sofancynyc · 4 years
Nailed It - Home Mani/Pedis that are Perfect for #Quarantine
I am in love with painting my own nails right now. It's a nice little pastime that I am starting to get excited about again. I really love experimenting with all the fabulous shades and have been painting two "accent" nails on each hand (middle and index). My current fixation is "themed nails" where I pick three colors and decide what they remind me of. Thus far, I have had unicorn nails, carousel nails, My Little Pony nails and I would love to experiment with fairy nails next.  I'm going to give you five colors right now and give you five different color theme options...or you can just wear one color at a time - it's up to you!  See the links below as well as the color theme combos!
Butter London: Molly Coddled
OPI: Baroque…But Still Shopping
 Essie: Fashion Playground
 Sally Hansen: Head Bang
 Deborah Lippmann: Sweet Emotion 
  Theme 1: Sherbert
Butter London: Molly Coddled | OPI: Baroque…But Still Shopping | Essie: Fashion Playground
 Theme 2: Glitter Mint Chip
Sally Hansen: Head Bang | Essie: Fashion Playground | OPI: Baroque…But Still Shopping
 Theme 3: Flower Blooms
Deborah Lippmann: Sweet Emotion |OPI: Baroque…But Still Shopping | Sally Hansen: Head Bang
 Theme 4: Sparkle Pony
Sally Hansen: Head Bang | Butter London: Molly Coddled | OPI: Baroque…But Still Shopping
 Theme 5: Macarons
Butter London: Molly Coddled | Sally Hansen: Head Bang | Essie: Fashion Playground
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sofancynyc · 5 years
Goals for a New Decade of Fancy
This year we are being more mindful about the joy of fancy self-care and what that means in our crazy hectic schedules. Our main goal for the decade is to be better balanced. 
Sometimes you just need to remind your body to calm the heck down. Being busy does not equal being important and every superwoman needs a little bit of time to take a step back, reset and rest. Check out some of our favorite ways to zen out that aren’t Netflix and chill or a pricey spa day. Starting with the little things will help accomplish the goal of better balance...your body will thank you later.
The most important part of this goal is - MORE REST!
Sometimes nothing is just the best thing to do. Here are some of our favorite “chill” activities...make sure you have your cozies. 
Vision Board via Pinterest: Why not sit and think about what you really want to do this year so that you are not just a scattered mess of endless tasks and to do lists? Check out some of the hobbies, crafts, trips and other life hacks that the bottomless hole of Pinterest can introduce you to.
Doodling: For my birthday a few friends got me a beautiful journal as well as a gift card to Michael’s. I used that opportunity to take a little break from my regularly scheduled writing and got some pretty pens to start drawing with. Now, I am by no means an artist, but the coloring and release of creativity (no matter what ends up on the paper) is quite relaxing and surprising when something actually comes out looking lovely!
Candlelit tea and cookies: I cannot think of anything more wonderful than coming home to unwind, putting on some cozy socks with my leggings and a sweater, then getting some rooibos tea and a few biscuits (yes, do it the British way, peeps), lighting a Lilly Pulitzer candle and turning on some calming tunes. Talk about a little piece of comfort in the simplest way. I try to place this in my routine quite frequently as it calms my antsy, fancy self!
Please do try to incorporate one of these items into your schedule at least once this month and see if there is a noticeable difference in your stress level and overall demeanor. Here’s to a year of joy and balance!
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sofancynyc · 5 years
5 Christmas Parties that Are Not Ugly Sweater Themed
Is anyone else sick of this party idea? I literally never liked it and it’s been overly trending for well over 10 years. I think it’s time to go…just saying! Here are five other ways to get the party started this holiday season.
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sofancynyc · 6 years
Five movies that you can watch during your workout!
Ferdinand | Black Panther | A Wrinkle in Time 
Blackkklansman | Crazy Rich Asians. 
Anyone that has been around me for longer than 25 minutes knows that I DO NOT like to sit still and the thought of watching a movie while not running on a treadmill gives me a sense of dread. However, I must say over the last year I have seen more movies than I have probably seen in the previous 11 years combined. However, each of these movies had some very specific reason why I felt it was necessary for me to force myself to sit still for a couple of hours and also use the gifted movie tickets (thanks Pastor Mike and Diane) that were getting crinkled in my wallet. So, here are my five, that I will most likely also be watching again while I get my 8 mile run in and you should also watch to keep yourself distracted as you run, bike, step or pedal away on those machines at the gym!
