#six sided sinner
lxkeee · 8 months
pairing: lucifer morningstar x fallen angel! fem! reader
fandom: hazbin hotel
genre: fluff
notes: gotta keep writing to feed the simps.
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Lucifer sat in his office chair, pen on one hand as he finally did the paperwork that he was procrastinating on for... A few months now, but anyways.
He was deep in thought, the fountain pen fluidly moving along with his hand as he signed the documents. Mind wandering, dissociating even.
He has a lot to think about considering that the next extermination is coming in a few days.
His eyes landed on his right hand, ring finger bare of any rings. He smiled proudly to himself, it took some work to actually remove his wedding ring and he finally did, his divorce doesn't hurt as much as it used to be. He has a lot to work on, his heart, his mind, and his actions.
He's happy that he stopped staying stuck in the past and now, he's ready to move forward. He has let go of Lilith, as the woman wanted. But he'll never forget [y/n], despite the distance and lack of communication, he still thinks of her as his best friend and he's glad she never stopped thinking of him too.
Lucifer sighs, a small smile on his face. Smiling at the thought of her. His hand once again moved gracefully along the paper, ink rolling off the tip of the pen as he signed his signature.
He misses [y/n], he longs to hug her so much.
Knock, knock.
He flinches at the sound of the front door being knocked, the sounds echoing off the castle walls. He lives alone after all, so the palace is deathly silent.
Lucifer groans, rolling his eyes.
It's probably another solicitor or another sinner wanting to have an audience with him.
Choosing to ignore it and continue with his work.
Knock, knock, knock.
There it is again, the annoying sound of someone knocking on his front door.
He exhaled, continuing his work.
They'll go away if I ignore them, just like always.
He mutters to himself, huffing in annoyance as he works.
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[y/n] huffs to herself, crossing her arms around her chest. She's been knocking for a few minutes now and nobody answered.
I wonder if he's home?
She thought, standing outside the door. Hand running over the skirt of her light blue dress.
She waits for a few minutes, taking a deep breath. Trying to calm down her beating heart. Mentally practicing what she wants to say to him when she sees him.
Bringing her hand back up, forming into a tight knuckle. She knocked once more.
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Knock, knock, knock.
It took so much patience for him not to break the fountain pen on his hand. Lucifer gently brought down the pen on to his table. Bringing both his hands towards his mouth and nose as he exhaled exasperatedly. Closing his eyes, eye twitching a little.
I stand corrected, this sinner is persistent.
Taking a deep breath, he finally stood up from his chair, grumbling as he left his office. Going down the stairs.
Finally arriving at the front door of his, fixing his clothes to look presentable to whoever is at the other side. Raising his guard up as he doesn't trust other sinners.
Finally opening the door, eyes closed in annoyance. “Yeah, yeah. Who's there...” his voice died down when he opened his eyes again to see a familiar angel standing on his doorway, [y/n] looking at him awkwardly, waving her hand at him shyly.
Did he go insane without realizing?
[y/n] is standing on his doorway wearing a cute light blue short dress that reaches beneath her knees, halo no longer on her head but he can tell she used it as an accessory based on the golden bracelet on her wrist. She looked as beautiful as the day he last saw her. Though, he had a tint of worry as he noticed the bandages on her arms and knees. What happened to her?
Is this a hallucination?
“[y/n]...?” he asked hesitantly, afraid that she'll disappear and afraid she's just a fragment of his imagination.
[y/n] smiled, heart beating loudly against her chest. Lucifer stood in front of her. The white suit with red accents really fits him, he's just as beautiful as she last saw him, more even.
He is really here.../She is really here...
Finally deciding to break the silence between them, [y/n] smiled at him, “It has been awhile, Lucifer.”
Her voice was enough to snap him from his thoughts and without thinking, he leaped into her arms and hugged her. Tears finally streaming down his pale cheeks. The action causing both of them to fall into the floor.
The warmth of his embrace around her was also enough for [y/n] to silently cry. She misses him so much, so many years spent without him made her incredibly so lonely.
Lucifer grips into her waist, burying his face at the crook of her neck as he sobbed.
Lucifer wonders if this was a dream at first but he was able to inhale the familiar perfume she always wore and it was enough to make him cry even more.
It felt like the universe finally listened to his pleas. He was just thinking that he misses her so much a few minutes ago and then suddenly she's in his door step.
“[y/n].... You're really here... Wait...” his eyes widened as he finally removed himself from her warm embrace, holding her arms gently.
“Why are you here...?” he asked softly, voice hoarse from crying. [Y/n] wiped her eyes with her hand but he stopped her as Lucifer summoned a clean handkerchief and gently wiped the tears off her cheeks.
[y/n] smiled weakly, “I fell.” she says with a small giggle. Lucifer deadpans, eyes blinking not simultaneously. He stood up and offered a hand to her to help her stand in which she gladly accepted.
“What do you mean you fell? When?” he asked worriedly, [y/n] smiled softly as she placed a hand over his cheek. Thumb running over the red circle on his cheek adoringly.
“I have a lot to tell you but I fell... A few days ago... Charlie found me and she treated me during it all.” [y/n] explained softly, his eyes widening. Why didn't Charlie tell him?
[y/n] can practically hear the question based on his facial expression, she smiles. “Don't get mad at Charlie, I asked her not to tell you...” she says, avoiding eye contact.
He frowns, leaning towards her so he cups her cheeks, his other hand on her chin. He tilts her head so she's finally looking at him.
“Why...? I... I could've helped you...” he asked, voice trembling. Guilty for not being there for her in her most time of need. [Y/n] gently removed his hands from her face, squeezing it assuringly.
“Because I don't want our reunion to be a sad one, I can't bear to see you so sad and I don't want you to see how bad my situation was...” she explained softly, her thumb rubbing circles in his hand. He can only imagine what happened to her based on her injuries. She's right, he might not function properly if he saw her so injured.
Lucifer sighs, shoulders dropping as he understands her explanation. But still, he wished he could've helped her more.
“But hey, I'm here now and there's a lot that we needed to catch up on. Don't you think?” [y/n] says with a giggle, a small smile on her face. Lucifer could feel his cheeks burning up as he looked at her beautiful smiling face.
Lucifer closes his eyes as a grin finally finds its way to his handsome face, “You're right, you got a lot of explanation to do.” he says, offering his hand to her in which she accepted. He pulls her inside the palace, finally closing the door behind them.
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Currently, the two are in his room just catching up with one another. Lucifer's hands shined a golden glow over her arms, his angelic powers helping her heal. He listened intently as [y/n] explained what happened to her.
His heart thumped loudly against his chest as he listened how she defended hell and how she finally got under Sera's skin that led to her fall from grace.
“You really did that...?” he asked softly, his hand working gently with her arm as he unwrapped the bandages around her arm. Her arm finally healed after helping her. [Y/n] smiled softly and nodded, “I made a promise to help Charlie and Sera hid the yearly cleansing from the other angels. It was revealed during Charlie's meeting and I was mad.” [y/n] explained to him, his gentle eyes looking up at her as he healed her arm. “I said some things to her and got her mad and I was placed in a trial in which I ended up guilty.”
Lucifer frowns, softly placing down her hand onto her lap. “I wished I was there to help you.” he says softly to her and [y/n] smiled and patted his head.
“It's alright, what's done is done. What matters the most is that I'm here now...” she says, bringing her hand up to cup his cheeks.
“Yeah... But, I hope you know that I appreciate what you did for hell...” he says, nuzzling his face against the palm of her hand. Eyes half-lidded as he looked at her.
“I know and I'll do it again. I believe that the sinners deserve a second chance.” she says, her eyes landing on the many piles of rubber ducks in his room.
“On the sidenote, I see you haven't gotten over your love for ducks.” [y/n] giggles, his cheeks exploding into a bright shade of red as he felt a little embarrassed.
“I can't help it. They're just so cute.” he says with a small pout making [y/n] laugh softly.
“Don't be embarrassed about it, I'm just glad you haven't changed much.” she says smiling at him.
His eyes widened slightly and then he smiled, “I am glad that you haven't changed too.”
[y/n] smiles, turning her head to look around his room. Seeing the portraits of his family on the wall, they looked so happy. She's a little jealous.
“You and Lilith huh?” she teases him slightly, Lucifer flinches slightly and avoids her gaze. “Well... Used to, we've divorced each other seven years ago.” he says, finally looking at her.
[y/n]'s eyes widened, a frown on her face. She felt guilty bringing the topic up. “Oh... I didn't know, I'm sorry.” she says softly, her voice held a tone of regret. Lucifer smiled and shook his head, “Don't be, it was for the best.” he explained, “We just stopped loving each other, that's all.”
“How about we change the topic?” he suggested with a smile and [y/n] nodded, “Since you're here now... Do you plan to stay at the hotel or here with me?” he asked softly to her.
[y/n] blushes softly, the idea of being alone with Lucifer in a large palace seems so.... Intimate. Lucifer's cheeks also burned slightly as he realized what he just asked.
“Staying here with you? Won't I disturb you from your work?” she asked hesitantly, Lucifer shakes his head no.
“No, no, no... You would never be a disturbance to me [n/n]... I would be glad if you stayed here...” he spoke so softly, eyes pleading for her to accept.
[y/n] smiles, she can practically read him like a book. Despite being years apart, their connection never faded.
“Alright, since you looked like you're begging me to stay.” she giggled softly, looking at him with so much fondness.
Lucifer can only stare at her face, she's looking at him like he's the most beautiful being in the universe.
Don't look at me like that, I don't want to fall too fast.
Lucifer blushes slightly, clearing his throat. “I just miss you, that's all.” he says, avoiding her gaze making her chuckle, “I've missed you too.” she says softly.
“I am really happy to see you again, it's been so long.” he whispers, wrapping his arms around her. “I am so happy to be back in your arms...” she murmurs back to him. Lacing her hand with his with him squeezing her hand gently in return.
They have a lot of catching up to do, a lot of feelings to uncover.
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END NOTES: the handholding before marriage finally happened lmfaoo 😭 also imma try not to make their relationship fast paced okay, awkward friends to lovers idk. This chapter feels shorter than usual, meh.
@selvyyr @leo4242564 @blushhpeachh @lunanight1021 @dvc4 @nehy019 @lu-ferri12 @lilteamushroom @froggybich @eddiemunson4ever @who-let-me-write-this @gurutan27 @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @hcneyiced @valerie-36 @jovialcat123 @b0nn1e @raeinn @wally-darling-hyperfixation @faefanatic @trashbin-nie @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @luleck @adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @hxzbinwrites @snoozewritezz @juskonutoh @mayhimouto513 @hcneyiced @koirb @viylikescats @ren-ren23 @kouyoumarryme @dou-dou @thatsquitepoggers
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golddust-if · 8 months
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you're a wanted person. that isn't new to you, but after years of working, someone. no. something is after you.
you were taught by the best, your mother, she was an amazing woman but she was too trusting and in the end, that was her downfall. you won't make that mistake. you're a killer, but a righteous one. you kill those who deserve it, the disposable.
with your abnormal abilities, of which only twenty-five percent of the population is gifted with. you can succeed in what she was never able to do, rid the world of sinners.
you work for the slaughterhouse, a bar... with a dark side; in a rowdy part of the city. your mother was the owner but she didn't pass it down to you, she passed it your younger twin siblings. she believed you were far too talented to sit behind a desk, dealing with paperwork.
you've traveled all over the world, exterminating. you've claimed plenty of people, but perhaps this time you went after the wrong one. having no other choice you flee back home, but you aren't safe there either, you never are.
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play with a customizable mc [gender (male or female), physical appearance, personality, sexuality]
protect those you care about or turn your back on them when they need you.
romance, befriend, or make enemies between any of the sixteen characters. four gender selectable, six male, and six female.
decide what supernatural ability you were gifted with; telepathy, telekinesis, or teleportation [figure out how to develop it and what other ability you have]
define your mc's signature weapon, fighting style and overall skillset; how you feel about killing, and the supernatural abilities you were gifted with.
this story is rated 18+ for sexual themes, substance (drug and alcohol) use, explicit language, and violence. [more themes might be added later]
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the tattoo artist [male or female] [ro] wren price – partner in crime. they've been by your side since you can remember. always with a bright smile and cheeky remarks, you can't think about how your life would look without them. though they act differently with others, more serious, with a glint in their eyes you can't quite figure out. they never look at you like that.
the bodyguard [male] [ro] theodore price – the older brother of your best friend. there's no doubt in your mind that they're related. he's protective over you, although you can't hold that against him as that's what he does for a living. protect people. he's hard to get to know on a deeper level and you can't help but wonder what's going on in his mind.
the detective [female] [ro] rori hayes – now, if you weren't yourself, perhaps you could have been friends with her. but unfortunately for you... she's extremely suspicious of you and set to bring you to justice. she's recently been promoted and she cannot afford to fail, not when her family is counting on her.
the chief deputy sheriff [male] [ro] charles butler – good ole charlie, you're acquainted with each other. he can't say he isn't a little impressed with you. but you're endangering the citizens of his city and that includes his little girl. he may not have any evidence on you but you need to be brought down, and he's going to be the one that books you.
the model [male] [ro] julien ripley – son of the sheriff. he always looks uncomfortable with his own father. he’s never talked to you before and you’re almost positive he has no opinion on you. he’s a very well known face, although you can tell he doesn’t like being stared at and overall talking to anyone. *male mcs only
the journalist [female] [ro] sloane campbell – she's fast alright and always seems to know your moves. too bad she isn't on your side. always trying to announce to the world, where you are and what you're planning to do next. good thing she's overlooked at her job, consistently being handed stories that, even you know, aren't going anywhere.
the bartender [male or female] [ro] hale/hart vaughn – a family friend, and your sister's best friend. with their tantalizing words, they don't know the meaning of being serious. they are quite insufferable and you can't seem to be able to get rid of them. you have a feeling if you did, your own sister would come after you.
the florist [female] [ro] paris graham– at first glance she doesn't appear to be anything special, but that would be wrong. she's a firework waiting to explode and you want to be there when it happens. her work doesn't suit her but you have a feeling, that being a florist isn't all that she does. *female mcs only
the apartment owner [male] [ro] nolan adams – he knows about you and what you do, but he doesn’t give off the feeling of someone who’d go running to tell. you’ve always come back to lay low at his apartment complex when you need to and as long as you pay on time he doesn’t care what you do. 
the actor [female] [ro] ophelia wylie – a face from your past, one you can’t say you particularly enjoy facing again. she seems remorseful for what she did to you, in fact she looks like a completely different person and she’s offering to help you, but for what in exchange… after all, no one gives anything for free.
the crime lord [male] [ro] louis foster – of course you’ve heard of lou, you’d be an idiot if you didn’t. he's tried and failed to recruit you and he never fails. you’ve been warned before, it would be a mistake to make an enemy out of a king.
the informant [male] [ro] vincent sutton – it’s rare to ever see him out, only ever seen accompanying lou. if you had the ability to feel fear, you’d fear him. he shows every sign of being against you, but then again, it seems as if he does that to everyone around him as well. 
the chef [male or female] [ro] mateo/melanie olsen – you see them quite often, as their restaurant is one of your favorites. they always serve you with a smile and if they do know you, they play oblivious. they're just happy to have a customer who enjoys their food.
the doctor [female] [ro] eileen yates – serene and calming, a voice who always knows exactly what to say. she may look innocent but she’s far from it, you’ve known her for years yet you don’t truly know her, for all you know eileen may not even be her name. 
the accountant [female] [ro] felix price – the youngest of the price siblings, she helps out with all the money coming into and out of the slaughterhouse. she’s always been compassionate and reasonable. you can't imagine her hurting a fly.
the rival bar owner [male or female] [ro] kinslee dean – they own a bar just a couple streets down from yours. it’s always been a problem and they’re actively trying to shut down the slaughterhouse. but they’re surprisingly level-headed and want to 'handle' this problem with logic.
the owner of the slaughterhouse [male] archer – your younger brother, he’s honestly kind of a mess. he was not ready for this responsibility but he’s trying. the mischievous boy you grew up with, you don’t know where he is anymore.
the owner of the slaughterhouse [female] iris – your younger sister, she’s always been loud and bold. but she’s changed too, she’s calm and collected. she’s trying her best to help her brother along too.
the sheriff [male] lazlo ripley – a pompous man with nothing else to do but terrorize those he thinks are inferior to him. 
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DEMO [Coming Soon]
warning: this story is still under development, all elements are subject to change!!
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Can I request reader x Lucifer, where she reassures him and tells him that she will always love and be there for him more than anything.
He deserves love, and Lilith deserves to go fuck herself.
I like to think that what's going on with Lilith is some kind of a misunderstanding or will otherwise be resolved, but our dear Lucy boy does indeed deserve comfort in the interim, so have this little ficlet!
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
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There were times when the King of Hell simply broke. The constant threats to his power, the atrocities committed by his subjects, the weight of all he'd done and his powerlessness to change anything for the better... it was too much, even for him. Once upon a time, he'd been able to share the weight of his crown, and to draw strength from the one he loved most on the days he couldn't think of a reason to get out of bed. Now, she was gone, and those dark days came for him all the more often in her absence. He'd survived, as he always had and always would, but his servants knew not to intrude when he sealed himself away to crumble behind closed doors. They'd learned no one could reach him when he fell into those dark thoughts.
You, unaware of these things, hadn't hesitated to seek him out when you didn't hear a word for over two days. His private wing of the castle had been unnaturally dim and dank when you'd arrived; the magical lights that usually kept it shimmering were mere flickers, and the golden walls seemed to sag, as if the structure itself was wilting under its own misery. A careful hand along the lifeless corridors had been needed to guide you through the darkness and to the King's private chambers.
When you'd opened the doors, you'd barely recognized the man on the bed at first glance. With his disheveled clothes, unkempt hair and lifeless red eyes, it had taken you a moment to recognize your beloved Lucifer, even with all six of his wings lying limp at his sides. You'd been across the room in a heartbeat once the pieces had connected.
Lucifer's surprise at your arrival had quickly turned to pleas for you to leave. He promised that he was fine, that he only needed to be alone, that you shouldn't bother yourself with such things, but of course you hadn't been convinced. The spread of shed feathers across the mattress and deep bags beneath his eyes told you he was in need of help, and you intended to provide it, however you could. Your steadfast refusal to leave finally brought the truth out of him.
"Alright, I'm not fine!" he confessed, sitting upright to face you. Seated on your heels, you gave him space instinctively, wanting him to continue so you might learn what was troubling the man you loved. Though your first guess would have been some unnatural, Hellish sickness, there was something about his movements that told you it was much deeper than that. Such a proud man would not let himself reach a state like this lightly. Grabbing a handful of his disheveled hair, he averted his eyes and took a shaky breath, wings crumpled around him in a ring of crimson feathers like a broken shield. Horns peaked from his forehead as he fought for his words.
"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry, but I just..." he trailed off as a wave of frustration passed through his features, expression pinching tight as he held his face in his hand. Though your heart ached at the sight, you held back still, knowing you needed the truth before you could do anything for him. A heavy sigh passed through his fingers before he raised his head to look out a nearby stained glass window. The mixed colors reflected deeply in his glassy eyes, and he let out a miserable laugh. "Sometimes, it's too much, you know? Hell, the Sinners, the endless misery, and old Lucy's got nobody to blame for any of it but himself."
"What am I even talking about? Nobody to blame? I've got nobody, period! I can't! Soon as someone gets attached, it all goes south! Either I've gotta push them away for their own good, or they end up leaving all on their own!" he continued, breaking into a bout of unhinged laughter. All six wings flexed without any kind of unison, sending a fresh shower of feathers over the both of you as he looked upwards and pointed an accusatory finger at the ceiling. "Top marks for the punishment, you Heavenly bastards! It's the gift that just won't stop giving!"
You'd have stopped him were you not shocked into silence by it all. There had always been hints of your beloved fallen angel's deeply buried suffering: smiles faltering without a word, sudden flashes of sadness in his eyes when he thought you couldn't see, the tightness with which he'd embrace you upon saying goodbye... There had just never been enough for you to act decisively, and he always brushed off even the most casual concern for his wellbeing. Now, with his sanity potentially hanging by a thread, you could almost feel the agony that was weighing him down.
"Gotta keep my daughter away for her own good, lost all my friends, lost my wife-!" he halted with an especially pained laugh, and clutched the fabric of his shirt as if wounded by the very word. Suddenly you understood his seclusion all too well. His beloved of the past ten millennia, the woman he'd crossed Heaven for, the mother of his child... Lilith had been his rock, and without her, how could he shoulder it all? The man before you was collapsing under a kind of pressure few could imagine.
Burying his face in his hands, he spoke next as if you weren't present, sinking into himself and the pit of misery he likely thought he deserved. "And sooner or later I'll lose you too! Can't I get a damned-!?"
"Lucifer!" you interrupted at last, grabbing his shoulders in tandem with the shout. He lifted his head in surprise, having never heard you raise your voice with him and likely quite unaccustomed to the sound to begin with. Emboldened by the success, you continued with all the confidence you could pack into every syllable, needing him to hear you and know you spoke the truth.
"You haven't lost me, and you won't!" you insisted, sure enough in yourself that you'd have challenged every Exorcist in Heaven to prove you meant it. Lucifer, still caught off guard by your initial yell, remained briefly unresponsive. Blinking suddenly, he shifted to an expression of apathy before taking hold of your wrists and gently pulling them off his shoulders.
"I want to believe that..." he replied softly, slightly more grounded now. Breath hitching, he slid his thumbs over the backs of your palms, taking a moment just to feel your presence before abruptly letting go. You could sense how hard he was resisting the urge to pull you in. "But there's so much that can happen. My position, my enemies... it's more than I can ask of anyone, and eventually... Well, everyone has a limit, and I can't blame them for leaving when they hit it."
In the short time you'd known him, you'd seen a great deal of the hardships he spoke of, and knew that many would indeed find the constant weight of his position too much to endure. Since being at his side inevitably meant shouldering some of that weight by proxy, you understood why many would find themselves unable to endure. It was indeed too much to ask of anyone...
Thankfully, you didn't need to be asked. You were offering.
"I don't have a limit. Not so long as I'm with you." you said more firmly, taking his hands back in your own. Once more, you looked into his eyes, and spoke with all the conviction your voice could possibly muster. "I don't care about Heaven, or the rest of Hell, or anything. If I'm with you, I can handle it."
"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into." Lucifer replied quickly, almost mechanical in his dismissal. Though he was still deep in his thoughts and deeper still in his grief, you didn't fail to notice how he let his hands remain in your grip. Despite it all, he wanted you, but just wasn't yet strong enough to face the pain of wanting. You didn't mind. He needed time to heal, and you'd shoulder as much of the load as possible for as long as it took for him to do so.
"Well, good luck trying to stop me." you said, ever more defiant. A small but far more genuine chuckle passed his lips, and you pulled him closer, encouraging the exhausts angel to lean on you for an embrace. When his head met your chest, you held him tightly, fingers brushing through his hair just the way he liked it. As his exhausted body eased against your own, you knew you spoke only the truth. "I love you, and I'm going to keep loving you. Nothing is ever going to change that."
He laughed again, sounding like he still believed his luck wouldn't change, but was daring to hope regardless.
"I love you too."
As you held him on the bed in silence, you vowed to every being from the highest peaks of Heaven to the lowest depths of Hell that he wouldn't regret this.
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nadvs · 6 months
both sinners (part one)
pairing drugdealer! rafe cameron x female reader
rating explicit 18+
content warning drug use
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summary as a stripper, you’re well aware that someone you know could walk into the club at any moment. when rafe is your newest customer, you’re actually glad to see a familiar face.
{ masterlist }
The room is humid. The pole is smooth. The music is throbbing. And the seats are filling up fast. It’s a typical Saturday night at the club.
You just stepped out on the stage, circling the pole, taking slow, seductive steps in your stilettos.
A polished ‘reserved’ name plate sits on table in the booth right in front of you. You’ll start your routine and get undressed when the people who claimed that booth come in.
You’ve only been stripping for a few months, but you know well enough by now that it’s not worth putting your best show on until the reserved booths are full. Those customers are the most generous with their tips.
Moments later, in the pink and purple lights shimmering over the large club, you can make out the shadowed figures of three men piling into the booth.
You hook your leg around the pole and gyrate while they get seated, ready to start your show.
Rafe settles in the cushioned booth and is immediately captivated by you. You’re so smooth with every slow roll of your hips.
He glances around, seeing the other dancers, but there’s something about you that’s magnetic. It’s like his eyes will only allow him to look at you.
You’re in a sheer skirt and a scant bra; in his opinion, too many clothes are covering your body. He watches while you sensually sway, the lights hitting your planes and curves.
When you arch your back to pull the string holding your bra together, baring your tits, you bra falls to the floor in a bunch. You dip your head back, chest uncovered and so fucking perfect, as you hold yourself up on the pole.
You’re left in nothing but a mini-skirt, lace panties, and six-inch heels.
He’s in awe.
“Dude!” Topper shouts over the music. Rafe looks over at his friend and the waitress leaning over his shoulder. “Drink?”
Rafe realizes they’ve probably been trying to get his attention for a while. He was just too damn distracted by the silhouette on stage.
He laughs, ordering an old fashioned, and turns his attention back to you.
“Acting like you’ve never seen tits before,” Topper chides him, shoving his shoulder and making Kelce crack up.
“Shut the fuck up,” Rafe chuckles.
You hike yourself up on the pole and slowly spread your legs apart, twisting and rolling. Goddamn. He’s already so fucking worked up just from watching you dance a few feet away from him.
You wait until their drinks arrive and let them get a few sips in before you sink to the glossy floor and swing your legs over the stage.
“Hi, boys,” you say over the music, turning on the flirty, confident identity you always take on while on stage. “Having fun?”
“It’s his birthday,” one of them shouts and points to the man in the middle.
“Oh, yeah?” you say with a smile. You slowly drop onto the carpeted floor and start to close the distance between you and the three men.
The way your hips swing is making Rafe’s groin get tighter. He can’t believe this is his first time in a strip club. What the fuck took him so long?
You freeze for a second when you realize you know these guys. Kind of.
Even though you live nowhere near Figure 8, you’ve befriended enough wealthy people on the island to get invited to their extravagant house parties. And you’ve definitely seen these men before.
You know Rafe best out of the three. He sells the purest coke you’ve ever tried and he somehow gets hotter every time you see him. You’ve talked to him maybe twice, buying a couple of grams off of him.
