skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
[ Hey all! Hope everyone’s doing well! In order to refresh my muse and consolidate my attention to one place, I have moved Sasha, Helena, Ellie, and Tannis to @vaultmythos, along with some fresh Borderlands muses.
Feel free to follow me there if you haven’t already! My old blogs will remain available as archives, and I am happy to continue any threads from old blogs on the new one with interested parties! ]
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
@apocalypseraised liked for a starter!
"Pardon my intrusion.”
She picks her way carefully down from the rocky outcropping upon which she’d been perched, slinging her aging rifle across her back as she approaches. She knows it won’t be necessary; at least, not for the crumpled body bleeding its last into the unforgiving Pandoran soil. She’s less certain of the girl. Nevertheless, she spreads her hands before her as she draws near, a gesture of good faith in lieu of removing her cowl and mask to allow a more ready study of her intentions. A high calibre round at this range would be overkill anyway.
She stops a few meters short of the girl, indicating the dead bandit with a nod. “Never could abide rude men. It looked like he was giving you a hard time- are you okay?”
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
😮 ; What is your favourite thing about your muse? 😍 ; Is there anyone who inspires you or that you look up to?
😮 ; What is your favourite thing about your muse?
She is totally uncompromising in her efforts to look after New Haven. Pierce is 6oz of whoopass keeping a town afloat in the middle of a literal interplanetary dump, just flat out refusing to give an inch against anything that tries to compromise her town. Bandits ransoming power? Fuck you, we’ll use alternative power sources. Atlas shutting down interplanetary comms, bottlenecking trade, and sending soldiers to raze surrounding towns and force New Haven bend the knee? Fuck you, Steele, we’ll maintain our home’s security with a handful of Claptraps and a bad attitude. She’s scrappy and I love her and she deserved way better than what she got in BL2.
😍 ; Is there anyone who inspires you or that you look up to?
Tons of people! I’ve met some fantastic people while writing, and I truly admire the creativity and kindness of those I’ve been fortunate enough to stay in contact with over the years!
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
🐱 ; Are there any pets you wish you could have?
I honestly really miss having cats! I love my goofy hound to pieces, but I also really enjoyed the quiet, come-and-go energy of my two old kitties. I’d love to adopt another, but it would definitely have to be the right fit to make sure both the dog and the cat would be safe and comfortable with each other.
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
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Munday Meme Part 1 Send a Symbol
😀 ; Do you enjoy your interactions and rp community?
😁 ; Have you made any friends since creating your blog? 
😅 ; Have you ever done something embarrassing or made any mistakes that you can’t forget about? 
😉 ; Are there any ships for your muse that you enjoy, or ships that you would like to see happen? 
😳 ; What is something or someone you have always wanted to write with? i.e. a particular plot, a character, etc.
🙄 ; What are your biggest pet peeves when it comes to tumblr? 
😠 ; Is there anything you dislike about your muse? 
☹️ ; Do you have any insecurities about writing and/or interacting with other people?
😮 ; What is your favourite thing about your muse?
😍 ; Is there anyone who inspires you or that you look up to? 
😴 ; What time of day are you more inclined to write? 
😂 ; What are some similarities between you and your muse?
🤔 ; What are some differences between you and your muse?
🐶 ; Do you have any pets?
🐱 ; Are there any pets you wish you could have?
🐼 ; What are some of your favourite hobbies?
🦁 ; What is your current big obsession? 
🌸 ; Have you ever met an rp partner in real life? Would you like to?
📱 ; Are you open for sharing social media with your rp partners? i.e. Skype, Discord, Messenger, etc?
❤️ ; Are you currently single or in a relationship?
👀 ; Askers Choice.
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
[ annual reminder that if your mother is distant, absent, or otherwise just shitty, and you need someone in your corner, Pierce is your mom now. Them’s the rules. ]
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
repost,  don’t reblog !
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.     Helena Pierce NICKNAME.    Pierce, Lena, Laney, The Lady With Scars Where Her Face Should Be, Administrator, Lieutenant, That Bitch Who Runs New Haven, Alecto [verse dependent] GENDER.           Female HEIGHT.        5′4″ AGE.        33 [Borderlands 1] SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Common, limited Truxican.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.     Dark brown EYE COLOR.       Gold SKIN TONE.        White, mild freckling BODY TYPE.       Compact, lean ACCENT.             Eunomian VOICE.                Sue Roberts-Birch DOMINANT HAND.         Left [before losing her arm] POSTURE.         Open, strong SCARS.            Blind in her right eye, claw marks across left-hand side of her face, extensive chemical burns across the left side of her face, scalp, neck, shoulder, upper arm, and right hand. Missing her left arm from the elbow down.  TATTOOS.           Winged, mechanical heart motif on her back. BIRTHMARKS.  None MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  Facial scarring, prosthetic arm.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.         Eunomia HOMETOWN.                 Horae SIBLINGS.                      None PARENTS.                      Margaret Pierce [mother, deceased], unknown father. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.    Loving but distant. Pierce’s mother was a career military woman, and left Helena in the custody of her parents (Helena’s grandparents) to return to active service. Helena saw her infrequently while she was on leave, but hero-worshipped her for much of her youth. Margaret was not in a committed relationship when Helena was conceived, and never told her who her father was. Margaret died in the line of duty about a year after Helena shipped out to Pandora.
