sociologistthoughts · 3 years
I was at a friend's house the other day and was trying to talk to her, as one does, and my thoughts were running too fast for my mouth to speak them. So gibberish or half baked phrases would come out.
This happens to me quite often. Out of excitement or just when I'm speaking.
So what I do when this happens is take a deep breath.... and say "English"... and continue, coherently, with what I'm trying to say.
And no one questions this, I do it so often that my self aware self needs a breather to reestablish the language setting I am trying to communicate with.
BTW I'm bilingual. Fluently. So it's not as if I speak one language and half way through I start speaking another, it's literally gibberish or choppy phrases.
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
Does anyone else get these random flash backs that made you mad in that moment and remembering gets you mad all over again?
Story time.
About 2 years ago i was dating this guy. I was driving my car that has a dual transmission. Meaning it is both standard and automatic. The nice feature about my car is that it has paddle shifters on the steering wheel along with the up shift and downshift on the PRNDLe (Zack and Cody joke, look it up it's hilarious).
So I was driving and on a red light my ex grabbed my hand that was on the gear shift and switched it to manual and proceeded to squeeze the hell out of my hand. The light turned green. He was squeezing hard enough that I couldn't up shift, down shift, or even move the gear back to automatic. (To those who understand or can visualize what i mean, you might think, but all you had to do was move it up,, down,, or to the right. Yes. He was squeezing my hand so hard that i moving it in any of those directions hurt even more and would feel the direction i was trying to go and moved it to the opposite direction. He was at least twice my size) So what did I have to use, the paddle shifters. The left paddle was down the right was up. (I know how to drive standard) so when it came down to shifting i had to remove my left hand from the steering to use the right paddle shifter because my ex was tightly holding my right hand.
Why not use your knee to keep the steering wheel in place? Because i was using my right leg for the gas.
Why not use my left leg then? Because if I would have done that, I was sure that I would have moved the steering wheel and as a result move the car with the slightest movement of my knee. You know. Because I don't make it a habit of steering with my knees.
I was pissed. He did not understand why.
I do not text and drive, I don't drink and drive. If I have to drive. I'm careful not just for me but others. He did not understand that what he was doing was not only annoying as hell, it was dangerous.
I drive with only one hand, my right hand is always on the gear shift or the hand brake. So if would have just held my hand and let me shift thats cool. But he MOVED the gear shift. And wouldn't let me use the appropriate hand to shift.
I just remembered this story as I was feeding my dogs and it got me upset all over again.
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
On crazy things I dreamt today.
I was home with my real family and the world was unknown. There were rumors going around about an apocalypse coming. There was no evidence of this. No news. No infections of any kind. Put people were panicking and preparing.
However, they weren't panic buying toilet paper, bread, flour, or even milk. They were panic building. Reinforcing their homes, building tall fences. In one case a stadium (ill get to it.) So one day my family collectively decides to pack, just in case we need to make a run for it. As I'm doing so, everything feels too real but fake enough that I start to realize I must be dreaming.
The next scene is, people I have meet at some point in my life and my family are in a metal container with an opening that is semi blocked off by cinder blocks and out side of this is a chain fence. The semi opening is tall enough to conceal whats inside and tall enough to easily climb over, to get out, or to get in. (No other exit or entry points, huge red flag) This metal container is close to the stadium that was just built. There were some people outside watching it, and I remember climbing out of the metal container and looking at the stadium. People starting reciting the American national anthem. I said this is ridiculous, this is not an American issue this is a world issue, we don't know what's going on and there's a panic. As I walk back to the container some people outside heard me and start to complain that it is a national crises and should respect the anthem. I then suddenly start to hear screaming. And let me clarify not screaming in terror, more like a battle cry that everyone in that stadium was doing. You know like in movies when one kingdom's army stands on one side then another kingdom'sarmy stands on the other then they start to raise their swords or bows and arrows and one guy screens attack or something and they do this battle cry. Yeah like that ... and then there's thumping. As if a stack of flour was repeatedly being thrown on the ground.. These people were jumping off the stadium.
They were so afraid of the unknown they didn't want to see it through.
AND then in true post 2020 fashion I thought, well if a pandemic didn't kill as many people as scientists thought (debatable), this panic certainly will.
Then I woke up.
I should probably start a Tumblr dedicated to my horrific dreams. They're freaking me out.
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
I just had an interesting dream.
For background info... I'm terrified of dying. Sometimes I wish we could pull an Orochimaru (ethically of course) and live multiple live times to gain more knowledge and live longer.
I dreamed about death in the weirdest of ways. I dreamt that there was this illusion of drowning. Someone was talking and saying it was okay to jump in because all my family members where there (not actual family members, random people who I knew where dead in the dream because I somehow saw them die and they were apparently my family. How did I know? Because these said people where the South Korean actors of the movie Peninsula. I'm a white complected Mexican. Apparently I'm self aware in my dreams.) Anyways, I was suppose to jump into the reflection of the water to be reunited with my family. But as I was forced to jump in, there was a piece of log I was on before being pushed that I used in order to sort of pull my way up onto the surface AND to real land not reflected land. In order to pull myself away from the illusion and as I surfaced... I woke up.
