sillyoldsod · 4 years
Board Stupid
Before I start, board in the title isn’t a spelling mistake of bored, it’s a deliberate nod to my latest attempt at DIY!
Simple DIY
I quite enjoy having a go at pretty simple jobs around the house, you know the ones, fitting a new towel rail in the bathroom or changing a tap washer. I even managed to repair the shower a few weeks ago, which must have given me the confidence to attempt a far more…
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sillyoldsod · 4 years
Farting Provocatively
With the recent gloomy news from all over the world, I picked up on what I think is a very funny story.
It appeared in one of the newspapers here with the title, ‘Austrian Police Defend Decision To Fine Man after ‘Provocative Fart.’ ‘ My first reaction was amazement that someone had been fined for what can only be described as a natural occurrence. Admittedly, some people can put real…
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sillyoldsod · 4 years
A Red Phone Box For The Garden
A Red Phone Box For The Garden
The old red telephone box is an icon of Britain from days gone by. They were very popular and I can recall the time when most households in the U.K. never had a phone, let alone a mobile one.
Is There Anybody There?
One of my earliest memories is barely being able to walk and being taken to the local phone box by my Mother to call my Grandparents who lived on the coast in Margate. They must have…
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sillyoldsod · 4 years
A Never Ending Tub Of Paint
A Never Ending Tub Of Paint
Being confined to barracks during this lockdown has made me become a very busy person!
Summer Is Here
I’m not complaining, well, I am sort of complaining, but mainly from the aches and pains of DIY. Thankfully, the weather has been gorgeous, one of those English summers that seem to last forever, although I’m in Wales. It has allowed me to get in the garden and get those jobs done, weeding,…
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sillyoldsod · 4 years
Maurice The Mouse
Let me introduce you. This is Maurice the Mouse. I hope he doesn’t scare you, because he scared the life out of me.
Watching The Birds
The photograph was taken by myself one morning a few weeks ago. I was standing at the kitchen window, appreciating all that is good about nature on a sunny day. One of my favourite things is to watch the birds, all sorts, Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Robins, Sparrows,…
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sillyoldsod · 4 years
I’ve always thought the word ‘desolate’ meant a place that was devoid of almost anything.
I Enjoy A Good Debate
The desert is a ‘desolate’ place, that kind of thing. However, this past week or two, I think I’ve found the true meaning of the word. My very soul has been left desolate and let me tell you why. Before I start, I want to make it clear that it is not my intention to upset anyone, after…
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sillyoldsod · 4 years
Toot Toot I'm A Train Driver
Toot Toot I’m A Train Driver
Toot toot!! When I was a young boy, many years ago, nearly every lad wanted to be a train driver when they grew up. Except Roger and he wanted to be in sales and marketing! There’s always one.
Train Drivers
I don’t think one lad I knew ever became a train driver when they left school or a pilot. Come to think of it, the school I went to, most of the pupils probably grew up to be inmates of their…
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sillyoldsod · 4 years
Looking Forward To The Black Pudding
Since the world has seemingly been in lockdown, it has set me thinking, as it probably has everyone else. This must be the nearest thing to being in prison but without the guards etc!
Week 2
Into our second week here and already I’m getting agitated. I know how fortunate I am, things could be a million times worse, but it is still getting to me. I’m sure I’m not alone in these feelings, am I? The…
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sillyoldsod · 5 years
Dave The Pretend Scotsman
I used to keep a diary, well, it was more like a journal of daily activity. It all started after my eldest daughter gave me a fountain pen and a moleskin book.
Diary Snapshot
Most of the entries were pretty dull, but as I was researching my family history at the time, I thought it would be a good idea to keep a journal as a snapshot in time for any future generations. As I saw the weekly prompt…
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sillyoldsod · 5 years
A Fishy Tale
hen I was a young teenager, about 14, it seemed every bod and his dog went fishing. My Dad would set off early on a Sunday morning and head for mid-Wales and the River Lugg. Coincidently, not far from where we live now.