OCCUPATION.        Administrator of New Haven, Lieutenant of the Crimson Raiders CURRENT RESIDENCE.         New Haven [verse dependent], Sanctuary [verse dependent], bandit colony in the Dahl Headlands [verse dependent] CLOSE FRIENDS.        Hudson Johns, Dr. Zed, TK Baha, Moxxi, Scooter, Mordecai, Roland, Lilith, Brick, various claptraps, Karima RELATIONSHIP STATUS.       Widowed [primary verse], married to Brick [verse dependent] FINANCIAL STATUS.        Comfortable CRIMINAL RECORD.       Various counts of treason, murder, theft of property, and various war crimes as detailed by the Atlas Corporation and Hyperion. VICES.       Works herself to exhaustion, paranoid over security concerns, controlling, stubborn.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.       Asexual   ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.    Grey-romantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant  | switch LIBIDO.         Very low TURN ONS.        A strong emotional connection, open communication, mutual willingness to support and encourage one’s partner to achieve their goals. TURN OFFS.      Any unsolicited attempt to touch her face, scars, or prosthetic, invading her personal boundaries, cruelty, callousness, arrogance, shallowness, disregard for others’ wellbeing. LOVE LANGUAGE.  Acts of service. She will give every inch of herself to provide for the people she loves. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.      She is widely perceived as a cold woman, appearing aloof to all but her closest friends. While it is true that she is not a demonstrative person, and that she often prioritizes her work over establishing new personal connections, those who know her more intimately understand that her dedication to New Haven and its citizens is itself an act of love. Likewise, in an intimate relationship, affirmations don’t come naturally to her, and she isn’t the type of person given to overt displays of affection, but she is a steadfast and supportive partner with unparalleled loyalty and resourcefulness.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.      Les Jours Tristes HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.    Her days are generally too full to include much downtime, but on the rare occasion she can be spirited away from her office, she is gifted at billiards. She’s also surprisingly good at making broken tech less broken, and finding creative ways to squeeze a little more life from items discarded by people on planets with more means than Pandora. MENTAL ILLNESSES. She considers herself normal for Pandora, but almost certainly still suffers from post-traumatic stress.  PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.   Blind in her left eye, chronic fatigue. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.    Leans toward right-brained. PHOBIAS. Sedation, loss of autonomy, failing the people depending on her. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.    Healthy. VULNERABILITIES.    New Haven
tagged by: the ghost who lives in the corner
tagging: you, you, you!
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
Some headcanons, ‘cause it’s been a while:
Helena’s foray to Pandora was sponsored by Anshin.
she was left-handed before her left hand was forcibly removed from her body (she’s still bitter about this).
while her battles are fought with paperwork, negotiations and sheer force of will more often than not these days, those who knew her from her front-line days can confirm that she was a very precise shot.
she still does venture down to the shooting range on occasion to, in her words, “prevent skills fade.” Rehabilitation after losing her arm and eye took a lot of work and she’ll be damned if she’s going to just sit around and let it all go to rot because her job requires her to operate from an office more often than not.
she has personally executed two men for crimes committed against New Haven.
while she is far from a tech prodigy (a la Gaige), Pierce has a comfortable working knowledge of robotics and is quite savvy at reworking existing systems to function in her favour.
she successfully jailbroke a small army of Claptraps to protect New Haven from bandit and off-world military incursions she is creative as frick when it comes to cobbling together something surprisingly functional out of dust and corroded metal.
the malfunctioning Claptrap by Zed’s in New Haven is a result of her pushing the bot’s capabilities just a little too far. She won’t discuss the circumstances under which it suffered its apparent breakdown, but she feels it deserves more than being deactivated or scrubbed for something out of its control and has therefore allowed it to ‘retire’ until she can figure out how to fix the little bugger properly.
if she’d survived the attack on the train, she would’ve gladly hired Claptrap to fulfill his original directive as a steward bot for her in Sanctuary.
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
@scootxr liked for a starter!
She wasn’t sure how long she slept.
The light in Zed’s practice was a steady fluorescence, giving no hints as to the passage of time beyond the walls. It reminded her, viscerally, of the Exploitation Preserve; time there marked in guards’ rounds and meal trays rather than the slow rotation of the planet. She found herself grateful for the suspicious stains on the tiled floor, the weathered paint job and antiquated medical tools that dotted the practice walls; it was the very antithesis of the sterile prison she’d escaped by the skin of her teeth. She wasn’t sure she would’ve been able to stomach enforced bed rest in a traditional hospital.