Did I just die? Or did my subconscious play a preview of what death feels like? I'm not less terrified of death I'll say that.
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
So. The Harry Styles December shoot.
I find the argument ridiculous. Gender norms were and are socially constructed. A person who identifies as a man, wearing a skirt bothers who? Those who are not comfortable in their own skin. That's what I think. Because suddenly a person who identifies as a women wears a suit is seen as powerful is okay. Why is it that a damn dress is "feminine and dainty" and a suit is "strong and powerful"? So many cultures around the world use dresses and skirts.
Think about it, as a society who do we respect more? A women in a suit or skirt? Last time I checked men have been sexualizing women in skirts. So??? What, you're mad that because a man is wearing a skirt you suddenly feel wrong sexualizing them??
Stop sexualizing clothes. If that's the issue and respect everyone.
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
Middle East the lands around the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean sea.
Middle West make up 12 states in the United States. This is not universal.
I'm upset. Do Russians or Koreans call the middle East the middle West?
Do Europeans call it the South?? Do Australians call it the middle North???
I have so many cultural questions.....
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
Went down a Naruto MEME rabbit hole. Conclusion/Realization: Sasori-red hair, Gaara-red hair, Uzumaki-red hair....
The exceptions are obvious. But the Uzumaki fled all over so maybe they are distant relatives. We know Karin and Nagato are for sure.
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
Feminism = Katara 
I genuinely think the easiest and best way to learn about sociology is to compare it to ATLA. 
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
You want to get out of an argument? You want to change the subject? Some one caught you doing the stank face? Pretend you're about to sneeze... then don't. That weird face anyone makes, gets people questioning what you're doing. Distracting them from what they were saying. Works everytime.
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
A little tip if you or anyone comes across an individual who’s lost someone or a family member is suspected of being murdered. Speech. Listen to how a potential murderer tells their story. What do I mean? Well hypothetically, if a family friend suddenly goes missing, they didn’t run away or hide and they were living with a significant other. Hypothetically you don’t think their SO did anything, listen for past tense speech patterns. “They had a life ahead of them, they were going to start a job, they were going to have a baby, we were planning on getting married”. Those types of past tense. Why does it matter? When my grandparents passed, my mom refused to speak in past tense. She would also talk about them in the present tense, because she was in denial about their passing for a long time. Even now years later she’ll say something about them in the present tense then correct herself a few seconds later. It’s a common tactic for murderers when they’re trying to cover their ass and seem remorseful. (Not everyone I understand, just be suspicious) 
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
I beg to differ, house parties? Unlimited blood supply. They could fit in to any friend group if they wanted to AND no one questioning you when you say times have changed... I mean them. No one questioning them. 
Despite most teen shows, high school (filled with hundreds of mini-stakes/pencils) is probably the last place you’d expect to find a vampire
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
Crime Junkie
I’ve been listening to this post cast about missing persons, serial killers, and unsolved crimes, and kidnappings. It just makes me realize just how incompetent police officers are (not to undermine or neglect the BLM movement of this time of course), and how easy it is for a killer to get away with murder. And just how much land the U.S. has that’s “untouched”. 
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
Can professors grade our homework on time? They expect us to do our work on time, but are we doing it correctly? Am I going to pass? Am I understanding the criteria correctly? Grade our Sh!+ so I can know the answer to these questions!! 
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
I understand the professor asked us for in text citations, but there’s such a thing called paraphrasing, you don’t have to quote the whole damn thing to get your point across. If you do they’re not your own thoughts being backed up by the quote. It just becomes summarizing. 
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
Why is that after four or five generations white immigrants are just, American citizens. Yet, immigrants not from Europe have "x" american. Ex: New York has a lot of English, Italian, and Irish descendants, but they're just known as American citizens. But in Florida there are a lot of descendants from Cuba, in California there are a lot of Asian descendants but to this day they are called Cuban Americans or Asian Americans. And lets not forget black Americans who have not been to this continent for generations and yet we still say African American as if they were first generation immigrants from Africa. Just another way to push people off to the side creating a nerrative of white americans are the only "real Americans". And lets not forget Native americans.
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
This has nothing to do with Sociology. 
But I hate it so much when I spend two weeks checking and rechecking the syllabus and assignments making sure I do them correctly. Yet. People have the audacity to answer one question when there’s 1a 1b and 1c. And you have to respond to your classmates. Yo. My grade relies on your replies too!! It’s tedious, it sucks, I know. But now I have to makeup the work and write out of my ass EVEN MORE because your mediocre response to discussion posts is sh*t. 
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sociologistthoughts · 4 years
Going back to my immigration class. Just wanting to mention.... Bracero Movement 1942.
Operation wet back 1954.
The U.S had the audacity to use Mexican nationals for work. During WW2 and then deport them a few years later.
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