It’ll only be awkward if you make it awkward, so you place your hands on the edge of the table in the middle of the booth and lean forward, arms pressed against your sides to push out your tits.
Rafe’s eyes dip to your naked chest immediately, then back up to your face. He’s met you before. He thought you were hot then, and he thinks you’re hot now.
“I know you,” you tease. He finds it sexy how you’re completely unfazed by this, not embarrassed at all to be half-naked like this in front of them. “Happy birthday.”
His friend, who you’re pretty sure people call Topper, holds out a folded $50 between his fore finger and middle finger to you.
“First dance is on me, man,” Topper slurs, patting Rafe’s chest with his other hand. By the lazy smiles on their faces, you can tell these aren’t their first drinks of the night.
You lick your lips and smile as you take the bill and tuck it in the waistband of your skirt. You know these guys are loaded. You’re going to make a killing tonight.
You look back at the stage, spotting another dancer and cocking your chin to silently gesture to her to join the table and keep the other guys entertained while you focus on Rafe.
You slowly make your way towards him, the erotic, bass-heavy music surrounding you. You typically let your mind drift away while you give a customer a lap dance, but you’re actually attracted to this one.
The sight of your thighs spreading as you kneel down to straddle him makes Rafe’s heart start pounding even harder.
“Hi,” you say with a sweet smile. You settle and hover over him, mostly supporting yourself on your knees, but sitting on his lap just enough to feel his firm thighs beneath you.
You’re a little nervous, which takes you by surprise. This must be what happens when a customer is someone you have a crush on.
His cologne smells crisp and expensive as you put your hands on his broad shoulders, rubbing over the fabric of his t-shirt.
“Hi,” Rafe says with a stunned grin, his dimples deep. You feel his hands settle under your skirt, fingers splayed over your ass. Even though the rules are strict against touching the dancers, and you’re sure he was told that when he arrived, you let him.
It feels so damn good to be wanted like this by him, to have him touch you. Besides, he seems like the type who thinks he’s above the rules anyway, so telling him not to touch you would be a waste of breath.
“How’s your day been?” you coo, palms sliding down to his chest. Rafe’s blue eyes trail from your mouth to your half-naked body, the handsome angles of his face shadowed under the lights.
“Better now,” he says, his fingers digging into the flesh of your ass. You giggle, leaning to speak into his ear.
“They don’t let you touch the dancers here,” you mumble to him, “but I’ll give you a pass tonight.”
You pull back to see him clench his defined jawline as he squeezes harder.
“Yeah?” he rasps, the sharp smell of bourbon on his breath. “How come?”
“It’s my birthday present to you,” you say, starting to writhe on him.
“Bullshit,” he smirks. “It’s ‘cause you want me to touch you.” You can admit to yourself that his ego is kind of charming. And yeah, he’s right. His hands on you do feel good.
You sit up to prop your chest right up to his face. Rafe breathes in the smell of your perfume, revelling in the feeling of your tits inches away from his face.
“Are you always this cocky?” you ask. You rake a hand up the back of his head, his hair soft between your fingers.
“Yeah,” Rafe says simply, his careless shrug adding to his charm. You start to gyrate against him, feeling his firmness in his jeans. You dip your head, your cheek pressed against his as you grind.
“That feels good, huh?” you hum.
“Fuck,” he mutters, his voice deep as he says your name. “I didn’t know you were such a bad girl.”
Damn. You’re actually getting wet right now. This never happens. This is supposed to be work.
“Now you know,” you reply. Your hand slides down his chest, over his firm stomach, landing at his groin. Damn. He’s big.
“Shit,” he groans. You pull back, seeing Rafe’s drunken smile, and seamlessly sit up to swing your leg off of him, backing up to shake your ass on him.
The way your skirt is bouncing with every recoil makes him feel like he could go crazy. You look back at him to see him digging into his pocket, taking a wad of cash out.
He tucks a bill into the band of your skirt, his bottom lip trapped under his teeth as he watches you lustfully.
The way you shake and sway and bump on his lap is making the tension in him tighten, closer and closer to snapping by the second. It’s not enough. He needs to see you fully naked.
The next time you look at him, Rafe impatiently wags his fingers to beckon you to turn towards him again. You obey and kneel over, your faces only inches apart, your hands on his thighs, your ass in the air.
“You gonna get naked or what?” he mutters impatiently. You’re flattered that he’s so into you.
“I can, here,” you say, eager to upsell, “or we can go up to a private room.”
“Yeah?” he says. “What else can we do in there?”
“Did you come here to talk?” you hear a man shout. You realize Topper’s giving him shit, smiling as one of the other dancers grinds on him.
You honestly like that Rafe is talking to you instead of silently watching you dance for him, but you giggle, trying to keep the atmosphere light and fun.
Rafe doesn’t like you laughing with his friend. Or smiling at him. Or even looking at him.
“Let’s go,” Rafe says resolutely. You turn to gaze at him again, his eyes gleaming in the flickering lights.
“It’s $100 for a room-” you begin, but he interrupts.
“Let’s go,” he repeats. You have a feeling you could tell him any price and he’d agree.
You smile and take Rafe’s hand, leading him upstairs to one of the VIP rooms. A bouncer standing in the top level hallway nods to you and motions to a free room.
“No touching, buddy,” he warns Rafe, who only replies with a mocking nod. This man has no respect for anyone or anything. And he makes it look so sexy.
The small space offers an upholstered booth, a pole, and a table for drinks. The dim red bulb on the ceiling seems to casts more shadows than light, making Rafe annoyed that he won’t be able to see you better.
He settles onto the booth as you shut the door behind you. His legs are spread wide, his cock stretching his jeans out in an impressive bulge.
The music is muffled, but still loud enough to dance to in the private room. You toss the bills that are sitting under your waistband onto the table, then position yourself between his knees to writhe for him as you pull down the zipper on the side of your skirt.
The skirt pools around your heels. Rafe drinks in the vision of your lace panties, the way the fabric hugs your lips. He has never been more turned on.
“Damn…” he groans with a disbelieving scoff, his hands sliding up your thighs. When he runs a thumb up your middle, you tremble.
This feels unreal. You’ve given every other man who merely tried to touch your hand a firm reminder of the rules. But here you are, letting Rafe touch your pussy, loving the feeling.
“I knew you were fine, but shit,” he mutters.
You can’t help but wonder if he was attracted to you before he laid eyes on you tonight, when you were fully dressed at the parties you’ve seen each other at.
Rafe’s lips curl into a smirk as he digs into his pocket to pull out his wallet and a clear baggy of white powder. If you weren’t sure that he couldn’t give less of a fuck about rules before, you are now.
“Want some?” he asks.
“I’m working,” you laugh.
“What’s a little bit gonna do?” Rafe asks, pulling out a credit card. “Lie down.”
Intrigued, you follow his orders, settling on the booth onto your back.
“Stay still,” he mutters. You laugh to yourself in disbelief when you realize he’s setting up a line on your chest, right between your tits. He’s almost too much.
Rafe loves the way the powder looks sitting on your skin. He taps the edge of his credit card against the line of coke, evening it out, before he leans down and snorts through a rolled up bill.
Euphoria hits every one of his senses immediately. His lips are right by yours and he gives into his impulse like he always does, leaning down to kiss you.
He takes you by surprise when he captures your lips in his. You smile beneath his hot mouth, enthralled by his spontaneous passion, feeling him suck on your bottom lip. When he pulls back, he’s smiling.
“You sure you don’t want any?” Rafe asks, pupils blown.
“Fuck it,” you laugh. This night has been crazy enough. “Just a bump.”
You sit up, leaning against the cushion of the booth and you hold out your finger, watching as he carefully tips some coke out of the baggy. You rub it over your gums, purposely sucking your finger as you pop it out of your mouth.
Everything about you is driving Rafe crazy in the best way. You’re so fucking carefree and self-possessed.
He shifts to hang over you, his fingers looping around the band of your panties. Rafe pulls them down your legs and sharply inhales when he sees your bare pussy.
He needs you. A dance isn’t enough.
“I’m supposed to do that part,” you breathe a chuckle.
“How much to fuck you?” He meets your eyes, his hair hanging over his forehead.
“We can’t do that, baby,” you laugh, although you desperately want to. You’d get fired in a second. “Not here.”
“It’s my birthday,” he whines with a heartbreaking grin. He palms his dick in his pants, eyes drifting down your body hungrily. “How much? I’ll give you whatever you want.”
You’ve already broken so many rules, and you would love to fuck him, but the risk of getting caught is just too high. You decide to compromise.
You put him hand on the hard swelling in his pants and rub.
“How about this?” you ask, looking up at him through your lashes. “You sit down and I touch you.”
That way, you think, if anyone walks in, your back will be to the door and you can hide what you’re doing, making it look like you’re just giving him another lap dance.
Rafe nods, glad he has the promise of a release, and sits back down where he was before.
You shuffle to straddle him, feeling his hands on your ass again. You unbutton and zip down his jeans and he frantically bucks his hips up and slips them down.
When his cock pops out of his boxers, you nearly gasp at how big it is.
“I got hard the second I saw your tits,” he laughs, feeling drunk and high out of his mind.
“Yeah?” you purr. You spit on your palm then put your hand around his base. He groans, the pressure sending a roll of pleasure through his body.
“Yeah,” Rafe shudders. “You have really nice fucking tits.” Wow. He’s talkative when he’s high. You love it.
His hands move up to capture your breasts, squeezing the flesh.
“How the fuck am I not supposed to touch you? That’s a stupid fucking rule,” he mutters, his thumbs rubbing over your nipples. You shudder, arching your back at the sensation.
“Damn, you like that?” he rasps with a smirk.
“Yeah,” you breathe a laugh. You start to run your hand up and down his cock, arousal pooling in your gut.
“You’re telling me you don’t want this dick inside you?” he teases. You bite your bottom lip and twist your wrist as you stroke him.
“We can’t fuck in here,” you tell him.
“But we can somewhere else?” Rafe asks, tilting his chin towards you so you’ll kiss him again.
The coke is starting to hit your system as your tongue rolls over his, your palm wet against his cock.
“Yeah, we can,” you say shakily when you pull away.
“Shit, you’re good at that,” he grunts, looking down at your hand working him. All you can hear is the muffled music and your combined breathing and the sound of your wet skin rubbing over his.
“Yeah?” you ask.
Rafe’s head is spinning. He takes in the sight of his hands on your perfect tits, the way you’re jerking him off, the smile on your pretty face. All this combined with the liquor and coke rushing through him is fucking paradise.
“You wanna cum on me?” you impulsively ask. He’s still partly dressed, but you’re fully naked. It’d be easier to clean up. And, if you’re being honest, you want to feel his cum on you.
“You really are a bad girl,” Rafe laughs. You meet his eyes. He’s so depraved, but hell, so are you.
You put your other hand on him, rubbing his thick length in a faster rhythm. He rolls his head back as he groans.
“I’m gonna… oh, fuck…” His deep voice unravels into mumbles.
You aim his cock towards you, watching the white ropes of his cum spurt out of him, his body twitching beneath you. The hot liquid splashes over your stomach and your thighs, making you smile in satisfaction.
When he comes down from the high you gave him, he hands you his entire wad of cash.
You didn’t expect your night to take this turn, but it was so much fucking fun. And you have no idea if Rafe will remember any of this. But you hope he does.
{ part two }
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24kvlaks · 17 days
My favorite futile being.
Featuring- fallen angel X reader! :)
He hated humans, and he hated how much his father loved them. He was there first, he was created first just for them to come and take glory.
He fell from heaven, casted away. From the top to the bottom.
Stuck here with earth scum.
More powerful than all, he decided to wreak havoc.
The world covered in flames, buildings burned returning to ash. The screams of mortals, the begging of families, cries of children.
He didn’t care, he was an angel, turned monster.
An entity.
He smiled through the chaos, watching all his father creations burn bit by bit. Other angels came to stop him only to be defeated.
He was the new God, and he needed no prophets.
His right hand in the air and with a swift wave the flames grew hotter.
The more time flew by, the more chaos grew.
People would sacrifice others as an offering, futile but amusing. Watching the young woman cry and beg for mercy as they threw them outside tied in rope.
He found it so odd, his father created such ugly creatures.
He came to where they dropped the woman, and either ignored them and left them to starve.
But this was different.
There you lay, tear stained cheeks and rope burns covering your wrist. Such a mess, a beautiful mess.
Was this his father trying to trick him?
“Say your name woman.”
His voice was deep, scary, and unnatural.
You cried it out, it came out slurred from all the sobs and all that laid on his face was a sickening frown.
Was he not pleased with you? Was he going to destroy you like he did the others.
The ropes flew off of you like a blanket, you gasped relieved from the pain.
“So tell me, do you believe in God?”
He asked you, his head tilting in awe. He was huge, as tall as the skyscrapers.
“Aren’t you god?”
You asked, he laughed in your face.
“God? You think this is the power of God?”
He asked, you hummed in response.
“No, I am not.”’
You tilted your little head, in confused than what exactly was he?
“What are you?”
He cut you off.
“An angel.”
You gasped, God wouldn’t create such a monster would he?
The beast picked you up in his palm and rotated you in it, as if taking you in.
He pet your hair with his thumb, lightly. He didn’t want to accidentally break you.
His face was covered in gold rings, eyes full of honey and a look like fire. Tan skin, and pointy ears. Wings sticking from each side of his head, and six broken wings on his back.
His hair was a gold, as if slowly the color was fading out.
“You smell like a sinner.”
He sniffed you, a mug on his face. He could smell everything, your cunt, your natural smell, you. You turned around in shame but he was quick to turn you back around.
“You dare turn your back on me?”
You quivered in his hands, shaking and nervous.
“Need not to be afraid, I will not harm you.”
You let out a sigh of relief, Angels couldn’t lie could they?
His presence was soft, but his actions were scary. He eyed you, his mind pondering with thoughts, he was reading you.
“What do you wish?”
He coed into your ears.
“To be free.”
He growled at your response, scoffing at the word freedom.
“Then be free.”
He let you slide off of his palm steadily stepping on the ground.
“The world too.”
He laughed, loudly. You’d be surprise of the whole world didn’t hear him. You rolled your eyes at his arrogance before he grabbed your chin.
“Do it again, and I’ll burn them out of your sockets.”
You gulped, and he smirked.
“As you wish.”
He responded. And the flames blew out, you could hear people rejoice from the villages around you.
“But who started this, sacrifice ordeal? They must atone.”
His face was deep and dark. You outreached your arms and he put you back into his palm. You lead him through the village and pointed him to the man who started it.
“What shall we do?”
He asked you, a soft smile on his face.
“Kill him.”
You spoke, but you didn’t. He had took control of your body and made you say it, that son of a bitch.
But in seconds blood was everywhere, and the man’s head was off.
“You’re welcome, mortal.”
He didn’t put you down, instead he took you with him as he flew onto a cloud. You knew you were stuck, he’d be with you forever.
And already, you were already growing to love it.
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 8 months
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: While shooting a movie with the infamous Wanda Maximoff, you start to fall for her. The lines between reality and acting blur together as you enter into a publicity stunt relationship, and you try to save your heart from breaking.
content warnings: angst, fake relationship, but a happy ending! Also TW for religious trauma, specifically homophobia within the Mormon church.
word count: 6.8k+
Original Request
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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The first time you lay eyes on Wanda Maximoff, you knew your life would never be the same. Her green eyes pierced through the chaotic atmosphere of the audition room, a group of people you assumed were her team surrounding her as she walked into the larger room off to the side, where the actual auditions were being held. 
You watched her go until her silky auburn hair faded from view, the door shutting firmly behind her, and sucked in a large breath. It felt like the air was simultaneously lighter without her heady presence, and thicker at her absence. You made up your mind then and there to try your very best at this audition. 
Deep down, you knew that the privilege of knowing Wanda Maximoff would be the insurmountable victory of your life, and you steeled yourself. 
“Damn,” Someone said, and you frowned as the room erupted in nervous laughter. Looking around, some people seemed starstruck, while others looked absolutely terrified. You understood why, nobody had told you that one of the most famous actresses in the country would be showing up at the final round of auditions today, but you could understand the reasons behind their secrecy. 
Mentally running over the lines you knew you’d forget the second you were in the presence of the most exquisite woman you’d ever seen, you manually slowed your heartbeat, breathing in slowly while you calmed your nerves. 
You couldn’t fuck this up. 
Someone called your name, and you stood, the movement feeling almost robotic. Blinking a few times, and shaking off the stubborn nerves that raced through your already sleep-deprived body, you smiled slightly at the people around you. They all offered small, encouraging smiles, but you could see the hunger behind their eyes. The need to succeed, to be better than everyone else in the room. The need to win. 
Shivering again, you reminded yourself that although it was a competition, it didn’t matter if you didn’t get the role. As long as you tried your best, that was enough. Then you remembered the woman waiting on the other side of the door, and a fierce wave of something rushed through you. 
Walking into the room, you kept your back straight, hoping to at least act like you were confident. That crumbled the moment you locked eyes with Wanda, the green of her irises imprinting themselves into your mind as you formed an awkward smile. 
“Alright,” A mousy-looking man clapped his hands, the illustrious eyes that had sought yours now focused solely on him. You never wanted to kill a man as desperately as you did now. Instead, you turned your head, shaking the cobwebs of gay panic from your mind as you forced yourself to focus. 
“We’re going to start with page twelve, scene two. A seat has been provided,” The man gestured towards the front of the room, and you glanced over. A single booth, about six feet long, was sitting innocently in a spotlight. It reminded you of your childhood, images of hot sticky Sundays clawing their way to the surface as you swallowed harshly. 
Missing the glance Wanda sent your way, her brows furrowing slightly at the distant look in your eyes, you jerkily made your way toward the seat. 
The words of a forgotten Sunday worship wormed their way towards your ears, murmuring things like ‘sinner’, ‘abomination’, and ‘unworthy’. The words suffocated you, visions of a church meeting hall flashing before you as you sat down on the familiar seat. 
Your fingers grazed the fabric, and you realized that they must have acquired an actual seat from some random Mormon church, and you fought the bile that rose. 
“I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself,” A soft voice filtered through your thoughts, clearing your mind instantly. 
Looking up, your face flushing, you could only stare silently as Wanda sat beside you. Embarrassment welled up, knowing that the woman had probably witnessed you get lost in the past, but she gave no indication that she’d seen anything, holding out her hand. 
“I’m Wanda,” She said, a genuine smile brightening her face. Her eyes searched yours, seemingly imploring you to take her hand, and you did. 
You were happy that you didn’t stutter as you gave her your name, surprised when Wanda repeated it back to you, the syllables forming into something beautiful when she spoke. 
“Be honest,” She leaned in, eyes sparkling with your hand still firmly grasped in hers. “How nervous are you?”
The faint scent of vanilla encircled you, a haze threatening to pull your focus away, but you remained steadfast. Not wanting to miss a single moment you had with the captivating enigma that was Wanda Maximoff. 
“I accidentally bought myself two coffees this morning,” You confided, smiling slightly at Wanda’s confused expression. “I had forgotten I’d ordered the first one, so I waited in line again to order my latte, only to realize halfway through the second cup that I’d been so anxious I practically blacked out while ordering the first time around.” 
Whatever reaction you’d been expecting, the tinkling laughter that erupted from the woman seated mere inches beside you was better than anything you could’ve imagined. Her eyes crinkled, one hand coming up to cover her mouth, and you fought to urge to lower it, wanting to see her full face while she was in the throes of happiness. 
“Alright ladies,” A voice rang out, shocking you out of the comfortable lull you’d found yourself in. “Are we ready to begin?”
The mousy man was now seated at a long table, three people seated on either side of him, their eyes locked on you and Wanda. You swallowed harshly, suddenly remembering that this was an audition, and you reluctantly removed your hand from Wanda’s. 
Glancing over, Wanda nodded, her eyes still locked on yours. They were warm, as if to say, ‘Don’t rush, take your time,’ and you smiled. 
You could totally do this.
“When did you know?” Wanda’s voice is frail, and you bite your lip. 
“Know what?”
“That you’re…” She trailed off, her eyes distant, a lost look in them. They met yours, green eyes pleading with you to say the words she couldn’t.
“That I’m gay?” You make sure to make your tone extra sarcastic, sending a quick smile her way, and nudging your shoulder gently against hers. You leave it there, finding comfort in the warmth that shoots through your body at the minimal contact. 
She lets out a breath of air, inhaling shakily as she quickly glances away from you. “Yes… that.”
“It’s not a dirty word, you know,” You say, tilting your head slightly, hoping to catch her eye. She refuses, fingers picking at the seat between you as her eyes remain locked somewhere in the distance. 
Fighting the urge to sigh, you let your own eyes glaze over, a faraway look appearing in them as you breathe in deeply. It’s a weary sound, and you close your eyes briefly as you exhale, preparing your answer. 
“I think I’ve always known,” You begin, resting a hand on the seat, your pinky centimeters from hers. Green eyes lock onto it, her breaths shortening further, her silence stretching on. 
“The first time I realized that I was…” You search for the word, shaking your head slightly, “Different,” The word tastes like ash in your mouth, and you can’t help the slight wobble in your voice. 
Clearing your throat, you continue, “I was in second grade, and for some reason, I really wanted the approval of my new teacher,” You glance awkwardly over towards Wanda, smirking, “I’ve always liked older women.”
Wanda’s fingers inch closer to yours, the tension palpable. You look away, needing to get the next words out, but knowing you wouldn’t be able to if you were staring into those all-knowing green eyes of hers. 
“I went home that night, and I prayed,” The words get stuck in your throat, and you realize with rising horror that actual tears are making their way into your eyes. You push onwards, Wanda’s hand inching closer to yours. 
“I prayed that I would wake up the next morning and be able to like boys the same way that I liked girls. I prayed and asked God why he would do this to me, why he would make me like this if he hated it so much.” Your voice breaks, a tear escaping down your cheek. “And it didn’t work.”
At those words, the dam finally breaks, and your shoulders heave with silent sobs as Wanda’s hand finally encircles your own. You can feel her other hand hesitantly rising, moving towards your shoulder before stopping, unsure if she should touch you or not. 
Eventually, after a pathetic-sounding sniffle escapes you, her other hand wraps around your shoulders, bringing you in. You bury your head into her shoulder, fingers gripping tightly onto the back of her shirt as the lines between acting and reality blur together into one giant, jumbled mess. 
“And, scene!” A voice calls out, and you force the tears back, manually slowing your breathing to gain some semblance of control over yourself. You tell yourself that you’re imagining the hesitant way that Wanda pulls away from you and blink in surprise when her hand remains on your back, gently rubbing soothing circles as you breathe deeply. 
“That was…” The man can’t seem to get the words out, his eyes shining. “Phenomenal.” 
His voice is breathy, filled with awe, and you can’t help the surprised look that takes over your face. Really, all it took was a minor mental breakdown and your acting was phenomenal? You should try that more often. 
The rest of the members at the table seem to agree, and the mousy-looking man makes his way toward you and Wanda, a wide smile on his face. 
“Congratulations!” He all but exclaims, and you feel disconnected from your body as he continues, “You’re hired!”
The man goes on to explain that Wanda will be playing the other main character, the Bishop’s wife, while you play the lead role in the movie. You know the character well, you’ve played her both in real life and now in auditions, but you can’t quite believe the words that are spewing rapidly from the man’s mouth. 
You play a 19-year-old girl, living with her elderly Grandmother after her parents had kicked her out for coming out as a lesbian. Your character only attends church with her resolutely Mormon Grandmother because she is scared to lose the only person in her life who will still give her a home. The man explains that your character falls in love with the new Bishop’s young wife, having just moved from Utah to your state, as Wanda’s character navigates her new realization of her sexuality while also falling in love with your character. 
It’s a beautiful story, one you’d read over and over again before deciding to audition. The themes of religious trauma, grief, and romance all swirled into one complicated story, but one detail, in particular, stood out in your disconnected brain. 
Wanda’s character is the romantic interest of your character. 
What are you supposed to do now?
The director, a brunette woman with a seemingly permanent calming aura, had instructed you and Wanda to get to know each other better during the two months before shooting. She’d said something about how actors who were friends in real life had better chemistry on screen, but you’d blacked out after the word ‘chemistry’ had fallen from her lips. 
Wanda had laughed, seeing the slight flush appear on your face, her hands gentle as she guided you towards her car, “Seeing as we’ll be getting to know each other pretty well for the next few months, why don’t we start with a tour of my home?”
She’d persuaded you further with the promise of a home-cooked meal, and you simply couldn’t refuse. You were a recent college graduate, living in a shitty studio apartment you could barely afford, surviving off of the bare essentials. A tour of an actual house with an actual meal sounded like a pretty sweet deal to you. 
Plus, Wanda would be there, so everything would be perfect. 
The next two months were wonderful, the text messages between you two were constant and the weekends reserved solely for getting to know each other better. You quickly learned that Wanda absolutely loved cooking, but she adored gardening. 
The two of you had started doing puzzles together, one particularly colorful one catching your eye as you went shopping with Wanda, and she’d insisted on buying it for you. So, it became a tradition. Every Saturday, excluding the ones when Wanda had prior plans seeing as she was a famous actress with events to attend, the two of you would share a bottle or two of wine and assemble a puzzle while conversation flowed like water between you. 
The only thing you dreaded during these two months was Sundays. The director had asked you two to attend a Mormon church, stating it as research for the upcoming movie. You didn’t have the heart to explain why the mere thought of stepping foot inside a church again sent uncomfortable, conflicting tendrils of grief and self-loathing crawling up your spine, so you simply agreed. 
Wanda knew. She somehow always knew when something was wrong. She’d helped you pick out an outfit, a modest dress with comfortable shoes, and in return, you’d helped her find a dress in her massive closet that actually fit the impossible Mormon standards. 
You were silent during the car ride to the church, your eyes locked on the landscape moving quickly outside your window. Wanda didn’t have to ask if you were alright, she saw the distant look in your eyes and knew that you were trapped in memories, unable to escape. 
A soft hand enveloped yours, fingers tight around your hands as you felt vanilla pierce the heavy weight of the scenes playing behind your eyes. Your brain cleared briefly, overwhelming gratitude welling up inside you at the gentle show of support, and your fingers squeezed back. 
After that, you felt more present. Even when you walked through the doors, a false smile glued to your lips as you led the way towards a seat covered in that same scratchy fabric from the audition room, you didn’t sink beneath the waves of past memories threatening to drown you. 
