Sisyphos on the road Mojo Mendiola
39 posts
'Scuse me while I kiss the sky, sang Jimi Hendrix. Zuschauen, wie der Sinn des Lebens aufgelöst wird, das ist unerträglich", sagte Albert Camus. Ich bin Surrealist aus Erfahrung und schaue, wo ich noch Sinn finden und stiften kann.
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“One Night In New York: Aaron Herrington & Brian Delatorre by Monster Children - Now, ain’t that beautiful?! The saxophone, by the way, is played by Jazz giant Dexter Gordon.
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LIGHTNIN' HOPKINS “Devil Is Watching You”. My absolute number one in Blues: Lightnin’ was very different from the more popular Chicago heroes, he was from Texas and had his very own sound. I met him at Tramps in New York City in 1981, and he was great not only on stage but also back stage to talk to and joke with. Meine absolute Nummer Eins im Blues: Lightnin’ klang ganz anders als die bekannten Chicago Helden, er war aus Texas und hatte seinen ganz eigenen Sound. Ich traf ihn 1981 im Tramps in New York City, und er war nicht nur auf der Bühne großartig. Es war auch toll, backstage mit ihm zu plaudern und zu scherzen.
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I did a lot of concert photographing myself, and I know exactly what you are talking about. Unfortunately I never met Janis. I was too young then, but I was already listening to her in my early teens.
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For no particular reason - einfach so
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He gave us a lot more to thiink about - Er hat uns noch viel mehr zum Nachdenken gegeben.
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“We are our choices.” Jean-Paul Sartre
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Many great collages to be seen by Strempler - viele tolle Collagen zu sehen bei Srrempler
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W. Strempler, 2017
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Great picrure, nice poem - Tolles Foto, schönes Geidcht
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Respected Tree - Steve Simons
Enticing is the serenity, of a single tree, enhanced within a wood, standing as a brotherhood. Providing shelter and sometimes food. Its bark could be removed or chewed. Relying on its defiance, our tree continues its stance. In the hope that time will heal, for has that not long been the deal? As a seedling long ago, this tree, its future it didn’t know, quite how wide or tall it would grow? Or of the creatures it would come to know. Here it has lived with the brotherhood, becoming a respected member of the wood.
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This is what we need right now more than ever - das brauchen wir jetzt auch, und zwar mehr denn je!!!
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Protest Against the Rising Tide of Conformity
Bob Dylan and Joan Baez by Daniel Kramer, 1964
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Isn’t it nice to see him make fun for once - ist es nicht schön, ihn auch mal beim Spaß machen zu sehen?
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Don’t criticize what you can’t understand.
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The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.
Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms (via wordsnquotes)
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Am Zahnrad - At The Cogwheel:_(c) copyright by Mojo Mendiola _01_16
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Erröten - Blushing
Der Mensch ist das einzige Lebewesen, das erröten kann. Es ist aber auch das einzige, das Grund dazu hat. - Man is the only creature that can blush - yet also the only one that has reason to.  (Mark Twain)
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Ludovico Eunaudi perfoms in the Arctic Ocean for Greenpeace
Eine wundervolle Idee - a wonderful idea
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Don Cherry did not just play music, he created revelations
Don Cherry, Dewey Redman, Charlie Haden, Ed Blackwell  - Lonely Woman (Coleman)
Old and New Dreams (ECM, 1979)
Personnel: Don Cherry - pocket trumpet; Dewey Redman - tenor saxophone; Charlie Haden - bass; Ed Blackwell - drums
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Das waren noch Zeiten
“Don't use the phone. People are never ready to answer it. Use poetry.” (Jack Karouac)
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Egypt . Fabian Kretz
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