 Ferdinand – So my friend works for Big Sky and I mostly went to see the movie so I could get a glimpse of what exactly it is he does every day. The movie was cute and good to watch if you want something light-hearted that still has a message at the end; however, I still have no clue what he does at work all day.
 Black Panther – I mean, really, no explanation needed. Everything about this movie was going to be fantastic so…yea. I did have to cover my eyes a few times when peeps got impaled since I’m a wuss, but other than that…smashing! We were all ready to see that one, for the culture…
PS- do not cover your eyes during the fights scenes if you are on any of the machines working out, safety first people!
 A Wrinkle in Time – I recall reading this book as a child in elementary school. Then my friend said it was literally her favorite book, so I decided we need to see movie in hopes that it would jog my memory about what exactly it was I read in the 4th grade. Turns out, all I remembered are the names of the children, but it was good.
 Blackkklansman – So obviously this one piqued my interest because I was curious to see how this occurred. Full disclosure, I had to prep myself to watch this movie because I knew I was going to be temporarily annoyed with white people after viewing, because, I mean, the content and the hatred that was shown in this was based on a true story. It was good and sad at the same time, considering that the things that were issues almost 50 years ago are still issues now, as if literally nothing has changed for the better. It’s actually quite an embarrassing reflection on this country, but I mean…here we are.
 Crazy Rich Asians – Finally, Rom-Com TIME!! So more full disclosure…I love me some Asian men and the stars of this movie did not disappoint looks-wise! I think the reason I haven’t really been sitting through movies is because the rom-com died. Then I had to settle for watching them on Netflix at the gym! Now, it’s back on the big screen with a squad that I enjoy being around and I was so here for it, especially while I climb 76 flights of stairs on the step machine.
 If you have not seen these movies, make sure to check them out however you can, at the gym or (gasp) while sitting in the privacy of your own home…however, I think they are best viewed on the elliptical machine. Enjoy!
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sofancynyc · 6 years
Our Evening Routine
Do you have an evening routine? What helps you to unwind at the end of the day so that you get a good night’s sleep and are ready and refreshed for the next day? What kinds of little methods and rituals allow you to get to dream land? Our fancy founder, Jacquelynn Marie, is a bit of a priss and likes to  get sleepily styled for bedtime. Here are some of the things she does to get ready for rest.
What I like/need to wear to bed:
- Night mask
- Earplugs
- Pajamas
- Sleeping Bow
- Lavender Spray (or vapor rub in that scent if I’m feeling under the weather)
- Rest Playlist
- Socks
- Sleeping bra
- Moisturizer; preferably in lavender scent
- Eye cream and face cream or overnight mask
- Burt’s Bee lip balm
What I do prior to getting into bed
Typically after I shower, get my pajamas, sleeping bow spray and socks, emollients, bra and lip balm onto my body. I set my sleeping mask on my bed and then place a blanket on the floor, picnic style, then place my books, pen and journal on the blanket and start my unwind process. I read, reflect and write so that I can get as many thoughts as possible out of my head and onto the paper. If anything comes to mind that is office/work or volunteer-related, I then use the notes app in my phone to create a to-do list so those tasks don’t keep me up at night in hopes that I remember to do them the next day. I do this for about 20-40 minutes each night and then put everything away, shut my lights off, place my earplugs in and place my mask on my face and head off to sleep. Please note on nights where I use an overnight beauty mask, I refrain from using my eye mask.
I have noticed that on nights when I try to forgo this process, my body will not “feel prepped” for bed and I have trouble falling asleep. Once a habit is formed, your body gets used to that and starts to prepare for what is to come. So…be consistent!
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sofancynyc · 6 years
Five easy life enhancements to help you feel like you are already winning at 2019.
It’s that time again. Are you ready to start a resolution that you can’t keep up with or completely throw out by January 16th? Let’s not set ourselves up for failure this year. Instead, let’s enter into a fancy agreement with ourselves to do just a few small things to make our lives more balanced. Here are our “small ideas with big results” suggestions for living our best life this year.