The fabric didn’t seem quite as scratchy now with Wanda beside you, her pinky mere inches from yours. You remembered the audition room, the memory overlapping with the past ones that strained to reach the surface of your thoughts. The new memory suffocated the old, your breaths coming easier while Wanda’s steady presence overcame your senses. 
Someone began speaking at the podium, your body jolting as you realized it was a prayer. Wanda’s eyes were sharp, taking in everything, assessing everything. You showed her how to fold her arms, bowing your head slightly. The last thing you wanted was to stand out. 
If you stood out from the rest, you would never be fully accepted. You couldn’t go through that again. 
Wanda seemed to see the desperation in your eyes and copied your movements. Her green eyes didn’t close, watching you as your eyes stared blankly at the booth in front of you. 
“Dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee…” You couldn’t hear the rest of the prayer, the familiar phrase ringing around your head until the cacophony of noise threatened to overwhelm you. 
A pinky touched yours, Wanda’s body resting fully against you as you sat side-by-side in a little booth. The man was still speaking, your ears numb to his words, your senses locked into only one person. 
Her finger wrapped around yours, an awkward version of a pinky promise, an act so juvenile yet innocent and pure. This memory overlapped with your past, multiple prayers you’d heard about ‘giving strength to those who stray’, and ‘loving everyone no matter what their sins may be’, being smothered by the simple touch of a pinky. 
You longed for more. 
The rest of the meeting passed quickly, your hands interlocked in the seat between you, hidden beneath the folds of your skirts. You were numb to the words spoken at the podium, having learned to block them out a long time ago. You let yourself remember, an unexplainable grief rising within you as you remembered what it felt like to truly believe in something, before the same people you’d once felt seemingly unconditional love from, turned on you with knowing eyes and quiet whispers. 
All because you liked a girl. 
Silent tears fell, your sniffles quiet from years of practice. Wanda’s fingers tightened, her eyes warm but not overwhelming. You let the memories wash over you, reliving them and then releasing them, letting comforting waves of vanilla envelop and smother them like a warm blanket. You finally smiled, right near the end of the meeting, your eyes no longer dull.
Wanda held your hand the entire time. 
The rest of the cast was amazing, friendly faces surrounded you, and laughter never ending as you mingled before the first table read. There was an assortment of finger sandwiches on a table near the back of the room, and you didn’t stray far from it. 
It’s not that you were hiding, per se, but rather surveying the room while you tried to control a slight panic rising within you. Yeah, scratch that, you were totally hiding. 
“Hey,” Your eyes raise from the sandwich you’d been inspecting, meeting a familiar shade of green. You can’t help the comfortable smile that erupts on your face as Wanda makes her way over to you. 
“Not a fan of mingling, I take it?”
“I just,” You gesture helplessly, noticing the lingering looks from some of the cast, probably wondering why Wanda was standing near you. “I don’t know anyone. And I feel really awkward.”
Wanda’s fingers interlock with yours, pulling your reluctant frame away from the table. “Well,” She reasons, walking towards a group of people, “Let’s introduce you then.”
You’re quite proud of yourself, having not stuttered over a single line of yours during the first table read. You could tell that some of your castmates were surprised that you were playing the lead character, as you weren’t a well-known name in the industry. 
The cast was stacked with A-list actors, Wanda being one of them. In all honesty, you were terrified, but Wanda’s chair was next to yours, and her pinky never strayed far from your own, so it wasn’t all that bad. 
Positioning her body until it was slightly facing yours, Wanda leaned in after the director announced a short break, the rest of the cast standing up to mingle, their voices chattering about the script. 
“You did exceptionally well.” The words were whispered in your ear, meant for you and you alone. Something warm burned in your chest, and you smiled proudly as you tilted your face toward Wanda. 
Your breath caught, her lips inches from yours. She didn’t make any moves to lean back, and you fought the urge to count her freckles as her soft breaths hit your face. 
“A glowing review,” You managed, a smirk making its way onto your face at Wanda’s smile. “I’m flattered.”
Wanda laughed, finally leaning back as she did so, and you let out a sharp exhale. One of her hands gripped your forearm as she chuckled, one hand covering her mouth as she did so. 
“You shouldn’t do that,” You said, blinking at the suddenness of your words. 
Wanda tilted her head, brows furrowing slightly. She doesn’t have to speak, her silent question stretching out in the silence between you two. 
“I just mean, you cover your face when you laugh,” You gesture towards her, ducking your head as your mouth keeps talking. “You shouldn’t, you’re beautiful when you laugh.”
The statement feels awkward coming from your lips, the compliment suddenly sounding too flirty, too personal, just too much. But then, Wanda’s smiling again, her eyes sparkling as she practically beams at you, and your words don’t feel unnatural anymore. 
“Well, I…” She doesn’t continue, her eyes searching yours as her eyes continue to sparkle at you.
“I never thought I’d see the day that Wanda Maximoff was rendered speechless,” The joke spills out, the silence threatening to turn uncomfortable as you stare at each other. You place a hand over your heart mockingly, “I’m truly honored to witness this momentous occasion.” 
Wanda laughs, and this time her hands stay away from her face, your eyes eagerly taking in her expression. You were right, she is beautiful when she laughs. 
“Alright, sweet talker,” She stands, still smiling widely at you as she pulls you from your seat. “Let's go mingle with our new friends.”
You socialize, words falling easily from your lips as you get to know the rest of your cast. Plenty of people congratulate you on landing the role, some offering encouraging words and others offering tips. You enjoy it all, auburn hair and sparkling eyes never leaving your sight for too long. 
It’s not as awkward as before, not with Wanda by your side.
“Your agents are geniuses,” Angela, the woman playing your on-screen grandmother jokes, relaxing against the booth. Your fingers play with the scratchy fabric, standing behind the seat with Wanda leaning next to you. 
You’ve been shooting the movie for a few weeks now, and this is one of the longer days. You’re shooting on the set of a reconstructed Mormon church, and you have to admit that the set designers did their research. The main hall is eerily similar to the one you remember growing up in. 
There’s a multitude of extras milling about, the day long and exhausting for everyone, since the scenes you're shooting take place in a packed church meeting. You’ve finally gotten a break, and Wanda has come over to talk with you, as she usually did. 
“What do you mean?” Wanda asks, and Angela laughs. It's a throaty sound, and your lips turn up of their own accord as she braces herself against the seat. 
Someone shouts about the lighting, and you’re momentarily distracted while Angela wipes her eyes slightly. She waves off the young makeup artist, dabbing at the concealer beneath her eyes. 
The extras give you and Wanda a wide berth, and you’re unsure if they were instructed to do so, or if they were just intimidated by the lead actresses of the movie. Either way, you’re grateful for the space. 
“Don’t worry,” Angela says, leaning in and drawing your attention back to her. “You don’t have to play dumb with me, everyone knows that you two are dating as a publicity stunt.”
You and Wanda glance at each other briefly, shock evident on both your faces as Angela continues, “It’s a genius idea, truly. It's great for promoting the movie, and it gets people wondering if your on-screen chemistry is as good as your real-life chemistry.”
Real-life chemistry? What the fuck? 
Wanda must be thinking the same thing, because her eyes are slightly wide as she stares at you. Then, they change slightly, a calculating look in them as a multitude of makeup artists swoop in, surrounding the two of you as they prepare you for the upcoming scene. 
You catch Angela’s eye, and she pretends to zip her lips shut. Offering a wobbly smile, you walk almost robotically towards the front of the room as the director calls for places, your mind racing. Wanda brushes past you, her hand grazing your waist as she moves to sit behind the podium, where you’ll be standing for the next scene. 
Taking a deep breath, you push all thoughts of Wanda and fake relationships and chemistry out of your mind. There will be plenty of time to panic later, now, you have to focus on the next scene and try not to mess up badly. 
It’s utter chaos when they have to reset a scene with as many people as there are in the room, and you really want this day to be over with. Besides, there’s a bottle of vodka and an evening of overthinking waiting for you. 
Your publicist, a woman named Annie, smiles encouragingly at you while you sit in shock. 
“I mean, just think about it,” Another woman speaks, and you turn your wide eyes towards her. “It’s the perfect opportunity to sell this movie to the public, and the two of you are already good friends.”
At that, Wanda glances over at you. 
You blink. It’s slightly unfair how regal she looks, sitting elegantly in her chair in this small, suffocating room. Your brain is already slightly frazzled from a long day of shooting, and you struggle to process the request of Wanda’s publicist. 
“Let me make sure I’m understanding correctly,” Wanda interjects, sensing that you’re off-kilter at the moment. Her voice soothes you, and you remind yourself to breathe as she continues, “You want us to pretend to be in a relationship, as a publicity stunt?”
Well, when she puts it that way, it doesn’t seem so difficult. But then again, you’d agree with anything Wanda says, so maybe you’re biased. 
“Exactly,” Annie says, Wanda’s publicist nodding. “This movie is already projected to hit the box office, and with this, there will be even more demographics watching. This pretend relationship will help build anticipation for the movie, especially since the whole internet ships you two already.”
Now that was a new piece of information, and by the look on Wanda’s face, she was also hearing this for the first time.
“Do they really,” Wanda’s voice is slightly faint, her posture slumping slightly as she leans back in her chair. She seems to process, her eyes unfocusing slightly, so you ask a question of your own.
“Which demographics are we talking about, exactly?”
Annie smiles, sharing a look with Wanda’s publicist. “The younger generation for sure, since you’re already starting to trend on popular social media apps, as well as the LBGTQ+ community. They’re always looking for a new queer couple to ship.”
You try not to bristle, wanting to remind Annie that you’re a part of that community, but before you can get the words out, Wanda interjects. 
“Can we think about it?” Her words are soft, and when you glance over towards her, the green of her eyes doesn’t lock on yours like usual. Instead, they’re focused on her publicist, with a slightly firm look in them.
The woman concedes, and Wanda stands quickly. Before you’re able to get to your own feet, feeling slightly shaky as you do so, she’s already out the door.
After a few days of awkwardness, which you absolutely hate, you and Wanda agree that the publicity stunt is a smart move. 
It’s awkward at first, especially since you’re overthinking every interaction you have with her. You shy away from her touch, suddenly questioning if she’s touching you for the publicity stunt or because she actually wants to. 
After a couple of days of this, you’re in your trailer, watching some stupid reality show to try and get your mind off of the uncomfortable day you’d had on set when three light knocks sound at your door. 
“I know you’re in there, I can hear the TV.” Wanda’s voice sounds through the door, and you curse. It’s not that you were avoiding her… that’s a lie. You were totally avoiding her, and your acting in scenes with her had taken a hit because of it. 
“Just let me in, we need to talk,” There’s a pause, then, “Please?”
You can’t say no to that.
Turning the TV off, you make your way to the door and open it to reveal a very tired-looking Wanda. Her auburn hair seems slightly duller than usual, the sparkle in her green eyes no longer there. 
“Um,” Wanda pushes past you, sitting on your couch as you shut the door behind her. “What did you want to talk about?”
The question feels awkward, and you know that you’re avoiding the proverbial elephant in the room. Wanda gives you a look, and you sigh. 
Sitting down on the couch next to her, you leave plenty of space between your body and hers, and you try not to think about the way her pinky twitches at the distance. 
“Why are you avoiding me?” Wanda asks, and you blink. You hadn’t expected her to be so straightforward, but it seemed that she had no more patience for hesitancy. 
“I’m just,” You trail off, letting out a frustrated sigh. “I’m not sure where reality ends and this fake relationship begins. And I’m not sure about what’s real and what’s not.”
Wanda doesn’t say anything for a long while, but the silence doesn’t feel awkward anymore. Instead, it feels heavy and filled with a multitude of unspoken feelings that you wish you had the bravery to share.
“So this,” Wanda reaches out her hand slowly, as if not to spook you. It stops, halfway between your body and hers, resting innocently on your couch. Her pinky stretches out further, and you let your hand slide along the cushion until your pinkies interlock. 
You don’t imagine the relieved sigh that escapes Wanda’s lips.
“You’re not sure if this is real or not?” The question rings around your head, and you shake your head because no, you can’t tell.
“Let me tell you how I see it,” Wanda says, her voice soft. You look up, meeting those pretty green eyes for the first time all day. She smiles, and they crinkle at the edges. You’ve missed seeing that. 
“When we’re alone, or on set, everything is real,” Her voice is firm, laced with honesty. “When we’re in public, it’s still real, just dramatized for the camera. Does that make sense?”
You nod, the pieces finally clicking together in your brain. You don’t say anything, and you don’t have to. All you do is squeeze Wanda’s fingers tighter and move closer to her on the couch. 
Turning the TV back on, you rest against her, your head resting on her shoulder. When you glance up at her, the green in her eyes sparkles back at you. Something settles deep within you, and Wanda rests her cheek against the top of your head.
You stare blankly at the script in front of you. The pages flutter slightly as a gentle breeze sweeps through the actor’s tent. Sounds of chatter flow around you, but you remain unresponsive, the words on the page swimming off and distorting as you try not to panic. 
A sinking feeling makes its way into your chest, the reality of the scene you’re about to shoot finally setting in. 
You have to kiss Wanda Maximoff. 
Sure, it’s an on-screen kiss, it’s not like it means anything. Right?
But there’s a small part of you that longs for it to be real. Some stupid part of you that you try to get rid of that wishes it meant something to her. Because it sure as hell means something to you. 
But it won’t mean anything to her. It’s a fake kiss. One meant for the screen. You build your walls, surrounding your heart with impenetrable stone as a calm iciness envelops you. 
It doesn’t mean anything. 
Her lips are inches from yours, and you can’t stop looking at them. They’re plump, and slightly glistening from a light coating of lip gloss. There’s a red undertone, and you find yourself yearning to discover what she tastes like. 
You hesitate. 
“Cut.” The director calls, and you blink, stepping away from Wanda. 
“Remember,” The director begins, and you focus all your attention on her, ignoring the concerned look Wanda is sending your way. “Your character wants this, she’s not hesitating. She’s been yearning for this for weeks now, and I need you to show that through the screen. I want to feel the tension, the desperation.”
She pins you with a look, a sort of knowing glint in her eye. “Understood?”
“Yep, got it.” You offer a smile, the fakeness of it making you cringe. Your makeup artists swoop in, touching up the smallest details possible, while you avoid eye contact with Wanda. 
“Hey,” Wanda’s voice is soft, and you glance at her. Her eyes are locked on yours, and you somehow can’t bring yourself to look away. She looks almost… sad.
“Are you alright?” 
You mentally scoff, your walls crumbling slightly as the green of her eyes threatens to overtake you. “Yeah.”
The clipped tone of your voice rebuilds your walls, the stone solidifying once again. You turn away, walking towards the beginning spot of this scene, not seeing the confusion that overtakes Wanda’s expression. 
A wave of sadness crashes through her, all the times that you’ve been pulling away from her running through her mind as she makes her way towards her own spot. She attempts to meet your eyes again, but you refuse. 
She knows that this scene won't be successfully shot today. 
“And, action.” 
You look up, your character snapping into place quickly, your eyes dark and full of longing. Wanda is startled by the sudden change but snaps into her own character quickly as you walk slowly toward her. 
“Don’t say things like that,” Your voice is low, your emotions swirling in the forefront of your mind. 
“Things like what?”
“Things that sound a lot like love confessions,” You hear your voice break and want to cringe. It fits perfectly for your character, but you’re unused to sounding so weak. 
“Why not?”
Your body is pressed against Wanda’s, her chest grazing yours with each shallow breath she takes. You almost believe that it’s real, just for a moment. You desperately wish it was. 
Wanda’s eyes search yours, and you’re reminded that she’s playing a character. A character that’s falling madly in love with you, unconcerned about the repercussions. A character that couldn’t be further from reality. 
You hesitate again, your body refusing to move your lips closer as your mind wars with itself. 
Wanda sighs, and the director calls out again. You barely hear what she’s saying, your body practically propelling itself away from Wanda, focusing on rebuilding its walls as her hand twitches toward you. 
“It’s alright, “ the director is saying, and you force yourself to focus on her. She’s smiling gently at you, her voice kind, “Everyone has off days, we’ll try again tomorrow. It's been a long week.”
Nodding jerkily at her, you wave off your team, choosing to return to your trailer instead of following them. You’ll deliver your costume later, or have someone come pick it up. But right now, you need to be alone. 
Walking quickly, you practically sigh in relief when you reach your trailer. You’re quick to unlock it, pressing the door open urgently and twisting slightly to close it. 
A hand stops you, delicate fingers wrapping around the door as you look up in shock. You hadn’t realized anyone was following you, but looking into those iridescent green eyes, you understand. 
Wanda says your name, her voice holding a pleading edge to it, and you can’t bring yourself to deny her. 
You open the door wider, silently giving her permission to enter. She brushes past you, fingers twitching but not touching you. She seems to want to touch you, and you try and push down the part of you that wants her to. 
“Why are you…” She hesitates, not knowing what to say. 
Raising your eyebrows, you resign yourself to having this conversation. You knew it was coming, but you find yourself inadequately prepared for it. Standing awkwardly in the middle of your small trailer, you simply stare at Wanda. 
“Why is it so difficult to kiss me?” Wanda’s eyes are sad, and you want to cry. You hadn’t meant to make her fucking sad, and now she looks like a kicked puppy.
The tears that spring into your eyes are unexpected, and you blink furiously as they begin to spill down your cheeks. Wanda steps towards you, but you evade her, opening the door and gesturing for her to leave. You refuse to cry in front of her, not when your heart is seconds away from tearing in two. 
“When I kiss you I want it to be real, I want it to mean something, Wanda.”
The door shuts firmly behind her, and you miss the understanding and longing that appears in her eyes. Wanda turns away, a single tear escaping her. 
Of course it would mean something to her. It would mean everything. 
It’s raining, and you want to cry and laugh at the same time. 
Wanda had left you a voicemail. You’d stared at your screen while watching her contact picture pop up as she called you. You couldn’t quite bring yourself to hear her voice, so you let it ring. 
What you hadn’t expected was the voicemail. 
“I just… fuck, I don’t know what I want to say but it would mean something to me. I promise. I- you. I hate this. I hate this distance, I hate that I can’t help you and I hate that I’m falling in love with you.”
The message had ended pretty quickly after that confession. You’d heard a few muttered curse words, and then a dial tone that rang in your ear long after you lowered the phone.
You didn’t know what to do, so you grabbed a rain jacket and started walking. Hoping it will clear your head. Your feet had other plans it seemed, as you found yourself walking up the driveway of Wanda’s home. 
It surprised you, as she lived at least fifteen minutes away by car. You barely remembered the walk there, having been trapped in your own mind as your body brought you towards the only thing you could think of. The person who had consumed your every waking thought, and invaded your dreams.
How fucking typical and cinematic it was, walking up her driveway in the pouring rain. You could see a few lights on, and you begin to prepare a speech. Something super lame and mushy about how much you like… fuck that. How much you love her. 
Fuck. You loved her. 
Of course you did. You’d gotten to know and love the woman behind the famous persona she’d created. The soft, caring woman who loved gardening and puzzles, who hummed along to songs as she cooked, and who looked at you with impossibly soft eyes. 
You knock, and your heart feels like it's about to beat out of your chest. 
Green eyes meet yours, and you recoil. They’re cold and dull, so unlike the usual sparkle that you’re used to, and you feel your walls build higher even as you plead with yourself to lower them. 
Turning, you feel your feet start to walk away, your mind replaying that dead look in her eyes. Your heart fortifies itself, trying not to break as you make your way down the driveway. Tears blur your vision, your ears ringing with embarrassment as you try to remember the way back to your trailer. 
“Wait, just… fuck. Wait.” A firm hand grips your forearm, and you spin in surprise. 
There’s fire behind those green eyes, and you stand still. Wanda’s auburn hair is drenched, rain pelting down on the two of you, running down her perfect face as she blinks at you. 
“I…” She can’t seem to get the words out, her eyes boring into yours. 
Time stands still, the tension thick as you allow yourself to glance at her lips. You feel the words on the tip of your tongue, threatening to escape. You let them. 
“I love you.”
Wanda speaks at the same time, her words slightly faster than yours. Green eyes widen in surprise, and you feel a wave of immense relief sweep through you. 
Rain continues to pour around you, but you barely notice. Within seconds, Wanda’s hands are cupping your face, your own grabbing desperately at her waist as your bodies draw together like magnets. Her lips find yours, and you feel something click into place as your lips slide together effortlessly. 
It feels like coming home after a long day, the months of pining and uncertainty coming to a head as you melt at the feel of her lips against yours. Your shoulders relax, tension seeping out of you as you chuckle. 
Pulling back, you stare at her, watching her eyes crinkle as she mirrors the wide smile on your face. She’s perfect, and you whisper one single thing before your lips find hers again, rain soaking the two of you as you embrace. 
“This is real, I promise.”
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Taglist: @alexawynters @msvenablesbitch @marilynthornhilllover @lifespectator @milkeeteaa @imnotawitch @marvels--slut @justabrokensunshine @dorabledewdroop @wandsmxmff @esposadejoyhuerta
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
HELLO! If you are taking requests can you do a Dazai Osamu! Reader with Alastor, Lucifer and Husk? Both romantic and platonic please. If you are uncomfy with it its perfectly fine!
Hehe! Okay. I actually haven’t gotten Lucifer or Husk yet and I like both of ‘em! I’ve written about this character before, Dazai Osamu but since it’s different, I’ll try it but i am sorry, I can’t manage over six over six-to-seven headcanons for the three boys in both platonic and romantic so just romantic it is! I hope that’s okay!
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Alastor feels like he has to have you on a leash 24/7 and whilst it’s annoying, he wouldn’t mind being near you all the time. You’re a cunning and sophisticated person but you’re also quite suicidal and lazy at times so he has to have a eye on you all the time to ensure he won’t walk into you trying to make a joke, out of stabbing yourself
Alastor is quite protective. You’re a suicidal maniac and you even openly say to him you want to properly die with him, die with a handsome man and he is repulsed by this idea so he has to always cling you onto him to control your very bad habits and bad mannerisms. He will get you over them eventually, as your boyfriend, he cares about your health and he is thankful that you reciprocate
Alastor is glad when you’re more into your funny, caring state. When you’re more of an approachable and good person. Because then, it’s a golden opportunity to bond with you and not act as your damn suicide prevention police. He much prefers when you’re not fantasising and being picky about how you get erased then fail to complete these processes
Alastor’s quite impressed by your skills. You’re the strongest and youngest mafia leader back in your human life and your current sinner life so you have the passion you act you don’t and you’re more mature then you behave as. He is proud when he can watch you take charge and lead around the Hotel with your own knowledgeable being the main guide
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Lucifer is a goofy sweetheart so you bet your ass that he is very good at keeping you passive and giggling, away from your dark mind. You’re always smiling and joking around with the King of Hell since he can handle you very well. He is as caring but he treats you like you’re made of glass. Something he won’t stop doing until your obsession over suicide dies out
Lucifer likes how mysterious you can be. You’re not entirely open, which he understands whilst being immensely open himself. He will just have to win your trust and your ability to express yourself over time as your new partner. You’re dark and enigmatic, if not the opposite of Lucifer and it’s a wonder why he likes you so much and he could write a book about why he likes you
Lucifer loves how committed and willing you are. You’ll do even the most shady things for him and he always feels both extreme pride and the extreme desire to scoop you up in his mighty six wings to kiss your face off. You’re so loyal and you do so much for him, it’s not a surprise that he sticks to you like he’s glued onto your hip
Lucifer is actually quite protective to you. He doesn’t want you touching even the smallest weapon, even if you’re an adult as well but because of your mental issues and how suicide trigger-happy you are. At least, you do have a good sense of humour and have a fun-loving side through how much you tease people, it’s adorable! Lucifer does like them, it, for some reason, soothes him hearing you play around more genuinely
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Husk is a grumpy, quiet but yet patient and considerate man. He may be older but he is still caring and makes a wonderful partner. Especially for this carefree and relaxed soul, one who expresses their suicidal tendencies quite a lot. Husk knows about your suicidal desires and for that, he has such a sharp’s tiger eye on you
Husk(in reality, of these three boys) is the most healthy to date. He is gruff and emotionless on the outside but compassionate and gentle on the inside, he is a Tsundere at best and he doesn’t mind being stern with you when you’re falling down a rabbit hole or trying to harm yourself like it’s some comedy show. You’re life is beautiful and you need to see that
Husk relates to you a lot, on deep levels. You’re both lonely, you’re both lazy, you’re both basically done with everything but you have each other, you both hide your real selves and your genuine personality under a armour of behaviours, so Husk acts as the proper one for you two. He tries to encourage you to join him whenever-wherever and to try put your wits and intellect to good use. He’d feel so proud of you if you did
Husk always sticks around you. He never leaves you alone, he doesn’t want you hurt so he takes you to bed with him, he cuddles you to his side whenever you’re both walking, he even comes into the bathroom with you. He does it for many reasons, mainly because he feels so comfortable with you
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cryptidghostgirl · 8 months
Make You Wish Chapter Two -- Where Is She
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: really super mild versions of cannon violence.
Word count: 2,072
Previous Part: Make You Wish Chapter One -- Seven Years
Master list link:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Make You Wish Master List
A/N I accidentally posted this before I was ready tooo ahhhh!!! it's fine. Everything was already written I just had to format it properly and stuff.
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Alastor had been at the Hazbin Hotel for only a few days and was already enjoying his time there greatly. It was an entertaining place, to say the least, and now that he had his feet under him, he was intent on making it even more so.
Charlie was pacing around the sitting room, stressed beyond belief. She had gone to speak to Adam the previous day to try and get his support for her plan, only to wind up with the news that the next extermination was coming in six moths, rather than the usual twelve. Alastor watched her duress in amusement as he sauntered into the hotel lobby, side stepping Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie to take a seat at the bar.
"It's nothing we can't handle," Charlie was explaining, trying to convince herself as much as anyone else in the room, "just angels cutting our timetable in half. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right? And next time, when they cut the time in half again and again, we'll just handle it, right?!"
Vaggie got to her feet, grabbing her girlfriend by the shoulders and stopping her from her relentless pacing.
"Yes, we will." she confirmed.
"Oh please," Angel cut in from the couch, his eyes fixed on his phone, "ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now...? Ain' no silver lining this time, toots."
