socleversodapper Ā· 4 years
pedophilia & rape-defending diaper kinkster in the mystery skulls rpc.
sorry for putting this in the tags, but i have reason to believe that @sxulonfxre,Ā ā€œnixieā€, is jirachi/cotton, a diaper kinkster + pedophilic ship defender who has been called out before is back, roleplaying lewis pepper.
you can read her original callo.ut here, but be aware itā€™s long. tw for pedophilia, rape, incest, diapers being drawn in a sexual fashion, and related things. scroll to the section titledĀ ā€œanother new blogā€ for evidence.
+ reblogging this to make other people aware is appreciated. the mystery skulls fandom is not a place for people who get off to children, repeatedly lie about who they are, and use guilt tripping to get away with it.
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socleversodapper Ā· 4 years
linked above is an info document about a user thatā€™s on several peopleā€™s blocklists, blue (universalcarnival, chalkchomper, duolxngo, time-equine, weirdaxtxmn, jcvilism). this doc is intended to explain why heā€™s landed on those blocklists.Ā  (iā€™ve never interacted with him really, but he makes me wildly uncomfortable for multiple reasons, and i think people deserve to see why many donā€™t want to interact with him)
you, the person reading this, are your own human being, but before drawing your own conclusions about whether youā€™d like to interact with blue, iā€™d really suggest giving the doc a look.
content warnings/tdlr:Ā  transphobia, pedophilia, rape
63 notes Ā· View notes
socleversodapper Ā· 4 years
linked above is an info document about a user thatā€™s on several peopleā€™s blocklists, blue (universalcarnival, chalkchomper, duolxngo, time-equine, weirdaxtxmn, jcvilism). this doc is intended to explain why heā€™s landed on those blocklists.Ā  (iā€™ve never interacted with him really, but he makes me wildly uncomfortable for multiple reasons, and i think people deserve to see why many donā€™t want to interact with him)
you, the person reading this, are your own human being, but before drawing your own conclusions about whether youā€™d like to interact with blue, iā€™d really suggest giving the doc a look.
content warnings/tdlr:Ā  transphobia, pedophilia, rape
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socleversodapper Ā· 4 years
a psa:
in september 2019, i called out six-sided-sinner/jirachi-mun (who is now at @one-little-wish and @live-from-hotland) for her history of reblogging and excusing pedophilic ships and covering this up instead of actually changing.Ā 
her friend gigi (@roleplayobssession, @rnarblesocla) proceeded to post a counter callout kind of thing, calling me a terrible person for both blocking gigi after she made me uncomfortable and for having an issue with jirachiā€™s behavior. itā€™s now march 2020, and not only have neither of them changed, but one is still actively lying about me, the other is retweeting borderline pedophilic art on twitter and writing rape fics on ao3, in addition to repeatedly misgendering me.Ā 
this is a more complete version of a callout post for them both. iā€™m going to tag this with the fandom rp tags that they are both active in for awareness. these two are still on tumblr and still have people who defend them.
content warnings: pedophilia / sexually charged art of children, rape/dubcon, misgendering
mentioned in small ways: incest, suicide, daddy kink/ddlg
link:Ā https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P58Uu6n4irTrsW2qJjvhYQiBfwnDGOkXdVN4ALDThYM/edit?usp=drivesdk
not sure if this will actually appear in tags, so reblogs are appreciated. my tumblr ims are open for messages related to this.
77 notes Ā· View notes
socleversodapper Ā· 4 years
a psa:
in september 2019, i called out six-sided-sinner/jirachi-mun (who is now at @one-little-wish and @live-from-hotland) for her history of reblogging and excusing pedophilic ships and covering this up instead of actually changing.Ā 
her friend gigi (@roleplayobssession, @rnarblesocla) proceeded to post a counter callout kind of thing, calling me a terrible person for both blocking gigi after she made me uncomfortable and for having an issue with jirachiā€™s behavior. itā€™s now march 2020, and not only have neither of them changed, but one is still actively lying about me, the other is retweeting borderline pedophilic art on twitter and writing rape fics on ao3, in addition to repeatedly misgendering me.Ā 
this is a more complete version of a callout post for them both. iā€™m going to tag this with the fandom rp tags that they are both active in for awareness. these two are still on tumblr and still have people who defend them.
content warnings: pedophilia / sexually charged art of children, rape/dubcon, misgendering
mentioned in small ways: incest, suicide, daddy kink/ddlg
link:Ā https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P58Uu6n4irTrsW2qJjvhYQiBfwnDGOkXdVN4ALDThYM/edit?usp=drivesdk
not sure if this will actually appear in tags, so reblogs are appreciated. my tumblr ims are open for messages related to this.
