#spending health shopping money lifestyle food cooking friends pinterest
sofancynyc · 7 years
Meal Planning for Your Bank Account (and Body)
This month I am getting in the groove of meal planning for my health and for better budgeting. My new approach will allow me to see what goes in and out of my body as well as what goes in and out of my checking account. I’ve been researching ideas to get myself “excited” about this life change, so of course I’m going to share some of the little tidbits and ideas I think you will benefit from too!
1) Do a little investigation
This week, I spent one evening in the grocery store scouting out affordable items that I can make multiple dishes with. What I found is that I can really stretch my budget and my palate with a few options. Staples like rice, frozen veggie medleys and chicken can make for a great start to your meal building. Sandwiches, casseroles, veggie bakes and crockpot soups can be concocted from each of these items. Look around on Pinterest for more ideas…then actually use the pinned recipes you save. Make the most of your wallet and your health at the same time.
2) Look for new recipes ideas that are quick and easy
Stir-fry, steaming, baked items and crockpot meals are the way to go. Dump some ingredients, get a heat-setting in place, simmer, steam, roast or hit the cook button and there you have it. I think we overcomplicate how we can make meals. Making chicken with rice in veggie broth and adding spinach or another green is just as easy as it sounds. Place it on the stove and let it simmer while you scroll through your Facebook feed. This is light, easy, cheap and healthy. Then, use the leftovers for lunch the next day. There are possibilities galore…just look for them on websites, in magazines and on the box of your ingredients.
3) Invite Friends
Everything is more fun with a friend. Throw a cooking party. Invite a coworker to fill out a meal plan weekly calendar with you. When there are people vested together in a “project” you will both get each other excited about staying on track…it will be great! Also, when you check in with each other, you really won’t want to tell them you fell off the wagon first. Cheer each other on and keep each other accountable. Your waistline and your bank account will thank you!
I will check in with you again next month to let you know how I’m feeling (and how Wells Fargo is loving my new spending style)…stay tuned!
0 notes
slippark30-blog · 6 years
How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
Every new year millions of people make resolutions to get organized, simplify, lose weight, exercise more, spend less time on their phones, save money, etc. The reality is only about 8% of people succeed in keeping their resolutions. Why do so many people, who have great intentions fail? The problem is most people have a laundry list of things they want to change or improve each year and the goals aren't very specific. For example, one year I decided I wanted to simplify my life. That's a great goal because who really wants a more complicated life? But how could I actually simplify things?  What I should have said was: “This year I'm going to wait 48 hours before I say “yes” to any new commitments so I can evaluate whether or not it is worth saying yes to.” In order to keep your resolutions, you need can't just say you want to get organized or lose weight. You need a plan.
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How to Keep Your Resolutions
Be specific
It is easy to say, “I want to get in shape” but it is actually hard to get in shape. A few years ago I decided that I would always take the stairs if possible. Taking the stairs is something specific I could do to move towards a healthier lifestyle. It was also achievable. I'm in good health, so going up and down stairs was something I was capable of doing.
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Sometimes I would get winded, but I resolved to get in better shape so that going up a few flights of stairs was no problem. Today I can easily carry luggage up and down the stairs at the airport without breaking a sweat. The small change of taking the stairs, triggered other changes in my life. I didn't want to get sweaty and gross walking up the stairs so I focused more on my physical fitness.
Make them achievable
When thinking about setting resolutions, try to come up with specific and achievable goals. If you want to get organized, take an afternoon to create an organizing plan. Instead of writing down, “organize house” write down “organize pantry” or “clean out coat closet” Set a goal of organizing one specific space a week (or a day).
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Everyone is capable of organizing spaces one at a time by making a few small changes to your daily or weekly routine. If you aren't naturally organized check out a book at the library for motivation or purchase a daily/ weekly checklist. Ask one of your super organized friends to come over and help you get started. Make sure the goals you set are ones you have the ability to reach.
Be accountable
When I started to get fit, I did not like going to the gym. I hated it. I decided to hire a trainer to keep me accountable. Not everyone can afford a trainer (I needed one due to a previous back surgery) but everyone needs someone to hold them accountable.
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Share your goals with a friend or family member so they can check up on you and maybe even work towards those goals with you. I've found that with every big accomplishment in my life, there has been someone that was constantly checking up on me making sure I stayed on track.
Make it enjoyable
If you absolutely hate what you are doing, chances are you are going to try and avoid doing it at all costs. If you hate to cook, you probably are not going to want to menu plan and make dinner seven nights a week. I like to build in little rewards to motivate me to do things I don't love to do. So if I hated to cook I would probably reward myself with two nights off a week (either go out or have the kids make sandwiches for themselves) if I cooked the other five nights. Or I would find out how much money I saved by cooking at home and use the extra funds to do something fun like take a weekend vacation or buy something fun for the house. A few years ago I stopped making resolutions. I decided instead to evaluate my schedule/ life every month and decide what I needed to focus on. For example this month I decided to focus on making dinner every night. This is actually quite challenging since my girls have practice every night of the week from 5:30-7:30pm. However I realized that because of these practices my family was eating way to many frozen pizzas and junk food.  I looked at my schedule and realized there were some nights we could eat dinner at 4:30 and other days the child with practice could either take dinner with them to practice or eat when they got home. So far I've made dinner every single night of 2019 and my kids aren't complaining. ? These dinners aren't fancy (chicken, tacos, spaghetti) but I'm getting into a routine and finding out what works for our schedule. I anticipate by the end of the month I'll have figured out how to make it work with our crazy practice schedule. I might not make dinner every single night of 2019 (and I don't want to, lol) but I will have created a system and routine that allows me to make dinner more often than not.  Next month I'll be in a routine of making dinner more frequently and be able to focus on the next project. Here are a few of my favorite things this month.
Adore your Wardrobe 
This course from my friend Kelly is LIFE CHANGING! You can look amazing no matter what your size or your budget based on principals found in math and science.  Kelly's course completely changed how I dressed and how I felt about clothes. She only offers the course a few times a year so check it out.
Ultimate Home Checklist 
I LOVE lists. The Ultimate Home Checklist is a great tool for keeping your home organized through specific tasks you do each day. This planner breaks down chores into small projects that can be done in a few minutes. If you struggle with keeping your house clean and organized this planner is for you! 
Freezer Cooking
I use to think freezer cooking was bland casseroles and lots of lasagna. But it really isn't. I love freezer cooking because I don't have to think about dinner. The meals are already prepared and ready to be put in the oven or the crock pot. It really does take the stress out of cooking dinner every night. I use My Freezeasy for freezer meal ideas, recipes, and shopping lists but you can find them on Pinterest too!
The In-Between 
I read this book last summer and it really changed my perspective on life in the mundane. It's a quick read about learning to live in the “tension between now and the next big thing' and I highly recommend it!   
The post How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions appeared first on The Happy Housewife™.
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stevhenzana-blog · 6 years
How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
Every new year millions of people make resolutions to get organized, simplify, lose weight, exercise more, spend less time on their phones, save money, etc. The reality is only about 8% of people succeed in keeping their resolutions. Why do so many people, who have great intentions fail? The problem is most people have a laundry list of things they want to change or improve each year and the goals aren't very specific. For example, one year I decided I wanted to simplify my life. That's a great goal because who really wants a more complicated life? But how could I actually simplify things?  What I should have said was: “This year I'm going to wait 48 hours before I say “yes” to any new commitments so I can evaluate whether or not it is worth saying yes to.” In order to keep your resolutions, you need can't just say you want to get organized or lose weight. You need a plan.
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How to Keep Your Resolutions
Be specific
It is easy to say, “I want to get in shape” but it is actually hard to get in shape. A few years ago I decided that I would always take the stairs if possible. Taking the stairs is something specific I could do to move towards a healthier lifestyle. It was also achievable. I'm in good health, so going up and down stairs was something I was capable of doing.
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Sometimes I would get winded, but I resolved to get in better shape so that going up a few flights of stairs was no problem. Today I can easily carry luggage up and down the stairs at the airport without breaking a sweat. The small change of taking the stairs, triggered other changes in my life. I didn't want to get sweaty and gross walking up the stairs so I focused more on my physical fitness.
Make them achievable
When thinking about setting resolutions, try to come up with specific and achievable goals. If you want to get organized, take an afternoon to create an organizing plan. Instead of writing down, “organize house” write down “organize pantry” or “clean out coat closet” Set a goal of organizing one specific space a week (or a day).
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Everyone is capable of organizing spaces one at a time by making a few small changes to your daily or weekly routine. If you aren't naturally organized check out a book at the library for motivation or purchase a daily/ weekly checklist. Ask one of your super organized friends to come over and help you get started. Make sure the goals you set are ones you have the ability to reach.
Be accountable
When I started to get fit, I did not like going to the gym. I hated it. I decided to hire a trainer to keep me accountable. Not everyone can afford a trainer (I needed one due to a previous back surgery) but everyone needs someone to hold them accountable.
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Share your goals with a friend or family member so they can check up on you and maybe even work towards those goals with you. I've found that with every big accomplishment in my life, there has been someone that was constantly checking up on me making sure I stayed on track.
Make it enjoyable
If you absolutely hate what you are doing, chances are you are going to try and avoid doing it at all costs. If you hate to cook, you probably are not going to want to menu plan and make dinner seven nights a week. I like to build in little rewards to motivate me to do things I don't love to do. So if I hated to cook I would probably reward myself with two nights off a week (either go out or have the kids make sandwiches for themselves) if I cooked the other five nights. Or I would find out how much money I saved by cooking at home and use the extra funds to do something fun like take a weekend vacation or buy something fun for the house. A few years ago I stopped making resolutions. I decided instead to evaluate my schedule/ life every month and decide what I needed to focus on. For example this month I decided to focus on making dinner every night. This is actually quite challenging since my girls have practice every night of the week from 5:30-7:30pm. However I realized that because of these practices my family was eating way to many frozen pizzas and junk food.  I looked at my schedule and realized there were some nights we could eat dinner at 4:30 and other days the child with practice could either take dinner with them to practice or eat when they got home. So far I've made dinner every single night of 2019 and my kids aren't complaining. ? These dinners aren't fancy (chicken, tacos, spaghetti) but I'm getting into a routine and finding out what works for our schedule. I anticipate by the end of the month I'll have figured out how to make it work with our crazy practice schedule. I might not make dinner every single night of 2019 (and I don't want to, lol) but I will have created a system and routine that allows me to make dinner more often than not.  Next month I'll be in a routine of making dinner more frequently and be able to focus on the next project. Here are a few of my favorite things this month.
Adore your Wardrobe 
This course from my friend Kelly is LIFE CHANGING! You can look amazing no matter what your size or your budget based on principals found in math and science.  Kelly's course completely changed how I dressed and how I felt about clothes. She only offers the course a few times a year so check it out.
Ultimate Home Checklist 
I LOVE lists. The Ultimate Home Checklist is a great tool for keeping your home organized through specific tasks you do each day. This planner breaks down chores into small projects that can be done in a few minutes. If you struggle with keeping your house clean and organized this planner is for you! 
Freezer Cooking
I use to think freezer cooking was bland casseroles and lots of lasagna. But it really isn't. I love freezer cooking because I don't have to think about dinner. The meals are already prepared and ready to be put in the oven or the crock pot. It really does take the stress out of cooking dinner every night. I use My Freezeasy for freezer meal ideas, recipes, and shopping lists but you can find them on Pinterest too!
The In-Between 
I read this book last summer and it really changed my perspective on life in the mundane. It's a quick read about learning to live in the “tension between now and the next big thing' and I highly recommend it!   
The post How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions appeared first on The Happy Housewife™.
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bebizboss · 4 years
700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets
Would you need to start a blog or Online Business but you have no idea what is the best niche markets for blogging? Or, Looking for the best niches to start your online business? Then, You are at the right place. Finding the right and profitable niche is one of the biggest hurdles faced by most of the online entrepreneurs and beginners. Most of them are doing critical mistakes when choosing a niche. That chosen niche can be key to your success or failure. So you need to be more careful with picking the right niche. 700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets Most people start their blog with their desired target audience or with an untapped niche market because there is no completion. However, at that point, you should be careful. Because if you start your blog or online business for making money income and If nobody was ready to spend money on your niche and there is no advertiser to advertise on your site or niche you will unable to make money from your site. So you must be very careful when choosing a niche for your business. Your chosen niche should be long-term and profitable to succeed in blogging and make money. If you choose to write your niche blog in fun, engaging ways with curiosity, you can generate surprisingly many visitors to succeed with your blog. For that, the below niche ideas will help you to choose or study more about niche and sub-niches.
Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money for Online Business and Blogging - Niche markets 2020
Below we explain one by one niche with its sub-niches. From among them, you can find the best niche for your online business or blogging.