"Sure there is." Charlie turned to him, "We just have to look a little harder for it."
"Well, while you're lookin', the rest of Hell is going nuts."
Angel turned his phone to Charlie, showing all the news headlines of terror he'd pulled up.
"People are already freaking out about the news. Look at what's happening in the Doomsday District."
He scrolled down to a video of a burning town just as a text notification popped up.
"Uh, what is a 'donkey show'?" Charlie asked in confusion, having read the text.
"Ah, heh, nothing." Angel pulled the phone from her line of sigh, trying to come up with a quick lie, "My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news too. Like I said, everyone's losing their shit."
"Yeah, that is true." Vaggie hummed thoughtfully, a hand to her chin, "Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape extermination?"
"Speaking of sinners," Alastor said, drawing the attention in the room to him as he turned towards Husk who was busying cleaning glasses, "I think it's time I look up my old partner in crime."
"And what do I have to do with that?" the cat demon gruffly replied, not sparing Alastor a glance.
"Your partner in crime?" Charlie asked, taking a step towards the bar, "I always thought you... you know, worked alone?"
Alastor's grin widened.
"Oh never you mind, dear." he replied, throwing her a glance over his shoulder, "Just a lost soul I'm acquainted with is all."
"Yeah. You've been trying to get her to sell you that soul for what, the past seventy years is it now?" Husk scoffed.
Alastor's eye twitched slightly at the implication of his failure.
"If I wanted it, I would have it." he hummed threateningly, and Husk backed down.
"That's great!" Charlie exclaimed, "So she's a friend of yours? Do you think she'd help with the hotel? Oh! Or maybe that she'd want to be a guest?!"
"Charlie-" Vaggie began but Alastor quickly cut her off.
"I don't see a harm in asking." he cheerily replied.
"And you know her, Husk?" Charlie asked.
He looked up as he placed a clean glass on the shelf, shooting Alastor a glance before nodding.
"Do you think she'd be a good fit?"
He sighed, crossing his arms as Husk turned to face Charlie fully.
"She's a sweetheart, I think you'd get along well." he admitted, "But she's trouble, just like him."
Husk gestured towards Alastor and Charlie's smile widened.
"Well, with all Alastor has done for us so far, I think we could probably use more trouble like him."
"Oh you flatter me." Alastor waved her off, looking away in a false show of humility.
"No really." Charlie insisted, "You-"
"Show yourself, Alastor!" a dramatic call cut Charlie off mid thought.
"Um. Alastor?" Charlie hesitantly began, peeking out from behind his shoulder as she watched the havoc he was wreaking on the snake shaped sinner, "I think he's had enough."
Alastor cackled joyfully, not even watching as his shadows destroyed the air ship.
"Nah, he's got a few more hits in 'im." Angle disagreed, enjoying the show immensly.
The shadows tilted the ship forward, dropping Sir Pentious out through the broken windshield. He hit the ground with a thud, right before Alastor's feet. Stopping in his fit of laughter, he looked down at the man, spinning his microphone like a baton.
"Thanks for another forgettable experience." he teased as one of the egg creatures fell from the ship, splattering on the ground beside Charlie who took a step away.
"Thank... you..." Sir Pentious began, his voice pained as he raised his head slowly, "for letting your guard down!"
Almost before Alastor could register what was happening, the snake had grabbed onto his coat with his tail and torn a piece from its hem. Alastor took a menacing step forward, his eyes narrowed.
"Oh shit." Pentious' triumphant laughter died out.
Slowly, Alastor sprouted a pair of shadowy horns. With a snap of his finger, the ground under the snake detonated, throwing him up into the air and far away from the hotel with a scream. He watched as Pentious flew away, retracting his horns and standing with a hand behind his back. Once the snake was out of sight, he at last turned to Charlie and Angel, as well as Husk and Vaggie who had come out to join them.
"Well, it looks as thought I need a visit to the tailor." he hummed, "Husk?"
"Yeah?" Husk grunted.
"Where did you say she was again?"
"I didn't."
Husk crossed his arms defensively and Alastor took a step towards him, his smile a little smaller than normal. There was an odd air between the two of them, a tension every one present could feel biting into their skins.
"Whats that?" Alastor asked lowly, his head cocked slightly to the side.
Husk sighed.
"Last I heard she was working for some imp in Pentagram City." Husk reluctantly admitted, looking away, "As an assassin or something, I don't know the details."
"An imp, you say." Alastor thoughtfully replied, his expression unreadable.
"Look, Alastor." Husk turned back to his master, "Don't fuck this up for her. She seemed pretty happy last time I saw her. You disappearing like that wrecked the poor girl."
"Just means she'll be all the more happy to see me."
Alastor turned, beginning to walk away. At the sound of Husk speaking again, he paused, keeping his back to the quartet.
"Alastor, ju-"
Alastor turned his head, shooting Husk a critical look over his shoulder. It shut the cat demon up almost immedeatly.
"Best of luck, chums!"
"Wait, you're leaving?" Vaggie exclaimed, taking a step forward.
Irritation prickling beneath his skin, Alastor turned back to them once again. It had been seven years, he didn't know how much longer he could wait. Sure, he'd had time in Hell on his own, nearly twenty years of it. He didn't need her per-say, she just made things more interesting, more enjoyable. It just felt odd for them to be parted.
Sure, when they had first met, he had thought she was just an easy steal of a soul. Young, naive, frankly undeserving in his opinion of eternal damnation. But smart, smarter than she looked. Y/n had refused any and all deals with the man and so, he had taken it as a challenge. What had begun as a game: Alastor trying to gain ownership of Y/n's soul ended up as an after-life long friendship.
Alastor would never admit it to anyone but, in his absence, he had even missed Y/n the smallest bit. She kept things interesting, he told himself, that was all. Always causing discreet mischief, always quick with a joke. A true pleasure to have on the show, as he always used to say.
"Alastor, we need your help. We need you to do your job." Vaggie continued.
"We need a wall." Angel finished for her, gesturing to the portion of the hotel Sir Pentious had destroyed in his attack.
"Of course." Alastor replied, keeping an irritated remark at bay, "Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?"
With a snap of his fingers, minions made of shadows pulled themselves from the ground at his feet. So as not to give anyone another chance to stall him further, he quickly turned on his heel and walked off.
Alastor was a man of image, he kept his pace slow and firm. Couldn't have any of them getting any ideas in their heads about the nature of his relationship with Y/n. That had always been trouble in the old days. The minute people saw the pair together, they started assuming things. He had already decided he was going to be more careful about that this time around and this was the first step.
There was a slight bounce in his step as he headed into the city's center, an odd anticipation fluttering in his chest. Alastor pushed it to the side. It was simply the thrill of being back in his old stomping ground that was to blame. It didn't matter he'd already been back a few days and it should have worn off by now, he should just feel lucky to still be so entertained by this place he'd known longer than he'd even been alive. Right?
Y/n was sitting at Blitzo's desk, reading through paperwork he had neglected to fill out or file correctly. It wasn't like any one in Hell really payed their taxes, but the mess still stressed her out. She let out a sigh, leaning back in her chair and rubbing her eyes in irritation. She had never had to do this type of work before, not since she'd been alive anyways. How the times had changed.
Noise of Blitzo and Moxxie fighting filtered in through the closed door. It wasn't anything special, anything new. The pair were always at one another's throats, she wasn't worried. What would be worrying, was if things were quiet. This was just the way life sounded now: inelegant and brazen. Nothing like it used to.
The buzzing of her phone on the desk beside her pulled Y/n from her reveries and she picked it up. The collar lay heavy around her neck as she read the message. Y/n had made some bad choices along the way, figuring out how to be on her own. She wasn't pleased with them, but it was what she had had to do. Back then, she hadn't had the need to fight for herself in over sixty years. It was the only thing she could think to do.
She double tapped the text, marking it with a thumbs up before shutting her phone off and leaning her head down on the table. There was no point in wishing for things to be different than they were but, it was just that time of year and the text had pushed her over the edge. A few stray tears trickled out of her eyes.
"Goddamnit, Al." she sighed into the empty room, "Where the hell are you."
Silence pressed its hands against her ears, blurring her perception of the world around her. Y/n had a few seconds, a few nearly peaceful moments before, again, her thoughts were interrupted. This time, not by her phone but by Blitzo calling for her from the other room.
"Y/n!" he yelled and she lifted her head off the table.
"Yeah?" she called back through the closed door.
"Get your ass out here!"
"Why? A client? Can't you handle it?"
"Y/n!" he insisted again, a sense of urgency to his voice.
If this was anything less than an absolute emergency, he was never going to hear the end of it. She was not in the mood for his games today.
"Fine." she groaned and pulled herself from the chair, "I'm coming."
Next Part -> Chapter Three -- A Reunion
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kaylopolis · 4 months
Alastor's Shadow (18+) Chapter Two
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Alastor x F!Reader, Alias: Thestral
Synopsis: There’s a new Overlord in town and it isn’t the Radio Demon. Six years after you fell into Hell, you have finally earned your seat at the table as Pentagram City’s newest and baddest and with the Extermination coming six months sooner than planned, it is now time to implement your ultimate endgame. Afterall, who doesn’t love a bit of power and chaos? Your plans brings you to the doorstep of the Hazbin Hotel as Charlie’s newest Redeemer, but who you find waiting for you will not only turn your entire plan upside down, but also challenge your grab for power… 
Tags: Slow burn, rivals to lovers, eventual smut 
Link to Masterlist: Masterlist
Chapter Two - Breakfast
Content Warning: None (Let me know if I missed any!)
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“Coffee anyone?” You call out to the foyer as your feet hit the carpet. 
It was early and you had a lot to do today, but there was always time for coffee. Besides, you spent half the night tossing and turning before finally winding down into a few hours of sleep. You were exhausted - not just from the night’s meeting, but the silence of the Hotel was deafening. You usually slept to music, but the record player in your old room didn’t belong to you and so you couldn’t take it when you left. 
Angel sat before the old television, Husk standing at his side, his arms crossed before him. Angel lay sprawling across the sofa, dark circles under his eyes. With the type of jobs these two had, you were surprised to see them up so early. 
“… isn’t that right Tom?” You recognized Katie Killjoy’s voice echo from the television. 
666 News this early in the morning? You joined the cat and spider in the alcove. 
“That’s right Katie! Another pile of ashes was discovered in the alley of the Pride Ring this morning as the Shadow has claimed yet another victim! The remains have been identified as Chazwick Thurman, a known member of the Crimson Mafia...” 
“Too bad they weren’t your ashes, aye Tom…” 
You drowned out the voices of the broadcasters as images of an alleyway in the Entertainment district flash across the screen. The only thing left behind was a bone-shaped belt buckle and a pile of grey. 
“Crimson was invited to comment.” 
You stiffen.
The screen cut to a cameraman chasing Crimson into a car. “Get that fucking camera out of my fucking face!” He slams the car door and the screen cuts back to the reporters. 
Goddamn that almost gave you a heart attack…
“How do yous think they identify ‘em?” Angel motioned to the screen, now turned back to Chaz’s ash’s blowing away in the breeze. “All I see is a bunch o’ dirt.” 
“Something Gluttony whipped up I heard,” Husk grumbles. He looks just as exhausted as Angel. 
“What would Beelzebub want to do with a bunch o’ murders?” Angel argued. 
“Don’t look at me, those are just the rumors!” 
“I heard it was a new Voxtek technology,” you chime in. “They have some sort of electronic scanner that can detect soul signatures.” 
You were right, of course, but they didn’t know that. 
“But he was a Hellborn Native? Do they even have souls? And what was he doing in the Pride Ring anyway?” Angel argued. 
You shrugged, “Like Husk said… Only rumors.” 
“Seems a little shady if you ask me.” Husk rubs the scruff forming on his chin. “That’s the first Hell Native to have been slain by the Shadow. So far he’s only gone after Sinners. Why change now?” 
You weren’t interested in playing conspiracy theorist today. Too much to do. Instead you decided to shift the conversation, “Coffee?” 
Angel and Husk look to you. 
“It’s the only reason we got up,” Angel answered. “Heard ya’ had a busy morning and didn’t wanna miss ya’.” 
The sentiment made your face turn pink. Day two and already you felt some sort of connection forming with the two of them. 
You followed them into the kitchen, but froze on the threshold as the sound of soft jazz hit your ears and a jolt of static ran down your spine. There, standing in a frilly apron tied at the waist, serving spoon in hand, was the red demon Alastor. He didn’t look up as he scooped the remaining eggs into the white dish set on the table. 
“Good morning fellow Sinners!” The demon sung. Husk and Angel grumbled in response. Not morning people. So, the maniacal demon has a domestic side? What a weird change of pace after literally beating the shit out of someone yesterday and then turning around and pissing off an Overlord. 
“Morning, Mr. Alastor,” you mumbled, trying to match his cheerfulness but frankly, you hadn’t had coffee yet and didn’t enjoy talking to anyone before your first steaming cup. 
Finally his eyes landed on you, the soft jazz music coming to a small and almost imperceptible skip you would have missed had you not been listening for it. This man gives away so much in his audio alone. 
Half-lidded, his eyes dragged over you, from the Mary Jane heels - short as can be, you couldn’t handle anything over an inch - to the red puffy dress that hugged your sides and expanded into layers of black landing just above your knees. The dress was long sleeved, with black lace running across your back, hiding your tattoo perfectly. It came with a matching metal red clip for your hair. 
Normally you hated wearing dresses, hated looking girly, but etiquette called for it this morning. You’d be far more comfortable in a pair of trousers and button up collared shirt. 
You waited as the invisible radio clicked through a few stations before returning to a soft jazz. “Well, well, look what the spider and cat dragged in. And where is our fine hotel guest off to today?” He returned the pan to the stove before untying the apron at his waist. 
Okay, he was acting cordial. So maybe that meant whatever happened yesterday on the cobblestone streets wasn’t him? Or maybe he hadn’t realized it was you who did it? Either way, there was a question mark next to whatever power slapped the shit out of you yesterday - “proceed with caution,” the sticky note next to it read. 
“I have a breakfast date…” You start but Angel’s whistling interrupts you. 
“Ow! Oooow!” He called, “And who is the lucky Sinner bestowed with the honor of taking your fine ass out today?” 
Your cheeks couldn’t get any redder. “My old land lady?” You curled into yourself, feeling eyes on your skin, resisting the urge to rub the back of your neck. 
“Oh, you like ‘em mature, don’t ya’?” Angel purred. It made you laugh, breaking some of the tension. 
“Now, now Angel Dust, one musn’t speak such profanities to a young lady before she’s had her breakfast.” Alastor settled into his chair. Snapping his fingers for a newspaper, he disappeared behind the black and white text. The air around you grew a little colder with his closeness, like the heat was being absorbed by the red demon himself.
“Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it.” Angel shrugged, spooning piles of egg onto his plate. “Hair clip knows I’m good for it.” 
“Same thing as yesterday, Husk?” You ask sheepishly, making your way to the Breville in the corner. The coldness wrapped around your legs, as if it was following you across the kitchen.
“That would be great, kiddo,” he rubbed his temples, his chin resting on the table top. Hangover? 
You felt the bubbles in your chest die down as you got to work, filling the portafilter with beans and finding a white espresso cup in the cupboard. 
“Angel?” You called over your shoulder. You feigned a small kick at the air around your ankles, wishing for whatever invisible coldness to leave you alone. It didn’t. 
“A vanilla soy latte if ya’ could be so kind, sweet cheeks,” he asked, mouthful of food. You heard the door swing open as Charlie, Vaggie, and Nifty’s voices filled the air. 
I thought the tiny maid normally cooked the meals? 
Rummaging through the cupboards you couldn’t find any syrups for his request - only a chai tea blend. You apologized but made a mental note to pick up some supplies today. 
Passing him his soy latte - complete with a spider on top - you got to work on everyone else’s orders before finally turning to Alastor. 
Your palms instantly started to sweat. What was it about this demon that made you so nervous? 
“Can I get you anything Mr. Alastor?” Was your voice shaky? Did you seem nervous?
The top part of the newspaper folded down to reveal his face. His smile was strained despite the sweet jazz playing over his radio. His radio? Was that correct? 
“Alastor’, darling, and a hot cup of joe would be wonderful,” his eyes lingered on you a little too long before you finally nodded. 
Swallowing, you turned back to the Breville and began grinding the beans. You debated making a second cup for yourself, you did still have thirty minutes before you needed to go, but didn’t necessarily wanna smudge your red lipstick before you left. It’ll give you something for your hands to do, to calm the nerves that is, and to warm your bones - the coldness eliciting goosebumps across your legs. 
Making two cups of coffee, one in Alastor’s “Oh, Deer!” mug - which made you chuckle - you paused, an idea forming in your mind. You didn’t have many ingredients to work with, but you did have one thing. Opening the chai you took a sniff - fresh. You had a feeling, and it was a risk, but you decided to jump off that cliff anyway. Using a strainer you let a few leaves steep in his cup, before swirling it around and straining it out. 
Dropping the mug before him, you finally noticed the extra chair that had been added to the table - right next to him. When did that get there? Nifty sat to your right with Angel right across from you. You tried to catch Angel’s attention, to thank him for adding the extra seat, but he didn’t notice you as he was too busy licking the foam from his lips while sending Husk a sexual retort. Meanwhile, Nifty was stabbing away at her plate, too busy to notice your sudden hesitation.
Was it because of Alastor? 
Your mind flits back to the radio broadcast last night and Alastor’s grand display?-battle?-sing a-long?-with the media demon Vox. Seems he had a chance to go big at one point but never really made it. You wondered what happened? 
“I don’t bite, darling,” Alastor snapped and his newspaper disappeared. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his knees before taking a sip of his mug. His eyes lit up, his smile curling at the edge. You held your breath as you waited for his reaction. 
“Please, take a seat,” the chair before you slid back without a touch, a puddle of shadow beneath it shifting ever so slightly. 
He took another sip, his shoulders dropping an inch. You took that as a sign that he enjoyed your coffee concoction and wasn’t going to rip your head off for changing his request. 
Rejoining the table, you swore the air around your legs warmed slightly. 
“Hey, Hair clip, I gotta know something,” Angel chimed across the table, his belly finally full. “What’s a sweet lil’ thing like you gotta do to get yourself down ‘ere?” 
“Angel!” Charlie protested. 
“Wha’? Come on we was all thinkin’ it.” He crossed his many arms. 
“You don’t have to answer that,” Charlie’s eyes twinkled. 
“Uhm, no it’s okay,” your hands clench and unclench around the mug, letting the heat soothe your fingers, resisting the urge to rub your neck. “I had the unfortunate circumstances of finding myself at the center of a web of…” you searched for the right word, “disappearances.” Your lips curled into a smile you couldn’t help but form. You tried to hide it by siping your cup. 
Lying was all too easy these days. 
“Oh, shit.” Angel jumped in his seat. 
“Wait, are you telling us you killed people?” Husk breathes. 
“Stab, stab, stab,” Nifty drove her knife into her toast over and over. Vaggie reached over and carefully pulled the needle from her fingers. 
How much do you reveal about this backstory now? If you reveal too much it’ll appear as if you have nothing to hide, but chatty Sinners were suspicious Sinners. Give them just a nugget to chew on for now. 
“Technically, the cases were never solved. While I was alive anyway…” You mumbled into your cup, conscious of your lipstick on the rim. 
Not denial but not confirmation, either. 
“So, you didn’t kill people?” Husk clarifies. 
“I didn’t say that…” You mumble into the steam.
The beans aren’t bad, but the undercut of chocolate wasn’t your favorite. Add that to the shopping list for today. 
So much to do before tomorrow… 
“So, then you did?” Angel asks. 
You didn’t answer. This conversation was going in circles. 
“Might we have heard of you and your endeavors topside, Ms. Thestral?” Alastor’s forearms were suddenly on the table, his presence leaning into you. 
You felt something slip past your ankles, like a small breeze. You crossed your legs instinctively. 
There’s power in a name down here in Hell. Knowing who people were before gives others leverage, gives them blackmail to use against another. They could threaten your family still alive up top. They could use it to find others who have died but knew you from before for information. The possibilities are endless. 
Alastor knows this. It’s an unspoken rule. It’s why Angel goes by Angel or Husk goes by Husk. He knows you’d never give any exact details leading to who you were and what you did, so he’s decided to toy with you. Much like Sir Pentious from yesterday. 
Let him eat his own medicine then.
“Might we have heard of you and yours, Mr. Alastor?” You leaned into him, your gaze never wavering from his face. A fleeting flash of amusement so swift had you blinked you would have missed it. 
The air was sucked out of the room in one collective gasp as the Hotel Natives waited for his response. 
Geez, were they all afraid of this guy or…? You’d hate to see what they’d do in the presence of an Overlord. 
He tipped his head back and laughed. “I believe you and I are going to get along quite well, darling.” With a snap of his fingers the newspaper reappears, his face disappearing before you got a chance to study it.
The tension in the room drops as everyone lets out their breath. 
You were really going to have to figure out what you were going to do with this Alastor fellow. Perhaps your little outing today would shed light on the subject. 
Vaggie is up and out of her seat before you have a chance to register what’s going on. More bangs - coming from the front door. Someone was knocking? Next thing you know, everyone is up and out of their seats and in the foyer - except for Alastor, who decides to take his time. 
Throwing open the door, Vaggie comes face to face with Sir Pentious. “Hello, my dear… Ah!” 
Vaggie plants a facer right into his nose before pulling her spear from the Void. The snake demon collapses at her feet, begging for mercy. 
“Oh, hello again!” Charlie has inserted herself into the situation. This ought to be interesting. You had to admit, you’ve taken some pretty boring jobs before, but the people here were so fun to watch, it made the slow progress worth it. 
Sir Pentious mentions something about redemption, which is exactly the thing to say to the Princess Morningstar. The next thing you know she’s practically dragging him inside.
Angel jumps in to point out the obvious but Vaggie eventually crumbles under Charlie’s begging. 
The gears in your mind turn as they talk, the Princess showing him the foyer, noting how convenient this turn of events just so happened to be. 
Sir Pentious did not just come here on accident - especially after yesterday. Maybe another plan of attack on Alastor? He did catch the red demon off guard, perhaps he was trying again with the same “element of surprise” tactic. 
Regardless, Charlie was dotting on the poor demon like he was a small child in need of shepherding. Was she clueless to the situation or just a bleeding heart hopeful?   
Either way, the mosquito has returned. 
From the corner of your eye, you catch Angel’s mood change. From general intrigue to irritation and… was that guilt you were smelling as Charlie showed the snake about? No - self-loathing. They always smelled so similar, it was easy to get the two confused. 
Great now Nifty is fawning over the serpent. The tiny demon is a fucked up enigma that you had no intention of figuring out.
“This is Thestral. Our most recent guest!” Charlie escorts him before you. You shake the snake demon’s hand - gross, he’s slimy. 
Static fills your ears, making your hair stand on end as you shake the demon’s hand.
“And over here is… Oh! Uh, Alastor!” Charlie squeaks. “Our gracious facility manager! You’ve met our newest guest, Sir Pentious… Hehe…” 
You feel Alastor’s eyes on the back of your head before he turns to the snake demon. The serpent cowered before the well-dressed Joe, the room filling with the scent of oranges and mint: fear. 
“Ah, yes! You’re the one who ruined my coat!” The demon’s eyes begin to glow, their eerie red light impregnating the room with their aura. “I definitely remember you now.” 
Was that irritation you sensed? You watched his shoulders as the snake demon attempted to apologize, noting their stiffness despite his relaxed demeanor in the kitchen. 
This guy had a lot of pent up aggression. He carried himself like a clogged overflowing sink someone left the plug in too long. The interaction yesterday with the Vees did nothing to quell his attitude despite the flux he sent the media demon into. The entire grid shut down after you joined Husk at the bar - cellphones, televisions, electricity. It was a blackout for a few hours before his system finally reset. Guess Vox has more of a hold on Pentagram City than you knew. 
Sir Pentious hands Alastor the small piece of fabric he ripped from him yesterday. 
“Ah-Ho!” The Radio Demon sings. “Not many people have been able to take even this much off me, it must have meant quite a lot to you.” 
You snort into your hand, catching a side glance from the Radio Demon. 
The fabric spontaneously combusts into green flame. 
What!? He has access to Hellfire? You try to not let the shock show on your face but he catches it regardless. 
The clock chimes 8 on the wall.
Shit, you were going to be late! 
Shoving your hands into the pockets sewn into the dress, you double check that you did indeed grab your wallet before heading for the door. “I’m sorry Charlie, but I have to go now!” 
“Oh, yes! Don’t forget, one o’clock!” She waves after you. 
The cold sensation slips from your ankles, making you shutter as you head for the front, but before you have a chance to pull the door open, Husk steps into your path. “Hey, kid,” he whispers, looking over your shoulder at something. “Stop by the bar later, wouldya?” 
His tone was far more serious than one would expect for a casual hangout invitation. 
“Sure, Husk,” you nod, worried that something was wrong. 
“Stay safe out there,” he pats your shoulder before heading back to the bar, his eyes downcast as he passes the red demon and Princess now entranced in their own conversation. 
You swear you see Alastor’s shadow move, like it was waving goodbye…
Anyway… That was… weird, but good! Making progress with Husk and an opportunity to hear some gossip from the grumpy bartender. 
You headed out into the cobblestone streets with a new pep in your step and a smile on your face. 
“Thanks, Susan,” you smiled at the potted daisy in your hand. It was half dead but so was she. 
“Of course, sweetheart,” she pinched your cheeks as she screamed. She was deaf, everything she said was in a scream. 
“I’ll see you next week!” You smiled, slowly inching away. “With the lemon finger sandwiches this time!” 
She laughs as you parted ways, flipping her boa over her shoulder as she shuffled. 
You loved the lady, she gave you a room when you had nowhere else to go. After you moved out you thought it would be the end of breakfasts with the old crazy lady, but she begged for tea and snacks once a week in the park. She was lonely - even though she was to blame for her loneliness. She did eat her third husband and all… So, you bought her breakfast and tea once a week. It was the least you could do after everything she has done for you. 
You rounded the Plaza and headed for the doors of Rosie’s Emporium but your stride came to a crashing halt as static filled your ears. 
“Don’t be a stranger, Alastor!” Rosie’s voice carried to the front of the store. 
Flattening against the other half of the double doors, and hiding your face against the wall, you prayed he would walk right past you and not notice your anxiety-riddled form in the doorway. But, alas, you were never that lucky.