77 notes Ā· View notes
socleversodapper Ā· 4 years
a psa:
in september 2019, i called out six-sided-sinner/jirachi-mun (who is now at @one-little-wish and @live-from-hotland) for her history of reblogging and excusing pedophilic ships and covering this up instead of actually changing.Ā 
her friend gigi (@roleplayobssession, @rnarblesocla) proceeded to post a counter callout kind of thing, calling me a terrible person for both blocking gigi after she made me uncomfortable and for having an issue with jirachiā€™s behavior. itā€™s feb, nearly march 2020, and not only have neither of them changed, but one is still actively lying about me, the other is retweeting borderline pedophilic art on twitter and writing rape fics on ao3, in addition to repeatedly misgendering me.Ā 
this is a more complete version of a callout post for them both. iā€™m going to tag this with the fandom rp tags that they are both active in for awareness. these two are still on tumblr and still have people who defend them.
Ā content warnings: pedophilia / sexually charged art of children, incest mentions, rape and dubcon, suicide, misgendering.
link:Ā https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P58Uu6n4irTrsW2qJjvhYQiBfwnDGOkXdVN4ALDThYM/edit?usp=drivesdk
not sure if this will actually appear in tags, so reblogs are appreciated. my tumblr ims are open for messages related to this.
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socleversodapper Ā· 4 years
november 25, 2019: [ new url is @/live-from-hotland, thanks anon. ]
[jan 3, 2020: if jirachi makes her cuphead multimuse, iā€™ll update this post once again. ]
so, after i made this post about six-sided-sinner, she made a reply post on her personal blog, and glittergummy also made a post about me.Ā 
https://pastelsugarstar.tumblr.com/post/187726175437/re-six-sided-sinnerĀ [ https://web.archive.org/web/20190915210557/https://pastelsugarstar.tumblr.com/post/187726175437/re-six-sided-sinnerĀ ]
hereā€™s a reply to that. this is long and not under a read more, press j on the dashboard to skip it. pedophilia mentions below.
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i donā€™t need pedophilia to be defined to me, jirachi. i donā€™t know if you forgot somehow, but let me state it again. i am a victim of pedophilia. donā€™t you DARE try to rant at me about how pedophilia damages peopleā€™s lives. do you think i donā€™t feel that damage every second iā€™m alive? i donā€™t know why you think i CARE. i care SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THIS HAS BEEN MY LIFE. because i was fucking molested, and then specifically abused further by being forced into looking at fanart of child/adult ships. why the FUCK do you think i care about any of this? you really honestly think that i enjoy this or something? do you think i enjoy randomly throwing out accusations everywhere because itā€™s fun?
i realized someone i cared about had a history of behavior that helps excuse pedophiles in online spaces, and made a post about it. your behaviors are weird, to the point i felt too uncomfortable trying to talk to you personally, and instead of making a genuine apology, youā€™re trying to deny things, trying to put words in my mouth, and generally digging a big hole. stop.
b) ā€œThat is what you are accusing someone of, when you call them a pedophile. It shouldnā€™t be used in situations like this.ā€
i specifically avoided calling you a pedophile, because i specifically did not believe you were actively physically harming children - i specifically referred to you as an apologist. stop repeating that iā€™m accusing you of being a pedophile. i am WELL aware thatā€™s not a term to throw around lightly. from my post: ā€œsheā€™s definitely a pedophilia excuser + creepy, at the very least.ā€
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again, from my original post:
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913000234/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/166666355255/dicecup-sounds-adorable-but-im-not-quite-sure [2017]
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913123957/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/179368643575/okay-alright-i-saw-a-post-and-it-made-me-want [2018] this post specificallyā€¦ talks about how shipping siblings, thor and loki, is actually cool.
