nothing works in their favor. everyone looks out for their own people and puts their survival first. delinquents start to disappear and matthias can’t help but worry. so starts asking questions that he shouldn’t and eventually ends up strapped on the operating table, with a drill lodged in his lower back. he tries to reason with them, promising they could help them walk to the ground without having to torture them but they shock him and continue to work. that’s how they find him, after the sky people take over mt weather. unconscious on the operating table, with a wound on his back. matthias was carried to arkadia and only awoke on the way back.
season three.
starting in season three, matthias can be found helping in the med bay due to the shortage of people who have medical knowledge. when the agro station is found, his mother is among them but she’s heavily injured. they rush her to the med bay and they manage to stabilize her but there’s still a long way to recovery. pike notices matthias’ bond with his mother and tries to use it to his advantage. talking of how he could make sure that what happened to his mother and what happened to the delinquents wouldn’t happen again. he also sent bryan to talk to him and get him on his side and matthias caved. he was on his side until the grounder massacre happened. after that he started feeling guilty for believing pike and focused on helping his mother get better. by that time she had awoken but was suffering from pain due to her injuries. the extensive pain caused her to take jaha’s pill and let alie control her. matthias was shocked to find her in the med bay one day to find her standing up like nothing had happened. she was the one who persuaded him to take the pill and matthias was tempted to finally live in a world, not only free of pain but free of his mental illness. after that, he’s a pawn of alie and only gets free of her control when clarke destroys the city of light.
season four .
matthias is trying to deal with the aftermath of his actions under alie’s influence. moreover, the news of the radiation rising makes him feel lost. he isn’t one of the 100 to make it in clarke’s list, so at the start of the season he isn’t very willing to keep going. that is until they discover that nightblood can be a solution to the radiation. matthias becomes a part of the mission that goes to becca’s island to figure out the cure due to the medical knowledge he has because they could use whatever help they could get. when that fails, he goes to polis where eventually he is allowed to stay in the bunker, despite originally not being on the list because his mother gave up her spot for him. eventually, matthias dies in the bunker during the dark year after refusing to eat.
s4 au: matthias returns to becca’s island again to help raven get back. he knows he won’t make it to the bunker and he wants to help the rest get in. in the end, he ends up going to space with the rest of spacekru, and on the ring he becomes their medic.
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age: early to mid 20s gender: cis female pronouns: she/her orientation: bisexual species: human occupation: zero-g mechanic face claim: lindsey morgan
verses & info tba
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affiliated with HAL ANDERS, @rottenache
age: mid 30s gender: cis male pronouns: he/him orientation: demiromantic, bisexual species: human occupation: military soldier (dishonorably discharged) leader of one of the security groups of eden location: eden face claim: luke macfarlane
info tba.
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PENELOPE. prev. ifandra
affiliated with PROMETHEUS, @rottenache
age: immortal gender: cis female pronouns: she/her species: sorceress, half god occupation: sorceress, museum curator, flower & herb shop owner face claim: melissanthi mahut
in some iterations of the myth, odysseus and circe had a son, in another, odysseus' son telemachus is given for marriage to circe's daughter. penelope (the second), hails from that family line few generations down the line, making her a descendant of circe.
sorcery had faded by each generation and so had their immortality, until penelope grew up. it turned out that the gift was strong in the young maiden and it showed in everything her hands touched. beautiful woven tapestries that rivaled her namesake's and gardens that flourished under her touch. it caught the gods's attention as much as her family's. no one could teach her how to use her gift, not even circe herself, who remained secluded in her small island. penelope in her youthful naive had tried and been turned away; she should find it on her own or it would wither away like the rest of her descendants.
penelope did not give up but instead tried and tried, with herbs and flowers and sheer willpower, and soon her powers grew. she used them for healing wounds or the sick, or helping crops survive the rough winters. but the gods could see the potential in her powers. after two seasons of bad crops, famine fell in the area, and the locals turned against her. after all, circe's doing had been known. and they believed it was her curse. so the chase began and there'd been an attempt on her life in an open field.
