#mun seems extremely sweet
poisonedspider · 1 month
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HEAD CANON DROP because I think too much when talking to the SQUAD lol. This is going to seem all over the place because I'm trying to remember as I go along so. Also some of these might be repeats because my brain just goes oooo yeah that. And some of these pertain to other muses and you absolutely do NOT have to go along with them. If they go with other muses, it's up to that mun's discretion. This is just for if I'm NOT writing with that muse.
Anthony absolutely went to Catholic school. Italian New Yorker in the early 1900s? Come on. It's definitely also where he got a lot of his religious guilt from (see all my notes of his internalized homophobia). He didn't retain a lot of it because Henroin would pull him and Aracniss out of school consistently, most likely when Anthony was around 13 years old (that's a teenager and therefore an adult, right?) in order to train them in the mafia lifestyle. Molly continued with school and honestly that's probably a huge reason she got to Heaven (minus the fact she's a literal sweet fucking angel).
SPEAKING OF MOLLY. Because this is a huge part of my storyline with the squad. Molly is the MAIN reason that Angel wants to be redeemed. After seeing how the angels are, he really doesn't think Heaven is all that great (stfu I'm ignoring their finale about filling the hotel with sinners to be redeemed because if I saw Adam and his dick waffles coming to kill my friends I'd be like...fuck this Hell is better). He also still doesn't fully believe he CAN be redeemed (since Val owns his soul). But he wants to get to Heaven to see Molly. To at least apologize to her, because he knows his overdose impacted his twin and it was devastating for her to have to bury him when they were so close and for her to be left with their shitty dad and brother and he just...wants to own up to that.
Angel Dust does not want to be an Overlord. Ever. Period. I'll do a good Overlord AU (what can I say, he's hot like that), but in my canon timeline there's no way. Other than Husk (which I fucking hope we get Overlord Husk flashbacks or maybe it leads to some FEELINGS between them both because I know damn well Husker was a dick), Angel has never met a GOOD Overlord. He does not trust them. He does not want to be in that position of power. He does not want to own anyone's soul, because he's felt how awful it is to be on the receiving end. He did not ever actively choose to be in the mafia, so being the Mafia Overlord that everyone does in fanon just makes no sense to me. Angel has the MAKINGS of an Overlord. He is so much more powerful than he looks. But all he has ever wanted is to genuinely be able to be himself - power was never on his list.
Showers. Random head canon is random. But if Angel Dust showers with you, that means he has INTENSE trust for you. Because that boy hates his feet. He wears his boots everywhere, including while filming porn. BUT he is not wearing those in the shower (first off do you know what happens to pleather if it gets wet jfc). So he HAS to have his little spider feeties out. He doesn't allow ANYONE to see them, so consider yourself lucky if you do. This is also why I hc that he is super paranoid of Vox's cameras in his room and dressing room. Not only bc it means Vox gets to watch all his break downs (that asshole), but because it's when he's at his most vulnerable and has to actually strip fully (boots included) to change. Even in his own room he's still always wearing like knee high stockings or little fluffy sockies. Just in case.
Angel Dust has intense bits of mania. I'm throwing this in there as a psychologist. Honestly in that sort of lifestyle, it's hard NOT to have manic episodes. Elaborate spending habits. High drug addiction. Sexual rebellion. And then the crashes hit, which is when we see the extreme breaks in depression, the irritability, the tantrums. He will get fucking bouts of energizer bunny energy if he is in a panicked state and do the most chaotic fucking stuff that if he looked back on while he was stable he would probably be embarassed by.
Here's the whole DEPENDS ON THE MUN (I'm looking at you Plum lol) but my Angel Dust has purchased a lot of Valentino's guns for him. Maybe because he felt he needed to get even about Nuggets, idk. I love the fanon thought that Angel, who is incredibly skilled with guns, is who actually trained Val how to shoot. I think it would be a cute af bonding activity (back when they were an item not item). And that Angel would probably have bought him a gun once he thought Val knew how to handle it properly. (I'm going to debate if it was Money Shot specifically because I also agree with my bb Plum that Vox probably bought Val that but also like Val is incredibly protective/possessive over anything to do with Angel so....I could see both. Depending on my mood lol.)
Angel Dust doesn't eat pork. That's it, that's the post.
Angel Dust writes a lot of his own songs. I will forever and always HC that Poison was a legit song that played through Hell (maybe NOT including the last verse) because you can't tell me that black fit wasn't a music video. I also know Paranoid DJ is not remotely canon but Use Me Up is a fucking bop so. Angel writes a lot of his music, and uses it as a way to express himself and his feelings.
Angel learned a lot of his speaking patterns from Valentino. Notice that both Val and Angel have a 'voice' that they put on for the public (which sorry to both but is arguably fairly loud and obnoxious). But when they're being themselves, have pretty different voices. Not only does Val sound way different in the finale song, but we see how different he is when he's talking directly to Angel rather than his 'public persona'. Angel is the same. And I bet he learned that from Val, that a good celebrity is a complete act, voice included.
Angel Dust doesn't know how to read. I said what I said. Well, he does NOW, but he didn't when he first died. As mentioned, he went to Catholic school, which not only doesn't teach too much about reading directly, but he was pulled out constantly. I THOROUGHLY BELIEVE that he did not read the contract, not only because he trusted Valentino to protect him, but because he was unable to. Honestly Angel also strikes me as the type with undiagnosed dyslexia, so. He learned how to read over time, but he didn't fully know what he was signing. (And don't tell me it's because he is too dumb to sit and read that whole thing. He's an incredibly smart boy. He knows how to manipulate things. He wouldn't just sign his soul over without knowing what the fine print said).
Contrary to popular belief, I don't think Angel would initiate anything with Husk. He took the hint, he backed off. It's so obvious he's head over heels, but since their talk in Loser Baby, he hasn't really hit on him much by his standards. Kind of a ball is in his court thing. And then when they finally get together, Angel is so timid to initiate sex because he doesn't want to come off as 'fake' or just in it for that, so he just goes insane (see manic episode) until Husk feels ready.
If you disrespect the Italian language at all, he is so going to hit you in the face. This includes comparing Italian to other languages. He doesn't care how close it is to Spanish - they are different languages with different dialects and he gets fussy.
I've mentioned this before, but Angel is actually incredibly good at respecting boundaries. He pushes them, but he also knows when no means no. It's why we stop seeing him hitting on Alastor after Episode 1. As someone who has had his boundaries crossed and pummeled and consent taken away, he isn't going to do that to others. He knows when to back off.
Angel hates Travis. That's it, that's the post. We know per the pilot that Travis uses Angel off the clock (yes, per Angel's consent, but I'm getting there) for sex 'under the table.' You're telling me that fuckass works at the studio and hasn't tried to get with Angel multiple times? Thinks that because he works for Val that he also has access to Hell's hottest porn star? Yeah, fuck that guy.
Okay I thiiiiiiiiink that's all for now. Will more come up? I am guaranteed they will. But it's been awhile since I've done a good HC drop.
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realmythsmoved · 9 months
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character 💻 ― excellent writing 🎙️ ― great to talk to 🎀 ― all-around kind person 🥇 ― well-developed oc 🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend — AND since these are geared toward you tagging other blogs to send love, I just want to add in a personal tidbit of my own to say that I think you're an amazing mun, even though we are new mutuals, you seem really sweet and I'm super excited to continue writing with you and your awesome muses!
adfghjkl; thank you so much! That's so sweet of you <3 I look forward to writing more with you as well. Your muses are equally amazing. And you seem like such a lovely mun as well. <3 This is so kind, thank you! <3
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
@okruchlodu - This mun's portrayal of Yennefer is *chefs kiss* beautiful. I am so so so lucky that this lovely mun is one of my mains. I adore every single thread we have and look forward to more in the future. Not only does this mun bring Yennefer to life wonderfully, they are also just all around a talented writer. And a lovely person OOC as well. Anyone who's not already, go follow! You won't regret it. Ciri and I recommend it :) <3
💻 ― excellent writing
@ferinehuntress - Panda, I am constantly blown away by not only the beauty and skill you demonstrate with your writing, but also how you write longer threads so easily. I hope to one day get to that stage. Haha! No but seriously, Panda is such a great, talented writer. I adore reading not only our threads, but her threads with others. And I'm never disappointed. I only hope to demonstrate even a tenth of the skill of this wonderful mun. Go follow rn! You won't regret it. Go follow, or Vi will glare at you. And you don't want that :P And I absolutely recommend this wonderful mun. <3
🎙️ ― great to talk to
Besides the two muns I've already mentioned, who I love talking to OOC, I'm going to go with.... @bewitchingbaker ! We haven't spoken extensively OOC but whenever we have, the mun has been extremely kind. And I adore writing with them, so much. I love the relationships we're developing with Esme and Farryn. And hopefully we will eventually have a thread with Hope as well. That'd be great. Go follow if you're not already. Esme and I recommend it :) <3
🎀 ― all-around kind person
@uncxntrxllable - You didn't think I'd forget you, did you? We're newer mutuals like you said, but just the fact that you went out of your way to add kindness towards me to this ask, shows how lovely you are. I look forward to getting to know you better in the future, and doing much more writing together. And thanks again for your kindness! I really appreciate it. <3
🥇 ― well-developed oc
We're not even following each other on this blog (yet), but I have to shout out Enza @amcthystdreams for such well-developed OCs. Listen, I would follow this mun anywhere. And I have. I swear, this mun could write the personification of paint drying, and I'd follow. I swear, Enza would find a way to make even that interesting. The OCs on this blog are so so so well-developed. I adore and admire this mun for having such a variety of muses, all of whom I look forward to getting to know and writing with. Keep up the good work, Enza. Keep writing your OCs, because I for one, absolutely adore them. And everyone who isn't, go follow Enza! If you like my OCs, you'll absolutely love theirs. Go follow now! <3
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
Besides all the muns I've already mentioned, I'm going to go with @lovepurposed ! We're newer mutuals and haven't really got a thread going (yet). But I absolutely LOVE (pun completely intended) this mun's OCs. I love how in-depth the mun gets in their writing, and I adore their aesthetic as well. Overall, their blog is just so beautiful and well-done. Keep up the good work, Orion! And everyone who isn't yet, go follow Orion. Again, if you like my OCs, you'll absolutely love theirs. Go follow now! <3
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mercuryday · 6 months
heyyyyy y’all… i’m peyton [sh/th, 21+, cst—also the mun of selena, hyeon, mouse & dabin] and i’m stoked to be bringing you guys another older character of mine, hwang daesung/dylan hwang. the tl;dr on dylan is that he’s a dude soooo fixated on being the life of the party that he’s actually not the life of the party at all 😓 you can view his stats here, his pinterest here and read all about him under the cut.