Indeed, she barely tolerated being confined to quarters as it was. Her exhaustion ran bone-deep, no matter how long she slept. Without the adrenaline that had fuelled her jailbreak, she was forced to confront the reality of her situation-- she was in rough shape. The slag exposure had done her no favours, wreaking havoc on her body in ways she didn’t need a medical license to qualify as horrific. She was weak. She was sick. Zed’s steadfast refusal to discuss the results of his initial tests said more about her long-term prognosis than she cared to dwell on.
But God, were there enough hours in a day in which she was left alone to dwell.
So when the door creaked open (how many days had it been since she’d turned up on Sanctuary’s doorstep?), he had her full attention-- or rather, the attention of a woman ready to tear her good doctor’s head off if he didn’t abandon the pretence of bedside manner and tell her exactly how dire her situation was.
She directed an acerbic glare at the door, mouth half open to launch into a tirade before the figure in the doorway registered as distinctly not-doctor. She gaped for a fraction of a moment longer before her expression shifted, ire evaporating in favour of a beatific, if crooked, grin.
“Bet you thought you’d finally got rid of me,” she teased, propping herself more upright in bed and opening her arms in invitation for as fierce a hug as she could muster. "Told you I’d see you in Sanctuary.”
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
@truxicanfalconer liked for a starter!
She knew the shape of that grief.
She knew the awful, sucking despair where one’s heart used to be. Knew the way shock settled like a lead blanket around one’s shoulders, the way grief left the path directly ahead in sharp relief while blinding you to the world at large. She was acquainted with rage, all at once sharp and explosive and frigid and burning.
It didn’t make it any easier to watch.
Moonshots flashed from Helios. The payloads plummeted. Impacted. Loaders emerged, enhanced with an army’s worth of ordnance.
Mordecai squeezed the trigger.
Loaders fell.
One shot, one kill, again and again-- an incomparable skill she would’ve allowed herself to admire if not for the awful, primal grief in the shouts that punctuated his shots. This wasn’t artistry. It was anguish. And for all of Pierce’s force of will, for all the adrenaline in her veins that had helped push her atrophied muscles across rivers and cliffs and Hyperion-controlled terrain in her flight from the Exploitation Preserve; for all her wit and tactics and training, she was powerless to help.
Instead, she acted. Fell into position. Fed him ammo as he burned through rounds. Flagged the trajectories of new trade. Marked the progress of the vault hunters as they pounded across the lowlands toward the fast travel station, until finally--
"They’re through,” she breathed, as the last flash of light marked the digistruct sequence that would spirit the vault hunters far from the clutches of Jack or the loaders still raining down on the hinterland. She straightened, collapsing her scope and busying herself tearing down the essentials from the sniper’s makeshift scrape. “We need to move. Now.”
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
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so I’ve been playing the Borderlands PS4 remaster lately, almost forgot how much I love Helena Pierce!
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
Half of your missions in New Haven involve being asked to do something which you then fuck up real bad. Then immediately after Claptrap tells you to go to the principal’s office and Helena Pierce is all ‘hey, you fucked up real real bad. Go fix it”.
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
[ hey hey hey bop that heart for a starter. ]
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
For Munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
Especially if it’s something you’re too shy or afraid to ask off-anon. 
(Admin note: If you reblog this from someone, try to send them something, even if it’s just a basic question. The mun will really appreciate it.)
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
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                                  PRIVATE. SELECTIVE. DASH ONLY.                                                     Promo credit: x
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skagpearlring-blog · 5 years
"Lucky for you, my schedule's wiiiiiiiide open."
“Be careful what you wish for, hunter.” 
Familiarity softened her words from the rebuke it might’ve been some months ago, to something bordering on affection. Still, the friendly barb did little to disguise the creeping exhaustion on her face; the telltale dark smudges beneath her eyes suggesting at least one rotation spent poring over troubling intel at the expense of her sleep schedule.
“My sources are reporting increased activity near the promontory, beyond the Salt Flats. It seems that the Hyperion corporation has taken an interest in… whatever it was you set loose up there.” A pause, in which she closed her eyes and made a conscious effort to curb the accusatory tone her tongue seemed bent on taking. Atlas took the lion’s share of the blame for the fiasco on the promontory. For their part, the vault hunters had performed admirably; making quick work of the unfathomable creature the vault key had summoned. Mordecai deserved better than an ill-aimed lecture. “I need to know what’s happening out there– ideally without arousing suspicion.”
A beat, in which she allowed the implication to hang. The vault hunters each excelled in their given fields. At a distance? Mordecai was well and truly unparalleled.
“I also have it on good authority that Hyperion has begun construction on a permanent base of operations just off of Elpis.” She lifted a weary hand to rub her face, then fixed the hunter with a rueful smile. “Feast or famine, I suppose. But the peace and quiet was nice, while it lasted.”
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