 1-    Drink more water. If you only find yourself drinking about 16 oz of water a day, don’t get all crazy, full throttle and say you are now going to drink a gallon each day. #relaxtina you need to pace yourself. Start with upping your amount a little each month. For instance, double your 16 oz to 32oz and then buy a cute water bottle to drink out of during your workday and workouts. As you get used to this and your body starts to feel better with hydration, you will gradually start to increase and fill your bottle up three, then four, then maybe even five or six times a day by the time the year comes to a close. Here are a couple cute water bottle picks that we wouldn’t mind carrying around.
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
2-    (Mini) Purge your closet once a quarter. Do you keep losing your favorite sweater in your closet and accidentally pulling out the one that looks kind of similar that you don’t actually like, then being let down when you set your gaze upon it? Maybe you should donate that disappointment and let it be a joy to someone that can genuinely use it. Try getting rid of 8-15 things in March, then increase to 20 in June, 25 in September and 30 in December (to make room for the gifts you may be getting). Not only will you de-clutter, but you will make someone else’s life a little brighter through your donation!
3-    Make a new friend. Are all your friends your coworkers or friends that you can only keep up through via social media because you moved away? Try a meet-up group, volunteer opportunity or social club to find some people that have more in common with you than a company that pays you on the 15th and 30th of every month. This will help you create a nicer community for yourself that isn’t so work-focused all the time. Also, you will have someone to knit in the park with or discuss that new book with after you get to the plot twist!
4-    Call someone. In a world of texting and DMs, it’s nice to actually hear from someone you genuinely care about. Maybe once a month just give your college bestie a call or check in with your aunt that everyone conveniently forgets about. That’s literally only 12 phone calls a year (3% of your life if you’re a numbers person). If you really want to make someone’s day and surprise and delight them, send a card through snail mail too. Not even for any occasion in particular, but just to let them know someone is thinking about them. Too many times we see people feel alone and isolated, let your pretty stationary and small hello be the little bit of love someone needed to feel.
5-    Gallivant. I am a big believer in wandering about the city/town that you live in and discovering fun places  and things that you may not otherwise know about. I live in one of the best cities to gallivant in (NYC), but even when I was in Reno, NV (college) I managed to find some fun before they started building all the places they have now. Take some time and go on a little excursion alone. Get some much needed self-care time and maybe stumble upon a cute coffee shop, boutique, petting zoo or farmer’s market that you had no idea existed in the first place. These random moments of out of the ordinary can become just what you need to get out of a monotonous rut, or your comfort zone of Netflix. Try finding a new place once a month…and if it becomes fun, increase your outings to your liking (I’m a weekly girl myself).
 Just a few little ideas that will mix things up a bit and not overload or overwhelm you as you go about your life in 2019. We hope you will start one, two or all five and enjoy living just a little bit (more) fancy! Happy New Year!
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sofancynyc · 6 years
15 Teas That are Changing My Life Right Now!
Anyone that knows me knows…I LOVE tea. Drinking tea and water are my staples and I literally cannot go one day without having at least one cup of tea. Whether it’s during my morning “get ready” routine, the afternoon once lunch is over or in the evening when I need to wind down after a busy day…or intense workout, tea is actually my comfort food (no judgement people). Here are 15 of teas I am enamored with at the moment, hopefully you will get to try some (or all) of them. Disclaimer: I love creamy teas that basically taste like dessert, in an effort to refrain from eating real dessert so often. Also, I add sweetener and things like coconut sugar to all of them, but you can sweeten as you prefer.
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1- Hazelnut Truffle from Tea Forte: please enjoy with creamer (a flavored one like vanilla is ideal)
2- Caramel Bedtime from Yogi: I actually drink this in the morning in hopes of being sleepy by the time midnight rolls around. Enjoy this tea with chocolate creamer.
3- Chocolate Tea from Harrods: you can actually mix this with the bedtime caramel tea...add sweet cream flavored half and half and it’s dreamy!
4- Strawberry Cream Green Tea from Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf: this one is best to enjoy in latte form when they make it for you!
5- Mighty Leaf Bombay Chai: This tastes like joy with some half and half.
6- Good Hope Vanilla by Republic of Tea: also tastes like happy mixed with whole milk or half and half.
7- Bourbon Rooibos: I purchase this already made at Macaron Café in Manhattan. It is REALLY good with half and half.
8- Paris Tea by Harney and Sons: I don’t know what Paris tastes like, but this is SO GOOD! I prefer mine with some milk sprinkled in or if I let them make it for me in the Soho café, I get the Paris Fog.