Gone Fishing
His love was game fishing as opposed to coarse fishing. The difference being that game fishing is trying to catch Salmon and Trout while coarse fishing is trying…
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sillyoldsod · 5 years
I Wanted A Yacht
I always fancied owning a yacht, I suppose a lot of people do. A life on the ocean wave, follow the sun and go almost anywhere you want.
Too Expensive
It was never going to happen, way too expensive although you can buy some second-hand ones at a reasonable price, usually because they have a big hole in the bottom that needs repairing. We even looked at life aboard a barge before we moved to…
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sillyoldsod · 5 years
Who Are You?
It happened to me once, late at night, a stranger in my face shouting “Who are you?” There were a few more expletives involved, but I will keep the story clean.
Cheap Break
Let me explain and yes, this story actually happened, it’s not one of my made-up things. At the time, we had two young daughters in tow so it must have been around 1990. Desperately in need of a few days holiday by the sea,…
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sillyoldsod · 5 years
Worm Moon
There’s a full moon today, March 9th, 2020 known as a Worm Moon. The Native Americans gave it the name, Worm Moon after the worm trails that would appear in the newly thawed ground. For me though, it’s a hairy experience!
It is known as other names which include Chaste Moon, Death Moon, Crust Moon, and Sap Moon. The Death Moon seems a little scary to me, but then again, any full moon…
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sillyoldsod · 5 years
Not My Socks
We were reminiscing earlier about my mother, who left this earth quite a few moons ago now. She had a sense of humour that at times could be quite cutting, yet other times, very funny. Which led us to the story of ‘not my socks.’
Bargain Hunt
Like most women, she loved shopping and was always on the lookout for a bargain. Sometimes, she would come home with some utter junk that was no good to…
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sillyoldsod · 5 years
We Leaped And Landed Here
We Leaped And Landed Here
As it’s a Leap year and today is February 29th and the ‘Weekend Challenge’ is Leap, I thought I would make the leap and partake in the challenge. My wife and I made a huge leap together just a couple of years ago when we moved lock, stock and barrel to Wales.
The Whole Kit & Kaboodle
It’s nothing extraordinary really, some folk (and I have relatives who have) move the whole kit and kaboodle to…
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sillyoldsod · 5 years
He Reminds Me Of Someone
He Reminds Me Of Someone
There’s an interesting series on the BBC about the Victorian and Albert Museum in London. It shows them bringing back to life some of the many thousands of items they have in their archives. One of the items is the original, 1935 Frankenstein model.
Pour Soul
As you can imagine, it looked scary lying on a table with his torso covered. Almost like the scene from the film where Dr Frankenstein…
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sillyoldsod · 5 years
I’ve been a lover of t-shirts and their messages as far back as I can remember. So when I saw the weekly prompts was ‘T-Shirt Wisdom’, I knew I just had to have a go. Great fun it is too. Although one or two are statements I’ve seen before, most of these designs are mine.
Weekly Prompts
I never knew I could come up with ideas so quick, but when you feel motivated, I suppose you can do almost anything. The Weekly Prompts is a great challenge, run by Sue Walker and GC. I recommend everyone has a go, particularly if you’re stuck for blogging ideas. Well, below are my attempts, so I hope you enjoy them.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
About Me
I haven’t a clue
What Do You See?
My Own Mortality
Geraint Thomas
Benchman: Facing The Sun
Ten Pin Bowling
Stinky Sheep
At The Dentists
People Watching
People Watching
People Watching
People Watching
People Watching
People Watching
People Watching
Slobby Dog
Black and White
Elastic Band
Tax Rebate
Bernard’s Suits
The Wrong Trousers
The Egg Man
Concrete Boots
Banana Cake
Last Man Standing
Coat Hanger
Tom and Jerry
Horse shoe
It’s A Wrap
Thought Bubbles
Giant Pants
New Years Recognition
Only Connect
Caravan To Let
Mutton Shunter
Dr Pokey
Bubble Car
Feeling Deflated
Driving home
Moo Love
If you feel like joining in with this challenge or any of the challenges, you can find out more information here:
A Shirty Post I've been a lover of t-shirts and their messages as far back as I can remember. So when I saw the weekly prompts was…
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