
Postales de verano. 🌊 Summer postcards. 🐠 Postals d’estiu. 🌴 ☀️ 🍓 🍍 🍹 #sitges #postalesdeverano #elgarraf #mediterraneamente #marmediterrani #catalunyaexperience #iliveinparadise #europetrip #wanderlust #getlostwithme #pierdeteconmigo #picoftheday #igerssitges #platjasantsebastià #viverobeachclub #sundayvibes #travelphotography #fotografiadeviajes #mediterraneanlife (at Sitges, Costa Daurada, Catalunya.)
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TBT to this very same day 3 years ago at the Aigüestortes National Park. This is one of the nicest mountain landscapes in my country. 😍 Located at the north west of the Catalan Pyrenees with around 200 lakes and with its highest peak rising 3017m. 🏔 I’ve have visited the park during both summer and winter seasons and it’s equally spectacular! ☀️❄️ 🥾 🐞 🐜 🦋 #aiguestortes #pirineuscatalans #mountains #landscapephotography #lanscapes #montañas #paisajesnaturales #fotografianaturaleza #naturephotography #lakes #lagos #llacs #europetrip #picoftheday #photooftheday #charmingplaces #lugaresconencanto #catalunyaexperience #catalunya_natura #cataloniaexperience #trekking (at Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici)
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Pasar por este rinconcito del Parc de la Ciutadella y ho hacer fotos, me resulta casi imposible. 🌸 ☀️ Passing by this little lovely corner at the Parc de la Ciutadella in Barcelona, and no taking pics, it’s almost impossible. 🌸 ☀️ 📷 🎞 🥰 #parcdelaciutadella #barcelona #catalunyaexperience #bouganvillea #parcsdebarcelona #picoftheday #fotografiaurbana #urbanlandscape #sunreflection #charmingplaces #lugaresconencanto #flowers (at Parc de la Ciutadella)
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Tornen les “Nits Màgiques” a la Casa Batlló. Visita l’icònic edifici de Gaudi i gaudeix de la millor música al terrat sota els estels 🎷 Gràcies @thesummerloversbcn 🎤🌟🥂🍾 The “Magic Nights” are back at Casa Batllo. Visit the iconic Gaudí building and enjoy great music at the terrace under the stars 🌟 Thank you @thesummerloversbcn 🎼 🎷🍾🥂 Vuelven las “Noches Mágicas” a la Casa Batlló. Visita este emblemático edificio de Gaudí y luego disfruta de la mejor música bajo las estrellas. @casabatllo 🌟 🎤 🎷 🍾 🥂 #thesummerloversbcn #casabatllo #nitsmagiquescasabatllo #barcelona #catalunyaexperience #summernights #jazzmusic #nitsdestiu #nochesdeverano #conciertobajolasestrellas #concertdejazz #ilovesummer #europetrip #igersbarcelona #igerscatalunya #barcelonasecreta #visitbarcelona #ilovemycity #mediterraneamente (at Casa Batlló - Gaudí Barcelona)
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Gaudí was a genius. Nothing else to add. (Enjoying touristing around my city before crowds are back) ☀️ 🕶 Gaudí era un genio. Nada más que añadir. (Turisteando en mi ciudad antes de que vuelvan los guiris) 🙌 🕶 🥰 🙏 #barcelona #catalunyaexperience #gaudi #casabatllo #modernismecatala #modernism #catalanmodernism #passeigdegracia #europetrip #igersbarcelona #igerscatalunya #barcelonasecreta #architecturephotography #arquitecturamodernista #summerevenings #amazingplaces #lugaresconencanto (at Casa Batlló - Gaudí Barcelona)
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Belleza en estado puro. 🌸 🌺 ❤️ 📸 💐 🐝 🦋 🐞 #mygarden #magnoliatree #flowers #flores #magnolias #mijardin #bellezaenestadopuro #beautiful #naturephotography #flors #elmeujardi #picoftheday #photooftheday #whiteflower #happiness #felicitat (at Home Sweet Home)
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The humble Kodak Gold 200 has been one of my essential films for a long time. Always preferring Kodak to Fuji, and just as a personal preference and nothing to do with quality, this low speed film offers an ideal blend of colour saturation, high sharpness and great grain. 🎞 A good choice for a everyday/light situation with wide exposure latitude and also quite affordable. 📷 @l_stringer take notes, we’ll talk about films in our next analog photography lesson. 😉 🎞 📷 🔝 #analogphotography #fotografiaanalogica #kodakgold200 #ishootfilm #kodakfilm #lowspeedfilm #streetphotography #fotografiacallejera #vilanovailageltru #colorphotography #35mm #nofilter #sinfiltro (at Plaça de la Vila)