9- Honey, Vanilla Chamomile by Celestial Seasons: Once again, this is not for sleeping purposes at all, but do enjoy with a little milk!
10- Apple Crumble by T2: It totally tastes like dessert and you need vanilla creamer to give the illusion of ice cream!
11- Dream by the Fire from Republic of Tea: This one conjures up childhood Christmas memories and tastes like cinnamon. Enjoy with half and half.
12- English Breakfast Tea by Twinings: I mean, you cannot not have this flavor tea. And as you can see, I prefer my tea the British way with cream (remixed the American way with too much sweet) so of course it’s on my list.
13- Irish Breakfast Tea by Trader Joe’s: So, just trust me on this…it tastes good with chocolate creamer. Try it!
14- Darjeerling Tea by Mighty Leaf: I am literally drinking this flavor as we speak. If you haven’t had it with sweet cream flavored creamer, you simply must!
15- Chocolate Hazelnut Tea by Stash: It’s like hot, drinkable Nutella; actually it’s not, but it tastes smashing with vanilla creamer or half and half.
 Of course these are just my favorite options. Clearly, I also drink fruity teas, herbals, mint varieties and detox teas to keep my body balanced. However, we are talking about my favorite teas for pleasure…so check these out on rainy days or early in the morning when you want a nice comfy, cozy treat as you start your day!
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sofancynyc · 6 years
Fancy Food on the Fly
Have you ever mail-ordered food from Neiman Marcus/Bergdorf or Saks Fifth Avenue? You are probably wondering why I would suggest such a thing when places like Blue Apron and Fresh Direct exist. Here’s the thing…you should try it out at least once in your lifetime. They have some pretty interesting options if I do say so myself. 
Back when I was in my early twenties and lived alone in Dallas…I was only fancy with my fashion. Cooking and baking were definitely not skills in my wheelhouse at the time and I was always looking for a way to have yummy things at home to give the illusion that my oven was getting real use. Luckily at the time, I also worked at Neiman Marcus and got a nice little discount on merchandise. On slow days, I would venture upstairs to the home section and start making in-store orders to have food sent to my apartment. Since I was (and still am) an on-the-go efficient eater and snacker, I was all about the various bite-sized appetizers and lite bites to quickly cook and eat before heading to the gym or dance class. 
Here are a couple of suggestions that I would give you if you decide to place an order: At Neiman’s I am all about the food. Check out these options: http://bit.ly/ALBFNM
However, for some reason I seem to use Saks’ gourmet section for gifts, particularly the pretty cookies! Look at this selection: http://bit.ly/2O14WFK
Let me know what you try out and how you like your selection...and if you become an addict!
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sofancynyc · 7 years
Spring (Fancy) Forward!
We love making lists and checking them twice here at A Little Bit Fancy. Our absolute favorite thing is checking items off the list once the task or plan has been completed. With that, we are heading into spring with high hopes for fancy fun that is adventurous, whimsical and filled with fabulous Instagram-worthy photos. We are making our “Spring Bucket List” of things we would like to do to make the next few months oh so wonderful. Check out our top eight ideas, feel free to steal some and then make sure to come up with a few of your own.
1)   Girls’ Trip – We are always ready to head out onto the road for a few days of fabulous with our best girls. Is there a place you’ve been eyeing that you really want to check out? Is it just a couple of hours away and has a presence on Air BNB? Are you ready to show off that new pair of sunglasses you got in a slightly different locale? Then get your squad, scope out a destination and be on your merry little way. This will be a great little boost after a grueling work week and a great time will be had by all!
2)   Plan One Spectacular Shindig – Nothing says spring like a garden party, Kentucky Derby themed party, March Madness party or pretty much any kind of spectacular gathering you want to throw. Over the next few months I’m sure you will find plenty of reasons to celebrate, but if you don’t just put on a playlist, order some catering and make your own occasion. I’m sure your friends will be much obliged to participate in the festivities, even if there isn’t a real reason! 
3)   Make a satiating spring menu of recipes to add to your repertoire – This is the time to spruce up your salads, make your mocktails more daring, bring a little spice to your savory selections and add a little citrus to your treats. Spring is filled with favorite flavors to make spirits bright. You may make an amazing strawberry-sesame vinaigrette that becomes your go-to dressing for the month or a maple and red pepper sweet and spicy chicken that is to die for…perhaps you are ready to infuse your tea with some fresh berries and sorbet to make floats. Whatever creative dishes you come up with, enjoy them with this change of weather and celebrate the new season with your taste buds!