dylan hwang, born june 14, 1997 in santa monica, ca, usa to a rock musician/producer/blue collar worker father and a hairstylist mother :~) dylan was their first and only child and he was absolutely cherished. his parents were deeply in love, and you could tell that dylan was a product of that—a very bright, happy, confident kid who took after his father in particular.
he had an interest in music from a young age and would frequently accompany his father to his band’s practice sessions and/or studio recordings; but he didn’t only think the music stuff was cool, he also admired how hard of a worker his dad always was and how he still made time for his family and never seemed tired like…… the most he ever complained about was a headache. in dylan’s eyes, that man was a superhero!!!
also has an uncle (on his dad’s side) who’s cool as hell too; owned a record store in queens and babysat dylan often when he was little and both parents were busy. cool cool guy
but he had a harder time connecting with his mom as she was the more practical adult in his life—very much “good cop/bad cop” and unfortunately she was the bad cop, LOL. making dylan let her cut his hair whilst his dad encouraged him to grow it out, lecturing him for climbing trees in the neighborhood, no sweets before breakfast type deal like… she wasn’t evil AT ALL, just irritating sometimes lmfao
anywayyyy… TW CHRONIC ILLNESS, DEATH / when dylan was 14, his dad went to see a doctor for the aforementioned headaches he’d been having; this turned out to be a series of growths in his brain—he passed away within the same year / END TW
tl;dr dylan lost his dad in 2012, and it turns out his dad was the glue that was holding him and his mom together as well; rather than grieve and heal together, an irreparable distance grew and it definitely didn’t help that dylan was 14… the most evil age ever??? was extremely unkind to his mom, made her cry a lot, the house was silent most of the time with them even learning to have their meals at separate times
dylan really leaned into music more than ever around this time, and even more so once his mom realized she couldn’t pay the bills on her own and needed to go back to south korea and live with her parents for a while; dylan was extremely americanized by this point and didn’t speak korean on a native level, so he felt isolated as all hell in seoul—luckily his uncle richie moved to seoul along with them to stay close to dylan so at least he wasn’t stranded in unfamiliar territory with no one who he felt like he could lean on
his mom’s parents gave her a small loan to start her own salon in jongno-gu and richie relocated his music store to the nakwon musical instrument arcade, where it still is today; needless to say, they adjusted surprisingly quickly and, in a way, dylan felt like he was the only one still grieving and consequently was being left behind (which is not true but yk he was an angsty teenager)
had a lot of sadness and frustration with nowhere to go, and from about 15 to 18 he was a problem child :( picking fights, treating the people around him like shit, getting kicked out of school, etc etc
but around 18 he got a very humbling reality check and has been striving to be better ever since/striving to be someone his dad would be proud of—his relationship with his mom is still quite complicated because, like i mentioned before, he ended up getting kicked out of school which was NOTTTT cool… eventually got his ged, but. should not have happened that way. and she’s consistently asked him to pursue something other than music with his life as she doesn’t want to watch him waste his life chasing a pipe dream, but that remains the only thing that he really wants to do; he does help out at her salon on occasion and she talks about how she wishes he would come on full-time so they could spend more time together and she wouldn’t spend all day worrying about him, but 🤷‍♂️ he really doesn’t want to cut hair for the rest of his life. mostly nice to her now, but never gave her a proper apology for the fucked up shit he said to her before/the way that he treated her, and is still prone to lashing out when she gets on his nerves—familiarity breeds contempt type vibe.
after he was kicked out of school, he started working for his uncle richie at his music store as a sales associate; is still there to this day, but has job-hopped quite a bit over the years… richie always takes him back when he inevitably quits or gets fired. nowadays, he’s operating as a sales associate/instrument and record player repair tech/halfass assistant store manager like… what does he not do? he acts like he owns the place.
started a band in 2019, tentatively called both haze and through the haze (sounds like: silica gel, thornapple) depending on who you’re asking. a psychedelic rock band with a bunch of random ass influences; slow start, but they’ve been gaining a fair bit of traction recently. not quite known internationally, but most people in the jongno-gu area know the name and they play shows in the area often, as well as being invited to perform at independent rock festivals throughout the year. still…. the band’s not paying the bills, so 🤷‍♂️ they can’t quit their day jobs yet…
here he is now: a 26 (almost 27) year old man still doing the same shit he was doing 5 years ago, seemingly at a standstill in life. personality-wise, he’s very kind and humorous—forever trying to make up for the jackass that he was as a teenager, feels the best when he’s making people smile or laugh. treats everyone he encounters like they’re special to him in some way, “because they are”. much more intelligent than he’s given credit for, but lives as a piece of comedic relief instead of letting his skills (beyond music) show. absolute party animal, can outdrink anyone and can go for hours; hosts a lot of afterparties following haze’s shows, so stop by if you’re looking for a good time. a candle burning at both ends, but if you don’t look too close, you can’t tell; has an alcohol problem, but 🤷‍♂️ claims that it “comes with the territory” and “is no big deal”. friendly, well-meaning guy who never made peace with his grief and has to be fucked up to feel good, and no matter what levels of success he reaches, it never feels good enough. like i said before, he treats people like they’re special but fails to maintain meaningful relationships as he runs from commitment in any form and wants to know a lot of people a little bit rather than know a few people really good. lonely lonely man.
plot ideas
i always say this, but: i love extensive plotting, so if you're trying to discuss all the little details and build a strong storyline together, i'm your girl! however, i'm also 100% game to get a loose idea together, jump in and see how it develops. that said, here are some small ideas:
naturally, dylan's band members. the band has been around since 2019, but the current members do not have to be original. if/when these spots are taken, i would like to get together and discuss the band's dynamic as a whole as well! currently seeking: bassist, lead guitarist, drummer.
a friend around dylan's age (born '96 to '98 ideally) who he met when he first moved to seoul in 2013. they've been friends for 11 years now, so this is someone who knows dylan better than anyone else in his life, and his #1 supporter but also his biggest critic - they see how toxic/unhealthy his behavior is and call him out on his bs, which quite frankly scares him LMFAOOOO so maybe there's a little distance between them now that's never been there before? let's figure out the details together
musicians who often come to spins & needles for things like guitar strings, picks, cords, various music equipment, etc etc... connections he's made this way who don't have their own band, but sometimes fill in if a member of haze is unable to play a show? connections who DO have their own band and sometimes open for haze or vice versa? jam session buddies, young/budding musicians who think dylan's way cooler than he actually is, someone who just really loves music and drops in to chat the shit with dylan.
an ex-girlfriend, probably someone introduced to dylan by his mom as she used to frequent his mom's salon. they dated for a while, but dylan wasn't serious about her/wasn't willing to settle down at the time while she was wanting a partner who could be husband material. sorry!
a random ass eclectic friend group... people who have absolutely nothing in common with dylan, but they have a great time together anyway.
party friends, and ultimately, bad influences on each other - constantly pushing each other's limits, waking up with gnarly hangovers and doing it all again the next night. perhaps these are friends who dylan will grow apart from throughout his development as he tries to steer away from drinking, but that's a bridge to cross in the future!!!
let him have his christopher wilde (from starstruck, for those who don't know) moment... someone who doesn't like him/has been talking shit about how he's "pretentious" or whatever and now he's fixating on making them change their mind. "you don't like me? but you don't even know me.. i think... i think if you knew me, you would really like me" monologue type beat.
etc etc etc... open to anything!!!
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fledercanons · 5 months
What are some muses you've considered / want to write?
I've considered a lot of muses over the years, but lately it comes down to just a few.
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I, at one point, considered adding Oliver as a muse, but ultimately opted him out to write Copper instead. Kid muses are nice, but when you have innocent blank slates like that, they kind of tend to mesh together in terms of portrayal and they start to feel redundant. I instead started using Oliver as a mun FC.
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I'm still somewhat considering Garfield as a muse, though more canon-divergent to where he walks on all fours more often and has more catlike traits.
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Medic is another I've considered, but I'm extremely on the fence about. My interpretation of him would be very canon-divergent, wherein he lives in modern day as a doctor and goes by the first name Ludwig. I don't think I can, in good conscience, justify putting Ludwig on a blog like this one, and that's because his writing contains extremely sensitive topics that I don't think many people are comfortable with even knowing about. More rambling under the readmore if anyone's interested:
I like bloodthirsty medic. I do. But I don't follow the concept of him being evil or bloodthirsty just for the sake of it. I like the idea more along the lines of him killing in a sense of self-justice. He tracks down people that he thinks are deserving of death penalty — This, of course, usually being pedophiles and sexual assault suspects. People who harm children, people who harm those that can't defend themselves. Essentially, he's a doctor, yes, but under the surface, he also enacts brutal killings and goes mad with a sense of power and superiority.
Outside of this, he just seems like a normal guy. Kind of a self-absorbed prick, kind of a know-it-all, nice and intimidating, but when he gets close to someone, he's sweet as can be. He bakes for them, brews tea, he makes sure they're comfortable, etc.
idk. I feel a little nervous just posting about him because I'm not sure how big of a backlash would come from a violent and sensitive concept like this. Back in the day when I wrote with [REDACTED], he became a sort of comfort character to cope with the fact I would never get justice for what happened to me. I was bitter about that for a long time.
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byakugoseal · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: As someone new to the naruto rpc are there any blogs you would recommened following? I wanted to ask you because you seem pretty active
               Unprompted messages for the mun // ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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☆    ━━ Hi nonnie, welcome to the RPC! Yes, there are quite a few blogs I would recommend. However, let me preface by saying that I follow a lot of people and there are SO MANY blogs that I would recommend. I would love to gush about each and everyone of them but we would be here all day! I want to say that only picking a few of you guys was extremely hard because I want to scream from the rafters about all of you! Without further ado, here are a few of the blogs I would recommend (but please know I would gush about all of you if I could!!):
*Please note these are in no particular order**  There are SO MANY more of you that I would LOVE to promote and gush about your portrayals and I will do that in time! Please know that even if you were NOT mentioned here I would 100000% always recommend you!
@xmpereur​​ - So I’ve been following Dollita for a few weeks now and I absolutely love everything about their blog!! Their writing is phenomenal, eloquent, and truly beautiful! I cannot stress enough how much their world building brings Sasuke to life in a completely refreshing way. I am in awe with our current thread we have (and I do owe a reply which will be coming soon) because Dollita effortlessly breathes life into Sasuke’s character and truly captures his inner thoughts and emotions! Sasuke (in my opinion) is a complex character with a very deep and rich history that influences their motives behind every action. Dollita brings these influences and motivations to life without outwardly having to tell you why Sasuke is doing what he is doing. I cannot stress enough how much I love the aesthetic of their blog, their writing, and portrayal of Sasuke! 