“I wouldn’t dream of it… Oh!” The Radio Demon stopped half stride out the door, his eyes immediately finding yours. The edges of his lips curled far past what you thought possible for his face. His radio faltered just a moment before he addressed you. “Why, hello there.” 
Red bloomed across your cheeks as you came face to face with him. He tipped an eyebrow up, unleashing a flurry of butterflies in your stomach.
You searched for something to say but words seemed just out of reach. 
What was wrong with you! Why did this demon have so much sway over your emotions! Get yourself together. Why…
Rosie cleared her throat, causing you to jump. She was quiet when she was being sneaky. “And what do we have here?” Her charming New York accent was doing nothing to qualm the nerves in your belly. 
“Thestral, this is Rosie. The most darling, delightful, and dangerous Overlord this side of the Pentagram!” Trumpets echoed through his radio. 
You tried hard not to roll your eyes.
“Oh! Always a charmer,” Rosie smiled wide, her razor sharp teeth on display.
“And Rosie,” his arm wraps around your lower back, pushing you closer to the man-eating Overlord. That cold sensation wraps around your legs again, making you shiver. “It’s my pleasure to introduce you to…”
“Actually,” you interrupt, trying to keep the bite from your voice. Stepping out of Alastor’s grip, the cold follows you. What made him think he could just touch you like that!? “We’ve met.” 
A flash of irritation crosses Alastor’s eyes before being replaced with his mask.
“Oh! What a regal surprise!” Rosie drags you inside, taking the dead potted plant from you. “You’re early!” She goes for a tray of fingers. “Can I offer you something to eat?” 
“I just ate actually,” an uncomfortable laugh escapes your lips. 
You didn’t detest cannibalism - I mean, who doesn’t enjoy a good shoulder steak? - it was the way Alastor was looking at you that was setting those butterflies in a flurry. It was a look of… suspicion? You sniffed, but smelled nothing. Hmm, interesting.
“You two know each other?” Alastor twirled his cane, clutching it behind his back. His smile was strained. 
“Oh, Thestral and I go way back!” She spun, placing the finger food aside before clamping both her hands atop your shoulders. You were trapped. “Practically fell on top of me when she died!” 
Alastor’s eyes light up with the addition of the new information. “Did she now?” 
You stop him from asking anymore questions with an awkward laugh. “Rosie, don’t you have to take my measurements?” 
“Oh, my stars! You’re here for a dress!” Her eyes sparkle. Cupping your cheeks, she pulls your face to hers. “Finally! This one was getting a little old,” she thumbs a hole in your sleeve you were desperately trying to hide. You frown. 
You didn’t have money to burn often, but when you did you let Rosie dress you up as she pleased. She never wanted money from you, in fact she hated that you offered, but it didn’t feel right to just take her creations without giving her something in return. 
“Oh, don’t fret, doll! You’re still a tomato! Don’t you think so, Alastor?” She pinched your cheeks, turning your face to the red demon in his newly fashioned pin-striped suit.
You met his eyes, he was clearly loving the embarrassment Rosie was showering you with. 
“As cute as a bug’s ear,” he smiled, his eyebrows relaxing in amusement. 
God, did this man do anything other than fucking smile? 
Your face reddened under his direct gaze, its burn bleeding into the cold of Rosie’s fingers. You didn’t like being dotted on and you sure as Hell didn’t like being showed off like this. 
Wait… what did he say? Did he call you cute? The Radio Demon called you cute. 
“Oh!” Rosie finally releases you. You rub your cheeks to lessen the sting from her pinches. “Ya-know, Alastor. I got a premo-connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it. Prime pickin’s for a deal to be made, my friend!” 
A deal? Rosie didn’t just throw people a bone out of pity. She didn’t freely offer up anything to anyone unless she respected them. Rosie - the Rosie - respected… him? The Radio Demon was turning out to be a bigger fish than expected. Still, he remained a mystery. God it was irritating. 
“I appreciate the offer, but I must be off. So much to do at the Hotel!” He sung, his radio clicking on a smooth jazz. He picked at invisible lint on his shoulder before his half-lidded eyes met yours. “I‘ll see you this afternoon, darling.” His voice purred, sending butterflies in a flurry within you. With a small bow he slipped out the front door and into Cannibal Plaza taking your breath with him.
You spun as the door shut, swearing you saw a… shadow follow him? 
Fuck, you needed to figure this guy out fast, but that was why you were here wasn’t it? Rosie knew all the best gossip in Pentagram City, she was the ideal source to go to for information on Alastor without raising suspicion at the Hotel. Couldn’t let any of the Natives think you too interested in the Radio Demon. 
“You’re late.”
You spun to face Rosie, a hand on her hip, one eyebrow sky high in suspicion. 
Shaking off the conflicting emotions stirring within you, you met her energy, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “It appears you were entertained in my absence.” 
“Don’t start with the attitude, young lady.” She waved a finger at you as she led you into the parlor. 
A set of tea was waiting, half drunk and already cold - tea which was supposed to be for you had you been on time. 
“Susan was extra talkative this morning,” you huffed, taking the chair across from her usual spot. “Seems she missed me.”
The Overlord began tidying up the tray, but as you watched her collect the cups, you couldn’t help but wonder something. “Was that planned?” You huffed.
She gave you a look as if you had asked a stupid question. 
“Why?” You grommeled, shrinking into the chair.
“Posture!” She waved her finger at you. You rolled your eyes but obeyed. “It appears Alastor is back from his sabbatical - which I was only made aware of yesterday when he came in here with a torn suit. I asked you here to create a pho-run-in with the Overlord so that you might be aware of his presence, considering the events of tomorrow.” She placed the tray on the side counter. 
“Wait…” Your ears perked up. Did you hear her correctly? You swallowed hard. 
“I didn’t get a chance to learn of his endeavors with the Hotel until this morning. He made quite a stir yesterday, and when Alastor is in a bad mood you tend to keep conversation short.” She snapped her fingers and a new tray appeared - tea steaming and ready to be served. 
Every nerve in your body was screaming at you. “Rosie, did you…” 
“Now, come to find my surprise when I learned that he had not just already met you, but already had suspicions of your power. He asked questions, Thestral, questions about you, and I…”
“Oh my God, Rosie!” You jumped to your feet, arms clenched at your sides. 
“What has gotten into you?” She stopped mid pour, a hand feigning surprise on her chest. 
“Did you just say that Alastor is an Overlord?” Your heart was beating at a million miles an hour now. 
Taking a breath, the woman who had become like a mother to you finished pouring your cup before she set the tea kettle back onto the tray. She took her cup and plate in hand before finally answering your question. “Yes.” 
You stopped breathing completely. “Fuck,” you mumbled before slowly melting back into the chair. 
Oh my God, how could you be so stupid! Of course the Radio Demon was more powerful than you could ever have imagined. Of course the Radio Demon was an Overlord. Of course an OVERLORD had to be the Hotel manager. Of course an OVERLORD had to sleep across the hall from you! All the planning you put together, all the research, all the preparation and now you had to deal with this! 
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” Rosie sipped her tea - jasmine, your favorite. 
Alastor had beef with the Vees. He pissed off Vox to the point that it overloaded his circuits and shut the entire grid down. No wonder you didn’t see him in the commercial. What Overlord would want one of his biggest enemies being able to capture him using his greatest asset of surveillance - a camera. 
Sir Pentious came to challenge Alastor your very first day at the Hotel because he had heard that Alastor was back! Which meant the Hotel was now a target! Which made you a target! Alastor’s mere presence was attracting attention - attention you didn’t want and would inevitably get in the way of your plans! 
You had always been a behind the scenes type of person. Operating behind a mask was your specialty. Merely shedding the cloak was filling you to the brim with anxiety and now you had to deal with this! 
No! No! No! No! 
“Thestral you’re burning my couch,” Rosie scolded. 
Looking down, blue flames licked the seat’s plush arm rest. Silently cursing, you pulled the power back in and suffocated it, leaving behind a bit of blackened fabric.
“This is going to be a problem,” you spat through gritted teeth.
Now you knew why everyone was so afraid of him. 
“Why are you so surprised? I thought you knew by the way you were acting when you ran into him in my parlour. Actually, now that I think about it, you looked more smitten than… Huh!” Rosie gasped, her teeth growing into a smile. “Are you sweet on him?” 
Your jaw dropped. “What? No!” 
That was completely illogical! You, sweet on an Overlord!? Preposterous! 
“My dear, you’re blushing!” She practically sang. 
Your hands flew to your cheeks so fast you almost slapped yourself. “Just… What… I… Are you going to take my measurements or not?” 
Rosie laughed before pulling out a measuring tape. “Oh, I am going to dress you to the nines, tomato!” She gave you a knowing smile as she shepherded you to the block before a set of mirrors. 
“Rosie, I do not like the Radio Demon. If anything he poses a problem. A really big problem.” You stepped onto the block as she circled you like a vulture. 
“I am pulling out all the stops for you! Two new dresses, maybe a couple pair of those trousers you adore so much, and definitely a few ideas for a night out on the town. Just in case.” She winks at you in the mirror. “And new shoes too! Those little heels are done for.” 
“Rosie… Just..” You sank your face in your hands. 
She stopped immediately. “What’s wrong, darling? Talk to Auntie Rosie.” 
Running your hands through your hair, you took a deep breath, releasing as much anxiety as you could with it. 
Things were a lot easier when you operated in the shadows. 
You faked a small smile before pulling the money clip from your pocket, trying to turn the conversation to something you could handle. “At least let me pay you this time.” 
Rosie’s face turned into one of determination and pride. “You got it back from Crim, didn’t ya’?” 
You pulled your other hand from your pocket to reveal the black calling card. “Indeed I did.” 
You took your time heading to the Entertainment District, letting Rosie’s words simmer within your brain. 
The Radio Demon was an Overlord and a mysterious one at that. He disappeared seven years ago, only to magically reappear recently under the guise of Charlie’s Hotel Manager. 
Funny how Lilith also disappeared seven years ago. Funny how this Extermination just so happens to be a special one. 
But before Alastor took his paid time off, it seems he was quite the shit around here. That at least explains the radio broadcasts: the incessant screaming of souls Alastor plays at whim. You had to admire that part. The man had class, he had art, he had theatrics. You just killed and walked away, not wanting the media spotlight, but Alastor? He thrived off of it. He was a walking entertainment broadcast dependent upon the attention of others. 
God, and his ego? You didn’t even want to start down that road. No wonder he got so pissy when you didn’t cower before him like thousands of others do. Fuck, the only one not afraid of him is Princess Morningstar - not because she considers herself more powerful than him but because she is naive. Alastor would kill her in a heartbeat if it meant accomplishing his goals.
Speaking of, what were his goals? Surely he didn’t wish to climb the ladder of hotel management. Alastor wasn’t an assistant type of guy. He had to be the boss. So whatever plan he has, playing make believe with the Princess has put him in a superior position despite what it appears. 
Was that it then? Was taking down Charlie his endgame? But why? Charlie doesn’t rule, she doesn’t utilize her power, she doesn’t do anything. She just kind of hangs out with Vaggie and cleans up chemical spills and hugs trees and shit. She wasn’t someone all powerful to target and take down - not like Lilith. 
Wait. Fuck. Lilith.
That’s what this is about. He disappeared seven years ago with Lilith and he’s back now because of Lilith. 
So get to Charlie to get to Lilith, but what does Alastor want with Lilith?  
So entranced in thought you finally realized you were heading in the complete wrong direction and had stumbled into a part of town you had never been. 
A window of television screens suddenly shifts to a bright yellow light. “Voxtech Angelic Security coming soon!” The ad chimes along with the new Voxtech logo sprouting a pair of wings. 
That was going to prove a problem for your late night activities. Not that anyone has ever really been able to capture you on camera before. You're a mass of black smoke when you fly and a dark hooded figure with glowing yellow eyes when you weren’t. Hell, the entirety of Pentagram City thought you were a dude. A little sexist but whatever… 
“Fuck,” you mumbled under your breath before turning down an alley you were hoping was a short cut. 
“That fucking, fuck!” Vox comes flying out of a side door, trying desperately to tie his bow tie which has now become a knot around his neck. 
You would have hid, you would have turned around and ran the moment you saw him, had he not run right into you. 
Vox’s back slams into your shoulder, knocking you to the ground. The media demon turns on you, his one eye glowing red, a look of pure wrath flashing across his screen. 
“Watch it!” He bites.
You give him an exasperated look before climbing to your feet. Great, now this dress is truly ruined! Your right hip is covered in black dirt, and there’s a tear along the hem. Rosie is going to kill you. 
“You ran into me,” you brush your skirt. You didn’t snap at him, you simply stated the truth. 
The demon is taken aback. How dare you speak to him like that! Did you not know who he is? 
“You want to repeat that again you, little…” He stops mid sentence, his attention drawn to the hand you were extending him. “What are you doing?” 
You gesture to the bow tie, nonchalantly, “I had a lot of brothers growing up. I got good at tying ties and bow ties and you look like you could use some help.” You nod to his left thumb, thoroughly stuck in the knot. 
He raises an eyebrow in confusion, staring at you as if you had just sprouted a second head. When he doesn’t respond, you roll your eyes and begin unraveling the silk around his neck. The demon stiffens beneath your touch, freezing in place. You could feel his eyes boring into the top of your head as you worked. 
It was a simple red bow tie, the slipperiness of the fabric made it difficult to get the ends even, but a few twists and you had it back to normal. You even closed the distance, folding the band around his neck beneath the collar of his shirt. 
He doesn’t have that aura of static like Alastor does nor that sense of coldness which hangs about his shadow. Really you expected more similarities between the two, given that they were practically each other’s counterparts. But here, now, you didn’t get the same feelings being around Vox like you did the Radio Demon. Actually it was lack thereof. 
It was probably just Vox’s lack of power. Really and truthfully you meant it when you said Vox is only ⅓ of an Overlord. Without the other Vees, he isn’t a threat. Alastor? That man was full power in only one suit. 
Wait… why were you so focused on comparing him to Alastor right now? 
“There,” you slapped your hands against your thighs. “Ta-da!” You gave him a show of jazz hands before continuing down the alleyway. A shiver runs down your spine as you could feel his gaze still on your form. God, he’s such a creep.
“Hey! Wait!” The media demon calls after you. 
You roll your eyes before spinning, cursing under your breath. 
The look on Vox’s face made you pause. Was that…? You sniffed. Curiosity? No, that wasn’t quite right. You sniffed again, not able to place the emotion. You’ve never really smelled anything like it before. 
The demon clears his throat, suddenly self conscious. “Can I at least offer you a ride to wherever you’re going… as a thank you?” He crosses his arms in front of him, taking a few slow steps in your direction. 
Fuck that. The last thing you wanted was Vox to know anything about you. Anything at all. 
“No, thanks,” you spin again and…
“Can I at least know your name?” He tries again.
“Why?” You bite, your hands finding your hips. 
The demon looks confused before his screen flashes back to a neutral face. He smiles and it’s far softer than you expected, “I just want to know the name of my savior.” He chuckles. “I got a little mixed up back there and am grateful for your services in fixing the situation.” 
Okay… You’ve never actually seen Vox be nice before. This was weird. 
Your eyes trail his form from his shoes to the broken antenna atop his head. You’ve never actually seen the media demon in person, but he cleans up well. The suit was nice but the hat was a little corny. No one wears top hats anymore. Also, his head is a flat television screen, how does that thing even stay up there? 
“Uh, no.”
He blinks. “No?”
“Yeah, no.” You repeat. Was he dumb? 
He scoffs, “do you know who I am?” 
You spin, not daring to stop this time, “yup!” You waved to him over your shoulder, not looking back. “Bye!” 
Vox sprints through the door, the wood vibrating off its hinges. 
“What the fuck has gotten into you?” Velvette snaps from her place on the couch. 
“I don’t know…” The media demon slams his hands against his desk, a look of madness on his face as his one eye blinks red. “I didn’t get her name…” He whispers to himself. 
“Who?” Velvette smacks her lips against a lollipop, a loud ‘pop!’ with each suck. 
“The most beautiful creature in Hell…”
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Link to Chapter Three!
Masterlist Link: Masterlist
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bella-goths-wife · 5 months
Hi :3, i am new in here and i'm a bit lose, ¿Why does Vox sees their pet like a substitute daughter 🥲?
Sorry if the question it's a bit dumb, but i genuinely don't understand that 🥲
Anyways, i hope you have a great and lovely day (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ (and sorry if i said something wrong, english it's not my first language)
No it’s okay, I’d love to explain it :D
Why does Vox see pet as a daughter
Warnings: mentions of miscarriage and pregnancy, obsessive behaviour, forced affection, forced paternal behaviour, just overall a complicated and sick dynamic, abuse mentions
This is just my story’s backstory for Vox since i can’t find a canon backstory
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So we all know that vox is from the 1950s
And we know that most men from the 1950s had it built into them that it was their duty to continue the family name and legacy by marrying a nice girl and having a few kids
And I believe Vox would be a very big believer in legacy and having an heir to pass down his legacy to, since he was probably a big celebrity and quite wealthy
But during his time of being alive, he never had any children
He had an arranged marriage that was set up by his father, in which he married a woman he had never or would never love
But Vox wanted one thing from this marriage, one simple thing that he craved so heavily
A child
At first he was convinced he wanted a boy, someone who he could mold into being someone worthy of carrying on his last name
But then he realised something, having a son would only challenge Vox as the man of the house
What if his son became more than Vox or overpassed him?
Most fathers would be proud of their son achieved great things but the thought only made Vox seethe in jealousy that one day his legacy would be surpassed by something he created
But a daughter, she would be his to protect without the worry that she would ever overpass him
He wanted something he could own and protect, something to be part of his legacy but always staying below him
A daughter is what Vox wanted more than anything, a daughter that was strong enough to be given his last name but weak enough to need his protection
Of course he’d want a son or two to continue his last name, but a daughter is the only child he’d ever love
Sadly, he and his wife were unable to have children with his wife only being able to conceive and lose pregnancies
The furthest pregnancy that they got to was when his wife was six months pregnant before losing the baby
During the six months Vox fantasised about his child, his perfect girl who he would love more than anything
So when his wife lost the baby, he felt a part of himself lock away forever
The softer part of himself was pushed away to die
He threw himself into his work to distract himself from the loss of his child
He also threw himself into many criminal situations and made very bad decisions which would later land him a place in hell
Vox had already given up on the thought of having children during the living and finding out that sinners couldn’t conceive only pushed him further into the belief that having a daughter wasn’t in the cards for him
And then he met you
Granted when he met you he just assumed you were another scrawny sewer rat who had to steal and cheat just to afford some food
But you quickly changed his mind once you started working for him
Seeing your abilities progress and grow stronger was a magnificent sight for Vox, it was an achievement that he had coined for himself as your mentor
Combining your abilities was also an amazing feeling, to know that there was someone in hell who could only enhance his power made him feel like he could rule the underworld
You unlocked parts of him that he had long forgotten, a more forgiving and softer side
You were strong enough to protect yourself but also weak enough to need his protection
You were smart enough to keep up with Voxs conversations but also naive enough to manipulate to his wishes
You had a strong ability but not strong enough to survive outside of his providing, at least in his mind
You were young enough for him to be able to see as a child at 18, but also old enough for him to be able to exploit you and profit off of you
You were the perfect heir in his mind, the daughter he had always craved
So Vox would find himself being fatherly towards you and showing you fatherly affection, even if he ignored the way you tensed up at his touch
But parts of Vox hated this and denied his attachment to you
He wanted to smack himself for being weak and bending to his own obsessive cravings, but instead he smacks you instead to rid himself of feelings that could soften the sharp image he had created of himself
He craves your presence but despises the thought of you
But because he suppressed his fatherly feelings for you, they manifested into an abusive and obsessive addiction
He obsesses over every minuscule part of you and exposes it because he wants to know you but doesn’t want to get close enough for you to become a weakness to himself
Vox abuses you because he fears you most of all, he fears that the mere thought of you dating sends him into a blind rage or the thought of you getting hurt sends him into a deep panic
He wants to hold you close but parts of him want to smother you in his arms to make it so he doesn’t care for anyone anymore
So vox will always see you as a daughter in his mind no matter how much he tries to deny and suppress it
The only thing his denial does is make his feelings manifest into an abusive and obsessive relationship with you
He sees you as his daughter that he has always craved, and you see him as your abuser who will always be watching you
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@hazbinhotelxreader @idontreallyexistyet @perkypeony @sparkleyfishies @buttercupfangirl @repostingmyfavs @lilyalone @the-faceless-bride @fandomaddict505 @corvid007 @rerarlo
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voxsmistress · 5 months
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo - Part FIVE!
Well seems like Y/n is in the middle of two of the Vee's and there seems to be a bit of a competition going on here ...
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
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“That unfortunate soul would be me” you smile nervously at him, watching as his screen glitched slightly. That was weird. His bored expression disappeared with the glitch and in its place was his usual charming smile.
“Ah Miss Y/n what a pleasure to see you! What was that you just said?” Velvette appeared at your side, wrapping an arm through yours you watched his screen glitch a little again.
“She’s mine now Voxxie” she smirked at the glitching demon.
“She’s WHAT?!”  
“Vox don’t sound so hostile – me and Y/n here have just made a very lucrative deal together, you should be congratulating us” she flashed you a wink while Vox started stuttering.
“What? What Deal?”
“Oh, now that would be telling, wouldn’t it Y/n? After all, some things are just better kept between girls,” the double entendre was not lost on you as she carried on teasing Vox, squeezing your arm as she did. Amused at her behaviour you had to try and hide the smile that tugged at your lips.
“Cut the bullshit Vel!” His smooth voice deepened and started crackling with static – okay. Hot. His one blue eye started to warp into that weird mind control thing that Angel Dust had warned you about, quickly adverting your gaze to avoid eye contact you chose to watch the other sinners running around sorting out different jobs while ignoring the two Vee’s. No one was really batting an eyelid at this mini show down, must be a regular occurrence.
“Chill out Vox! All Y/n is going to do is show off some of my clothes and sing at my Catwalk next month to help boost her public image. That’s all. No need to get your wires all twisted babe,” leaning against you she smirked at the now bemused Demon.
“You sold your soul for some clothes?” Velvette twitched in what you assumed was agitation at Vox’s dismissal.
“Do I look like the kinda girl that would sell the only valuable thing I have for clothes? Uh no. I don’t give up my soul quite that easily, no matter how gorgeous the clothes might be” you tell Vox, feeling a little braver with Velvette at your side, who was currently giving him a victorious smirk. Why do you feel like you have entered some kind of pissing match?
“Yeah Vox, do you really think she would just give it up just like that”, closing your eyes in bewilderment you really start to question the deal that you have gotten into with Velvette.
“Of course not! No, our y/n is much to clever and classy to do that. She showed that the other day when she refused Valentino twice about a job”, and there was you thinking he might have forgotten that little bit of information. Giving Vox your attention his charismatic smile grew. “Ah, Val hasn’t stopped going on about it. You are really going to have to make it up to him, especially when he hears you’ve taken up a job with Vel and not him” he points a blue clawlike finger at you. Shit. Peeking down at Velvette for confirmation, she gives you a naughty smirk and a shrug. Well. She was a lot of help.
“I’m sure Mr Valentino will understand the difference of doing porn OR showing off designer clothes plus I’ll be using my singing talents for Velvette which is my forte. I can assure you that I would not do well as a porn star” you chuckle at the thought. Someone filming you when you are at one of your most vulnerable states was not a fun idea – plus the fact you knew you pulled weird faces at the best of times.
“Now I can’t actually take your word on that my dear”, he had taken a few steps forwards. Velvette’s arm was now anchoring you to the spot and you weren’t feeling quite as brave as you were before. Tilting your chin up to face him head on as he came to a stop in front of you, a blue finger twirled a piece of your hair around it. “In fact, I’d love to see you prove yourself wrong” his voice deepened again making your cheeks flush. Jeez what is with all the blushing and touching?
Clearing your throat, you try to move back but Vel wasn’t moving and kept you there. Throwing her a quick annoyed glance you look back into Vox’s eyes. His smile was creeping more towards a smirk at my movements. “I guess we will never know” keeping my voice steady even with my nerves.
“Hmm … never say never kiddo”. He murmurs, breath brushing a few hairs away from your face. Why was he getting so close.
As you go to say something else Velvette’s phone started ringing breaking you all out of this little spell you were in. Vox who looked a bit displeased at Vel stayed where he was, the small piece of your hair still wrapped around his fingers as he played with it, but Velvette moved away from us both answering her phone with a sharp tone.
“I feel a little felt out I will be honest”, at Vox’s soft voice you give him your full attention once more. Raising your eyebrows as a question as he pulled on the piece of hair. “I am the only one who hasn’t offered you a job yet, perhaps I should find something for you?” You weren’t expecting that. These Vee’s are full of surprises.
“I think my schedule might be full up at the moment what with my singing jobs and now Velvette and her catwalk” you chuckle lowly at his pout.
“Even if it was to be on one of my shows showcasing that lovely voice of yours?” Pretty sure you have lost your eyebrows in your hair.
“You are offering me a part on one of your shows to sing? You haven’t even heard me sing?” You ask dumbfounded. Tugging you closer by your hair he gives you a winning smile.
“Then sing me a song, songbird?” Blinking up at his screen you question your life. Was this real? Are you dreaming?
“Uh…” right that was intelligent wasn’t it y/n! At your stuttering he chuckled, letting go of your hair and instead running a finger down your cheek leaving little tingles in its wake.
“The offer will be there if you want it Y/n, now I’m sure it’s time for you to get yourself off home. You must be exhausted after the long day you’ve had, that last show you did looked tiring, but I did love your last song – you have such a soulful voice” he tapped your chin playfully.
“Wait what how did you kn-“
“Sweetheart, I own numerous cameras in Pentagram City so I know many things, you can trust me on that” he smirks down at you. His gaze flickered over your face before letting out a little sigh when a buzzing noise starts from his jacket pocket.
“Duty calls?” you joke, ready to take a step back but not before his hand suddenly reaches up and cradles the side of your face. You freeze in place. Pretty sure you look like a deer in headlights at the moment.
“Mhmm, I will be seeing you soon our little Songbird, get home safely” he squeezes your cheek softly before striding away, his phone to his ear.