4)   Find a few new pop of color staples to add to your seasonal wardrobe – A bright pink ascot or a lovely lilac cardigan? Might you have a mint green d’orsay flat that you can wear with your navy blue dress? Or you can glitz up your taupe shift dress with a metallic clutch or envelope style handbag. There are so many fashionable possibilities that you can experiment with during this most wonderful time of spring. Make sure to be enticing, be daring and let your natural stylish charm lead you to some gorgeous looks.
5)   Get a Hobby/Get a Life – This would be a great time to start taking those tennis, golf, French and cooking classes you’ve been talking about taking for the last few (ahem) years. Spring is all about new beginnings so why not begin yours with a great new skill, passion or lifestyle that is sure to add value to your (possibly dull) life. The options are endless and you have 120 days of joy to get going!
6)   Sail Away – Hopefully you are by some kind of water form that will allow you to hop on a boat (pop some motion sickness pills if necessary) and head off on the clear blue water. You don’t have to cruise for weeks, you can just grab a pal and hop on a brunch cruise or even take your after work happy hour to the water with a quick sunset cruise. Or, if you are feeling up to it and have the time, take a nice little 3-day jaunt around some place nice and get a change of pace and scenery. However long (or short) your sail, just take in the beauty of nature, the water and the waves…it’s so worth it!
7)   Show Some Love – With the wonderful season that is spring comes…gala season! Charities all around your city are giving you excuses to dress like a million bucks and party for a good cause. Why not pick one or four nonprofits that are near and dear to your heart (or could become near to your heart) and celebrate their mission with some food, friends and festivities. There may even be a silent auction where you can nab some great items and help their cause all at the same time. Here are two that A Little Bit Fancy will be checking out this year! 
Open Hands 9th Annual Spring Benefit and BCRF Hot Pink Party
8)   Park It – Sit still on a luxurious blanket on a grassy knoll at your local park. While you take in the scenery and wax nostalgic when kites flutter in the sky, you can have a few relaxing moments for free! Grab an ice cream cone and make a playlist or bring a journal and you’ve got a golden afternoon!
What other smashing ideas are you going to add to your spring bucket list?
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sofancynyc · 7 years
Create a Wall of Inspiration!
Do you have a hard time being creative or making your house feel more like a home? Does your office space resemble that of a temp that is just stopping by because you can't quite figure out how to design the life you love? We fancy girls love to have pretty, witty and lovely things at our disposal to help our minds expand and come up with the next spectacular idea. Here are a few ideas to start making our lives just a little bit more fabulous...and fancy!
When I am typing away at my desk in my office, it helps to have a little more than just a white wall staring back at me as I write grants, plan events a assemble various forms of communication. The solution...a wall of inspiration! My office space (like most things in NYC) is quite small, so this little piece of me is the perfect little spot to express myself. I have assembled various post cards from favorite stores, museums, tea houses, conferences and paired them with a couple of small gifts (a frame and a heart-shaped card) to bring my wall of inspiration to life. All it took was a package of bow-shaped thumb tacks and about 9 minutes of my day. 
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My area has been transformed into a mini-space of fun that makes me smile as I make decisions and do productive things all day. See below and let me know what kind of fun ideas you have for your home or office spaces!
Check out our Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook pages for more fun ideas and ways to live that fancy life a little each day!
Website: www.alittlebitfancy.webs.com
Instagram: @sofancynyc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alittlebitfancynyc/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/justjacq613/
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sofancynyc · 7 years
What’s in Your Office Emergency Kit?
You can never be too prepared for what life throws at you these days! A busy day at work can get the best of you or a last-minute important meeting can come out of nowhere. Since we always want to put our best foot forward as we live the fancy life, it goes without saying that an office emergency kit is a must-have. Who knows if the night will lead you on a last-minute date or fun outing with your co-workers? Here are some essentials to keep in a bag at work to keep you looking chic and put together even when you aren’t expecting to have to wow people!
