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hello there! I promise I'm not a bot even if I never reblog anything to here feel free to base your Warriors designs off mine! I am not doing commissions right now. If there is a Warrior cat you'd like to see me draw, click the suggestion button and I might do it! No promises tho. ;)
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siliconsulfideart · 29 days ago
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‽ = !?
some fun Changing Skies doodles where I draw a lynx without a reference
I do like the idea of Moonpaw/MoonXYZ and ThunderClan's medics being friends, and Alder and Jay supporting her. It's cute. Don't mind the "starting a country" part.
Also Birchfeather's (brown tabby) "M" mark makes him look kinda mad but he's not ;)
I'm not sure Tawnypelt's gonna make it to the end of the last book tbh. Squirrelstar - maybe? But if she doesn't, I wonder if we'll get someone else instead of Ivystar... I also like the idea of Starlingpaw & Moonpaw becoming friends eventually!
pelt babbling under the cut!
Image 1:
Birchfeather - chocolate tabby (broken mackerel), longhair (he used to be lilac but this might be closer to that "pale brown" description)
Ridgeglow - cinnamon with low white spotting, longhair (but I may have forgotten about that)
Cat 1 - black x black silver chimera (which may have been inspired by Moonpaw designs)
Cat 2 - red (mackerel)
Cat 3 - blue smoke, longhair
Image 2:
Moonpaw/MoonXYZ - red (broken mackerel) x black tortoiseshell (mackerel) chimera, both non-agouti and longhaired
I think I do like her current design. Even if it takes 5 years to draw a fullbody.
Alderheart - red classic tabby with low white spotting
Jayfeather - blue spotted tabby with low white spotting
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siliconsulfideart · 29 days ago
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Moonbeam and Dusksong (Moonpaw and Voicekit)
A good ending where Voicekit learns about love etc. and is able to move on.
(because I don't like children villains being unreformable and getting a forever punishment)
pelts and other babbling under the cut v
Moonpaw - chimera of red (broken mackerel) and black tortoiseshell (mackerel), both non-agouti and longhaired. The two sides of her face have a different eye and eyebrow shapes as well as different side-of-head fluff and whiskers.
I linked her curled ear tufts to the tortoiseshell side, which now I realize doesn't make all that much sense since her very similar red sister has them too. Oh well.
Her adult name is Moonbeam here because I like it and maybe it can make some symbolic sense further on, being a beam of light? Also it's her mentor's suffix so that's fun, right?
also she has like a clouded moon pattern on her torso
Voicekit - red (broken mackerel), non-agouti, longhaired
Her name is Dusksong here because 1) I think she'd prefer to have a full warrior name rather than a kit one & 2) it references both her Moonpaw link (while not being too close) and her being, well, The Voice
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siliconsulfideart · 1 month ago
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Pebbleshine - fawn she-cat with the salmiak pattern of white spotting. Green-eyed, shorthair. Her tail is longer than usual and kinda thick.
this time it's my babbling that's below!
I wanted to incorporate the salmiak pattern into a design somewhere, especially since that science article about genetics responsible was published, and I finally had a chance to reasonably do so! Her family members might've gotten some non-canon white spots, but whatever! :D
Apparently not all salmiak cats are into the white spots thing, so she doesn't have them. Does she still pass as speckled? Maybe. I think she might.
Also, plants! Fun.
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siliconsulfideart · 1 month ago
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Ivypool (ThunderClan) and Dovewing (ShadowClan) (sisters)!
Aww, they're getting along ;)
Apparently Ivypool is supposed to look way more like Dovewing? I made Thriftear and Flipclaw non-dilute though, sooo uhhh whoopsies? There is at least one official design of her that's black silver so maybe it's fine.
The background is supposed to be 2 plants, one for Ivy and one for Dove, but it really does remind me of Earth at the top there, haha.
↓ Open this for pelt colour and other descriptors as well as art of them seperate! [blue and green text ahead]
Ivypool: shorthair black silver tabby (mackerel) with high white spotting, blue eyed and rather muscular
Dovewing: longhair blue smoke (ticked ghost markings) with low white spotting*, green eyed, ears slightly curled
*the white spotting was, I think, just because of my Shadowsight design including white, but it ended up helping with achieving a canon-adjacent design for one of her grandkits!
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siliconsulfideart · 2 months ago
NOTE: All of these might get drawn in the future, this is just something that might help with nearby decisions. The pairs I might draw as headshots, but we'll see.