Health niche Ideas
Health and wellness niche is one of the huge niche and best to start a blog. You can discuss varied topics in one niche. They searching for solutions online. Especially, Weight Loss for Women is one of the billion-dollar industry. Everyone is passionate about taking care of their health to live a better lifestyle. How to make money with Health Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Health Sub niches - Diets Low Carb/SugarNutrition and supplementsMeditationHerbal remediesMental healthMindfulnessSelf-care and self-worthConfidence boostingSkincareTraditional medicineHealthier shopping tipsFitnessStress ManagementLow-fat food
Fitness niche Ideas
There are a lot of people who would like to be fitness and love to get six-pack abs. So most of the people looking for guides and tips for getting fitness. SO there is a huge audience for you. How to make money with Fitness Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Fitness Sub niches - Body BuildingStrength trainingWeight lossYogaCyclingRunningHikingBoxingPilatesTRXMMAOutdoor ExerciseResistance TrainingStretching and ToningHealthy EatingZumbaMarathonsMud RunsSpartan RacesWorking out with kidsWorking out from HomePersonal TrainingDietTeen FitnessFitness for Specific Body PartsWeight GainMuscle BuildingSupplementsDietOld people wanting to get into shapeFamous celebrities’ fitness regimeTargeting fake fitness news and bring the truth to lightNew moms
Sport niche ideas
Most people are interested in doing sport for being healthy, hobby or profession. How to make money with Sport Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sport Sub niches - FootballBasketballTennisHockeyBoxingRacingGolfShootingArcheryIce-SkatingSkateboardingVolleyballSoccerSurfingTrack and FieldSport equipment
News Niche ideas
The news niche consists of anything related to information about recent and important events. Great news-related sites can earn thousands of traffics and income opportunities. How to make money with News Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income and revenue from Ad networks News Sub niches - Latest NewsSports NewsPolitics NewsEntertainmentCelebrity NewsTechnology NewsBusiness NewsHealth NewsScience NewsScience News
Travel Niche ideas
Most people interested to travel across the country or worlds with their families, friends, and others for their vacations. So most people looking for different and beautiful places to travel. If you are a success, You can travel around the world for free while making money from your blogs and chance to working with top brands and sponsors from all over the world. How to make money with Travel Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, selling ad space, e-Commerce shop page, Create YouTube videos about your traveling and make income with Google AdSense and revenue from Ad networks Travel Sub niches - A Personal Travel BlogTravel Tips and GuideCampingCity GuideRestaurantsHotelsAirbnb’sCultural DifferencesFood DifferencesLanguage and TravelTraveling for WorkLow Budget TravelBucket listsHidden AttractionInternational TripsLocal travelCruisesSailingExotic PlacesMotorcycle TravelBoat TravelHistorical PlacesBicycle TravelTravel TipsAdventure Travel Hotel reviewsTravel with KidsWeekend TravelSafariAncient places
Food Niche ideas
Would you like food? Yes, we all love to eat. So naturally, food is a very popular niche. most people interested to try new recipes and foods. So they searching on Google every day. That niche includes related to the food. How to make money with Food Niche? You could be making money with Brand sponsorships, sell recipes, Affiliate income from cookware and other cooking utilities, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, selling ad Space, link your blog to YouTube channel and monetize with Google AdSense program and revenue from Ad networks. Food Sub niches - CookingBakingRecipesHome-Cooked MealsHealth FoodsSuper FoodsCoffee TeaVeganism and Plant-Based DietWines and champagneCraft BeerBBQ’sGrillingGourmetCake-DecoratingChocolateSummer CookingWine PairingFine DiningExotic FoodsPastaPizzaHealthy EatingCanningKitchen EquipmentFood DiscoveryFood CultureFood Photography/Food VideographySea FoodsCooking and Kitchen TipsHarmful foods items and drinks
Gaming Niche ideas
Most people are interested to play games such as mobile games, PC games, online games, and video games. Some games can be expensive and some people need to choose a good game among a lot of games. Then, they will go to the internet and searching for gaming details. As well as a large audience, there is heavy competition too. How to make money with Gaming Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space, and revenue from Ad networks Gaming Sub niches - Video game Tutorials for BeginnersGame Walkthroughs and TipsMobile Game Tutorial for BeginnersPC Game Tutorial for BeginnersStrategy Game Best PracticesAction GamesRTS GamesRPD GamesPuzzleHow to PlayHow to Play ChessInternet or Online GamesMultiplayer GamesCard and Board GamesOutdoor GamesKids GamesParty GamesSpecific console brands such as Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo and etc.Pc and Mobile gamesGaming eventsInterviews with industry leaders
Entertainment Niche ideas
This niche deals with all things related to entertainment. If you have a passion for things such as movies, TV shows, and sports this niche can be best. How to make money with Entertainment Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Entertainment related Product reviews, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad network Entertainment Sub niches - MoviesMusicTV ShowsWeb SeriesFunny VideosTheaterMagicK-PopComedy and ImprovisationUpcoming EventsFunny cat videoTheatre, Opera and balletGames
Fashion and Beauty Niche ideas
Many people interested to follow fashion and be beauty. That niche worth billions of dollars. To be a success in this niche you need to involve with Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube social media. From this niche, you can make lots of money by becoming an influencer in the niche. How to make money with Fashion and Beauty Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks, create videoes such as Makeup video tutorials on youtube and add monetizing, Review about products related to fashions for sponsoring, and Sales on amazon. Fashion and Beauty Sub niches - MakeupNail ArtWrinklesAcnePersonal fashion blogsFashion TrendsClothing and AccessoriesMakeup TutorialsWomen ShoesJewelry ReviewMen fashionLuxury Watches HairstylesCosmeticsBeauty productsBody BuildingAnti-Aging ProductsWrinkle CreamsEye GelsCosmetic Surgery
Hobbies Niche ideas
Everyone has hobbies. Most people are looking for information to improve their hobbies or start new hobbies. How to make money with Hobbies Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Hobbies Sub niches - GardeningDrawingArtMusicWritingDancingRiver RaftingProgramming and Wen DevelopmentBoating and FishingPhotographyAstronomy and HoroscopesHorseback RidingSelf-Defense and Martial ArtsMotorcyclesTechnologyFashion Golf
Education and Career niche ideas
There are a lot of opportunities and a huge demand in Education and career niche. A wide variety of audiences looking for all sorts of educational content online. How to make money with Education and Career Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space, Online courses, e-Courses and revenue from Ad networks Education and Career Sub niches - Career Path AdvicePromotions and Career CoachingLearning New SkillsStudy HackOnline TeachingSAT Tips and tricksJobs and Resume TipsAssignmentsResearchSchool SubjectsHigh School Entrance ExamsHigh EducationJob InterviewsJob SkillsJob VacanciesEducational institutesPublicationsExam preparation
Blogging Niche ideas
Most of the people interested to get into blogging because they enjoy it and a good method to make money online. Also, most people like to write it. How to make money with Blogging Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, eCourses, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Blogging Sub niches - Beginners GuideWordPress GuideBlogger GuidePlug-InsHosting Domain nameKeywordsSEO (Search Engine Optimization) Ranking SystemContent ManagementMake Money from BloggingDesign a Blog SitePost WritingAffiliate marketingSocial media promote
Science Niche ideas
This niche includes everything related to the study of nature and nature's behaviors and other science-related things. You can attract curious readers who are looking for new information. How to make money with Science Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Science Sub niches - DiscoveryPhysicsEnergyEnvironmentAstronomyGeographySpace
Learn Language Niche ideas
People like to learn new languages. English is only the first language of 21% of the population. However, there is a trend to learn Chinese as a subject of the chain’s growing economic power. Not only chine, people interest to learn one or more secondary languages. So soon in the future, many people will have to learn a second language besides English. That means it will bring more market opportunities and niches for yours to online business. How to make money with learn language Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Learn language Sub niches - Languages teachLanguage tuition softwareOnline language coaching servicesLanguage TranslateSpanishChineseEnglishFrench
Relationship and Dating Niche ideas
Most of the people seek relationship-related advice and tips. If you can give the right relationship advice, you can start a blog in this niche. There are many different types of target audiences you can write for. How to make money with Relationship and Dating Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, eCourses, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Relationship and Dating Sub niches - MarriageWedding and MarriageDating GuideDate IdeasRomanceRelationship AdviceInfidelityHealingEngagementFinancesStarting a FamilyCo-ParentingStep-ParentingDivorceSupporting One AnotherWork-Life BalancePrioritiesFamily FirstRespectPlanning for the FutureMoving Together and Starting a FamilyMaintaining Relationship ConflictsSurviving BreakupsOnline DatingHow to Get a Girlfriend/BoyfriendDating AdviceHow to Meet GirlsOlder Dating
Business and Finance Niche ideas
That niche consists of anything related to the world of business and money-related topics. A lot of people looking for how to start their own business. You can give advice and tips and guides for business and show you are great with money. This niche has huge audiences because a lot of people interested to make money from doing business. How to make money with Business and Finance Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Business and Finance Sub niches - Business IdeasBusiness TipsHow to start your own businessInvestingMarketingSales EntrepreneurshipHuman ResourcesFrugal LivingPersonal Finance and frugal livingFinancial IndependenceInsurance SavingsManaging the Family BudgetRetirement and Pension Savings
Make Money Online Niche ideas
This niche is attracting a lot of attention because of its about making money online. Many people are searching for how to make money online? So most of the top bloggers get more than 100k views each month. This is one of the most competitive and profitable niches. How to make money with Make Money Online Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Make Money Online Sub niches - BloggingAffiliate MarketingDigital MarketingSEOFreelancingSurveysMystery ShoppingFreelancing writingFreelance other CoachingServicesPersonal Virtual AssistantsProofreadingEditingData-EntryProducts and Residual IncomeSite reviewsContent MarketingSocial Media MarketingOnline AdvertisingShopify or Amazon affiliate
Politics and Society Niche ideas
Politics are creating news every day as well as election years. Whether international, national or local, find a political topic to discuss and join conversations is very popular. Most people interested to get really polarized around politics topics.  So that niche can be another profitable niche for starting a blog. How to make money with Politics and Society Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Political and society Sub niches - News and Current EventsPolitical SatireSociety and Politics
Photography Niche ideas
Most of the people are loving to get photos as a hobby or profession. Also, there are high values for quality photos. Also most of the peoples such as an advertiser, Bloggers, Marketers, publishers looking for images for price or free. How to make money with Photography Niche? You can make money with Sell your photos online, brand sponsorships, e-Commerce shop page, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Photography Sub niches - Wedding PhotographyWildlife PhotographyParty PhotographyPet photographyPhotography trainingPhoto editingPortrait PhotographyLandscape photographyFood PhotographySport photographyMacro PhotographyEvent PhotographyFashion PhotographyStreet PhotographyDocumentary Photography
Self-Worth Niche ideas
Many people looking to improving their self-values. They looking for guides and tips for those. Most How to make money with Self-worth Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Self-Worth Sub niches - EmotionsFeelingsForgivenessConfidenceBuilding RelationshipsMaking FriendsCommunityHealingSocial AnxietyNegative and Positive ThinkingMotivationOptimismHappinessPrioritiesSuccess
Art and Design Niche ideas
The art allows people to express their creativity and imagination to others. There are a lot of people looking for creative inspiration. If you are talented, you can offer tutorials, tips, and guides about art for others. How to make money with Art Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks and Ad networks. Also, you can create and sell their art products and digital copies of their work online or commission-base services and affiliate income for your readers. Art and Design Sub niches - CalligraphyPaintingDIY CraftsTutorialsWoodworkSewingPhotographyVideographyWatercolorDesign Tutorials Graphic designLogo Design
Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Niche ideas
This is one of the most famous niches around the world. Most of the people have at least 2 smartphones and every household has 3-4 Mobile phones. Not only that, they are always looking for upgrading to better models with improving technologies and features. As well as mobile phones they interest to use mobile gadgets and accessories. How to make money with Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Niche? You can make money by selling your own products and service, Shopify, e-Commerce shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks. Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Sub niches Latest mobile phonesProtection and insuranceOperating soft wares Applications/appsWallpapersCell phone accessoriesUsed mobile phones
Faith Niche ideas
People have different faiths on different matters. Also, they love to know about it because of the curiosity. How to make money with Faith Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Faith Sub niches - HealingForgivenessHow to Read the BibleSpiritualitySharing the WorldMissionsRebuilding Broken FaithChildren’s Ministries
Family and Home Niche ideas
Most of the people looking for advice, Guides, Tips for success in their family and home. How to make money with Family and Home Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Family and Home Sub niches - Pregnancy and Becoming ParentsParenting and ChildcareFamily HolidaysHobbies for the Whole FamilySaving MoneyHouse and GardenHomeschoolingSchool and BullyingEco-Friendly Homes
Retirement Niche ideas
Most people have planned their retirement since their teenage and most people need to know about planning their retirement. How to make money with Retirement Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Retirement Sub niches - Early RetirementInterest IncomeResidual IncomeBudgetingMedical CostsAdult Children SavingsInvestmentsBondsStocks
Baby Niche ideas
There are thousands of babies born in the day, All of the parents give high attention to care about their babies. So there is a huge and developing market. How to make money with Baby Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Baby Sub niches - Baby NamesBaby AccessoriesBaby BathingBaby CareBaby FeedingBaby GiftsBaby MusicBaby Sleep
Social Networks ideas
With technology, people are busy with their lifestyle. People trending tools to be social with others. How to make money with Social Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Social Networks Sub niches - Instagram CelebritiesMastering a Social NetworkSocial Media DetoxBeginner’s Guide
E-Learning Niche ideas
The Internet is completely changing the ways of learning and learn things. By using the internet, you can go to classes from your bedroom as well as physically o to a classroom. It gives more accessible to everyone to learn things. It does not matter where are you from. Because of the huge demand for online earning content, that niche becomes a profitable niche. So focus on helping people learn a new skill online. How to make money with E-Learning Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space, Online courses, Study Packs and revenue from Ad networks Recommended courses Udemy and Skillshare (affiliate programs) create own courses and eBooks E-learning Sub niches - Photoshop TutorialsGuitar LessonsEnglish Language LessonsWeb Development coursesPet care and learningCordingCopywritingSEODesign
Pets niche ideas
Most of the people love to pet. They give a major place in their lives to the pets. So they looking for tips and guides about pets. How to make money with pets Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Pets Sub niches - Dogs CatsParrotsFish tankPet FashionPet FoodsPets HealthPets careHomemade Dog FoodsPuppy foodsHealthy foods for petsPet shelterPet hospitalPets trainingPets sport and workoutPet cafe
Religion Niche ideas
There are a lot of religions in the world. People love to learn more about their religions and learn about other religions. How to make money with Religion Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Religion Sub niches - BuddhismChristianityCatholicismHinduism
SEO Niche ideas
Most of the people start blogs, forums, and web sites. They need to know information about How to Rank their sites How to make money with Health Niche? You can make money with eCourses, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks SEO Sub niches – SEO TipsSEO ToolsBlogger SEOWordPress SEO
DIY Niche ideas
How to make money with DIY Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks DIY Sub niches - DIY CraftDIY Room DécorDIY Home ImprovementDIY BeautyDIY Halloween/Christmas/Valentine’s DayDIY Solar Water HeatersDIY Tutorials
Lifestyle Niche ideas
This is a popular niche with different topics. These blogs usually target one type of demographic with multi-topics. Simply it is a catch-all niche. It includes anything to do with the daily way of living. You can talk to one audience on different topics and help them to improve their lifestyle. How to make money with Lifestyle Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks and Revenue from Ad networks. Lifestyle Sub niches - FashionDécorFitnessFoodGardenTravelLifestyle designHealthPersonal DevelopmentReligionCulture
Local Niche ideas
You can write a blog about your local area, thins, places, culture, traditions. How to make money with Health Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Local Sub niches - TravelThings to DoHotel/Restaurant ReviewsLocal InformationLocal News
Tech Niche ideas
That niche consists of anything related to technology and electronics. If you are a Tech-Savvy and tech-lover you can write about it. Most of the people like to be up-To-date about newest and exciting things related to technology. How to make money with Tech Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships to promote products, Affiliate income from becoming an affiliate for the products you write about, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, selling ad Space, Link blog with YouTube Channel video about reviews and get income from Google AdSense and revenue from Ad networks Tech Sub niches - Gadgets (Smartphones, Laptops, Tablets, Accessories, Consumer, Electronic, etc.) reviewLatest Gadgets and ProductsUpcoming GadgetsSoftwareAppsTech newsInvestments in tech companiesPC repairTech SupportsVirtual RealityArtificial IntelligenceRoboticsLED lightingDronesHome automationGuides on Windows 10Guide on Mac OS
Electronic Products and Application niche ideas
This is one of the profitable niches. Most of the people are often looking for advice, prices, features, and know-how about the electric applications before they purchase those electronic items. How to make money with Electronic products and application Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad network Electronic Products and Application Sub niches - Cooling applicationsHeating applicationsTelevisions LED, LCEDVD playersSound systemHeadsetsCleaning applicationsLights and chandeliers
Home Décor and Relative Aspect niche ideas
People always like to keep their houses clean, nice and well decorated. Also, this niche is not going out of style as people feel the need to improve their living standards and home look. How to make money with Home décor and relative aspect Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Home décor and relative aspect Sub niches - Wall paintWallpapers and decalsCarpets, curtains, and blindsTiles, marbles, flooringDecoration piecesTable cloth, matsBook racks
Media related niche ideas
Media is a mass niche. It covers a lot of stuff that can be further divided into a lot of sub-niches. That niche comprises o majors like news, TV, movies, TV series, education programs, gossips, advertisements and etc. How to make money with Media Related Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Media related Sub-niches News (Breaking, Latest, Celebrity, Sport, breaking, weather)AdvertisementMovies and TV seriesMusicEducational programs
Parenting and Mommy Niche ideas
This is a niche that is also universal because moms are everywhere. There is a huge market for newborns and children. There are hundreds and thousands of products just for the parent too. Also, most people are looking for new information to care about their kids. So that is one of the profitable niches. Also, you need to care about the information that you are sharing about kids. How to make money with Parenting and Mommy Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Parenting and mommy Sub niches - Children productsPregnancy tipsBeing a momPregnancy and BirthPostpartumNutrition and Parenting
Kitchen Niche ideas
Most of the women interested to keep their kitchens clean and beautiful. So they looking for new tips and guides. How to make money with Kitchen Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Kitchen Sub niches - Kitchen FaucetsKitchen SinksKitchen GadgetsKitchen Plan
Product Reviews Niche ideas
If you are consuming a lot of products and well-knowledge about products, this can be the best niche for your blog. You will be able to write reviews about products based on your own personal experience and you could help readers to buy those products. How to make money with Product Review Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks You can make a good income by promoting products in the form of articles and promoting affiliate products and sponsor reviews. Product reviews Sub niches - Tech/GadgetsMakeupClothingBooksVehiclesBranded ProductsCool ThingsProducts reviewsProducts compareBuying GuideBest Product(s)
Home Security Review niche ideas
In Today’s most people give the major place to their home securities. So they looking for tools and guides for home security. How to make money with Home Security Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Home security review Sub niches - CCTVHome Monitoring SoftwareWi-Fi Security Cameras SystemPIR Lighting SystemSecurity alarm
Vehicle Niche ideas
Most people interested to be updated with new vehicles and Its Features. How to make money with vehicle Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Vehicle Sub niches - Car reviewVehicle AccessoriesVehicle modificationSUV reviewLuxury VehicleLow budget vehicles
Automobile Niche Ideas
Today most of the people use vehicle and automobile becomes the profitable niche. No matter what is the economic situation, you can generate from this niche. How to make money with Automobile Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce or Shopify shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Automobile Sub Niches Car care products and techniquesCar Care CostEngine and fuel system healthy and efficientEngine oils and vehiclesCar Washing and Detailing Interior and exterior customizationsModification parts and pricesSound systems for vehiclesFix minor issues and tipsAccessories and performance optimization toolsVehicle insurance
Clothing/Dressing and Accessories Niche ideas
Clothing and dressing is a great business that never runs out of business. No matter what? People always looking to buy clothes and accessories. So creating a business or blog about this niche can be a pretty safe investment. Most people do not consider the price and people trend to buy brandable items for high prices because of brand loyalty. So you can make a good profit from that niche. How to make money with Clothing/Dressing and Accessories Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce or Shopify shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Clothing/Dressing and Accessories sub-niches- Outfits and accessories for exercising and physical sport.Customized t-shirtTrendsSell or purchase used accessories.Seasonal updatesRated brands of clothing and accessories Formal and casual suits for menLatest designs for womenShoes for men and womenWatches for man and womenArtificial jewelry, necklace, wristwatches, handbags, and etc
Sewing Niche ideas
Sewing and knitting is a huge niche in social media such as Pinterest. There are a lot of people who looking for sewing but there are few blogs related to that niche. So there is a huge opportunity to succeed. How to make money with Sewing Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sewing Sub niches - How to SewPatternsDesign samples
Personal Development Niche ideas
People are not open about their weaknesses. Everyone looking for has a better life. In professional workers as well as Business owners’ personality development plays a vital role. But thanks to the latest technologies people are searching for self-help tips online. If you can help people by helping them to upgrade their quality of life and increase productivity, that can be your niche. How to make money with Personal Development Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Personal development Sub niches - Self-ConfidenceGetting-WealthFinding HappinessImproving interpersonal and intrapersonal skillsTime and Goal ManagementSkill developmentCommunication Soft skillsTalents and potentialsSelf-esteemLeadership Training and developmentMotivationSpiritualityLife Coaching
Weddings and Party Niche ideas
There is a huge market for weddings and party niche. Every day it is growing and become profitable. How to make money with Weddings and party Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Weddings and Party Sub niches - Wedding planningFlower Girl’s dresses and ShoesWedding cakesWedding planWedding PhotographyFlower decorationsParty plan and organizeWedding budgets planWedding themesCelebrity wedding
Music Niche ideas
How to make money with Music Niche? You can make money with selling your sons, ringing tones, product, and services online, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sub niches ideas - How to singingTenorSopranoHow to Play GuitarHow to Play FluteHow to Play PianoHow to Play Drum
Cryptocurrency Niche ideas
This is a very famous virtual coin base earning market. Most people looking for new opportunities for more earnings with cryptocurrencies. How to make money with Cryptocurrency Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks  Cryptocurrency Sub niches - BitCoinCrypto CoinsCrypto Payment ProcessorsEarn CryptoCrypto invest
The Survival niche ideas
How to make money with survival Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Survival Sub niches - Self-DefenseHome DefensePreppingGrow Your Own FoodHomesteading
Web Development Niche ideas
How to make money with web development Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, Themes/webs design and sell, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Web development Sub niches - HTML and CSS codingThemes and PlatformsPlugins ProgrammingWeb development
Renewable/Green Energy Niche ideas
Renewable/Green Energy Sub niches - Solar PowerAlternative EnergyBattery ReconditioningTesla PowerwallsSolar-Powered USB Charging PacksGenerate Electricity from HomeDIY Home Energy
Gift Ideas niche ideas
Most of the people looking for gift guides to choose the right present to buy for their colleagues, friends, and family during the holiday seasons, Festivals, weddings and birthdays. How to make money with Gift Ideas Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Gift ideas Sub niches - Birthday GiftsWedding GiftsBaby GiftsFamily GiftsGift decorate
Advice Niche ideas
How to make money with advice Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, counseling, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Advice Sub niches - Life AdviceFinancial AdviceCareer adviceMarriage AdviceRelationship advice
Budgeting Money Niche ideas
Most of the people looking for expense their money efficiently and effectively. So they looking for budgeting methods to expend their money. Budgeting Money Sub niches - CouponingBudgetingDIY to Save MoneyStudents Loans/ Debt ReplacementHomesteadingReusing
Spirituality and Alternative Beliefs niche ideas
Spirituality and alternative beliefs Sub niches - AstrologyHypnosisNumerologyParanormalPsychicsTarotWitchcraft
Real State niche ideas
Real state in one of the profitable and growing market. Most of the people invest their money in real estate properties. Real State Sub niches - Land sellLand developmentReal Estate investorVacation RentalsOff-market propertiesSingle Family ResidencesFirst time home buyersArchitectural
Construction niche ideas
Globally the construction niche is very lucrative and high profitable. Also, there are different types of growing business opportunities. Construction Sub niches –      BuildingsBuilding materialsAluminum Door and WindowsBasement ManufacturingBathtub ReglazingBuilding Material RetailingCarpentryCCTV installationConcrete supplyCement
Popular niche Combinations
Food & TravelParenting & TravelHealth and FitnessEducation & Career In the sub-niches, there are a lot of Sub audiences that you can write. Once you select the perfect niche for your blog, start publishing niche related exceptional content to attract readers in your target market. Keep your posting regularly to a schedule. That will take a long time to reach your success. So, Be patient. It will take a few months or years to see the successful results of your hard works and efforts. I hope the above 700+ Best Niche ideas to get traffic and make money in 2020 (niche markets) will help you to start and to be a success in your blogging and make money online journey. And if you know more about 700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets or have any suggestions please share with us in the comments section below.  Read the full article
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
How I Meal Prep Intuitively
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/uncategorized/how-i-meal-prep-intuitively/
How I Meal Prep Intuitively
If you asked me 7 years ago what I thought of meal prep I would have told you it was essential. And at the point in my life, it was. I was rigid and inflexible with food. Food was something meant to be controlled, not enjoyed. Food was both a source of my anxiety and also my means of dealing with anxiety. My Sunday meal prep sessions were long, exhausting and in my mind, the key to health and wellness.