@annienne​​ - Annie!! I absolutely LOVE every single one of Annie’s portrayals, she has a true knack for bringing everyone to life! I do believe that she has a true talent for writing and I can genuinely hear her characters’ voices in her dialogue. She has a wealth of muses across various fandoms and writes them all so well. Like everyone on this list, she is a very talented RP partner and has a muse for many fandoms. I absolutely love their Juvia and Hao so so much (well, I love all of their portrayals but I just want to gush about two of them for a moment). Shaman King is one of my favorite series ever and Annie does a phenomenal job adding depth to Hao’s character and brining their motivations to life in a refreshing way. Her Juvia is topnotch and I cannot stress enough how well she is written! But we are here to talk about Naruto muses so let me tell you how well written her Naruto and Tobirama are! She does these characters justice and gives them new life with every post she makes! 
@kanashimitohiai​​ - Pie where to begin? I adore every one of their portrayals. I absolutely love their take on Haku is should be a canon member of Team Seven thanks!! Pie is such a sweet person and I adore all of interactions be it in character or OOC when we are screaming about our muses together via discord! From canon characters to OCs’ I absolutely love every single one of Pie’s muses! Whilst I could write and gush about ALL their muses let me just tell you how amazing their Haku and Sasuke is!! The characters are brought to life with depth and ease on this blog and I do recommend you check them out! I will protect their Lee with everything I got, Lee is Sakura’s buddy!
@maitiest​​ - I have said once and I will say it again I ADORE Kaddy’s blog with every fiber in my being! Gosh do I love their Lee so so much! I will always stan this blog no matter what! I know I have said this statement before BUT to take a character and truly make it your own, to write them in such a way that it becomes THE CANON character I associate with when I think about their characters is no easy feet. However, Kaddy does this with ease. Sakura would protect their Lee and even Gai with her life! I absolutely love the world building they have done for Lee and Gai
@godsand​ / @fowleyes​​ - AMY!!! boy oh boy does Amy write ALL their muses PHENOMINALLY! They do every character they write justice and breathe such life into all of them. She brings all her characters voices to the forefront and brings to life each and every one of their motivations, inner feelings and morality to life. The characters she writes come to life with eloquence and raw emotion. From talking OOC to interacting in character I am always in awe with Amy, from their talent to their kindness! No matter the fandom or what blog they are on I will ALWAYS give Amy a follow and scream from the rooftops about how well written all of their blogs are!
@chidoried​ / @writelives​ / @writemuse​​ - I cannot stress enough how TALENTED Blossom is! All the muses they write and SO well written and come to life in the prose of their writing. From talking OOC about our characters to interacting in character I always love whatever interaction comes my way from this talented writer! From their canon characters to their OCs all of them are written beautifully. I am always in awe of everything they post because she truly does understand all of her characters! I love everything about ALL of their blogs and posts! While I haven’t known Blossom for too long, I am truly lucky to be mutuals with someone as talented as she is! 
@ournindos​​ - So I have known Trevor for QUITE a long time now, a few years if memory serves. Trevor is extremely talented with all the muses they write and has such refreshing ideas for every single one of his muses. He has a plethora of muses across various fandoms and each and every one of them are very well written! He truly has a good understanding on Naruto from how his childhood impacts him in adulthood to how experiences in life have shaped him into the man he has become in Boruto! 
@ofsavior​​ - While Madi may not have a Naruto muse, I cannot miss an opportunity to express my love for them and their blog! We have been following one another from pretty much my first step on to Tumblr. From their Dabi adopting my Eri to Gray and Erza sharing moments together and learning from one another to EVERY other interaction we have had over the years I am always in support and awe of everything Madi does! Madi is a very talented writer and a super kind mun, someone I consider myself lucky to be friends with! No matter what blog I am on I will ALWAYS follow Madi’s blog without hesitation. One day I will revive Erza to continue to pester Gray with her crush on him ♡
So this post is getting long and I need to stop myself before I tag all of my mutuals! Everyone here mentioned is wicked talented and bring their muse(s) to life. I will always recommend these blogs no matter what! I think you should consider checking them out. 
Now, for everyone I did not mention please note I think you are all wicked talented and I felt very bad for having to only mention a few of you. Please note that just because I did not mention you hear DOES NOT mean I do not love your blog (because I do love it)! You are wicked talented and bring you muse to life in such a remarkable way! I will, in time of course, I will gush about you. If you were not mentioned please feel free to jump into my asks so I can gush about you on the dash if you would like!
Nonnie, thank you for your question (though I do feel rather badly for having to only pick a few of my mutuals). I think that everyone I follow is so unbelievably talented that I constantly count myself as lucky for being mutuals with them!
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lavenderrpages · 8 months
Bold all that applies, italicize things that conditionally or somewhat apply, and strikeout anything that's a hard "no" (if applicable).
tagged by: @ghostsxagain thank you, sweet one !
I run: lots of blogs || a few blogs || just this one ( im hardly on my personal. ) I follow back: muses in the same fandom || only muses who interest me || fandomless muses || friends of mutuals || only members of a closed rp group || everyone I am active: more days than not || as often as not || some days here and there || depending on my work/school schedule || rarely || I'm often lurking even when I don't seem active In terms of overall themes for rps, I like: fluff || angst || action || casual interactions || intense interactions || crack (say crack again.) || first meetings || platonic rp || shipping/romantic rp || threads || ask memes || prompts As for length, I prefer: one-liners || single-para threads || multi-para threads || novella || different lengths depending on my mood For shipping, I am: multiship || single ship || poly ship || no ship || plotted ships only|| open to new ships || not looking for new ships || mostly or exclusively looking for high engagement ship partners || mostly or exclusively looking for casual or low engagement ship partners || not picky about ships || somewhat picky about ships || extremely picky about ships I like to plot: everything || most interactions || some interactions || first interactions || nothing || threads || everything but memes and crack || ships || family relationships || history/backstory for our muses contact me ooc: anytime || to plot || if you're confused or have questions in general || to remind me to reply || sparingly || only if it's really important I give out alternate methods of contact (Discord, phone number, etc.) to: close friends || mutuals || anyone who asks || people I've spent a lot of time talking to already || ship partners || members of a certain rp group || no one
tagging: anyone. bc....lazy, and you wanna.
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manufactoredxbyxdesign · 10 months
Good afternoon/night
When I first came to you, I was extremely nervous but pleasantly surprised to see that the mun and character were both extremely fun to write and see across my bored. You make this evil rat of a man and give him so much life and love in every thread you do. It's amazing to see just how much you can write and still seemingly keep a thread going on for what seems like forever with still as much passion for what you're writing as when you first started. It's been a pleasure having you as a mutual and being able to see you grow and mold wesker into your own.
Your secret Santa 🎅
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[You have no idea how much I appreciate hearing that. I'm glad you enjoy this silly rat man and his never-ending antics. Thank you so much for the sweet message.]
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ftwpositiviity · 2 years
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ANONYMOUS SAID;  I absolutely adore @ubcs & @alphateamsfinest — their threads together are always a delight & I absolutely love reading them when they appear on my dash! Both of the muns seems extremely sweet and I hope to reach out and talk to them more. This is mostly me saying: you two are extremely talented and, I promise you, your writing is captivating. I love seeing both of you guys around and rping with each other. ❤️
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An extremely fluffy Drabble where Denji is feeling very cuddly and horny for his loved one, Tsubasa Connor, please? 🙏🥺
(I read your thread with them. These two would be the death of me)
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((I know right? These two will be the death of someone. Though, I can write something for you no problem. Just give me a second.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
Light laughter was heard from a room while Tsubasa was sitting down while holding a very cuddly Denji in his arm. He was coming to visit him again while enjoying his company for a while. He was blushing with eyes closed, resting his head into Tsubasa's chest.
"You are seriously adorable. Why are you so precious?" Tsu smiled holding him with fingers running through his hair. He didn't mind this but saw Denji only nuzzling against him more.
"I don't know..I don't feel like I am but I'm alright with that." He mutters softly just savoring this gentle closeness and touch. Tsubasa was so warm and so relaxing. Even soft.
"But that's not true. You are precious to me. You always were precious and cuddly it seems." He smiled gently but only rests her head on his head to see him happily to see Tsu just massaging his back hearing him shivering.
"Your touches are so nice....this is really really nice." he whispered not letting Tsubasa go.
"Awwww, you are too cute.." Tsubasa said sweetly to him but saw Denji nuzzling more to sit up looking at him. "????" As he looks at him he didn't move to remain quiet.
"Whats wrong Denji?" he asked sweetly till he hugs him to fall on the couch that he winces being held more. "Denji-"
"I'm sorry..I just..I really like your touches and how sweet you are to me...I just..I wanted to feel more of it. More of your love...please? I know I may be a worthless dog to others but...Please..I want to be loved....I..I'm a good dog...I'm a good good do..dog..." He said this in Tsu's chest hugging him that Tsubasa's eyes widen in worry to hold him. Just what was that just now?
"I.....want to feel real love...I want to feel your love...please.." He begs now kissing his neck while Tsubasa was holding him still speechless worried more even if he was feeling his cheek heat up. That was not the right time to think of that while rubbing his back.
"There there, Denji, it's alright...I'm here." he whispered while feeling Denji still hugging and nuzzling him.
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ariadnassecretdiary · 2 years
Under this damn contract
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Summary: Ariadna was just your average college student that suddenly found herself in a tight situation: she woke up inside her favorite novel! Well, isn’t that nice~? WRONG! She reincarnated as a support character whose fate is to end up dead, victim of the novel’s villain Kino, who’s thirst for blood and power makes him extremely dangerous! Right now, she’s one year ahead from the tragedy so Ariadna’s only choice is to find a way to survive. Ari must do anything in her power in order to avoid the destiny that was given to her. The question now is: will she make it?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, […]
Chapter 5: Let the show begin
Mun Ari: You don’t have any idea how happy it made me reading all your lovely comments, you lovely people! I can’t describe how much it encourages me to keep on writing! I’m giving my all in this story, I love it so much that I think about it 24/7! When I write it I get excited and I’m equally excited when I post it, waiting for your reaction and comments! >///< With all this said, I hope you like this chapter as well!
Anyway, enjoy~
Right in the center of the attention, Ari felt drained. The overwhelming feeling of being cheered about something that put her and everyone lives she cared about in the line was the worst feeling. She wouldn’t wish such feelings, not even to her worst enemy. That’s why she felt so drained afterwards. After such an extravagant show, Kino ordered for the ozlet to be prepared for Ari to take with her back home. Everyone then moved to the tent area in order to enjoy the grand banquet held afterwards.