That could have gone a lot worse. Giving yourself a good shake to get moving you look around and see Velvette still on her phone gesturing wildly. Now seems like a good time to escape before any other Vee’s appear. Picking up your purse, that had managed to slip back onto the chaise lounge during your short conversation with the Vee’s you wave to Velvette making your way to the elevator. Holding the phone away from her face she gives you a mischievous grin:
“Bye darling, see you tomorrow, kisses!” Blowing you a cheeky air kiss she carries on with her phone call, while her eyes stayed on you as you got in the elevator. Waving goodbye as the doors shut you let out a breath. Mindful of the small little threat that Vox had said about owning lots of the cameras you kept your expression blank the entire ride and all the way out of the building. Hailing another taxi you give them your address.
Trying to go through everything that happened tonight you completely miss the entire journey until the taxi driver snarled at you to get out. Rude.
Stumbling up the flight of stairs to your door you were in a bit of a daze. Catching sight of a few cameras in the corner of the hallway you huff. Letting yourself into your flat you slam the door behind you.
Where the fuck was that bottle of whiskey?
Taglist @tasha-1994 @azullynxx @reath-solia
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lxkeee · 7 months
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim Angel! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Angst (for now)
Warnings: Swearing and Adam.
Notes: shit is about to go down.
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“Because if you don't, I will personally kill you myself.” [Y/n] added, her eyes glaring down on Adam, her power and strength can be felt through the air and they can tell that she is absolutely furious.
“Oh shit.” Adam muttered underneath his breath. His boss' boss is here.
Adam nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, “Heyyy there [Y/n]... I didn't expect you to be hereee or rather, I didn't expect to see you today... Don't you have work...?” he says nervously, clearly not expecting the news would reach the Seven Heavenly Virtues this soon and [Y/n]'s eyes narrowed even more at him, her wings fluttering behind her back—puffed up and angry.
“Enough Adam, you've done enough pain and destruction here. Take the exorcists and your ass back hOME!” She sneered, her eyes looking at Adam with annoyance, “You and Sera will be held accountable for your actions and for your disobedience and if you don't want a severe punishment then I suggest you go home quietly and quickly. Do you understand?” she snapped, her voice filled with anger and authority. Reminding them who they're dealing with.
Adam avoided her gaze and eventually nodded, “I understood...” he muttered, opening a portal back to heaven with a snap of his fingers, “Exorcists! Fall back and return.” Adam ordered and flew past [Y/n], the exorcists following behind him.
The sinners just looked at the scene in awe, an angel ordering Adam to stop whatever the fuck he was doing and the man just complied without questions.
Lucifer's eyes never left her form, he never stopped looking at her in fear that the moment he blinks she will disappear once more. Like a dust in the wind.
[Y/n] sighed, her angelic form calming down once Adam and the exorcists left, the portal closing. She turned back to look down on the sinners. Her heart ached when her eyes finally landed on her husband. Her mind telling her to imagine it was Xavier but how can she? When Lucifer was missing Xavier's [e/c] eyes? That is not her son, that is Lucifer, her husband, ex-husband?? She doesn't know the status of their marriage and she's in too much in pain to care.
She took a deep breath, trying to calm down her fast beating heart, she can feel her body is weakening even more. She barely got any rest, she's also wounded and her healing powers took most of her energy. She just hoped she had enough to last to return back home and back to her son.
She slowly flies down to where the sinners are, to where Lucifer is.
She landed in front of them gracefully, well, a little wobbly.
The sinners and Lucifer looked at her with hesitation, nervous whether she was a new enemy or an ally.
“Greetings, I am Raphael from the Seven Heavenly Virtues.” She greeted, giving them a small bow, “On behalf of heaven and the seven heavenly virtues, we apologized for Sera's, Adam's, and the exorcists' behavior. This cleansing wasn't approved by the others and was done without the other's notice. We will make sure that they will be held accountable for their actions and disobedience. We never intended for sinners to suffer like this.” she says, her voice quivering before kneeling in front of them.
This is so embarrassing. [Y/n] thought to herself.
Their eyes widened in surprise to see an angel, a seraphim angel prostrate herself, her head on the ground as she asked for their forgiveness.
They were also surprised to know that this cleansing wasn't a decision made by the entirety of heaven but just a few people.
Charlie waved her hands, trying to get the woman to stop kneeling, “Um... Please raise your head...” Charlie says nervously.
Lucifer was speechless, how could he not? His first wife that he didn't see for so many millennia is here. His eyes caught sight of a golden wedding ring on her ring finger—the very wedding ring he slipped into her finger when they got married, he could never forget it. She still wore it after all these years, after all the things he has done to her and their family. She waited for him...
[Y/n] raises her head, her eyes tired and... Lucifer doesn't remember her eyes to be this... Sad. His heart broke into pieces. He's done this, he caused her so much pain and it changed her. Those aren't the eyes of the [Y/n] he fell in love with, [Y/n]'s eyes were so bright and hopeful before and now... It doesn't even look like it can see herself living tomorrow. It doesn't even look like she has gotten enough sleep judging by the heavy bags underneath her eyes and the dark circles around her eyes.
[Y/n] avoided Lucifer's gaze, she felt so small and weak underneath his eyes. Even after all these years he still had this much effect on her.
[Y/n] tried to focus on whatever the girl said, her ears were slightly ringing and her eyes were slightly blurring. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand before slowly standing up, wobbling slightly.
Everyone noticed it, something is definitely wrong with her and it made them worry. They can notice how pale she looked and she seems to wince slightly whenever she moves.
“Are... Are you okay...?” Charlie asked worriedly, helping her up and [Y/n] smiled, though it never reached her eyes. The girl looked just exactly like Lucifer, this must be his daughter then?
“I'm just a little tired, don't worry about me.” She says weakly, patting the girl's head.
“I think I would be leaving now, we'll make sure to punish both Adam and Sera for their actions and we'll try to help hell find a better way to deal with its growing population.” She says, gently parting away from the girl's hold. Her body felt heavy and so incredibly exhausted. This is bad, she needs to get home soon.
She stumbled slightly, Lucifer's eyes widened and his body moved without thinking  and caught her effortlessly, her head pressed against his chest, [Y/n]'s eyes widened, her eyes starting to prick, no don't cry, don't cry... He felt so warm and so soft, she missed this. She weakly tries to push him away. She can still smell his signature perfume of vanilla and roses from his suit. The scent calmed her down slightly.
“Lucifer... Please don't... Please don't hold me like this... Please don't hold me like you still care...” she pleaded weakly, trying to push him away. Her arms on his chest, weakly pushing him away but the man wouldn't budge.
These two have history together... The others thought as they looked at the two angelic beings.
Lucifer's heart aches even more but refusing to let go of her and make her fall into the floor, he can tell she's incredibly exhausted by how much she's no longer trying or having the energy to stand up for herself.
“No [Y/n]... I made that mistake before and I promised not to lose you again...” he says, his voice cracking with emotions, slightly choking on his words. [Y/n]'s eyes widened at his words, her heart aching, hurting, she wants to believe his words, but the damage is not so easy to fix. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She nuzzled her head against his chest, her eyes finally rolling back as she passed out into his arms. Physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted. Despite all of that, Lucifer's arms are as warm and comforting as she remembers.
Lucifer's gaze softened, he gently shifted [Y/n]'s limp body so he's now carrying her bridal style. Making sure he's not causing her even more pain.
His eyes returned back to the sinners and her daughter, they looked at him with evident confusion in their eyes. He sighs, “She's... My first wife... First ex-wife.. I don't know...” he answered pathetically to the unspoken question in the air, even he himself doesn't know what his status with her is. They never really divorced each other.
Angel Dust whistled, “Quite a dilemma you got there toots.” he snickered and Lucifer glared at him before sighing, he himself agreed to that statement, “I know...” he sighs.
“I'll just leave her somewhere safe to rest and I'll come back to help fix and tidy up this place.” Lucifer says, summoning a portal behind him and quickly stepping in with [Y/n] in his arms. The others didn't have time to protest as the portal closed before they could.
Lucifer carried her effortlessly in his arms, walking towards his bedroom—it is currently the cleanest as the other rooms were dusty from being unused.
He gently laid her down to rest on his bed, making sure she's not lying down on her hair. He was about to tuck her in when he noticed something golden seeped into her white dress, just by her waist.
His eyes widened, that's blood. Angelic blood to be specific.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
She's bleeding, what the actual fuck happened to her?
He thought to himself, debating whether to rip her dress or undress her so he could treat her wound.
“Oh Satan. I shouldn't overthink this, she's in desperate need of help.” Lucifer muttered underneath his breath, hands shaking. Why wouldn't he? She's finally back in his arms and now she's wounded and bleeding and passed out to exhaustion? He's behind worried!
Think Lucifer, think.
He thought to himself before finally getting an idea. He gently wakes her up with a small nudge, causing the girl fo groan and open her eyes.
Pain, sharp pain on her side is what [Y/n] felt first when she woke up. She could see a familiar mop of light blond hair. Disoriented, her eyes blurry,  and head aching, she just groaned, “Xavier...?” she calls out, thinking it was her son.
“I'm sorry [Y/n], I'm just going to undress you and treat your wound real quick. Can I do that?” he murmured, asking for her consent. [Y/n] just nodded and groaned before passing out again.
Lucifer sighs in relief, snapping his fingers together to remove her dress and changed her into something comfortable and appropriate. A light pink satin pajamas. He lifted up her shirt and Lucifer had to cover his mouth.
So much concentrated negative energy is present on her wound, a wound that is located at the left side of her waist.
Lucifer swallows the lump of nothing in his throat, he sits on the empty spot of his bed. He'll worry later, he needs to heal her as fast as he can. Placing his hand above her wound, hovering slightly. A golden aura radiates from the palm of his hand.
No wonder she's so exhausted, it's taking so long to heal this wound. He thought, exerting more energy into healing her. His eyebrows furrowed as he maintained his concentration, making sure his power flows directly into his hand.
Slowly and surely, her wound began to close in. Lucifer could feel the exhaustion creeping in, the concentrated negative energy making the healing process much more harder.
No wonder she was so exhausted, she must've tried healing herself before coming here. He thought to himself.
With a gasped, the wound finally closed and healed itself. It felt like his life was sucked out of him after healing her.
He sighs, his eyes softening as his gaze landed on her sleeping form. She no longer had that pained expression on her face after healing her and he's glad. He's glad to be able to at least help her and not cause her pain for once. He gently lifts her hand and pressed a chaste kiss at her knuckle before bringing it back down again to her side.
He tucks her underneath the blanket, making sure she's comfortable.
He left her side once more, this time, promising that he'll be back. He just needed to help his daughter. He'll be back before she wakes up.
“Luci...? Please don't leave me again...” she whispers in her sleep, snuggling into his warm blanket. Lucifer's eyes watered, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes.
“I'll be back before you know it, I'll see you soon, [Y/n].” he whispers before teleporting away in specks of red and golden dust.
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Meanwhile, in heaven.
“YOU LEFT MY MOTHER BEHIND?!” Xavier growled, pissed. He glares at Adam, the first man. Annoyed that the man left his mother with his father, THE MAN WHO LEFT HER FOR ANOTHER WOMAN!
“Look, your mom was clearly pissed off and I don't want to face her wrath. I can tell that that woman is holding so much anger inside her and just waiting to blow up.” Adam says nonchalantly, a sigh escaping his lips, shrugging.
Xavier wanted to rip his own hair in frustration. He is beyond worried, he just found out that his mother would be taking care whatever bullshit is happening in hell and she's been gone for hours now! Adam and the exorcists' arrived back in heaven three hours ago and there is still no sign of his mother.
He's worried, he knows his mother has just gotten out of work from the mortal realm and went straight down to hell to fix whatever damage Adam and the exorcists' did.
“Fuck this, I'm going down there and look for her.” Xavier says with a sigh, annoyed at Adam for being good for nothing.
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@valerie-36 @blackbleedingrose @adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata @kouyoumarryme @sxgacxbe @kooidoom @ok-boke @random-3455 @izzieg3987 @snoozewritezz @dreamzaremyreality @hcneyiced @witchbunny1210 @ghostdoodlen @aikobakugou @just-here-reading @dzhanett-blog @des-deswain5621 @cocomollo @haleypearce @onyxstarhigh06 @nirvana5874 @shaebutter-baby
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storm-angel989 · 7 months
Outside the office
Longtime reader and writer. First time poster! Let me know what you think- I have pages of this story to share if there is any interest. <3 Enjoy!
“Vox, these pancakes are the best!” 
Another sleepy Sunday morning at home. Or at least, the place I called home these days. My arrival to hell six years ago had left me uneasy- displaced from the only world I had ever known. Upon my arrival, Lucifer immediately deposited me in one of the biggest power circles in Hell. With a kiss on the cheek and a warning to behave- lest I end up like my mother and father- he disappeared, off to running hell or heaven- I honestly wasn’t sure at this point.  
“Not better than mine though, right Princessa?” Valentino’s voice rang with teasing disapproval. 
I caught his eye and grinned. “I don’t know. Last I checked you didn’t put strawberries AND chocolate chips in your pancakes.”
“Take that!” Vox semi shouted. “Even your wife agrees I’m the better cook!” 
Lighthearted bickering broke out between the two of them. I caught the eye of Velvette, the only other girl in our group and she rolled her eyes, as amused as I was.
I wouldn't have guessed when I first arrived in hell that these three demons would eventually be the family I had left behind. Upon my arrival in hell, Lucifer warned that that these demons were three of the most powerful overlords in this ring of hell. Coming from a world where demons were slaughtered on sight- and the opposite held true for angels- meeting a demon off the battlefield for the first time took every inch of my self control to not allow the instincts I worked so hard to develop to overtake me. 
When I first met Vox, I was taken aback. For a demon, he was surprisingly friendly. According to Lucifer, he controlled the television airwaves and heavily utilized video and electricity to exert control over a host of sinners. Walking into his studio for the first time felt like stepping into energy territory- at least until the demon spoke. 
“First time meeting a demon?” Vox seemed amused. “Nothing to be afraid of, I assure you. At least, not for you Princess.” He extended his hand and I shook it out of politeness. His twisted smile grew wider, revealing a set of sharp teeth. “Don’t worry your highness, we will take excellent care of her.” 
Lucifer looked unconcerned. “You know the consequences if you don’t.” His phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. “Sorry to rush out on you, but I have a meeting to get to. Ensure you follow through on your end of the bargain.” His eyes flashed red, a non verbal “or else”.
“Of course,” Vox replied smoothly. “We have her living quarters all set up- she’s welcome to settle in after I give her the grand tour. And don’t worry- our resident fashionista will help her…blend in.” He reached out as if to push my hair to the side but stopped himself. “She’s in excellent hands, your highness.” 
Lucifer looked unconcerned. A cold fear settled in my gut, followed by anger. He was leaving me? In the hands of this…creature? 
“See you later darling. Enjoy all Hell has to offer.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek before he vanished,  leaving me in the sole company of the TV demon. 
“Before we go any further, I need your phone.” Vox reached his hand out. 
I hesitated but pulled my pink flip phone out of my pocket and handed it to him. He dropped it on the ground and crushed it beneth his foot. 
“Hey! Why did you do that?” I demanded. 
“That technology? Ancient and easy to hack. Here. I preloaded Lucifers number, our numbers and that’s honestly the only contacts you need. Not only that, its the latest model. The public won’t have access to it until next month.” He handed me a rectangular shaped phone. 
“And this.” he handed me a matching pink watch. “Don’t take it off. It allowed me to know your vitals and your location at all times. If something was to happen to you, we could easily get to you.” 
Wouldn’t that be the first thing they took off? I wondered but didn’t say it. Vox  hit a few buttons and showed me how to unlock it just by looking at the screen. After a few minutes of playing with it, I started to grasp the concept. 
“Lucifer wasn’t lying when he said you were smart. Come. Follow me.” 
Vox turned to walk away and I trailed behind him.
“Well, might as well show you around. Couple things to be aware of. Obviously as Princess of Hell you can do as you please but know that Valentino's studio, Velvette’s  runway and my office are strictly for business. Enter at the wrong time and you may end up seeing things that…you’re not quite used to.” 
He pressed a button and an elevator door slid open. I stepped inside and I followed, standing quietly next to him. The sense of unease hadn’t left me since the moment I arrived in hell and the further into the building I ventured the deeper that fear became. 
“First floor is the entry. Second is my office and studio. Third and fourth belong to Val’s workspace and the fifth floor belongs to Velvette. The Sixth floor is our living space- that’s where you’ll be joining us. Your quarters are up there as well. Living room and kitchen are shared spaces, though we all value the privacy of our own bedrooms.” He smiled a bit darkly. “You’re welcome to join us for movie night.” 
Since when did demons watch movies? 
The elevator dinged to three and I stepped out behind him. The scene infront of us was pure chaos. Demons in various shapes, forms and stages of dress hustled around the open room. Clothes and racks were scattered about, being tossed aside and rehung quicker that I thought possible.  Against a white backdrop, three models stood as lightbulbs went off around them. 
Unlike Vox with his TV shaped head,  the demon in charge looked relatively human. Her purple, red and black hair was pulled up high in two ponytails- teased and curled to perfection. Her clothes boated the same color scheme as her hair, and she wore impossibly high black heels. It took me a moment to realize her color scheme was the same as Vox’s. 
I watched her bark orders in a way that would have made my father proud. As she spoke, her perfectly manicured fingers flew across the keyboard of her phone. I felt myself flush, suddenly overly aware of my own broken fingernails and very clear out of fashion clothing. 
Vox seemed undisturbed by the hustle, walking through it with ease.“Velvettle darling, meet the Princess.” 
She looked up for a moment and her expression twisted in what looked like annoyance.
“You got a name, Princess?”
They both looked at me expectantly. I felt my face flush with embarrassment. Had Lucifer really dropped me off to total strangers without so much as sharing my name?
“My name is reader.” I answered with a steadiness I didn’t quite feel in my gut. “Morningstar.” 
“Well, reader,  if this is how heaven is dressing these days you need more help than I thought.” She snorted in contempt. “Don’t worry love, we’ll get you fixed up in no time. After all, if you’re spending time with us you need to look the part.”
Vox grinned. “Have fun you two. Vel, be a dear and bring her upstairs when you’re done.” 
She turned away. “Yeah, yeah. You don’t need to tell me what to do.” She snapped her fingers. “Get to it.” 
Without another word I was whisked away into another room. Any sense of modesty vanished as Velvette's team inspected every inch of my body. Unlike the angels, they had no shame in ensuring I was plucked, waxed, and trimmed to Velvette’s desire. With all the strange hands touching me I felt trapped, and did my best to disassociate. I had to if I wanted to survive down here. Wasn’t that my fathers first rule? Show no fear. 
Velvette must have noticed my discomfort. After the waxing she shooed everyone away for a moment and handed me a bottle of water. 
“Don’t worry love, you’ll get used to it. Quicker, actually if you’re here with us.” 
I held the bottle and she rolled her eyes, reaching over and twisting the cap open. “No one here will hurt you. Outside of Lucifer’s domain, this is the safest place in all of hell for you. Promise. Now drink- I don’t want to be on the receiving end of Lucifer’s wrath if you fall ill on the first day.” 
I took a sip and she turned the chair I was in towards the mirror, running her fingers through my blonde hair. “You need some deep conditioning, a style and a few highlights, but your overall color is fantastic. You have a lovely shape- for a half angel. And those eyes…” She stepped around and cupped my chin. “Lovely. No one in hell has blue eyes like those.” 
“Thank you.” I replied softly. 
Velvette grinned. “Well look, the princess speaks! Look, let’s finish up here and get your wardrobe set up and sent up. Val is taking us out tonight, and you need to look the part. It would be an embarrassment to our brand otherwise.” She snapped her fingers and a team of demons hurried over.
“Who is Val?” I asked as she leaned back against the counter, watching her employees work. 
“Valentino. You’ll meet him soon enough. Right pain in the ass he is. Love him though.” 
Right. Lucifer warned me about him. Valentino controlled the porn industry in the same way Vox controlled the broadcasts and Velvette controlled fashion and social media. I couldn’t even imagine what my father would think if he knew...I pushed the thought from my head. My father was gone. This was my reality now. 
“And you three- Vox, Velvette, Valentino- you’re…royalty?” I asked to fill the silence. 
She laughed. “Royalty? Not far off. We’re overlords. We own millions of souls between the three of us.”
That nervous feeling rekindled in my stomach. “You own souls? What does that mean?”
Velvette shrugged. “It means mortals in the human realm, or sinners down here made a deal with us in exchange for their souls. And we collected.” 
If there wasn’t a pair of scissors next to my ear I would have jumped away. Owning souls? How did that even happen? Moreso that went against everything an angel stood for. Or at least, everything my angelic half used to stand for.
“Oh relax, your soul is safe.” Velvette snorted at my expression. “Lucifer would kill anyone who even attempted to make a move on your eternal being. Trust me dear, you have nothing to worry about. At least, not from us.”
Across the studio, someone yelled her name and she pranced off without so much as a goodbye. 
What felt like an eternity later, I was led to the elevator by Velvette. My blonde hair had indeed been trimmed and highlighted, blown out and teased. My broken fingernails were hidden under tiny plastic red surfboards and my normally bare face was covered in makeup. 
“Just come down to my studio each morning. I’ll get you dressed and done up. Nothing to worry about.” Velvette assured me as we stepped out of the elevator. 
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I tried to imagine where demons lived, but the room I stepped into was the exact opposite of anything I could have dreamed up. Dark hardwood floors were covered with plush rugs in deep blues, blacks and reds.  Couches on the left were placed in a U shape in front of a large TV and to the right was a full kitchen.Towering floor to ceiling windows covered the far wall and a table with six office chairs sat in front of it. Towards the left there were five hallways and  small alcoves scattered throughout the room hosted signs of the floor's inhabitants. Photos of the V’s, computer setups, a notebook with scribbles and swatches of fabric, to name a few items. 
“You’re the fifth hallway down,” Velvette said, leading me towards the left. “If you get lost, look up. They’re labeled.” 
I looked up towards the doorway entrance of each and sure enough, the names Valentino, Vox, blank, Velvette and Princess were labeled.
“Why is mine labeled Princess?” I asked as she led me down that hallway. “You couldn’t have had that much time to design.”
Velvette laughed. “Took hardly anytime at all. The boss man sent us a list and cash- we obliged. Your comfort here is of upmost importance.” She pushed open a second door and stepped inside.
I expected dark colors, blacks and reds but to my surprise the room was decorated in a sea of purples, grays and whites. A bed took up the center of the room and off to the left was a small living room area- complete with matching couches and a television. A desk with a pink computer set up sat to the right of the bed. The three doors on the remaining walls led to the walk in closet and bathroom, Velvette explained. 
“Anything else you need? Kitchen is stocked. If you need something, write it on the whiteboard on the fridge. Housekeeping will bring it up.” Velvette continued. “Same with bathroom products or anything really. We want to make sure you’re happy. Oh!” She snapped her fingers and pushed open one of the doors. “Your public clothes are in my studio- along with everyone else’s. Except mine, of course. I dress myself. But in our space comfort is important. I personally chose the loungewear in your closet. Not that you can leave the building but when you’re ready to get dressed in the morning, come down to my studio and we’ll get you taken care of.” Her eyes narrowed. “Loungewear shouldn’t be seen anywhere except up here and my studio. Understood?”
“Yes, thank you. This is lovely.” Lovely was an understatement. This place was a place compared to my fathers house. 
Velvette shrugged. “Just want to make sure you feel at home Princess. Come now, I’m sure Val and Vox are ready to go.” 
“Go where, again?” I asked, following her back down the hallway and to the elevator. 
She hit the button and stepped in. “Dinner. I’m starved, I can’t believe you’re not. And Val always picks the best places.”
Lucifer hadn’t said anything about the food down here. I wondered what exactly demons ate and a shiver ran up my spine. Babies, probably. Or corpses. Maybe small animals? The phone in my pocket vibrated and I opened up the text just as the elevator door opened. I followed Velvette into the lobby I had entered earlier, keeping my eyes on my phone. 
“Settling in alright love?” The sender name read “Uncle Lucy”. 
Cute. He was as much of an Uncle to me as Vox was my boyfriend. Still, maybe he could answer my questions.  What do demons eat? I typed back furiously. 
Three little dots appeared at the bottom of my screen and his answer popped up. 
Depends. Is Valentino choosing the place? Or Vox?
Valentino, I typed back. 
Three little dots and then, Steak most likely. Velvette dressed you?
I stared at the phone and typed back. Steak? Made of what, exactly?
What is steak made of in the angelic realm? Cow?
I scowled at the phone. I thought demons ate babies. And each other.
His response was instantaneous. LOL. Oh my sweet, that is something I would have warned you about. Everything you eat and drink is safe as long as you’re with the V’s or myself.
Okay, I typed back. 
Be safe love. And stick close to the V’s while you’re out. This scene is much, much more different than you’re used to. 
I wanted to snap my phone shut but instead the screen went black. I sort of missed it- snapping a phone shut at the end of a call was incredibly sadifying. 
“Ah, so you must be the princessa” 
His low drawl pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up to see the red eyes of a demon I hadn’t met yet. Involuntarily, I took a step back. 
“Pleasure to meet you sweetheart.” His smile, much like the others revealed a set of sharp teeth. He stood tall, taller than even my father with a thin frame. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of heart shaped glasses. Hearts adorned the red jacket he wore, and white fluff surrounded the edges and the trim. Under he wore what looked like a black suit. He reached out and took my hand, kissing it. 
“Nice to meet you too.” I tried to hide my fear, the internal screaming to run. 
He grinned wider. “Nothing to be afraid of mi amor. You’re safe as long as you stay with us. Come now. We don’t want to be late.” 
I hesitated. “Are you sure this is safe?”
“Don’t wander out of our sight, and you won’t have to worry about it, yeah?” Velvette replied impatiently. 
Vox leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Right as usual dear.” He turned towards the entryway door, holding it open. Velvette passed through, then me, then Vox and finally Valentino. 
A deep red limo was waiting at the curb for us. Vox got in first, then Velvette. I stepped back in hesitation but a firm hand touched the small of my back. 
“After you dear. “ Valentino  bent down and whispered. “Be between us, always. It’s not safe to wander these streets.” 
At his touch, I practically jumped in and chose a seat far away from the others, taking a deep breath. I watched the dynamic in front of me unfold. Vox, between Velvette and Valentino, looked completely comfortable, chatting about what I assumed was their work. Across the limo, Valentino shot me a grin. 