And then for lack of a better word: I woke the f*ck up. Many of you have followed my journey from disordered eating to intuitive eating, the process of which has been long and winding and always evolving. A few years ago I wouldn’t have been caught dead writing a blog post about meal prep. After years of restriction and control the pendulum swung in the opposite direction and I was vehemently against meal prep. I felt like all the services and blog posts out there writing and sharing tips and lists for meal prepping were perpetuating disordered eating and not allowing individuals to customize their food choices to their personal needs and the whims of life. And on some level I still feel this way. Unless you have a serious health concern and are working one-on-one with a nutrition professional, you really should not be following anyone else’s food or nutrition plan. Can you take inspiration for meal ideas? Absolutely. But just because Sally Sue insists on steaming her veggies on Sunday and pre-cooking her chicken doesn’t mean you have to. Which brings me to an important conversation topic…intuitive eating.
What is Intuitive Eating?
I’m going to briefly summarize this but basically the term “Intuitive Eating” was introduced by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole in their groundbreaking book by the same title in 1995. Though the concept is simple, it was very new for the time, discussing the principles of getting back to a healthy body image and living with food freedom. As diet culture continued to grow it emphasized the idea that only WE can decide how we eat, why we eat and letting go of food rules our culture has thrust upon us.
In the past few years I’ve watched this term get reworked in a way that it was never intended. The whole point of Intuitive Eating is that it’s not a diet. It understands that our food choices change based on the flow of our lives. While I certainly identify as an “intuitive eater”, I would never tell people I follow an intuitive eating diet. For me, intuitive eating means enjoying food and making choices that feel good for me. Absolutely nothing is off limits (except buckwheat and peas cause I hate them!) but I also don’t eat a plate of cookies for dinner or popcorn for breakfast. Could I? Totally. And in some ways I think this permission has empowered me with choice rather than a reaction to rules, but I don’t because I just wouldn’t feel great if I did.
So how does this all connect to meal prep? Up until this past year I didn’t think meal prep could work in conjunction with intuitive eating. I associated meal prep with rules and that strips away all of the joy of food for me. But recently my mind has changed. I found myself kind of scatterbrained and overwhelmed when it came to meal time. I also found myself eating out a lot because I put in ZERO planning when it came to food. I realized that I needed a bit more structure around my meals and that some forethought was not the worst thing in the world.
For the past year I’ve experimented with flexible meal planning and prepping and have found that I’ve been able to make intuitive meal prep work for me. I’m not slaving away in the kitchen trying to prep all my food for the week, and I’m also not running around my kitchen trying to figure out a meal when I’m already starving. So I thought I’d share some of my best intuitive meal prep tips with you.
My Best Tips for Intuitive Meal Prep
1. Know your Why
I truly believe in the power of intention. If your goal is to meal prep because you want full control of your food and want to make sure everything is 100% healthy, this is a very rigid approach to food. While I’m all for making healthy choices, it needs to come from a place of feeling good, not from a place of fear or self-hatred (which I see a lot). I want to share a few approaches to meal prep that I believe can lead to a sustainable habit:
Money – if you’re on a budget or saving, meal prep can save you a lot of money rather than eating out all the time
Easing stress – we all have busy lives with a lot of stress. If meal times are causing you extra anxiety, a little planning can’t hurt
Fun – One of the best parts of meal planning and prepping is finding inspiration and playing around with different cooking styles. Doing a little prep work can actually make meal time fun and dare I say, enjoyable!
Meal prep is not something that should happen if you don’t trust yourself at meal times. I used to be terrified that if I didn’t have healthy food on hand I would fall into a bit of indulgent eating. The funny thing is, I only did because I had so many rules around food. I eat cookies and pizza and pasta and foods that bring me joy because I can, not because I can’t and my lack of rules around food means that more often than not I actually enjoy salads and soups and healthier brownies. I trust myself around food. If you don’t, please take some time away from meal prepping to reestablish healthier boundaries.
2. Find Inspiration
One of the biggest pieces of meal planning is finding inspiration for what to cook. My best tip: make this fun but not overcomplicated. Keep a list of recipes you love from blogs, cookbooks and friends. I keep a running list on my computer so when I start planning my grocery shop I can decide what meals I want to make. From there I’ll go through ingredients to see what I need to buy and what I already have.
If you’re lacking inspiration check out Pinterest or ask friends for some of their favorite recipes. Or dare I say, check out the THM archives!
3. Plan a flexible schedule
I always look at my schedule for the week ahead and see where I have plans and likely won’t be able to cook for meal time. These are my priorities. After saying no to so many social engagements because of my fear and rigidity around food, I will never say no to something because I want to stay home and cook. That being said, I’m usually at home at least 5 nights a week, not to mention breakfasts and lunches.
I generally estimate I’ll need at least 4-5 dinner recipes, 6 breakfasts and 5 lunches. Most lunches are leftovers from dinner the night before (if C doesn’t eat all of them!) and breakfast is really a cravings thing for me but I try to have ingredients for 1 sweet (i.e. a smoothie) and 1 savory breakfast option (i.e. avocado toast). Most dinners I turn to my inspiration list. I also aim for 1-2 snack recipes if we don’t have packaged stuff on hand.
So to recap, I’ll plan:
5 dinner recipes (usually doubled for lunch leftovers)
2 breakfast recipes
1-2 snacks
This will change week to week depending on my schedule. If I have more social engagements, am travelling etc…it may look different. Flexibility is KEY.
5. Prep food that won’t go bad
One of the biggest realizations I had after my come to jesus meal prepping moment (lol) was that I’d often say no to plans because I already had food prepped that I didn’t want to go bad. I believe there are a multitude of reasons to say no to plans (I have big-time JOMO so this has never been an issue for me) but saying no because you already have sweet potatoes roasted is not a good excuse. The thing I’ve learned about intuitive meal prep is that the planning piece is more important than the prepping piece. I no longer spend my Sundays trying to precook all my food. Here’s what it looks like instead:
Start with a list of meals you know you’ll be home for (yes this can change but estimate)
Get inspiration for these meals
Make your grocery list (I order what I can from Imperfect Foods and fill out the rest with a grocery shop)
Precook or make things that will LAST – usually this means most of my snacks which won’t go bad after a couple of days
I don’t pre chop my veggies or precook proteins. Doing this infers I don’t have trust in my body that I will make choices intuitively based on how I’m feeling and/or prevents me from being flexible with my schedule if plans change.
*I understand that people have kids and families or unpredictable work schedules. My recommendation for this would be to make meals that you can freeze. That way your food won’t go bad and meal times don’t have to be stressful.
6. Assess how it’s working
Don’t take your meal prep as a given or write it off as impossible. Our lives and priorities are ever changing. I’ve been a rigid meal prepper and a vehement anti meal prep evangelist. Finding intuitive meal prep has been a journey for me and one that will change throughout my lifetime. If you’ve been meal prepping for years and find yourself burnt-out, uninspired and/or inflexible, maybe it’s time for a break. If you love flexibility and fun with food but find meal time overwhelming and stressful, play around with a little bit of planning.
And as always, come back to your why. Intention is everything when it comes to our choices to make sure you’re still connecting with yours.
As always, open to hearing your suggestions or anything I missed. Feel free to drop your best intuitive meal prep tips below.
Like this post? Here are some other healthy living posts you might enjoy:
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riannagalvez · 6 years
Hello, dolls!! Hello, AUGUST! I am welcoming another busy month. I thought June and July were crazy but seems like August is shaping up to be crazier. We are invited to 5 parties this month alone so I’ve been running around buying presents and outfits for my tiny tribe! (cause duh! being a guest at a party is an opportunity to dress up). On top of everything that I have planned for the next 30 days, I am really hoping that I can post a couple of entries to get my blog up to date.
Baby A is 2 years old now — like for real, where did time go? I am not going to lie, my husband has been thinking about baby # 2 a lot lately. I am starting to think if we are ready for it….if I AM ready for it. But hey! Let’s save it for another post 😛
One of the blessings that I am truly grateful for is having a safe and joyful pregnancy. I still get surprised whenever I think about my pregnancy with baby A and how I was able to carry it through with no complications considering my lifestyle 2 years ago — physical and mental stress enveloped my entire being. No pregnancy is easy, it’s not a walk in the park but if you ask me if I would do it again, I would say YES a thousand times plus more. 
As soon as A and I found out we were having a boy, we knew how we wanted his nursery to look like. It’s really heartwarming to see my husband be excited and talk about all the things he loved growing up, one of which — PIRATES! My husband has books and lego sets of pirate ships. I did not believe it when my MIL told me, not until she brought at least 6 huge boxes filled with ships and trains!
Eat Right, Not Eat For Two
I think everyone knows that the first rule in having a healthy pregnancy is to eat RIGHT — but it doesn’t mean eat for two, literally. I can never forget my second appointment with my OB. We started talking about my lifestyle — specifically my job since I wrote on the form I am a Chef. I am expected to lift 30-50lbs of stuff at a time and be on my feet for at least 8 hours, she told me some tips and to remind myself that I can always ask for help cause my bump comes first.
The one thing I can never forget is how she reminded me to never be the kind of woman who literally eats for two because I know I am carrying another human being in my belly. The baby is small that it only takes a certain amount of nutrients from the food that I eat — not the entirety of it. I think this helped me watch what I eat more and not put a lot of weight which definitely helped me during my last trimester.
Sesame Balls, Siomai, Steamed Spareribs, Siopao
Chicken Feet
I am not here to share some healthy recipes for pregnancy. Every woman is different….but let’s be honest, cravings are real during pregnancy.
Shrimp in Rice Noodles
We went to this dim sum place 15 minutes away from my house every weekend because it’s all I wanted to eat.
Har Gaw
I craved for comfort food during my pregnancy–  dishes that I grew up eating. Which was really challenging because we only have 2 Filipino restaurants in Baltimore and I really did not have the urge to cook at home after spending 12-14 hours in the kitchen working.
Pork Asado Siopao
I think I was pretty good when it came to eating right and not overdoing the whole “I-am-pregnant-I-want-to-eat-everything” part of the journey. In fact, I hated how picky I got for 9 months! I couldn’t stand the smell or taste of garlic so it was hard for me to decide what I want to eat I almost felt like a was ready to pull all his hair out!
I honestly did not buy any books about pregnancy so most of my questions were answered by my Doctors, family, and friends who have kids — also Pinterest and common sense! 😛
Here are the top 3 foods I avoided while I was pregnant:
Alcohol and Caffeine – Though both of these were not really part of my lifestyle, I still made it on top of my list. Studies have proven that 1 glass a day won’t hurt your baby but I did not want to take that risk.
Raw Food – This was pretty hard for me. I LOVE oysters and steak/tuna tartare and since I work at an oyster restaurant, I was always tempted to eat a dozen!
High Mercury Fish – Again, this was challenging since I was around fresh seafood all day! Fish is also a big part of my diet pre-pregnancy so it was hard to cut it off right away.
Enjoy The Journey
…and the perks! One of the things that helped me de-stress while pregnant? Baby freebies from different companies and lots of love from family & friends.
Let’s be honest, having a baby is not CHEAP! You may have billions in your bank account and you will still feel the impact of having a baby financially. Before baby A was born, I told myself that I will try not to overspend and be wise on e v e r y t h i n g. It was challenging to do that because everything seemed unpredictable when he was born — will I be able to nurse him for 3 months and save money on formula? will we get away with only a case of diapers this week? can I make sure he won’t get sick next month so we do not have to spend on medical bills?
I honestly thought that getting freebies from companies were fake. I would always see posts on Pinterest and just ignore them. Not until I signed up for a Gerber account and they sent me 3 cans of formula. I got addicted and started researching, needless to say I got addicted! lol
I also appreciate family and friends from miles away who sent baby A presents! That made me feel that it wasn’t just A and I in that journey, there were many around us who are just as excited to meet our baby boy.