as she laid on the field bleeding out, she was surrounded by flowers grown out of ichor, the gods' blood, and her brother's arms. what she thought to be the end, became the start of the immortality that was passed along from circe. whether the humans' hunt had been instigated by the gods was something penelope never learned.
it was centuries later, that she learned those flowers had been soaked from prometheus' blood, linking them for eternity.
she fled her home and traveled often for the centuries that came, using her powers as a weapon as well as a gift while they grew as time passed. when more modern times came, she studied art history and restoration and worked in the equity departments of several museums but as time passed and she never aged, she left her life again. opening up a small flower shop, selling flowers, and herbs (and her services to a select few).
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age: n/a gender: agender pronouns: all pronouns species: artificial intelligent, inhabiting organic or synthetically enhanced bodies occupation: ship's ai system, unknown location: unknown face claim: laura birn, more tba
nes is the artificial intelligence that is connected to the void and assists the ship's crew. she is programmed with neural pathways to mimic the human brain. the one-system models are capable of retaining thoughts and memories, and a few ships have been shown to have alliances or preferences. although that is mostly considered a faulty feature. she has access to a digital form as well as a few tangible bodies. they are not synthetic or android. their physical body bleeds and is even capable of dying. nes' consciousness is simply integrated into the body. however, his body has several augmentations, some that can be found in a majority of others and some unique to the one system. allowing them to withstand greater pain, have quicker reflexes, greater strength, and such. he is there to provide logical assessments on tactical plans, assist the captain, be in tune with the crew's needs, and their greatest responsibility is to keep the crew safe.
however, nes was unable to keep the last one true. during a battle with mysterious circumstances, the ship was greatly damaged and they were unable to preserve most of the crew. in the spun of the moment, he locked the second officer out of the main deck allowing them only one choice; the escape pod. their programming should favor the captain, and that decision could either be seen as logical if it weighed the most odds of survival or it was the underlying preference. that can't be said for sure, nes couldn't answer it himself.
at the last moment, when the ship was about to be fully destroyed one of the bodies got in the other escape pod. cut off from their main framework and without a crew, they must navigate life in space in a way that's uniquely foreign to them. she is in search of not only what truly destroyed her but also where is her second officer.
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affiliated with NIA FERREIRA, @fablelike
age: mid to late 30s, verse dependent gender: cis male pronouns: he/him orientation: bisexual species: human occupation: astronomer & captain of the boreas, salvager
location: null trade area face claim: manny jacinto
you can go home again, so long as you understand that home is a place where you have never been.
disillusioned by the state of earth, amer dreams of the stars. more so he studies them and the new possibilities they offer in the new intergalactic sphere. he'd always been eager to get off the planet, and so, when a high pay-high risk mission comes along, amer signs up at the first chance. it's a rescue mission for another mission of epsilon corp, a science vessel named skiron that went dark a week ago. he assumes the role of the navigator on board the ship, as his knowledge of the routes makes him more than capable. the risk catches up to them, and the captain doesn't make it. out of the group vote, amer is given the position until-
the cosmos is a place of transformation, a crucible in which things burn, and if humans venture out deep enough they also burn, and become more fully who they are—that even in the wildest reaches of space, there we are, most pure and dark and bright and realised, somehow coming home.
a man awakes in rundown quarters of an unknown station cubicle. the pounding in his head is worse than a hangover, and he can barely make it to the bathroom unit. his only belongings when he returns are a change of clothes and a hand terminal with an ID. alec welch. he tests the name in his mouth and tries to bring back something. there are vague memories of earth that creep in but disappear like he'd just dreamed of them. the scrip on his name is only enough to last him a few days. without any other option, he ventures to the station. null trade zone; there are enough openings for work that look past shitty IDs and enough ships passing through for the station to be sustained. new man; navigating an empty life. still, he dreams of ships and planets he has never been to. or so he thinks.
how many times can you wish to wake up a different man; until the face you see in the mirror becomes a stranger?