Ari stayed behind, hoping to skip it when she spotted Isaac. When their eyes found each other, he smiled and approached her.
“Lady Ariadna” he said.
Isaac’s smile was warm, which made Ari’s heart hurt. She must have made him feel hurt or humiliated by not accepting his gift and choosing Kino’s gift instead.
“I’m so sorry your Highness” she bowed apologetically “I hurt your feelings by not accepting your gift, I hope you’ll forgive my offense”.
“Don’t worry my lady” he replied in a soft voice “A lady has the right to accept or deny any gift that’s offered to her. Especially in this kind of event”.
(He’s so kind… if he only knew I wanted to accept his gift genuinely, but instead was forced to accept Kino’s) she felt guilty by his kindness.
“Still, I apologize,” Ari insisted.
There was a small silence, where Ariadna thought he might get annoyed by her insistence.
“You’re so thoughtful and caring for other’s feelings… that’s incredible” he said in a sweet tone.
Soon Ari raised her eyes and then Isaac offered her the foxiner already clean.
“You can take it, it’s going to be cold on your way back home. It’ll keep you warm.”
Ariadna wanted to refuse, mostly because she was worried about Kino's reaction. Still, she wanted to accept it as a way to remember him.
(That’s right… I need to stay away from me. He was in danger once, if he keeps getting in contact with me I’ll place him in danger again) Ari thought.
Still, she extended her hand and took the foxiner.
“Thank you, your highness” she smiled and Isaac seemed pleased with Ari’s decision.
They finally parted ways, however as much as Ari wanted to leave as she initially intended… There was a change in plans.
After all: by accepting Kino’s present, the winner’s present, she became the winner as well. Therefore, she was obligated to attend the banquet after the exhibition as they were the guests of honor.
She made her way to the carp where the banquet was being held. Before entering, she gave Sir Twain the foxiner to keep it safe until the banquet was over. As soon as she entered, she was greeted by nobles who were basically strangers to her. When she was able to make her way to her table, Kino was already there waiting for her. He looked at her disapprovingly.
Ari made a huge effort not to turn her eyes in annoyance. She took place next to him and almost immediately were served by the servants.
“It took you some time to arrive” he mentioned in a whisper, loud enough for her to listen to him.
“I’m already here, so there’s nothing to worry about,” she replied as she contemplated the food, not really hungry.
A small silence followed and Ari couldn’t help, but feel uncomfortable about the situation.
“Your acting skills were good enough, but you need to work on them for the future,” Kino commented.
“I-I did my best, but I could have done better if–”
“If I knew the plan beforehand”.
Ari managed to say it and by the corner of her eye, she tried to see what kind of reaction he had. His expression was serious, as if meditating on whether he should answer or not.
“I’ll let it go this time, but next time you better work harder” he simply replied.
“I will, but I’ll need better instructions next time,” Ari said cautiously.
“I’ll take care of it” Kino simply replied, seemingly more interested in eating his food than their conversation.
(That won’t do. I need to know just what exactly he is planning) Ari thought as she grabbed her skirt between her fists in nervousness (Why does he need me? What is my role in his plan?).
Ari gathered all her courage and spoke once again.
“What are you planning?” she whispered nervously.
He finally looked at her, his expression serious and somehow Ari felt he was analyzing her. Ari held both her breath and his gaze. After some minutes, he returned to his gaze to his food.
“That’s not something you have to know”.
“However,” he interrupted her protests, “taking into consideration your performance today… I guess it can’t be helped”.
“But not here. It is not information to discuss in public” he replied.
Ari nodded, but she felt relieved she managed to convince him.
The banquet continued without incidents. Ari couldn’t manage to take her fill having Kino nearby due to her nervousness. The debut event officially came to an end and Ari couldn’t be more relieved. She wanted to go straight home, back to the safety of Iberitia and to rest. Because Ari had experienced a state of stress all trip long and wanted to charge her battery and think of another plan to fix the problems she got herself into. As her personnel hurried to prepare everything to get on their way, Ari heard someone calling for her. When Ari turned around she found herself with the butler that accompanied Kino at the beginning of the hunting exhibition.
“Lady Ariadna, can you please spare a minute of your time?” he asked her.
“I’m really in a hurry…”
“It won’t take long. I came on behalf of my master to deliver a message from him”.
Ari tensed, but she knew it was better to listen to his message at least so she simply nodded.
“He ordered me to deliver this letter and…” he proceeded to hand her an envelope as he continued “he says that you'd better be ready, you’ll hear about me very soon”.
Ari felt a goosebump travel through her body, but limite herself to simply thank him and went inside her carriage. As soon as she did, all her people started their journey back to Iberitia.
(I shouldn’t have come… everything ended up worse than it already was) Ari looked outside the carriage’s window sadly (I wonder if the original Ariadna encountered Kino in her debut… or is something I caused).
Ari felt vertigo, her heart beating on her chest and having a hard time calming her breathing. She couldn’t have a panic attack now, she had to clear her mind in order to come up with another strategy to solve it. She had to think of something, to protect her family and the people in Iberitia.
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Some days have passed since Ari came back from the Imperial city. She tossed and turned trying to come with a back up plan to get away from Kino. She had to stay away from him, but at the same time to avoid him to destroy Iberitia and everyone living in it. Her peace only lasted those days since the debut, because a raven then came to her home. She was in her room by her desk studying, when she heard a knock by her window. She raised her eyes and found a crow trying to get her attention. She got up and went to open the window and as soon as she did the raven entered her room.
“Hi, little one” she greeted the raven “What are you doing here? Are you lost?”
She found the raven curious and the raven allowed her to pet its tiny head. The raven then pulled a piece of paper from its claws. Ari took it and just as she was thinking how marvelous ravens were for being so intelligent, she felt her heart dropping to the ground. It came from no other than Kino himself.
“Ariadna: Get ready, because I was invited to see Marquisess Jennevieve. Naturally, you’ll come with me as my partner. In the way, I’ll give you the details. See you in three days from now.
P.S: I think I don’t have to remind you that you can’t refuse, do I? And burn this letter as I don’t want to leave evidence of our agreement.
(WHAT A JERK!) Ari blurted as she threw the paper to the floor (WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS!? AND THE WAY HE REFERRED TO ME!!).
She grabbed the paper once again and threw it into the fire. After all, he was right that it would be an inconvenience for their agreement to be discovered. How would she be able to explain it to her parents? Or worse…
She looked at the paper turning into ashes, taking their secret with it.
(He could accelerate his killing spree if I open my mouth carelessly) she thought.
She grabbed another piece of paper and wrote:
“I understand. Send me the address and details to prepare myself. I’ll see you there when the time comes.
Lady Ariadna.”
She rolled her letter and tied it in the raven’s foot. She then saw the raven parted and wondered: just what exactly was Kino planning and expecting from her?
The next day, the raven (she deduced it was the same from the previous day) returned with a bigger paper this time. It contained information from Marquisess Jennevieve and most importantly the essential of how Kino was expecting her to look and behave. Ari wanted to burn that last part from the message, but she had to obey in order for things to go smoothly. She studied hard and investigated on her own about the marquisess as she didn’t want to ruin things. Finally, the day came and in a specific spot Ari met with Kino once again.
“Oh my~ I didn’t expect for my lady to accept my invitation with such a short notice~"was the first thing he mentioned once they were face to face “not to mention coming with her bodyguard as well”.
Ari could sense his disapproval, but she felt safer with Sir Twain by her side at a party with total strangers.
“I apologize, your Grace” she said in a faked apologetic tone “My parents insisted I was accompanied by Sir Twain as I just recently made my debut and I’m still new to social gatherings”.
It was true that Ariadna’s parents wanted her to be constantly guarded, but if they hadn’t suggested it last night she would have still brought him with her.
“Sir Twain from Ilgor, your Grace” Sir Twain bowed respectfully as he introduced himself “At your service”.
Kino bowed, but looked with disapproval at Ariadna.
“Shall we go?” Ari said, ignoring his glance.
Sir Twain rode his horse, joining the guards Kino brought himself. Kino helped Ariadna enter his carriage and as soon as they closed the door, they continued their way.
“Just in time~ If you had delayed a minute more, it would have cost you~" Kino said in the privacy of the carriage.
“I supposed as much” Ari sighed “So… c-could you please explain to me what is going to be this party strategy?”
“Eager, are we?” he mocked her “It’s quite easy actually: I was approached by Marquisess Jennevieve when you left and I was getting ready to leave myself. She was so impressed about my performance at the hunting exhibition and the prey that gave me the victory, that she invited me to her home. She wants to get to know me and introduce me to some of her friends”.
“I see” Ari nodded “Anything else I need to know?”
“Yes: she allowed me to invite someone over, but I never mentioned who. That’s where you come in. I’ll bring you as my partner and introduce you as such. They think I’m just a lucky man that won the competition and it was impressive I stole the victory over that pathetic prince, but if I arrive with a remarkable partner… the story changes”.
“Me? But I just made my debut, so I don’t understand what role I play in this…”
“You are not just some noble lady: you are the daughter of Marquis Kozumi. Although he is a noble that keeps his profile low, he’s still well known and respected in the high circles. By bringing you along, it’ll cause quite the commotion and that’s exactly what I’m looking for” he said as he raised a finger, pointing at himself “I also made my debut recently and my name as well as my land is unknown, but yours comes from a long history. Your family specifically may not be very influential in the nobility, but at least they’re known. The influence in this kingdom comes mostly from popularity rather than money or title… so we need exactly that”.
“Popularity? And how we’ll…?”
Kino smiled as he proceeded:
“By giving them exactly what they like: entertainment. The nobility lives for rumors and they pay special attention to good stories that will provide them with material for rumors to flow”.
Ari opened her eyes. She understood now, why he insisted on making a ‘credible performance’ specially in front of everyone at the hunting exhibition.
“What is better than a story? A love story. A love story that was born in no other place than the debut event itself. We’ll make it so credible that all nobles will hear about it. We’ll make them talk about it so much that even higher circles will want to have even a small taste of the story WE’LL provide them. They won’t be able to resist”.
Ari was impressed at how he came up with such a plan in such a short amount of time. It was true that the more popular you were in the Makai, the more influence and therefore power you’ll get. It soon made even more sense: Kino was aiming to be so popular that he’ll get access to the highest circle of them all… the imperial family. Just as the nobles, they also were fanatics of juicy rumors.