I wasn’t able to take a lot of pictures of my bump because I was just too busy with work, moving into our new home, and duh…pregnancy! I did not have a maternity shoot because I couldn’t find the time to do it, and truthfully, I felt like a different person.
Treat yourself and eat your favorites! Lost count how many times we had dim sum when I was pregnant. Lol
You Deserve To Be Pretty
I felt different while I was pregnant. Must be the hormones, or maybe because I can’t control all of the changes I was going through. I felt positive whenever I dressed up. The confidence that I felt gave me the motivation to get up from my bed and be productive.
I did not buy any maternity clothes. I felt like it was something that I can’t use for too long. However, I bought clothes that are stretchable especially around the waist.
You see, having a healthy pregnancy is not just about eating healthy and staying fit. Being in a positive mental state is definitely an integral part of being healthy.
Support Is Everything
Find support other than your husband cause there are moments that you can appreciate more outside your partner in parenthood.
I will forever be grateful that my sister was here in the US when I was pregnant. She was able to go with me to most of my Doctor’s appointments and be a solid support in times that I needed a hand to hold. I enjoyed going on lunch dates with her after my check-up and of course, shop too….for the baby 😛
Every Monday I would go to the mall to get my Godiva Trufflelata. It was my guilty pleasure!
Stay Away From Emotional Stress (As Much As Possible)
 Though inevitable sometimes, emotional stress can greatly affect the baby. I had my worries that gave me sleepless nights when I was pregnant with baby A and I would often remind myself that my baby should come first. Every problem is temporary and after reading the effects of stress during pregnancy, I was more determined to be at my happiest. Nothing temporary should cause permanent damage.
Being a foodie, the best way I know to cope with stress is through food (aside from shopping! lol). Being a parent means working hard to give your child the best, and it involves taking care of yourself too!
Lucky for me, my husband loves being in the kitchen so I can request “healthier” versions of some of my favorite “junk” foods when I am feeling low. I wanted cup noodles so bad but I know how bad that is for your health and diet, so A made me a bowl of chicken soup all made from scratch (well except the Chinese noodles).
Love Is the Best Vitamin
Nothing can compare to the love and support you will get from your partner. Knowing that I have someone beside me throughout this journey to welcome my new role as a Mom is truly a blessing. The love that I receive from A definitely helped me be strong through all of the physical changes and emotional stress.
2016 was a busy year for A and I. Celebrating Valentine’s was the last thing on our minds so I did not expect anything. Having an amazing husband, A surprised me at work and brought me some of my favorites for lunch and a new charm for my Pandora bracelet ❤
Find someone who will take you to the diner at midnight because you are craving dolmades 😛
The best part about having a supportive partner? My belly was always full!
A made sure I had food! Little things like this definitely made me the happiest Mama-to-be!
I think most Mommies can agree with me when I say, the third trimester is out of this world. The last 3 months of my pregnancy felt like a year. There were things that I couldn’t do anymore, one of which was to bend. A offered to clip my toenails. How lucky am I?
Most women get scared to workout, but let me tell you — it is the best way to prepare your body for labor! I am on the move all day at work, but I wanted to do something specifically for me and my bump so I enrolled myself in yoga classes.
I am so lucky because there’s a yoga place 5 minutes away from my previous job. I loved Wednesdays because I got to leave work a little early, go to the local cafe to get a smoothie, then I’ll walk to my yoga class. I felt strong physically and mentally. I truly believe yoga helped me stay calm during labor and delivery.
Walking to my yoga class with my favorite smoothie from my favorite local cafe.
I also enjoyed looking at the buildings in the neighborhood. Somewhere deep in me, I felt like I was bonding with baby A already because I was doing for “us”.
I truly believe that having a healthy pregnancy is not just about the food that you eat or how you prepare your body for labor and delivery. It’s also about being in a good mental and emotional state. Everything starts from within.
Showing off my bump at 6 months — happy and healthy! ❤
R ❤
How To Have A Healthy Pregnancy Hello, dolls!! Hello, AUGUST! I am welcoming another busy month. I thought June and July were crazy but seems like August is shaping up to be 
0 notes
bebizboss · 4 years
700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets
Would you need to start a blog or Online Business but you have no idea what is the best niche markets for blogging? Or, Looking for the best niches to start your online business? Then, You are at the right place. Finding the right and profitable niche is one of the biggest hurdles faced by most of the online entrepreneurs and beginners. Most of them are doing critical mistakes when choosing a niche. That chosen niche can be key to your success or failure. So you need to be more careful with picking the right niche. 700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets Most people start their blog with their desired target audience or with an untapped niche market because there is no completion. However, at that point, you should be careful. Because if you start your blog or online business for making money income and If nobody was ready to spend money on your niche and there is no advertiser to advertise on your site or niche you will unable to make money from your site. So you must be very careful when choosing a niche for your business. Your chosen niche should be long-term and profitable to succeed in blogging and make money. If you choose to write your niche blog in fun, engaging ways with curiosity, you can generate surprisingly many visitors to succeed with your blog. For that, the below niche ideas will help you to choose or study more about niche and sub-niches.
Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money for Online Business and Blogging - Niche markets 2020
Below we explain one by one niche with its sub-niches. From among them, you can find the best niche for your online business or blogging.
Health niche Ideas
Health and wellness niche is one of the huge niche and best to start a blog. You can discuss varied topics in one niche. They searching for solutions online. Especially, Weight Loss for Women is one of the billion-dollar industry. Everyone is passionate about taking care of their health to live a better lifestyle. How to make money with Health Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Health Sub niches - Diets Low Carb/SugarNutrition and supplementsMeditationHerbal remediesMental healthMindfulnessSelf-care and self-worthConfidence boostingSkincareTraditional medicineHealthier shopping tipsFitnessStress ManagementLow-fat food
Fitness niche Ideas
There are a lot of people who would like to be fitness and love to get six-pack abs. So most of the people looking for guides and tips for getting fitness. SO there is a huge audience for you. How to make money with Fitness Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Fitness Sub niches - Body BuildingStrength trainingWeight lossYogaCyclingRunningHikingBoxingPilatesTRXMMAOutdoor ExerciseResistance TrainingStretching and ToningHealthy EatingZumbaMarathonsMud RunsSpartan RacesWorking out with kidsWorking out from HomePersonal TrainingDietTeen FitnessFitness for Specific Body PartsWeight GainMuscle BuildingSupplementsDietOld people wanting to get into shapeFamous celebrities’ fitness regimeTargeting fake fitness news and bring the truth to lightNew moms
Sport niche ideas
Most people are interested in doing sport for being healthy, hobby or profession. How to make money with Sport Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sport Sub niches - FootballBasketballTennisHockeyBoxingRacingGolfShootingArcheryIce-SkatingSkateboardingVolleyballSoccerSurfingTrack and FieldSport equipment
News Niche ideas
The news niche consists of anything related to information about recent and important events. Great news-related sites can earn thousands of traffics and income opportunities. How to make money with News Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income and revenue from Ad networks News Sub niches - Latest NewsSports NewsPolitics NewsEntertainmentCelebrity NewsTechnology NewsBusiness NewsHealth NewsScience NewsScience News
Travel Niche ideas
Most people interested to travel across the country or worlds with their families, friends, and others for their vacations. So most people looking for different and beautiful places to travel. If you are a success, You can travel around the world for free while making money from your blogs and chance to working with top brands and sponsors from all over the world. How to make money with Travel Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, selling ad space, e-Commerce shop page, Create YouTube videos about your traveling and make income with Google AdSense and revenue from Ad networks Travel Sub niches - A Personal Travel BlogTravel Tips and GuideCampingCity GuideRestaurantsHotelsAirbnb’sCultural DifferencesFood DifferencesLanguage and TravelTraveling for WorkLow Budget TravelBucket listsHidden AttractionInternational TripsLocal travelCruisesSailingExotic PlacesMotorcycle TravelBoat TravelHistorical PlacesBicycle TravelTravel TipsAdventure Travel Hotel reviewsTravel with KidsWeekend TravelSafariAncient places
Food Niche ideas
Would you like food? Yes, we all love to eat. So naturally, food is a very popular niche. most people interested to try new recipes and foods. So they searching on Google every day. That niche includes related to the food. How to make money with Food Niche? You could be making money with Brand sponsorships, sell recipes, Affiliate income from cookware and other cooking utilities, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, selling ad Space, link your blog to YouTube channel and monetize with Google AdSense program and revenue from Ad networks. Food Sub niches - CookingBakingRecipesHome-Cooked MealsHealth FoodsSuper FoodsCoffee TeaVeganism and Plant-Based DietWines and champagneCraft BeerBBQ’sGrillingGourmetCake-DecoratingChocolateSummer CookingWine PairingFine DiningExotic FoodsPastaPizzaHealthy EatingCanningKitchen EquipmentFood DiscoveryFood CultureFood Photography/Food VideographySea FoodsCooking and Kitchen TipsHarmful foods items and drinks
Gaming Niche ideas
Most people are interested to play games such as mobile games, PC games, online games, and video games. Some games can be expensive and some people need to choose a good game among a lot of games. Then, they will go to the internet and searching for gaming details. As well as a large audience, there is heavy competition too. How to make money with Gaming Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space, and revenue from Ad networks Gaming Sub niches - Video game Tutorials for BeginnersGame Walkthroughs and TipsMobile Game Tutorial for BeginnersPC Game Tutorial for BeginnersStrategy Game Best PracticesAction GamesRTS GamesRPD GamesPuzzleHow to PlayHow to Play ChessInternet or Online GamesMultiplayer GamesCard and Board GamesOutdoor GamesKids GamesParty GamesSpecific console brands such as Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo and etc.Pc and Mobile gamesGaming eventsInterviews with industry leaders
Entertainment Niche ideas
This niche deals with all things related to entertainment. If you have a passion for things such as movies, TV shows, and sports this niche can be best. How to make money with Entertainment Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Entertainment related Product reviews, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad network Entertainment Sub niches - MoviesMusicTV ShowsWeb SeriesFunny VideosTheaterMagicK-PopComedy and ImprovisationUpcoming EventsFunny cat videoTheatre, Opera and balletGames
Fashion and Beauty Niche ideas
Many people interested to follow fashion and be beauty. That niche worth billions of dollars. To be a success in this niche you need to involve with Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube social media. From this niche, you can make lots of money by becoming an influencer in the niche. How to make money with Fashion and Beauty Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks, create videoes such as Makeup video tutorials on youtube and add monetizing, Review about products related to fashions for sponsoring, and Sales on amazon. Fashion and Beauty Sub niches - MakeupNail ArtWrinklesAcnePersonal fashion blogsFashion TrendsClothing and AccessoriesMakeup TutorialsWomen ShoesJewelry ReviewMen fashionLuxury Watches HairstylesCosmeticsBeauty productsBody BuildingAnti-Aging ProductsWrinkle CreamsEye GelsCosmetic Surgery
Hobbies Niche ideas
Everyone has hobbies. Most people are looking for information to improve their hobbies or start new hobbies. How to make money with Hobbies Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Hobbies Sub niches - GardeningDrawingArtMusicWritingDancingRiver RaftingProgramming and Wen DevelopmentBoating and FishingPhotographyAstronomy and HoroscopesHorseback RidingSelf-Defense and Martial ArtsMotorcyclesTechnologyFashion Golf
Education and Career niche ideas
There are a lot of opportunities and a huge demand in Education and career niche. A wide variety of audiences looking for all sorts of educational content online. How to make money with Education and Career Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space, Online courses, e-Courses and revenue from Ad networks Education and Career Sub niches - Career Path AdvicePromotions and Career CoachingLearning New SkillsStudy HackOnline TeachingSAT Tips and tricksJobs and Resume TipsAssignmentsResearchSchool SubjectsHigh School Entrance ExamsHigh EducationJob InterviewsJob SkillsJob VacanciesEducational institutesPublicationsExam preparation
Blogging Niche ideas
Most of the people interested to get into blogging because they enjoy it and a good method to make money online. Also, most people like to write it. How to make money with Blogging Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, eCourses, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Blogging Sub niches - Beginners GuideWordPress GuideBlogger GuidePlug-InsHosting Domain nameKeywordsSEO (Search Engine Optimization) Ranking SystemContent ManagementMake Money from BloggingDesign a Blog SitePost WritingAffiliate marketingSocial media promote
Science Niche ideas
This niche includes everything related to the study of nature and nature's behaviors and other science-related things. You can attract curious readers who are looking for new information. How to make money with Science Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Science Sub niches - DiscoveryPhysicsEnergyEnvironmentAstronomyGeographySpace
Learn Language Niche ideas
People like to learn new languages. English is only the first language of 21% of the population. However, there is a trend to learn Chinese as a subject of the chain’s growing economic power. Not only chine, people interest to learn one or more secondary languages. So soon in the future, many people will have to learn a second language besides English. That means it will bring more market opportunities and niches for yours to online business. How to make money with learn language Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Learn language Sub niches - Languages teachLanguage tuition softwareOnline language coaching servicesLanguage TranslateSpanishChineseEnglishFrench
Relationship and Dating Niche ideas
Most of the people seek relationship-related advice and tips. If you can give the right relationship advice, you can start a blog in this niche. There are many different types of target audiences you can write for. How to make money with Relationship and Dating Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, eCourses, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Relationship and Dating Sub niches - MarriageWedding and MarriageDating GuideDate IdeasRomanceRelationship AdviceInfidelityHealingEngagementFinancesStarting a FamilyCo-ParentingStep-ParentingDivorceSupporting One AnotherWork-Life BalancePrioritiesFamily FirstRespectPlanning for the FutureMoving Together and Starting a FamilyMaintaining Relationship ConflictsSurviving BreakupsOnline DatingHow to Get a Girlfriend/BoyfriendDating AdviceHow to Meet GirlsOlder Dating
Business and Finance Niche ideas
That niche consists of anything related to the world of business and money-related topics. A lot of people looking for how to start their own business. You can give advice and tips and guides for business and show you are great with money. This niche has huge audiences because a lot of people interested to make money from doing business. How to make money with Business and Finance Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Business and Finance Sub niches - Business IdeasBusiness TipsHow to start your own businessInvestingMarketingSales EntrepreneurshipHuman ResourcesFrugal LivingPersonal Finance and frugal livingFinancial IndependenceInsurance SavingsManaging the Family BudgetRetirement and Pension Savings
Make Money Online Niche ideas
This niche is attracting a lot of attention because of its about making money online. Many people are searching for how to make money online? So most of the top bloggers get more than 100k views each month. This is one of the most competitive and profitable niches. How to make money with Make Money Online Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Make Money Online Sub niches - BloggingAffiliate MarketingDigital MarketingSEOFreelancingSurveysMystery ShoppingFreelancing writingFreelance other CoachingServicesPersonal Virtual AssistantsProofreadingEditingData-EntryProducts and Residual IncomeSite reviewsContent MarketingSocial Media MarketingOnline AdvertisingShopify or Amazon affiliate
Politics and Society Niche ideas
Politics are creating news every day as well as election years. Whether international, national or local, find a political topic to discuss and join conversations is very popular. Most people interested to get really polarized around politics topics.  So that niche can be another profitable niche for starting a blog. How to make money with Politics and Society Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Political and society Sub niches - News and Current EventsPolitical SatireSociety and Politics
Photography Niche ideas
Most of the people are loving to get photos as a hobby or profession. Also, there are high values for quality photos. Also most of the peoples such as an advertiser, Bloggers, Marketers, publishers looking for images for price or free. How to make money with Photography Niche? You can make money with Sell your photos online, brand sponsorships, e-Commerce shop page, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Photography Sub niches - Wedding PhotographyWildlife PhotographyParty PhotographyPet photographyPhotography trainingPhoto editingPortrait PhotographyLandscape photographyFood PhotographySport photographyMacro PhotographyEvent PhotographyFashion PhotographyStreet PhotographyDocumentary Photography
Self-Worth Niche ideas
Many people looking to improving their self-values. They looking for guides and tips for those. Most How to make money with Self-worth Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Self-Worth Sub niches - EmotionsFeelingsForgivenessConfidenceBuilding RelationshipsMaking FriendsCommunityHealingSocial AnxietyNegative and Positive ThinkingMotivationOptimismHappinessPrioritiesSuccess
