Straight out of Privilege
Guess who’s back motherfuckers. 
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I absolutely love you MTV
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Trolling or Sociopath Behavior?
In my dearest opinion I believe that there’s a difference between having a “good laugh” on the internet by fooling an unexpected person and then being a completely twisted and harassing individual. Did you know that encouraging someone to commit suicide can be considered and deemed worthy enough of a conviction?  A few people who’ve ‘persuaded’ someone to enact their own death have actually received sentencing for it. So would you like to spend your days upon Tumblr in a Jail cell or a Prison cell?  However i’m sure it honestly doesn’t matter in your opinion. Who wouldn’t want to be convicted of driving a girl to suicide for threatening her countless amounts of times over a cartoon show. I’m sure all the other inmates would ‘love’ to hear about how impressive that is. 
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Considering Steven Universe fans aren’t judgemental in the slightest and make individuals go on the verge of committing suicide i’ll just create my ‘glorious’ OC. His name is Stephen, he makes sure to “Sieg Heil!” Every morning to his poster of Adolf Hitler on his bedroom wall. I really do Steven’s Universe takes this character and adds it to their show. I’m sure all of the fans would absolutely enjoy it!
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Any country that steps into the same trench as the Jews has only itself to blame.
Kylie Jenner 
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For some odd reason that #Shittingyourpantsforequality reminds me of this video. What an inspirational woman in the video.
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Pissing and Shitting for Equality
So, i’ve been hearing rumors about my fellow /F/eminists conversing about soiling their underpants for Equality, well let me tell you something. I’ve been shitting and pissing my pants for equality before it was mainstream.  
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Woah, I didn’t know Anita Sarkeesian has a video of herself in the future when she’s 60+ years of age. She seems to have aged quite well, and she seems very healthy. Truly inspirational for feminism everywhere.
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Laziness is a trait in the blacks. Black guys counting my money! I hate it.
Stevie Wonder
This is a Donald Trump quote, ass.
(via whatwhiteswillneverknow)
Sir, please place your egotistical patriarchy somewhere else. I know how to cite my quotes. You best check your privileges Also take a look at my other quotes, i’m sure you’ll enjoy them. 
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Fellow feminist this isn’t a joke, I definitely agree with you. From seeing what you’ve just said in the previous statement I can see that without a doubt your superior logic is undeniable.  Keep going, i’d love to see more of your incredible blogs!  Go Women Equality! 
Misandry is a joke, pass it on.
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Laziness is a trait in the blacks. Black guys counting my money! I hate it.
Stevie Wonder
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Not to have correct political point of view is like having no soul
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Outstanding, your statement is definitely screaming equality. True wisdom has never been spoken such as this. 
Misandry is a joke, pass it on.
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Oh my, I believe that i’ve just found my theme song. 
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Don’t worry it’s fine, i’m the least sarcastic person that you’ll ever meet on Tumblr that’s for sure.
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I don’t need no man
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Argument? Who’s “arguing” here, you’re the only one being distasteful from what i’m seeing. I’m just stating compliments towards the individual who posted this blog. If I didn’t know any better i’d say you were being oppressive of me right now. As a trans-sexual being of the holothurian species who’s regularly oppressed on a daily basis, i’m rather triggered in a sense, are you trying to place hateful judgement upon me due to the fact that i’m an other-kin or did you just misinterpret what i’ve previously stated?  How does one accurately discover the true mental intent of another being without having it be dismissed by themselves? As you can see by my actions and my text-based statements that i’ve addressed presently and beforehand, i’m not against the feminist movement in the slightest.   And if anything, it actually shows that i’m encouraging and all in favor of it. Please don’t make nonfactual declarations towards me. 
Or you know, i’ll have to.. Check your privilege. (◞≼◉ื≽◟ ;益;◞≼◉ื≽◟)
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friendly dresscode reminders ✨
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Hello, my fellow Feminists. Yes, i’m addressing you! Me the Monarch of all Feminists. Make sure you check out my glorious Facebook page, you’ll observe some of the best of my privilege checking as well as my retorts against those over-privileged white cis-males! 
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