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913124126/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/179292848965/rules-of-a-happy-healthy-fandom [2018] ā€œfiction isnā€™t reality"
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913002608/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/182943768475/yall-remember-that-wave-when-people-were-trying [feb 2019] check out the tags on this post in particular:
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913123735/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/184116982735/rpmemes-galore-repeat-after-me-writing-a [apr 2019]
while i donā€™t have archived links, i also have spoken to people who saw you reblog posts of similar caliber THIS march. you made cupdice/dicemug posts a long time ago, and while you stopped openly shipping that, youā€™ve continued to reblog posts and make comments about pedophilic and incestuous ships several times. that is what i said in my original post. i did not say you were a pedophile. i did not say i was going to do anything that could get you arrested. (???????)
now, re: glittergummy: https://web.archive.org/web/20190915214707/https://glittergummy.tumblr.com/post/187731863872/my-experience-with-monokingrps
a) i blocked you because you were godmoding. you did it a lot in our one thread and it came to a point that i felt too anxious to talk to you, and i didnā€™t feel like you would change since i realized you tended to do that a lot in all the threads i saw you do, and it made me uncomfortable. that is literally the only reason i blocked you specifically. because you godmoded. not because of any joke or anything. b) you sent me a message on another sideblog of mine, asking if i blocked you. this is reasonable. you thought we were friends and were probably confused. anxiously, i said yes and blocked you from that other sideblog. i could grab a screencap of this convo if somebody really wanted.
c) you then repeatedly block evaded by following me from your other blog, rnarblesocla on many of my blogs, despite the fact that each of my blogs very clearly states who i am - thereā€™s no way you forgot who i was, since i apparently hurt you so much by blocking you. i could go grab screenshots of you following me repeatedly on my different sideblogs if anybody wanted. and hereā€™s a post from somebody else about why block evading is fucked up, if itā€™s not clear.Ā https://monokingrps.tumblr.com/post/187033549710/icxolation-marypsue-hey-folks-quick-internet
d) iā€™m allowed to block people. blocking people is allowed. the block button is not a request form. i am not required to explain why iā€™m blocking someone. it exists to be used when a user is uncomfortable. iā€™m sorry i did so while we were threading, but the way you were godmoding in our threads caught up to me quickly. i didnā€™t send you hate. i didnā€™t make vagueposts about you. i blocked you quietly and moved on. again, iā€™m allowed to block people and not have to explain why. the block button is made to be used. in fact, i was even nervous about blocking you at all. you make it sound like me doing so was out of some weird intent to turn my back on a friend or something, but i felt incredibly bad for doing it at all.
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this is the most disgusting thing anyone has ever said to me. you should be ashamed of yourself. itā€™s none of your business, but since a lot of the content of this post isnā€™t either:
i AM getting professional help at the moment. iā€™ve been in therapy since 2015 to treat my ptsd, depression, and anxiety, thank you very much. i donā€™t think itā€™s right for you to suggest a survivor should go to therapy because he didunā€™t enjoy seeing someone repeatedly excuse potentially nasty content. or for blocking you. honestly, what the hell? do you think about everyone who blocks you this way?
now that Iā€™ve said that, and spilled my heart out onto the tumblr dashboard for strangers who wonā€™t care about me.Ā 
let me go ahead and make something else known. this entire mess, especially gigi repeatedly telling me iā€™m a bad person, has thrown my mental health into jeopardy. i called into work today because i was too suicidal to function.
discussing pedophilia and being told iā€™m a bad person is not healthy for me, so iā€™m not going to be responding to anything else either of you post about this, because iā€™m scared iā€™m going to injure myself and it isnā€™t worth it.
iā€™m gonna post this, and then leave, because i canā€™t be in any rp community that acts like this, even if either or both of you are gone. so, go enjoy your lives.
[ feb 10, 2020: gigitgumblahrp is now roleplayobsession. no sign of any sort of an apology for any of the things she said. ]
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socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
so, after i made this post about six-sided-sinner, she made a reply post on her personal blog, and glittergummy also made a post about me.Ā 
https://pastelsugarstar.tumblr.com/post/187726175437/re-six-sided-sinnerĀ [ https://web.archive.org/web/20190915210557/https://pastelsugarstar.tumblr.com/post/187726175437/re-six-sided-sinnerĀ ]
hereā€™s a reply to that. this is long and not under a read more, press j on the dashboard to skip it. pedophilia mentions below.