Art and Design Niche ideas
The art allows people to express their creativity and imagination to others. There are a lot of people looking for creative inspiration. If you are talented, you can offer tutorials, tips, and guides about art for others. How to make money with Art Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks and Ad networks. Also, you can create and sell their art products and digital copies of their work online or commission-base services and affiliate income for your readers. Art and Design Sub niches - CalligraphyPaintingDIY CraftsTutorialsWoodworkSewingPhotographyVideographyWatercolorDesign Tutorials Graphic designLogo Design
Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Niche ideas
This is one of the most famous niches around the world. Most of the people have at least 2 smartphones and every household has 3-4 Mobile phones. Not only that, they are always looking for upgrading to better models with improving technologies and features. As well as mobile phones they interest to use mobile gadgets and accessories. How to make money with Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Niche? You can make money by selling your own products and service, Shopify, e-Commerce shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks. Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Sub niches Latest mobile phonesProtection and insuranceOperating soft wares Applications/appsWallpapersCell phone accessoriesUsed mobile phones
Faith Niche ideas
People have different faiths on different matters. Also, they love to know about it because of the curiosity. How to make money with Faith Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Faith Sub niches - HealingForgivenessHow to Read the BibleSpiritualitySharing the WorldMissionsRebuilding Broken FaithChildren’s Ministries
Family and Home Niche ideas
Most of the people looking for advice, Guides, Tips for success in their family and home. How to make money with Family and Home Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Family and Home Sub niches - Pregnancy and Becoming ParentsParenting and ChildcareFamily HolidaysHobbies for the Whole FamilySaving MoneyHouse and GardenHomeschoolingSchool and BullyingEco-Friendly Homes
Retirement Niche ideas
Most people have planned their retirement since their teenage and most people need to know about planning their retirement. How to make money with Retirement Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Retirement Sub niches - Early RetirementInterest IncomeResidual IncomeBudgetingMedical CostsAdult Children SavingsInvestmentsBondsStocks
Baby Niche ideas
There are thousands of babies born in the day, All of the parents give high attention to care about their babies. So there is a huge and developing market. How to make money with Baby Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Baby Sub niches - Baby NamesBaby AccessoriesBaby BathingBaby CareBaby FeedingBaby GiftsBaby MusicBaby Sleep
Social Networks ideas
With technology, people are busy with their lifestyle. People trending tools to be social with others. How to make money with Social Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Social Networks Sub niches - Instagram CelebritiesMastering a Social NetworkSocial Media DetoxBeginner’s Guide
E-Learning Niche ideas
The Internet is completely changing the ways of learning and learn things. By using the internet, you can go to classes from your bedroom as well as physically o to a classroom. It gives more accessible to everyone to learn things. It does not matter where are you from. Because of the huge demand for online earning content, that niche becomes a profitable niche. So focus on helping people learn a new skill online. How to make money with E-Learning Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space, Online courses, Study Packs and revenue from Ad networks Recommended courses Udemy and Skillshare (affiliate programs) create own courses and eBooks E-learning Sub niches - Photoshop TutorialsGuitar LessonsEnglish Language LessonsWeb Development coursesPet care and learningCordingCopywritingSEODesign
Pets niche ideas
Most of the people love to pet. They give a major place in their lives to the pets. So they looking for tips and guides about pets. How to make money with pets Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Pets Sub niches - Dogs CatsParrotsFish tankPet FashionPet FoodsPets HealthPets careHomemade Dog FoodsPuppy foodsHealthy foods for petsPet shelterPet hospitalPets trainingPets sport and workoutPet cafe
Religion Niche ideas
There are a lot of religions in the world. People love to learn more about their religions and learn about other religions. How to make money with Religion Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Religion Sub niches - BuddhismChristianityCatholicismHinduism
SEO Niche ideas
Most of the people start blogs, forums, and web sites. They need to know information about How to Rank their sites How to make money with Health Niche? You can make money with eCourses, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks SEO Sub niches – SEO TipsSEO ToolsBlogger SEOWordPress SEO
DIY Niche ideas
How to make money with DIY Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks DIY Sub niches - DIY CraftDIY Room DécorDIY Home ImprovementDIY BeautyDIY Halloween/Christmas/Valentine’s DayDIY Solar Water HeatersDIY Tutorials
Lifestyle Niche ideas
This is a popular niche with different topics. These blogs usually target one type of demographic with multi-topics. Simply it is a catch-all niche. It includes anything to do with the daily way of living. You can talk to one audience on different topics and help them to improve their lifestyle. How to make money with Lifestyle Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks and Revenue from Ad networks. Lifestyle Sub niches - FashionDécorFitnessFoodGardenTravelLifestyle designHealthPersonal DevelopmentReligionCulture
Local Niche ideas
You can write a blog about your local area, thins, places, culture, traditions. How to make money with Health Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Local Sub niches - TravelThings to DoHotel/Restaurant ReviewsLocal InformationLocal News
Tech Niche ideas
That niche consists of anything related to technology and electronics. If you are a Tech-Savvy and tech-lover you can write about it. Most of the people like to be up-To-date about newest and exciting things related to technology. How to make money with Tech Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships to promote products, Affiliate income from becoming an affiliate for the products you write about, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, selling ad Space, Link blog with YouTube Channel video about reviews and get income from Google AdSense and revenue from Ad networks Tech Sub niches - Gadgets (Smartphones, Laptops, Tablets, Accessories, Consumer, Electronic, etc.) reviewLatest Gadgets and ProductsUpcoming GadgetsSoftwareAppsTech newsInvestments in tech companiesPC repairTech SupportsVirtual RealityArtificial IntelligenceRoboticsLED lightingDronesHome automationGuides on Windows 10Guide on Mac OS
Electronic Products and Application niche ideas
This is one of the profitable niches. Most of the people are often looking for advice, prices, features, and know-how about the electric applications before they purchase those electronic items. How to make money with Electronic products and application Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad network Electronic Products and Application Sub niches - Cooling applicationsHeating applicationsTelevisions LED, LCEDVD playersSound systemHeadsetsCleaning applicationsLights and chandeliers
Home Décor and Relative Aspect niche ideas
People always like to keep their houses clean, nice and well decorated. Also, this niche is not going out of style as people feel the need to improve their living standards and home look. How to make money with Home décor and relative aspect Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Home décor and relative aspect Sub niches - Wall paintWallpapers and decalsCarpets, curtains, and blindsTiles, marbles, flooringDecoration piecesTable cloth, matsBook racks
Media related niche ideas
Media is a mass niche. It covers a lot of stuff that can be further divided into a lot of sub-niches. That niche comprises o majors like news, TV, movies, TV series, education programs, gossips, advertisements and etc. How to make money with Media Related Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Media related Sub-niches News (Breaking, Latest, Celebrity, Sport, breaking, weather)AdvertisementMovies and TV seriesMusicEducational programs
Parenting and Mommy Niche ideas
This is a niche that is also universal because moms are everywhere. There is a huge market for newborns and children. There are hundreds and thousands of products just for the parent too. Also, most people are looking for new information to care about their kids. So that is one of the profitable niches. Also, you need to care about the information that you are sharing about kids. How to make money with Parenting and Mommy Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Parenting and mommy Sub niches - Children productsPregnancy tipsBeing a momPregnancy and BirthPostpartumNutrition and Parenting
Kitchen Niche ideas
Most of the women interested to keep their kitchens clean and beautiful. So they looking for new tips and guides. How to make money with Kitchen Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Kitchen Sub niches - Kitchen FaucetsKitchen SinksKitchen GadgetsKitchen Plan
Product Reviews Niche ideas
If you are consuming a lot of products and well-knowledge about products, this can be the best niche for your blog. You will be able to write reviews about products based on your own personal experience and you could help readers to buy those products. How to make money with Product Review Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks You can make a good income by promoting products in the form of articles and promoting affiliate products and sponsor reviews. Product reviews Sub niches - Tech/GadgetsMakeupClothingBooksVehiclesBranded ProductsCool ThingsProducts reviewsProducts compareBuying GuideBest Product(s)
Home Security Review niche ideas
In Today’s most people give the major place to their home securities. So they looking for tools and guides for home security. How to make money with Home Security Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Home security review Sub niches - CCTVHome Monitoring SoftwareWi-Fi Security Cameras SystemPIR Lighting SystemSecurity alarm
Vehicle Niche ideas
Most people interested to be updated with new vehicles and Its Features. How to make money with vehicle Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Vehicle Sub niches - Car reviewVehicle AccessoriesVehicle modificationSUV reviewLuxury VehicleLow budget vehicles
Automobile Niche Ideas
Today most of the people use vehicle and automobile becomes the profitable niche. No matter what is the economic situation, you can generate from this niche. How to make money with Automobile Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce or Shopify shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Automobile Sub Niches Car care products and techniquesCar Care CostEngine and fuel system healthy and efficientEngine oils and vehiclesCar Washing and Detailing Interior and exterior customizationsModification parts and pricesSound systems for vehiclesFix minor issues and tipsAccessories and performance optimization toolsVehicle insurance
Clothing/Dressing and Accessories Niche ideas
Clothing and dressing is a great business that never runs out of business. No matter what? People always looking to buy clothes and accessories. So creating a business or blog about this niche can be a pretty safe investment. Most people do not consider the price and people trend to buy brandable items for high prices because of brand loyalty. So you can make a good profit from that niche. How to make money with Clothing/Dressing and Accessories Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce or Shopify shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Clothing/Dressing and Accessories sub-niches- Outfits and accessories for exercising and physical sport.Customized t-shirtTrendsSell or purchase used accessories.Seasonal updatesRated brands of clothing and accessories Formal and casual suits for menLatest designs for womenShoes for men and womenWatches for man and womenArtificial jewelry, necklace, wristwatches, handbags, and etc
Sewing Niche ideas
Sewing and knitting is a huge niche in social media such as Pinterest. There are a lot of people who looking for sewing but there are few blogs related to that niche. So there is a huge opportunity to succeed. How to make money with Sewing Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sewing Sub niches - How to SewPatternsDesign samples
Personal Development Niche ideas
People are not open about their weaknesses. Everyone looking for has a better life. In professional workers as well as Business owners’ personality development plays a vital role. But thanks to the latest technologies people are searching for self-help tips online. If you can help people by helping them to upgrade their quality of life and increase productivity, that can be your niche. How to make money with Personal Development Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Personal development Sub niches - Self-ConfidenceGetting-WealthFinding HappinessImproving interpersonal and intrapersonal skillsTime and Goal ManagementSkill developmentCommunication Soft skillsTalents and potentialsSelf-esteemLeadership Training and developmentMotivationSpiritualityLife Coaching
Weddings and Party Niche ideas
There is a huge market for weddings and party niche. Every day it is growing and become profitable. How to make money with Weddings and party Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Weddings and Party Sub niches - Wedding planningFlower Girl’s dresses and ShoesWedding cakesWedding planWedding PhotographyFlower decorationsParty plan and organizeWedding budgets planWedding themesCelebrity wedding
Music Niche ideas
How to make money with Music Niche? You can make money with selling your sons, ringing tones, product, and services online, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sub niches ideas - How to singingTenorSopranoHow to Play GuitarHow to Play FluteHow to Play PianoHow to Play Drum
Cryptocurrency Niche ideas
This is a very famous virtual coin base earning market. Most people looking for new opportunities for more earnings with cryptocurrencies. How to make money with Cryptocurrency Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks  Cryptocurrency Sub niches - BitCoinCrypto CoinsCrypto Payment ProcessorsEarn CryptoCrypto invest
The Survival niche ideas
How to make money with survival Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Survival Sub niches - Self-DefenseHome DefensePreppingGrow Your Own FoodHomesteading
Web Development Niche ideas
How to make money with web development Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, Themes/webs design and sell, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Web development Sub niches - HTML and CSS codingThemes and PlatformsPlugins ProgrammingWeb development
Renewable/Green Energy Niche ideas
Renewable/Green Energy Sub niches - Solar PowerAlternative EnergyBattery ReconditioningTesla PowerwallsSolar-Powered USB Charging PacksGenerate Electricity from HomeDIY Home Energy
Gift Ideas niche ideas
Most of the people looking for gift guides to choose the right present to buy for their colleagues, friends, and family during the holiday seasons, Festivals, weddings and birthdays. How to make money with Gift Ideas Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Gift ideas Sub niches - Birthday GiftsWedding GiftsBaby GiftsFamily GiftsGift decorate
Advice Niche ideas
How to make money with advice Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, counseling, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Advice Sub niches - Life AdviceFinancial AdviceCareer adviceMarriage AdviceRelationship advice
Budgeting Money Niche ideas
Most of the people looking for expense their money efficiently and effectively. So they looking for budgeting methods to expend their money. Budgeting Money Sub niches - CouponingBudgetingDIY to Save MoneyStudents Loans/ Debt ReplacementHomesteadingReusing
Spirituality and Alternative Beliefs niche ideas
Spirituality and alternative beliefs Sub niches - AstrologyHypnosisNumerologyParanormalPsychicsTarotWitchcraft
Real State niche ideas
Real state in one of the profitable and growing market. Most of the people invest their money in real estate properties. Real State Sub niches - Land sellLand developmentReal Estate investorVacation RentalsOff-market propertiesSingle Family ResidencesFirst time home buyersArchitectural
Construction niche ideas
Globally the construction niche is very lucrative and high profitable. Also, there are different types of growing business opportunities. Construction Sub niches –      BuildingsBuilding materialsAluminum Door and WindowsBasement ManufacturingBathtub ReglazingBuilding Material RetailingCarpentryCCTV installationConcrete supplyCement
Popular niche Combinations
Food & TravelParenting & TravelHealth and FitnessEducation & Career In the sub-niches, there are a lot of Sub audiences that you can write. Once you select the perfect niche for your blog, start publishing niche related exceptional content to attract readers in your target market. Keep your posting regularly to a schedule. That will take a long time to reach your success. So, Be patient. It will take a few months or years to see the successful results of your hard works and efforts. I hope the above 700+ Best Niche ideas to get traffic and make money in 2020 (niche markets) will help you to start and to be a success in your blogging and make money online journey. And if you know more about 700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets or have any suggestions please share with us in the comments section below.  Read the full article
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bebizboss · 5 years
700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets
Would you need to start a blog or Online Business but you have no idea what is the best niche markets for blogging? Or, Looking for the best niches to start your online business? Then, You are at the right place. Finding the right and profitable niche is one of the biggest hurdles faced by most of the online entrepreneurs and beginners. Most of them are doing critical mistakes when choosing a niche. That chosen niche can be key to your success or failure. So you need to be more careful with picking the right niche. 700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets Most people start their blog with their desired target audience or with an untapped niche market because there is no completion. However, at that point, you should be careful. Because if you start your blog or online business for making money income and If nobody was ready to spend money on your niche and there is no advertiser to advertise on your site or niche you will unable to make money from your site. So you must be very careful when choosing a niche for your business. Your chosen niche should be long-term and profitable to succeed in blogging and make money. If you choose to write your niche blog in fun, engaging ways with curiosity, you can generate surprisingly many visitors to succeed with your blog. For that, the below niche ideas will help you to choose or study more about niche and sub-niches.
Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money for Online Business and Blogging - Niche markets 2020
Below we explain one by one niche with its sub-niches. From among them, you can find the best niche for your online business or blogging.