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siliconsulfideart · 2 months ago
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Molewhisker and Cherryfall of ThunderClan (brother and sister)
Chocolate siblings! Well, one of them also has fawn and another is a tortie (and canonically doesn't even have chocolate)... but don't take it away from them
↓ pelt colours & stuff
Molewhisker - chocolate x fawn (chimera), both shorthaired
Cherryfall - chocolate tortoiseshell, longhaired, has lentigo (underlying tabby pattern - broken mackerel)
(both amber-eyed)
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siliconsulfideart · 2 months ago
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Smallear of ThunderClan
Please do NOT take this drawing as a reliable reference for drawing cats, especially with the right cats' pelt colour! Thank you.
Another more-than-one art of a cat! This time it's two designs for Smallear! The right one had some changes done to the design while coloring this, so isn't perfect, but oh well haha
↓ coat colour & body details
LEFT (canon-based): blue, shorthair
RIGHT (canon & genetics-based): theoretically black smoke sepia-albino (Burmese-albino) with low white spotting, longhair
BOTH: curled and smaller than the norm ears, amber eyes
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siliconsulfideart · 2 months ago
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Blossomfall of ThunderClan
I decided to make her white petal spots vitiligo (though adding a few spots to her "base coat" anyway, since I think they were mentioned when she was a kit) - I imagine the spots might've started showing during Power of Three
Longhaired chocolate tortoiseshell with low white spotting. Red tortie spots - spotted tabby.
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siliconsulfideart · 3 months ago
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・*✧ cozy season ✧*・
here's a drawing of Bumblebee, the princess of the Princedom of the Great Oak and leader of the River District! She's still pretty young, but all cats of the Princedom respect her opinions.
(that universe is inspired by both Warriors and Cattails - even though personally I'm not sure I'll ever decide to play the latter haha)
(supposedly longhaired black classic tabby, either golden or sunshine, but she's not super realistic ;) )
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siliconsulfideart · 4 months ago
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a non-resized version of my submission for the Warrior Cats site's art challenge! it's a scene from... uh... "Thunder" chapter 2 or 3?
yeah I didn't read ASC
anyway keep reading for the pelt colour choices [standard & yellow text]:
Nightheart - black with yellow petal accessories, amber eyes
Sunbeam - longhaired chocolate classic tabby with over 50% white, yellow eyes (white spotting based on the official silhouette)
Bayshine - red ticked tabby (non-agouti) with under 50% white, green eyes (he's canonically tabby but I think ticked looks nice on him)
Myrtlebloom - chocolate ticked tabby with under 50% white (as a white spot on her chest; consequence of high white Dewnose), amber eyes (no canon stripes)
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siliconsulfideart · 4 months ago
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THE warrior cat
this is Firestar's simplified design! I am pretty fond of it haha
(red mackerel tabby, shorthair, with lynx tips going a bit backwards to "realistify" a fire-like ear design)
I also tried to add some flame-like elements with his tail-tip and shoulder marking/stripe.
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siliconsulfideart · 5 months ago
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He may be a background character but I do quite like him - Stagleap of WindClan!
canonically dark brown, but I gave him low white (to make his daughter, Morningflower, have high white)
and uh, he has more white than he probably would if I designed him now, but I think it fits him
Also tried to make him look somewhat stag-like (while keeping his sturdiness)!
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siliconsulfideart · 5 months ago
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here's the guy. Jayfeather! (blue spotted tabby with low white, shorthair)
I decided to replace the usual choice for Jay's accessory, feathers, with blueberries! I think they fit quite well with his coat.
I also wanted to give him a bit of that "fluffed up bird" look on the neck but I'm not sure if others notice it
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siliconsulfideart · 5 months ago
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it's Redtail time! (chimera: black x red ticked tabby, both longhair)
apparently he's supposed to be dappled?? so I added little dots near his back spot. that solves it, right?
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siliconsulfideart · 5 months ago
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this time the Warrior Cats art is actually a bunch of OCs!
meet, from left to right:
Hazestar of BirchClan (dominant white)
Darkstar of BatClan (blue)
Dapplestar of MistClan (black with over 50% white)
Sunstar of RainClan (supposedly red silver spotted tabby)
Rifflestar of RockClan (blue mackerel tabby)
Cloudstar of FrostClan (dominant white)
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siliconsulfideart · 5 months ago
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a Blackpaw/Blackfoot drawing based on a cat pic!
my current design for him is a black mink (seal Tonkinese) with over 50% white - the spotty paws is an idea from Messybeast!
the leg spots might be a bit big and few right now? but oh well
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siliconsulfideart · 5 months ago
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some chimera cat doodles!!
blue tabby x blue lynx point (Siamese)
blue smoke x black smoke
blue x blue tabby
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