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- Hair oil or spray
- Nail Polish
- Travel Fragrance
- Mini lotion
- Lip gloss
- Lip color
- Mascara
- Bronzer powder or liquid bronzer
- Pressed powder and a mini brush
- Feminine products
- Dental floss
- Mini eyeshadow palette
- Eye drops
- Band aid
- Hair ties and bobbi pins
- Q tips
- Nail File
- Hand sanitizer
You can put together a kit like this with the millions of samples you get a Sephora and then you will stay prepared at all times!
Jacquelynn Marie │A Little Bit Fancy
Website: www.alittlebitfancy.webs.com
Instagram: @sofancynyc
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sofancynyc · 7 years
Picking the perfect New Year’s Eve Outfit
Are you going to be all dressed up with no place to go…or embarrassingly underdressed at the shindig your best friend dragged you to last minute? We love to assemble the perfect outfit for every occasion and New Year’s Eve is just one of those favorite moments to get a little fancy as you ring in the next 365 days. Here is a “process of elimination” guide to help you pick the right pieces to wear no matter where you find yourself ringing in 2018.
House Party – Think sorority girl, but all grown up. You don’t want to look like a tacky coed wearing way too little and trying way too hard. Take the classy, casual and effortlessly chic approach. First, you shall pick a fab pant, maybe velvet or black cigarette pants. Pair them with a heel that won’t kill you, but still turns heads, hopefully it has a little metallic in the design. For the top…wear a nice subtle pop of color, unless you are going straight for the red or gold strappy top. Otherwise a textured gray, glam taupe or hint of blush is just fine. Make sure your makeup and hair do the rest of the dressing up. A messy up-do or cascading curls with bright lips, slightly bronzed cheeks and a neutral metallic eye are just the ticket. No frat boys for you tonight!
Dinner Cruise – Cocktail attire with a fantastic winter coat, need we say more? We will just in case you are still stuck. A nice pencil dress, A-line, fit and flare, shift or trapeze style dress is fabulous for this outing. You can wear any length, above the knee, below, midi or tea length…you just have so many splendid options! Ankle strap heels are a must and you just have to carry a signature clutch. Half up/half down pulled back curls make for a romantic look that is sure to get a kiss a midnight. A smoky eye with a natural hued lip will do just fine for this venue too!
Club Party – While this is also a cocktail attire occasion, pencil style and trapeze dresses will work best in this setting. Or, if you feel like going the pants route, get a nice pair of tuxedo pants to pair with a classy sequined top. You can rock all black and then do a deep merlot lip. Golden natural eyes and a hint of shimmer on your cheeks is the perfect complement for this look. Do you have a cute kitten heel you can wear to dance the night away in? If not, time to invest!
Girls’ Night In – Maybe you and the girls are going low-key this time around and just want to veg in the New Year with your favorite peeps. Lounge wear and a tote full of spa products and movies is what you need. Bring some fuzzy socks to traipse around the house in too. This look is not complete without some sparkling drink and champagne flutes to say hello to 2018 in style. My drink of choice is Martinelli’s!
Church – Yes, there is quite the get-together at churches to bring in the new. This is a cozier climate, so you can throw on a sweet sweater dress with heeled boots, a cute tulle skirt paired with a feminine top or just don some dark denim skinny jeans with a tailored turtleneck and statement piece earrings. Neutral, lovely makeup with natural lips and eyes are the go to…but do remember to shimmer those cheeks with a hint of bronzer so you can be the light once the countdown begins!
Dinner Party – Are you going to a home that is throwing a classier little soiree? Then get your statement necklace (or earrings) a nice long-sleeved dress that pairs quite exquisitely with heeled boots and make your way on over. A nice metallic, medium-sized tote and a bright color eye shadow will make this look a bit more festive; paired with a messy bun or low side-pony and you will look oh so sassy and ready for canapes, a jazzy playlist and mingling all night. PS – don’t forget to bring a gift for the host!
Enjoy ringing in the New Year…and if you need a stylist all year round, contact A Little Bit Fancy today! www.alittlebitfancy.webs.com
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sofancynyc · 7 years
Why Gilt City is my BFF!