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Have been longing for these long warm evenings for a long time. I don’t enjoy the cold weather and this time of the year is just a kind of a rebirth for me. 🌸 ☀️ My friend @mllebechard knows what I’m talking about. We met in Vietnam and probably were the only two westerners not complaining about the tropical heat! 😅 Unfortunately she has to endure a much colder winter than me (Montreal winters V Barcelona’s 🤦♀️) 🌺 🌸 Com’on Summer, bring it on! I’m ready for you!! 🔥 ☀️ 🕶 👙 🌴 🌊 #summerevenings #mediterraneamente #estiu #verano #atardeceres #capvespres #ilovesummer #roses #flowers #picoftheday #photographoftheday #flores #flors #naturephotography #light #happyplace #charmingplaces #happiness #felicidad #felicitat #friendship (at Vilanova i la Geltru)
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TBT to my last trip to Menorca last summer. ☀️ 🌺 On a day like today rainy and cold, when the last day of freedom seems so long ago, I’m longing for a visit to the island more than ever before. 🦩 🐠 The long confinement period is starting to take a toll on me. 🐚 🌺 ☀️ 🌊 🌴 🦩 #menorca #mediterraneamente #sesilles #summervibes #holidays #ineedholidays #covidfuckoff #europetravel #travelphotography #picoftheday #tbt #photographylife #bougainvillea #balearicislands #wanderlust #exploretheworld #theworldisyouroyster #globbetrotter #trotamundos #islasbaleares (at Menorca, Balearic Islands, Spain)
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Dicen que recordar los lugares en los que has estado, es como volver a viajar a ellos. Yo estos días estoy viajando mucho. ✈️ 🧳 Hoy he hecho parada en un paraíso llamado Maldivas, y no puedo explicar con palabras lo maravilloso que es. 🐬 They say that remembering places where you’ve been, is like travelling to them again. 🦋 Right now I’m travelling a lot, and today I’ve stoped in a paradise called Maldives. I can’t express with words how beautiful it is. ✈️ 🧳 🐠 🐟 🐡 🌴 🐚 #dreamingoftravel #travelphotography #themaldives #paradise #flying #flymetothemoon #travellingtheworld #wanderlust #exploretheworld #theworldisyouroyster #confinementdiary #soñarconviajar #volar #islasmaldivas #trotamundos #diariosdeconfinamiento #pierdeteconmigo #getlostwithme #fotografiadeviajes (at The Maldives, Indian Ocean)
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Encouraging my photography students to carry on shooting while confined at home. We’ll be creating a digital album with all the photographs made at home during the quarantine. If you would like to participate, just send me your pics to [email protected] 📸 📷 Para motivar a mis alumnos de fotografía a que continúen haciendo fotos estos días, he empezado a crear un álbum digital con todas las fotos que me van enviando. Si estáis interesados en participar, mandarme vuestras fotos hechas en casa durante el confinamiento a [email protected] 📸 📷 #confinementdiaries #diariodeconfinamiento #photographyproject #proyectofotografico #keepshootingfilm #analogphotography #digitalphotography #welovephotography #imstayinghome #mequedoencasa #flowers #windows #sunreflection #reflejosdeluz #flores #ventanas (at Stay At Home)
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Feliç Diada de Sant Jordi! 🌹 📖 ❤️ Aquest any no podrem omplir els carrers de llibres i roses, però podem omplir les xarxes amb les seves fotos. 🌹 📖 Saint George’s Day it’s a very special celebration here in Catalunya. We exchange roses and books with our loved ones and, in normal times, the streets are flooded with stands of roses and bookstalls. This year the streets will be empty, so let’s flood IG with beautiful pictures of roses and books! 📖 🌹 ❤️ 🐉 #santjordi #roses #llibres #catalunya #flowers #books #diadadesantjordi #catalunyaexperience #picoftheday #photooftheday #confinementdiary #diariodeconfinamiento #yaquedamenos #fotosdecuarentena #yomequedoencasa #stayathome (at CATALUNYA)