Health niche Ideas
Health and wellness niche is one of the huge niche and best to start a blog. You can discuss varied topics in one niche. They searching for solutions online. Especially, Weight Loss for Women is one of the billion-dollar industry. Everyone is passionate about taking care of their health to live a better lifestyle. How to make money with Health Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Health Sub niches - Diets Low Carb/SugarNutrition and supplementsMeditationHerbal remediesMental healthMindfulnessSelf-care and self-worthConfidence boostingSkincareTraditional medicineHealthier shopping tipsFitnessStress ManagementLow-fat food
Fitness niche Ideas
There are a lot of people who would like to be fitness and love to get six-pack abs. So most of the people looking for guides and tips for getting fitness. SO there is a huge audience for you. How to make money with Fitness Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Fitness Sub niches - Body BuildingStrength trainingWeight lossYogaCyclingRunningHikingBoxingPilatesTRXMMAOutdoor ExerciseResistance TrainingStretching and ToningHealthy EatingZumbaMarathonsMud RunsSpartan RacesWorking out with kidsWorking out from HomePersonal TrainingDietTeen FitnessFitness for Specific Body PartsWeight GainMuscle BuildingSupplementsDietOld people wanting to get into shapeFamous celebrities’ fitness regimeTargeting fake fitness news and bring the truth to lightNew moms
Sport niche ideas
Most people are interested in doing sport for being healthy, hobby or profession. How to make money with Sport Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sport Sub niches - FootballBasketballTennisHockeyBoxingRacingGolfShootingArcheryIce-SkatingSkateboardingVolleyballSoccerSurfingTrack and FieldSport equipment
News Niche ideas
The news niche consists of anything related to information about recent and important events. Great news-related sites can earn thousands of traffics and income opportunities. How to make money with News Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income and revenue from Ad networks News Sub niches - Latest NewsSports NewsPolitics NewsEntertainmentCelebrity NewsTechnology NewsBusiness NewsHealth NewsScience NewsScience News
Travel Niche ideas
Most people interested to travel across the country or worlds with their families, friends, and others for their vacations. So most people looking for different and beautiful places to travel. If you are a success, You can travel around the world for free while making money from your blogs and chance to working with top brands and sponsors from all over the world. How to make money with Travel Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, selling ad space, e-Commerce shop page, Create YouTube videos about your traveling and make income with Google AdSense and revenue from Ad networks Travel Sub niches - A Personal Travel BlogTravel Tips and GuideCampingCity GuideRestaurantsHotelsAirbnb’sCultural DifferencesFood DifferencesLanguage and TravelTraveling for WorkLow Budget TravelBucket listsHidden AttractionInternational TripsLocal travelCruisesSailingExotic PlacesMotorcycle TravelBoat TravelHistorical PlacesBicycle TravelTravel TipsAdventure Travel Hotel reviewsTravel with KidsWeekend TravelSafariAncient places
Food Niche ideas
Would you like food? Yes, we all love to eat. So naturally, food is a very popular niche. most people interested to try new recipes and foods. So they searching on Google every day. That niche includes related to the food. How to make money with Food Niche? You could be making money with Brand sponsorships, sell recipes, Affiliate income from cookware and other cooking utilities, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, selling ad Space, link your blog to YouTube channel and monetize with Google AdSense program and revenue from Ad networks. Food Sub niches - CookingBakingRecipesHome-Cooked MealsHealth FoodsSuper FoodsCoffee TeaVeganism and Plant-Based DietWines and champagneCraft BeerBBQ’sGrillingGourmetCake-DecoratingChocolateSummer CookingWine PairingFine DiningExotic FoodsPastaPizzaHealthy EatingCanningKitchen EquipmentFood DiscoveryFood CultureFood Photography/Food VideographySea FoodsCooking and Kitchen TipsHarmful foods items and drinks
Gaming Niche ideas
Most people are interested to play games such as mobile games, PC games, online games, and video games. Some games can be expensive and some people need to choose a good game among a lot of games. Then, they will go to the internet and searching for gaming details. As well as a large audience, there is heavy competition too. How to make money with Gaming Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space, and revenue from Ad networks Gaming Sub niches - Video game Tutorials for BeginnersGame Walkthroughs and TipsMobile Game Tutorial for BeginnersPC Game Tutorial for BeginnersStrategy Game Best PracticesAction GamesRTS GamesRPD GamesPuzzleHow to PlayHow to Play ChessInternet or Online GamesMultiplayer GamesCard and Board GamesOutdoor GamesKids GamesParty GamesSpecific console brands such as Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo and etc.Pc and Mobile gamesGaming eventsInterviews with industry leaders
Entertainment Niche ideas
This niche deals with all things related to entertainment. If you have a passion for things such as movies, TV shows, and sports this niche can be best. How to make money with Entertainment Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Entertainment related Product reviews, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad network Entertainment Sub niches - MoviesMusicTV ShowsWeb SeriesFunny VideosTheaterMagicK-PopComedy and ImprovisationUpcoming EventsFunny cat videoTheatre, Opera and balletGames
Fashion and Beauty Niche ideas
Many people interested to follow fashion and be beauty. That niche worth billions of dollars. To be a success in this niche you need to involve with Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube social media. From this niche, you can make lots of money by becoming an influencer in the niche. How to make money with Fashion and Beauty Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks, create videoes such as Makeup video tutorials on youtube and add monetizing, Review about products related to fashions for sponsoring, and Sales on amazon. Fashion and Beauty Sub niches - MakeupNail ArtWrinklesAcnePersonal fashion blogsFashion TrendsClothing and AccessoriesMakeup TutorialsWomen ShoesJewelry ReviewMen fashionLuxury Watches HairstylesCosmeticsBeauty productsBody BuildingAnti-Aging ProductsWrinkle CreamsEye GelsCosmetic Surgery
Hobbies Niche ideas
Everyone has hobbies. Most people are looking for information to improve their hobbies or start new hobbies. How to make money with Hobbies Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Hobbies Sub niches - GardeningDrawingArtMusicWritingDancingRiver RaftingProgramming and Wen DevelopmentBoating and FishingPhotographyAstronomy and HoroscopesHorseback RidingSelf-Defense and Martial ArtsMotorcyclesTechnologyFashion Golf
Education and Career niche ideas
There are a lot of opportunities and a huge demand in Education and career niche. A wide variety of audiences looking for all sorts of educational content online. How to make money with Education and Career Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space, Online courses, e-Courses and revenue from Ad networks Education and Career Sub niches - Career Path AdvicePromotions and Career CoachingLearning New SkillsStudy HackOnline TeachingSAT Tips and tricksJobs and Resume TipsAssignmentsResearchSchool SubjectsHigh School Entrance ExamsHigh EducationJob InterviewsJob SkillsJob VacanciesEducational institutesPublicationsExam preparation
Blogging Niche ideas
Most of the people interested to get into blogging because they enjoy it and a good method to make money online. Also, most people like to write it. How to make money with Blogging Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, eCourses, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Blogging Sub niches - Beginners GuideWordPress GuideBlogger GuidePlug-InsHosting Domain nameKeywordsSEO (Search Engine Optimization) Ranking SystemContent ManagementMake Money from BloggingDesign a Blog SitePost WritingAffiliate marketingSocial media promote
Science Niche ideas
This niche includes everything related to the study of nature and nature's behaviors and other science-related things. You can attract curious readers who are looking for new information. How to make money with Science Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Science Sub niches - DiscoveryPhysicsEnergyEnvironmentAstronomyGeographySpace
Learn Language Niche ideas
People like to learn new languages. English is only the first language of 21% of the population. However, there is a trend to learn Chinese as a subject of the chain’s growing economic power. Not only chine, people interest to learn one or more secondary languages. So soon in the future, many people will have to learn a second language besides English. That means it will bring more market opportunities and niches for yours to online business. How to make money with learn language Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Learn language Sub niches - Languages teachLanguage tuition softwareOnline language coaching servicesLanguage TranslateSpanishChineseEnglishFrench
Relationship and Dating Niche ideas
Most of the people seek relationship-related advice and tips. If you can give the right relationship advice, you can start a blog in this niche. There are many different types of target audiences you can write for. How to make money with Relationship and Dating Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, eCourses, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Relationship and Dating Sub niches - MarriageWedding and MarriageDating GuideDate IdeasRomanceRelationship AdviceInfidelityHealingEngagementFinancesStarting a FamilyCo-ParentingStep-ParentingDivorceSupporting One AnotherWork-Life BalancePrioritiesFamily FirstRespectPlanning for the FutureMoving Together and Starting a FamilyMaintaining Relationship ConflictsSurviving BreakupsOnline DatingHow to Get a Girlfriend/BoyfriendDating AdviceHow to Meet GirlsOlder Dating
Business and Finance Niche ideas
That niche consists of anything related to the world of business and money-related topics. A lot of people looking for how to start their own business. You can give advice and tips and guides for business and show you are great with money. This niche has huge audiences because a lot of people interested to make money from doing business. How to make money with Business and Finance Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Business and Finance Sub niches - Business IdeasBusiness TipsHow to start your own businessInvestingMarketingSales EntrepreneurshipHuman ResourcesFrugal LivingPersonal Finance and frugal livingFinancial IndependenceInsurance SavingsManaging the Family BudgetRetirement and Pension Savings
Make Money Online Niche ideas
This niche is attracting a lot of attention because of its about making money online. Many people are searching for how to make money online? So most of the top bloggers get more than 100k views each month. This is one of the most competitive and profitable niches. How to make money with Make Money Online Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Make Money Online Sub niches - BloggingAffiliate MarketingDigital MarketingSEOFreelancingSurveysMystery ShoppingFreelancing writingFreelance other CoachingServicesPersonal Virtual AssistantsProofreadingEditingData-EntryProducts and Residual IncomeSite reviewsContent MarketingSocial Media MarketingOnline AdvertisingShopify or Amazon affiliate
Politics and Society Niche ideas
Politics are creating news every day as well as election years. Whether international, national or local, find a political topic to discuss and join conversations is very popular. Most people interested to get really polarized around politics topics.  So that niche can be another profitable niche for starting a blog. How to make money with Politics and Society Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Political and society Sub niches - News and Current EventsPolitical SatireSociety and Politics
Photography Niche ideas
Most of the people are loving to get photos as a hobby or profession. Also, there are high values for quality photos. Also most of the peoples such as an advertiser, Bloggers, Marketers, publishers looking for images for price or free. How to make money with Photography Niche? You can make money with Sell your photos online, brand sponsorships, e-Commerce shop page, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Photography Sub niches - Wedding PhotographyWildlife PhotographyParty PhotographyPet photographyPhotography trainingPhoto editingPortrait PhotographyLandscape photographyFood PhotographySport photographyMacro PhotographyEvent PhotographyFashion PhotographyStreet PhotographyDocumentary Photography
Self-Worth Niche ideas
Many people looking to improving their self-values. They looking for guides and tips for those. Most How to make money with Self-worth Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Self-Worth Sub niches - EmotionsFeelingsForgivenessConfidenceBuilding RelationshipsMaking FriendsCommunityHealingSocial AnxietyNegative and Positive ThinkingMotivationOptimismHappinessPrioritiesSuccess
Art and Design Niche ideas
The art allows people to express their creativity and imagination to others. There are a lot of people looking for creative inspiration. If you are talented, you can offer tutorials, tips, and guides about art for others. How to make money with Art Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks and Ad networks. Also, you can create and sell their art products and digital copies of their work online or commission-base services and affiliate income for your readers. Art and Design Sub niches - CalligraphyPaintingDIY CraftsTutorialsWoodworkSewingPhotographyVideographyWatercolorDesign Tutorials Graphic designLogo Design
Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Niche ideas
This is one of the most famous niches around the world. Most of the people have at least 2 smartphones and every household has 3-4 Mobile phones. Not only that, they are always looking for upgrading to better models with improving technologies and features. As well as mobile phones they interest to use mobile gadgets and accessories. How to make money with Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Niche? You can make money by selling your own products and service, Shopify, e-Commerce shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks. Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Sub niches Latest mobile phonesProtection and insuranceOperating soft wares Applications/appsWallpapersCell phone accessoriesUsed mobile phones
Faith Niche ideas
People have different faiths on different matters. Also, they love to know about it because of the curiosity. How to make money with Faith Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Faith Sub niches - HealingForgivenessHow to Read the BibleSpiritualitySharing the WorldMissionsRebuilding Broken FaithChildren’s Ministries
Family and Home Niche ideas
Most of the people looking for advice, Guides, Tips for success in their family and home. How to make money with Family and Home Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Family and Home Sub niches - Pregnancy and Becoming ParentsParenting and ChildcareFamily HolidaysHobbies for the Whole FamilySaving MoneyHouse and GardenHomeschoolingSchool and BullyingEco-Friendly Homes
Retirement Niche ideas
Most people have planned their retirement since their teenage and most people need to know about planning their retirement. How to make money with Retirement Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Retirement Sub niches - Early RetirementInterest IncomeResidual IncomeBudgetingMedical CostsAdult Children SavingsInvestmentsBondsStocks
Baby Niche ideas
There are thousands of babies born in the day, All of the parents give high attention to care about their babies. So there is a huge and developing market. How to make money with Baby Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Baby Sub niches - Baby NamesBaby AccessoriesBaby BathingBaby CareBaby FeedingBaby GiftsBaby MusicBaby Sleep
Social Networks ideas
With technology, people are busy with their lifestyle. People trending tools to be social with others. How to make money with Social Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Social Networks Sub niches - Instagram CelebritiesMastering a Social NetworkSocial Media DetoxBeginner’s Guide
E-Learning Niche ideas
The Internet is completely changing the ways of learning and learn things. By using the internet, you can go to classes from your bedroom as well as physically o to a classroom. It gives more accessible to everyone to learn things. It does not matter where are you from. Because of the huge demand for online earning content, that niche becomes a profitable niche. So focus on helping people learn a new skill online. How to make money with E-Learning Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space, Online courses, Study Packs and revenue from Ad networks Recommended courses Udemy and Skillshare (affiliate programs) create own courses and eBooks E-learning Sub niches - Photoshop TutorialsGuitar LessonsEnglish Language LessonsWeb Development coursesPet care and learningCordingCopywritingSEODesign
Pets niche ideas
Most of the people love to pet. They give a major place in their lives to the pets. So they looking for tips and guides about pets. How to make money with pets Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Pets Sub niches - Dogs CatsParrotsFish tankPet FashionPet FoodsPets HealthPets careHomemade Dog FoodsPuppy foodsHealthy foods for petsPet shelterPet hospitalPets trainingPets sport and workoutPet cafe
Religion Niche ideas
There are a lot of religions in the world. People love to learn more about their religions and learn about other religions. How to make money with Religion Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Religion Sub niches - BuddhismChristianityCatholicismHinduism
SEO Niche ideas
Most of the people start blogs, forums, and web sites. They need to know information about How to Rank their sites How to make money with Health Niche? You can make money with eCourses, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks SEO Sub niches – SEO TipsSEO ToolsBlogger SEOWordPress SEO
DIY Niche ideas
How to make money with DIY Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks DIY Sub niches - DIY CraftDIY Room DécorDIY Home ImprovementDIY BeautyDIY Halloween/Christmas/Valentine’s DayDIY Solar Water HeatersDIY Tutorials
Lifestyle Niche ideas
This is a popular niche with different topics. These blogs usually target one type of demographic with multi-topics. Simply it is a catch-all niche. It includes anything to do with the daily way of living. You can talk to one audience on different topics and help them to improve their lifestyle. How to make money with Lifestyle Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks and Revenue from Ad networks. Lifestyle Sub niches - FashionDécorFitnessFoodGardenTravelLifestyle designHealthPersonal DevelopmentReligionCulture
Local Niche ideas
You can write a blog about your local area, thins, places, culture, traditions. How to make money with Health Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Local Sub niches - TravelThings to DoHotel/Restaurant ReviewsLocal InformationLocal News
Tech Niche ideas
That niche consists of anything related to technology and electronics. If you are a Tech-Savvy and tech-lover you can write about it. Most of the people like to be up-To-date about newest and exciting things related to technology. How to make money with Tech Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships to promote products, Affiliate income from becoming an affiliate for the products you write about, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, selling ad Space, Link blog with YouTube Channel video about reviews and get income from Google AdSense and revenue from Ad networks Tech Sub niches - Gadgets (Smartphones, Laptops, Tablets, Accessories, Consumer, Electronic, etc.) reviewLatest Gadgets and ProductsUpcoming GadgetsSoftwareAppsTech newsInvestments in tech companiesPC repairTech SupportsVirtual RealityArtificial IntelligenceRoboticsLED lightingDronesHome automationGuides on Windows 10Guide on Mac OS
Electronic Products and Application niche ideas
This is one of the profitable niches. Most of the people are often looking for advice, prices, features, and know-how about the electric applications before they purchase those electronic items. How to make money with Electronic products and application Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad network Electronic Products and Application Sub niches - Cooling applicationsHeating applicationsTelevisions LED, LCEDVD playersSound systemHeadsetsCleaning applicationsLights and chandeliers
Home Décor and Relative Aspect niche ideas
People always like to keep their houses clean, nice and well decorated. Also, this niche is not going out of style as people feel the need to improve their living standards and home look. How to make money with Home décor and relative aspect Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Home décor and relative aspect Sub niches - Wall paintWallpapers and decalsCarpets, curtains, and blindsTiles, marbles, flooringDecoration piecesTable cloth, matsBook racks
Media related niche ideas