“So princessa, what brings you to hell?” He asked. 
Vox and Velvette fell silent, their attention turned to me. 
“My father ordered me here.” I responded, cheeks flushing. 
From the pocket of his coat, Valentino pulled out a long cigarette and took and draw, exhaling clouds of red smoke.
“Ah. The infamous demon killer. The hypocrite who consorted with the former princess of hell and created you. Tell me, Princess. Why does he want you here after all this time? After all you are…how old?”
I felt my temper flare, but bit it back. His words wern’t exactly unture, but I didn’t like thinking about it. “I’m twenty five.” I said through gritted teeth. 
He considered this for a moment, taking another drag. “Twenty five. That’s a long time to live away from half of yourself.”
“Val.” Vox interjected in a warning tone. One of his red eyes began to swirl. “Enough with the questions. We’re thrilled to have her here.”
“Of course we are.” He smiled. “Just making conversation, wondering why now, after all this time we’ve decided to…ah, explore ourselves.” 
“I go where I am told.” I retorted. 
His grin became wider. “Always?”
Thankfully at that moment the limo stopped and the door opened. This time, Valentino stepped out first. Vox gestured to me and I followed him out. The building in front of us was small, and brightly lit. I followed Valentino inside, Vox close behind me. 
The inside looked like a normal restaurant. We were seated immediately in a back room, and with the exception of the fact that the waiters looked like different demons, it seemed no different than someplace I would have dined at back home. 
Valentino ordered for the table and in moments I was presented with dinner. I studied it while the others dug in. Lucifer was probably right. What was on my plate looked like steak, definitely smelled like it too. Lucifer told me it was safe to eat. And truth be told- I was starving. I took a tiny bite, relieved that my dinner partners didn’t seem to pay much attention to me. It tasted fine, but I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that washed over me. I took a few more bites, then set my fork down. I just couldn’t shake my nerves. 
“That was great Val,” Vox leaned back in his chair. “What do you say we call it a night and head back?”
“Lame.” Velvette snorted. “The world needs to see the outfits I worked so hard to design. These nightly outings are not just for Val you know.”
Valentino took a long drag of his ciggarette and exhaled a trail of red smoke, looking at me and grinning. “Besides, we need to show the angel what a good time in hell looks like.” He stood up, and the others followed en-suite. Vox stepped aside, ensuring he was behind me as I followed them back to the limo. 
“Have you ever drank alcohol before, babe?” Valentino asked, stretching his arms out on the seat behind me. He didn’t make physicl contact, but he was close enough to make me uneasy. 
“Of course. I can go shot for shot with the most hardened angels.” I said defensively.
“Huh. Didn’t know angels drank.” Vox interjected thoughtfully as the limo pulled up to the next location. “Well good- then this should be a fun night.” 
The number 666 flashed in purple above the building. I hesitated. It looked like a club, and that wasn’t a scene I was allowed to explore. Behind me, Vox gave me a gentle nudge and with no other choice, I trailed behind Valentino as he bypassed the impossibly long line. As we crossed the dance floor, demons skittered out of his way. 
“It’s my club,” he said loudly as he led us to the back, half circle table. “Anything you need babe, its all yours.”
I slid in with Vox on one side and Velvette on the other. Instantly a demon appeared with four drinks, setting them on the table in front of us. 
“Just stick within eyesight of us and you’ll be fine.” Vox assured me.
“Cheers.” Valentino raised his glass to me. “To your visit to hell.” 
I took a sip. It was absolutely intoxicating and before I knew it, all four glasses were empty. Another round appeared instantly. Relief from my terror washed over me and I lost count after the second drink. Flashes of the dance floor, Velvette spinning me around. Shots handed to me by Vox and the four of us slamming them down. 
The room spun but the feeling of freedom and liberation wrapped around me like a star dusted blanket. As time passed, I somehow I found myself across the dance floor, far out of sight of my keepers. 
“To you, pretty lady.” A shark-like demon looked me up and down, and  handed me a pink and fuzzy drink. 
Too drunk to remember to not, I took the drink with a smile and downed it in one gulp. The shark demon laughed and took a step forward. 
“Now, how will you show your appreciation pretty thing?” he reached out and touched my shoulder. 
I flinched, and tried to take a step back but stumbled, trying to look back for any of the V’s.  Fuck, this wasn’t good. 
“There you are, princessa.” Valentino’s sharp voice floated behind me. “Looks like you can’t keep up with demons after all.” 
The shark demon paled and I couldn’t see if he left or not. I felt Valentino’s arm slide under mine as he guided me back to his table. My body, no longer in control of itself, leaned into his red jacket, my head resting its full weight on his shoulder. 
“Jesus Val, how much did you give her?” 
Could have been Vox or Velvette who asked. I couldn’t tell. I felt claws cup my chin and force my head up. Valentino’s eyes met mine and he sighed, letting my head fall against him. 
“Apparently, the princessa didn’t watch her drinks closely enough. Vox, take this please.” 
I caught sight of Valentino standing up and Vox took his place, guiding my head to his shoulder. The room felt loud, and somewhere in the distance, I could have sworn I heard a gunshot. 
“Hey hey, stay awake until Val gets back.” Vox shook my shoulder. “Ah shit. Lucifer’s going to be pissed.” 
I wasn’t quite sure how I ended up with my head on Valentino’s lap, or how I was totally fine with him stroking my hair. 
“Shits just got to work it's way out of her system,” I heard him explain. “Time is the only cure.” 
I tried to lift my head but found it too heavy for more than a few inches. Valentino’s hand pushed it back down. 
“It’s my fault.” I whispered. “I drank too much, too fast. I took a drink from an…I don’t know what, drinks aren’t spiked in heaven!”
I heard the three of them laugh. 
“Sounds like you need a lesson in club safety love.” Velvette looked up from her phone. 
“Maybe we don’t tell Uncle Lucy. Let’s keep this between us?” I mumbled and  shifted my body ever so slightly. 
Valentino rolled me back on my side, “If you say so, dear.” 
I felt the limo stop and tried my best to sit up. After a few seconds of letting me struggle, Valentino lifted me up and out of the limo. 
“I can walk.” I said protested blearily. 
“Oh, you can?” 
Valentino set me down and I immediately pitched forward. He caught me with ease and back in his arms I went. I closed my eyes .
The next thing I knew I was curled up on my side with sunlight streaming into my eyes. With a groan, I sat up. My head pounded.
“Rough first night dear?” 
I opened my eyes to see Lucifer sitting on a chair next to my bed, punching away on his phone. I looked down at myself. Gone were my club clothes from last night, replaced with a pair of soft purple pajamas. I wondered briefly how I had managed to get myself changed so neatly. 
“It wasn’t their fault.” I answered after a few seconds. “Ugh, my head.” 
He seemed unperturbed. “I’m well aware. Free choice and all that- I invented it, remember? Can’t hold them accountable- you chose to accept a drink from a stranger and well, Valentino himself held the stranger accountable.” 
“Fuck me. So…what are the consequences?” I mumbled, leaning forward and covering my head with my hands.
Lucifer paused. “Consequences? Isn’t being rendered totally unable to protect yourself your first night in hell enough? I’m not your father, dear.” He stood up. “What I can tell you is the cameras show half your bad decisions last night were due to drinking on an empty tummy. Can you explain why that is?” 
I didn’t answer. He walked over and lifted my chin so our eyes met. “If you don’t trust the four of us, you won’t make it down here. You have to eat. And drink. Same as you did up there.” 
I nodded and he sighed and sat down next to me. “I’m aware this is difficult- it’s new, and your father and I have torn you away to this place that is the  opposite of everything you’ve ever known. But despite all of heaven's propaganda, there is good down here too. You just have to be more careful.” 
“Yes, Lucifer.”
He broke out into a grin. “I think I prefer Uncle Lucy. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” 
I didn’t answer, embarrassment  joining the pain I felt. 
He patted my leg. “The good news is, you’re only suffering from a hangover. Unfortunately for you the cure is the same in heaven and hell. Hydration, food, anti inflammatories and rest.” 
He stood up and his phone rang. His voice changed from sweet to sharp and several harsh words later, he hung up. 
“I need to go. Chances are you’ll be back out on the club scene tonight. Let’s hope you’ve learned your lesson- stick close to the V’s. And listen to them. I made it clear that they can tell you what to do. Your responsibility is to follow through. Understood?” 
I nodded and he touched the top of my head with a knowing smile. Instantly, my headache vanished.
“Hot shower. Water. Food. It won’t stay away if you don’t give your body those things. I’ll touch base with you later, love.” 
He vanished a second later. I stared at the blank space and wondered if he was the only one down here who could do that. I pushed the thought from my head and willed myself out of bed. Lucifer may have made the headache vanish, but the body aches remained. I made my way into the bathroom.
The shower alone was the size of my room at home and it took me a good fifteen minutes to find a simple water pressure setting. I let myself sink into the steam and scrubbed clean every inch of my body. Finally, I stepped out and wrapped myself in an oversized towel. Standing in front of the mirror I studied my reflection as I towel dried my hair. Without Velvette’s make up, I looked like my usual self. 
The door creaked open and I scrambled for another towel. 
“Hello! No thank you!”
“What? Its not like we didn’t see everything last night,” Vox’s voice answered as he stepped in, closing the door behind him. “How do you think you ended up in those pajamas?”
“It doesn’t matter,” I hissed, covering myself quickly. 
He laughed “modesty is overrated. Down here, you’ll learn that soon enough. Look, I know Lucifer told you but Val made breakfast before he had to rush off to work. It’s in your best interest to eat something before that headache he cured comes rushing back. Oh, and drink this.” He set a bottle of bright orange liquid down on the counter. “Courtesy of the brilliant minds of Vee and Val. It’ll help I promise.” 
He turned to walk out, the paused. “I’m the last one to leave, which means you have the living room to yourself. Do as you wish as long as you take care of yourself. Don’t try to leave the building, and while you can visit my workspace or Vel’s, I’d suggest steering clear of Val. After last night, he’s in a pretty pissy mood.” 
I must have looked mortified because Vox laughed. “Not at you dear. Others that didn’t do their jobs. Still, his temper is a nasty one. I’d recommend avoiding it at all costs.” 
“Noted.” I said shakily. 
“Oh, Princess? Just a reminder. Floors two and five are where you want to go for Vel and I.” 
And with that he walked out. I took a sip of the drink he left and quickly swallowed the rest. To his credit, he was right- I felt much better almost instantly. I wrapped my hair up and from the vast closet I pulled a pair of soft blue pajamas and matching slippers. I made my way out to the shared kitchen and found a heart shaped sticky note on the table next to another bottle of the orange liquid.
Breakfast is in the fridge. Drink this after. If you have a hard time with the TV, text Vox. He’ll get you set up. 
I opened the fridge and another heart shaped pink sticky note greeted me. 
“Eat every bite. If cold, microwave ten seconds.” 
I uncovered the plate, hoping it was something normal. Something I could eat. Something that wouldn’t inadvertently turn my stomach. And to my delight, I found what looked to be two homemade strawberry waffles. I put them in the microwave and sat down at the table, taking a bite. 
It was the yummiest thing I had ever tasted. 
I finished the entire thing in record time and, taking the bottle of orange drink, I made myself comfortable on the couch. Although the headache was gone, my entire body felt achy- like I was getting over the flu. I flipped mindlessly through the channels as I finished the drink. Sleepiness washed over me and I felt myself start to drift. 
The quiet ping of the elevator arriving startled me back awake. 
“I see we’re alive.” Velvette saunted across the floor and hung over the back of the couch. “Feeling alright?”
I pulled myself up right. “Better- what time is it?”
“Time for you to go downstairs and get ready- we have another big night out. This one features the press, so we need time to make you perfect.” she answered. “Throw on a robe and meet me down in ten. Oh, and there's more of that orange drink in the fridge. Can’t hurt to have another bottle. Or at least water.”
She sauntered off and I heard the elevator ping again. In truth, I did feel better- almost like nothing had happened. The aches had almost completely vanished. Back in my room I pulled on a pink fuzzy robe and made my way down the stairs. 
Velvette greeted me with a wave and upon my entrance, a horde of demons descended on me. The process didn’t take nearly as long as it had the day before, and by the time Velvette walked up to me the finishing touches were being put onto my makeup. 
“You look great. Much better than you did this morning. Come on now, we have to meet Val and Vox out. You slept longer than we guessed- not that its a big deal. But come on, the car is waiting.”
I followed her out the door and listened to her chatter away while she typed. I checked my phone and saw I had a few missed texts. One from Lucifer, checking in. That was easy, I shot him a quick I’m fine. The second one from Vox- again, asking me how I was, followed by a text informing me he confirmed on the camera I wasn’t dead- and he would see me later. The last text was from Valentino. 
Glad to hear you liked breakfast. Hope you enjoy dinner- let’s not have a repeat of last night, shall we? -Val 
“Valentino is a little scary.” I said out loud. 
Velvette looked up at me and laughed. “He’s only scary if you’re on his bad side- and if you’re worthless to him. Trust me babe, you have no reason to be afraid of him. Not after last night.” 
“What was so different about last night?” I asked curiously. 
She barked a laugh. “Vox is the one with a soft side. Valentino? He leaves drunk bitches in the ditch- he doesn’t lay them on his lap and he certainly doesn’t kill for them.” 
“He’s just afraid, because of who Lucifer is.” I replied uneasily. 
She shrugged. “Could be. Wouldn’t test it though. He can be nasty.”
The porn demon- nasty? That was probably the most mild of terms I could think of. More questions bubbled in my mind. How did they come to own souls? What other lies had heaven fed me- lies I considered to be true? I sat in silence, trying to bring up the courage to ask Velvette myself. I had just about convinced myself to do it when the limo stopped.  
I followed Velvette outside and she marched in the door like she owned the place. Once again, we were whisked to the back of what looked like a normal restaurant. In minutes, dinner was in front of us. I looked down at the pasta dish in front of me and spun my fork in it. It looked normal- and it smelled fantastic. Cautiously, I took a bite as  I listened to Vox complain about technology and a newscaster who ticked him off. Velvette responded by suggesting the use of one of her top models. Valentino was strangely silent, watching as I carefully took another bite. 
“Look at that, already taking a step in the right direction.” He winked at me. “Not up for a repeat of last night, mi amor?” 
I felt my cheeks flush red and his grin grew wider. “Good to see you enjoying your food, princessa.” He turned to Vox casually. “Just put something inside them. That’s how I get the bitches to behave.” 
What did that mean? I wondered. After a few minutes, my plate was empty and Valentino stood up. 
“Shall we? I have another busy night.” he announced. We followed ensuite back out to the limo. I waited behind Valentino, placed carefully between him and Velvette. 
Valentino paused and took a step back. “After you, princessa.” 
“Thanks.” I stepped inside and took my usual place against the far wall. Unlike last night, Valentino sat next to me, keeping a much shorter but still respectful distance. I felt a shiver go up my spine and a strange feeling in my belly as I listened to him chat with Velvette and Vox. 
The ride to the club felt shorter than the night before. The shock of the club scene had dissipated and I followed close behind Valentino. Tonight it felt less like walking into a war zone. Not only did everyone make way for Valentino, everyone made space for me. Back in the same booth I made sure to sip my drink when it came, less I end up as much of a mess as I did the night before. 
With sober eyes I watched the scene unfold. Valentino seemed to know everyone, and those he didn’t know Vox or Vel did. Frequently two left the table, leaving one behind. Visitors came up- demon men and women. Val either invited them for a drink or dismissed them with a wave of his hand. At one point he got up and disappeared into the back of the club, reemerging several hours later with a grin on his face. 
“Shall we dance mi corazon?” He asked, extending his hand. 
I hesitated and he leaned forward. “I won’t let anything happen to you, princessa. Come.” 
I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. Not to my suprise, he took the lead. I surrendered myself to him and the beat of the music as he spun and swung me around. I lost track of time under the flashing lights and it wasn’t until he slipped his arm under me and led me back to the table that I realized how long we had been away from the table. 
He grabbed a nearby waiter and pointed to me. “Water for this one.” he turned to me. “I’ll be back princessa- stay here. And drink water.” 
I watched him vanish across the dancefloor and sipped at the water the waiter brought me. After that was finished, I ordered a redbull and vodka- hoping it would give me the energy I needed to stay awake. As the minutes passed and my soberness disappeared, the demons on the dancefloor seemed to swim and I wondered how I had managed to stay afloat as long as I had the night before. A sudden rush of tiredness washed over me and I turned to Vox, who was lounging casually next to me 
“When is the last call?”
“When Valentino says it is.” he responded carelessly. 
Great. I swapped from vodka back to water and watched as Velvette and Vox took turns out the floor. Several times I trailed after Vox for a song or two, but he ensured I was safely back at the table before either going back out or swapping places with Velvette. After a few rounds of this, I switched back to vodka, which allowed me to relax for the first time since my arrival. 
After some time passed Valentino returned, looking as pleased as ever. 
“Last call for us darlings,” he purred, offering his hand to me. Vox did the same to Velvette and together the four of us walked out of the bar. 
Though not nearly as bad as I had been, Velvette had the busy night and she spent the ride pressed into Vox. Valentino got himself comfortable and looked at me. 
“You alright baby doll? You’re quiet.” he moved his body closer to mine and his arm fell against my shoulder as he took another drag from his cigarette, exhaling a stream of red smoke. “Tired?”
I nodded and he pulled me to his side. “Lay your head down baby- I think we passed the awkward phase last night hm?” 
My head buzzed just enough that I could forget that he was a demon and that I should be terrified of him. My head fell against his shoulder and he ran a hand through my hair. 
“That’s it sweetheart. Nothing to be afraid of.” he cooed as he exhaled another trail of red smoke. “Close your eyes.”
Against my instinct, I felt my eyelids grow heavy and the weight of my head fell onto his shoulder. He shifted my body and wrapped an arm around my waist. I tried to fight sleep as my head fell to his chest, against the steady beating of his heart. He was relaxed, so why wasn’t I?
I woke up as we pulled up to the VVV tower. Velvette, having solidly fallen asleep on Vox was carried up to the elevator first. Valentino offered his hand as I stepped out of the limo. He kept a steady arm around me as we walked towards the elevator. 
“You have nothing to fear, mi amor.” he purred. “We are not the monsters you think that we are.” 
The last thing I remembered was being tucked into my bed and a soft hand pushing the hair out of my eyes.
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kurosstuff · 6 months
could you do 🍯 3 with girl dick lute?
Of course~ decided to do it like the last one in a way? Demon x angel plot♡♡ but it's a different plot is- execution day still though(cause I don't think she'd go to hell for anything else)
Warning(s): demon x angel, unprotected sex, girl dick lute, tail and horns thing, wing stuff? Idk, mating season(both of yours) afab reader, mating. Heat/ruts(mating season) , Lute is MEAN(but also praising you♡)
Didn't say if you wanted fem reader so I did gn reade
Gp! Lute x GN!demon reader
There are a lot of things you hated about hell. One of the biggest things? Was mating season. All demons go through with it- it's a normal thing. Considering sinners now have animal tributes, it's just something you'll have to deal with. No matter what you are- for some it's easier to handle and deal with.
But the beginning of it is the worst. It's like you've never BEEN in one before.
Panting you hid in the abandoned building, looking around, tail curled, tucking nervously. Its like God himself hated you the most. As if waiting to laugh in your face considering its execution day.
And your being hunted.
The flapping of wings nearby made you duck to hide, but you were too late something hit your side, making you fly to the side looking back. You saw her. A executioner staring you down.
Just your fucking luck. It's the leaders second in command. Lute.
"He-hey-" waving backing up, ignoring how she snarled stalking towards you as she found her prey. Her victim. "Been a while, huh lute?' Swallowing the last time you ran into her. You somehow out ran her.
Ever since? Her sights have been on you.
"Yeah. After you humiliated me. A sinner outrunning me? You got lucky" she snarled out swiping her sword to the side the blood on it flhong around.
It was fresh.
And, of course, your big mouth had to just speak. "Yeah, six times, is it?" Cursing yourself for uttering that. How she stopped and stared snarling wings fluttering flapping. You really did it now.
You pissed her off more.
Yelping, you turned rushing off. "NO NO IM SORRY LUTE SHIT-" you screamed out, racing into the first room you could find stumbling into it. A dead end. Seriously? Who the fuck sleeps in a room with no windows? Sighing, you turned barley missed the swipe of the sword from lute as she attempted to kill you.
With her being silent? You knew you really fucked up. Hearing her snarling and..panting? You turned, kicking her back roughly. "Sorry!" You couldn't help but call out as she luckily? Landed on the bed. Turning around she on her back she groaned taking a moment-
Taking the time with her on her back, you pounced on her, holding her down. "Stop! I- I don't wanna fight!" As she squirmed, trying to buck you off, making you whine unaware she's trying to stop you from feeling her shame. Her guilt for feeling like this in this situation.
Gasping finally feeling something poking your thigh smirking, you grind against her waist slowly, making her moan snarling up at you. "y-your mating season is here too?" Whining softly as she grabbed your waist roughly bucking up into your hips, panting heavily
"Yeah~" she whined softly, getting harder at the reveal. "fuck~ you fought me on your mating day? Did you want to get fucked?" She snarled out allowing you to reach up taking her mask off biting her lip kissing you deeply flipping you onto your back
Gasping ypu flushed looking up at her "i- I had to! Had no choice it comes when it wants!" You panted out on instinct, almost submitting to her looking away feeling guilty. By the smirk on her
You knew she saw-
"Guess there's only one thing to do, no?" She purred out, grinding against you, leaning to take her shirt off "we fuck of course. We're both on our mating season? Why not?" She hummed answering for you when you didn't reply "I'm gonna ask you once. Do you want this" She huffed out
Gently rubbing your waist wasn't what you expected from her, but here she was, waiting for you to think ignoring her instincts. "Yes. I... I want this" humming in approval she kissed you leaning back to strip you using her sword - "wha- I- my shirt!" You huffed flushed seeing her roll her eyes
"Take my jacket after. Ok?" Grunting leaning back, pulling her pants down- pulling her hard cock out already leaking pumping herself slowly groaning softly "fuck~" moving close testing rubbing her tip on your entrance smirking
"Wait, wait! You're too big!" You gasped moaning at the sheer length of her- making her hum rubbing herself on your entrance, grinding against you moaning against your neck leaning back "you- will you even fit-?"
"I'll go slow" at first- left unsaid not fully answering- grinding more on you covering her cock in your slick she hummed "it won't hurt slipping in. Your to deep in your heat you'd already pooling of yourself." She Grunting slowly pushing into you moaning loudly "fuck~ your tight~"
"Oh- oh god~" you sobbed out, spreading your legs more, feeling her push in more stretching you fully "too much~" moaning loudly under her tail thumping whining more when she reached gently taking your tail making you gasping loudly slipped under her
"You were just crying for my attention sweetheart~ now your begging me to stop? You sure that's what you want~?" She hummed, moaning, pounding into you, gasping."fuck~ getting even tighter for me~ fucking rutting against me before no~? Now you want me to stop" Leaning back rubbing your tail, watching you squirm more under her gently pinching it making you sob moaning drawing a loud whine
"No~" you begged out, sobbing under her kissing her deeply sobbing out her name, making her smirk pinching your tail, causing you to gasp whining lewdly
"That's my good pet~" she purred, shoving Into you fully moaning loudly eagerly fucking you into the bed panting heavily "thank God there was a bed here no?" Kissing along your neck hearing the purrs mixed with your moans "fuck you like this~? Being fucked by your greater?" She moaned out gasping leaning up pulling you by your horns to show your neck more- forcing you into submission for her "that's a good pet~" panting heavily pounding rougher into you flushed darkly
Whining loudly wrapping your legs around her waist, yanking her deeper into her, fully submitting to her "oh fuck please~ c-claim me~" you sobbed out holding her close watching her wings flap in approval. Puffing in a way to show off- like a dance of sorts "oh please~?"
Humming biting your neck roughly "claim you? You want to be my mate?' She growled out pounding rougher holding the bed- your sobs moaning for her, making her hum "your tail sensitive or something?" Rubbing it making you nod sobbing out
"It- its a courting thing ~ like like- sensitive makes them want to be mated-" You choked out arching your back into her at her unrelenting pace "horns and tails make- make demons horny at the touch If not careful~" flushed at her smirk as she tugged at your tail once more
"Guess I'll take you as mine then, huh? My pet?" Pounding roughly leaning close biting at your neck,"making you my mate~? Mine?" Purring out moaning heavily holding their waist roughly claiming you as hers.
She didn't care for the consequences(she does but she's so lost in her rut to acknowledge it) that she does do it. She bites down roughly "my mate ~ my sinner~" she snarled out her cock twitching deep inside you moaning heavily feeling you tighten around her moaning her name out smirking she hummed "yeah you like that? Like being claimed?" Groaning "fuck~ go ahead cum for me my pet~"
Sobbing our nodding, releasing around her clinging to her feeling her pound deeper shoving fully into you cumming deep inside with a loud moan snarling into your neck claiming you from the inside as well "fuck~" Sobbing out panting heavily rocking up into her feeling yourself gush onto the bed from them "n-need more~" you gasped out sobbing out for her
"Fuck~ yeah?" Pounding into you against groaning, twitching deep inside you,"want more? Fill you up more~?" Kissing you deeply relishing in the moans and cries you let out for her "fuck~ doing so fucking good what a good whore I have huh?" Snarling against your lips wings puffing up expanding fully flapping happily showing off smug
"Yes fuck yes~" you sobbed out moaning arching your back cumming around her cock again sobbing from the overestimating from the unrelenting pounding- the roughness from her "oh please~ please~" Sobbing out loudly
Groaning "this- is this the last time~ go-got to go-" hearing the alarm go off for her to come back snarling loudly pounding roughly into you- shoving fully into you so lost in her rut she couldn't hold back cumming deep inside you once more moaning loudly rocking into you slowly before slowly gently pulling out watching you gush of her. Feeling smug- possessive she properly mated you.
Made you hers.
Humming, she reached up, plucking a feather from her wing, putting it on your chest "wear it. Make it a necklace" putting a claim physically on you. "Accept my mateship by putting it on~?" Purring out kissing you gently moving to get dressed quickly putting her jacket on you rubbing your twitching legs
After a moment, she fled. Flying away without a goodbye(she hoped to see you again) humming, she smiled happily, hopping it all would end well for you both.
