nothing like drinking water on an empty stomach until you feel like v0m1ting bc water makes u skinny 😔
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Guys 😢😢my blog got deleted or something (I didn't understand the email I got, but when I tried to log in, it said it's been deleted.)
I used to be @chewingmintgum
Please reblog if you see this
Help me find my mutuals I followed some of yall but I can't remember all
Thank you 🫶
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help i’m going to my friend’s place this weekend and it’s just the two of us but we’re gonna eat fast food for dinner how do i avoid it without being rude or worrying her 😭😭😭
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i am locking tf in this week i WILL hit 125 by saturday so i can feel good at hoco, im so close
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i hate not wanting to eat but also needing to so i don’t pass out during practice
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it is the WORST knowing someone irl with an ed bc it’s always a fucking competition
like, ok sophia, glad you haven’t eaten anything today. i havent either bitch but there’s no need to be so triggering oml we’re literally at lunch rn
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getting skinny for hoco rn
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Just so you know
It's impossible to gain fat weight if you're eating under your maintenance. If you gain weight overnight it can be many many things like
Water intake, sodium intake, if you haven't gone to the bathroom in a few days, if you have a meal with high refined carbs (pasta, bread etc.) And many other things.
If you ate 500 calories and gained the next day you didn't gain real weight. It's ok. You'll be ok don't beat yourself up ik it's hard to see the scale to go up but you cannot gain real weight if you're under eating.
It's ok I promise, show yourself some grace 🫶
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im so tired of this
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sl33py-l1ttl3-0ct0b3r · 2 months
i know this girl with an ed and she’s kind of a long story but every time i remember she exists, i am triggered harder than anything else has ever triggered me
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sl33py-l1ttl3-0ct0b3r · 2 months
do any other anas who do sports/active activities worry about passing out?
i feel like it can’t just be me who panics about fainting at a 3 hour rehearsal running around in the sun bc of my fast
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sl33py-l1ttl3-0ct0b3r · 2 months
Got fcking nuked i wanna kms😭
Used to be @failedrexie
Pls rb so i can get to my moots
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sl33py-l1ttl3-0ct0b3r · 2 months
fasted for 2 days (and a couple hours) to get skinny for school starting 😭😭
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sl33py-l1ttl3-0ct0b3r · 2 months
i want to die so bad
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sl33py-l1ttl3-0ct0b3r · 2 months
idk i broke 130lbs today and school starts on monday and i was so excited i started kicking my feet and laughing if anyone cares 🤷‍♀️
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sl33py-l1ttl3-0ct0b3r · 2 months
mark my fucking words, skinny girl fall is coming
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sl33py-l1ttl3-0ct0b3r · 2 months
making today a meta day 😣😣
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