Media is a mass niche. It covers a lot of stuff that can be further divided into a lot of sub-niches. That niche comprises o majors like news, TV, movies, TV series, education programs, gossips, advertisements and etc. How to make money with Media Related Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Media related Sub-niches News (Breaking, Latest, Celebrity, Sport, breaking, weather)AdvertisementMovies and TV seriesMusicEducational programs
Parenting and Mommy Niche ideas
This is a niche that is also universal because moms are everywhere. There is a huge market for newborns and children. There are hundreds and thousands of products just for the parent too. Also, most people are looking for new information to care about their kids. So that is one of the profitable niches. Also, you need to care about the information that you are sharing about kids. How to make money with Parenting and Mommy Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Parenting and mommy Sub niches - Children productsPregnancy tipsBeing a momPregnancy and BirthPostpartumNutrition and Parenting
Kitchen Niche ideas
Most of the women interested to keep their kitchens clean and beautiful. So they looking for new tips and guides. How to make money with Kitchen Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Kitchen Sub niches - Kitchen FaucetsKitchen SinksKitchen GadgetsKitchen Plan
Product Reviews Niche ideas
If you are consuming a lot of products and well-knowledge about products, this can be the best niche for your blog. You will be able to write reviews about products based on your own personal experience and you could help readers to buy those products. How to make money with Product Review Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks You can make a good income by promoting products in the form of articles and promoting affiliate products and sponsor reviews. Product reviews Sub niches - Tech/GadgetsMakeupClothingBooksVehiclesBranded ProductsCool ThingsProducts reviewsProducts compareBuying GuideBest Product(s)
Home Security Review niche ideas
In Today’s most people give the major place to their home securities. So they looking for tools and guides for home security. How to make money with Home Security Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Home security review Sub niches - CCTVHome Monitoring SoftwareWi-Fi Security Cameras SystemPIR Lighting SystemSecurity alarm
Vehicle Niche ideas
Most people interested to be updated with new vehicles and Its Features. How to make money with vehicle Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Vehicle Sub niches - Car reviewVehicle AccessoriesVehicle modificationSUV reviewLuxury VehicleLow budget vehicles
Automobile Niche Ideas
Today most of the people use vehicle and automobile becomes the profitable niche. No matter what is the economic situation, you can generate from this niche. How to make money with Automobile Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce or Shopify shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Automobile Sub Niches Car care products and techniquesCar Care CostEngine and fuel system healthy and efficientEngine oils and vehiclesCar Washing and Detailing Interior and exterior customizationsModification parts and pricesSound systems for vehiclesFix minor issues and tipsAccessories and performance optimization toolsVehicle insurance
Clothing/Dressing and Accessories Niche ideas
Clothing and dressing is a great business that never runs out of business. No matter what? People always looking to buy clothes and accessories. So creating a business or blog about this niche can be a pretty safe investment. Most people do not consider the price and people trend to buy brandable items for high prices because of brand loyalty. So you can make a good profit from that niche. How to make money with Clothing/Dressing and Accessories Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce or Shopify shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Clothing/Dressing and Accessories sub-niches- Outfits and accessories for exercising and physical sport.Customized t-shirtTrendsSell or purchase used accessories.Seasonal updatesRated brands of clothing and accessories Formal and casual suits for menLatest designs for womenShoes for men and womenWatches for man and womenArtificial jewelry, necklace, wristwatches, handbags, and etc
Sewing Niche ideas
Sewing and knitting is a huge niche in social media such as Pinterest. There are a lot of people who looking for sewing but there are few blogs related to that niche. So there is a huge opportunity to succeed. How to make money with Sewing Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sewing Sub niches - How to SewPatternsDesign samples
Personal Development Niche ideas
People are not open about their weaknesses. Everyone looking for has a better life. In professional workers as well as Business owners’ personality development plays a vital role. But thanks to the latest technologies people are searching for self-help tips online. If you can help people by helping them to upgrade their quality of life and increase productivity, that can be your niche. How to make money with Personal Development Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Personal development Sub niches - Self-ConfidenceGetting-WealthFinding HappinessImproving interpersonal and intrapersonal skillsTime and Goal ManagementSkill developmentCommunication Soft skillsTalents and potentialsSelf-esteemLeadership Training and developmentMotivationSpiritualityLife Coaching
Weddings and Party Niche ideas
There is a huge market for weddings and party niche. Every day it is growing and become profitable. How to make money with Weddings and party Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Weddings and Party Sub niches - Wedding planningFlower Girl’s dresses and ShoesWedding cakesWedding planWedding PhotographyFlower decorationsParty plan and organizeWedding budgets planWedding themesCelebrity wedding
Music Niche ideas
How to make money with Music Niche? You can make money with selling your sons, ringing tones, product, and services online, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sub niches ideas - How to singingTenorSopranoHow to Play GuitarHow to Play FluteHow to Play PianoHow to Play Drum
Cryptocurrency Niche ideas
This is a very famous virtual coin base earning market. Most people looking for new opportunities for more earnings with cryptocurrencies. How to make money with Cryptocurrency Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks  Cryptocurrency Sub niches - BitCoinCrypto CoinsCrypto Payment ProcessorsEarn CryptoCrypto invest
The Survival niche ideas
How to make money with survival Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Survival Sub niches - Self-DefenseHome DefensePreppingGrow Your Own FoodHomesteading
Web Development Niche ideas
How to make money with web development Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, Themes/webs design and sell, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Web development Sub niches - HTML and CSS codingThemes and PlatformsPlugins ProgrammingWeb development
Renewable/Green Energy Niche ideas
Renewable/Green Energy Sub niches - Solar PowerAlternative EnergyBattery ReconditioningTesla PowerwallsSolar-Powered USB Charging PacksGenerate Electricity from HomeDIY Home Energy
Gift Ideas niche ideas
Most of the people looking for gift guides to choose the right present to buy for their colleagues, friends, and family during the holiday seasons, Festivals, weddings and birthdays. How to make money with Gift Ideas Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Gift ideas Sub niches - Birthday GiftsWedding GiftsBaby GiftsFamily GiftsGift decorate
Advice Niche ideas
How to make money with advice Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, counseling, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Advice Sub niches - Life AdviceFinancial AdviceCareer adviceMarriage AdviceRelationship advice
Budgeting Money Niche ideas
Most of the people looking for expense their money efficiently and effectively. So they looking for budgeting methods to expend their money. Budgeting Money Sub niches - CouponingBudgetingDIY to Save MoneyStudents Loans/ Debt ReplacementHomesteadingReusing
Spirituality and Alternative Beliefs niche ideas
Spirituality and alternative beliefs Sub niches - AstrologyHypnosisNumerologyParanormalPsychicsTarotWitchcraft
Real State niche ideas
Real state in one of the profitable and growing market. Most of the people invest their money in real estate properties. Real State Sub niches - Land sellLand developmentReal Estate investorVacation RentalsOff-market propertiesSingle Family ResidencesFirst time home buyersArchitectural
Construction niche ideas
Globally the construction niche is very lucrative and high profitable. Also, there are different types of growing business opportunities. Construction Sub niches –      BuildingsBuilding materialsAluminum Door and WindowsBasement ManufacturingBathtub ReglazingBuilding Material RetailingCarpentryCCTV installationConcrete supplyCement
Popular niche Combinations
Food & TravelParenting & TravelHealth and FitnessEducation & Career In the sub-niches, there are a lot of Sub audiences that you can write. Once you select the perfect niche for your blog, start publishing niche related exceptional content to attract readers in your target market. Keep your posting regularly to a schedule. That will take a long time to reach your success. So, Be patient. It will take a few months or years to see the successful results of your hard works and efforts. I hope the above 700+ Best Niche ideas to get traffic and make money in 2020 (niche markets) will help you to start and to be a success in your blogging and make money online journey. And if you know more about 700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets or have any suggestions please share with us in the comments section below.  Read the full article
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bebizboss · 5 years
700+ Niche Ideas to Get Traffic and Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets
Would you need to start a blog or Online Business but you have no idea what is the best niche markets for blogging? Or looking for the best niches to start your online business? You are at the right place. Finding the right and profitable niche is one of the biggest hurdles faced by most of the online entrepreneurs and beginners. Most of them are doing critical mistakes when choosing a niche. That chosen niche can be key to your success or failure. So you need to be more careful with picking the right niche. 700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets Most people start their blog with their desired target audience or with an untapped niche market because there is no completion. However, at that point, you should be careful. Because if you start your blog or online business for making money income and If nobody was ready to spend money on your niche and there is no advertiser to advertise on your site or niche you will unable to make money from your site. So you must be very careful when choosing a niche for your business. Your chosen niche should be long-term and profitable to succeed in blogging and make money. If you choose to write your niche blog in fun, engaging ways with curiosity, you can generate surprisingly many visitors to succeed with your blog. For that, the below niche ideas will help you to choose or study more about niche and sub-niches.
Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money for Online Business and Blogging - Niche markets 2020
Below we explain one by one niche with its sub-niches. From among them, you can find the best niche for your online business or blogging.
Health niche Ideas
Health and wellness niche is one of the huge niche and best to start a blog. You can discuss varied topics in one niche. They searching for solutions online. Especially, Weight Loss for Women is one of the billion-dollar industry. Everyone is passionate about taking care of their health to live a better lifestyle. How to make money with Health Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Health Sub niches - Diets Low Carb/SugarNutrition and supplementsMeditationHerbal remediesMental healthMindfulnessSelf-care and self-worthConfidence boostingSkincareTraditional medicineHealthier shopping tipsFitnessStress ManagementLow-fat food
Fitness niche Ideas
There are a lot of people who would like to be fitness and love to get six-pack abs. So most of the people looking for guides and tips for getting fitness. SO there is a huge audience for you. How to make money with Fitness Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Fitness Sub niches - Body BuildingStrength trainingWeight lossYogaCyclingRunningHikingBoxingPilatesTRXMMAOutdoor ExerciseResistance TrainingStretching and ToningHealthy EatingZumbaMarathonsMud RunsSpartan RacesWorking out with kidsWorking out from HomePersonal TrainingDietTeen FitnessFitness for Specific Body PartsWeight GainMuscle BuildingSupplementsDietOld people wanting to get into shapeFamous celebrities’ fitness regimeTargeting fake fitness news and bring the truth to lightNew moms
Sport niche ideas
Most people are interested in doing sport for being healthy, hobby or profession. How to make money with Sport Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sport Sub niches - FootballBasketballTennisHockeyBoxingRacingGolfShootingArcheryIce-SkatingSkateboardingVolleyballSoccerSurfingTrack and FieldSport equipment
News Niche ideas
The news niche consists of anything related to information about recent and important events. Great news-related sites can earn thousands of traffics and income opportunities. How to make money with News Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income and revenue from Ad networks News Sub niches - Latest NewsSports NewsPolitics NewsEntertainmentCelebrity NewsTechnology NewsBusiness NewsHealth NewsScience NewsScience News
Travel Niche ideas
Most people interested to travel across the country or worlds with their families, friends, and others for their vacations. So most people looking for different and beautiful places to travel. If you are a success, You can travel around the world for free while making money from your blogs and chance to working with top brands and sponsors from all over the world. How to make money with Travel Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, selling ad space, e-Commerce shop page, Create YouTube videos about your traveling and make income with Google AdSense and revenue from Ad networks Travel Sub niches - A Personal Travel BlogTravel Tips and GuideCampingCity GuideRestaurantsHotelsAirbnb’sCultural DifferencesFood DifferencesLanguage and TravelTraveling for WorkLow Budget TravelBucket listsHidden AttractionInternational TripsLocal travelCruisesSailingExotic PlacesMotorcycle TravelBoat TravelHistorical PlacesBicycle TravelTravel TipsAdventure Travel Hotel reviewsTravel with KidsWeekend TravelSafariAncient places
Food Niche ideas
Would you like food? Yes, we all love to eat. So naturally, food is a very popular niche. most people interested to try new recipes and foods. So they searching on Google every day. That niche includes related to the food. How to make money with Food Niche? You could be making money with Brand sponsorships, sell recipes, Affiliate income from cookware and other cooking utilities, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, selling ad Space, link your blog to YouTube channel and monetize with Google AdSense program and revenue from Ad networks. Food Sub niches - CookingBakingRecipesHome-Cooked MealsHealth FoodsSuper FoodsCoffee TeaVeganism and Plant-Based DietWines and champagneCraft BeerBBQ’sGrillingGourmetCake-DecoratingChocolateSummer CookingWine PairingFine DiningExotic FoodsPastaPizzaHealthy EatingCanningKitchen EquipmentFood DiscoveryFood CultureFood Photography/Food VideographySea FoodsCooking and Kitchen TipsHarmful foods items and drinks
Gaming Niche ideas
Most people are interested to play games such as mobile games, PC games, online games, and video games. Some games can be expensive and some people need to choose a good game among a lot of games. Then, they will go to the internet and searching for gaming details. As well as a large audience, there is heavy competition too. How to make money with Gaming Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space, and revenue from Ad networks Gaming Sub niches - Video game Tutorials for BeginnersGame Walkthroughs and TipsMobile Game Tutorial for BeginnersPC Game Tutorial for BeginnersStrategy Game Best PracticesAction GamesRTS GamesRPD GamesPuzzleHow to PlayHow to Play ChessInternet or Online GamesMultiplayer GamesCard and Board GamesOutdoor GamesKids GamesParty GamesSpecific console brands such as Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo and etc.Pc and Mobile gamesGaming eventsInterviews with industry leaders
Entertainment Niche ideas
This niche deals with all things related to entertainment. If you have a passion for things such as movies, TV shows, and sports this niche can be best. How to make money with Entertainment Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Entertainment related Product reviews, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad network Entertainment Sub niches - MoviesMusicTV ShowsWeb SeriesFunny VideosTheaterMagicK-PopComedy and ImprovisationUpcoming EventsFunny cat videoTheatre, Opera and balletGames
Fashion and Beauty Niche ideas
Many people interested to follow fashion and be beauty. That niche worth billions of dollars. To be a success in this niche you need to involve with Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube social media. From this niche, you can make lots of money by becoming an influencer in the niche. How to make money with Fashion and Beauty Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks, create videoes such as Makeup video tutorials on youtube and add monetizing, Review about products related to fashions for sponsoring, and Sales on amazon. Fashion and Beauty Sub niches - MakeupNail ArtWrinklesAcnePersonal fashion blogsFashion TrendsClothing and AccessoriesMakeup TutorialsWomen ShoesJewelry ReviewMen fashionLuxury Watches HairstylesCosmeticsBeauty productsBody BuildingAnti-Aging ProductsWrinkle CreamsEye GelsCosmetic Surgery
Hobbies Niche ideas
Everyone has hobbies. Most people are looking for information to improve their hobbies or start new hobbies. How to make money with Hobbies Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Hobbies Sub niches - GardeningDrawingArtMusicWritingDancingRiver RaftingProgramming and Wen DevelopmentBoating and FishingPhotographyAstronomy and HoroscopesHorseback RidingSelf-Defense and Martial ArtsMotorcyclesTechnologyFashion Golf
Education and Career niche ideas
There are a lot of opportunities and a huge demand in Education and career niche. A wide variety of audiences looking for all sorts of educational content online. How to make money with Education and Career Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space, Online courses, e-Courses and revenue from Ad networks Education and Career Sub niches - Career Path AdvicePromotions and Career CoachingLearning New SkillsStudy HackOnline TeachingSAT Tips and tricksJobs and Resume TipsAssignmentsResearchSchool SubjectsHigh School Entrance ExamsHigh EducationJob InterviewsJob SkillsJob VacanciesEducational institutesPublicationsExam preparation
Blogging Niche ideas
Most of the people interested to get into blogging because they enjoy it and a good method to make money online. Also, most people like to write it. How to make money with Blogging Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, eCourses, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Blogging Sub niches - Beginners GuideWordPress GuideBlogger GuidePlug-InsHosting Domain nameKeywordsSEO (Search Engine Optimization) Ranking SystemContent ManagementMake Money from BloggingDesign a Blog SitePost WritingAffiliate marketingSocial media promote
Science Niche ideas
This niche includes everything related to the study of nature and nature's behaviors and other science-related things. You can attract curious readers who are looking for new information. How to make money with Science Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Science Sub niches - DiscoveryPhysicsEnergyEnvironmentAstronomyGeographySpace
Learn Language Niche ideas
People like to learn new languages. English is only the first language of 21% of the population. However, there is a trend to learn Chinese as a subject of the chain’s growing economic power. Not only chine, people interest to learn one or more secondary languages. So soon in the future, many people will have to learn a second language besides English. That means it will bring more market opportunities and niches for yours to online business. How to make money with learn language Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Learn language Sub niches - Languages teachLanguage tuition softwareOnline language coaching servicesLanguage TranslateSpanishChineseEnglishFrench
Relationship and Dating Niche ideas
Most of the people seek relationship-related advice and tips. If you can give the right relationship advice, you can start a blog in this niche. There are many different types of target audiences you can write for. How to make money with Relationship and Dating Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, eCourses, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Relationship and Dating Sub niches - MarriageWedding and MarriageDating GuideDate IdeasRomanceRelationship AdviceInfidelityHealingEngagementFinancesStarting a FamilyCo-ParentingStep-ParentingDivorceSupporting One AnotherWork-Life BalancePrioritiesFamily FirstRespectPlanning for the FutureMoving Together and Starting a FamilyMaintaining Relationship ConflictsSurviving BreakupsOnline DatingHow to Get a Girlfriend/BoyfriendDating AdviceHow to Meet GirlsOlder Dating