(By having everything they want, their lives must be so boring they crave to distract themselves with rumors. It didn’t matter what type: a rumor is a rumor) Ari thought (After all… that’s somehow the exact same thing he did in the novel. He charmed everyone and earned their trust to work on his plans in the shadows. No one suspected him until it was really too late).
This time, however, it was going to be harder. Being a prince allowed him to enter the palace easier, but now that he didn't have Isaac’s title, he had to start from the bottom of the popularity ladder. At least, he got himself the daughter of a marquis to begin with…
“We have arrived” Kino took her out of her thoughts “Now, just follow my lead and let me handle everything, ok? One wrong move or incoherence of information and is game over… for you I mean~”
Ari gulped. Kino would make sure he won no matter what: even if that meant taking the lives of not just her, but everyone in Iberitia if he had to. Ari braced herself as the carriage came to a stop. The carriage door opened and Kino was the one that got out first. From one moment to the other, his villainous facade changed into that of a charming duke as he offered her his hand to help her get out of the carriage.
“My lady,” he said, almost mocking her right in front of everyone's faces.
Ari wanted to slap his smile right there, but she simply smiled.
“Thank you, your Grace”.
She took his hand and prepared to enter Marquisess Jennevieve’s mansion where a small party was being held, although for Ari it felt more like a battlefield. And Ari thought that it was going to be the first one of many to come…
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The living room from Marquisess Jennevieve’s mansion was exquisitely decorated with refined furniture and paintings in every wall. Ari was impressed that no matter where she looked, there was a fancy detail in every corner. Yet as soon as she zoned out, Kino pulled her from her arm to guide her across it, following the butler that received them by the entrance. As soon as they found themselves by a door, the butler opened and they saw a small table set in a terrace. There was a small group of five people gathered by the table and by the head a middle aged woman looked their way. Soon the small conversation came to an end and everyone was looking at them. Ari felt tensed and nervous by their stares. She froze, intimidated as she had never been someone good at socializing. She wanted to retrieved and as she was to back up, she felt Kino’s arm stopping her and slightly pulling her closer to him. She felt that action as a warning to behave and follow him in every action.
“Your grace” the middle woman greeted them “I’m so glad you accepted my invitation”.
Ari guessed that the middle aged woman at the head of the table was Marquisess Jennevieve and those around her must be some close friends of hers.
“The pleasure is all mine my lady” Kino greeted.
“I didn’t know his grace would bring someone along with him” Marquisess Jennevieve continued curiously “And who might the young lady be?”
Ari knew she had to present herself as any noble lady should, she could also feel how Kino discreetly tightened her hand before releasing it so she could do so. As she swallowed her nervousness, she proceed:
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Marquisess Jennevieve. My name is Ariadna Koizumi, I’m the youngest daughter of Marquis Koizumi. I hope I’m not intruding on your lovely reunion” she managed to speak without stuttering.
“My my~ the youngest daughter of Marquis Koizumi? The pleasure is all mine!” Marquisess Jennevieve seemed pleased with Ari and urged them to enter “Let me welcome you to my humble home!”
Marquisess Jennevieve urged them to take a seat. As Ari was about to take hers she remained standing up, looking at Kino. He looked at her puzzled and she made him a sign with her eyes towards her chair. He caught the sign and pulled her chair and she seated while he pushed it to its place once again.
“Such a gentleman” Ari heard someone whispering and she almost wanted to face palm herself.
(Wait… did I just help him earn points with these people!? I’m such an idiot!) she sighed and simply let it go.
“I would like to take this opportunity to present to you my guests here present: countess Soladier, viscountess Je’r, baron Hift, marquisess Le’round and baroness Delirè”.
They both greeted them all and soon Marquisess Jennevieve made a sign for her staff to start serving the tea and desserts for the event.
“Your grace, your performance at the hunting exhibition was magnificent” Marquisess Jennevieve continued talking.
“You’re exaggerating, my lady,” Kino replied, apparently humble, but Ari knew better how this attitude was part of his strategy to win nobles in his favor.
(It was the same in the novel. He always knew what to say to charm everyone) Ari thought as she focused on the tea she was being served. (I’ll remain in silence until I’m spoken directly).
Marquisess Jennevieve and her friends kept talking and focusing their attention towards Kino. Just as Kino had told her earlier, he was the center of attention thanks to the hunting exhibition and he caused more intrigue as he just debuted and almost none was known about him. Besides, Ari thought, he truly was charming and sociable on his own. Ari only limited herself to munch her cookies and sip her tea.
“You’re so interesting, your Grace!” Marquisess Jennevieve exclaimed “Please excuse my intromission, but I was wondering: what kind of relationship do you have with Lady Ariadna?”
Ari almost choked on her tea, but quickly composed herself as she had only concentrated on the conversation until she heard her name.
Ari decided to allow Kino to handle things.
“We met at the debut dance and so we danced together” he started explaining “We parted ways and the moment I saw her at the hunting exhibition I knew I had to find a way to talk to her once again”.
Ari noticed how all the women present giggled and squealed in excitement from Kino’s story.
“When I got the victory I made my way towards her and offered her my prey” he said and then took Ari’s hand in his “I'm so glad she accepted it and I took the opportunity to bring her with me to this lovely reunion. I need to take advantage of every opportunity that presents to me to get to know her even more”.
All the ladies seemed delighted by his story and Ari had a hard time not to scoff at the excess of cheesiness in his story.
“Oh~ young love! I remember when I met my husband back in my debut…” Marquisess Jennevieve sighed dreamily.
All the women were commenting their own thoughts regarding the story or personal experiences and Ari took a glimpse at Kino. He was hiding a mocking smirk behind his teacup.
(Of course… These ladies have quite a reputation for spreading rumors in social circles. He accepted this invitation to start building expectations towards ‘our relationship’) Ari thought annoyed. He was very clever. (It’ll be a matter of time until we’ll get invited to more social events… even if we aren’t officially named a couple).
‘What is better than a story? A love story’ Kino had said before arriving at the tea party and he was very right.
In a few more hours, the party came to an end. Ari was drained from all the social interaction that required for her.
“That wasn’t that bad, was it~?” Kino commented on their way back.
“If you say so…” Ari replied uninterested in his sarcasm.
“I think it was a success, of course it was expected from my plan after all~"
Ari didn’t bother to reply this time and only stared out of the window.
“So… what’s the next step?” she asked.
“Wait until we receive another invitation” he replied “If I receive one, you’ll come along and if you do I’ll go with you, easy right?”
“It’s easier said than done…but, for how long?”
Ari heard him chuckle and she finally turned around. When he looked at her, she felt a goosebump run down her spine.
“Easy: until I say so. Until you have served your purpose, that is”.
(I should have known…) Ari sighed and the carriage came to a stop.
The door opened and Kino went out first. As Ari took a step out, her heel slipped and she could only close her eyes waiting for the impact. Yet, she felt how two strong arms caught her before falling. She opened them and found herself embraced by Kino. She would have expected him to let her fall as there weren’t any witnesses to see such an event, but she was wrong.
“You have to try and be less clumsy” he mentioned and he lean into her ear “At least try to be when other people are watching~"
Ari blushed ashamed from her accident and she stood up straight, getting away from him.
“Thank you very much your Grace” Ari bowed “for the evening and for this little incident just now”.
“Don’t mention it, I’m looking forward for our next date”
Ari nodded and turned around, ready to depart into her own carriage.
“There really wasn’t anything enjoyable for you, my lady?” she heard him asking behind her.
Ari paused and after some seconds she replied:
“I dare to say… that the cookies weren’t bad at all”.
She continued and finally settled in her carriage.
As Ari left with all her servants back to her home, Kino stood there.
“It's time to go, master Kino” a guard informed him.
Suddenly, he was startled by the sound of Kino’s laugh.
“I can’t believe she said that,” he said as he returned to his carriage “Oh Lady Ariadna~, you're one of a kind, aren’t you?”
The carriage also made its way to its own destination as Kino was left with his thoughts.
(This is going to be interesting, I can’t wait to see what you can offer to me next time Ariadna).
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It took some days for Kino’s plan to start having effect. It was when Ari has having lunch in her garden that she received an invitation for another tea party, this time by one of Marquisess Jennevieve’s friend: baroness Delirè. Later that day, Kino’s raven arrived giving her direction on his behalf to assist together.
The day of the tea party, they once again were presented to other nobles and were once again the sensation for being a lovey-dovey young couple borned in the debut. Ari was impressed how these people were so absorbed by their story and the lies in between that Kino was making about the two of them. Those guests from baroness Delirè also start organizing other reunions with other guests, seemingly to have an excuse to get to know them more… just like Kino had predicted. The biggest proof of this was one time Ari was having breakfast at a cafe in Sutzig city and heard a group of young friends talking about a new rumor circulating.
“Have you heard?” one girl said.
“About what?” the other girl replied, curious.
“It seems that a new couple is causing interest”.
“Really? Why?”
“Apparently, it was formed in the debut event. It was a young duke that fell in love with a young marquisess when they danced at the ball and looked for her the next day at the hunting exhibition!”
“That’s so sweet!”
“But that’s not the best part! He was the winner of the hunting exhibition and he made his way towards her! Imagine this: he spotted her among all that crowd and went to her and dedicated his victory to her! Isn’t that romantic?”
“Oh my God! It sounds like a fairytale!! I want a love story like that!”
“My aunt already met them! She says they look very in love! Although they haven’t officially announced their relationship, everyone is anxious to see how it develops!”
“You have to keep me updated! And if your aunt gets an opportunity to meet them, tell her to invite us so we can meet them too!”
Both girls laughed excitedly, but Ari felt uncomfortable so she decided to leave and go back home.
(I never thought his plan would work so fast. From a small cafeteria, I’ll dare to day that from 10 tables 1 is already talking about us. I have to do something!) Ari thought on her way back home.
When she arrived home, again Kino’s raven was waiting for her by her window. She scoffed and opened it.
“Little one… can you tell his grace to be prudent and stop sending letters every day?” Ari tried to joke to hide her annoyance.
The raven seemed ashamed, but Ari felt it only followed orders after all.
“This can’t continue like this… he can’t summon me everytime he pleases!” she said as she finished reading Kino’s letter. “Now that I think about it… I didn’t get a say in the contract terms! I have to change this”.
It was Sunday in the morning. Ari felt that Kino could have another adjective added to his description: thoughtless. Ari was never a morning person and to make things worse: Sundays were exclusive for her family. They looked at her disapprovingly when asked permission to go out. She had to make an excuse of meeting a friend she made at the debut from another country and telling them it was the only day he would be in the Makai. She apologized and felt guilty for lying.
Kino was waiting for her in a small restaurant in Sutzig city. Ari didn’t want to relationed Sutzig city with Kino, but she couldn’t help it. She arrived and when he greeted, she took advantage to whisper into his ear.