Do you even understand how expensive it is to live in the city and continue to have fun? I am a girl with many, many loves…and most of my favorite hobbies cost money. Even running in the park can get pricey when you are making sure to be equipped with the proper shoes. Since moving to NYC over three years ago…I have gone through budget after budget to try and find the best fit for me. Quitting cold turkey sends me in a downward spiral of shopping on days when I’m home sick from work. Trying to buy myself a gift card per paycheck to save for one big blowout day worked well (once). Getting more active so that I stop shopping has proven to be a problem too – why can’t you play tennis for free in this place?!?!? So, now I am trying this new approach…get things on GiltCity once a month and then calm the heck down. So far, I have found the following great ideas…let’s see how long this lasts!
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1)      Champagne Brunch Cruise – I did this with a friend for her 30th birthday and although that was an unusually cold day compared to the rest of the week, she had a really great time. We got to sail the Hudson, eat smoked salmon and other nice nibbles and she got to have bottomless champagne and mimosas. If you find the right coupon code…this little morning/afternoon of fun is $63 per person (and once a year for that cost is a pretty great deal).
2)      Golf 101 Lessons – Off to the piers of Chelsea with yet another friend for another birthday! I was able to get my class on Gilt for $69 along with a $50 golf ball range credit. I got to learn the basics and get excited about the game. Now I just need to find another deal for the next round of lessons to keep the momentum going (and funds in my pocket). Or, if you just want a little variation in your hobbies, head to the driving range once in a while. It won’t take all your funds and you won’t (unless you visit the bar multiple times) drink all of your money away at another HH.
3)      5 Tennis Lessons – I have not played tennis since I moved to the city. When I lived in Las Vegas, there were three sets of tennis courts all within a 2-mile drive radius (one just around the corner from my house). Fast forward to Manhattan where I need to scope out, reserve and pay for tennis courts that are not even that easy to get to. Good thing for me that GiltCity has a special for Yorkville Tennis where I can take 5 classes to brush on the skills that could be completely gone by now. I pre-pay, then pick when I’m going. If I don’t have plans on a Wednesday night after a day of work…I can just head to a class. If I want to catch a morning lesson on my summer Friday…I have that option as well. It’s all pretty grand and I can burn some calories in the meantime!
4)      Tea for Two – There seems to always be an opportunity to grab afternoon tea in the city somewhere with this fantastic app. The only problem is….as soon as you get a notification, click your way through to purchase because they go fast. This is a great way to spend an afternoon catching up with an old friend or getting to know a new friend. You can typically get a spot for $30-$50 depending on the venue and for a once in a blue moon kind of unique get-together, it’s very much worth the price!
5)      Cupcake Baking Class – Um really, this is a no-brainer. You get to wear cute aprons, bake and then take treats home with you. What can be better than this? Also, you get to work on your domestic skills…so that maybe you can save some cash and not purchase those $6 cupcakes…because you now know how to make your own!
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sofancynyc · 7 years
Fall Frenzied - How to Reset Before all Things Holidays!
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sofancynyc · 7 years
“Cas” Up Your Fancies
A little fashion inspiration for the week since NYC summer seems to be lingering...
I'm sure you are looking at this title and thinking, "What the world is this chick talking about?" Well fabulous fashionista, sometimes you really want to wear a specific outfit, dress, pant or accessory, but know that the occasion/outing calls for something casual. To alleviate this problem...you make you lovely piece casual, or cas (pronounced casg with a soft g). I am currently sitting in the office getting a ton of compliments on a cocktail dress that I scaled down for the workday and invite you to do the same. This little trick is particularly helpful when you roll out of bed 12 minutes before you have to leave for work (because that's what I just did). Here are a few go-to tricks.
Make your dress a little less - this works quite well with a-line and shift dresses. To make them more casual, simply wear a playful earring (I am currently wearing Kate Spade hearts studs), add a casual flat and matching casual belt to the middle, then throw on a pair of basic flats. For an even more dressed-down effect add a basic cardigan with no frills. This is particularly helpful if you work in the office and they have the thermostat set to Antarctica.
Formal earrings with jeans - I have these stunning, ginormous baguette earrings that really need to be worn to cocktail parties and galas, but I love them and need to wear them when I feel like it. To alleviate my angst in looking like total chaos, I pair them with the following: a dark denim skinny jean or casual black pant, a Henley style or Basic white button down, a floral clutch with no hardware and a cute d'orsay flat, usually in nude. Feel free to place your hair in a "fake bun" atop your head so that you earrings will be seen!