Business and Finance Niche ideas
That niche consists of anything related to the world of business and money-related topics. A lot of people looking for how to start their own business. You can give advice and tips and guides for business and show you are great with money. This niche has huge audiences because a lot of people interested to make money from doing business. How to make money with Business and Finance Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Business and Finance Sub niches - Business IdeasBusiness TipsHow to start your own businessInvestingMarketingSales EntrepreneurshipHuman ResourcesFrugal LivingPersonal Finance and frugal livingFinancial IndependenceInsurance SavingsManaging the Family BudgetRetirement and Pension Savings
Make Money Online Niche ideas
This niche is attracting a lot of attention because of its about making money online. Many people are searching for how to make money online? So most of the top bloggers get more than 100k views each month. This is one of the most competitive and profitable niches. How to make money with Make Money Online Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Make Money Online Sub niches - BloggingAffiliate MarketingDigital MarketingSEOFreelancingSurveysMystery ShoppingFreelancing writingFreelance other CoachingServicesPersonal Virtual AssistantsProofreadingEditingData-EntryProducts and Residual IncomeSite reviewsContent MarketingSocial Media MarketingOnline AdvertisingShopify or Amazon affiliate
Politics and Society Niche ideas
Politics are creating news every day as well as election years. Whether international, national or local, find a political topic to discuss and join conversations is very popular. Most people interested to get really polarized around politics topics.  So that niche can be another profitable niche for starting a blog. How to make money with Politics and Society Niche? You could be making money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Political and society Sub niches - News and Current EventsPolitical SatireSociety and Politics
Photography Niche ideas
Most of the people are loving to get photos as a hobby or profession. Also, there are high values for quality photos. Also most of the peoples such as an advertiser, Bloggers, Marketers, publishers looking for images for price or free. How to make money with Photography Niche? You can make money with Sell your photos online, brand sponsorships, e-Commerce shop page, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Photography Sub niches - Wedding PhotographyWildlife PhotographyParty PhotographyPet photographyPhotography trainingPhoto editingPortrait PhotographyLandscape photographyFood PhotographySport photographyMacro PhotographyEvent PhotographyFashion PhotographyStreet PhotographyDocumentary Photography
Self-Worth Niche ideas
Many people looking to improving their self-values. They looking for guides and tips for those. Most How to make money with Self-worth Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Self-Worth Sub niches - EmotionsFeelingsForgivenessConfidenceBuilding RelationshipsMaking FriendsCommunityHealingSocial AnxietyNegative and Positive ThinkingMotivationOptimismHappinessPrioritiesSuccess
Art and Design Niche ideas
The art allows people to express their creativity and imagination to others. There are a lot of people looking for creative inspiration. If you are talented, you can offer tutorials, tips, and guides about art for others. How to make money with Art Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks and Ad networks. Also, you can create and sell their art products and digital copies of their work online or commission-base services and affiliate income for your readers. Art and Design Sub niches - CalligraphyPaintingDIY CraftsTutorialsWoodworkSewingPhotographyVideographyWatercolorDesign Tutorials Graphic designLogo Design
Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Niche ideas
This is one of the most famous niches around the world. Most of the people have at least 2 smartphones and every household has 3-4 Mobile phones. Not only that, they are always looking for upgrading to better models with improving technologies and features. As well as mobile phones they interest to use mobile gadgets and accessories. How to make money with Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Niche? You can make money by selling your own products and service, Shopify, e-Commerce shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks. Smartphones and Mobile Gadget Sub niches Latest mobile phonesProtection and insuranceOperating soft wares Applications/appsWallpapersCell phone accessoriesUsed mobile phones
Faith Niche ideas
People have different faiths on different matters. Also, they love to know about it because of the curiosity. How to make money with Faith Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Faith Sub niches - HealingForgivenessHow to Read the BibleSpiritualitySharing the WorldMissionsRebuilding Broken FaithChildren’s Ministries
Family and Home Niche ideas
Most of the people looking for advice, Guides, Tips for success in their family and home. How to make money with Family and Home Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Family and Home Sub niches - Pregnancy and Becoming ParentsParenting and ChildcareFamily HolidaysHobbies for the Whole FamilySaving MoneyHouse and GardenHomeschoolingSchool and BullyingEco-Friendly Homes
Retirement Niche ideas
Most people have planned their retirement since their teenage and most people need to know about planning their retirement. How to make money with Retirement Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Retirement Sub niches - Early RetirementInterest IncomeResidual IncomeBudgetingMedical CostsAdult Children SavingsInvestmentsBondsStocks
Baby Niche ideas
There are thousands of babies born in the day, All of the parents give high attention to care about their babies. So there is a huge and developing market. How to make money with Baby Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Baby Sub niches - Baby NamesBaby AccessoriesBaby BathingBaby CareBaby FeedingBaby GiftsBaby MusicBaby Sleep
Social Networks ideas
With technology, people are busy with their lifestyle. People trending tools to be social with others. How to make money with Social Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Social Networks Sub niches - Instagram CelebritiesMastering a Social NetworkSocial Media DetoxBeginner’s Guide
E-Learning Niche ideas
The Internet is completely changing the ways of learning and learn things. By using the internet, you can go to classes from your bedroom as well as physically o to a classroom. It gives more accessible to everyone to learn things. It does not matter where are you from. Because of the huge demand for online earning content, that niche becomes a profitable niche. So focus on helping people learn a new skill online. How to make money with E-Learning Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space, Online courses, Study Packs and revenue from Ad networks Recommended courses Udemy and Skillshare (affiliate programs) create own courses and eBooks E-learning Sub niches - Photoshop TutorialsGuitar LessonsEnglish Language LessonsWeb Development coursesPet care and learningCordingCopywritingSEODesign
Pets niche ideas
Most of the people love to pet. They give a major place in their lives to the pets. So they looking for tips and guides about pets. How to make money with pets Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Pets Sub niches - Dogs CatsParrotsFish tankPet FashionPet FoodsPets HealthPets careHomemade Dog FoodsPuppy foodsHealthy foods for petsPet shelterPet hospitalPets trainingPets sport and workoutPet cafe
Religion Niche ideas
There are a lot of religions in the world. People love to learn more about their religions and learn about other religions. How to make money with Religion Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Religion Sub niches - BuddhismChristianityCatholicismHinduism
SEO Niche ideas
Most of the people start blogs, forums, and web sites. They need to know information about How to Rank their sites How to make money with Health Niche? You can make money with eCourses, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks SEO Sub niches – SEO TipsSEO ToolsBlogger SEOWordPress SEO
DIY Niche ideas
How to make money with DIY Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks DIY Sub niches - DIY CraftDIY Room DécorDIY Home ImprovementDIY BeautyDIY Halloween/Christmas/Valentine’s DayDIY Solar Water HeatersDIY Tutorials
Lifestyle Niche ideas
This is a popular niche with different topics. These blogs usually target one type of demographic with multi-topics. Simply it is a catch-all niche. It includes anything to do with the daily way of living. You can talk to one audience on different topics and help them to improve their lifestyle. How to make money with Lifestyle Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks and Revenue from Ad networks. Lifestyle Sub niches - FashionDécorFitnessFoodGardenTravelLifestyle designHealthPersonal DevelopmentReligionCulture
Local Niche ideas
You can write a blog about your local area, thins, places, culture, traditions. How to make money with Health Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Local Sub niches - TravelThings to DoHotel/Restaurant ReviewsLocal InformationLocal News
Tech Niche ideas
That niche consists of anything related to technology and electronics. If you are a Tech-Savvy and tech-lover you can write about it. Most of the people like to be up-To-date about newest and exciting things related to technology. How to make money with Tech Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships to promote products, Affiliate income from becoming an affiliate for the products you write about, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, selling ad Space, Link blog with YouTube Channel video about reviews and get income from Google AdSense and revenue from Ad networks Tech Sub niches - Gadgets (Smartphones, Laptops, Tablets, Accessories, Consumer, Electronic, etc.) reviewLatest Gadgets and ProductsUpcoming GadgetsSoftwareAppsTech newsInvestments in tech companiesPC repairTech SupportsVirtual RealityArtificial IntelligenceRoboticsLED lightingDronesHome automationGuides on Windows 10Guide on Mac OS
Electronic Products and Application niche ideas
This is one of the profitable niches. Most of the people are often looking for advice, prices, features, and know-how about the electric applications before they purchase those electronic items. How to make money with Electronic products and application Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad network Electronic Products and Application Sub niches - Cooling applicationsHeating applicationsTelevisions LED, LCEDVD playersSound systemHeadsetsCleaning applicationsLights and chandeliers
Home Décor and Relative Aspect niche ideas
People always like to keep their houses clean, nice and well decorated. Also, this niche is not going out of style as people feel the need to improve their living standards and home look. How to make money with Home décor and relative aspect Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Home décor and relative aspect Sub niches - Wall paintWallpapers and decalsCarpets, curtains, and blindsTiles, marbles, flooringDecoration piecesTable cloth, matsBook racks
Media related niche ideas
Media is a mass niche. It covers a lot of stuff that can be further divided into a lot of sub-niches. That niche comprises o majors like news, TV, movies, TV series, education programs, gossips, advertisements and etc. How to make money with Media Related Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Media related Sub-niches News (Breaking, Latest, Celebrity, Sport, breaking, weather)AdvertisementMovies and TV seriesMusicEducational programs
Parenting and Mommy Niche ideas
This is a niche that is also universal because moms are everywhere. There is a huge market for newborns and children. There are hundreds and thousands of products just for the parent too. Also, most people are looking for new information to care about their kids. So that is one of the profitable niches. Also, you need to care about the information that you are sharing about kids. How to make money with Parenting and Mommy Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Parenting and mommy Sub niches - Children productsPregnancy tipsBeing a momPregnancy and BirthPostpartumNutrition and Parenting
Kitchen Niche ideas
Most of the women interested to keep their kitchens clean and beautiful. So they looking for new tips and guides. How to make money with Kitchen Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Kitchen Sub niches - Kitchen FaucetsKitchen SinksKitchen GadgetsKitchen Plan
Product Reviews Niche ideas
If you are consuming a lot of products and well-knowledge about products, this can be the best niche for your blog. You will be able to write reviews about products based on your own personal experience and you could help readers to buy those products. How to make money with Product Review Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop or Shopify page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks You can make a good income by promoting products in the form of articles and promoting affiliate products and sponsor reviews. Product reviews Sub niches - Tech/GadgetsMakeupClothingBooksVehiclesBranded ProductsCool ThingsProducts reviewsProducts compareBuying GuideBest Product(s)
Home Security Review niche ideas
In Today’s most people give the major place to their home securities. So they looking for tools and guides for home security. How to make money with Home Security Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Home security review Sub niches - CCTVHome Monitoring SoftwareWi-Fi Security Cameras SystemPIR Lighting SystemSecurity alarm
Vehicle Niche ideas
Most people interested to be updated with new vehicles and Its Features. How to make money with vehicle Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Vehicle Sub niches - Car reviewVehicle AccessoriesVehicle modificationSUV reviewLuxury VehicleLow budget vehicles
Automobile Niche Ideas
Today most of the people use vehicle and automobile becomes the profitable niche. No matter what is the economic situation, you can generate from this niche. How to make money with Automobile Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce or Shopify shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Automobile Sub Niches Car care products and techniquesCar Care CostEngine and fuel system healthy and efficientEngine oils and vehiclesCar Washing and Detailing Interior and exterior customizationsModification parts and pricesSound systems for vehiclesFix minor issues and tipsAccessories and performance optimization toolsVehicle insurance
Clothing/Dressing and Accessories Niche ideas
Clothing and dressing is a great business that never runs out of business. No matter what? People always looking to buy clothes and accessories. So creating a business or blog about this niche can be a pretty safe investment. Most people do not consider the price and people trend to buy brandable items for high prices because of brand loyalty. So you can make a good profit from that niche. How to make money with Clothing/Dressing and Accessories Niche? You can make money with selling your own products and service, e-Commerce or Shopify shop page, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Clothing/Dressing and Accessories sub-niches- Outfits and accessories for exercising and physical sport.Customized t-shirtTrendsSell or purchase used accessories.Seasonal updatesRated brands of clothing and accessories Formal and casual suits for menLatest designs for womenShoes for men and womenWatches for man and womenArtificial jewelry, necklace, wristwatches, handbags, and etc
Sewing Niche ideas
Sewing and knitting is a huge niche in social media such as Pinterest. There are a lot of people who looking for sewing but there are few blogs related to that niche. So there is a huge opportunity to succeed. How to make money with Sewing Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, e-Commerce shop page, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sewing Sub niches - How to SewPatternsDesign samples
Personal Development Niche ideas
People are not open about their weaknesses. Everyone looking for has a better life. In professional workers as well as Business owners’ personality development plays a vital role. But thanks to the latest technologies people are searching for self-help tips online. If you can help people by helping them to upgrade their quality of life and increase productivity, that can be your niche. How to make money with Personal Development Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Personal development Sub niches - Self-ConfidenceGetting-WealthFinding HappinessImproving interpersonal and intrapersonal skillsTime and Goal ManagementSkill developmentCommunication Soft skillsTalents and potentialsSelf-esteemLeadership Training and developmentMotivationSpiritualityLife Coaching
Weddings and Party Niche ideas
There is a huge market for weddings and party niche. Every day it is growing and become profitable. How to make money with Weddings and party Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Weddings and Party Sub niches - Wedding planningFlower Girl’s dresses and ShoesWedding cakesWedding planWedding PhotographyFlower decorationsParty plan and organizeWedding budgets planWedding themesCelebrity wedding
Music Niche ideas
How to make money with Music Niche? You can make money with selling your sons, ringing tones, product, and services online, brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Sub niches ideas - How to singingTenorSopranoHow to Play GuitarHow to Play FluteHow to Play PianoHow to Play Drum
Cryptocurrency Niche ideas
This is a very famous virtual coin base earning market. Most people looking for new opportunities for more earnings with cryptocurrencies. How to make money with Cryptocurrency Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks  Cryptocurrency Sub niches - BitCoinCrypto CoinsCrypto Payment ProcessorsEarn CryptoCrypto invest
The Survival niche ideas
How to make money with survival Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Survival Sub niches - Self-DefenseHome DefensePreppingGrow Your Own FoodHomesteading
Web Development Niche ideas
How to make money with web development Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, Themes/webs design and sell, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Web development Sub niches - HTML and CSS codingThemes and PlatformsPlugins ProgrammingWeb development
Renewable/Green Energy Niche ideas
Renewable/Green Energy Sub niches - Solar PowerAlternative EnergyBattery ReconditioningTesla PowerwallsSolar-Powered USB Charging PacksGenerate Electricity from HomeDIY Home Energy
Gift Ideas niche ideas
Most of the people looking for gift guides to choose the right present to buy for their colleagues, friends, and family during the holiday seasons, Festivals, weddings and birthdays. How to make money with Gift Ideas Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Gift ideas Sub niches - Birthday GiftsWedding GiftsBaby GiftsFamily GiftsGift decorate
Advice Niche ideas
How to make money with advice Niche? You can make money with brand sponsorships, Affiliate income, eBooks, e-Commerce shop page, counseling, Selling ad Space and revenue from Ad networks Advice Sub niches - Life AdviceFinancial AdviceCareer adviceMarriage AdviceRelationship advice
Budgeting Money Niche ideas
Most of the people looking for expense their money efficiently and effectively. So they looking for budgeting methods to expend their money. Budgeting Money Sub niches - CouponingBudgetingDIY to Save MoneyStudents Loans/ Debt ReplacementHomesteadingReusing
Spirituality and Alternative Beliefs niche ideas
Spirituality and alternative beliefs Sub niches - AstrologyHypnosisNumerologyParanormalPsychicsTarotWitchcraft
Real State niche ideas
Real state in one of the profitable and growing market. Most of the people invest their money in real estate properties. Real State Sub niches - Land sellLand developmentReal Estate investorVacation RentalsOff-market propertiesSingle Family ResidencesFirst time home buyersArchitectural
Construction niche ideas
Globally the construction niche is very lucrative and high profitable. Also, there are different types of growing business opportunities. Construction Sub niches –      BuildingsBuilding materialsAluminum Door and WindowsBasement ManufacturingBathtub ReglazingBuilding Material RetailingCarpentryCCTV installationConcrete supplyCement
Popular niche Combinations
Food & TravelParenting & TravelHealth and FitnessEducation & Career In the sub-niches, there are a lot of Sub audiences that you can write. Once you select the perfect niche for your blog, start publishing niche related exceptional content to attract readers in your target market. Keep your posting regularly to a schedule. That will take a long time to reach your success. So, Be patient. It will take a few months or years to see the successful results of your hard works and efforts. I hope the above 700+ Best Niche ideas to get traffic and make money in 2020 (niche markets) will help you to start and to be a success in your blogging and make money online journey. And if you know more about 700+ Niche Ideas To Get Traffic And Make Money – 2020 Profitable Niche Markets or have any suggestions please share with us in the comments section below.  Read the full article
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