“I need to talk to you about the contract, it is urgent”.
Kino looked at her and he spoke to her loud enough for only her to hear.
“Then tell your guard to leave us alone”.
Ari nodded and she turned around to speak to Sir Twain.
“Sir Twain, could you grant me some minutes in private with his grace?”
“Very well, my lady,” he agreed. “But only for a little while, I’ll be waiting by the door”.
He bowed and left to guard the entrance door.
“What is it?” Kino asked as soon as Sir Twain left.
“I want to ask you to please be more considerate about our reunions”.
“How so?”
“You made me come today to meet you”.
“It’s Sunday and it’s 9 am!”
“Your point?”
“I can’t keep meeting you on Sundays and even less so early! Please, try to do it the other days, but not on Sunday”.
“Give me a good reason to do it”
“Sundays are very important for my family. I almost got in trouble for coming to meet you, plus I’m not an early riser so I had a hard time getting up”.
“I can’t believe you just put your laziness as a reason”.
“Then take my family as the main reason”.
Kino looked at her annoyed, but didn’t say anything.
“I know I really don’t have a say in this but, I would like to review the terms of the contract”.
“Not a chance”.
“I don’t know what gave you the wrong impression, but you don’t have any right to discuss it”.
“I’m not asking you to break it, I’m aware I can’t do it. But there’s no need, I just want to negotiate the terms”.
“You don’t have that right either”.
“Please? I think we can get an agreement that benefits us both!”
Kino sighed annoyed, but made Yuri a signal to bring their contract.
“You brought it with you?”
“I had a feeling this day would come”.
“Then why…?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I have no intention of deleting any term, but as you said, we can both benefit from it”.
“Not delete, but modify perhaps?”
They unrolled the contract, and Ari read the terms carefully.
In general, the contract stated that Ariadna had to obey Kino’s every order. She also agreed to help him achieve his plan to gain popularity by taking advantage of the Koizumi’s family reputation. In other general terms, Ariadna couldn’t reveal their agreement to anyone as they had to cover it up and make the performance ‘credible’. If Ariadna didn’t get to fulfill these main terms, the life of her servants as well as her own lives were on the line as guarantee.
“I understand what you want and why you need me to achieve it, but I would like to add a new term”.
“And that is…?”
“I want to please leave Sundays as a ‘free day’ for the reason I told you”.
Kino stared at her and finally sighed. He took out a pen and wrote it down.
“Thank you” Ari said as she read it in the contract.
“That's it?” Kino asked, somehow suspicious.
“Well… Can we please gather after midday? It’s really hard for me to wake up early and travel to meet”.
Kino looked at her skeptically.
“Please?” Ari insisted in a sweet tone.
“I’ll think about it” he sighed.
Ari smiled. She was content she managed to convince him.
The rest of the reunion they simply get some tea. After some time, they both left in different directions. On her way home, she felt like she had accomplished something big. Being able to convince Kino to leave Sundays free was a big step. After all, the Koizumi family gathered to spend quality time together. And she was asked to join, with no exceptions. And she was already late to it…
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The marquess greenhouse was a tiny-like capel in the middle of the land that could be considered their mansion backyard. Made out of crystal and iron that made her look like an elegant bird cage. When she entered, she couldn't help but gasp in amusement, everytime she went there it was the same reaction. Ari felt as if she was entering a fairy kingdom with all the flower pots and trees. Fresh green grass grew in the floor and in order to avoid stepping on it, there was a pathway in the middle. Clear and fresh water flows across the greenhouse by a beautiful waterfall that ends in a fancy fountain. The budget that was given to the marchioness, she destined it mostly to her greenhous, since she loved flowers.
In the center of the greenhouse, the marchioness set a table with multiple chairs to attend her guests, if the weather allowed it. By the table, the marchioness was already waiting for Ariadna and a young lady. Ever since Ariadna came to realize her new reality, she also came to accept everything that came with it, including her new family. Lady Morena Koizumi, the marchioness had medium length light brown hair and almond shaped dark brown eyes. She was chatting with another young lady whose skin was light brown like cinnamon, long black hair that reached her lower back and her almond shaped dark brown as her own. The young girl she saw during that nightmare and who saved her life: Lady Akane Koizumi. After all, they were her new family, her mother and older sister.
“Ari! Come here dear!” Morena waved at her as she entered.
“Mommy!” Ari answered in a childish tone.
Morena came from a viscount's family from a far away land. She met the marquis in their own debut event and was the sensation in their own time. Ari found their story quite dreamy and to think she accidentally “replicated” their story… yeah, Ari didn’t want them to know. She’ll keep her current situation a secret as much as she could.
“What took you so long?” Akane asked, somehow annoyed.
“I’m sorry, my reunion lasted more than I expected” Ari shrugged so that she wouldn’t ask further questions.
“Don’t worry dear~ Did you have fun?” Morena replied reassuringly.
“Y-Yeah!” Ari lied.
Akane seemed to calm herself and focus instead on her tea.
Ari took place at the table and was served a cup of tea as well. As shee savour it, they all talked about anything that came to their minds. Ari enjoyed this small moments with the Koizumi family, as their relationship was very similar to her own family on her previous life. The marchioness was kind and attentive with her daughters, just like her own mother. Akane, she was tough and could be perceived as mean, but she was caring with her family. It made Ari feel at home, even if she still had those contradictory feelings towards them.
Ari felt her heart warm and calm, spending time with family always did that to her.
As they kept talking, suddenly a maid arrived at the garden carrying a small tray.
“Marchioness, the mail arrived,” the maid announced.
The marchioness then sorted out the letters mostly directed towards her and to Akane. As Ari was focused on her drink, suddenly heard a gasp.
“You scared me mom! What is it?” Akane commented as she looked at the marchioness questionably.
“S-Sorry… is just that” Morena started talking, still looking at the letter she had on her hand “this shield”.
Akane stood up and saw the letter and her eyes widened in surprise.
“The Wolfgang family? Why would they send an invitation to their father?” Akane asked.
“It was not sent to your father” Morena finally answered “it’s directed to Ariadna”.
Ari almost spilled her drink.
“T-To m-me?” Ari said as she cleaned her mouth in astonishment.
Ari didn’t understand how that was possible. Ari hadn’t had the chance to speak to higher ranks besides Naomi, so how was it possible for her to receive the invitation from the dukes of the wolf clan?
“Ari… how did you… when did you?” Morena had so many questions that she muttered many at once.
“L-Let me see,'' Ari said as she took the envelope from the marchioness’ hands. As she opened it and read through the contents. When she finished it, it was clear to her. Although she already had an idea… it was confirmed to her that no other than Kino had to be behind it.
“What is it dear?” Morena asked, seemingly anxious about the letter.
“I-It seems I was invited to have dinner… with the Wolfgang family at the wolf’s territory next month” she finally answered.
A small silence was made afterwards. Ari was already thinking about any sort of solution to her current situation. She was worried how in a matter of a month approximately they had managed to attract the attention of the Wolfgang family.
“Wow… those are great news,” Morena finally said with a smile on her face.
“I must admit I’m surprised Ari got such an invitation honestly…” Akane replied thoughtfully.
“I’m surprised as well,” Ari admitted. Her idea of going unnoticed surely was over at this time.
“I’m worried now,” Akane said.
“Akane, she’ll be fine”
“Mom, is Ari who we are talking about”
“What does that mean?” Ari then asked, somehow offended.
“The thing is that the Wolfgang family is quite strict when it comes to certain rules to follow,” Morena explained calmly.
“Is that so…” Ari’s voice trailed off. That sure was a problem, considering that even a Marquis family like hers were well aware of those rules. Then again, Ari wasn’t sure she was expected to know them… then what would happen if she wasn’t the real Ari? Who should she go to ask for help?
Suddenly, an exasperated sigh was heard and when Ari raised her eyes, Akane was now looking at her.
“I will help you, don’t worry Ari” she finally said.
Ari felt her heart lighter as she was not expected to know it. Ari smiled at her.
“Thank you Akane!”
Once back to her room some hours later, Ari sighed in relief and changed into her nightgown. She went to sleep with her mind at peace. The fact Akane knew what exactly to do or behave in those kinds of events made her feel much more at ease. Turned out that Akane had gone to Wolfgang's residence herself once in the past. Apparently, they had invited her over for dinner since she was the heir to the Koizumi family. This dinner was slightly different, Ari had the feeling it was regarding the popularity they were getting.
“I can’t believe Kino’s plan is working… and so soon…” she spoke to herself. “I need to work hard so this goes well”.
The three members from the Koizumi family, were the family of Ariadna and after some time with them she came to adore them and feel them like her own. Ari had more determination to protect them as well as the march… her people
And with that thought she went to sleep.
The next day, Akane tutor Ari into all the basics she needed to have success at the Wolfgang dinner. Things so simple as the presentation and punctuality to more complex ones such as the color palette to fit in made it a huge list of things to study. The Wolfgang family were well known to be especially fond of the fine arts, so Ari decided to learn the basics to be able to hold a conversation. So many details she had to go through made her feel very tired by tea time.
(There are so many things to remember… I’m having a headache) Ari thought as she massaged her head (How was Akane able to learn all these things so quickly?).
Ari looked at her surroundings, lately she found herself hidden in the greenhouse to find peace.
(So many things… I wonder if I’ll be able to learn them all by the end of the month) just as that thought went through her mind, another one popped into it.
(Wait: if I didn’t have that information… what about Kino?).
Ari stood up and went to her room. With a small whistle, Ari called the raven she had been using to communicate with Kino. After some minutes, the raven arrived.
“Hi! I’m sorry I’m bothering you on a Sunday, but I need you to deliver an urgent message to your master” Ari explained to the raven.
The raven nodded as if understanding Ari. Ari smiled and wrote a small message:
Kino, I need to talk to you.
Can I see you at the “Green Cafe” in Sutzig city today?
It’s urgent.
Ariadna K.
Finally she tied it to the raven’s leg. The raven then went flying, until it disappeared from Ari’s sight.
Some hours later, Ari sat at the farthest table in the cafeteria to have more privacy. Finally, Kino arrived and took a seat in front of her. Ari always felt nervous in his presence, but especially that time where she had to board the topic.
“So, what do you need?” Kino asked straight to the point.
“It is regarding the dinner at the wolf clan” Ari started, trying to sound as calm as possible “I investigated a little about it and we have to be very careful there”.
“I see” he said “And?”
“Kino… let me ask you some questions”
“What for?”
“I want to find out something”
Kino sighed and only nodded. Ari then started.
“Have you thought about what color you’ll use on your clothes?”