Work those tuxedo skinny pants - What shall you pair with this to make it a little bit fancy, but a little more casual? Well, for starters, you wear a small set of pearl studs and place your hair in a low side ponytail. Then you grab a nice heel, an oversized bag, your sunglasses and a structured, but casual cardigan that is buttoned up...leave the last two top buttons open and make sure to put a nice tank underneath.
Try out each of these style and have fun being fancy...but "cas"
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sofancynyc · 7 years
Bringing Home Baby – Welcoming, Elegant Elements for Your Nursery
Are you expecting a sweet little one soon? I’m sure you are overcome with excitement and ready to bring your little sweet pea home. So many details come into consideration as you get ready to welcome a bundle of joy into your family and home. Here are three darling décor ideas that we love for baby right now.
1) Trinket Box – I’m sure you are wondering why a little box is essential. This is a great first gift for your baby that will grow with them. As they continue to get bigger, little things that make you think of them can be placed in the box as a keepsake…if chosen correctly this gift can go with them well into their teen and young adult years. Here are a couple of our fancy favorites: Kate Spade Box   Michael Aram   Pottery Barn
2) Something Monogrammed – While we don’t want to go completely overboard with extravagant items for an infant, one sweet and beautiful focal item that’s monogrammed is always welcomed. Perhaps you want to splurge on a nice cashmere blanket and have it personalized. Or, maybe you would like to get a beautiful monogrammed pillow to place on the rocking chair that you will share many long nights in. A classic piece (that may also go with them as they age) is a mirror or a hairbrush that can simply sit pretty on their dresser as decoration. The first family picture together can be featured prominently in a monogrammed frame…the possibilities are classy and endless! Pick one, invest and run with it! Here are some pieces that make us swoon:  Saks Fifth Avenue Blanket    Neiman Marcus Blanket   Tiffany & Co Baby Brush   Eccolo Picture Frame
3) A Cushy, Fluffy Rug – That little cutie will be mobile and moving before you know it. Have a comfortable spot for you and baby with a large, fluffy rug in the middle of the nursery. This will make for a lovely piece in the bedroom as well as a place for soft landings when rolling and crawling become your norm. Also, sitting crisscross apple sauce on the floor snuggled with your baby makes for a perfect spot for story time and quite the cute photo op (bird’s eye view of course). We like these ideas: Fluffy Print   Fluffy Pink   Fluffy Bear
Obviously there are the necessities that fill a nursery to make it a safe, comfortable and pleasant place for baby, but we always want to remember to have a little fun with preparations too…so enjoy!
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sofancynyc · 7 years
Meal Planning for Your Bank Account (and Body)
This month I am getting in the groove of meal planning for my health and for better budgeting. My new approach will allow me to see what goes in and out of my body as well as what goes in and out of my checking account. I’ve been researching ideas to get myself “excited” about this life change, so of course I’m going to share some of the little tidbits and ideas I think you will benefit from too!
1) Do a little investigation
This week, I spent one evening in the grocery store scouting out affordable items that I can make multiple dishes with. What I found is that I can really stretch my budget and my palate with a few options. Staples like rice, frozen veggie medleys and chicken can make for a great start to your meal building. Sandwiches, casseroles, veggie bakes and crockpot soups can be concocted from each of these items. Look around on Pinterest for more ideas…then actually use the pinned recipes you save. Make the most of your wallet and your health at the same time.
2) Look for new recipes ideas that are quick and easy
Stir-fry, steaming, baked items and crockpot meals are the way to go. Dump some ingredients, get a heat-setting in place, simmer, steam, roast or hit the cook button and there you have it. I think we overcomplicate how we can make meals. Making chicken with rice in veggie broth and adding spinach or another green is just as easy as it sounds. Place it on the stove and let it simmer while you scroll through your Facebook feed. This is light, easy, cheap and healthy. Then, use the leftovers for lunch the next day. There are possibilities galore…just look for them on websites, in magazines and on the box of your ingredients.
3) Invite Friends
Everything is more fun with a friend. Throw a cooking party. Invite a coworker to fill out a meal plan weekly calendar with you. When there are people vested together in a “project” you will both get each other excited about staying on track…it will be great! Also, when you check in with each other, you really won’t want to tell them you fell off the wagon first. Cheer each other on and keep each other accountable. Your waistline and your bank account will thank you!
I will check in with you again next month to let you know how I’m feeling (and how Wells Fargo is loving my new spending style)…stay tuned!
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