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Cada uno en su casa e Instagram en la de todos. 🌺 En estos días en los que nos vemos forzados a pasar más tiempo de lo habitual entre las cuatro paredes de casa, parece que ese espacio está retomando su más empírico significado. 🌸 Home [noun] A gathering place for family to join together in laughter. The one place you will always be surrounded by those who love you. A place or feeling of belonging. 🐚 Home sweet home. 🌿 ☀️ ☕️ 🍓 🍋 #yomequedoencasa #stayathome #homesweethome #hogardulcehogar #home #hogar #homedecor #interiordesign #interiorismo #decoraciondeinteriores #picoftheday #photographyoftheday #happyplace #lugaresconencanto #felicidad #happiness #confinementdiaries #diariodeconfinamiento (at Home Sweet Home)
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The other day talking (by Skype, as usual these days) to my friend Marjorie from Montreal, she told me how much she loves bougainvillea and how much they remind her to a Mediterranean landscape. I couldn’t agree more, nothing shouts out more Mediterranean than bougainvillea surrounded by whitewash houses... and sunshine of course, lots of sunshine! ☀️ 🌺 🌸 🌻 🌴 🐚 🐠 🐟 🦐 🦋 #mediterraneamente #menorca #binibecavell #bougainvillea #whitewashedhouses #mediterraneanlife #mediterraneanlandscape #travelphotography #pictureoftheday #photographyoftheday #traveltheworld #exploremenorca #igersmenorca #balearicislands #sesilles #europeantrip #wanderlust #getlostwithme #pierdeteconmigo (at Binibeca Vell)
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TBT to be back in Koh Samui, Thailand, driving an old jeep around the south of the island, not caring about destination and finding this little piece of paradise. The little bar was in the middle of nowhere and was serving the most amazing food. Good time to remember beautiful places you have been to. 🌴 ☀️ Ps; The best sunsets on the island are the ones you see from that little beach, believe me 🙌☀️😍 🌴 ☀️ 🐠 🦎 🦋 🦜 #kohsamui #thailand #wanderlust #exploretheworld #theworldisyouroyster #getlostwithme #southeastasia #explorethailand #travelphotography #traveltheworld #picoftheday #photooftheday #pierdeteconmigo #diariodeviaje #fotografiadeviajes #volveremosaviajar #lugaresconencanto #amazingplaces #recuerdosinolvidables #tbt #naturephotography #beachparadise #playasparadisiacas #nofilter #sinfiltros (at Ko Samui)
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Por suerte a mi jardín no lo han puesto en cuarentena y ahí sigue él, a lo suyo... 🌼 🍋 Luckily my garden is not in quarantine and there it is, minding its own business... 🍋 🌼 🌸 🌺 🌴 🦋 🐞 #homesweethome #mygarden #lemontree #spring##lemonflower #quarentinediaries #digitalphotography #picoftheday #photooftheday #nature #naturephotography #mediterraneangarden #mediterranemente #primavera #limonero #mijardin #jardinmediterraneo #diariosdecuarentena #iflifegivesyoulemons (at Vilanova i la Geltru)
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“Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind. “ David G Allen 📖 It may feels quite overwhelming right now, but we must be patient and stay at home. This is an unprecedented situation but we know it will get better if we follow the health authorities advise. 📖 📷 Expired Kodak Gold 200 film ⛵️ This picture was taken at Ha Long Bay, Vietnam, and it always brings me nice and peaceful memories looking pics from that amazing place. 🙌 🙏 😍 🌺 ☀️ ⛵️ #halongbayvietnam #vietnam #amazingplace #peaceful #quietmoments #nicememories #travelphotography #analogphotography #filmisnotdead #ishootfilm #kodakgold200 #exploretgeworld #fotografiaanalogica #fotografiadeviajes #mujeresviajeras #womentravelers #womenphotographers #fotografas (at Hạ Long Bay, Quảng Ninh Province)
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