“What kind of question–”
“Please answer me”
Kino scoffed, but then replied.
Ari bit her lip, but continued.
“Silver or gold?”
“Opera or theater?”
“3 main dishes or 5?”
“3… where are you trying to get?”
Ari tightened her grip on her dress, but finally took a deep breath before speaking.
“Kino… you got all answers wrong”
Kino looked at her puzzled.
Ari stood up and went to where Sir Twain was standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. When she came back, she was carrying a somehow thick book in her hands. She then took her seat, handling the book to Kino. He looked at the book and noticed the Wolf clan’s shield in it.
“The Wolfgang family is well known to be the most accessible from the main clans regarding contact to the lower circles. They are especially keen on art, but also on rules of etiquette. They are quite prideful in these matters” Ari explained “When it comes for them to hold an event on their territory… they expect their guest to act accordingly: do as the Romans do mentality”.
Kino opened the book and passed his sight through the various pages.
“For example: the color red is reserved only to them as well as the gold accessories decorating their outfits. Then, the wolf clan has a clear preference for opera since they used them to transmit their culture through them. Finally, they like to show off their wealth in any way they can, even in food. Gastronomy is considered an art of its own too, so they always offer 5 dishes when they hold their exclusive dinners and similar events”.
Ari finished the explanation and looked at him. He had his eyes wide open, clearly confused or even lost in this knowledge.
(As I expected… he had no idea like me) Ari thought.
“I-It’s ok! I mean… I had to investigate it as well!” She tried to comfort him.
“Are you trying to make fun of me?” Kino answered in defense.
“Not at all! In fact, I was told by my sister about them! A-And while I was studying I thought that maybe I-I could ask you” Ari explained, worried she might have offended him in any way.
“How am I supposed to know?” he was getting angry, Ari could sense it.
“I-I didn’t know it either! I-I mean… am the daughter of a marquis. I’m not educated to attend these types of exclusive events by dukes!” Ari kept explaining to him “plus you being a duke I thought you–”.
“Well, I didn’t know,'' Kino cut the conversation, clearly annoyed by it.
There was a short silence and Ari was wondering if she had done or said something to offend him.
“W-Well… how about I teach you?” Ari finally said.
“Excuse me?” Kino said.
“Y-Yes… I mean… I’m still learning, but if we learn together we can both be ready for the event” Ari insisted.
“Are you making fun of me?”
“I am not!”
“This is ridiculous” Kino was about to stand up, but Ari was faster and stood in front of him.
“Kino, listen to me: I want you to understand that if we fail at this dinner it will be our end. I didn’t make the rules and honestly I wished they didn’t exist, but that’s how things are. The wolf clan is the most ‘accessible’ in terms of the main clans, but also if we were to fail… it would be almost impossible to reach higher social circles. This dinner will determine how we’ll be seen in the future and how much we will advance!” Ari said so quickly she almost ran out of breath.
Kino looked at her with widened eyes. Ari found it understandable since she always tried to keep her words to the minimum. Not to mention how fast she moved to stop him, she sure felt quite bold.
She took a step back and she took her seat once again, afraid she might have made him angry.
“If there is no other way…” Kino finally said, and Ari raised her eyes meeting his.
Ari nodded, she felt relieved he agreed.
(If this dinner is a success, it will be a matter of time for Kino to achieve whatever his plans are. Then, he will most likely let me go and spare everyone's lives!) she thought as she enjoyed her tea.
After they finished. They headed towards the Constelatia library and Ari started teaching him everything she knew so far of the Wolfgang family’s strict rules and etiquettes. Session after session, Ari learnt in the mornings and taught Kino in the evenings. These sessions went on for around a month and both worked hard for the big day.
Until it finally came…
Ari stood in front of the mirror contemplating her reflection, still somehow foreign to her. Although she was splendidly dressed with a beautiful blue navy and her modest silver accessories. Her hair was neatly done in an elegant bun tied up in a bow. However, no matter how beautiful she might be, she was a mess inside. She kept muttering everything she had studied so diligently this past month, her nerves betraying her. She could feel her hands shaking and her heart beating like crazy.
“You look beautiful my lady!” Mia cheered for her as she finished preparing her “Are you ready?”
Ari only nodded and walked slowly towards the entrance. For Ari, the rest of her trip to the meeting point was a blur, somehow she felt her mind in a trance.
“My lady, is everything alright?” Sir Twain asked her, making her go back from her trace.
“Y-Yes! I’m ok!” Ari answered.
“Are you sure, may lady? You look rather pale” Sir Twain insisted.
“N-No, I’m ok really!” Ari said as she proceeded to get out of her carriage.
She managed to enter Kino’s carriage and so they were on their way to the wolf territory. Yet Ari couldn’t help but try to calm herself all the way there. She fidgeted her fingers, played with her dress skirt and tried to keep her breathing steady.
(Come on Ari, you can do this. You have studied for a month and you have practiced. You have this!!) She tried to encourage herself.
This event had to go perfectly and Ari had to do her absolute best. She has to, otherwise other people will be at risk because of her.
“We’re here” suddenly her thoughts were interrupted once again, this time by Kino’s voice.
The carriage came to a stop, soon Kino stepped outside and once there he offered his hand for Ari to take.
The big day had come… and Ari braced herself to the battle ahead.
Ari took a deep breath and she took with one hand her skirt while with the other one took his hand in hers. Just as they had prepared and planned, they had to do their respective part, many lives depended on their performance tonight... and the success of it.
Mun Ari: This is a chapter was quite tedious to write to be honest. I’m not sure if it turned out shorter than the previous ones though. Many aspects had to be checked many times for me to be convinced to make it to the final shot. Not to mention that at this point of the story the progress will be a little slow since we have to see development between these two ^^'. Not to mention that school kept me busy these past weeks ;-;. ANYWAY! Shout out to slothy since she helped me to sort out my ideas thanks to her guidance!! Thank you dear and thank you all for having read until here! Stay tuned to the next chapter and see you around!!
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transcredwaters · 2 years
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NAME.   O'miz Tia
AGE.   28 and some moons.
SPECIES.   "Keeper of the Sun" Miqo'te (mixed keeper/seeker)
GENDER.   Demiboy
PRONOUNS. He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
ORIENTATION.   Cinthean. Boykisser. He likes guys. Gay shit.
INTERESTS.   I FORGOT HIS INTERESTS ! art aand music, as well as goldsmithing and weaving/leatherworking ! he's also super invested in the stars/space, it's his special interest uuu
PROFESSION.   He started off as a lancer; After 5 years of Isolation (inwhich the calamity happened during) he became a White Mage - dropped by the Vault, he takes up Astrologian, and soon Dragoon, before dropping Dragoon around 5.4 and juggling Dark Knight and Astrologian. He can be ur tank or ur healer baybee
BODY TYPE.   Lean and muscular, with slightly larger hips and thighs; partially built up with dragoon work.
EYES.   A warm yellow.
HAIR.   Pink ! Pink boy with lighter pink highlights as you go down. By 5.0 his hair has gone a completely cream white, including his eyelashes and eyebrows; an aftereffect of the sineaters. For a while he tried dyeing it like his natural color, but by the end of 6.0 he gave up.
SKIN.   A light peachy tone.
FACE.   Pure white freckles - also an aftereffect of the sineaters. Not shown in the photograph is a large burn scar over his right eye, covering most of the right side of his face. His right eye is slightly paler than his left. A small scar lashes at the corner of the left side of his mouth. His nose is ever so slightly red, and his cheeks always seem to be a little flushed.
HEIGHT.   4'11 - he stopped growing at a very young age, and is significantly shorter than his family - all of whom go over 5'8.
COMPANIONS.  When he was young, it was practically just his siblings- Shele, Oh'dax, and eventually Cherie'li- his parents- O'naruho and Cherie (before she passes)- and his two friends, Hardin and Kanifoix. After some time, D'hmitria briefly takes his companionship, before a nasty split. (His time with her happened before he found out he was gay. This is, again, projection on the mun's part.) Eventually, he travels with Shele and Oh'dax, carrying around his daughter O'dhael. -By the time ARR rolls by he considers Thancred a brother, and does eventually find a sibling in a viera Than also saw as a sibling- named Nix; He grows very close to Haurchefant as well ! And by SHB he's romantically involved with Aymeric, Estinien, and G'raha. He still visits his father(s)- Naruho eventually weds Bertennant- and O'dhael and Cherie'li when he can- and frequents the final resting place of Oh'dax and Shele, oft with flowers and plenty of stories. -Also important to mention; he takes in Foulques under his wing and sees a brother in him as well, and pretty much adopts Sylphie as his daughter. Dhael loves them both quite a bit, as does the rest of Miz's family.
ANTAGONISTS.   Ywain. Lahabrea. Fourchelnaut. The unending guilt and pain that follows him.
COLORS.   Typically pastels of any sort. Bone white especially is a favorite.
FRUITS.   Peaches !! He cannot get enough of peaches.
DRINKS.   cocoa pretty much any sweet teas. He's not one for bitter drinks.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ?   He doesn't really indulge in drink until after the events of 5.3 . While it's not extremely often, he's basically been recognized as a frequenter by the Forgotten Knight's barkeep, drinking himself into a silent state. He's an alarmingly quiet drunk, choosing to simply lay about once he's been dragged out a bar by Thancred or G'raha.
DRUGS ?   "Stoner Mizzy" has been an ongoing joke w/ me and my friends because I decided the catboy does weed . or Eorzea's equivalent . He doesn't do it often, and it's pretty much always when he's chilled out, but.
DRIVERS LICENSE ?   unfortunately no
snatched from @yloiseconeillants ' open invite .
Since I'm a bit too anxious to tag anybody else I'll be doing an open invite as well !
btw, nixie is @pygmybird 's WoL !
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outsldcr · 3 years
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in an effort to be as un-ethan-like as possible, ethan milhorn is going to the mean eyed cat bar as zeke stewart. zeke’s a college dropout who spends his days on the move, wandering from one town to the next on his sweet motorcycle. with his leather jacket and single hoop earring, he’s effortlessly cool and doesn’t ever have to try hard at all. not even a bit. he drinks whiskey and doesn’t talk much, but in a cool way, not in a ‘oh god what if they think i’m lame’ way. and he never stumbles over his words - he thinks about what he wants to say before he says it, and always has some deep wisdom to drop. he plays guitar and performs solo, because he’s too nomadic for a band. his lyrics are deep and poetic and beautiful. most of all, zeke is confident in who and what he is. 
ethan, however, is not. and will absolutely stumble over his words and probably choke on his whiskey at least once. but he’s committing to the disguise as much as he can - he even let mack talk him into really piercing his ear. that shit is in there now, and as his mun, i am making it a permanent part of his character, baby. earring ethan is here to stay. anyway, he’s not nearly as confident as he wants to pretend to be, but he’s also used to lying about himself to seem cool, so he’s just going to the furthest extreme for the night. he’ll definitely mess up some, but hopefully he keeps his cover during the undercover, recon portion of his evening. 