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i donā€™t need pedophilia to be defined to me, jirachi. i donā€™t know if you forgot somehow, but let me state it again. i am a victim of pedophilia. donā€™t you DARE try to rant at me about how pedophilia damages peopleā€™s lives. do you think i donā€™t feel that damage every second iā€™m alive? i donā€™t know why you think i CARE. i care SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THIS HAS BEEN MY LIFE. because i was fucking molested, and then specifically abused further by being forced into looking at fanart of child/adult ships. why the FUCK do you think i care about any of this? you really honestly think that i enjoy this or something? do you think i enjoy randomly throwing out accusations everywhere because itā€™s fun?
i realized someone i cared about had a history of behavior that helps excuse pedophiles in online spaces, and made a post about it. your behaviors are weird, to the point i felt too uncomfortable trying to talk to you personally, and instead of making a genuine apology, youā€™re trying to deny things, trying to put words in my mouth, and generally digging a big hole. stop.
b) ā€œThat is what you are accusing someone of, when you call them a pedophile. It shouldnā€™t be used in situations like this.ā€
i specifically avoided calling you a pedophile, because i specifically did not believe you were actively physically harming children - i specifically referred to you as an apologist. stop repeating that iā€™m accusing you of being a pedophile. i am WELL aware thatā€™s not a term to throw around lightly. from my post: ā€œsheā€™s definitely a pedophilia excuser + creepy, at the very least.ā€
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again, from my original post:
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913000234/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/166666355255/dicecup-sounds-adorable-but-im-not-quite-sure [2017]
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913123957/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/179368643575/okay-alright-i-saw-a-post-and-it-made-me-want [2018] this post specificallyā€¦ talks about how shipping siblings, thor and loki, is actually cool.
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913124126/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/179292848965/rules-of-a-happy-healthy-fandom [2018] ā€œfiction isnā€™t reality"
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913002608/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/182943768475/yall-remember-that-wave-when-people-were-trying [feb 2019] check out the tags on this post in particular:
https://web.archive.org/web/20190913123735/https://six-sided-sinner.tumblr.com/post/184116982735/rpmemes-galore-repeat-after-me-writing-a [apr 2019]
while i donā€™t have archived links, i also have spoken to people who saw you reblog posts of similar caliber this march. you made cupdice/dicemug posts a long time ago, and while you stopped openly shipping that, youā€™ve continued to reblog posts and make comments about pedophilic and incestuous ships several times. that is what i said in my original post. i did not say you were a pedophile. i did not say i was going to do anything that could get you arrested. (???????)
now, re: glittergummy: https://web.archive.org/web/20190915214707/https://glittergummy.tumblr.com/post/187731863872/my-experience-with-monokingrps
a) i blocked you because you were godmoding. you did it a lot in our one thread and it came to a point that i felt too anxious to talk to you, and i didnā€™t feel like you would change since i realized you tended to do that a lot in all the threads i saw you do, and it made me uncomfortable. that is literally the only reason i blocked you specifically. because you godmoded. not because of any joke or anything. b) you sent me a message on another sideblog of mine, asking if i blocked you. this is reasonable. you thought we were friends and were probably confused. anxiously, i said yes and blocked you from that other sideblog. i could grab a screencap of this convo if somebody really wanted.
c) you then repeatedly block evaded by following me from your other blog, rnarblesocla on many of my blogs, despite the fact that each of my blogs very clearly states who i am - thereā€™s no way you forgot who i was, since i apparently hurt you so much by blocking you. i could go grab screenshots of you following me repeatedly on my different sideblogs if anybody wanted. and hereā€™s a post from somebody else about why block evading is fucked up, if itā€™s not clear.Ā https://monokingrps.tumblr.com/post/187033549710/icxolation-marypsue-hey-folks-quick-internet
d) iā€™m allowed to block people. blocking people is allowed. the block button is not a request form. i am not required to explain why iā€™m blocking someone. it exists to be used when a user is uncomfortable. iā€™m sorry i did so while we were threading, but the way you were godmoding in our threads caught up to me quickly. i didnā€™t send you hate. i didnā€™t make vagueposts about you. i blocked you quietly and moved on. again, iā€™m allowed to block people and not have to explain why. the block button is made to be used. in fact, i was even nervous about blocking you at all. you make it sound like me doing so was out of some weird intent to turn my back on a friend or something, but i felt incredibly bad for doing it at all.