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age: mid to late 20s, verse dependent gender: cis female pronouns: she/her orientation: lesbian species: human, biotic occupation: systems alliance vanguard face claim: frankie adams
from the time she remembered herself, verne always felt like she was gushing with energy. 'she's a handful' her mothers used to say fondly, while they ignored the creeping dread of what might come with it. not much is known about human biotics while she grows up, and then, news start coming in about L2's and their side-effects. her mothers keep trying to bury her very nature, in hopes that she gets to grow up without the complications of her powers. in the end, they flee to one of the newfound colonies, hoping the scarce population would make it easier for verne to fly under the radar. so they move to new canton.
verne learns to keep them hidden, as close to dormant as she can get, and to cope, she throws herself into sports and manual labor around the colony. it helps to keep her extra energy at bay and is an outlet for the constant buzzing she feels. but during a heated fight in her late teens, her biotics flow out of control causing a bookcase to collapse on her mother. after the incident, she reaches out to the alliance in hopes of controlling what she has always been. she's put into a biotic training program first, gaining an L3 amp, and then she joins the military when she turns 18 as a vanguard.
biotics: is the ability of some lifeforms to create mass effect fields using element zero nodules embedded in body tissues. these powers are both accessed and augmented by using bio-amps. biotic individuals can knock enemies over from a distance, lift them into the air, generate gravitational vortices to tear obstacles or enemies apart, or create protective barriers. vanguard: vanguards are the front line of the squad. they focus on combat potential, using biotics to disable and soften up their enemies while shielding themselves from return damage long enough to dispatch foes in a hail of gunfire.
01. verne can already be a part of the normandy during the events of mass effect 1.
02. alternatively, shepard can be given orders by hackett to investigate new canton where geth are trying to take over an abandoned science station. upon landing the commander can meet verne, who's visiting her home while on leave and has been trying to gather an alliance team to come to their aid. at the end of the mission, shepard can either recruit verne or let her return to her alliance posting.
(if shepard has the spacer background, daniels will mention having served under their mother on the SSV kilimanjaro.)
shepard can meet verne on the citadel, having a conversation about the collectors hitting her homeworld and losing contact with her mothers. depending on shepard's reasoning of joining cerberus and their words, daniels can either reject or accept shepard's offer of joining the sr2 normandy. (note: her answer depends on if verne believes shepard is who they say they are. bringing up something personal cerberus has no way of knowing does the trick.) if she accepts she makes it clear that her loyalties solely lie with the commander and the aid of human colonies.
due to her involvement with cerberus, verne is not given a posting in the alliance after the events of me2. she runs off, without purpose and no family anymore, working as a mercenary. when cerberus begins to attack human colonies, she catches rides to investigate what is going on while protecting civilians where she can.
shepard can welcome her back to the normandy and the alliance by either coming across her on benning or using their spectre status to have her reinstated to the crew like donnelly and gabby.
similar to her early me3 verse, after the collector's attack on her homeworld, verne becomes disillusioned with the alliance and becomes a mercenary. more tba.
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the expanse.
01. NAOMI NAGATA — ROCINANTE'S XO : she / her, book + show influences, bisexual + polyamorous, fc: dominique tipper, tag. prev. beltraised
01. FILIP INAROS NAGATA — TRANSPORT UNION CONTRACTOR + FORMER FREE NAVY OPERATIVE: he / him, book + show influences, bisexual + polyamorous, fc: jasai chase owens, tag.
02. JULIETTE ANDROMEDA MAO — THE PROTOMOLECULE'S SEED CRYSTAL + FORMER OPA OPERATIVE: she / her, primarily au, pansexual, fc: florence faivre, tag.
original characters.
01. ANDREAS ALEXIOU — FREELANCE DATA CODER : he / him, earther living on tycho, bisexual, fc: dimitri leonidas, tag.
02. VERA SULLIVAN — FUGITIVE + FORMER MCRN FLEET ADMIRAL: she / her, martian hiding out in the belt, pansexual, fc: jennifer connelly, tag.