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electricea-archive · 3 years
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@grayfxce​​​ sent - I’d say your portrayal is right on the mark! Pretty good! 👌 ( How’s My Portrayal? - Accepting! )
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I hope you don’t mind me holding onto this! This was actually really sweet and now I have some things I would like to say to you!
For starters, I think that the idea of roleplaying a Tumblr anon is extremely unique and creative - anons have become a big part of the whole Tumblr culture - even just the image of the grey face with the sunglasses is pretty iconic and I think it’s cool that someone can make a whole character out of that picture and I think in a lot of ways, your muse really embodies what I feel most people associate Tumblr anons as - they can be kind of cheeky and playful at times, but they also have moments of immense kindness and encouragement and even though I don’t think anyone in their right mind would do this, I just wanted to thank you for also avoiding the more toxic and hateful parts of Tumblr anons? I know a lot of people have mixed feelings on them and in some instances, don’t allow anons at all, but I’ve always found Tumblr anons to be nothing but kind and great to me - and I’m glad your muse embodies the very best of them.
As a mun, you’ve always seemed really supportive of others and quick to approach others which is something I love.  You uplift others and make them feel better and I can say that certainly applies to me as well! Hope you and your blog won’t be going anywhere anytime soon as I adore having you both around!
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sumire-bride · 3 years
Send (HEADCANON!) and I will list 3 headcanons I have about you, the mun.
- ((You literally seem so sweet and caring for others, and you also seem extremely supportive of your peers. I mean your like that in this little internet world were in, running low on friends (I've always been low on em but ya know) come be mineeeee mannn.))
- ((I think you got a good thing for story telling! I've read a few of your interactions with people they are really fricking good, Elizabeth really is a really well written oc))
- ((You seem like you put a lot of heart and dedication to your oc, I said this already but like fr I like the story line she has even if it's not much at the moment, kind of inspiring to me lol))
((This is really hard to do lmao, sorry if this is like, badly done but i tried ^^"))
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Don’t Starve Together Themed Magic Anons: Base Game & Reign of Giants
Disclaimer: The concept for this list was inspired by an old collection of M!A prompts by tumblr user @sugarsweetblonde, who has since deactivated and cannot be located to credit properly. However, multiple users contributed to the current lists, including myself, so credit to @tinkering-survivor, @probablyatrashcan, and @personalrpmemes for their contributions. Pig: Muse experiences a sudden increase in physical strength. However, they’ve also become easily suggestable if offered food. In addition, they’re in for a surprise come the next full moon… Merm: Muse seems to have experienced a bizarre transformation: they’re covered head to toe in slimy scales and have grown webbed hands and feet tipped with sharp claws. They crave fish, despite only being able to hold down fruits and vegetables. On top of that, the poor dear seems to be having a hard time remembering things. Mac Tusk: Muse has stunning aim and Ice Hounds follow muse's commands. They behave very lovingly and nurturing to those they think of as family; perhaps this tendency is influenced by the fatherly mustache they’ve suddenly grown in. Bunnyman: Muse is now nocturnal (they’re still vulnerable to Charlie though). They also begin to crave fruits and vegetables - especially carrots. However, they now detest meat; the faintest scent of it can send them into a fit of sickness. Bunny ears and tail are optional. Beefalo: Muse’s hair has become long and shaggy while somehow turning a light straw color. If someone they’re close to is attacked nearby, they’ll involuntarily attack them no matter what. Koalefant: Muse’s hair is now soft and fluffy, with a coat of short, velvety fur covering their whole body. They’re safe from freezing, but have a harder time in warm weather. They’re more easily frightened, though they may forgo fleeing in favor of defending themselves. Treeguard: Muse becomes a protector of nature! Their body grows signs of the plant of the Anon's choosing, and if anyone causes excessive harm to said plant they will have earned Muse’s wrath. Mandrake: Muse can’t keep their thoughts to themselves, all of their words and thoughts are spoken aloud. They might just find themselves grating on just about everyone’s nerves, what with how they just won’t stop gabbing the day away. Lureplant: Muse is  now rooted to the ground and can’t move. Eyeplants will surround them. Anything small enough that gets eaten by the eyeplant will travel to their stomach and will digest very quickly, no matter what it is. This doesn’t mean whatever they consume won’t hurt them, though. Catcoon: Muse has cat ears and a tail, as well as claws. They’ll behave like a cat, stealing/playing with just about any small object or animal and attack anything within their vicinity if they feel threatened. Or just if they feel like it ‘cause That’s How Cats Do. Hound: Muse is now part Hound and has very animalistic tendencies. They will be hostile to any living thing except for people they know and care about, in which case they might behave like an excited pet dog. Anon can pick which variety of Hound if they wish. They’re susceptible to Hound Whistles. Frog: Muse now has an incredibly long tongue. It’s inhumanly strong, and can actually damage anything struck with it. Their skin is also extremely sensitive and slimy, practically oozing with wetness. Fireflies: Muse can glow in the dark, and is therefore completely immune to the Night Monster! There is a catch, though: if any living approaches them, their light will go out. Butterfly: Muse has beautiful, delicate wings and is light as a feather. But they can’t attack anything, not even to defend themself. They only have an appetite for sweets and their blood is now butter. Bee: Muse is compelled to keep themselves busy no matter what, even to the point of ignoring their other needs. They’ve got a fierce sense of comradery, eager to help their friends and loved ones with whatever they need - though this may just be so they have something to work on. Perhaps those conspicuous antennae, wings, and stinger are to blame? Spider: Muse’s appearance is now more… generally monstrous. Though their demeanor is the same as before, they might find themselves being treated with hostility by creatures that would usually pay them no mind. Spiders and their kin, however, won’t see them as a threat. Spider Queen: Muse is now Spider Royalty! This means spiders follow and obey them. However, sanity drain is still in place and pigs attack them on sight. Other survivors have a hard time being around them, almost as if they were in the presence of a huge spider instead of a fellow survivor. Spider-y motifs/body modifications are optional and can be specified by Anon. Moleworm: Muse now has excellent night vision and can survive at night without any light source. The kicker? Not only are they blind during the day, but they have an immense craving for minerals. Volt Goat: Muse now has highly conductive antlers. If they get struck by lightning, they’ll enter a temporary state of mania. Krampus: Muse now has a demonic new appearance, including(but not limited to) a long, lashing tongue. They get a weird feeling when other people commit “naughty” acts and feel the need to correct them. If Muse feels like someone just isn’t getting the message they might just take matters into their own hands. Gobbler: Muse becomes extremely cowardly, fleeing from any living thing if they get too close. They only can overcome their cowardice if it’s in the name of food. Tallbird: A strange egg comes into Muse’s possession. They feel compelled to nurture and protect it at any cost, even to the point of recklessly attacking anything that comes near it. Whether the egg is viable or not is up to the Mun or Anon. Pengull: Muse is now well-groomed and sporting fancy new attire. However, their high-class makeover seems to have gone to their head; they’ve become a pompous windbag who’s oblivious to the world around them, all the while being painfully unaware of how obnoxious they are. Buzzard: For a specific amount of time, Muse will scavenge anything they find - even if whatever they’re “scavenging” from belongs to someone else. Mr. Skits: Muse is only perceivable when others’ sanity drops farther and farther. When they do finally get someone’s attention, they appear as a shadowy monster and their speech will sound garbled. Redbird: Muse grows crimson feathers and wings(whether they can fly is up to the Mun or Anon). They also gain a fiery disposition. Crow: Muse grows jet black feathers and wings (whether they can fly is up to the anon or the mun if unspecified). They also tend to give others the heebie-jeebies. Snowbird: Muse grows fluffy cerulean feathers and wings(whether they can fly is up to the Mun or Anon). They also keep cool under pressure. Tentacle: From the waist down Muse is rooted to one spot. As if to compensate, their torso is much longer - and more flexible - than before, almost doubling their original height. Their arms have also been replaced with long, spike-tipped tentacles that almost always do what Muse wants. Batilisk: Muse has undergone a startling transformation! Not only are they a quarter of their original size now, but they’ve also grown bat wings and other bat-like attributes. Depths Worm: Muse becomes a blind, ravenous beast. Dormant during the day and stalking the Constant at night, they will attempt to attack and consume any living thing they come across. Slurper: Muse gets hungry much faster than usual. No matter how much they eat, their appetite is never satisfied. They’ll tackle any food they see on sight as if they hadn’t eaten in a week, completely disregarding their own safety if it means they might finally fill that bottomless pit of a stomach. Snurtle: Muse’s skin has become green and splotchy, excreting volatile slime wherever they go. If threatened they can retreat into their new shell until the danger passes. However, if this shell breaks it will reveal a vital weak spot. Deerclops: Muse gains ice powers and is immune to freezing temperatures, but at a cost: they become highly destructive and have lost all functionality of one of their eyes. Bearger: Muse now wears very heavy and thick clothing they can not remove (although they seem to be immune to overheating). They also have a voracious appetite! If they eat too much food at one time, they go into a deep sleep and won’t wake up until roused. Moose/Goose: Muse is now a clumsy oaf, no thanks in part to their new massive antlers and webbed feet. Hopefully this development won’t get in the way of their attempts at nurturing any loved ones they may have. Dragonfly: Muse’s limbs are now adorned in draconic scales and claws, and they’ve grown a big tail to match. Fly-like wings sprout out from their clothes, which have been replaced by rather… revealing garments made of fireproof scales. In fact, they seem to be entirely fire- and heat-proof.
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allosaurid · 3 years
{ 4/10 for the intimidation meme because you seem like a really fun and sweet person but I get too shy to actually approach you to plot so I just admire your writing skill from afar! c‘: And 3/10 for Drake because he is such an intimidating presence but then I think about his dinosaur tiddies and I can’t help but start laughing }
⚔ B'awww honey!! Come into my arms, I promise I do not bite~ 😉 Really, it was nice seeing you are still active in the RPC; we used to be mutuals a couple years back, when I was writing my OC and you have always been super sweet and kind, so yeah, I'm extremely happy to see you are still around!
I totally GET what you mean in regards to Drake, he has got that unapproachable feel about him.. but yeah. Think of the soft tiddies. Let the tiddy guide you.
on a scale of 1-10, how intimidating is the mun of this blog? the muse? [ always open ]
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