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this is the most disgusting thing anyone has ever said to me. you should be ashamed of yourself. itā€™s none of your business, but since a lot of the content of this post isnā€™t either:
i AM getting professional help at the moment. iā€™ve been in therapy since 2015 to treat my ptsd, depression, and anxiety, thank you very much. i donā€™t think itā€™s right for you to suggest a survivor should go to therapy because he didunā€™t enjoy seeing someone repeatedly excuse potentially nasty content. or for blocking you. honestly, what the hell? do you think about everyone who blocks you this way?
now that Iā€™ve said that, and spilled my heart out onto the tumblr dashboard for strangers who wonā€™t care about me.Ā 
let me go ahead and make something else known. this entire mess, especially gigi repeatedly telling me iā€™m a bad person, has thrown my mental health into jeopardy. i called into work today because i was too suicidal to function.
discussing pedophilia and being told iā€™m a bad person is not healthy for me, so iā€™m not going to be responding to anything else either of you post about this, because iā€™m scared iā€™m going to injure myself and it isnā€™t worth it.
iā€™m gonna post this, and then leave, because i canā€™t be in any rp community that acts like this, even if either or both of you are gone. so, go enjoy your lives.
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socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
re: six-sided-sinner
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hereā€™s whatā€™s *actually* been going on.Ā yes, those cupdice/dicemug posts i found on jirachi-munā€™s blog are a bit old.
but hereā€™s the thing - she has absolutely not stopped being weird in general, and i found some things i was really surprised to see, some pretty recent.
Ā the post that started this whole issue was reblogged by her YESTERDAY. here:
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hereā€™s some other generally uncomfortable posts and reblogs. not all of them have dates with them, sorry.
pedophilia mentioned + very small incest mention below
Keep reading
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socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
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charlieā€™sĀ ā€œi give upā€ commissions sale!
iā€™ll be real with ya, iā€™ve had comms open for about two years now and barely have gotten anything out of it and it sucks, so why not just do this and try to get a little better at art for the future
everythingā€™s a dollar!!
payment methods accepted: paypal, venmo, cashapp, dA points, btc
will not draw nasty/hateful/-phobic content or generally nasty shit - no n$fŵ of like 1000 year old dragon maids ot whatever
stuff i can do: rp icons / ponies / pokemon / furries/animals / homestuck sprites
more art examples on @monokingdraws
you can message me on here but right now i donā€™t have a laptop that works so iā€™m not always able to check messages on here. your best bet is my discord ( Monoking #5580!)
reblogs are helpful if you donā€™t want any artwork!!
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socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
Hey, donā€™t feel obligated to respond to this, but I just wanted to say that Iā€™m sorry to hear how things are and that Iā€™m wishing you the best. Hope things look up for you soon, and that you start to feel even just a little bit better. Stay strong, pal šŸ•ŠļøšŸŒˆ
i die for you
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socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
4/hurts a whole lot with Dice
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Bastard had it coming.
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socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
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creepy and gross devil transformations >:U
332 notes Ā· View notes
socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
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ok here we go
beyond the One Importante Thread iā€™m just gonna keep here probably, you can follow this link to find your favorite sexy square man. rules and about are different than on here, so read them or perish
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socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
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ok here we go
beyond the One Importante Thread iā€™m just gonna keep here probably, you can follow this link to find your favorite sexy square man. rules and about are different than on here, so read them or perish
8 notes Ā· View notes
socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
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ok here we go
beyond the One Importante Thread iā€™m just gonna keep here probably, you can follow this link to find your favorite sexy square man. rules and about are different than on here, so read them or perish
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socleversodapper Ā· 5 years
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ok here we go
beyond the One Importante Thread iā€™m just gonna keep here probably, you can follow this link to find your favorite sexy square man. rules and about are different than on here, so read them or perish
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