But all acts. Have consequences. Mating a demon as an angel? Would have a consequence
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anonymousewrites · 6 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Thirteen
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Thirteen: Fight for their Souls
Summary: The Hotel faces the exorcists.
Mouse Note: One more chapter after this! Here is all the action. Let me know what you guys think!
            Morning arrived. (Y/N) stood under Hell’s red sky. Around them, their friends and the people of Cannibal Town stood with their weapons ready. It was time for the exorcists to arrive.
            (Y/N) flexed their hands, making sure their vines and briars were ready. The plants held angelic weaponry—ready to kill the angels who once wielded them. (Y/N) themself had a knife strapped to their side so that, if it came to it, they could fight one-on-one with an angel, too.
            They also proudly wore their new outfit, feeling like a true member of Hell in it. They wore a red dress with a proper collar and cuffs, and overtop, they had on a long black vest. Finally, they wore black boots. It was a simple outfit, but it was put-together, and (Y/N) felt like they fit with their friends. More importantly, (Y/N) felt strong and like themself. They felt ready to fight.
            In the skies above the Hazbin Hotel, a golden portal to Heaven opened up, and everyone tensed.
            “Here they come,” said Vaggie, standing next to Charlie. Both sported their own outfits for battle. “Get ready, everyone. We fight together!”
            “Come on, let’s go,” muttered Cherri, tossing her bombs to herself.
            “Let’s do this,” said (Y/N), narrowing their eyes and grinned.
            Angels dove through the portal.
            Vaggie raised her spear. “Now! For your souls!”
            Angels, cannibals, and hotel guests alike let out a war-cries and ran/flew towards each other.
            “Let’s fuck them up!” said Charlie.
            The groups clashed, and violence became the theme of the day. The exorcists, expecting to easily destroy the sinners’ souls, were shocked as their own golden blood was spilled. None of them were aware they could be hurt or killed, and the sinners used that to their advantage.
            A cackle from the roof of the hotel alerted everyone to Alastor’s presence. His magic swept over the hotel, and a shield of runes and shadows collected around the hotel. It kept the foolish exorcists in, trapped to be killed. Outside of the shield, shadows with angelic weaponry swung at the remaining exorcists (and Adam).
            Inside the shield, no one wasted time and immediately took advantage of the exorcists’ surprise at facing further resistance. (Except Charlie, who just discombobulated them and let the others finish them off). Cherri threw bombs, laced with angelic steel shrapnel, and tore the exorcists to bits. Husk took several down with his cards, and Niffty ran around stabbing them to ensure their death. Angel shot them with six different machine guns, strong as ever.
            “Come and get some!” cackled Angel.
            “Eat shrapnel, fuckers!” cheered Cherri.
            “All angelic weapons, fire at will!” Pentious had, of course, set up cannons and technology to take down angels. He had used his intelligence well, and the exorcists were falling.
            On their part, (Y/N) was making full use of their magic. Briars of thorns grabbed and pierced the skin of the angels, throwing them towards other vines or people with weapons to kill them. (Y/N) stood at the center of the growing vines, roses blooming as their strength grew. Their grin never left their face as they tore angels apart and slashed exorcists to death. Despite being on the ground, (Y/N) could feel every single one of their plants like additional limbs. They sensed them growing, dying, killing. The power was positively addictive.
            An exorcist dove through (Y/N)’s protective brambles. She raised her spear and let out an angry shout. Vines wrapped around her, stopping her in the air.
            “You know, I really don’t appreciate you trying to kill me,” said (Y/N), narrowing their eyes at her. “I didn’t get to enjoy myself in life. I had to always hold myself back.” They grinned. “So it’s fucking rude of you to interrupt me when I’m having a good time.” The vines sprouted thorns and roses, choking the angel. “Please leave,” chirped (Y/N). The vines slammed the exorcist down onto her own abandoned spear.
            (Y/N) looked at her dead body, and their grin didn’t leave. Their plants had already ended other lives, yes, but this…this was more of their own hand, own direct awareness. And they didn’t feel guilty. (Y/N) had killed again, and again, they felt like they’d done the right thing. (Y/N) stood straighter. They were leaving behind any guilt or shame that people had tried to tie to them in life.
            (Y/N) felt powerful.
            “Alright,” they said, grinning. Their plants lifted them off the ground, and they floated in their magic. “Who’s next?”
            The exorcists launched at them, and (Y/N) met with them equal ferocity.
            “Alastor’s shield is working!” said Charlie in relief.
            “Try to focus, sweetie,” said Vaggie, pirouetting and stabbing an exorcist. (She had learned more than a few techniques from Carmilla).
            “We might actually have a chance!” said Charlie.
            “Love the optimism,” said Vaggie, smiling. “Still trying to focus.”
            The entire shield shook as Adam slammed into it with a powerful punch from outside. Cracks of holy light splintered through the shield, and it shattered. The hotel was exposed once more.
            “Fuck,” cursed Angel.
            “Oh, no,” said Charlie.
            Adam dove to the roof of the hotel where Alastor still stood.
            “Alastor,” murmured (Y/N).
            “Focus, kid,” said Husk, throwing several cards into exorcists’ necks. “Alastor will put up a fight.”
            “Right, right,” said (Y/N), shaking their head and putting their frustration into their attacks.
            A giant flash of gold cut through the air, and everyone looked up to see Alastor being thrown, unprotected, across the roof. Far away, the On Air sign of his radio tower flickered and died.
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened. Alastor was injured. He’d been beaten. Their plants grabbed them and lifted them up, but Husk darted through the air on his own wings and pulled them back down.
            “If Alastor couldn’t beat him, stay here,” barked Husk. “Do not go running to get yourself killed, kid!”
            “We still need to fight!” said Angel.
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed, but they knew they had to keep fighting. And with how this was going…they’d get a chance to face Adam. Would that go well? Logic said no, but (Y/N) was angry and wanted to unleash that fury on the man so eager to hurt all their friends.
            “There are more coming on your right!” said Pentious from the balcony of the hotel where he was looking out for angels. “Get ready for them, Vagatha, (Y/N)!”
            “Not my name, but got it!” said Vaggie, lunging for the exorcists.
            (Y/N)’s vines, as furious as their master, lashed out at the angels, ripping them apart and stabbing through them viciously.
            “Sorry! Sorry!” said Charlie as she hit angels with her shield so cannibals (and Niffty) could finish them off.
            “Stop apologizing, they deserve it!” said (Y/N), their vines supporting them through the air and assisting them in dodging the exorcists. “Come here, you fucking bitches.”
            Angel and Husk were also still fighting as energetically as ever, though the fight was never-ending.
            “These fuckin’ angels won’t stop comin’,” huffed Husk.
            “Hah!” laughed Angel.
            Husk cracked a smile. “Okay, I walked into that one.”
            Angel grinned before turning on an exorcist attempting to kill one of the Egg Bois and shot her down.
            “You alright, squirt?” he asked.
            The Egg Boi hugged his leg. “I nearly scrambled myself.”
            “Get somewhere safe,” said Angel.
            Part of the hotel exploded, and people were set flying. When the dust settled, (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed. It was Adam, fighting with holy light.
            “Suck my holy light, fuckers! Yeah!” he cheered with glee.
            The angelic power was too much, and the demons were sent flying. (Y/N) winced as their plants were destroyed, feeling them cry out as they died.
            “We aren’t going to last unless we do something about him,” said Vaggie.
            “But what? Alastor was supposed to handle him!” said Charlie.
            Hearing them over his monitors, Pentious made a decision. Pulling Cherri to him, who was beside him, he dipped her.
            “I’m trying to fight here! Are you out of your fucking mind?” said Cherri.
            “Yes.” And Pentious took a chance and kissed her. “Miss Cherri Bomb, I love you,” he declared. “Remember me!” He slithered off to his most prized creation—his ship.
            Cherri blushed. “That was kind of hot.”
            Below, the battle continued to rage, though the tides had turned on the demons as Adam’s holy light threw them around. It was all they could do to avoid getting hit, let alone really deal damage to the exorcists.
            Then, the shadow of Pentious’s ship loomed over them. The hotel group stood, and their eyes widened.
            “Pentious…?” whispered Charlie.
            “That crazy motherfucker,” said Angel.
            “He’s going to die!” cursed Husk.
            “He’s doing it for us,” said (Y/N).
            Pentious’s ship went to fire, and Adam lifted his hand. Pentious’s shot and Adam’s holy light met midair, and the holy light pierced through Pentious’s attack and struck the ship. The entire thing exploded. The Egg Bois and Pentious were gone.
            “Oh, whoop. That could’ve been ugly,” chuckled Adam, sneering.
            “No!” screamed Charlie.
            Cherri covered her mouth in shock, and the rest of the Hazbin Hotel’s eyes widened in sadness. Pentious was dead, killed by Adam.
            “Fuck…” Angel hung his head. “You did good, buddy.”
            “Thank you for your sacrifice, Pentious,” murmured (Y/N).
            “No, no, no.” Charlie fell to her knees.
            “Charlie, I’m so sorry,” said Vaggie, holding Charlie.
            Charlie let out a growl and stood back up. “Razzle! Dazzle!”
Her voice had never been so angry. The two goat demons flew around her, and she rose into the air. Flames erupted around her. Horns extended from her forehead, and the entirety of her eyes turned red. A trident appeared in her hand, and Razzle and Dazzle grew to giant dragons. This was Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer, heir to the throne of Hell, in all her demonic glory.
            Charlie and Vaggie leapt onto the backs of the dragons, and Charlie pointed her trident up at Adam.
            “Let’s ride!” she declared.
            (Y/N) wasn’t about to wait around, this time. Adam had hurt Alastor and killed Pentious. They weren’t letting him do more. Their vines carried them up into the air, killing the angels in their way.
            Lute and Adam hovered above them, ready to face them. Lute dove at Vaggie and Dazzle and slashed through Dazzle’s throat. Vaggie let out a shout, and she and Dazzle fell towards the hotel. Lute pierced Dazzle again and sent them all crashing through the roof of the hotel. Vaggie didn’t waste anytime beginning a fight with Lute, and the pair fought all over the foyer of the hotel.
            “Vaggie!” In concern, Charlie dove down towards her girlfriend.
            “Charlie!” shouted (Y/N) in warning.
            Too late. “Surprise, bitch!” Adam appeared before Charlie and sent her flying with a powerful attack. “Your turn, you fucking brat!” shouted Adam, turning on (Y/N).
            Holy light shot at them, and (Y/N)’s briars tossed them onto the remains of the roof before they were chopped in half by the light. Landing hard, (Y/N) rolled to a stop and pushed themself back up as Adam landed on the roof.
            “You fucking sinners are so fucking stupid,” sneered Adam as he looked at them. “I’m Adam. The first man. Created by God. What makes you think you have anything on that?”
            “Yeah, well, for being created by God, you fucking suck, don’t you?” sneered (Y/N).
            Adam narrowed his eyes and sent several blasts of holy light at them. (Y/N) dodged, expertly using their plants to pull themself to safety each time.
            “Hold still, you little shit!” cursed Adam.
            “I thought you were the first man,” said (Y/N), refusing to stop moving. “But you have no style and only one move!”
            If they did, they were dead. They weren’t stupid; they couldn’t win this fight. They didn’t have that strength (yet, said a small voice in their mind, a whisper like the rustle of leaves). But that didn’t mean (Y/N) wouldn’t stall Adam for as long as it took Charlie to recover and for their friends to handle the other exorcists. (Y/N) wasn’t backing down.
            “No wonder everyone hates you,” sneered (Y/N).
            “I’m a favorite of God! I’m adored in Heaven!” shouted Adam.
            Ironically, his pride was his weakness. (Y/N) would use that. “Yeah, well, Earth doesn’t like you. You fucked up just like Eve, eating that apple,” said (Y/N). “I wonder why you’re not in Hell, too? You must have kissed a lot of ass to get out of that. Kind of pathetic. You got to Heaven, but you’re just as bad as all of us down here!”
            “I’m an angel! I’m better than you fucking sinners!” said Adam.
            “Watch it, pride is a deadly sin,” said (Y/N) with a wide grin. “Wouldn’t want that, would we, oh-so-heavenly-angel?”
            “Don’t act like you’re better than me, bitch,” said Adam. Another blast of heavenly light, and the explosion knocked (Y/N) sideways. “I punish you fuckers because you deserve it. I’m acting as God intended!”
            (Y/N)’s eyes turned red, and their pupils flashed into roses for a moment. Across their body, tattoos of leaves and vines glowed green. Their rose into the air, the roses of their hair blooming, thorns and brambles joining them. (Y/N)’s demon form began to emerge.
            “As God intended?” (Y/N)’s voice echoed, and the unheard voices of the trees and leaves and flowers, angry at human interference and destruction, furious at the abuse of humanity, flowed through their words. “Oh, yes, the infamous excuse of the righteous. When they harm others, when they abuse the unprotected, it is as God intended. I hate that excuse.” Their grin widened. “You're all just righteous cowards hiding that they’re the worst of humanity.” They cocked their head. “And I killed the fucking righteous cowards on Earth. So I think I’ll kill you, too.”
            For a moment, Adam stared as (Y/N)’s words cut to him, cut to his one fear: his inadequacy. Lilith had left him; Eve had left him. Then, as usual, Adam’s anger and desire to prove himself superior came to the forefront, and he glowed with angelic power.
            “Come at me, bitch,” sneered Adam. (Y/N)’s vines struck, and Adam laughed as he fired holy light into them. “Pathetic! What is that supposed to d—”
            (Y/N) flipped by him, and the dagger in their hand slashed through his mask. Adam stumbled back, clutching his cheek as golden blood flowed. He had been injured. It wasn’t much, sure, but a sinner, a common mortal soul damned to Hell, had harmed him! Adam! The first man!
            He didn’t even bother speaking; his rage overtook him. Holy light exploded out from him. (Y/N) barely dodged it, and the plants on their body were singed, sending agony through their veins. They cried out, and as the roof exploded, (Y/N) was thrown over the side. They landed on the ground hard, groaning, barely surviving since their plants managed to catch them with the strength they had left. The light in their eyes and newfound tattoos faded, leaving them unprotected and injured on the ground.
            Adam stood on the side of the nearly-destroyed roof and aimed down at (Y/N) again. They stared up at him with narrowed eyes. This felt like their first death. But this time, they felt only satisfaction. They had found freedom briefly. They had found friends. They had found family. (Y/N) had even injured Adam. If this was their final death, then so be it.
            (Y/N) would die knowing they’d done the right thing.
            Before Adam could kill them, though, Charlie slammed into him. She had recovered her strength and immediately come to defend her friends. The Princess of Hell was there for her people, always.
            Unfortunately, as the fight went back and forth, it appeared that the first man’s strength as an angel was still more powerful than a demon’s. Adam slammed Charlie down, and as his exorcists surrounded her friends, he grinned and closed his hands around her throat.
            “This fight was cute n’ all, but it’s time to die with the rest of them,” sneered Adam.
            “Charlie!” screamed Vaggie.
            Adam cried out as a punch sent him flying. Charlie slumped forward, and a shorter man caught her.
            “Dad?” she gasped.
            Lucifer Morningstar, King of Hell, had arrived. He smiled at his daughter as he held her. “Sorry I wasn’t here sooner, sweetie.” He placed her on her feet, and they faced Adam as he crawled to his feet.
            “Okay, seriously?” he said, aggravated. “How many of you freaks do I have to fight?!”
            “Oh, I’m the only one that matters,” said Lucifer with a smirk. He rolled up his sleeves. “See, you messed with my daughter, and now I’m going to fuck you.”
            That could not have been said worse, thought (Y/N) blearily as their body tried to repair itself.
            “It’s fuck you ‘up,’ Dad,” whispered Charlie awkwardly.
            “Wait, what did I say?” said Lucifer, blinking.
            “Agh!” Angry, Adam grabbed Lucifer and slammed him through the wall of the roof.
            Lucifer transformed into a snake, escaped, and poofed back into his original form with three pairs of wings extended. He laughed at Adam as the man attacked and flew at him.
            “So, this is what you’ve been up to since Eden?” Lucifer chuckled. “Gott say, you really let yourself go, buddy.”
            “You, judgin’ me?! You’re the most hated being in all of creation!” sneered Adam, grabbing snake-Lucifer by the tail and throwing him.
            Lucifer transformed into a duck, flew away, and then became himself again. (He was showing off, angering Adam’s pride). “Well, your first wife didn’t seem to hate what I had to offer,” said Lucifer. He smirked. “Or the second, bow-chicka-wow-wow.”
            Adam grabbed him. “I’ll fuckin’ end you!”
            Lucifer began a horse and bucked him off. “Whoa, missed me!” He became himself and dodged a blast of holy light. “Hoohoo, not even close! Hehehe, nice try, douchebag!”
            “Hold still, you slippery fucker!” cursed Adam.
            He threw a giant blast of holy light at the hotel, and the entire thing exploded, sending Charlie falling towards the earth. Charlie let out a scream, and Lucifer dove towards her. He caught her and smiled softly at his daughter.
            “I got you,” he said.
            Charlie’s demon form flared as Adam cackled and prepared an attack since Lucifer was distracted. “Dad, look out!” she cried.
            Her arm turned large and demonic, glowing red. She caught Adam’s hand, stopping his attack.
            Adam’s eyes widened in shock. “Woah, wait, what the fuck?!”
            Lucifer’s eyes narrowed, he turned, and he grabbed Adam. With a tingle throw, Adam was sent hurtling towards the earth. He crashed into the ground, leaving a crater behind. His entire mask was shattered, and bruises littered his body as he looked up at Lucifer and Charlie.
            “You come at me and my daughter, don’t forget, you’re in my house, bitch!”
            Lucifer’s eyes glowed red, horns sprouted from his forehead, and flames hovered between them. This was the King of Hell with the Princess. Lucifer didn’t give Adam a chance to even feel fear, put Charlie down, and lunged at him. He punched Adam over and over, pummeling the first man into the ground. Lucifer raised his hands, and flames collecting between them. With a single move, he could kill Adam.
            “Whoa, whoa, Dad.” Charlie grabbed Lucifer’s shoulder. “He’s had enough.” She spoke gently, as kind and merciful as ever. Even in the face of the man who had hurt her friends and killed so many, Charlie refused to change her ways.
            Lucifer frowned, but he listened to his daughter. He stood straight and looked down at the beaten, bleeding angel. “Alright.” He sneered, allowing himself anger even if he wouldn’t kill Adam like he wanted to. He would try to do what his daughter would do. “How’s mercy taste, you little bitch?”
            Knowing Adam could do no more and couldn’t do anything against him, Lucifer turned away and walked back towards the gathering survivors of the sinners. The exorcists hovered a ways away, unsure if they could keep fighting and in shock at Adam’s defeat.
            “No,” groaned Adam, pushing himself out of the ditch he lay in. “You don’t get to end this.” He had to crawl, his wings hanging uselessly at his sides. “I’m fucking Adam!” He glared at Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggie, Cherri, Angel, Husk, and Niffty. The sinners just stared back, seeing him barefaced and as he was: just a man. “I’m the fucking man! And you’re just some fucking clowns or something!” Adam couldn’t take the even looks in all of the demons’ eyes. They didn’t see him an angel so far above them. They just saw a man, nothing special. Adam couldn’t take that. “I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts! You al should be worshipping me!” Looking over them, Adam felt the dangerous feeling of inferiority settle in as no fear shone in the eyes of the people united against him. “You ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers—!”
            The shadow loomed over him, and everyone’s eyes widened. Adam whirled.
            A knife pierced Adam’s stomach. It twisted, and Adam let out a strangled cry, eyes wide.
            “I hate false righteousness,” sneered (Y/N), pulling the knife from his stomach.
            He stumbled back and fell.
            “(Y/N)?” said Charlie, eyes wide. The rest of the hotel stared.
            Adam stared up at the plant that had carried (Y/N) to the battle. “Fucking…every…time.” The apple tree loomed over him like a sick joke.
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aloysiavirgata · 16 days
Loved your Skinner POV. I am the ultimate sucker for a Margaret Scully POV. Do one? *doe eyes*
Cancer. How can it be cancer, how can Fox already have been at the hospital, how can they plot and whisper and conspire; how can Dana have cancer?
Margaret is so angry and so afraid. So, so angry.
She has the wild, insane thought that Dana is too beautiful to have cancer, as though Melissa hadn’t been too beautiful to be casually murdered.
Fox looming and lurking in hallways and corners and sunsets and pre-dawn stillness. Like a grim guardian angel, like the beautiful statue of Lucifer Bill once took her to see at Liège.
Margaret sees Fox kiss her daughter’s bright hair one night, kiss her daughter’s sad, smiling mouth.
She doesn’t know what she wants for them. She crosses herself and walks away.
She doesn’t understand the situation with Emily, not really. She listens to everything Dana says about induced hyperovulation and surrogates and she nodded, dutiful, because she can hear Dana’s throat so tight, trying not to cry.
Emily is very sick, Dana says. The courts have no precedence for this, Dana says. I want to help her, Mom.
If Emily is Dana’s, if she really is, then she’s Margaret’s granddaughter and Margaret, to her shame, doesn’t want her to be.
Fox stands in the corner of the room, staring out the window at nothing, his jaw hard as stone. He radiates a quiet steadiness and Margaret feels her strange, lovely daughter draw strength from it, like a solar panel on a bright day. Are there lunar panels? Mulder’s eyes are nothing like the sun.
He radiates a cold fury and Margaret almost has pity for the target of it.
“When I was abducted by Duane Barry,” Dana begins, her voice mostly steady. “Wherever he took me had some kind of program where-“
Fox slams his fist into the windowframe and Margaret jumps, gasps. “Fox!”
“Mulder…” Dana breathes, her eyes closed.
He stalks from the room like a panther. Like an assassin.
“I’m pregnant,” Dana says, a little blushing laugh. Her hand splays over her flat belly.
Margaret surges with such piercing love for this incomprehensible child she birthed. “Oh honey,” she breathes.
Dana drops her head to the side, cheek to shoulder. “I’m so tired already,” she confesses. “I don’t know how you had four with Daddy away.”
She reaches for her daughter’s slim fingers. “I wanted five. Eight, if we could have. Three miscarriages after Charlie and then….” she is appalled at herself. “Dana, I’m so-“
Dana squeezes her mother’s hand. “Miscarriages aren’t some kind of thought virus, Mom.”
Margaret squeezes her hand back. “I know, I know. It just feels like bad luck. And Fox, will he be….?”
Dana looks up, a flush high in her cheeks. “Why are you bringing Mulder up?”
Margaret rolls her eyes. ““I’m a Vatican I Catholic, Dana. Not an idiot.”
Her daughter has the grace to look away. “He wants me to marry him,” she murmurs.
Margaret loves Fox. She loves him the way people love barn cats and funny cock-eared dogs and every pied beauty. But all of a sudden it’s Fox at Thanksgiving, Fox properly at Christmas this time. Uncle Fox, wedding-anniversary Fox, Fox calling her…what? Mom? Surely not Mrs. Scully still.
Margaret knows her children have done the math on her oldest son’s birthday, that he was mighty hefty for a “preemie.” She knows her latest grandchild deserves to be born in wedlock, she knows every Catholic from Father McCue back to Saint Peter would be absolutely appalled with her.
“Be sure of what you want,” she says to the chestnut tree just past the living room window. To Saint Mary Magdalene, to all repentant sinners.
William, six. William clever and tall for his age and gingerbread-colored like his father, with his mother’s round lapis eyes. Fiona, four, happily squirting colored water into a large plastic bin of shaving cream. The twins - Silas and Clara- are nearly three and getting bathed in the sink by their father. Dana, a tenured professor, lolling on the couch. Dana pregnant with number five.
Dana yawns like a cat over some tedious medical journal. Dana ever rail-thin since her cancer. Dana still looking depleted of essential nutrients. Phosphorus? Zinc?
But Dana is still a doctor, so Margaret is silent.
“Are you all right?” Margaret asks her irritable daughter. She beams at Clara, absurdly chubby, with her Aunt Melissa’s coppery curls. Clara with her plump hands like little stars. Silas, rosy and dark-haired, howls in general indignation. Silas with his father’s fairy-forest eyes and impossible lashes. Silas who loves to pat his grandmother’s cheeks.
“Mother I’m FINE,” Dana sighs. “Sy, hush. It’s only warm water.”
Margaret watches her son-in-law for a time, watches his long hands and his furrowed brow as the twins laugh and splash and protest in the deep farmhouse sink. Her Bill could never have done what Fox does.
“Loretta Lynn said she stopped having babies when they started coming in pairs,” Fox observes, sluicing water over his anguished twins. Clara laments pitifully. Silas has a broken air about him, weary as his mother.
Dana laughs, sweet as communion wine. “Stop knocking me up, then,” she grins, hand over her enormous belly.
“Not until you marry me,” Fox replies, thumbing Silas’s fat cheek. Kissing his darkly curled head.
Fiona on the carpet, giggling as William makes farting sounds in his armpits. Fiona with the blackest hair and the bluest eyes and the most perfectly sprinkled freckles like her Uncle Charlie.
William like a wood-elf, so tall and bright.
Dana laughs again. “No priest would ever, would they, Mom?”
Margaret, exhausted and happy, sighs at the pair of them.
In the oven, turkey tetrazzini from the Thanksgiving leftovers. Potty-training sticker charts on the fridge. Will’s perfect math homework, Fee’s wobbly I LOV YU!! above a careful crayon drawing of her family.
Margaret could have never predicted this, could never have seen Fox in sweats and baking Texas Sheet Cake for the PTA. Fox staying home and juggling nap schedules so that Dana could tell anecdotes about maggots to her adoring students.
Fox has a blog, which is Quite The Thing nowadays. Fox is a bestselling author. He’s made the talk show circuit and the girls from bunko send her newspaper clippings.
Fox towels off his exhausted babies. He diapers them, dresses them in fleecy pajamas. They look at him with enormous, reproachful eyes. They pout.
Margaret holds her arms out, draws them in when they toddle over.
The babies nestle, nuzzle, make sweet baby sounds as the sink drains away. Their little mouths pop open, lashes curled on their flawless cheeks. She’s never expected Dana, of all of her children, to be living this life. Cold, prickly, distant Dana with her lunatic partner and her brain cancer and her dead little girl.
“There are infinite infinities,” William tells Fiona. “But some infinities are larger than others.”
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