01. JOHNNY JAQOBIS — KILLJOY AKA SPACE BOUNTY HUNTER + MEMBER OF TEAM AWESOME FORCE : he / him, bisexual, fc: aaron ashmore, tag.
02. ZEPH — RAC MEMBER : she / her, bisexual, fc: kelly mccormack, tag.
mass effect.
01. KAIDAN ALENKO — ALLIANCE SENTINEL + 2ND HUMAN SPECTRE : he / him, bisexual, fc: in-game model/tbd, tag.
02. MIRANDA LAWSON — CERBERUS OPERATIVE GENETICALLY ENGINEERED BIOTIC : she / her, bisexual, fc: in-game model/tbd, tag.
03. SAMARA — ASARI JUSTICAR : she / her, bisexual, fc: in-game model/tbd, tag.
original characters.
01. VERNE DANIELS — ALLIANCE VANGUARD : she / her, lesbian, fc: frankie adams, tag.
01. JULIETTE 'JULES' NICHOLS — ENGINEER + SHERIFF : she / her, show based for now, bisexual, fc: rebecca ferguson, tag.
original characters.
01. ALEC WELCH — ASTRONOMER + CAPTAIN SPACE SALVAGER : he / him, bisexual, fc: manny jacinto, tag. affiliated with @FABLELIKE
02. MATTHIAS BISHOP — ONE OF THE HUNDRED + MEDIC : he / him, bisexual, the 1OO based, fc: josha stradowski, tag.
03. PENELOPE — ETERNAL WEAVER + SORCERESS : she / her, bisexual, greek mythos based, fc: melissanthi mahut, tag. prev. ifandra
01. NES — ONE S SYSTEM OF THE VOID : all pronouns, ship ai system, fc: mackenzie davis / laura birn, tag.
the 1OO/adapted for scifi universes.
01. RAVEN REYES — SPACEWALKER + GENIUS MECHANIC : she / her, bisexual, fc: lindsay morgan, tag. prev. damnbrain/spacewa1k
02. JACE ███████ — EDEN'S SECURITY TEAM LEADER : he / him, bisexual, fc: luke macfarlane, tag.

01. MEL MEDARDA — PILTOVER'S COUNCIL MEMBER: she / her, bisexual, fc: animated, tag. S1 BASED SO FAR.
02. VI — STREETKID : she / her, trans lesbian, fc: in game/hunter schafer, tag. STILL PLAYING/EARLY IN THE GAME.
03. AURELIA — HALF-ELF, STORM SORCERESS, GUILD ARTISAN : she / her, bisexual, fc: in game/sienna guillory. STILL PLAYING/EARLY IN THE GAME.
04. VENTHYRA — HIGH-ELF, PALADIN (OATH OF THE ANCIENTS), ACOLYTE : she / her, bisexual, fc: in game/sophia brown. STILL PLAYING/EARLY IN THE GAME.
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01. WELCOME. i am sol, she/her pronouns, and over 21 years old. this is my multi muse rp blog regarding muses from different media, with primarily sci-fi themes. note: my activity may vary depending on my work schedule.
02. INTERACTIONS. this blog is selective, meaning that only mutuals are allowed to interact, send messages, etc. general rules apply : no godmoding, don't force plots etc. memes are usually used as starters by me, so you're free to continue them.
03. MATURE THEMES. will likely appear on this blog due to the nature of the media featured on this multi. i will try to make sure i tag everything accordingly. any triggering content will be tagged as trigger / or trigger tw. even if it's simply mentioned. additionally, i will tag nsfw themes the same way. if i miss anything that you want me to tag, shoot me a message.
04. DYNAMICS. i love them whether they’re platonic or romantic, so never be shy in messaging me about shipping or if you have a specific dynamic in mind. what i’m asking is, please do not force that dynamic on me if i refuse.
05. GRAPHICS. all icons, borders, graphics and such. are created by me unless stated otherwise . my psd is from somresources with my own adjustments. it is the pan coloring on the pride bundle.
WHERE ELSE TO FIND SOL : @1stspectre
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